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Mr Money
I let my work speak. No Bullsh!t No Sp@m Just #StrictlyBusiness
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⚠️TAXELE DE TRANZACȚIE DE BITCOIN SUNT PRIN ACOPĂȘ⚠️ Perspectiva ca un fond tranzacționat la bursă (ETF) la vedere Bitcoin BTCUSD să fie aprobat în curând în Statele Unite a crescut cererea pentru criptomoneda majoră, ceea ce a condus la o creștere a taxelor de tranzacție. Blockchain-ul Bitcoin a ajuns la 11,6 milioane de dolari în taxe plătite pe 16 noiembrie, conform statisticilor CryptoFees. La momentul redactării acestui articol, datele YCharts arată că taxa medie de tranzacție este de 18,69 USD, în creștere cu 113% față de ziua precedentă și cu 746% față de nivelul anului în urmă. Dacă acest lucru este adevărat, înseamnă că micii comercianți cripto trebuie să fie atenți ce brokeri folosesc. SFAT PRO 🔥: În astfel de scenarii, profitați de taxele de producție de 0% ale Binance (adică dacă plasați ordine limită în loc de ordine de piață) pe perechi selectate, cum ar fi FDUSD/BTC etc. Cryptoverse ar putea fi strălucitor la exterior, dar este întunecat în interior. Stați în siguranță acolo, băieți. #BTC #Binance #ETH #etf #tothemoon $BTC $ETH $XRP

Perspectiva ca un fond tranzacționat la bursă (ETF) la vedere Bitcoin BTCUSD să fie aprobat în curând în Statele Unite a crescut cererea pentru criptomoneda majoră, ceea ce a condus la o creștere a taxelor de tranzacție.

Blockchain-ul Bitcoin a ajuns la 11,6 milioane de dolari în taxe plătite pe 16 noiembrie, conform statisticilor CryptoFees.

La momentul redactării acestui articol, datele YCharts arată că taxa medie de tranzacție este de 18,69 USD, în creștere cu 113% față de ziua precedentă și cu 746% față de nivelul anului în urmă.

Dacă acest lucru este adevărat, înseamnă că micii comercianți cripto trebuie să fie atenți ce brokeri folosesc.

SFAT PRO 🔥: În astfel de scenarii, profitați de taxele de producție de 0% ale Binance (adică dacă plasați ordine limită în loc de ordine de piață) pe perechi selectate, cum ar fi FDUSD/BTC etc.

Cryptoverse ar putea fi strălucitor la exterior, dar este întunecat în interior. Stați în siguranță acolo, băieți.

#BTC #Binance #ETH #etf #tothemoon $BTC $ETH $XRP
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Prețul Bitcoin (BTC) ar putea ajunge la 141.000 USD într-un an: modelul CoinSharesÎntr-o cercetare recentă, managerul de active digitale CoinShares a încercat să prezică modul în care fluxul de capital în fondurile tranzacționate la bursă (ETF) bazate pe Bitcoin din Statele Unite ar putea afecta dinamica prețurilor BTC. Bitcoin s-ar putea ridica la 265.000 USD după ETF: Model by CoinShares Prețul Bitcoin ar putea crește peste 141.000 USD în primele 12 luni după aprobarea ETF-urilor Bitcoin Spot din Statele Unite. Acest calcul se bazează pe Modelul fluxurilor de fonduri publicat de șeful de cercetare al CoinShares, James Butterfill.

Prețul Bitcoin (BTC) ar putea ajunge la 141.000 USD într-un an: modelul CoinShares

Într-o cercetare recentă, managerul de active digitale CoinShares a încercat să prezică modul în care fluxul de capital în fondurile tranzacționate la bursă (ETF) bazate pe Bitcoin din Statele Unite ar putea afecta dinamica prețurilor BTC.

Bitcoin s-ar putea ridica la 265.000 USD după ETF: Model by CoinShares

Prețul Bitcoin ar putea crește peste 141.000 USD în primele 12 luni după aprobarea ETF-urilor Bitcoin Spot din Statele Unite. Acest calcul se bazează pe Modelul fluxurilor de fonduri publicat de șeful de cercetare al CoinShares, James Butterfill.
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🚀FUNDAMENTALE: ACȚIUNEA🚀 ⚠️CITIȚI ÎNAINTE DE A SUMANDRI Aprofundate⚠️ În criptoverse, nu este vorba doar despre cunoaștere; este vorba de a pune în joc acele cunoștințe. Să ne aprofundăm de ce acțiunea este biletul tău de aur către succes! 💡 Profitați de oportunități! 💰 Crypto nu așteaptă pe nimeni. Este vorba de a recunoaște un potențial comerț și de a profita de momentul. Așteptarea poate însemna șanse ratate. Timpul este crucial în această lume cu ritm rapid. ⏰💸 Învață practicând! 📚👨‍💼 Teoria este esențială, dar aplicarea este locul unde se întâmplă magia. Faceți pași mici, faceți tranzacții, învățați din câștiguri ȘI din pierderi. Experiența este cel mai bun profesor. Murdareste-te mainile in piata! 📈💡 Depășește paralizia de analiză! 🤔💡 Gândirea excesivă poate fi paralizantă. Uneori, trebuie să acționezi pe baza analizei tale. Ai încredere în judecata ta, asumă-ți riscuri calculate și execută. Nu vă blocați în analize nesfârșite! 🚀📊 Adaptează-te și evoluează! 🔄🌟 Piețele se schimbă, strategiile evoluează. A acționa înseamnă a te adapta la schimbările pieței. Ceea ce a funcționat ieri s-ar putea să nu fie astăzi. Fii flexibil, adaptează-te și continuă să crești ca răspuns la dinamica pieței! 📈🌐 Gestionează-ți mișcările! 💼💡 A acționa nu înseamnă a fi nesăbuit. Gestionați-vă riscurile, setați ordine stop-loss și aveți o strategie de ieșire. Mișcările inteligente vă ajută să vă protejați câștigurile și să minimizați pierderile. 🛡️💰 Amintiți-vă, în arena cripto, acțiunea este motorul care conduce la succes. Nu este vorba doar de a ști ce să faci; este vorba de a o face! Începeți să implementați, începeți să învățați și urmăriți că călătoria dvs. cripto se ridică vertiginos! 🚀🌟 #CryptoAction #TakeAction #CryptoSuccessStory $BTC $ETH $XRP #tothemoon 🚀🌕


