Binance Square
Isadora Duncan
Crypto Analyst Part time moderator A learner and Earner Crypto is the candle that turned my dark to Light
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Un băiat de 12 ani pe nume Erik Finman a investit 1.245 USD în Bitcoin când avea doar 12 ani. A făcut o înțelegere cu părinții săi că, dacă ar putea câștiga un milion de dolari până la vârsta de 18 ani, nu va trebui să se întoarcă la școală. Ei bine, investiția lui a dat roade foarte mult! Până la 18 ani, investiția lui valora peste 2 milioane de dolari! În cele din urmă, a devenit milionar și chiar a fost invitat să țină o discuție TED când avea doar 15 ani. Povestea lui Erik este un exemplu inspirator al modului în care asumarea riscurilor și a crede în sine poate duce la un mare succes. #inspiration #Bitcoin
Un băiat de 12 ani pe nume Erik Finman a investit 1.245 USD în Bitcoin când avea doar 12 ani.
A făcut o înțelegere cu părinții săi că, dacă ar putea câștiga un milion de dolari până la vârsta de 18 ani, nu va trebui să se întoarcă la școală. Ei bine, investiția lui a dat roade foarte mult!
Până la 18 ani, investiția lui valora peste 2 milioane de dolari! În cele din urmă, a devenit milionar și chiar a fost invitat să țină o discuție TED când avea doar 15 ani.
Povestea lui Erik este un exemplu inspirator al modului în care asumarea riscurilor și a crede în sine poate duce la un mare succes.
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Analistul spune că prețul Solana va crește cu 1.000% la 1.800 USD, iată cândUn criptoanalist a prezis că Solana (SOL) va crește cu 1.000% în acest ciclu optimist. Potrivit analizei sale, SOL se pregătește pentru o mare creștere la noi maxime istorice de 1.800 USD. Solana pune în vedere o creștere de preț cu 1.800 de dolari Într-o postare recentă X (fostă Twitter), Ali Martinez, un proeminent analist de criptomonede, și-a exprimat sentimentul optimist cu privire la perspectivele viitoare ale prețurilor Solana. Potrivit lui Martinez, Solana este pregătită pentru o creștere semnificativă a prețurilor, atingând potențial un impresionant 1.000 de dolari, marcând noi maxime istorice.

Analistul spune că prețul Solana va crește cu 1.000% la 1.800 USD, iată când

Un criptoanalist a prezis că Solana (SOL) va crește cu 1.000% în acest ciclu optimist. Potrivit analizei sale, SOL se pregătește pentru o mare creștere la noi maxime istorice de 1.800 USD.
Solana pune în vedere o creștere de preț cu 1.800 de dolari
Într-o postare recentă X (fostă Twitter), Ali Martinez, un proeminent analist de criptomonede, și-a exprimat sentimentul optimist cu privire la perspectivele viitoare ale prețurilor Solana. Potrivit lui Martinez, Solana este pregătită pentru o creștere semnificativă a prețurilor, atingând potențial un impresionant 1.000 de dolari, marcând noi maxime istorice.
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POVESTEA TRAGICĂ a lui Zhang Wei, care a pierdut milioane de dolari pe piața cripto 👀A câștigat 20 de milioane de dolari prin tranzacționare Și-a încheiat viața din cauza acestor greșeli Zhang era un tânăr tipic de 21 de ani, cu vise mari, dar fără o direcție clară. Totul s-a schimbat când și-a auzit prietenii vorbind despre câți bani câștigau cu tranzacționarea cripto. Au vorbit despre a face milioane, iar Zhang a fost fascinat. Și-a imaginat un viitor fără jobul lui plictisitor cu jumătate de normă și stresul la facultate. #Bitcoin Fără să știe nimic despre cripto, Zhang a intervenit. În doar câteva minute, a câștigat 400 de dolari la prima sa tranzacție. S-a entuziasmat. A crezut că a găsit o modalitate de a-și schimba viața. Așadar, a făcut o alegere îndrăzneață: a renunțat la facultate, a renunțat la slujbă și a vândut apartamentul mamei sale pentru a investi mai mult în cripto.

