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Spania intenționează să implementeze Legea UE privind piețele în cripto-active (MiCA) în decembrie 2025, cu șase luni înainte de termenul limită general pentru toate cele 27 de state membre ale UE. În plus, autoritățile spaniole au acordat licențe locale burselor internaționale de criptomonede precum Coinbase și Kraken, în timp ce banca centrală a țării, Banco de España, explorează potențialele beneficii ale unui euro digital. urmati pentru mai multe
Spania intenționează să implementeze Legea UE privind piețele în cripto-active (MiCA) în decembrie 2025, cu șase luni înainte de termenul limită general pentru toate cele 27 de state membre ale UE.

În plus, autoritățile spaniole au acordat licențe locale burselor internaționale de criptomonede precum Coinbase și Kraken, în timp ce banca centrală a țării, Banco de España, explorează potențialele beneficii ale unui euro digital.

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⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ TON Blockchain a efectuat primul său test de performanță publică, arătând TON drept cea mai rapidă rețea blockchain din lume în ceea ce privește tranzacțiile pe secundă (TPS). TON a ajuns la 65.400 TPS. Recordul mondial anterior a fost deținut de Solana cu un TPS maxim de 65.000 în timpul testării și tranzacțiile teoretice pe secundă de 710.000. În scopul comparației, este important de menționat că Visa este capabilă să proceseze aproximativ 24.000 TPS, în timp ce Mastercard poate gestiona aproximativ 5.000 TPS. urmati pentru mai multe #BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #unibot
TON Blockchain a efectuat primul său test de performanță publică, arătând TON drept cea mai rapidă rețea blockchain din lume în ceea ce privește tranzacțiile pe secundă (TPS). TON a ajuns la 65.400 TPS.

Recordul mondial anterior a fost deținut de Solana cu un TPS maxim de 65.000 în timpul testării și tranzacțiile teoretice pe secundă de 710.000.

În scopul comparației, este important de menționat că Visa este capabilă să proceseze aproximativ 24.000 TPS, în timp ce Mastercard poate gestiona aproximativ 5.000 TPS.

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#BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #unibot
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X este evaluat acum la 19 miliarde de dolari pe baza planului său de compensare a angajaților, care acordă unități de acțiuni restricționate (RSU) la 45 de dolari pe acțiune. vă rugăm să urmați pentru mai multe mulțumiri #BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #sol
X este evaluat acum la 19 miliarde de dolari pe baza planului său de compensare a angajaților, care acordă unități de acțiuni restricționate (RSU) la 45 de dolari pe acțiune.

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#BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #sol
Unibot, a Unified Crypto Trading Terminal, has faced a token approval exploit from its new router and has temporarily paused the router to address the issue. Any customers who have experienced losses due to the bug on new router will be compensated. follow for more. #BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #sol
Unibot, a Unified Crypto Trading Terminal, has faced a token approval exploit from its new router and has temporarily paused the router to address the issue. Any customers who have experienced losses due to the bug on new router will be compensated.

follow for more.

#BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #sol
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Autoritățile de reglementare din Singapore, Japonia, Marea Britanie și Elveția își unesc forțele pentru „Project Guardian” pentru a explora tokenizarea activelor digitale în sectorul financiar. Proiectul se va concentra pe aspecte legale și contabile, evaluarea riscurilor și stabilirea de standarde comune. urmati pentru mai multe #BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #sol
Autoritățile de reglementare din Singapore, Japonia, Marea Britanie și Elveția își unesc forțele pentru „Project Guardian” pentru a explora tokenizarea activelor digitale în sectorul financiar. Proiectul se va concentra pe aspecte legale și contabile, evaluarea riscurilor și stabilirea de standarde comune.

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#BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #sol
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Guvernul Regatului Unit și-a dezvăluit regulile finale pentru reglementarea criptomonedelor, începând cu reglementarea stablecoins-urilor susținute de fiat la începutul anului 2023, urmată de o supraveghere suplimentară a diferitelor activități cripto de către Autoritatea de Conduită Financiară (FCA). DeFi nu va fi interzis, ci reglementat în mod corespunzător. Reglementarea NFT va depinde de caracteristicile și aplicațiile lor specifice. urmati pentru mai multe #BTC #lastpass #tia #unibot #sol
Guvernul Regatului Unit și-a dezvăluit regulile finale pentru reglementarea criptomonedelor, începând cu reglementarea stablecoins-urilor susținute de fiat la începutul anului 2023, urmată de o supraveghere suplimentară a diferitelor activități cripto de către Autoritatea de Conduită Financiară (FCA).