În criptoverse, nu este vorba doar despre cunoaștere; este vorba de a pune în joc acele cunoștințe.

Să ne aprofundăm de ce acțiunea este biletul tău de aur către succes! 💡

Profitați de oportunități! 💰
Crypto nu așteaptă pe nimeni. Este vorba de a recunoaște un potențial comerț și de a profita de momentul. Așteptarea poate însemna șanse ratate. Timpul este crucial în această lume cu ritm rapid. ⏰💸

Învață practicând! 📚👨‍💼
Teoria este esențială, dar aplicarea este locul unde se întâmplă magia. Faceți pași mici, faceți tranzacții, învățați din câștiguri ȘI din pierderi. Experiența este cel mai bun profesor. Murdareste-te mainile in piata! 📈💡

Depășește paralizia de analiză! 🤔💡
Gândirea excesivă poate fi paralizantă. Uneori, trebuie să acționezi pe baza analizei tale. Ai încredere în judecata ta, asumă-ți riscuri calculate și execută. Nu vă blocați în analize nesfârșite! 🚀📊
Adaptează-te și evoluează! 🔄🌟

Piețele se schimbă, strategiile evoluează. A acționa înseamnă a te adapta la schimbările pieței. Ceea ce a funcționat ieri s-ar putea să nu fie astăzi. Fii flexibil, adaptează-te și continuă să crești ca răspuns la dinamica pieței! 📈🌐

Gestionează-ți mișcările! 💼💡
A acționa nu înseamnă a fi nesăbuit. Gestionați-vă riscurile, setați ordine stop-loss și aveți o strategie de ieșire. Mișcările inteligente vă ajută să vă protejați câștigurile și să minimizați pierderile. 🛡️💰

Amintiți-vă, în arena cripto, acțiunea este motorul care conduce la succes. Nu este vorba doar de a ști ce să faci; este vorba de a o face!
Începeți să implementați, începeți să învățați și urmăriți că călătoria dvs. cripto se ridică vertiginos! 🚀🌟

#CryptoAction #TakeAction #CryptoSuccessStory $BTC $ETH $XRP #tothemoon 🚀🌕
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🚀FUNDAMENTELE🚀 ⚠️SARI PE PROPRIU RISC⚠️ În lumea sălbatică a tranzacționării cu criptomonede, există un obicei fundamental care schimbă jocul: Disciplina. 🚀 Nu este vorba doar de a cumpăra mic și de a vinde mare; este vorba despre stăpânirea controlului, răbdării și consecvenței. Să ne scufundăm mai adânc 💪 1. Respectă-ți planul 📝: Ai o strategie și ține-te de ea! Disciplina înseamnă să-ți urmezi planul de tranzacționare cu rigurozitate, indiferent de hype-ul sau teama pieței. Este vorba despre rezistența la FOMO (Frica de a pierde) și FUD (Frica, Incertitudinea, Îndoială). ⚔️ Este vorba despre strategie, planificare și aderarea la planul tău de joc atunci când piața aruncă curbe. 🎯 2. Emoții în control 🧘‍♂️: Tranzacționarea poate fi un rollercoaster emoțional. Disciplina înseamnă a ține emoțiile la distanță. Nu lăsați entuziasmul sau panica să vă dicteze deciziile. Comerț bazat pe analiză, nu pe emoții. 🚫😡 Gândiți-vă la asta astfel: disciplina este GPS-ul dvs. de tranzacționare, ținându-vă pe drumul cel bun atunci când emoțiile izbucnesc. Este fundamentul care transformă impulsivitatea în mișcări calculate. ⚡ 3. Managementul riscului 🎯: Nu trece niciodată cu vederea asta! Disciplina presupune gestionarea riscurilor cu înțelepciune. Riscați doar ceea ce vă puteți permite să pierdeți și setați ordine stop-loss pentru a vă proteja investițiile. Protejarea capitalului este crucială. 💰 4. Învață și evoluează 📚: rămâi înfometat de cunoștințe. Disciplina în comerț înseamnă un angajament pentru învățarea continuă. Adaptați-vă, evoluați și perfecționați-vă strategiile pe baza experienței și a informațiilor noi. 🌟 Amintiți-vă, disciplina nu este doar o trăsătură; este un obicei să cultivi ZILNIC. Separă comercianții de succes de jucătorii impulsivi. Începeți să exersați disciplina și urmăriți că călătoria dvs. de tranzacționare crește! 🌐💸 #CryptoTrading #DisciplineInTrading #StayDisciplined #CryptoAdvice $BTC $ETH $XRP #tothemoon 🚀🚀🚀


În lumea sălbatică a tranzacționării cu criptomonede, există un obicei fundamental care schimbă jocul: Disciplina. 🚀 Nu este vorba doar de a cumpăra mic și de a vinde mare; este vorba despre stăpânirea controlului, răbdării și consecvenței.