POVESTEA TRAGICĂ a lui Zhang Wei, care a pierdut milioane de dolari pe piața cripto 👀

A câștigat 20 de milioane de dolari prin tranzacționare
Și-a încheiat viața din cauza acestor greșeli
Zhang era un tânăr tipic de 21 de ani, cu vise mari, dar fără o direcție clară. Totul s-a schimbat când și-a auzit prietenii vorbind despre câți bani câștigau cu tranzacționarea cripto. Au vorbit despre a face milioane, iar Zhang a fost fascinat. Și-a imaginat un viitor fără jobul lui plictisitor cu jumătate de normă și stresul la facultate. #Bitcoin
Fără să știe nimic despre cripto, Zhang a intervenit. În doar câteva minute, a câștigat 400 de dolari la prima sa tranzacție. S-a entuziasmat. A crezut că a găsit o modalitate de a-și schimba viața. Așadar, a făcut o alegere îndrăzneață: a renunțat la facultate, a renunțat la slujbă și a vândut apartamentul mamei sale pentru a investi mai mult în cripto.
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Piețele sunt ciclice. Întâmpinarea de suișuri și coborâșuri nu este neobișnuită. 📈 📉 Este important să luați un orizont pe termen lung atunci când luați decizii de investiții. Iată un memento că au trecut doar 3 luni de la recenta reducere la jumătate a Bitcoin. ⚠️ Nu sfaturi financiare. Fă-ți întotdeauna propria cercetare.
Piețele sunt ciclice. Întâmpinarea de suișuri și coborâșuri nu este neobișnuită. 📈 📉
Este important să luați un orizont pe termen lung atunci când luați decizii de investiții. Iată un memento că au trecut doar 3 luni de la recenta reducere la jumătate a Bitcoin.
⚠️ Nu sfaturi financiare. Fă-ți întotdeauna propria cercetare.
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# 💎 Perle de înțelepciune de la un Crypto Insider 💎 Dacă urmați aceste strategii, nu puteți pierde în întreaga carieră cripto. Iată defalcarea detaliilor 1. **Pleacă după câștiguri mari**: Când câștigi mulți bani, scoți bani, relaxează-te, călătorești și te bucuri de viață. Nu fi lacom! 2. **Opriți pierderile mai devreme**: dacă aveți o scădere de peste 10%, faceți o pauză și analizați. Nu lăsați pierderile să se acumuleze. 3. **Evitați tranzacțiile ambigue**: în tranzacțiile pe termen scurt, dacă situația este neclară, nu tranzacționați. Așteptați oportunități clare. 4. **Atenție la câștiguri de peste 50%**: nu urmăriți jetoanele care au crescut deja cu peste 50%. Sunt adesea capcane. 5. **Control Post-Surge FOMO**: După o explozie, rezistă tentației de a cumpăra mari. Volumul mare poate fi o momeală. 6. **Cumpără scăzut, strategic**: Cumpără scăzut pe piețele slabe și după retrageri pe piețele puternice. Această strategie este stabilă. 7. **Numai adăugări încrezătoare**: nu adăugați poziții decât dacă sunteți sigur 90%. Construiți poziții în loturi în puncte joase pentru stabilitate. Rămâi inteligent, fii în siguranță și prosperă!#CryptoWisdom#TradeSmart #ProfitTips
# 💎 Perle de înțelepciune de la un Crypto Insider 💎
Dacă urmați aceste strategii, nu puteți pierde în întreaga carieră cripto. Iată defalcarea detaliilor
1. **Pleacă după câștiguri mari**: Când câștigi mulți bani, scoți bani, relaxează-te, călătorești și te bucuri de viață. Nu fi lacom!
2. **Opriți pierderile mai devreme**: dacă aveți o scădere de peste 10%, faceți o pauză și analizați. Nu lăsați pierderile să se acumuleze.
3. **Evitați tranzacțiile ambigue**: în tranzacțiile pe termen scurt, dacă situația este neclară, nu tranzacționați. Așteptați oportunități clare.
4. **Atenție la câștiguri de peste 50%**: nu urmăriți jetoanele care au crescut deja cu peste 50%. Sunt adesea capcane.
5. **Control Post-Surge FOMO**: După o explozie, rezistă tentației de a cumpăra mari. Volumul mare poate fi o momeală.
6. **Cumpără scăzut, strategic**: Cumpără scăzut pe piețele slabe și după retrageri pe piețele puternice. Această strategie este stabilă.
7. **Numai adăugări încrezătoare**: nu adăugați poziții decât dacă sunteți sigur 90%. Construiți poziții în loturi în puncte joase pentru stabilitate.