DeFi nu va fi interzis, ci reglementat în mod corespunzător. Reglementarea NFT va depinde de caracteristicile și aplicațiile lor specifice.

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Kasikorn Bank (K-Bank) din Thailanda a achiziționat un pachet de 97% din bursa de criptomonede Satang pentru 102,8 milioane de dolari. Bursa va fi redenumită Orbix, iar K-Bank urmărește să capteze 20% din cota de piață criptografică locală până în 2024. #arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #etf
Kasikorn Bank (K-Bank) din Thailanda a achiziționat un pachet de 97% din bursa de criptomonede Satang pentru 102,8 milioane de dolari. Bursa va fi redenumită Orbix, iar K-Bank urmărește să capteze 20% din cota de piață criptografică locală până în 2024.

#arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #etf
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Elon Musk a anunțat o modificare a monetizării creatorilor pe X, afirmând că orice postări corectate de Community Notes nu vor mai fi eligibile pentru cota din venit. Această modificare urmărește să acorde prioritate acurateței față de senzaționalism, cu transparența asigurată de natura open-source a codului și a datelor. #arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #etf
Elon Musk a anunțat o modificare a monetizării creatorilor pe X, afirmând că orice postări corectate de Community Notes nu vor mai fi eligibile pentru cota din venit.

Această modificare urmărește să acorde prioritate acurateței față de senzaționalism, cu transparența asigurată de natura open-source a codului și a datelor.
#arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #etf
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Rezerva Federală este programată să-și anunțe decizia privind rata dobânzii pe 1 noiembrie, CME indicând o probabilitate de 94,2% de a menține ratele dobânzilor actuale neschimbate, în loc să le majoreze. #arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #etf
Rezerva Federală este programată să-și anunțe decizia privind rata dobânzii pe 1 noiembrie, CME indicând o probabilitate de 94,2% de a menține ratele dobânzilor actuale neschimbate, în loc să le majoreze.

#arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #etf
The report "Industry Outlook 2024" by EIU discusses the key trends and challenges that businesses will face in six major sectors: automotive, consumer goods and retailing, energy, financial services, healthcare, and technology and telecoms. Key takeaways: ⚫ Global automotive sector will be weighed down by slow consumer spending, high interest rates, and the transition to electric vehicles ⚫ Global retail sales are expected to expand by 6.7% in US dollar terms and by 2% in real terms as inflation eases ⚫ Global energy consumption will increase to 1.8% in 2024, driven largely by demand from Asia ⚫ FinTech companies will continue to disrupt the financial services industry ⚫ Pharmaceutical companies will face new regulations over manufacturing standards in India and market entry requirements in the EU ⚫ AI is expected to have a major impact on the technology and telecoms sector, with applications in areas such as cloud computing, data analytics, and cybersecurity #arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #sbf
The report "Industry Outlook 2024" by EIU discusses the key trends and challenges that businesses will face in six major sectors: automotive, consumer goods and retailing, energy, financial services, healthcare, and technology and telecoms.

Key takeaways:

⚫ Global automotive sector will be weighed down by slow consumer spending, high interest rates, and the transition to electric vehicles
⚫ Global retail sales are expected to expand by 6.7% in US dollar terms and by 2% in real terms as inflation eases
⚫ Global energy consumption will increase to 1.8% in 2024, driven largely by demand from Asia
⚫ FinTech companies will continue to disrupt the financial services industry
⚫ Pharmaceutical companies will face new regulations over manufacturing standards in India and market entry requirements in the EU
⚫ AI is expected to have a major impact on the technology and telecoms sector, with applications in areas such as cloud computing, data analytics, and cybersecurity

#arbitrum #solana #ordinals #Meme #sbf
🇨🇳 China has partially lifted bans on NFTs as Alibaba's marketplace has removed its censorship of NFT-related keywords in its search and relisted Topnod NFT collectibles minted on Alibaba's Ant Blockchain. #Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
🇨🇳 China has partially lifted bans on NFTs as Alibaba's marketplace has removed its censorship of NFT-related keywords in its search and relisted Topnod NFT collectibles minted on Alibaba's Ant Blockchain.

#Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
On a year-to-date basis, Indonesia has the highest presence of "zombie" companies within its market, followed by the Philippines. Conversely, Russia has the smallest proportion of such companies. "Zombie" companies typically refer to firms that struggle to cover their debt obligations and interest payments and may have low profitability. #Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
On a year-to-date basis, Indonesia has the highest presence of "zombie" companies within its market, followed by the Philippines. Conversely, Russia has the smallest proportion of such companies.

"Zombie" companies typically refer to firms that struggle to cover their debt obligations and interest payments and may have low profitability.

#Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
According to VanEck, its 2030 Solana valuation scenarios anticipate a SOL price ranging from a bearish $9.81 to a bullish $3,211.28, based on varying market shares and revenue estimates across key sectors. In its 2030 baseline, VanEck's standardized valuation framework projects Solana to achieve a token valuation of $335. The estimate, it stated, is based on projecting a terminal valuation multiple on Solana's SOL tokens based on an anticipated real rate of return. VanEck stated that depending upon the scenario, it is assumed that a certain portion of businesses and their income will be produced from blockchain activities or will use blockchain in some capacity to locate clients, create new goods, decrease expenses, or simplify back-end business tasks. Given this, VanEck envisions Solana becoming the first blockchain to support applications with over 100 million users. Despite its potential, VanEck says Solana has a lower chance of hosting the majority of the world's crypto transactions by 2030 than Ethereum. While Solana's network and execution engine offers higher throughput and unlock greater possibilities, the majority of crypto users and developers have yet to adopt it. Solana currently has a significantly lower share of crypto total value (TVL) of $408 million out of $46 billion, as well as a similarly low percentage of daily active users (184,000 out of 5.5 million). As a result, the base scenario forecasts Solana adoption at around 30%, a significant increase over today's data but significantly lower than Ethereum's base case of 70%. VanEck's price prediction of $11,800 for Ethereum was based on the ETH network obtaining a 70% market share of value transmitted over open-source blockchains. If Solana can avoid Ethereum's event horizon and reach Ethereum-like dominance, the bull case forecasts $51.8 billion in revenue and a price target of $3,211 in 2030. SOL was trading at $31.97 at the time of writing; thus, a price increase to $3,211 would represent a 10,600% increase for Solana in the coming years. #sol #Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
According to VanEck, its 2030 Solana valuation scenarios anticipate a SOL price ranging from a bearish $9.81 to a bullish $3,211.28, based on varying market shares and revenue estimates across key sectors.

In its 2030 baseline, VanEck's standardized valuation framework projects Solana to achieve a token valuation of $335. The estimate, it stated, is based on projecting a terminal valuation multiple on Solana's SOL tokens based on an anticipated real rate of return.

VanEck stated that depending upon the scenario, it is assumed that a certain portion of businesses and their income will be produced from blockchain activities or will use blockchain in some capacity to locate clients, create new goods, decrease expenses, or simplify back-end business tasks.

Given this, VanEck envisions Solana becoming the first blockchain to support applications with over 100 million users.

Despite its potential, VanEck says Solana has a lower chance of hosting the majority of the world's crypto transactions by 2030 than Ethereum.

While Solana's network and execution engine offers higher throughput and unlock greater possibilities, the majority of crypto users and developers have yet to adopt it.

Solana currently has a significantly lower share of crypto total value (TVL) of $408 million out of $46 billion, as well as a similarly low percentage of daily active users (184,000 out of 5.5 million).

As a result, the base scenario forecasts Solana adoption at around 30%, a significant increase over today's data but significantly lower than Ethereum's base case of 70%.

VanEck's price prediction of $11,800 for Ethereum was based on the ETH network obtaining a 70% market share of value transmitted over open-source blockchains. If Solana can avoid Ethereum's event horizon and reach Ethereum-like dominance, the bull case forecasts $51.8 billion in revenue and a price target of $3,211 in 2030.

SOL was trading at $31.97 at the time of writing; thus, a price increase to $3,211 would represent a 10,600% increase for Solana in the coming years.
#sol #Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
Google agreed to invest up to $2 billion in Anthropic, building on its earlier investment in the artificial-intelligence company and adding fuel to the race between startups trying to achieve the next big breakthrough in the emerging technology. Google invested $500 million upfront into the OpenAI rival and agreed to add $1.5 billion more over time, people familiar with the matter said.
Google agreed to invest up to $2 billion in Anthropic, building on its earlier investment in the artificial-intelligence company and adding fuel to the race between startups trying to achieve the next big breakthrough in the emerging technology.