Să ne scufundăm mai adânc 💪

1. Respectă-ți planul 📝: Ai o strategie și ține-te de ea! Disciplina înseamnă să-ți urmezi planul de tranzacționare cu rigurozitate, indiferent de hype-ul sau teama pieței. Este vorba despre rezistența la FOMO (Frica de a pierde) și FUD (Frica, Incertitudinea, Îndoială). ⚔️

Este vorba despre strategie, planificare și aderarea la planul tău de joc atunci când piața aruncă curbe. 🎯

2. Emoții în control 🧘‍♂️: Tranzacționarea poate fi un rollercoaster emoțional. Disciplina înseamnă a ține emoțiile la distanță. Nu lăsați entuziasmul sau panica să vă dicteze deciziile. Comerț bazat pe analiză, nu pe emoții. 🚫😡

Gândiți-vă la asta astfel: disciplina este GPS-ul dvs. de tranzacționare, ținându-vă pe drumul cel bun atunci când emoțiile izbucnesc. Este fundamentul care transformă impulsivitatea în mișcări calculate. ⚡

3. Managementul riscului 🎯: Nu trece niciodată cu vederea asta!
Disciplina presupune gestionarea riscurilor cu înțelepciune. Riscați doar ceea ce vă puteți permite să pierdeți și setați ordine stop-loss pentru a vă proteja investițiile. Protejarea capitalului este crucială. 💰

4. Învață și evoluează 📚: rămâi înfometat de cunoștințe. Disciplina în comerț înseamnă un angajament pentru învățarea continuă. Adaptați-vă, evoluați și perfecționați-vă strategiile pe baza experienței și a informațiilor noi. 🌟

Amintiți-vă, disciplina nu este doar o trăsătură; este un obicei să cultivi ZILNIC. Separă comercianții de succes de jucătorii impulsivi. Începeți să exersați disciplina și urmăriți că călătoria dvs. de tranzacționare crește! 🌐💸

#CryptoTrading #DisciplineInTrading #StayDisciplined #CryptoAdvice $BTC $ETH $XRP #tothemoon 🚀🚀🚀
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⚠️Iată un secret pe care aș fi vrut să-l știu mai devreme⚠️ 1. Comunitatea numai în jurul ideilor este supraevaluată. 2. Comunitatea din jurul ideii și resurselor disponibile este subestimată. 3. Comunitatea în jurul ideilor ȘI a resurselor disponibile ȘI a capacității de a executa este Standardul de Aur. Alege cu înțelepciune. #etf #CryptoAdvice #Knowledge #cryptolearning $BTC $ETH $XRP #tothemoon 🚀🌕
⚠️Iată un secret pe care aș fi vrut să-l știu mai devreme⚠️

1. Comunitatea numai în jurul ideilor este supraevaluată.

2. Comunitatea din jurul ideii și resurselor disponibile este subestimată.

3. Comunitatea în jurul ideilor ȘI a resurselor disponibile ȘI a capacității de a executa este Standardul de Aur.

Alege cu înțelepciune.

#etf #CryptoAdvice #Knowledge #cryptolearning $BTC $ETH $XRP
#tothemoon 🚀🌕
👑CRYPTO NEWS👑 🔥Impact of Spot #Bitcoin ETF approval on price action 🔥 Here's the deal: I foresee a quick spike and then a significant dip post-approval. It's likely a classic 'sell the news' scenario. But don't fret! As we approach the trading date, we might see a climb back up. The real bullish vibes kick in when the ETFs start trading. Here's the scoop on how they acquire Bitcoin: Contrary to popular belief, ETFs don't need to buy Bitcoin beforehand. The process is straightforward. Once trading begins, the fund gets cash, which heads to its chosen exchange—like Coinbase in this case. Coinbase then buys Bitcoin and transfers it to the custody accounts. Any sell orders? Coinbase handles those too. This cycle happens daily, so no pre-buying necessary. While there might be retail anticipation, I anticipate institutional shorts to outweigh this until the real capital flow starts. The true price assessment? It's more of a waiting game. Let's talk 3, 6, and 12 months post-ETF approval. My take might seem bearish in the short term, but long-term, I'm bullish on the Bitcoin ETF for the next decade. Remember, short-term market moves are just that—games. Writing this to prep you: don't panic if the price takes a dip post-approval, especially if you're expecting an immediate surge. Stay cool! 📉🚀 #BitcoinETF #CryptoInsights $BTC $ETH $XRP #cryptoadvice #tothemoon 🚀🌕

🔥Impact of Spot #Bitcoin ETF approval on price action 🔥

Here's the deal: I foresee a quick spike and then a significant dip post-approval. It's likely a classic 'sell the news' scenario.

