Binance Square
This is Aamir, working as a Journalist, Bureau Chief of English News Paper & Digital Media Influencer's, a former on-air correspondent with Reuter News.
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🎉 Tocmai ai câștigat 1 milion de dolari! Care este prima ta mișcare? 💥 Imaginați-vă că vă treziți pentru a găsi 1 milion USD în contul dvs.! Ce ai face mai întâi? 🤔 A) Mașina de vis 🚗 Imaginează-ți călătorind în mașina de vis, întorcând capetele și simțind fiorul drumului deschis. B) Achitați datoria 💳 Ștergeți acele facturi și împrumuturi și bucurați-vă de liniștea libertății financiare. C) Investește pentru viitor 📈 Asigurați-vă viitorul cu investiții inteligente, eventual pe piața cripto în plină expansiune. 💹 D) Ce e altceva! Care este alegerea ta? 🌟 Împărtășește-ți gândurile în comentariile de mai jos! Să vedem ce opțiune domnește supremă în comunitatea noastră! 🎊 ✅ Like ❤️ | 🗯️ Comentează 💬 | ♻️ Retweet 🔁 👉 Urmăriți pentru mai multe actualizări interesante! #CryptoWins #FinancialFreedom #InvestSmartly #DreamBig #CryptoCommunity
🎉 Tocmai ai câștigat 1 milion de dolari! Care este prima ta mișcare? 💥
Imaginați-vă că vă treziți pentru a găsi 1 milion USD în contul dvs.! Ce ai face mai întâi? 🤔

A) Mașina de vis 🚗
Imaginează-ți călătorind în mașina de vis, întorcând capetele și simțind fiorul drumului deschis.

B) Achitați datoria 💳
Ștergeți acele facturi și împrumuturi și bucurați-vă de liniștea libertății financiare.

C) Investește pentru viitor 📈
Asigurați-vă viitorul cu investiții inteligente, eventual pe piața cripto în plină expansiune. 💹

D) Ce e altceva!

Care este alegerea ta? 🌟

Împărtășește-ți gândurile în comentariile de mai jos! Să vedem ce opțiune domnește supremă în comunitatea noastră! 🎊

✅ Like ❤️ | 🗯️ Comentează 💬 | ♻️ Retweet 🔁

👉 Urmăriți pentru mai multe actualizări interesante!

#CryptoWins #FinancialFreedom #InvestSmartly #DreamBig #CryptoCommunity
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🚀 Câștigați 3.000 USD lunar în Crypto fără tranzacționare: Strategii de top dezvăluite! 💰 Visezi să câștigi 3.000 USD pe lună din criptomonede fără a te scufunda în lumea riscantă a tranzacționării? Iată câteva strategii de top pentru a atinge acest obiectiv! 1. 📈 Investește în criptomonede Investiția în proiecte puternice, pe termen lung, cum ar fi Bitcoin și Ethereum, poate fi profitabilă. Căutați proiecte cu fundamente solide și potențial de creștere. Răbdarea și cercetarea amănunțită sunt cheia! Diversifică-ți investițiile pentru a echilibra riscul și recompensa. 2. 🛠️ Mizați-vă Crypto-ul Staking implică păstrarea anumitor criptomonede într-un portofel pentru a susține rețeaua. În schimb, câștigi jetoane suplimentare. Această metodă necesită un efort minim odată configurată și poate oferi un flux constant de venituri. 3. 💻 Crypto Mining Pentru cei cunoscători de tehnologie, minerit poate fi o opțiune profitabilă. Implică validarea tranzacțiilor pe blockchain, câștigarea de recompense sub formă de monede noi. Cu toate acestea, necesită hardware specializat și o analiză atentă cost-beneficiu. 4. 💱 Imprumuturi DeFi și furnizare de lichiditate Platformele de finanțare descentralizată (DeFi) oferă oportunități de a câștiga prin împrumutul activelor dvs. pentru dobândă sau furnizarea de lichidități burselor. Acest sector în creștere rapidă poate fi foarte profitabil, în special cu platforme precum Binance. 5. ✍️ Freelance în spațiul criptografic Valorificați-vă abilitățile în scrierea de conținut, marketing, dezvoltare sau consultanță în industria cripto. Platformele au adesea nevoie de experți pentru diverse proiecte, iar aceasta poate fi o cale profitabilă. 6. 🎯 Programe de afiliere Multe companii cripto oferă programe de afiliere, recompensându-vă pentru a aduce noi utilizatori. Dacă aveți o prezență online puternică, aceasta poate fi o modalitate ușoară de a câștiga venituri suplimentare. 🚨 Sfaturi importante Cercetați amănunțit: efectuați întotdeauna diligența necesară înainte de a vă angaja în orice activitate legată de criptomonede. Rămâi la curent: piața cripto este volatilă. #CryptoEarnings" #CryptoMining #StakingRewards #BinanceSquare #CryptoTips
🚀 Câștigați 3.000 USD lunar în Crypto fără tranzacționare: Strategii de top dezvăluite! 💰