Rămâi inteligent, fii în siguranță și prosperă!#CryptoWisdom#TradeSmart #ProfitTips
In this bull market, #Solana ($SOL ) could regret it if it doesn’t see a tenfold increase. On July 14, according to DeFiLlama data, Solana's on-chain DEX trading volume surged to $1.518 billion, claiming the top spot. This impressive performance highlights Solana's growing influence in the decentralized exchange (DEX) sector. Trailing behind, Ethereum's on-chain DEX trading volume reached $1.045 billion, securing second place. Meanwhile, BSC (Binance Smart Chain) ranked third with a trading volume of $859.59 million. Solana's dominance in DEX trading volume is a testament to its robust infrastructure and increasing adoption. As the bull market continues, the potential for significant gains is high, making Solana a key player to watch. #SolanaUSTD #Write2Earn! #BULLishWithBULL #BinanceTournament
In this bull market, #Solana ($SOL ) could regret it if it doesn’t see a tenfold increase.
On July 14, according to DeFiLlama data, Solana's on-chain DEX trading volume surged to $1.518 billion, claiming the top spot. This impressive performance highlights Solana's growing influence in the decentralized exchange (DEX) sector.
Trailing behind, Ethereum's on-chain DEX trading volume reached $1.045 billion, securing second place. Meanwhile, BSC (Binance Smart Chain) ranked third with a trading volume of $859.59 million.
Solana's dominance in DEX trading volume is a testament to its robust infrastructure and increasing adoption. As the bull market continues, the potential for significant gains is high, making Solana a key player to watch.
#SolanaUSTD #Write2Earn! #BULLishWithBULL #BinanceTournament
Five Most Underestimated Altcoins That Will Make You Rich in the 2024-2025 Bull Market As we gear up for the highly anticipated 2024-2025 bull market, it's crucial to identify the hidden gems that could yield substantial returns. Here are five of the most underestimated altcoins poised for massive growth: 1. XRP (Ripple) - Despite legal battles, Ripple's robust technology and strong partnerships make it a contender for explosive growth. 2. ADA (Cardano) - With a focus on sustainability and scalability, Cardano's innovative approach to smart contracts and decentralized applications is set to revolutionize the crypto space. 3. Stellar Lumens (XLM)- Known for its low transaction costs and speed, Stellar is a solid choice for those looking to invest in a cryptocurrency with real-world utility in cross-border payments. 4. Solana (SOL)- Solana's high-speed blockchain and growing ecosystem of decentralized applications make it a strong candidate for significant gains as adoption increases. 5. Chainlink (LINK) - As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink is crucial for enabling smart contracts to interact with real-world data, positioning it for substantial growth in the coming bull market. Keep an eye on these underestimated altcoins as they have the potential to deliver impressive returns in the upcoming market rally. Happy investing! Please remember to follow like and share $XRP $XLM $SOL
Five Most Underestimated Altcoins That Will Make You Rich in the 2024-2025 Bull Market
As we gear up for the highly anticipated 2024-2025 bull market, it's crucial to identify the hidden gems that could yield substantial returns. Here are five of the most underestimated altcoins poised for massive growth:
1. XRP (Ripple) - Despite legal battles, Ripple's robust technology and strong partnerships make it a contender for explosive growth.
2. ADA (Cardano) - With a focus on sustainability and scalability, Cardano's innovative approach to smart contracts and decentralized applications is set to revolutionize the crypto space.
3. Stellar Lumens (XLM)- Known for its low transaction costs and speed, Stellar is a solid choice for those looking to invest in a cryptocurrency with real-world utility in cross-border payments.
4. Solana (SOL)- Solana's high-speed blockchain and growing ecosystem of decentralized applications make it a strong candidate for significant gains as adoption increases.
5. Chainlink (LINK) - As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink is crucial for enabling smart contracts to interact with real-world data, positioning it for substantial growth in the coming bull market.
Keep an eye on these underestimated altcoins as they have the potential to deliver impressive returns in the upcoming market rally. Happy investing!
Please remember to follow like and share
🚨🚨😳P2P Scam Alert 🚨🚨⚠️ Scam Details: - Tactic:Fraudulent sellers try to convince you to cancel your order after you've made the payment. - Explanation:They claim a "system error" is preventing the automatic release of USDT. - Assurance:They promise a manual release or refund, but only if you cancel the order. - Result:Canceling the order leads to a financial loss, as you won't receive the USDT. Reminder:Never cancel the order once you've made the payment. Keep your funds safe! #Megadrop #BinanceTournament #Write2Earn! #BinanceTurns7 #ETHETFsApproved
🚨🚨😳P2P Scam Alert 🚨🚨⚠️
Scam Details:
- Tactic:Fraudulent sellers try to convince you to cancel your order after you've made the payment.
