răspuns la sarcina din aplicație: ce sunt AMM-urile? - CRYPTOSMART
Interviu cu Oleg Shestakov și Vladimir Smerkis.
Vladimir Smerkis a lucrat la Mail.ru din 2016, apoi a lucrat pentru el însuși, agenții de publicitate - a creat compania de publicitate RedBull. În 2021, a venit să lucreze la Binance și a condus departamentul Rusia și CSI.
A fost interesant să aflați cum funcționează schimburile mari și cripto. Sub conducerea sa, numărul de angajați a crescut la 8.000.
Dezvăluirea schemei Rocky Rabbit: O înșelăciune calculată 🐇💔
Total de participanți: Aproximativ 26 de milioane de utilizatori.
Tranzacție per utilizator: fiecare persoană a plătit 3,00 USD. Total fonduri colectate: 26.000.000 × 3,00 = 78.000.000 USD. Total de jetoane eliberate: 11 trilioane de jetoane. Valoarea estimată a simbolului: 0,0000075 USD per jeton. Valoarea totală a jetoanelor distribuite: × 0,0000075 = 82.500.000 USD. Mediu de jetoane per utilizator: ÷ 26.000.000 = 423.077 de jetoane. Valoarea simbolului individual: 423.077 × 0,0000075 = 3,17 USD.
Elemente cheie 📊 Suma totală colectată: 78.000.000 USD
#Learn 🧑🎓🧑🎓🧑🎓♨️♨️♨️🌐🌐🌐📔📔📔ȘI #earn CRYP.🏀🏀🏀🏀 CU #BINANCE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Binance Announcement
Participați la provocarea educațională zilnică#HalvingWithBinanceși câștigați recompense ale comunității
Dragi membri ai comunității Binance, Binance introduce o competiție educațională zilnică pentru comunitate, #HalvingwithBinance, dedicată viitoarei înjumătățiri Bitcoin. Utilizatorii pot citi tutoriale zilnice, pot participa la discuții și pot împărtăși recompensele comunității pe măsură ce sărbătorim cu toții această etapă!
#SHIB🔥🔥 SOON 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 GOOD AND BIG NEWS 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Noul mesaj crucial al lui Shytoshi Kusama distribuit de echipa SHIB
Misteriosul lider Shiba Inu, cunoscut comunității ca Shytoshi Kusama, s-a adresat comunității SHIB într-un mesaj recent, comentând cea mai recentă colaborare majoră începută de Shiba Inu.
Între timp, în această săptămână, armata SHIB a ars cu succes sute de milioane de monede meme.
Mesajul important al lui Shytoshi Kusama
Enigmaticul lider SHIB a comentat despre cooperarea recent inițiată a echipei SHIB cu CDSA (Content Delivery Security Association). Această colaborare îl va ajuta pe Shiba Inu să exploreze perspectivele utilizării blockchain-ului în sfera media și divertisment.
#BTC ACUM PIAȚA SE MIșCĂ ÎN SUS 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥CRED ÎN PROFIT MARE X1000 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 💰🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁 🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
📉 De ce scăderea Bitcoin astăzi ar putea fi o pauză temporară înainte de o creștere vertiginoasă 🚀
Scăderea actuală a prețului Bitcoin, în ciuda reducerii iminente la jumătate, ar putea părea alarmantă, dar nu este neobișnuită în lumea volatilă a criptomonedelor. Deși se tranzacționează în jur de 64.000 USD, o scădere de la peste 71.000 USD, este esențial să înțelegeți factorii în joc.
1. Corecții de piață: fluctuațiile de preț sunt comune pe piața cripto. Creșterea recentă care a dus la înjumătățire ar fi putut determina unii investitori să ia profituri, provocând o scădere temporară.
2. Atragerea de profit: Mulți comercianți urmează strategia „cumpărați zvonurile, vindeți știrile”. Pe măsură ce se apropie înjumătățirea, unii pot încasa pentru a-și asigura profituri, provocând un declin pe termen scurt.
3. Speculații și volatilitate: piața cripto este foarte speculativă și volatilă. Mișcările prețurilor sunt influențate de o multitudine de factori, inclusiv sentimentul investitorilor, știrile de reglementare și tendințele macroeconomice.