Visezi să câștigi 3.000 USD pe lună din criptomonede fără a te scufunda în lumea riscantă a tranzacționării? Iată câteva strategii de top pentru a atinge acest obiectiv!

1. 📈 Investește în criptomonede
Investiția în proiecte puternice, pe termen lung, cum ar fi Bitcoin și Ethereum, poate fi profitabilă. Căutați proiecte cu fundamente solide și potențial de creștere. Răbdarea și cercetarea amănunțită sunt cheia! Diversifică-ți investițiile pentru a echilibra riscul și recompensa.

2. 🛠️ Mizați-vă Crypto-ul
Staking implică păstrarea anumitor criptomonede într-un portofel pentru a susține rețeaua. În schimb, câștigi jetoane suplimentare. Această metodă necesită un efort minim odată configurată și poate oferi un flux constant de venituri.

3. 💻 Crypto Mining
Pentru cei cunoscători de tehnologie, minerit poate fi o opțiune profitabilă. Implică validarea tranzacțiilor pe blockchain, câștigarea de recompense sub formă de monede noi. Cu toate acestea, necesită hardware specializat și o analiză atentă cost-beneficiu.

4. 💱 Imprumuturi DeFi și furnizare de lichiditate
Platformele de finanțare descentralizată (DeFi) oferă oportunități de a câștiga prin împrumutul activelor dvs. pentru dobândă sau furnizarea de lichidități burselor. Acest sector în creștere rapidă poate fi foarte profitabil, în special cu platforme precum Binance.

5. ✍️ Freelance în spațiul criptografic
Valorificați-vă abilitățile în scrierea de conținut, marketing, dezvoltare sau consultanță în industria cripto. Platformele au adesea nevoie de experți pentru diverse proiecte, iar aceasta poate fi o cale profitabilă.

6. 🎯 Programe de afiliere
Multe companii cripto oferă programe de afiliere, recompensându-vă pentru a aduce noi utilizatori. Dacă aveți o prezență online puternică, aceasta poate fi o modalitate ușoară de a câștiga venituri suplimentare.

🚨 Sfaturi importante
Cercetați amănunțit: efectuați întotdeauna diligența necesară înainte de a vă angaja în orice activitate legată de criptomonede. Rămâi la curent: piața cripto este volatilă.

#CryptoEarnings" #CryptoMining #StakingRewards #BinanceSquare #CryptoTips
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Poziția comercianților de Bitcoin pentru „iulie optimistă” deoarece ETF-urile BTC înregistrează intrări de 124 de milioane de dolari. Bitcoin are un randament mediu de 9,6% în iulie și tinde să revină puternic, a spus o firmă de tranzacționare. #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #CPIAlert #btc73k #Bitcoin❗
Poziția comercianților de Bitcoin pentru „iulie optimistă” deoarece ETF-urile BTC înregistrează intrări de 124 de milioane de dolari.

Bitcoin are un randament mediu de 9,6% în iulie și tinde să revină puternic, a spus o firmă de tranzacționare.

