Binance Square
Mitzie Siever
Let's make Maximum Profits possible, Strictly 0 Losses in every single trade, nothing more or less guys.
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56500 este sfârșitul pompei noastre deocamdată, așteptați-vă doar un pic de mini-dump înainte de a trece la 60k. Dacă lichidarea dvs. este sub 52k, nu închideți tranzacțiile lungi, în cazul în care lichidarea dvs. este aproape, luați profituri și așteptați să cumpărați între 55 și 56,2k. Piața este încă super optimistă, cumpărarea este solidă și nu „de plastic”. Următoarea oprire este 60k, așa cum v-am asigurat, vom fi la 60k plus înainte de înjumătățire și dacă vă așteptați la o gură mare, atunci vă veți pierde toți banii din speranță și nu din analize faptice.
56500 este sfârșitul pompei noastre deocamdată, așteptați-vă doar un pic de mini-dump înainte de a trece la 60k. Dacă lichidarea dvs. este sub 52k, nu închideți tranzacțiile lungi, în cazul în care lichidarea dvs. este aproape, luați profituri și așteptați să cumpărați între 55 și 56,2k.

Piața este încă super optimistă, cumpărarea este solidă și nu „de plastic”. Următoarea oprire este 60k, așa cum v-am asigurat, vom fi la 60k plus înainte de înjumătățire și dacă vă așteptați la o gură mare, atunci vă veți pierde toți banii din speranță și nu din analize faptice.
It's funny that we still have bearish individuals around, ever since this bullrun started they've been preaching bearish sermons leading to losses on their followers. Meanwhile, if you've been following my updates I know you're smiling and richer now🤑 I told you yesterday were about to blast millions and since we are moving to 60k soon, I hope you shall do the right thing, turn off the bearish guesswork bells and avoid further losses. See you guys at 55.5k in a few hours. #BTC #TrendingTopic
It's funny that we still have bearish individuals around, ever since this bullrun started they've been preaching bearish sermons leading to losses on their followers.

Meanwhile, if you've been following my updates I know you're smiling and richer now🤑 I told you yesterday were about to blast millions and since we are moving to 60k soon, I hope you shall do the right thing, turn off the bearish guesswork bells and avoid further losses. See you guys at 55.5k in a few hours.

Vedeți originalul
🚦 PREGĂTIȚI-VĂ PENTRU A FACE MILIOANE DIN CATEEVA ZILE DE ACUM‼️ 🚨 Citiți asta și planificați acum 🚀🚀 Majoritatea oamenilor cred că trebuie să existe o corecție după ce atingem zona de 52-53k și înainte de înjumătățire, dar acum este clar că nu va exista nicio gură mare în curând, în schimb, așteptați-vă la o pompă uriașă în câteva zile. De ce nu se va arunca BTC de data aceasta? Ei bine, ETF-urile!! baieti. Permiteți-mi să vă explic, fiecare alergare este cauzată de a cumpăra declanșatori diferiți, un declanșator precum monedele meme crap au nevoie de o corecție, dar o alergare declanșată de instituții stabile precum Black Rock și Fidelity nu va avea nevoie de o corecție pentru că cumpără pentru a ține și ori de câte ori sunt mici și Comercianții medii decid să vândă după creșteri substanțiale ale prețurilor, ETF-urile vor înghiți în continuare toate Bitcoin-urile disponibile la vânzare, minimizând un eveniment de depozite corecționale uriașe, așa cum sa observat anterior. Rezultatul este o scădere rapidă a ofertei și o cerere ridicată, pe măsură ce investitorii se grăbesc să își asigure mai multe acțiuni ETF. Aceasta înseamnă o creștere continuă rapidă a prețului Bitcoin. Asta chiar înainte de a vorbi despre o scădere suplimentară a ofertei de Bitcoin de la mineri după înjumătățire. Acum, vă pot asigura că prețul Bitcoin nu va scădea greu și, înainte de înjumătățire, prețul va crește vertiginos la 60k, iată de ce; După prima fază a nebuniei de cumpărare de Bitcoin de către ETF-uri, am văzut o pauză și o piață relativ consolidată. Între timp, ETF-urile au atras mai multe intrări. IBIT de la BlackRock și FBTC de la Fidelity au atras 1,6 miliarde de dolari și 648 de milioane de dolari în ultima săptămână. Fluxurile uriașe vor continua cu siguranță, așa că așteptați-vă la un nou record pe termen scurt și lung. Investitorii/comercianții ar trebui să cumpere acum, nu vă așteptați la un alt preț scăzut, de 50k până la 52k, iar în cel mai rău caz, care este foarte foarte scăzut, așteptați 45k. Nu uitați să urmați pentru informații și semnale mai detaliate. Investește și tranzacționează băieți siguri. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC‬ #btchalving2024 #btcbullrun

