Binance Square
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îmi doresc ca rata să ne beneficieze
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*𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬: $𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐲*

Tokenul $TOMATO se bucură de o ofertă totală de 500 de miliarde, alocată cu atenție în diverse domenii cheie pentru a asigura un ecosistem robust. A fost implementată o abordare strategică de distribuție pentru a încuraja o comunitate puternică, a stimula creșterea și a sprijini lichiditatea.

*Detaliile alocării*

- *Airdrop și Recompense pentru Comunitate*: 70% (350 de miliarde de tokenuri) alocate adoptatorilor timpurii, membrilor activi ai comunității și susținătorilor fideli, împuternicind comunitatea să contribuie la succesul proiectului.
- *Crearea de Conținut și Stimuli*: 10% (50 de miliarde de tokenuri) rezervate pentru a recompensa creatorii de conținut și contribuitorii, încurajând conținutul de înaltă calitate și angajamentul.
- *Furnizarea de Lichiditate*: 10% (50 de miliarde de tokenuri) dedicate asigurării unei tranzacționări stabile atât pe bursele centralizate, cât și pe cele descentralizate, oferind o experiență de utilizator fără cusur.
- *Dezvoltare și Creștere*: 5% (25 de miliarde de tokenuri) alocate dezvoltării continue a proiectului, cu planuri de vesting pentru a asigura un angajament pe termen lung.
- *Dezvoltatori și Echipă*: 5% (25 de miliarde de tokenuri) rezervate pentru a sprijini vizibilitatea proiectului, creșterea și echipa dedicată din spatele $TOMATO.

*Listare Inițială și Așteptări pe Piață*

Tokenul $TOMATO este așteptat să fie listat pe blockchain-ul TON la un preț inițial de $0.001, cu fluctuații potențiale influențate de cererea și activitatea de pe piață. Pe măsură ce proiectul continuă să evolueze, valoarea tokenului este anticipată să reflecte ecosistemul în creștere și sprijinul comunității.

*Considerații pentru Investitori*

Investitorii ar trebui să evalueze cu atenție strategia de distribuție a tokenului $TOMATO, detaliile alocării și prețul de listare inițial atunci când iau decizii de investiție informate. Prin înțelegerea tokenomicii, investitorii pot evalua mai bine potențialul de creștere și succes al proiectului.

#tomarket #TomatoHunt #TradingMadeEasy
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Binance Square Official
Binance Square Noul Centru de activități
Acesta este un anunț general. Este posibil ca produsele și serviciile menționate aici să nu fie disponibile în regiunea dvs. 
Colegii Binanciani, 
Suntem încântați să prezentăm lansarea unui nou Centru de activități în aplicația Binance, unde utilizatorii pot câștiga puncte realizând zilnic sarcini simple. Pur și simplu mergeți la Creator Center și faceți clic pe pictograma Check In. 
Perioada de activitate: 2024-10-14 10:00 (UTC) până la 2024-11-14 10:00 (UTC)
Cum să participi
Notă: Centrul de activități este disponibil numai în aplicația Binance. 
Promoția A: finalizați sarcinile zilnice pentru a câștiga puncte
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plantează-ți semințele
plantează-ți semințele
Crearea unei postări pentru un airdrop cripto ar trebui să fie clară, captivantă și să ofere detalii esențiale. Iată un exemplu de format pe care îl puteți utiliza:



🚀 Pregătește-te pentru următorul val de descentralizare cu SEEDS! 🚀

Suntem încântați să anunțăm un airdrop exclusiv SEEDS pentru primii noștri susținători. Iată șansa ta de a-ți crește portofoliul cu jetoane SEEDS gratuite! 🌍💰

Ce este SEMINȚELE? SEEDS este o criptomonedă de nouă generație care își propune să revoluționeze modul în care interacționăm cu economia digitală. Alimentat de tehnologia blockchain ecologică, SEEDS este conceput pentru a promova sustenabilitatea, transparența și participarea globală.

Detalii Airdrop: 🌿 Total Airdrop Pool: [Inserați numărul total de jetoane SEEDS] 🗓️ Data de începere a Airdrop: [Inserați data] 🕒 Data de încheiere a Airdrop: [Inserați data] 👥 Participanți eligibili: [Inserați criteriile de eligibilitate (de exemplu, deținător nou portofel social) acțiuni media, etc.)] 💰 Cum să revendicați:

1. Urmărește-ne pe [Platforma Social Media] [Inserează link]

2. Alăturați-vă comunității noastre [Telegram/Discord].

3. Completați formularul Airdrop [Inserați link]

4. Țineți-vă jetoanele SEEDS și priviți-le cum cresc!