But don't fret! As we approach the trading date, we might see a climb back up. The real bullish vibes kick in when the ETFs start trading. Here's the scoop on how they acquire Bitcoin:

Contrary to popular belief, ETFs don't need to buy Bitcoin beforehand. The process is straightforward. Once trading begins, the fund gets cash, which heads to its chosen exchange—like Coinbase in this case.

Coinbase then buys Bitcoin and transfers it to the custody accounts. Any sell orders? Coinbase handles those too.

This cycle happens daily, so no pre-buying necessary. While there might be retail anticipation, I anticipate institutional shorts to outweigh this until the real capital flow starts.

The true price assessment? It's more of a waiting game. Let's talk 3, 6, and 12 months post-ETF approval.

My take might seem bearish in the short term, but long-term, I'm bullish on the Bitcoin ETF for the next decade. Remember, short-term market moves are just that—games.

Writing this to prep you: don't panic if the price takes a dip post-approval, especially if you're expecting an immediate surge. Stay cool! 📉🚀

#BitcoinETF #CryptoInsights $BTC $ETH $XRP #cryptoadvice #tothemoon 🚀🌕
👑CRYPTO NEWS👑 YOUR DAILY DOSE OF DIGITAL FREEDOM 🌐 Interesting observation: When news broke about the BlackRock Ethereum ETF filing, everyone cheered without a hint of doubt. But when BlackRock files for an XRP trust, suddenly, the entire community seems to develop nosebleeds, labeling it as fake news (some even claim to have insider info from anonymous BlackRock sources, which is amusing). There's a noticeable bias against XRP in this space, perhaps driven by fear. Fear of its potential to outperform its competition. $BTC $XRP #cryptotrends #News #etf #tothemoon 🚀🌕


Interesting observation: When news broke about the BlackRock Ethereum ETF filing, everyone cheered without a hint of doubt.

But when BlackRock files for an XRP trust, suddenly, the entire community seems to develop nosebleeds, labeling it as fake news (some even claim to have insider info from anonymous BlackRock sources, which is amusing).

There's a noticeable bias against XRP in this space, perhaps driven by fear. Fear of its potential to outperform its competition.

$BTC $XRP #cryptotrends #News #etf #tothemoon 🚀🌕
🔞UPDATE ON THE 9TH NOV INSIDER TIP🔞 ⚠️YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!⚠️ You all clearly remember how on 9th November i published a post warning about a WHALE dump slapping the market hard in the face and sending it in Bears territory 🐻💔 A lot of my good colleagues who were on the battlefield [our group slang for playing the market] got shot to pieces cuz they were playing it LONG with their SLs despite my warnings ❗☢️ Truth be told, I love my fellows who've been with me for a long time. They're some of the best guys out there. But playing LONG despite my warning? C'mon, that's a risky move. 🚨💣 But hey, we learn from our @$$h0le moments, right? 🤷‍♂️📚 For those doubting Thomases saying I was wrong – behold! 🎥 I'm posting the video I took on the 9th to warn my colleagues, sounding the alarm. Now tell me, were my warnings BASELESS? 🤨🚫 And to my loyal followers, here's a truth bomb – if you can't trust me, hit that unfollow button pronto! ⛔️✌️ I didn't get here by being wrong. 💰💪 In this cryptoverse filled with sc@mmers, a gang that trusts each other is what we need. Mr. Money Out. 🎤💼 #CryptoInsights #WhaleDumpSurvivor #BTC #etf #tothemoon P.S. to see the video, check profile. Video is published separately on Binance. I can't embed it here.


You all clearly remember how on 9th November i published a post warning about a WHALE dump slapping the market hard in the face and sending it in Bears territory 🐻💔

A lot of my good colleagues who were on the battlefield [our group slang for playing the market] got shot to pieces cuz they were playing it LONG with their SLs despite my warnings ❗☢️

Truth be told, I love my fellows who've been with me for a long time. They're some of the best guys out there. But playing LONG despite my warning? C'mon, that's a risky move. 🚨💣

But hey, we learn from our @$$h0le moments, right? 🤷‍♂️📚

For those doubting Thomases saying I was wrong – behold! 🎥 I'm posting the video I took on the 9th to warn my colleagues, sounding the alarm. Now tell me, were my warnings BASELESS? 🤨🚫

And to my loyal followers, here's a truth bomb – if you can't trust me, hit that unfollow button pronto! ⛔️✌️ I didn't get here by being wrong. 💰💪 In this cryptoverse filled with sc@mmers, a gang that trusts each other is what we need.