🚨 Citiți asta și planificați acum 🚀🚀

Majoritatea oamenilor cred că trebuie să existe o corecție după ce atingem zona de 52-53k și înainte de înjumătățire, dar acum este clar că nu va exista nicio gură mare în curând, în schimb, așteptați-vă la o pompă uriașă în câteva zile.

De ce nu se va arunca BTC de data aceasta? Ei bine, ETF-urile!! baieti. Permiteți-mi să vă explic, fiecare alergare este cauzată de a cumpăra declanșatori diferiți, un declanșator precum monedele meme crap au nevoie de o corecție, dar o alergare declanșată de instituții stabile precum Black Rock și Fidelity nu va avea nevoie de o corecție pentru că cumpără pentru a ține și ori de câte ori sunt mici și Comercianții medii decid să vândă după creșteri substanțiale ale prețurilor, ETF-urile vor înghiți în continuare toate Bitcoin-urile disponibile la vânzare, minimizând un eveniment de depozite corecționale uriașe, așa cum sa observat anterior.

Rezultatul este o scădere rapidă a ofertei și o cerere ridicată, pe măsură ce investitorii se grăbesc să își asigure mai multe acțiuni ETF. Aceasta înseamnă o creștere continuă rapidă a prețului Bitcoin. Asta chiar înainte de a vorbi despre o scădere suplimentară a ofertei de Bitcoin de la mineri după înjumătățire.

Acum, vă pot asigura că prețul Bitcoin nu va scădea greu și, înainte de înjumătățire, prețul va crește vertiginos la 60k, iată de ce;

După prima fază a nebuniei de cumpărare de Bitcoin de către ETF-uri, am văzut o pauză și o piață relativ consolidată. Între timp, ETF-urile au atras mai multe intrări.

IBIT de la BlackRock și FBTC de la Fidelity au atras 1,6 miliarde de dolari și 648 de milioane de dolari în ultima săptămână. Fluxurile uriașe vor continua cu siguranță, așa că așteptați-vă la un nou record pe termen scurt și lung.

Investitorii/comercianții ar trebui să cumpere acum, nu vă așteptați la un alt preț scăzut, de 50k până la 52k, iar în cel mai rău caz, care este foarte foarte scăzut, așteptați 45k.

Nu uitați să urmați pentru informații și semnale mai detaliate. Investește și tranzacționează băieți siguri.

Vedeți originalul
🛑 SEMNAL LUNG BTC (TERMEN SCURT) 🛑 pârghie ×30 Prima intrare - 51550 take profit la - 51750 A doua intrare - 51750 take profit la 51950 A treia intrare - 51850 take profit la 52050 Nu puneți ordin stop loss, în schimb, mențineți prețul de lichidare mai mic de 50.000 și monitorizați-vă pozițiile îndeaproape. Acesta este doar un sfat din partea mea, faceți-vă propriile cercetări și tranzacționați în siguranță, băieți. Amintiți-vă, LUĂȚI ÎNTOTDEAUNA PROFITUL PUȚI CITE PICI și evitați lăcomia. În curând ne întoarcem la călătoria noastră la 60.000 de băieți. Piața este super optimistă chiar și în faza de consolidare pe care o trăim, dacă îmi urmărești actualizările, cu siguranță îmi voi anunța adepții ori de câte ori ne întoarcem pe drumul cel bun. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC‬ #BullRun🐂 #BTC/USDT.