De ce sa alegi SEMINTE? 🌍 Blockchain ecologic 🔒 Securitate la nivel înalt 📈 Potențial de creștere ridicată 🤝 Condus de comunitate

Note importante:

Limitat la [Inserați numărul] participanți - primul venit, primul servit!

Feriți-vă de escrocherii – aveți încredere numai în linkurile de la canalele oficiale SEEDS.

🌱 Să creștem împreună cu SEMINȚELE! 🌱

Rămâneți pe fază pentru actualizări și anunțuri, urmărindu-ne pe [Insert Social Media Links].


Puteți modifica substituenții cu detaliile necesare legate de airdrop-ul dvs. specific!
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Îmi doresc o acoperire de 0,1
Îmi doresc o acoperire de 0,1
X Empire finalizează faza de minerit: Distribuția Airdrop setată pentru a recompensa jucătorii activi
Jocul X Empire și-a încheiat recent faza de minerit, marcând o piatră de hotar majoră pentru comunitatea sa de jucători. Această fază a permis utilizatorilor să acumuleze monede în joc printr-un mecanism de atingere pentru a câștiga. Acum, pe măsură ce faza de exploatare se termină, X Empire se pregătește pentru foarte anticipat lansare de jetoane, care va distribui 70% din totalul ofertei de jetoane către participanții activi, pe baza contribuțiilor lor la ecosistem.

Pentru a fi eligibili pentru airdrop, utilizatorii sunt încurajați să urmeze câțiva pași cheie, inclusiv maximizarea colecției de monede în joc înainte de închiderea fazei de minerit, conectarea portofelului TON și asigurarea participării active prin sarcini și recomandări. Platforma subliniază faptul că recompense mai mari vor fi alocate celor care au demonstrat activitate și implicare consistentă, cum ar fi trimiterea de noi membri și îndeplinirea sarcinilor din joc.
I wish the reach like 0.1
I wish the reach like 0.1
X Empire finalizează faza de minerit: Distribuția Airdrop setată pentru a recompensa jucătorii activi
Jocul X Empire și-a încheiat recent faza de minerit, marcând o piatră de hotar majoră pentru comunitatea sa de jucători. Această fază a permis utilizatorilor să acumuleze monede în joc printr-un mecanism de atingere pentru a câștiga. Acum, pe măsură ce faza de exploatare se termină, X Empire se pregătește pentru foarte anticipat lansare de jetoane, care va distribui 70% din totalul ofertei de jetoane către participanții activi, pe baza contribuțiilor lor la ecosistem.

Pentru a fi eligibili pentru airdrop, utilizatorii sunt încurajați să urmeze câțiva pași cheie, inclusiv maximizarea colecției de monede în joc înainte de închiderea fazei de minerit, conectarea portofelului TON și asigurarea participării active prin sarcini și recomandări. Platforma subliniază faptul că recompense mai mari vor fi alocate celor care au demonstrat activitate și implicare consistentă, cum ar fi trimiterea de noi membri și îndeplinirea sarcinilor din joc.
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singura problema este reteaua
singura problema este reteaua
🚨 MemeFi x Binance 🚀

Pe lângă cadourile masive MemeFi, Binance s-a alăturat oficial și ca partener.

Este acum confirmată listarea MemeFi pe Binance...? 🤔🚀

Ce crezi...? 💬
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🧑🏻‍💻 $GEEKS
🧑🏻‍💻 $GEEKS
check ✅
check ✅
Binance Square Official
Binance Square Noul Centru de activități
Acesta este un anunț general. Este posibil ca produsele și serviciile menționate aici să nu fie disponibile în regiunea dvs. 
Colegii Binanciani, 
Suntem încântați să prezentăm lansarea unui nou Centru de activități în aplicația Binance, unde utilizatorii pot câștiga puncte realizând zilnic sarcini simple. Pur și simplu mergeți la Creator Center și faceți clic pe pictograma Check In. 
Perioada de activitate: 2024-10-14 10:00 (UTC) până la 2024-11-14 10:00 (UTC)
Cum să participi
Notă: Centrul de activități este disponibil numai în aplicația Binance. 
Promoția A: finalizați sarcinile zilnice pentru a câștiga puncte
in brotherhood we stand
in brotherhood we stand
tapswap community
tapswap community
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Elon doge,
Elon doge,
Crypto Web3 Today
SHIB and DOGE Prices React to Elon Musk Paying Tribute to Kabosu.