- Explanation:They claim a "system error" is preventing the automatic release of USDT.
- Assurance:They promise a manual release or refund, but only if you cancel the order.
- Result:Canceling the order leads to a financial loss, as you won't receive the USDT.
Reminder:Never cancel the order once you've made the payment. Keep your funds safe!
#Megadrop #BinanceTournament #Write2Earn! #BinanceTurns7 #ETHETFsApproved
A Bear Trap A bear trap occurs when the price of a financial asset appears to be on a steady decline. This leads investors to expect a further drop, and they short-sell to profit from the continuing downtrend. The trap is now set: instead of continuing to fall, the price suddenly reverses and goes back up. Investors get ensnared, taking on losses as the price of the security continues to increase. A bear trap is a false technical indication of a reversal from a down-trending market to an up-trending one that can trap unsuspecting shorts. Bear traps bring home the psychological and speculative elements of trading. They are a cautionary example of what can happen when analyses lead you to trade in the wrong direction.
A Bear Trap
A bear trap occurs when the price of a financial asset appears to be on a steady decline. This leads investors to expect a further drop, and they short-sell to profit from the continuing downtrend. The trap is now set: instead of continuing to fall, the price suddenly reverses and goes back up. Investors get ensnared, taking on losses as the price of the security continues to increase.
A bear trap is a false technical indication of a reversal from a down-trending market to an up-trending one that can trap unsuspecting shorts.
Bear traps bring home the psychological and speculative elements of trading. They are a cautionary example of what can happen when analyses lead you to trade in the wrong direction.
With only $1k invested in these #altcoins, you can become a millionaire & retire this 2024 bullrun. 🏅 My followers will get rich in this bull run, you will not regret following me. #crypto 1: $PAAL Minimum: 14x Realistic: 19x Maybe: 30x 2: $BRETT Minimum: 3x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 10x 3: $ROUTE Minimum: 5x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 11x 4: $MANTA Minimum: 6x Realistic: 8x Maybe: 12x 5: $CELO Minimum: 10x Realistic: 13x Maybe: 22x 6: $FET Minimum: 5x Realistic: 8x Maybe: 13x 7: $RNDR Minimum: 4x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 10x 8: $INJ Minimum: 5x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 13x 9: $SOL Minimum: 2x Realistic: 3x Maybe: 5x 10: $PROPC Minimum: 20x Realistic: 35x Maybe: 100x 11: $DIONE Minimum: 30x Realistic: 50x Maybe: 100x 12: $AGIX Minimum: 6x Realistic: 8x Maybe: 14x 13: $ANYONE Minimum: 7x Realistic: 10x Maybe: 15x 14: $GPU Minimum: 15x Realistic: 25x Maybe: 50x 15: $ARB Minimum: 4x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 14x 16: $BLENDR Minimum: 5x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 14x 17: $ALT Minimum: 9x Realistic: 11x Maybe: 15x 18: $DEAI Minimum: 7x Realistic: 10x Maybe: 18x 19: $AAVE Minimum: 4x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 15x 20: $OCEAN Minimum: 5x Realistic: 10x Maybe: 20x 21: $LCX Minimum: 14x Realistic: 17x Maybe: 26x 22: $METIS Minimum: 6x Realistic: 9x Maybe: 15x 23: $ZYN Minimum: 9x Realistic: 15x Maybe: 25x 24: $TAO Minimum: 4x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 13x 25: $XRP Minimum: 10x Realistic: 15x Maybe: 25x 26: $HASHAI Minimum: 20x Realistic: 28x Maybe: 50x 27: $CSWAP Minimum: 25x Realistic: 30x Maybe: 40x 28: $ADA Minimum: 3x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 12x 29: #0x0 Minimum: 15x Realistic: 20x Maybe: 30x 30: $DSYNC Minimum: 22x Realistic: 35x Maybe: 59x 31: $???? Minimum: 100x Realistic: 300x Maybe: 500x The 500x gem will be for free #btc  & #eth don’t have potential to make you retire, but with #altcoins you can turn $10k into $1m easily.