pârghie ×30

Prima intrare - 51550 take profit la - 51750

A doua intrare - 51750 take profit la 51950

A treia intrare - 51850 take profit la 52050

Nu puneți ordin stop loss, în schimb, mențineți prețul de lichidare mai mic de 50.000 și monitorizați-vă pozițiile îndeaproape.

Acesta este doar un sfat din partea mea, faceți-vă propriile cercetări și tranzacționați în siguranță, băieți. Amintiți-vă, LUĂȚI ÎNTOTDEAUNA PROFITUL PUȚI CITE PICI și evitați lăcomia.

În curând ne întoarcem la călătoria noastră la 60.000 de băieți. Piața este super optimistă chiar și în faza de consolidare pe care o trăim, dacă îmi urmărești actualizările, cu siguranță îmi voi anunța adepții ori de câte ori ne întoarcem pe drumul cel bun.

🛑 BTC UPDATE 🛑 🛑 Expect No Pump For A While 🛑 After taking time to observe the market for a while now, here is my conclusion. 1st - BTC is in a consolidation phase, the ETFs bought and won't sell, correction at this level has happened and the market is 'still' waiting for any huge move. 2nd - BTC current price movements are as a result of regular traders and normal market buying and selling. 3rd - BTC pump caused by bulk buying by the ETF firms shall take a while but shall definitely come back after a while. Therefore, BTC should be expected to keep dancing between 50.8k to 52.8k with fake dumps and pumps from time to time. So, is BTC bullish or bearish? BTC is still bullish in the long term and at consolidation for the short tem. So trade within the mentioned consolidation range with less margin, liquidation prices of below 48k and avoid stop loss orders. As usual , these are my own observations, analysis and opinions. Trade safely guys. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC‬ #BTC/USDT.

🛑 Expect No Pump For A While 🛑

After taking time to observe the market for a while now, here is my conclusion.

1st - BTC is in a consolidation phase, the ETFs bought and won't sell, correction at this level has happened and the market is 'still' waiting for any huge move.
2nd - BTC current price movements are as a result of regular traders and normal market buying and selling.
3rd - BTC pump caused by bulk buying by the ETF firms shall take a while but shall definitely come back after a while.

Therefore, BTC should be expected to keep dancing between 50.8k to 52.8k with fake dumps and pumps from time to time.

So, is BTC bullish or bearish? BTC is still bullish in the long term and at consolidation for the short tem.

So trade within the mentioned consolidation range with less margin, liquidation prices of below 48k and avoid stop loss orders.

As usual , these are my own observations, analysis and opinions. Trade safely guys.

$BTC 🛑 BTC UPDATE 🛑 WE ARE BACK ON TRACK !!! 🛑 SHORT TERM SIGNAL FOR FAST PROFIT 🛑 Hi guys, in my last update, I told you that BTC shall move to 53k and move to 55k. I also notified you that we expected a brief dump and advised you to place your liquidation below 48k. Everything has gone according to plan and we are back on track after the dump. It's time to place your long trades since we are now definitely moving to 53k. Bitcoin had gathered enough liquidity to continue our journey to 60k. For now buy at 51.8k to 52.5k as shown in the long trade below. Place buy orders and leave them in place. Avoid putting stop loss orders and keep your liquidation price below 48k. Buy long and sell at: 1st - 51.8k - sell order at 52.2k 2nd - 52k - sell order at 52.3k 3rd - 52.2k - sell order at 52.5k 4th - 52.3k - sell order at 52.5k 5th - 52.4k - sell order at 52.75k 5th - 52.55k - sell order at 52.8k Remember to keep your greed low and keep your liquidation price for each trade below 48k. #Write2Earn #BTC‬ #BTCAllTimeHigh #BTC/USDT.