4. Factori tehnici: prețul Bitcoin este influențat și de analiza tehnică, comercianții monitorizând îndeaproape nivelurile cheie de suport și rezistență. Scăderile temporare pot apărea ca parte a ciclurilor normale ale pieței.
5. Perspective pe termen lung: În ciuda scăderii actuale, perspectivele pe termen lung pentru Bitcoin rămân optimiste, mai ales cu evenimentul de înjumătățire la orizont. Reducerea recompenselor miniere subliniază deficitul Bitcoin și poate crește valoarea acestuia în timp.
Sfat: - Rămâneți informat: fiți la curent cu evoluțiile pieței și știrile pentru a lua decizii informate. - Perspectivă pe termen lung: concentrați-vă pe fundamentele Bitcoin și pe potențialul său de creștere pe termen lung, mai degrabă decât pe fluctuațiile pe termen scurt. - Diversificare: Luați în considerare diversificarea portofoliului dvs. de investiții pentru a gestiona riscul în mod eficient. - Răbdare: piețele de criptomonede pot fi imprevizibile. Exersați răbdarea și evitați să luați decizii impulsive bazate pe mișcări de preț pe termen scurt.
Amintiți-vă, deși scăderea de astăzi ar putea fi neliniştitoare, ar putea fi doar o pauză temporară înainte ca Bitcoin să se lanseze în următorul său bull run. 📈
#BTC SOON 🚀🚀🚀 SLOWLY UP 🎯🎯🎯🔥🔥🔥 TO THE MOON 🌎🌎🌎🚀🚀🚀💰💰💰
Piața criptografică se prăbușește după atacul Iranului asupra Israelului: Bitcoin scade cu 8%
Bitcoin a scăzut cu aproape 8% în urma atacului Iranului cu rachete și drone asupra Israelului.
Alte criptomonede precum Ethereum, Solana și Binance Coin au scăzut, de asemenea, în urma problemei.
Vineri și sâmbătă au marcat cele mai grele lichidări din ultimele 6 luni, cu 1,5 miliarde USD lichidate.
Bitcoin a scăzut cu aproximativ 8% în urma atacului fără precedent al Iranului cu drone și rachete asupra Israelului. Potrivit unui raport Bloomberg recent, declinul Bitcoin a marcat cea mai mare retragere din martie 2023.
Mișcarea Iranului a venit ca răzbunare pentru un atac mortal din Siria care a ucis ofițeri militari de vârf ai Iranului. Odată cu atacul recent, războiul regional prelungit a fost dus într-o altă fază periculoasă. Se pare că Iranul a lansat 170 de drone, peste 30 de rachete de croazieră și peste 120 de rachete balistice în Israel.
Analistul prezice o creștere „explozivă” a Dogecoinului la 1 USD. Chika Moji Nou Memecoin, obțineți 100.000 de jetoane Chika 100 USD gratuit, alăturați-vă Airdrop acum pe WWW.CHIKAMOJI. LOL - ChikaMoji.lol
#DOGE THE KING 👑👑👑 OF MEME COINS 🏆🏆🏆 BIG NEWS AND PRICE =1$ 💰💰💰 🔥🔥🔥💰💰💰🚀🚀🚀🎁🎁🎁
Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥Cryptocurrency: 2 #Memecoins That Can Turn $1,000 into $100,000
1.Dogecoin: #Dogecoin (DOGE) has won the hearts of millions of people around the world with its vibrant brand and committed community. Originally born as a joke, Dogecoin has become a major competitor in the cryptocurrency space and has attracted the interest of both individual enthusiasts and institutional investors. With the increasing use of Dogecoin as a trading mode and the support of influential figures, Dogecoin is preparing for a significant expansion in 2024. With its constantly growing user base and momentum in the Sunday, DOGE is emerging as a strong competitor for an impressive 50-fold growth. As the cryptocurrency sector matures and gains wider recognition, there will be an increase in price.
achieving 100-fold growth will require Dogecoin's price to increase to $ 17.19, which will lead to a market capitalization of $ 2.4 trillion, which is almost the same as the current size of the entire cryptocurrency market. At the time of writing, DOGE was trading at $0.1804, up 4.7% on the day. Although this may seem ambitious, the prevailing optimistic view of Dogecoin implies that reaching such milestones is within the realm of possibility.