With only $1k invested in these #altcoins, you can become a millionaire & retire this 2024 bullrun. 🏅
My followers will get rich in this bull run, you will not regret following me. #crypto
1: $PAAL
Minimum: 14x
Realistic: 19x
Maybe: 30x
Minimum: 3x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 10x
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 11x
Minimum: 6x
Realistic: 8x
Maybe: 12x
5: $CELO
Minimum: 10x
Realistic: 13x
Maybe: 22x
6: $FET
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 8x
Maybe: 13x
7: $RNDR
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 10x
8: $INJ
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 13x
9: $SOL
Minimum: 2x
Realistic: 3x
Maybe: 5x
10: $PROPC
Minimum: 20x
Realistic: 35x
Maybe: 100x
11: $DIONE
Minimum: 30x
Realistic: 50x
Maybe: 100x
12: $AGIX
Minimum: 6x
Realistic: 8x
Maybe: 14x
Minimum: 7x
Realistic: 10x
Maybe: 15x
14: $GPU
Minimum: 15x
Realistic: 25x
Maybe: 50x
15: $ARB
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 14x
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 14x
17: $ALT
Minimum: 9x
Realistic: 11x
Maybe: 15x
18: $DEAI
Minimum: 7x
Realistic: 10x
Maybe: 18x
19: $AAVE
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 15x
20: $OCEAN
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 10x
Maybe: 20x
21: $LCX
Minimum: 14x
Realistic: 17x
Maybe: 26x
22: $METIS
Minimum: 6x
Realistic: 9x
Maybe: 15x
23: $ZYN
Minimum: 9x
Realistic: 15x
Maybe: 25x
24: $TAO
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 13x
25: $XRP
Minimum: 10x
Realistic: 15x
Maybe: 25x
Minimum: 20x
Realistic: 28x
Maybe: 50x
27: $CSWAP
Minimum: 25x
Realistic: 30x
Maybe: 40x
28: $ADA
Minimum: 3x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 12x
29: #0x0
Minimum: 15x
Realistic: 20x
Maybe: 30x
30: $DSYNC
Minimum: 22x
Realistic: 35x
Maybe: 59x
31: $????
Minimum: 100x
Realistic: 300x
Maybe: 500x
The 500x gem will be for free
#btc  & #eth don’t have potential to make you retire, but with #altcoins you can turn $10k into $1m easily.
With only $1k invested in these #altcoins, you can become a millionaire & retire this 2024 bullrun. 🏅 My followers will get rich in this bull run, you will not regret following me. #crypto 1: $PAAL Minimum: 14x Realistic: 19x Maybe: 30x 2: $BRETT Minimum: 3x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 10x 3: $ROUTE Minimum: 5x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 11x 4: $MANTA Minimum: 6x Realistic: 8x Maybe: 12x 5: $CELO Minimum: 10x Realistic: 13x Maybe: 22x 6: $FET Minimum: 5x Realistic: 8x Maybe: 13x 7: $RNDR Minimum: 4x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 10x 8: $INJ Minimum: 5x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 13x 9: $SOL Minimum: 2x Realistic: 3x Maybe: 5x 10: $PROPC Minimum: 20x Realistic: 35x Maybe: 100x 11: $DIONE Minimum: 30x Realistic: 50x Maybe: 100x 12: $AGIX Minimum: 6x Realistic: 8x Maybe: 14x 13: $ANYONE Minimum: 7x Realistic: 10x Maybe: 15x 14: $GPU Minimum: 15x Realistic: 25x Maybe: 50x 15: $ARB Minimum: 4x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 14x 16: $BLENDR Minimum: 5x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 14x 17: $ALT Minimum: 9x Realistic: 11x Maybe: 15x 18: $DEAI Minimum: 7x Realistic: 10x Maybe: 18x 19: $AAVE Minimum: 4x Realistic: 7x Maybe: 15x 20: $OCEAN Minimum: 5x Realistic: 10x Maybe: 20x 21: $LCX Minimum: 14x Realistic: 17x Maybe: 26x 22: $METIS Minimum: 6x Realistic: 9x Maybe: 15x 23: $ZYN Minimum: 9x Realistic: 15x Maybe: 25x 24: $TAO Minimum: 4x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 13x 25: $XRP Minimum: 10x Realistic: 15x Maybe: 25x 26: $HASHAI Minimum: 20x Realistic: 28x Maybe: 50x 27: $CSWAP Minimum: 25x Realistic: 30x Maybe: 40x 28: $ADA Minimum: 3x Realistic: 6x Maybe: 12x 29: #0x0 Minimum: 15x Realistic: 20x Maybe: 30x 30: $DSYNC Minimum: 22x Realistic: 35x Maybe: 59x 31: $???? Minimum: 100x Realistic: 300x Maybe: 500x The 500x gem will be for free #btc  & #eth don’t have potential to make you retire, but with #altcoins you can turn $10k into $1m easily.