Hi guys, in my last update, I told you that BTC shall move to 53k and move to 55k. I also notified you that we expected a brief dump and advised you to place your liquidation below 48k. Everything has gone according to plan and we are back on track after the dump.

It's time to place your long trades since we are now definitely moving to 53k. Bitcoin had gathered enough liquidity to continue our journey to 60k.

For now buy at 51.8k to 52.5k as shown in the long trade below. Place buy orders and leave them in place. Avoid putting stop loss orders and keep your liquidation price below 48k.

Buy long and sell at:

1st - 51.8k - sell order at 52.2k
2nd - 52k - sell order at 52.3k
3rd - 52.2k - sell order at 52.5k
4th - 52.3k - sell order at 52.5k
5th - 52.4k - sell order at 52.75k
5th - 52.55k - sell order at 52.8k

Remember to keep your greed low and keep your liquidation price for each trade below 48k.

🛑 Urgent BTC Update 🛑 🛑 Take Profits, Close All Positions And Wait🛑 Guys, as I told you yesterday (Fri,Feb 16th) there has been a tough resistance at 52.3k. I hope you followed my advise and didn't panic and close your positions yesterday. Now, since we started from 51.5k I know by 52.3k most of us are at profit. Since the market looks a bit volatile and tough to predict, It is my opinion that you take any profits made and close your positions. Do not open any more positions and allow for the market to settle, and when it does I shall let you know. Safe trading is happy trading It's never a bad idea to take profits no matter how little they are. #Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic
🛑 Urgent BTC Update 🛑

🛑 Take Profits, Close All Positions And Wait🛑

Guys, as I told you yesterday (Fri,Feb 16th) there has been a tough resistance at 52.3k. I hope you followed my advise and didn't panic and close your positions yesterday.

Now, since we started from 51.5k I know by 52.3k most of us are at profit. Since the market looks a bit volatile and tough to predict, It is my opinion that you take any profits made and close your positions.

Do not open any more positions and allow for the market to settle, and when it does I shall let you know.

Safe trading is happy trading It's never a bad idea to take profits no matter how little they are.

🛑 Bitcoin Getting To 53k Is Now Definite After Taking Substancial 'Liquid' 🛑 A dump is scary to many trades and most might fail to handle the pressure and exit their positions, but a wise holds on their well set and secured longs. After this little dump Bitcoin is going to skyrocket to 53k, bank this. Edit: And sure as I told you, we are back on track and heading to 53k. #Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic
🛑 Bitcoin Getting To 53k Is Now Definite After Taking Substancial 'Liquid' 🛑

A dump is scary to many trades and most might fail to handle the pressure and exit their positions, but a wise holds on their well set and secured longs. After this little dump Bitcoin is going to skyrocket to 53k, bank this.

And sure as I told you, we are back on track and heading to 53k.

#Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic
🛑 BTC URGENT UPDATE 🛑 Do not go short, keep your longs liquidation below 48k and don't put stop loss order. Don't fall for the small dumping. I understand there is pressure to close or sell but, Just keep calm and patiently wait for the next level which is 53K. Take profits bit by bit and avoid greed as we move to the 53-54k zone. Safe trading is happy trading guys. #Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic

Do not go short, keep your longs liquidation below 48k and don't put stop loss order. Don't fall for the small dumping. I understand there is pressure to close or sell but, Just keep calm and patiently wait for the next level which is 53K.

Take profits bit by bit and avoid greed as we move to the 53-54k zone.

Safe trading is happy trading guys.

#Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic
🛑 URGENT UPDATE 🛑 3rd CHANCE!! 🛑 BTC LONG POSITION (SPOT&FUTURES 🛑 Futures leverage ×20 Entry point - 51.5k to 52K Add enough margin to keep your liquidation lower than 48k for futures traders. Avoid stop loss orders and follow our position(s) closely. 1st Tp - 52,600 2nd Tp - 52,800 3rd Tp - 53,200 4th Tp - 53,500 5th Tp - 53,800 6th Tp - 54,200 7th Tp - 54,600 8th Tp - 54,800 9th Tp - 55,100 At this point hold on as we move to the next stop which is 60k. Expect no serious dumping as investment farms such as black rock are not meme coins that fueled the previous Bitcoin bullrun. This is a solid appreciation and increase in scarcity of Bitcoin, adding to the April halving factor, there is no deterrence to Bitcoin reaching 100k by 2025. Remember to avoid greed, take profits bit by bit and thank me later. Safe trading guys. #BTC #BTC #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn

Futures leverage ×20

Entry point - 51.5k to 52K
Add enough margin to keep your liquidation lower than 48k for futures traders. Avoid stop loss orders and follow our position(s) closely.

1st Tp - 52,600
2nd Tp - 52,800
3rd Tp - 53,200
4th Tp - 53,500
5th Tp - 53,800
6th Tp - 54,200
7th Tp - 54,600
8th Tp - 54,800
9th Tp - 55,100

At this point hold on as we move to the next stop which is 60k. Expect no serious dumping as investment farms such as black rock are not meme coins that fueled the previous Bitcoin bullrun. This is a solid appreciation and increase in scarcity of Bitcoin, adding to the April halving factor, there is no deterrence to Bitcoin reaching 100k by 2025.

Remember to avoid greed, take profits bit by bit and thank me later.

Safe trading guys.

#BTC #BTC #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn
🛑 DON'T PANIC AND SELL YOUR COINS 🛑 The resistance at 52.3k has been a tough one and I see Bitcoin is now aiming for some liquidity, therefore we expect a dump but not too much to make you sell your coins. After the little dump we shall have gained enough momentum to beat the 52.3k wall and gain access to the 53-54k area. For future's traders, just make sure your liquidation price is lower than 48k and avoid stop losses. If you have a closer liquidation price, please take any profit you have by now as we watch the market for the next entry. These are just my views and opinions based on my own analysis of the market. Always take profits bit by bit, avoid greed at all costs. Wishing us safe trading guys. #Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic

The resistance at 52.3k has been a tough one and I see Bitcoin is now aiming for some liquidity, therefore we expect a dump but not too much to make you sell your coins.

After the little dump we shall have gained enough momentum to beat the 52.3k wall and gain access to the 53-54k area.

For future's traders, just make sure your liquidation price is lower than 48k and avoid stop losses. If you have a closer liquidation price, please take any profit you have by now as we watch the market for the next entry.

These are just my views and opinions based on my own analysis of the market. Always take profits bit by bit, avoid greed at all costs.

Wishing us safe trading guys.

#Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic
🛑 BTC CURRENT MARKET ALERT 🛑 GOING SHORT IN A BULLISH MARKET IS JUST DUMB Please do not go short for any reason, I see lots of people telling us to to short but just don't do it. When it is time to go short, I shall update my followers but for now avoid it like plaque. This are just my views and opinions from my own observations and analysis of the market and not professional financial advise. Let us watch as we gracefully match to the opening doors at 53k to 54k. Safe trading is happy trading guys. #Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic #BTCAlert


Please do not go short for any reason, I see lots of people telling us to to short but just don't do it.

When it is time to go short, I shall update my followers but for now avoid it like plaque.

This are just my views and opinions from my own observations and analysis of the market and not professional financial advise.

Let us watch as we gracefully match to the opening doors at 53k to 54k. Safe trading is happy trading guys.