Mr. Money Out. 🎤💼

#CryptoInsights #WhaleDumpSurvivor #BTC #etf #tothemoon

P.S. to see the video, check profile. Video is published separately on Binance. I can't embed it here.
Mr Money
The truth revealed

The truth revealed

🚀FUNDAMENTALS!🚀 ⚠️GET IN ON THE ACTION OR REGRET IT LATER⚠️ Let's dive into a another gem of crypto trading - Market Sentiment. 🤔📊 Why does it matter? 1. Emotions Rule the Game: 🚨💔 Crypto markets are driven by emotions – fear, greed, excitement. Knowing how to read and gauge market sentiment can give you a significant edge. 2. Spotting Trends Early: 📉📈 Recognizing shifts in sentiment helps you anticipate market trends before they become mainstream. It's like having a crystal ball for the crypto world! 🔮✨ 3. Contrarian Opportunities: 🔄🌪️ Sometimes, going against the crowd can be profitable. Understanding when the majority is overly optimistic or pessimistic can guide you in making contrarian moves. 4. News Impact: 🗞️💥 Market sentiment often sways with news. Being aware of upcoming events and their potential impact on sentiment is crucial for making informed decisions. How to Master It: 1. Social Media Insights:📱👥 Monitor crypto communities, forums, and Twitter. The chatter can reveal prevailing sentiments. 2. News Analysis: 📰🔍 Stay informed about industry news. Positive developments can boost sentiment, while negative news can trigger selloffs. 3. Technical Analysis: 📊🔢 Combine sentiment analysis with technical indicators. The synergy can provide a comprehensive view of the market mood. 4. Sentiment Indicators: 🌡️📉 Some platforms offer sentiment indicators. These tools aggregate data to reflect the overall mood of traders. Remember, mastering market sentiment is an ongoing process. Stay curious, keep learning, and let the crypto waves carry you to success! 🌊💰 Share your thoughts on market sentiment below and tag a friend who needs this crypto wisdom! #CryptoTrading #MarketSentiment #CryptoWisdom #BTC #tothemoon 🚀🌕


Let's dive into a another gem of crypto trading - Market Sentiment. 🤔📊

Why does it matter?

1. Emotions Rule the Game: 🚨💔 Crypto markets are driven by emotions – fear, greed, excitement. Knowing how to read and gauge market sentiment can give you a significant edge.

2. Spotting Trends Early: 📉📈 Recognizing shifts in sentiment helps you anticipate market trends before they become mainstream. It's like having a crystal ball for the crypto world! 🔮✨

3. Contrarian Opportunities: 🔄🌪️ Sometimes, going against the crowd can be profitable. Understanding when the majority is overly optimistic or pessimistic can guide you in making contrarian moves.

4. News Impact: 🗞️💥 Market sentiment often sways with news. Being aware of upcoming events and their potential impact on sentiment is crucial for making informed decisions.

How to Master It:

1. Social Media Insights:📱👥 Monitor crypto communities, forums, and Twitter. The chatter can reveal prevailing sentiments.

2. News Analysis: 📰🔍 Stay informed about industry news. Positive developments can boost sentiment, while negative news can trigger selloffs.

3. Technical Analysis: 📊🔢 Combine sentiment analysis with technical indicators. The synergy can provide a comprehensive view of the market mood.

4. Sentiment Indicators: 🌡️📉 Some platforms offer sentiment indicators. These tools aggregate data to reflect the overall mood of traders.

Remember, mastering market sentiment is an ongoing process. Stay curious, keep learning, and let the crypto waves carry you to success! 🌊💰

Share your thoughts on market sentiment below and tag a friend who needs this crypto wisdom! #CryptoTrading #MarketSentiment #CryptoWisdom #BTC #tothemoon 🚀🌕
❗BIG CRYPTO MOVE ALERT❗ 🚨MASSIVE BTC WHALEDUMP🚨 A mysterious whale just shook up the market by selling a massive amount of Bitcoin 📉💸. According to Lookonchain data, this crypto ninja seamlessly converted BTC to Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), unloading a whopping 411 WBTC—equivalent to a jaw-dropping $15.2 million. 🌊 Wait, there's more! 📊 Currently, the whale's wallet is still swimming with 155 WBTC, valued at around $5.74 million. Bulls and bears are in a fierce battle in the crypto arena, with 111 bullish addresses and 114 bearish addresses duking it out. 🐃🐻 Notable activity in the last 24 hours includes a whopping 12,430 large transactions, totaling 589,590 BTC or approximately $21.81 billion in USD! 📈💰 How's Bitcoin holding up? As of now, BTC is treading water at $37,029.96, with a slight 0.3% increase. 🚢💹 The crypto giant's market cap is a staggering $723.6 billion, with a 24-hour trading volume around $12 billion. 🌐💼 Hold on tight! The impending decision on Bitcoin ETFs by the SEC is around the corner, set for November 17. 🗓️🔍 Analysts predict a potential green light for multiple Bitcoin ETFs simultaneously—could this be a game-changer for the crypto space? Stay tuned for more 🎢🚀 #CryptoNews #BitcoinUpdate #WhaleAlert $BTC #tothemoon 🚀🌕


A mysterious whale just shook up the market by selling a massive amount of Bitcoin 📉💸.
According to Lookonchain data, this crypto ninja seamlessly converted BTC to Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), unloading a whopping 411 WBTC—equivalent to a jaw-dropping $15.2 million. 🌊

Wait, there's more! 📊 Currently, the whale's wallet is still swimming with 155 WBTC, valued at around $5.74 million. Bulls and bears are in a fierce battle in the crypto arena, with 111 bullish addresses and 114 bearish addresses duking it out. 🐃🐻

Notable activity in the last 24 hours includes a whopping 12,430 large transactions, totaling 589,590 BTC or approximately $21.81 billion in USD! 📈💰

How's Bitcoin holding up?