With only $1k invested in these #altcoins, you can become a millionaire & retire this 2024 bullrun. 🏅
My followers will get rich in this bull run, you will not regret following me. #crypto
1: $PAAL
Minimum: 14x
Realistic: 19x
Maybe: 30x
Minimum: 3x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 10x
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 11x
Minimum: 6x
Realistic: 8x
Maybe: 12x
5: $CELO
Minimum: 10x
Realistic: 13x
Maybe: 22x
6: $FET
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 8x
Maybe: 13x
7: $RNDR
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 10x
8: $INJ
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 13x
9: $SOL
Minimum: 2x
Realistic: 3x
Maybe: 5x
10: $PROPC
Minimum: 20x
Realistic: 35x
Maybe: 100x
11: $DIONE
Minimum: 30x
Realistic: 50x
Maybe: 100x
12: $AGIX
Minimum: 6x
Realistic: 8x
Maybe: 14x
Minimum: 7x
Realistic: 10x
Maybe: 15x
14: $GPU
Minimum: 15x
Realistic: 25x
Maybe: 50x
15: $ARB
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 14x
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 14x
17: $ALT
Minimum: 9x
Realistic: 11x
Maybe: 15x
18: $DEAI
Minimum: 7x
Realistic: 10x
Maybe: 18x
19: $AAVE
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 7x
Maybe: 15x
20: $OCEAN
Minimum: 5x
Realistic: 10x
Maybe: 20x
21: $LCX
Minimum: 14x
Realistic: 17x
Maybe: 26x
22: $METIS
Minimum: 6x
Realistic: 9x
Maybe: 15x
23: $ZYN
Minimum: 9x
Realistic: 15x
Maybe: 25x
24: $TAO
Minimum: 4x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 13x
25: $XRP
Minimum: 10x
Realistic: 15x
Maybe: 25x
Minimum: 20x
Realistic: 28x
Maybe: 50x
27: $CSWAP
Minimum: 25x
Realistic: 30x
Maybe: 40x
28: $ADA
Minimum: 3x
Realistic: 6x
Maybe: 12x
29: #0x0
Minimum: 15x
Realistic: 20x
Maybe: 30x
30: $DSYNC
Minimum: 22x
Realistic: 35x
Maybe: 59x
31: $????
Minimum: 100x
Realistic: 300x
Maybe: 500x
The 500x gem will be for free
#btc  & #eth don’t have potential to make you retire, but with #altcoins you can turn $10k into $1m easily.
I not will never stop buy this amazing coins I believe he can give me awesome profit... $BCH ...His market cup how real $BTC $BCH
I not will never stop buy this amazing coins I believe he can give me awesome profit...
$BCH ...His market cup how real $BTC $BCH
#UNFI USDT LONG LEVERAGE -20-50X ENTRY:-3.60-3.55(Set limit) TARGET 1)3.70 2)3.80 3)3.90 4)4.00 5)4.0.5              ✴️ STOPLOSS:-3.40
ENTRY:-3.60-3.55(Set limit)
             ✴️ STOPLOSS:-3.40
$ARPA is on fire today! With solid support at $0.03. it is moving ahead towards the next target of $0.079 with a huge volume, especially if Bitcoin keeps riding high. There's been a historical 230% profit boost.
$ARPA is on fire today! With solid support at $0.03. it is moving ahead towards the next target of $0.079 with a huge volume, especially if Bitcoin keeps riding high.
There's been a historical 230% profit boost.
You are not the only one who lost over the last few months 🤝 You are not alone, losing is a part of the game ✅ But when we print money, it’s going to be much higher than what we lost 🔥 I’m pretty sure we are going to see a massive run in coming months, we might see a drop due to lots of FUD in the recent days 🚨 Stay invested in the market and play safe, the good days are coming for all of us ❤️ Check out the quoted post if you really want to be the part of the winners side not the losing one boys !!! 🤘 X Imtiazzavi #WhalesAlert 🚨🚨 🚨🔴Urgent Update on Whales~Involvement 🔴🚨 As you guys knew from my previous history ~ I have a great connection with big #Whales of the market who can provide the best momentum market needed. I dont provide all of their calls here. Some of them I provide on my ❌ or some of them are provided for premium members Mostly i drop for my premium as these calls costs a lot of effort. Now if you dont wanna miss the nexty ~ Check ❌ #X_is_Twitter #X_is 🫱 Imtiazzavi #WhalesWinning .