2.#ShibaInu : Riding the Meme Coin Wave Shiba Inu (SHIB) has risen as a remarkable meme money with significant growth potential. If the price of SHIB had increased 100 times to $ 0.002778, it would have reached a market value of $1.63 trillion. These statistics underscore the remarkable growth opportunities available in meme coins such as Shiba Inu, although they face some limitations in the short term. At the time of writing, SHIB was trading at $0.00002925, up 5% in the last 24 hours.
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Не упустите эту возможность!
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#Sui 🎯🎯🎯🎯🔥🔥🔥🔥🎁🎁🎁🎁 BUY AND HOLD, IF YOU WANT TAKE BIG PROFIT 🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀
5 Projects Set to Unlock New Tokens and Their Price Predictions
SUI might extend to $1.94 while the Aroon indicator suggested MANTA’s rise above $3.
DYDX might be forced back to $3.10 as the Supertrend flashed a sell signal.
OP might rise higher in the short term, and AGIX could consolidate.
Next week, several projects are scheduled to unlock a new set of tokens and release them into circulation. Some of the projects in this cohort include Sui (SUI), Manta Network (MANTA), dydx (DYDX), Optimism (OP), and SingularityNET (AGIX).
According to data from Token Unlocks, SUI would unlock $7.12 million worth of the token. MANTA plans to release $5.75 million, while DYDX’s token unlock would be worth $111.33 million. In addition, OP’s unlocks would be worth $86.01 million, and YFI’s unlock was valued at $9.34 million.
Most times, token unlocks are associated with price fluctuations and a change in volatility. Here, Coin Edition looks at the price predictions for the tokens when the event takes place.
At press time, SUI changed hands at $1.80, representing a 4.40% decrease in the last 24 hours. On the 4-hour chart, the Bollinger Bands (BB) indicated extreme volatility with the token. This implies that the price might fluctuate in either direction.
However, the RSI trended downwards, suggesting that the previous bullish momentum had become weak. In a highly bullish case, the price of SUI might extend toward $1.94. But if bears continue to dictate the momentum, the value might fall to $1.54.
SUI/USD 4-Hour Chart (Source: TradingView) MANTA
The Awesome Oscillator (AO) on the 4-hour chart revealed that bulls were trying to force the momentum upward. If this continues, the price of MANTA might head toward $3.45. However, at $3.45, the token might experience a pushback.
Should this be the case, MANTA might retrace to $2.98. But if bulls can defend the support at $2.74, the value might rally back to $3 as the Aroon indicator favored a bullish trend over a bearish one.
MANTA/USD 4-Hour Chart (Source: TradingView) DYDX
From the 4-hour chart, DYDX has been a victim of intense selling pressure since March 9. As a result of that, the value of the token has lost 8.56% of its value in the last seven days.
But bulls have been able to capitalize on seller exhaustion in an attempt to revive the price action. However, signals from the Supertrend showed that the uptrend might be short-lived. This was because of the sell signal at $3.55.
If the price of DYDX increased, it might hit $3.55. But when the tokens are unlocked, the value could be forced back to $3.10.
DYDX/USD 4-Hour Chart (Source: TradingView) OP
At press time, OP’s price was $3.52. The 4-hour analysis also showed how the MACD was heading in the positive region. Although the reading was negative, the MACD’s trend indicated that the value of OP might rise higher in the short term.
Furthermore, the RSI reading had risen above 50.00, suggesting that buyers were increasing orders. If this continues toward next week, OP might jump to $3.85.
OP/USD 4-Hour Chart (Source: TradingView) AGIX
According to the 4-hour AGIX/USD chart, the On Balance Volume (OBV) had remained flat. The state of the indicator is a sign that buying or selling pressure has stalled with the token. Going into the token unlock week, a situation like this could cause AGIX to trade sideways.