As of now, BTC is treading water at $37,029.96, with a slight 0.3% increase. 🚢💹 The crypto giant's market cap is a staggering $723.6 billion, with a 24-hour trading volume around $12 billion. 🌐💼

Hold on tight! The impending decision on Bitcoin ETFs by the SEC is around the corner, set for November 17. 🗓️🔍

Analysts predict a potential green light for multiple Bitcoin ETFs simultaneously—could this be a game-changer for the crypto space? Stay tuned for more 🎢🚀

#CryptoNews #BitcoinUpdate #WhaleAlert $BTC #tothemoon 🚀🌕
🔞INSIDER TIP: FUNDAMENTALS🔞 ⚠️SKIP THIS POST AT YOUR OWN RISK⚠️ In a previous post, we talked about Whale Actions and how to ride them 🐋💸 On 9th November, there was a WHALE drop, and the market got face-planted by a bully goat ⛔📉🐐 Even seasoned traders entered a manual SL (Stop Loss) long on BIGTIME right before the drop and got their entire accounts liquidated by it 😱💸 I had a hard SL that saved me [SEE PICS BELOW] 📸 The downside of a whale drop is you don’t know what tf is happening anymore. All of your analytics you look at just get tossed. What is support/resistance and RSI and MACD and literally any information when the market gets drunk?? 🤷‍♂️📉 Some say that crypto would be so beautiful if whales never dumped, but then where’s the FUN??? 🚀😎 This is one of the beauties of crypto. More risk, more profit. Better trade in normal stocks if you don’t wanna be fked up by whale dumps💣 🔞Pro-Tip Advice: Get lucky by having a massive short TP at the same time that WHALES dump their net value into BTC and PRINT 📈💰 🔞 Next Insider Advice at 50 followers. Stay tuned for more Tips and tricks! 🏆🔥 #CryptoAdvice #BTC #ETH #etf #ToTheMoonAndBeyond 🚀🌕


In a previous post, we talked about Whale Actions and how to ride them 🐋💸

On 9th November, there was a WHALE drop, and the market got face-planted by a bully goat ⛔📉🐐

Even seasoned traders entered a manual SL (Stop Loss) long on BIGTIME right before the drop and got their entire accounts liquidated by it 😱💸

I had a hard SL that saved me [SEE PICS BELOW] 📸

The downside of a whale drop is you don’t know what tf is happening anymore. All of your analytics you look at just get tossed. What is support/resistance and RSI and MACD and literally any information when the market gets drunk?? 🤷‍♂️📉

Some say that crypto would be so beautiful if whales never dumped, but then where’s the FUN??? 🚀😎

This is one of the beauties of crypto. More risk, more profit. Better trade in normal stocks if you don’t wanna be fked up by whale dumps💣

🔞Pro-Tip Advice: Get lucky by having a massive short TP at the same time that WHALES dump their net value into BTC and PRINT 📈💰 🔞

Next Insider Advice at 50 followers. Stay tuned for more Tips and tricks! 🏆🔥

#CryptoAdvice #BTC #ETH #etf #ToTheMoonAndBeyond 🚀🌕
🚀FUNDAMENTALS🚀 ⚠️DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU!⚠️ Let's talk about the not-so-secret weapon for all the newbies - TRADING SIMULATORS! 🔄💣 I get it, the word 'simulator' is BoRiNg, but trust me on this one. Especially if you’re a new trader, USE a trading simulator. When I first started, I went straight into a live account, which is an absolutely terrible idea. Using a simulator is like having a superpower in your arsenal. 💪🎮🔥 Here's the lowdown: Avoid the Money Pit: 💸🚫 If there is a to-do list for new traders. Step 1 is LOSE MONEY. It’s almost guaranteed. If you’re a new trader, you’re probably going to lose a fvckton of money. So, you might as well save that money (or give it to me hehe), practice first, until you’re confident in your trading ability. Then and only then use real money. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. Fake It 'til You Make It: 🕵️‍♂️💼 Trade simulator money like it's the real deal. Mimic the amounts you'd use in a live account. It's not as easy as it sounds, but it's a game-changer. Ready, Set, Real: 🚦💡 Only dive into a live account when you've conquered the simulator world. Master your strategy, control those emotions, and understand risk management like a pro. A lot of new traders move through this phase way too fast and end up losing a ton of money they shouldn’t have. Only move forward when you are truly ready. Remember: DON'T RUSH IT! 🚫⏳ Moving too fast in the trading world can lead to unnecessary losses. Take your time, learn the ropes, and only step into the live arena when you're truly ready. Your wallet will thank you! 💼🌐 Share with a friend who needs to hear this trading wisdom! 🌈 #TradingSimulator #TradingWisdom #etf #BTC #tothemoon 🚀🌕


Let's talk about the not-so-secret weapon for all the newbies - TRADING SIMULATORS! 🔄💣

I get it, the word 'simulator' is BoRiNg, but trust me on this one. Especially if you’re a new trader, USE a trading simulator. When I first started, I went straight into a live account, which is an absolutely terrible idea.

Using a simulator is like having a superpower in your arsenal. 💪🎮🔥

Here's the lowdown:

Avoid the Money Pit: 💸🚫 If there is a to-do list for new traders. Step 1 is LOSE MONEY.

It’s almost guaranteed.

If you’re a new trader, you’re probably going to lose a fvckton of money. So, you might as well save that money (or give it to me hehe), practice first, until you’re confident in your trading ability. Then and only then use real money.

Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

Fake It 'til You Make It: 🕵️‍♂️💼 Trade simulator money like it's the real deal. Mimic the amounts you'd use in a live account. It's not as easy as it sounds, but it's a game-changer.

Ready, Set, Real: 🚦💡 Only dive into a live account when you've conquered the simulator world. Master your strategy, control those emotions, and understand risk management like a pro.
A lot of new traders move through this phase way too fast and end up losing a ton of money they shouldn’t have. Only move forward when you are truly ready.

Remember: DON'T RUSH IT! 🚫⏳ Moving too fast in the trading world can lead to unnecessary losses. Take your time, learn the ropes, and only step into the live arena when you're truly ready. Your wallet will thank you! 💼🌐

Share with a friend who needs to hear this trading wisdom! 🌈 #TradingSimulator #TradingWisdom #etf #BTC #tothemoon 🚀🌕
🚀FUNDAMENTALS: WHALE ACTIONS🚀 🔞INSIDER TIP INCOMING IN NEXT POSTS🔞 ⚠️IGNORE AT YOUR OWN RISK⚠️ Ever wondered about those mysterious market shifts that seem to rock the entire crypto sea? 🤔📈 Brace yourselves, we're diving into the world of Whale Actions! 🐋💰 1. Who Are the Whales? 🤿 In the crypto realm, whales are mega-wealthy traders or entities with substantial holdings. 🐋 Their moves in the market have a ripple effect, creating waves that smaller fish (that's us!) need to navigate. 2. The Whale's Tale: Pumps and Dumps 🚀📉 Whales are notorious for initiating massive buying (pumps) or selling (dumps) activities. 🌊 This can lead to significant price fluctuations, catching less-experienced traders off guard. Timing is everything in these waters! 3. Reading the Waves: Order Book Manipulation 📚🤿 Whales often manipulate the order books by placing large buy or sell orders to create a false sense of market direction. 🔄 This strategy, known as spoofing, can lure traders into making decisions based on fake signals. 4. Follow the Big Fins: Social Signals 👀📢 Keep an eye on social media and crypto forums. Whales sometimes drop hints about their moves, and monitoring these channels can provide valuable insights into potential market shifts. Dive deep, stay vigilant, and ride the waves wisely, fellow crypto sailors! 🐋🚀 #CryptoWhales #MarketInsights #CryptoSailors#btc #CryptoTradingTip #ETH #etf ⚓🌐



Ever wondered about those mysterious market shifts that seem to rock the entire crypto sea? 🤔📈 Brace yourselves, we're diving into the world of Whale Actions! 🐋💰

1. Who Are the Whales? 🤿
In the crypto realm, whales are mega-wealthy traders or entities with substantial holdings. 🐋 Their moves in the market have a ripple effect, creating waves that smaller fish (that's us!) need to navigate.

2. The Whale's Tale: Pumps and Dumps 🚀📉
Whales are notorious for initiating massive buying (pumps) or selling (dumps) activities. 🌊 This can lead to significant price fluctuations, catching less-experienced traders off guard. Timing is everything in these waters!

3. Reading the Waves: Order Book Manipulation 📚🤿
Whales often manipulate the order books by placing large buy or sell orders to create a false sense of market direction. 🔄 This strategy, known as spoofing, can lure traders into making decisions based on fake signals.

4. Follow the Big Fins: Social Signals 👀📢
Keep an eye on social media and crypto forums. Whales sometimes drop hints about their moves, and monitoring these channels can provide valuable insights into potential market shifts.

Dive deep, stay vigilant, and ride the waves wisely, fellow crypto sailors! 🐋🚀 #CryptoWhales #MarketInsights #CryptoSailors#btc #CryptoTradingTip #ETH #etf ⚓🌐
FUNDAMENTALS OF THE RICH⚠️IGNORE AT YOUR OWN RISK!⚠️ Ever wondered what separates successful traders from the rest? 🤔 It's not just about predicting market moves; it's about the art of reflection and learning from every trade. 📊✨ Introducing the game-changer: The Trading Journal! 📓💡 1. 📝 Documenting Your Journey: Keeping a trading journal is like creating a roadmap for your crypto adventures. 🗺️✍️ Jot down your entry and exit points, reasons for the trade, and market conditions. 📈 The more detailed, the better! 🧐 2. 📊 Tracking Your Emotions: Crypto markets can be a rollercoaster, right? 🎢 Your trading journal becomes your emotional compass. Record how you felt during each trade. Fear, excitement, confidence – it's all there! Understanding emotions is key to making better decisions. 🧘‍♂️💆‍♀️ 3. 📉 Learning from Mistakes: We all make mistakes; it's part of the crypto journey. 🤷‍♂️ But guess what? Mistakes are lessons in disguise! 🎭 Analyze your losing trades, understand what went wrong, and avoid making the same blunders twice. 🚫🔄 4. 📈 Celebrating Wins: Don't forget to pat yourself on the back for those successful trades! 🎉✨ Document what worked well, analyze your winning strategies, and replicate that success in future trades. 🌟💼 5. 🔄 Continuous Improvement: A trading journal is your personal growth chart. 📈 Regularly review your entries, identify patterns, and tweak your strategies. Evolve as a trader! 🌱💪 6. 🚀 Sharing Knowledge: Consider your trading journal a treasure trove of insights. 🧭 Share your experiences with the crypto community! Exchange tips, learn from others, and collectively elevate our trading game. 🤝🌐 7. 🧘‍♀️ Patience and Consistency: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a successful trading career. 🏛️📉 Be patient, stay consistent in maintaining your journal, and watch your skills flourish over time. 🕰️⏳ Start that trading journal today and witness the transformation in your trading game! 💼📈 #CryptoSuccess #TradingJournal #LearnAndEarn#BinanceSquareTalks #TradingWins #TipsForBeginners #Tips #BTC🔥🔥 🚀💰