#BTC #TrendingTopic
🛑 BTC URGENT UPDATE 🛑 START TAKING PROFITS FROM 52.3K If you have been following my updates since yesterday , I advised to take long position from 51.5k. Now if you followed my tip, it's time to start taking your first profit because we need to avoid greed. BTC has shown substancial resistance at 52.3k which signals a brief dip before going past this mark. So if you started with me at 51.5k now take your first profit at 52.2k to 52.3k and wait for the next tp at 52.5k. Thank you. #Write2Earn #BTCAlert #BTC #TrendingTopic


If you have been following my updates since yesterday , I advised to take long position from 51.5k. Now if you followed my tip, it's time to start taking your first profit because we need to avoid greed.

BTC has shown substancial resistance at 52.3k which signals a brief dip before going past this mark. So if you started with me at 51.5k now take your first profit at 52.2k to 52.3k and wait for the next tp at 52.5k.

Thank you.

#BTC #TrendingTopic
🛑VERY URGENT BTC UPDATE🛑 LAST CHANCE TO OPEN BTC LONG POSITIONS BEFORE PUMP If anyone is planning to capture today's BTC pump then your long position should be in place now because in the next 5 to 8 hours the pump to 53.2k is coming. Open Long at 51,500k to 51,900k area. Liquidation price should be below 48k Stop loss at 50k if you need to (not advisable) just keep liquidation price very low. 1st Tp - 52,300 2nd TP - 52,500 3rd Tp - 52,800 4th Tp - 53,200 5th Tp - 53,600 6th Tp - 54,200 7th Tp - 54,600 8th Tp - 55,200 9th Tp - 55,500 Stop and wait at this point. Always remember to take your profits bit by bit and avoid greed by all means. Place longs, keep your liquidation below 48k, avoid putting stop losses and patiently wait as we move to the next stop (54k) on our journey to 60k before halving. Trade safely guys and wishing you the best. #Write2Earn #BTC #BTCpredictions #BTCAlert


If anyone is planning to capture today's BTC pump then your long position should be in place now because in the next 5 to 8 hours the pump to 53.2k is coming.

Open Long at 51,500k to 51,900k area.
Liquidation price should be below 48k
Stop loss at 50k if you need to (not advisable) just keep liquidation price very low.

1st Tp - 52,300
2nd TP - 52,500
3rd Tp - 52,800
4th Tp - 53,200
5th Tp - 53,600
6th Tp - 54,200
7th Tp - 54,600
8th Tp - 55,200
9th Tp - 55,500

Stop and wait at this point.
Always remember to take your profits bit by bit and avoid greed by all means. Place longs, keep your liquidation below 48k, avoid putting stop losses and patiently wait as we move to the next stop (54k) on our journey to 60k before halving.

Trade safely guys and wishing you the best.

🛑$BTC $URGENT ALERT 🛑 DO NOT PANIC AND CLOSE YOUR LONG POSITIONS. BTC is currently showing a brief downward trend and should not coerce you into closing your long positions. Only close long positions that you entered with very high leverage and has liquidation prices of above 50.5k if you have to. Hold on tight and watch as we travel to 53k-54k level on our way to 60k. Safe trading is happy trading and always remember it's never a bad idea to take profits. #Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic


BTC is currently showing a brief downward trend and should not coerce you into closing your long positions. Only close long positions that you entered with very high leverage and has liquidation prices of above 50.5k if you have to.

Hold on tight and watch as we travel to 53k-54k level on our way to 60k.

Safe trading is happy trading and always remember it's never a bad idea to take profits.