#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #CPIAlert #btc73k #Bitcoin❗
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🥩 $Tati
🥩 $Tati
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Arkham: Acest articol a fost scris în februarie, când Sun deținea ~1,4 miliarde USD în portofelele sale publice. Acum deține ~ 1 miliard USD #JustinSun #ARKHAM #btcupdates2024
Arkham: Acest articol a fost scris în februarie, când Sun deținea ~1,4 miliarde USD în portofelele sale publice. Acum deține ~ 1 miliard USD

#JustinSun #ARKHAM #btcupdates2024
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🔥Vitalik Buterin: Piețele de predicții și notele comunitare devin cele două tehnologii epistemice sociale emblematice ale anilor 2020.👍 ✨Elon Musk a fost și el de acord cu Vitalik. 🚀 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Vitalik #ElonsMusk
🔥Vitalik Buterin: Piețele de predicții și notele comunitare devin cele două tehnologii epistemice sociale emblematice ale anilor 2020.👍

✨Elon Musk a fost și el de acord cu Vitalik. 🚀

#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Vitalik #ElonsMusk
📊 Bitcoin Spot Trade Market Share Update: ✨Over the past 12 months, Binance's share of all bitcoin exchange spot trades dropped from approximately 67% to closer to 30%. So, who captured the market share from Binance? ✨Here's the increase in market share of spot volumes over the past 12 months: 👉- Bybit: +20% 👉- Coinbase: +3% 👉- Rest of Market: +15% The landscape is shifting! #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗
📊 Bitcoin Spot Trade Market Share Update:

✨Over the past 12 months, Binance's share of all bitcoin exchange spot trades dropped from approximately 67% to closer to 30%. So, who captured the market share from Binance?

✨Here's the increase in market share of spot volumes over the past 12 months:

👉- Bybit: +20%
👉- Coinbase: +3%
👉- Rest of Market: +15%

The landscape is shifting!

#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #Bitcoin❗
🚀Shiba Inu Price Predicted to Pump by End of 2024 but Experts Believe Shiba Shootout Will Outperform it. 🚀 ✨Shiba Inu ($SHIB) cryptocurrency is going all-in on gaming, and its price is expected to pump as a result, but experts say Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT) could outperform it. ✨Set in the heart of the Wild West crypto frontier, Shiba Shootout’s play-to-earn (P2E) game has been approved on Google Play and the Apple App Store. #mememcoinseason2024 #shiba⚡ #pepe⚡ #BONK🔥🔥
🚀Shiba Inu Price Predicted to Pump by End of 2024 but Experts Believe Shiba Shootout Will Outperform it. 🚀

✨Shiba Inu ($SHIB) cryptocurrency is going all-in on gaming, and its price is expected to pump as a result, but experts say Shiba Shootout ($SHIBASHOOT) could outperform it.

✨Set in the heart of the Wild West crypto frontier, Shiba Shootout’s play-to-earn (P2E) game has been approved on Google Play and the Apple App Store.

#mememcoinseason2024 #shiba⚡ #pepe⚡ #BONK🔥🔥
🚀PEPE Bullish Signal: Whale Withdraws $14.7 Million Stack From Binance.🚀   ✨On-chain data shows a PEPE whale has withdrawn a large amount of the memecoin from Binance today, a sign that could be bullish for its price. ✨PEPE Whale Has Made A Large Outflow From Binance In The Past Day According to data from the cryptocurrency transaction tracker service Whale Alert, a massive Pepe transaction has been spotted on the blockchain during the last 24 hours. #mememcoinseason2024 #pepe⚡ #PEPE市值超越LTC
🚀PEPE Bullish Signal: Whale Withdraws $14.7 Million Stack From Binance.🚀
✨On-chain data shows a PEPE whale has withdrawn a large amount of the memecoin from Binance today, a sign that could be bullish for its price.

✨PEPE Whale Has Made A Large Outflow From Binance In The Past Day According to data from the cryptocurrency transaction tracker service Whale Alert, a massive Pepe transaction has been spotted on the blockchain during the last 24 hours.