Ever wondered what separates successful traders from the rest? 🤔 It's not just about predicting market moves; it's about the art of reflection and learning from every trade. 📊✨

Introducing the game-changer: The Trading Journal! 📓💡

1. 📝 Documenting Your Journey:
Keeping a trading journal is like creating a roadmap for your crypto adventures. 🗺️✍️ Jot down your entry and exit points, reasons for the trade, and market conditions. 📈 The more detailed, the better! 🧐
2. 📊 Tracking Your Emotions:
Crypto markets can be a rollercoaster, right? 🎢 Your trading journal becomes your emotional compass. Record how you felt during each trade. Fear, excitement, confidence – it's all there! Understanding emotions is key to making better decisions. 🧘‍♂️💆‍♀️
3. 📉 Learning from Mistakes:
We all make mistakes; it's part of the crypto journey. 🤷‍♂️ But guess what? Mistakes are lessons in disguise! 🎭 Analyze your losing trades, understand what went wrong, and avoid making the same blunders twice. 🚫🔄
4. 📈 Celebrating Wins:
Don't forget to pat yourself on the back for those successful trades! 🎉✨ Document what worked well, analyze your winning strategies, and replicate that success in future trades. 🌟💼
5. 🔄 Continuous Improvement:
A trading journal is your personal growth chart. 📈 Regularly review your entries, identify patterns, and tweak your strategies. Evolve as a trader! 🌱💪
6. 🚀 Sharing Knowledge:
Consider your trading journal a treasure trove of insights. 🧭 Share your experiences with the crypto community! Exchange tips, learn from others, and collectively elevate our trading game. 🤝🌐
7. 🧘‍♀️ Patience and Consistency:
Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a successful trading career. 🏛️📉 Be patient, stay consistent in maintaining your journal, and watch your skills flourish over time. 🕰️⏳

Start that trading journal today and witness the transformation in your trading game! 💼📈
#CryptoSuccess #TradingJournal #LearnAndEarn#BinanceSquareTalks #TradingWins #TipsForBeginners #Tips #BTC🔥🔥 🚀💰
🚀 *FUNDAMENTALS* 🚀 ⚠️IGNORE AT YOUR OWN RISK⚠️ Let's talk about a game-changer in the crypto world: **Risk Management.** 🛡️💰 In the fast-paced realm of crypto trading, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of potential gains. 📈 But, here's the golden rule: **only invest what you can afford to lose.** 💸 Crypto markets are notorious for their volatility, and prices can swing like a rollercoaster. 🎢 Having a solid risk management strategy is your shield against the unpredictable. 🛡️ Here are some key principles: 1. **Diversify Your Portfolio:** 🔄 Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to minimize risk. 2. **Set Stop-Loss Orders:** 🛑 Set clear points at which your assets will automatically be sold to limit potential losses. It's like a safety net for your investments. 3. **Stay Informed:** 📰 Knowledge is power. Stay updated on market trends, news, and developments. This helps you make informed decisions and navigate the waves. 4. **Start Small, Learn Big:** 🌱 Begin with a small investment to understand the market dynamics. As you gain experience, you can adjust your strategies accordingly. 5. **Embrace Patience:** ⌛ Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a crypto fortune. Be patient, stick to your strategy, and don't succumb to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Remember, successful crypto trading is a marathon, not a sprint. 🏃‍♂️💪 #CryptoWisdom #RiskManagement #ToTheMoon 🚀🌕 #CryptoTips #DiversifyForSuccess#BTC #link #CryptoClimb #


Let's talk about a game-changer in the crypto world: **Risk Management.** 🛡️💰

In the fast-paced realm of crypto trading, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of potential gains. 📈 But, here's the golden rule: **only invest what you can afford to lose.** 💸

Crypto markets are notorious for their volatility, and prices can swing like a rollercoaster. 🎢 Having a solid risk management strategy is your shield against the unpredictable. 🛡️

Here are some key principles:

1. **Diversify Your Portfolio:** 🔄 Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to minimize risk.

2. **Set Stop-Loss Orders:** 🛑 Set clear points at which your assets will automatically be sold to limit potential losses. It's like a safety net for your investments.

3. **Stay Informed:** 📰 Knowledge is power. Stay updated on market trends, news, and developments. This helps you make informed decisions and navigate the waves.

4. **Start Small, Learn Big:** 🌱 Begin with a small investment to understand the market dynamics. As you gain experience, you can adjust your strategies accordingly.

5. **Embrace Patience:** ⌛ Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a crypto fortune. Be patient, stick to your strategy, and don't succumb to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

Remember, successful crypto trading is a marathon, not a sprint. 🏃‍♂️💪

#CryptoWisdom #RiskManagement #ToTheMoon 🚀🌕
#CryptoTips #DiversifyForSuccess#BTC #link #CryptoClimb #
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