You are not the only one who lost over the last few months 🤝
You are not alone, losing is a part of the game ✅
But when we print money, it’s going to be much higher than what we lost 🔥
I’m pretty sure we are going to see a massive run in coming months, we might see a drop due to lots of FUD in the recent days 🚨
Stay invested in the market and play safe, the good days are coming for all of us ❤️
Check out the quoted post if you really want to be the part of the winners side not the losing one boys !!! 🤘
X Imtiazzavi
#WhalesAlert 🚨🚨 🚨🔴Urgent Update on Whales~Involvement 🔴🚨 As you guys knew from my previous history ~ I have a great connection with big #Whales of the market who can provide the best momentum market needed. I dont provide all of their calls here. Some of them I provide on my ❌ or some of them are provided for premium members Mostly i drop for my premium as these calls costs a lot of effort. Now if you dont wanna miss the nexty ~ Check ❌ #X_is_Twitter #X_is 🫱 Imtiazzavi #WhalesWinning .
WARNING NEWS ALERT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ DON'T INVEST YOUR INCOME Recently, a follower told me, "I'm planning to invest all my earnings from my job into crypto!" This is a critical mistake that can lead to losing all your hard-earned money and ending up with no savings. Investing a portion of your income in crypto and stocks is a smart move. However, avoid investing your entire income, or even the majority of it, in cryptocurrency. Remember, the crypto market is extremely volatile. While it can offer substantial gains, it can also result in significant losses. Investing most of your earnings means risking a large amount of capital, for which you might not be psychologically prepared, often leading to costly emotional decisions. During the last bull market, I witnessed many individuals make this mistake, losing three to twelve months' worth of salary. They typically sold at the worst times and bought at the best, driven by emotions. Avoid making the same mistake by managing your investments wisely. Many crypto enthusiasts might criticize this viewpoint, believing that cryptocurrencies are infallible and risk-free in the long run. This is simply not true. Invest wisely, take profits by selling your cryptos, and exit the market. You can re-enter during the next cycle, and you'll be glad you did. This post reflects my personal opinion. Thank you for reading. If you found this helpful, please like, comment, share this post, and subscribe. It greatly supports me. You can also tip me to provide financial support for my efforts to educate you about the crypto market. Many thanks to those who do so.
WARNING NEWS ALERT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Recently, a follower told me, "I'm planning to invest all my earnings from my job into crypto!" This is a critical mistake that can lead to losing all your hard-earned money and ending up with no savings.
Investing a portion of your income in crypto and stocks is a smart move. However, avoid investing your entire income, or even the majority of it, in cryptocurrency. Remember, the crypto market is extremely volatile. While it can offer substantial gains, it can also result in significant losses. Investing most of your earnings means risking a large amount of capital, for which you might not be psychologically prepared, often leading to costly emotional decisions.
During the last bull market, I witnessed many individuals make this mistake, losing three to twelve months' worth of salary. They typically sold at the worst times and bought at the best, driven by emotions. Avoid making the same mistake by managing your investments wisely.
Many crypto enthusiasts might criticize this viewpoint, believing that cryptocurrencies are infallible and risk-free in the long run. This is simply not true. Invest wisely, take profits by selling your cryptos, and exit the market. You can re-enter during the next cycle, and you'll be glad you did.
This post reflects my personal opinion.
Thank you for reading. If you found this helpful, please like, comment, share this post, and subscribe. It greatly supports me. You can also tip me to provide financial support for my efforts to educate you about the crypto market. Many thanks to those who do so.
Everyone talks about buying at the bottom. What is the correct posture for buying at the bottom at present? No one explains how to profit from it. Everyone just says to buy at a low point. No one shares specific methods. How to buy at the bottom? $SOL $ETH Buy at the bottom every 5 points drop For example: $1,00000 portfolio Sol 2x leverage ETH 3x leverage First buy - 10000 Second buy - 20000 Third buy - 30000 Fourth buy - 40000 You can freely adjust these numbers according to your own situation. When is the current time to buy altcoins? The simplest method is to buy every time $BTC drops 5%. Remember that the altcoin may drop 10% at this time. Buy the bottom every time the altcoin drops 10 points. For example: $1,00000 investment portfolio The bottom is mainly based on the fully circulated Meme coin: such as bome First purchase - 30000 Second purchase - 30000 Third purchase - 40000 You can freely adjust these numbers according to your own situation. Following the above method can outperform 99% of the market
Everyone talks about buying at the bottom. What is the correct posture for buying at the bottom at present?