Entrepreneur Elon Musk has paid tribute to Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog behind the Dogecoin meme that passed away earlier today.

A picture posted by the controversial centibillionaire shows the Harambe gorilla with angel wings hugging the legendary dog among clouds that emanate an ethereal glow.

Musk said that Doge has "ascended to heaven" so that it could be together with its "friend" Harambe.

The price of Dogecoin (DOGE) spiked more than 4% after Musk posted the image on his profile before paring some gains. Meanwhile, rival meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) added nearly 3%, but the gains were rather short-lived as well.

Kabosu passed away at age 19 on Friday. Atsuko Sato, the owner, said that the world-famous Shiba Inu dog had "crossed the rainbow bridge" without suffering.

Shortly after being adopted by Sato in 2008, Kabuso turned into a social media star in 2010 because of one photo that inspired the Doge meme.

The memes with ungrammatical phrases and the cute Shiba Inu dog led to the creation of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency in 2013. The meme coin exploded in popularity in 2021 after it was actively promoted by Musk.

Joining Prince and David Bowie.

Harambe the gorilla captured the hearts and minds of the online community in 2016. The western lowland gorilla was shot dead by a zoo worker after he grabbed a three-year-old boy who climbed into his enclosure.

The dead gorilla quickly eventually turned into the main meme of the year, becoming part of the collective online psyche with hashtags like #JusticeForHarambe. Prior to Musk's picture, Harambe was also part of other weird tributes. It was featured alongside photos of such cultural icons as David Bowie and Prince.

In May 2021, a photo of the gorilla was auctioned as a non-fungible token.
The court case wins for Binance

The First District Court of Appeals in Florida unanimously rejected a permanent ban on Binance, the world's biggest cryptocurrency exchange, in a major cryptocurrency industry development.

The court found that the state's financial authorities had violated protocols while issuing an emergency suspension order, denying Binance the right to function in the state, Bloomberg Law reported.

The court noted that the authorities failed to support their legal judgments, notably on Zhao's potential hazard.

The court noted that the authorities failed to prove Zhao's activities jeopardized public health, safety, and welfare, hence the immediate suspension order was unconstitutional.

Binance won the court case, but it has also encountered regulatory issues elsewhere. The Alaska banking division also denied Binance.US's license renewal over the same time.

Zhao received a less punishment than federal prosecutors' three-year jail term. Instead, the defense demanded five months of probation, which worked.

The settlement required Binance to pay $4.3 billion in penalties and forfeiture. Changpeng Zhao personally paid a $50 million fine.

Following this event, Binance's native coin, BNB, has shown fresh positive momentum in accordance with the market rise driven by major cryptocurrencies over the last week.

BNB has gained 4% in the last 30 days and 7% in the past week. Consequently, its market price is $620.

In the 2021 bull market, the fourth-largest cryptocurrency reached $686, its all-time high.

BNB trade volume has dropped 66% in recent days, reaching $1 billion in the previous 24 hours, according to CoinGecko. However, if the uptrend continues, there are just a few resistance levels to watch before a retest of its ATH.

The BNB/USD 4-hour chart shows that $621.5 and $633 are the next major resistance levels the coin must cross to continue rising.

BNB bulls must watch the support lines at $614 and $605 to avoid a decline that might hit $600.

#pizzaday #BNB #Binance #altcoins $BNB
Bitcoin pizza day
Bitcoin pizza day
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pizza day
pizza day
The Buzzing Bee
🍕On this day in 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made history by purchasing two pizzas for 10,000 BTC (at the time this was worth ~$41). It might sound like a slice of madness, but little did he know, he was kickstarting a revolution!

Fast forward to today, and Bitcoin $BTC is topping the charts! With each passing day, its price keeps climbing higher, making it one of the hottest assets around. And if you're looking to hop aboard the Bitcoin bandwagon, there's no better time than now.
win win win
win win win
Crypto Revolution Masters
Binance Square Initiates 'Write to Earn' Campaign! Details and Instructions how to earn
Hey guys.
Binance Square has launched a new promotion called 'Write to Earn.' This initiative allows Binance Square creators to earn 5% trading fee commissions from spot, margin, or futures trades made by their readers. The promotion period runs from May 20, 2024, to July 14, 2024.
👉To be eligible for this promotion, Binance Square creators must meet specific requirements. These include completing account verification, setting up a profile on Binance Square, and posting a minimum of seven posts with at least 200 characters each in the past 30 days. To participate, creators need to register on the promotion page, publish qualified content pieces, and they can earn 5% in trading fee commissions from regular and VIP 1-2 users' spot, margin, and futures trades.
🔥Each week, Binance will tabulate the commission rewards accumulated by each qualified participant and distribute the weekly commission rewards in FDUSD to eligible Binance Square creators' funding wallets by the following Thursday at 23:59 (UTC). However, weekly commission rewards will only be distributed to users when the value of weekly commission rewards is at least 0.1 FDUSD.
Now let's go through the easy steps!
👉 Register here:
Use the sign up button