AGIX/USD 4-Hour Chart (Source: TradingView)
As it stands, the value of AGIX might trade between $0.97 and $1.12. In addition, the BB showed that the bands contracted, indicating that a significant jump or decline might not happen.
The post 5 Projects Set to Unlock New Tokens and their Price Predictions appeared first on Coin Edition.
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#LUNC #LUNA #USTC I NOW WILL BE BIG PUMP AND BIG PROFIT 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
#LUNC\USDT Is Ready To Go PARABOLIC! +8000% price increases Now.!!!!. keep mind LUNK is stablecoin once movement hit $1 $LUNC start buy and hold be a Crypto #Billionaire Immediately .
Terra Luna Classic community starts voting on proposal to repeal KYC requirement proposal.
The community members and validators are against the proposal, believing that KYC is much needed addition.
LUNC and USTC prices tumble amid readjustments of position by derivatives traders.
Terra Luna Classic community voting on a key proposal to repeal the earlier passed KYC proposal based on claims that KYC requirements for developers have stalled the growth of Terra Luna Classic. Meanwhile, LUNC and USTC prices have taken a hit amid futures selloff and options expiry.
Terra Luna Classic KYC Proposal Repeal
Proposal 12091 “Repeal prop #12033 [KYC prop]” is under voting on the Station wallet. The proposal is a call by some Terra Luna Classic members to repeal 12033 KYC proposal claiming that the KYC requirement hindering growth, especially in the bull market.
“We as concerned community members call to repeal the KYC prop because it stifles the growth of Terra Luna Classic. This proposal was made in haste and voted in haste, without sufficient foresight about the consequences it will have in the future. This is clearly evidenced by the number of follow-up props trying to patch up the deficiencies of the initial KYC prop,” as per the proposal.
The proposal claims LUNC investors have seen the negative effects of KYC outgrow the positives. Also, the LUNC revival and USTC repeg efforts by KYC’d developers may never go ahead. The proposal suggests taking help of experienced developers to push developments on the chain.
#BTTC PUMP TO BE HARD, HODL, HODL, HODL⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
Arthur Simfukwe
BTTC Surges by 13.28%: What's Driving the Gain?🚀
As BTTC (Bitcoin Token) gains by an impressive 13.28%, investors are eager to understand the factors fueling this surge. Let's dive into the dynamics behind BTTC's notable gain and what it means for investors holding the token.
I'm actually holding some, and I have seen how it's gaining daily and there's hope in BTTC!
Market Momentum: - BTTC's surge of 13.28% reflects growing interest and demand for the token within the cryptocurrency market. - Positive market sentiment and increasing trading volumes contribute to BTTC's upward momentum.
Technical Analysis: - Technical indicators for BTTC show bullish signals, with price action indicating strong buying pressure and potential for further gains. - Chart patterns and support levels suggest a favorable outlook for BTTC's price trajectory in the near term.
Fundamental Factors: - BTTC's fundamental value lies in its utility as a tokenized version of Bitcoin, offering users access to Bitcoin's liquidity and value within decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems. - Adoption of BTTC in various DeFi projects and platforms enhances its utility and attractiveness to investors seeking exposure to Bitcoin's value in the decentralized finance space.
Market Sentiment: - Investor sentiment towards BTTC is positive, with the surge of 13.28% sparking excitement and optimism among holders and traders. - Social media discussions and community engagement reflect growing interest and confidence in BTTC's potential for further price appreciation.
Conclusion: As BTTC surges by 13.28%, investors holding the token may be pleased with the recent gains. With favorable market momentum, bullish technical indicators, and strong fundamental factors, BTTC's rise underscores its appeal within the cryptocurrency market.
#ARB #Robinhood 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥SOON BIG PUMP ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
Robinhood Teams Up With Arbitrum to Revolutionize Web3 Wallet Swaps
Robinhood, a popular trading platform, has recently collaborated with Arbitrum, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, to enhance its Web3 Wallet functionality. This partnership aims to optimize swaps on the Web3 Wallet by leveraging Arbitrum’s technology. This collaboration enables Robinhood Wallet users to access swaps directly on the Arbitrum protocol, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs associated with Layer 1 Ethereum transactions.