#mememcoinseason2024 #pepe⚡ #PEPE市值超越LTC
🚀Crypto Whale Moves $7.5M in AGIX and OCEAN to FET Amid ASI Merger. 🚀 👉The ASI token merger has started, consolidating AGIX and OCEAN tokens into FET in the first phase. The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (ASI) has initiated 👉Its ambitious $7.5 billion token merger, commencing with the consolidation of SingularityNET (AGIX) and Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) tokens into’s FET token. This initial phase has already been confirmed through on-chain. #Fetch_ai #agix #Oceans #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #CPIAlert
🚀Crypto Whale Moves $7.5M in AGIX and OCEAN to FET Amid ASI Merger. 🚀

👉The ASI token merger has started, consolidating AGIX and OCEAN tokens into FET in the first phase. The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (ASI) has initiated

👉Its ambitious $7.5 billion token merger, commencing with the consolidation of SingularityNET (AGIX) and Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) tokens into’s FET token. This initial phase has already been confirmed through on-chain.

#Fetch_ai #agix #Oceans #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #CPIAlert
🚀Standard Chartered predicts Bitcoin will hit $100,000 in November !🚀 ✨Standard Chartered Bank has predicted that Bitcoin could hit an all-time high by August and then soar to $100,000 by November. ✨Geoffrey Kendrick, the bank’s head of digital asset research, believes this target is achievable by the time the US election rolls around. The market views Biden’s continued candidacy as a positive for Donald Trump’s. #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #BTC☀ #StandardCharted
🚀Standard Chartered predicts Bitcoin will hit $100,000 in November !🚀

✨Standard Chartered Bank has predicted that Bitcoin could hit an all-time high by August and then soar to $100,000 by November.

✨Geoffrey Kendrick, the bank’s head of digital asset research, believes this target is achievable by the time the US election rolls around. The market views Biden’s continued candidacy as a positive for Donald Trump’s.

#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #BTC☀ #StandardCharted
🚀 From Bitcoin Dream to Legal Nightmare: The Wild Journey of Zhao Tong Meet Zhao Tong, a name synonymous with both crypto triumph and controversy. At just 16, Zhao ventured into the world of cryptocurrency by purchasing Bitcoin at $10 each. Little did he know, this was the beginning of an extraordinary journey. 🏗️ Pioneering Crypto Margin Trading Zhao quickly rose to prominence by establishing one of the first crypto margin trading platforms. His innovative approach allowed traders to amplify their positions, leveraging significant amounts of capital to maximize potential profits. 💸 The $6 Billion Vanish Despite his early success, Zhao's journey took a drastic turn. He reportedly lost 100,000 BTC, an amount worth approximately $6 billion today. This monumental loss not only shocked the crypto community but also highlighted the volatile and risky nature of cryptocurrency trading. 🚓 Legal Woes and Conviction Zhao's legal troubles began when Chinese authorities scrutinized his operations. He was found guilty of illegal foreign exchange and cryptocurrency trading activities. This led to a 7-year prison sentence, marking a dramatic fall from grace for the once-celebrated "OTC King" 🌐 Legacy and Lessons Zhao Tong's story serves as a cautionary tale in the crypto world. It underscores the importance of regulatory compliance and the inherent risks involved in high-stakes trading. His rise and fall continue to intrigue and educate crypto enthusiasts worldwide. #CryptoLegend #BitcoinJourney #OTCKing #CryptoHistory #BlockchainBuzz Zhao Tong's narrative is a rollercoaster of ambition, innovation, and caution, illustrating the highs and lows of the cryptocurrency frontier.
🚀 From Bitcoin Dream to Legal Nightmare:

The Wild Journey of Zhao Tong

Meet Zhao Tong, a name synonymous with both crypto triumph and controversy. At just 16, Zhao ventured into the world of cryptocurrency by purchasing Bitcoin at $10 each. Little did he know, this was the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

🏗️ Pioneering Crypto Margin Trading

Zhao quickly rose to prominence by establishing one of the first crypto margin trading platforms. His innovative approach allowed traders to amplify their positions, leveraging significant amounts of capital to maximize potential profits.