👉 Than you have to complete Account Verification and set up Nickname and Avatar on Binance Square!
👉 You also will need to publish minimum of 7 posts ( 200+ characters each ) in 30 days to ve eligible for Rewards!
How you post on Square?
You go in your App and press the yellow button

And than you write your article or post and press Publish!

💪 You can earn in 3 simple ways:
1. Add a candle chart widget for the coin you mentioned

2. Add the Coin Hashtag on your menu and adding the token you want to publish about

3. Binance Square System will detect automatically any trending coins mentioned in your content!

It's very, very simple. And here in the below picture is how you actually earn! When someone click anywhere in your content and trade you get commission

You can read more about Rewards Benefits here:
Happy Writing and Earnings Folks!
tapswap and earn
tapswap and earn
The new #notcoin only tap tap to earn 🤑 #TAPSWAP

This is called tapswap 🪙 all you have to do is click the link below 👇 it will direct you to the mining bot then you only need is tap tap your phone like #notcoin

1. Like this post 👍

2. Follow ✅

3. Dm on telegram @Eyobboki to get the link 📧

#BinanceLaunchpool $SOL $NOT #Notcion
If you need any help you can also ask me any question on the given tg account so this coin will be list on binance and other crypto exchange wallets so be fast and earn your unlimited and free money using your phone #altcoins
5 Signs Indicating a Bull Run is Around the Corner
Despite recent fluctuations in the crypto market, on-chain analytics suggest early signs of an impending bull run. Key metrics point towards a bullish sentiment, indicating that a significant market upswing may be imminent. Here, we explore five prominent signs suggesting the early arrival of a bull run.
1. Bitcoin Market Dominance
Bitcoin has shown a substantial recovery, currently trading at $67,146.49, just 9% away from its all-time high of $73,750.07. According to TradingView data, Bitcoin's market dominance has surged to 55.87%, the highest level in three years. Historical data reveals that a bull run often begins when Bitcoin dominance exceeds 56%. This surge in dominance is a strong indicator that a bull run may be on the horizon.
2. Bitcoin MVRV Z Score
The Bitcoin MVRV Z score, as per LookIntoBitcoin charts, measures the ratio of Bitcoin's market value to its realized value. The score indicates the cyclical peaks by comparing the current Bitcoin capitalization to its historical average value. The peak score is around 6, and Bitcoin is currently halfway to that mark. The MVRV Z score hasn't been this close to 6 since the 2021 bull run, suggesting that Bitcoin is approaching a significant value peak.
3. Bitcoin HODL Waves
The Bitcoin HODL waves data shows the distribution of Bitcoin held by long-term holders versus new investors. A decline in the number of new BTC holders can lead to reduced selling pressure, as long-term holders are less likely to sell during market downturns. The RHODL ratio, which compares recently bought BTC to BTC purchased one to two years ago, indicates that current buyers are paying more for BTC than they did two years ago. This suggests that the market is approaching a top.
4. Puell Multiple Level
The Puell Multiple measures the difference between short-term BTC miner revenue and long-term revenue trends. A peak typically forms when the level reaches 3. The highest level this year was 2.5 in March, but it has since dropped below 1 due to the Bitcoin halving. The value is currently rising, indicating potential for a bull run. Crypto analyst ELI5 of TLDR notes that high Puell levels correlate with cycle tops and anticipates another spike before the final top.
5. Market Sentiment and Recovery
Recent market sentiment has shifted from neutral to greedy, reflecting growing investor confidence. This shift, combined with a significant price surge in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, suggests an early arrival of a bull run. As market sentiments improve, the likelihood of sustained positive price action increases.
Final Thoughts
While the bull run promises substantial gains, it is not an overnight event and requires significant market momentum. After weeks of market struggle, investors are hopeful for a bull rally to recoup losses. Although a bull run is anticipated by the end of the year, stretching into mid-2025, current on-chain indicators and expert analysis suggest the possibility of an earlier bullish phase. As the market readies itself, investors should stay vigilant and prepared for potential market shifts.
These signs collectively point towards an imminent bull run, offering a glimmer of optimism for investors and enthusiasts alike.
#crypto #bullmarket