$BTC FACING STRONG RESISTANCE At 52.2K. HERE IS WHAT TO EXPECT BTC has experienced significant resistance at 52.2k to 52.5k and everyone's thinks it's now time for the biiig dump. But here is a breakdown of what to actually expect. For any market, liquidity has to be achieved if trading has to continue. Also, there is a restriction of the amount of BTC wallets can buy within 24 hours to prevent adverse price changes and lack of liquidity. That is why the 'btc pumps' are coming in bit by bit each day and that is why after every pump we see a healthy dump apart from Tuesday 12th. So, since we are seeing a strong resistance of BTC at 52.2 to 52.5k, expect a correctional dump to around 51k or at most 50,500 then the journey to 60k continues. Hey, Do not open shorts, do not close your long position unless you have a liquidation price above 49k. When the price drops to between 51k and 52k, open your long trades with low leverage and low liquidation. Open Long at 51,500k to 51,800k area. Liquidation price should be below 48k Stop loss at 50k if you need to. 1st Tp - 52,500 2nd Tp - 53,200 3rd Tp - 53,600 4th Tp - 54,200 5th Tp - 54,600 6th Tp - 55,200 Stop and wait at this point. #Write2Earn #BTCAllTimeHigh #BTCAlert #BTCBefore2025 #BTC

BTC has experienced significant resistance at 52.2k to 52.5k and everyone's thinks it's now time for the biiig dump. But here is a breakdown of what to actually expect.

For any market, liquidity has to be achieved if trading has to continue. Also, there is a restriction of the amount of BTC wallets can buy within 24 hours to prevent adverse price changes and lack of liquidity.

That is why the 'btc pumps' are coming in bit by bit each day and that is why after every pump we see a healthy dump apart from Tuesday 12th.

So, since we are seeing a strong resistance of BTC at 52.2 to 52.5k, expect a correctional dump to around 51k or at most 50,500 then the journey to 60k continues.

Hey, Do not open shorts, do not close your long position unless you have a liquidation price above 49k. When the price drops to between 51k and 52k, open your long trades with low leverage and low liquidation.

Open Long at 51,500k to 51,800k area.
Liquidation price should be below 48k
Stop loss at 50k if you need to.

1st Tp - 52,500
2nd Tp - 53,200
3rd Tp - 53,600
4th Tp - 54,200
5th Tp - 54,600
6th Tp - 55,200

Stop and wait at this point.

WILL $BTC HIT 55K? Absolutely YESS AND HERE'S WHY!! If you've been watching the price of BTC and following key developments in the cryptocurrency and financial sector in general then you definitely know that BTC will rise and rise and won't fall any soon. Let's break this down. The price of BTC is affected by many factors key among them being the demand and supply of BTC. With the onset of the BTC ETFS, Bitcoin is on high demand and not the average high demand, it's a demand from huge guys too being Black Rock. Let nothing or anyone lie to you that after the buying craze by we are witnessing we expect a selling craze, nooo, they are buying to hold Bitcoin as an asset therefore reducing supply substancially and skyrocketing the price like we are witnessing. When they buying craze ends, expect a consolidation phase (minimal shifts in price), the big and small guys shall be holding waiting for 'after April halving' which we I am going to talk about next. In April, BTC shall halve further thinning the supply of bitcoins from miners. And thereby raising the price even further. So BTC is not only going to reach 55k soon but also going to 100K by 2025. So what next? Clever investors and traders know that buying Bitcoin at the current price is the best thing to do if any substancial profit is gonna be reached. Don't expect any huge dump from here and if the train leaves you don't cry over spilt milk after April. Don't buy shorts for future's traders if you can, going long is a wise idea, but remember to keep liquidation prices as low as possible, leverage as low as possible and take profits bit by bit, avoid greed and watch as you accumulate profits little by little. Open Long at 51,500k to 51,800k area. Liquidation price should be below 48k Stop loss at 50k if you need to. 1st Tp - 52,500 2nd Tp - 53,200 3rd Tp - 53,600 4th Tp - 54,200 5th Tp - 54,600 6th Tp - 55,200 Remember this are just my views and opinions from my own research and not professional financial advise. Safe trading guys. #Write2Earn #bigpump2024 #BitcoinAlert #BTC #TrendigTopic

If you've been watching the price of BTC and following key developments in the cryptocurrency and financial sector in general then you definitely know that BTC will rise and rise and won't fall any soon. Let's break this down.