💸 The $6 Billion Vanish

Despite his early success, Zhao's journey took a drastic turn. He reportedly lost 100,000 BTC, an amount worth approximately $6 billion today. This monumental loss not only shocked the crypto community but also highlighted the volatile and risky nature of cryptocurrency trading.

🚓 Legal Woes and Conviction

Zhao's legal troubles began when Chinese authorities scrutinized his operations. He was found guilty of illegal foreign exchange and cryptocurrency trading activities. This led to a 7-year prison sentence, marking a dramatic fall from grace for the once-celebrated "OTC King"

🌐 Legacy and Lessons

Zhao Tong's story serves as a cautionary tale in the crypto world. It underscores the importance of regulatory compliance and the inherent risks involved in high-stakes trading. His rise and fall continue to intrigue and educate crypto enthusiasts worldwide.

#CryptoLegend #BitcoinJourney #OTCKing #CryptoHistory #BlockchainBuzz

Zhao Tong's narrative is a rollercoaster of ambition, innovation, and caution, illustrating the highs and lows of the cryptocurrency frontier.
🚀XRP Ledger ready to adopt tokenized gold, silver in Q3, 2024 ! ✨As became known from the official X announcement, Meld Gold has established a partnership with Ripple, a San Francisco-based fintech company. ✨As part of the partnership, Meld Gold will launch two new stablecoins backed by silver and gold on XRP Ledger. ✨Per the company's Medium post, each token will represent one gram of the precious metal held by leading custody providers MKS Pamp and Imperial Vaults. ✨The tokens are expected to go live on XRP Ledger in Q3, 2024. Meld Gold CEO Michael Cotton underscored the importance of this release, saying "Integrating XRPL as the second blockchain alongside Algorand is another. #XRPGoal #Ripple💰 #silver #GOLD_UPDATE
🚀XRP Ledger ready to adopt tokenized gold, silver in Q3, 2024 !

✨As became known from the official X announcement, Meld Gold has established a partnership with Ripple, a San Francisco-based
fintech company.

✨As part of the partnership, Meld Gold will launch two new stablecoins backed by silver and gold on XRP Ledger.

✨Per the company's Medium post, each token will represent one gram of the precious metal held by leading custody providers MKS Pamp and Imperial Vaults.

✨The tokens are expected to go live on XRP Ledger in Q3, 2024. Meld Gold CEO Michael Cotton underscored the importance of this release, saying "Integrating XRPL as the second blockchain alongside Algorand is another.

#XRPGoal #Ripple💰 #silver #GOLD_UPDATE
Double Your Income with These 5 Crypto Trading Tips! 🚀🔥 🤔Are you tired of seeing your investments stuck in the red? Flip the script and double your income with these proven strategies. Let's dive into the essentials for successful trading in the crypto market! 1. Master Risk Management 🛡️ Before diving into trades, always establish a risk management plan. Set stop-loss orders to protect your capital and avoid significant losses. This keeps your investment safe even if the market takes a downturn. 2. Accept Losses and Move On 🚪 Every trader faces losses, but the key is to not dwell on them. Cut your losses early and exit unprofitable positions. This strategy helps in preserving your capital for future opportunities. 3. Avoid Greed 🙅‍♂️ Greed can be your worst enemy in trading. Stick to your plan and take profits when they are available. Overextending your positions in hopes of higher gains can lead to unnecessary risks and potential losses. 4. Invest Small Portions 💸 Never put all your eggs in one basket. Invest only 2% of your total capital per trade. This way, even if a trade goes south, your overall portfolio remains intact. 5. Utilize Cross Margin Mode 🔄 Using cross margin mode allows your entire account balance to cover margin requirements, reducing the risk of liquidation. It provides more flexibility and helps in managing trades more efficiently. 🔥Keep these strategies in mind, stay disciplined, and watch your income grow! Happy trading! 🚀 #CryptoTrading #InvestmentTips #DoubleYourIncome #RiskManagement" #TradingStrategies💼💰
Double Your Income with These 5 Crypto Trading Tips! 🚀🔥

🤔Are you tired of seeing your investments stuck in the red? Flip the script and double your income with these proven strategies. Let's dive into the essentials for successful trading in the crypto market!