The integration of Arbitrum into Robinhood’s Web3 Wallet marks a significant step towards improving the user experience and expanding accessibility to decentralized finance (DeFi) services. Robinhood’s embrace of Layer 2 solutions reflects a commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.
Robinhood’s epic partnership with Arbitrum set to transform Web3
Robinhood, an online stock and cryptocurrency brokerage service, has partnered with the management team of Arbitrum, an Ethereum-based layer-2 network, to provide wallet users with access to the protocol’s swaps.
According to a press release, the alliance was established on February 29 at the ETHDenver 2024 event in Colorado, with the goal of simplifying the road to layer-2 networks.
According to a news statement, Robinhood Wallet users will be able to transact with Arbitrum, and the two companies will collaborate over the next few months “to support access to cross-chain swaps and other campaigns that lower the barriers to use Web3 on Robinhood Wallet.”
By opening access to Arbitrum’s advanced scaling solutions, Robinhood Wallet users can now take advantage of low transaction costs and fast transaction speeds on one of the most popular networks in the crypto ecosystem.
A statement from Robinhood
Arbitrum swaps had been in beta for “several weeks” before being officially announced today, according to Johann Kerbrat, general manager of Robinhood Crypto. A token swap is the immediate exchange of one token for another, without first converting it to fiat cash.
Arbitrum is an auxiliary layer-2 blockchain, sometimes known as a roll-up, that processes transactions more cheaply and quickly than the main Ethereum blockchain. Arbitrum leads the way in decentralized finance or DeFi, total value locked (TVL) for layer 2s on Ethereum, with around $3.2 billion, according to DefiLlama.
Johann Kerbrat, general manager of Robinhood Crypto, commented on the development:
Ethereum gas fees are an essential part of securing the network, but these same fees can hinder adoption. Layer 2s like Arbitrum, which is currently the leading chain by total-locked value, help solve this problem for our users.
Accessing and transacting on L2s has historically been difficult to non-crypto natives, but Robinhood Wallet now helps strip away the complexities to help onboard those new to web3.
Johann Kerbrat.
Robinhood Wallet, a self-custody crypto wallet, allows users to store and manage assets on a variety of networks, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Arbitrum, Polygon, Optimism, and Base, while keeping their private keys and full ownership of their currencies.
Arbitrum TVL Soars
Arbitrum works as a secondary layer-2 blockchain, often known as a rollup, processing transactions more effectively than the core Ethereum blockchain.
Ethereum’s transaction speed is roughly 15 transactions per second (TPS), whereas Bitcoin’s TPS is at 7. According to DefiLlama, the total value locked (TVL) is around $3.27 billion. On January 1, its TVL stood at $2.45 billion, an increase of almost $820 million in two months.
Meanwhile, Robinhood just announced that its users prefer spot crypto trading to crypto ETFs, despite the launch of the spot Bitcoin ETF on January 10.
Robinhood Wallet, which launched approximately a year ago, is presently only available on iOS. The Android wallet is currently in beta testing, with a public queue available for registration. Kerbrat believes it will be officially launched in the coming months.
Adding Robinhood Wallet into the Arbitrum ecosystem is an exciting moment for the community. As DeFi continues to lead on Arbitrum, we’ll now see one of the most recognizable trading platforms bring low-cost in-app swaps to a wide audience of traders.
This collaboration pushes web3 democratization forward and is poised to empower users to further explore the potential of web3 in finance.
A.J. Warner, chief strategy officer of Offchain Labs, the developer of the Arbitrum network.
Не упустите шанс стать частью революции в финансовой сфере! Инвестируйте в #IceNetwork, #PiNetwork и #AviveWorld для перспективного развития криптовалют.
#IceNetwork - возможность участвовать в создании новой цифровой экономики. Быстрые и безопасные транзакции, надежная защита данных. Инновационные решения для мира финансов.
#PiNetwork - проект с глобальной перспективой. Участвуйте в создании новой децентрализованной финансовой системы. Инвестируйте в будущее уже сегодня!
#AviveWorld - возможность инвестировать в экологически чистые технологии и совместное развитие блокчейн-проектов. Вместе мы создаем новое будущее финансовых инноваций.
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