The price of BTC is affected by many factors key among them being the demand and supply of BTC. With the onset of the BTC ETFS, Bitcoin is on high demand and not the average high demand, it's a demand from huge guys too being Black Rock. Let nothing or anyone lie to you that after the buying craze by we are witnessing we expect a selling craze, nooo, they are buying to hold Bitcoin as an asset therefore reducing supply substancially and skyrocketing the price like we are witnessing.

When they buying craze ends, expect a consolidation phase (minimal shifts in price), the big and small guys shall be holding waiting for 'after April halving' which we I am going to talk about next.

In April, BTC shall halve further thinning the supply of bitcoins from miners. And thereby raising the price even further. So BTC is not only going to reach 55k soon but also going to 100K by 2025.

So what next? Clever investors and traders know that buying Bitcoin at the current price is the best thing to do if any substancial profit is gonna be reached. Don't expect any huge dump from here and if the train leaves you don't cry over spilt milk after April.

Don't buy shorts for future's traders if you can, going long is a wise idea, but remember to keep liquidation prices as low as possible, leverage as low as possible and take profits bit by bit, avoid greed and watch as you accumulate profits little by little.

Open Long at 51,500k to 51,800k area.
Liquidation price should be below 48k
Stop loss at 50k if you need to.

1st Tp - 52,500
2nd Tp - 53,200
3rd Tp - 53,600
4th Tp - 54,200
5th Tp - 54,600
6th Tp - 55,200

Remember this are just my views and opinions from my own research and not professional financial advise. Safe trading guys.

$BTC PUMP TO CONTINUE BUT UNTIL WHEN? Don't let yesterday's (tuesday, Feb 13) sudden dump fool you. If you observed the chart since Monday, the market went into consolidation after hitting 50k but that was due to the then expected Fed CPI reports which of course led to a sudden drop of BTC to 48.3k. With the CPI report and it's effects over, the bull run continues as expected. Currently BTC is facing resistance at 51700 area and is expected to dump just a little bit but not as much as we saw yesterday then the PUMP CONTINUES with the same trend all the way to 60K. At this point, do not open shorts on futures, going long is the way but engage with caution, make sure your liquidation price is below 48k and watch as your PNL rises. Also, avoid placing stop loss orders or taking leverage above ×20. AND always take your profits after every 1k price movement. Here is my sample trade, Open Long at 51,500k to 51,800k area. Liquidation price should be below 48k Stop loss at 50k if you need to. 1st Tp - 52,500 2nd Tp - 53,200 3rd Tp - 53,600 4th Tp - 54,200 5th Tp - 54,600 6th Tp - 55,200 Stop and wait at this point. This are just my opinion from my own analysis and not professional financial advice. Guys remember to trade safely and ALWAYS TAKE PROFITS BIT BY BIT. #Write2Earn #BTCAlert #BTCBefore2025 #BTC

Don't let yesterday's (tuesday, Feb 13) sudden dump fool you. If you observed the chart since Monday, the market went into consolidation after hitting 50k but that was due to the then expected Fed CPI reports which of course led to a sudden drop of BTC to 48.3k.

With the CPI report and it's effects over, the bull run continues as expected. Currently BTC is facing resistance at 51700 area and is expected to dump just a little bit but not as much as we saw yesterday then the PUMP CONTINUES with the same trend all the way to 60K.

At this point, do not open shorts on futures, going long is the way but engage with caution, make sure your liquidation price is below 48k and watch as your PNL rises.

Also, avoid placing stop loss orders or taking leverage above ×20. AND always take your profits after every 1k price movement.

Here is my sample trade,

Open Long at 51,500k to 51,800k area.
Liquidation price should be below 48k
Stop loss at 50k if you need to.

1st Tp - 52,500
2nd Tp - 53,200
3rd Tp - 53,600
4th Tp - 54,200
5th Tp - 54,600
6th Tp - 55,200

Stop and wait at this point.

This are just my opinion from my own analysis and not professional financial advice. Guys remember to trade safely and ALWAYS TAKE PROFITS BIT BY BIT.
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