,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“
high voltage
high voltage
📈 "Binance Blaze: Top 3 Trending Tokens to Watch Before the Bull Charges!" 🚀

🔥 Dive into the Crypto Heatwave with these Top Performers:

🔸 $NOT (Notables Token): Despite the recent dip of 11.62%, NOT remains a resilient contender, poised for a potential rebound. With its unique value proposition and community backing, this token could be gearing up for an impressive comeback. Keep a close watch as it navigates through the market turbulence, signaling a possible bullish surge on the horizon. 📉➡️🚀

🔸 $PEPE (PepeCoin): Amidst the market's ups and downs, PEPE stands out as a steady performer, showcasing resilience and stability. With a loyal following and solid fundamentals, this token continues to demonstrate its ability to weather market volatility. As investors seek refuge from the storm, PEPE could emerge as a safe harbor, offering potential opportunities for growth. 🐸💼

🔸 $PYTH (Pyth Network): Despite the recent downturn of 9.85%, PYTH remains a force to be reckoned with, holding strong amidst the market turmoil. With its innovative approach and promising technology, this token has the potential to disrupt the status quo and redefine the landscape of decentralized finance. As the market dynamics evolve, PYTH could be primed for a significant uptick, signaling a bullish trend in the making. 🌪️💹

Stay ahead of the curve and seize the opportunities before the next bullish run! 📈👀

#ETHETFS #notcoin #altcoins #BlackRock
let's go
let's go
Crypto PM
Trading Strategy Using AI That Made $3M
I built a trading strategy using #AI that made $3M !
With GPT 4.o you can make the same !
Here's FULL guide on how build same bot in 10 min 📈🔍

ᗒ 1/
⚹ Integration of artificial intelligence into trading strategies brings people millions $
⚹ Upgrading #ChatGPT to 4.0 is a game-changer !
⚹ Use minimal time for PROFITABLE trading with the help of AI.

ᗒ 1.1/
⚹ I set up a bot with a profit factor of 300% in just 5 minutes
⚹ No programming skills required, using ready-made prompts and indicators.
⚹ How to replicate this ? I explained it in detail in this ARTICLE!

⚹ I spend 5+ hours every day gathering the best info, tokens, and alpha strategies

⚹ Please = Follow and share it , to support my content.
ᗒ 2/
⚹ Trading with the help of AI has a number of advantages:
• Most of the analysis is done by a robot, which eliminates the possibility of errors.
• Minimizes the time spent on charts.
⚹ Integrate AI into your trading while it provides such profits

ᗒ 3/
⚹ First step is to install the indicator.
⚹ Go to @ tradingview
and install the Bollinger Bands indicator by Madrid.
⚹ Even this simple action will allow you to start earning more.

ᗒ 4/
⚹ The next step is to set up your workspace.
⚹ To do this, open the indicator's source code and copy it.
⚹ Create a name for your workspace.

ᗒ 5/
⚹ The strategy itself is very simple; you just need to follow the Bollinger Bands line:
• If above the band, open a short
• If below the band, open a long
⚹ Be sure to set targets for all your positions.
ᗒ 6/
⚹ After all the above actions, you need to convert the code to v5 format.
⚹ Go to @tradingview
, click "More", then the "Convert Code" button.
⚹ Repeat this action twice to convert to the required format.

ᗒ 7/
⚹ Writing the strategy is the next very important step.
⚹ #ChatGPT handles this task very well.
⚹ Insert the source code into AI and specify the conditions of your trading strategy.

ᗒ 8/
⚹ Now you need to copy the code with the logic fragment of your strategy.
⚹ Go to @ tradingview
and paste the logic fragment at the very end.
⚹ Save the code and check for errors.
ᗒ 9/
⚹ Errors in code are common in programming, and AI can also fix them.
⚹ Just insert the code into #ChatGPT and ask it to rewrite it.
⚹ Paste the logic code back into @ tradingview and test it again.

ᗒ 10/
⚹ The final step is to test your strategy, which will help avoid investment losses.
⚹ Use minimal investments to test your strategy.
⚹ If it leads to capital loss, create another strategy and test it

ᗒ That's all for today 🍯


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