1. Master Risk Management 🛡️
Before diving into trades, always establish a risk management plan. Set stop-loss orders to protect your capital and avoid significant losses. This keeps your investment safe even if the market takes a downturn.

2. Accept Losses and Move On 🚪
Every trader faces losses, but the key is to not dwell on them. Cut your losses early and exit unprofitable positions. This strategy helps in preserving your capital for future opportunities.

3. Avoid Greed 🙅‍♂️
Greed can be your worst enemy in trading. Stick to your plan and take profits when they are available. Overextending your positions in hopes of higher gains can lead to unnecessary risks and potential losses.

4. Invest Small Portions 💸
Never put all your eggs in one basket. Invest only 2% of your total capital per trade. This way, even if a trade goes south, your overall portfolio remains intact.

5. Utilize Cross Margin Mode 🔄
Using cross margin mode allows your entire account balance to cover margin requirements, reducing the risk of liquidation. It provides more flexibility and helps in managing trades more efficiently.

🔥Keep these strategies in mind, stay disciplined, and watch your income grow! Happy trading! 🚀

#CryptoTrading #InvestmentTips #DoubleYourIncome #RiskManagement" #TradingStrategies💼💰
💸 Earn $50 Daily Earnings on Binance! 💸 @khannamirr 🚀Are you ready to boost your daily earnings on Binance? Here’s a practical strategy to help you potentially earn $50 every day. Let’s dive in! 🚀 📈 Master Day Trading 👉Day trading can be a lucrative way to earn daily profits, but it requires dedication and a sharp eye on the market. Here’s how: ✨Research & Analysis: Use both technical and fundamental analysis to understand market trends. ✨Choose High Liquidity Pairs: Focus on pairs like BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT for significant daily price fluctuations. ✨Indicators: Use tools like RSI and MACD to determine your entry and exit points. 🤖 Embrace Bot Trading 👉If you can’t monitor the market all day, consider using a trading bot: ✨Select a Reliable Bot: Platforms like 3Commas or HaasOnline offer customizable strategies. ✨Strategy Adjustment: Regularly review and tweak your bot’s strategies to align with market changes. 🎁 Join Promotions & Competitions 👉Stay updated with Binance’s latest promotions and contests: 👉Promotions: Participate in deposit bonuses and special offers. 👉Competitions: Test your skills in trading contests to earn extra rewards. 👉By combining these strategies, you can maximize your daily earnings on Binance. 👉Remember to stay informed and adapt your tactics as needed. Happy trading! 🌟 #CryptoEarnings" #DayTradingTips #BinanceTournament #dailyprofit #cryptotips
💸 Earn $50 Daily Earnings on Binance! 💸 @KhannAmirr

🚀Are you ready to boost your daily earnings on Binance? Here’s a practical strategy to help you potentially earn $50 every day. Let’s dive in! 🚀

📈 Master Day Trading

👉Day trading can be a lucrative way to earn daily profits, but it requires dedication and a sharp eye on the market. Here’s how:

✨Research & Analysis: Use both technical and fundamental analysis to understand market trends.

✨Choose High Liquidity Pairs: Focus on pairs like BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT for significant daily price fluctuations.

✨Indicators: Use tools like RSI and MACD to determine your entry and exit points.

🤖 Embrace Bot Trading

👉If you can’t monitor the market all day, consider using a trading bot:

✨Select a Reliable Bot: Platforms like 3Commas or HaasOnline offer customizable strategies.

✨Strategy Adjustment: Regularly review and tweak your bot’s strategies to align with market changes.

🎁 Join Promotions & Competitions

👉Stay updated with Binance’s latest promotions and contests:

👉Promotions: Participate in deposit bonuses and special offers.

👉Competitions: Test your skills in trading contests to earn extra rewards.

👉By combining these strategies, you can maximize your daily earnings on Binance.

👉Remember to stay informed and adapt your tactics as needed. Happy trading! 🌟

#CryptoEarnings" #DayTradingTips #BinanceTournament #dailyprofit #cryptotips
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