No one explains how to profit from it. Everyone just says to buy at a low point. No one shares specific methods.
How to buy at the bottom?
$SOL $ETH Buy at the bottom every 5 points drop
For example: $1,00000 portfolio
Sol 2x leverage ETH 3x leverage
First buy - 10000
Second buy - 20000
Third buy - 30000
Fourth buy - 40000
You can freely adjust these numbers according to your own situation.
When is the current time to buy altcoins?
The simplest method is to buy every time $BTC drops 5%. Remember that the altcoin may drop 10% at this time. Buy the bottom every time the altcoin drops 10 points.
For example: $1,00000 investment portfolio
The bottom is mainly based on the fully circulated Meme coin: such as bome
First purchase - 30000
Second purchase - 30000
Third purchase - 40000
You can freely adjust these numbers according to your own situation.
Following the above method can outperform 99% of the market
The moment Binance announce to delist these coins they fall within 1 second means holders have no chance $BOND - $DOCK - $MDX - POLS It is alarming to observe that the announcement to delist the four pairs has led to a drastic decline in their value, without providing users with a grace period. The sudden drop of approximately 40% has left investors with no choice but to sell their holdings at a significant loss. If they opt to hold onto their coins in hopes of a potential price increase, they risk facing even more substantial losses, as the price may not recover. This sudden and drastic market movement has left investors in a precarious situation, facing significant financial losses #DelistingNotice #alert #altcoins #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike
The moment Binance announce to delist these coins they fall within 1 second means holders have no chance
- $MDX
It is alarming to observe that the announcement to delist the four pairs has led to a drastic decline in their value, without providing users with a grace period. The sudden drop of approximately 40% has left investors with no choice but to sell their holdings at a significant loss. If they opt to hold onto their coins in hopes of a potential price increase, they risk facing even more substantial losses, as the price may not recover. This sudden and drastic market movement has left investors in a precarious situation, facing significant financial losses
#DelistingNotice #alert #altcoins #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike
Read These Risk Management Tips to Become Profitable👇 1. Trading Plans: Develop detailed trading plans outlining your entry and exit strategies, risk tolerance, and profit targets. 2. Trade Reviews: Regularly review your trades, both winners and losers, to identify areas for improvement. 3. The "2% Rule": Consider limiting your maximum daily loss to 2% of your trading capital. 4. Risk-Adjusted Leverage: Adjust your leverage based on the volatility of the market and your individual risk tolerance. 5. Portfolio Correlation: Be mindful of correlation between assets in your portfolio to avoid overexposure to specific risks. #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Read These Risk Management Tips to Become Profitable👇
1. Trading Plans: Develop detailed trading plans outlining your entry and exit strategies, risk tolerance, and profit targets.
2. Trade Reviews: Regularly review your trades, both winners and losers, to identify areas for improvement.
3. The "2% Rule": Consider limiting your maximum daily loss to 2% of your trading capital.
4. Risk-Adjusted Leverage: Adjust your leverage based on the volatility of the market and your individual risk tolerance.
5. Portfolio Correlation: Be mindful of correlation between assets in your portfolio to avoid overexposure to specific risks.
#VanEck_SOL_ETFS #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
BRAKING NEWS ALERT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ German Government Transfers 500 BTC to Bitstamp and Coinbase Today at 14:48 (09:48 UTC), the German Government transferred a total of 500 BTC to Bitstamp and Coinbase, with each exchange receiving 250 BTC. The combined value of these transactions is approximately $27.9 million. Additionally, the government transferred another 500 BTC to an unidentified address, 139PoP…H7ybVu. This address is speculated to belong to an institution or OTC service. #BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTournament #CPIAlert
BRAKING NEWS ALERT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
German Government Transfers 500 BTC to Bitstamp and Coinbase
Today at 14:48 (09:48 UTC), the German Government transferred a total of 500 BTC to Bitstamp and Coinbase, with each exchange receiving 250 BTC. The combined value of these transactions is approximately $27.9 million.
Additionally, the government transferred another 500 BTC to an unidentified address, 139PoP…H7ybVu. This address is speculated to belong to an institution or OTC service.
#BinanceTurns7 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #BinanceTournament #CPIAlert
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