Google invested $500 million upfront into the OpenAI rival and agreed to add $1.5 billion more over time, people familiar with the matter said.
Taiwan's parliament has passed the first reading of a proposed crypto regulation law, which would require crypto platforms to obtain permits to operate in Taiwan or face potential cease-and-desist orders. #Meme #etf #fomo #sbf #gbtc
Taiwan's parliament has passed the first reading of a proposed crypto regulation law, which would require crypto platforms to obtain permits to operate in Taiwan or face potential cease-and-desist orders.
#Meme #etf #fomo #sbf #gbtc
JPMorgan warns the SEC that rejecting spot Bitcoin ETFs could lead to legal challenges, although approval for multiple spot Bitcoin ETFs is expected. #Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
JPMorgan warns the SEC that rejecting spot Bitcoin ETFs could lead to legal challenges, although approval for multiple spot Bitcoin ETFs is expected.
#Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
Ⓜ️ In Q3, Meta incurred a $3.7 billion loss in their Reality Labs division, despite the release of the Meta Quest 3 virtual headset. The report indicates that the company generated approximately $210 million in revenue with consistent year-over-year expenses of $4 billion. #Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
Ⓜ️ In Q3, Meta incurred a $3.7 billion loss in their Reality Labs division, despite the release of the Meta Quest 3 virtual headset. The report indicates that the company generated approximately $210 million in revenue with consistent year-over-year expenses of $4 billion.

#Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
#Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf October 20, 2023, hackers attacked, one of the largest crypto exchanges in the Philippines. The hackers moved 12 million XRP tokens to various exchanges, including OKX, WhiteBIT, and OrbitBridge. The stolen XRP tokens were worth around $6.4 million. Following the hack, WhiteBIT moved to block the 445,000 XRP tokens. The hack followed several network exploits in the past few months. Meanwhile, XRP’s popularity has risen in the past few months following its ongoing lawsuit. After a summary judgment on July 13, many crypto firms increased their XRP holdings. This could have been why was holding a large stash of XRP tokens. After its victory on July 13, XRP had risen to $0.81. Yet, by October 23, XRP had fallen by 33.3% to $0.54. As XRP’s lawsuit rages on, analysts say a positive outcome will bring a rally for the token. If XRP wins its lawsuit against the SEC, it could rise by 53.7% to $0.83.
#Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf October 20, 2023, hackers attacked, one of the largest crypto exchanges in the Philippines. The hackers moved 12 million XRP tokens to various exchanges, including OKX, WhiteBIT, and OrbitBridge.

The stolen XRP tokens were worth around $6.4 million. Following the hack, WhiteBIT moved to block the 445,000 XRP tokens. The hack followed several network exploits in the past few months.

Meanwhile, XRP’s popularity has risen in the past few months following its ongoing lawsuit. After a summary judgment on July 13, many crypto firms increased their XRP holdings. This could have been why was holding a large stash of XRP tokens.

After its victory on July 13, XRP had risen to $0.81. Yet, by October 23, XRP had fallen by 33.3% to $0.54. As XRP’s lawsuit rages on, analysts say a positive outcome will bring a rally for the token. If XRP wins its lawsuit against the SEC, it could rise by 53.7% to $0.83.
Turkey is preparing to implement cryptocurrency taxation and regulatory measures in its 2024 Presidential Annual Program to stabilize its crypto market, which has seen significant adoption. Specific details of the regulations are yet to be revealed. #Meme #sbf #etf #gbtc #fomo
Turkey is preparing to implement cryptocurrency taxation and regulatory measures in its 2024 Presidential Annual Program to stabilize its crypto market, which has seen significant adoption.

Specific details of the regulations are yet to be revealed.
#Meme #sbf #etf #gbtc #fomo
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has formed a 39-member advisory committee to address global AI regulation. The UN intends to release preliminary AI regulation recommendations by year-end and comprehensive guidelines by the summer of 2024. #Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has formed a 39-member advisory committee to address global AI regulation.

The UN intends to release preliminary AI regulation recommendations by year-end and comprehensive guidelines by the summer of 2024.
#Meme #etf #gbtc #fomo #sbf
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