Binance Square
لا سند لك إلا نفسك‏...أن تفشل في الإبداع، أفضل من أن تنجح في التقليد.‏
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🔗 link în #airdrops : Atenție, spartani! The @midle_official Vânzarea privată începe pe 24 aprilie, ora 18:00 UTC. Midle este o aplicație web și mobilă care stimulează achiziționarea, implicarea și păstrarea utilizatorilor pentru mărci. Este, de asemenea, o platformă cu sarcini pentru a câștiga pentru utilizatori. Accelerată de @CoinTelegraph . A primit un grant de la @Binance_Announcement BNBChain , @NibiruChain , și @PlenaFinance . În parteneriat cu @LineaBuild , @taikoxyz , @okx , @Cookie3_com si multe altele. Iată tot ce trebuie să știi.  Runda 1: 24 aprilie, 18:00 UTC Detalii de alocare: - La fiecare 25k $ SPARTA: 3.500 $  Runda 2 (FCFS): 25 aprilie, 18:00 UTC Detalii de alocare: - La fiecare 25k $ SPARTA: 2.000 $ - Erou: 2.000 USD
🔗 link în #airdrops :

Atenție, spartani! The


Vânzarea privată începe pe 24 aprilie, ora 18:00 UTC. Midle este o aplicație web și mobilă care stimulează achiziționarea, implicarea și păstrarea utilizatorilor pentru mărci. Este, de asemenea, o platformă cu sarcini pentru a câștiga pentru utilizatori. Accelerată de


. A primit un grant de la

@Binance Announcement BNBChain



, și


. În parteneriat cu








si multe altele. Iată tot ce trebuie să știi.  Runda 1: 24 aprilie, 18:00 UTC Detalii de alocare: - La fiecare 25k $ SPARTA: 3.500 $  Runda 2 (FCFS): 25 aprilie, 18:00 UTC Detalii de alocare: - La fiecare 25k $ SPARTA: 2.000 $ - Erou: 2.000 USD
A lire également : La chute du prix du #BTC BTC atteint 17,5 % ! L'indice PnL de CryptoQuant est composé de trois indicateurs on-chain qui montrent la rentabilité du bitcoin. L'indice a précédemment indiqué que le marché des cryptomonnaies entrerait dans un cycle haussier en 2024. Toutefois, le graphique ci-dessus montre que le niveau actuel est légèrement inférieur à ceux observés lorsque le marché a atteint son apogée lors des cycles haussiers de 2013, 2017 et 2021. Il ne reste plus qu'un mois avant le halving du bitcoin Outre les paramètres évoqués ci-dessus, le prochain halving du bitcoin est un facteur majeur qui devrait soutenir le prix du BTC, ouvrant la voie à une tendance haussière parabolique. Selon le compte à rebours de #CoinMarketCap , le prochain halving du bitcoin aura lieu dans moins de 31 jours. Avec environ 4 450 blocs à traiter, le quatrième halving du bitcoin devrait avoir lieu le 20 avril, avec une réduction de 50 % des récompenses des mineurs, qui passeraient de 6,25 BTC à 3,125 BTC. Historiquement, la réduction de moitié de l'offre de bitcoins a toujours été associée à une hausse du prix du bitcoin. Le halving a toujours précédé un important mouvement haussier sur le marché du bitcoin. La Standard Chartered Bank a fait une prédiction audacieuse, en augmentant ses prévisions pour le prix du BTC de 100 000 $ à 150 000 $ en 2024. Dans une note d'investissement adressée aux clients le lundi 18 mars, les analystes de la Standard Chartered Bank ont écrit, « Pour 2024, étant donné les gains de prix plus importants que prévu depuis le début de l'année, nous voyons maintenant un potentiel pour que le prix atteigne le niveau de 150 000 $ d'ici la fin de l'année, par rapport à notre estimation précédente de 100 000 $. » La banque a également prédit que le prix du BTC atteindrait un sommet de cycle à 250 000 dollars en 2025 avant de se stabiliser autour de 200 000 dollars. #BTC #Halving #BitcoinHalving.
A lire également : La chute du prix du #BTC BTC atteint 17,5 % !

L'indice PnL de CryptoQuant est composé de trois indicateurs on-chain qui montrent la rentabilité du bitcoin. L'indice a précédemment indiqué que le marché des cryptomonnaies entrerait dans un cycle haussier en 2024. Toutefois, le graphique ci-dessus montre que le niveau actuel est légèrement inférieur à ceux observés lorsque le marché a atteint son apogée lors des cycles haussiers de 2013, 2017 et 2021.

Il ne reste plus qu'un mois avant le halving du bitcoin
Outre les paramètres évoqués ci-dessus, le prochain halving du bitcoin est un facteur majeur qui devrait soutenir le prix du BTC, ouvrant la voie à une tendance haussière parabolique.
Selon le compte à rebours de #CoinMarketCap , le prochain halving du bitcoin aura lieu dans moins de 31 jours.

Avec environ 4 450 blocs à traiter, le quatrième halving du bitcoin devrait avoir lieu le 20 avril, avec une réduction de 50 % des récompenses des mineurs, qui passeraient de 6,25 BTC à 3,125 BTC.

Historiquement, la réduction de moitié de l'offre de bitcoins a toujours été associée à une hausse du prix du bitcoin. Le halving a toujours précédé un important mouvement haussier sur le marché du bitcoin.

La Standard Chartered Bank a fait une prédiction audacieuse, en augmentant ses prévisions pour le prix du BTC de 100 000 $ à 150 000 $ en 2024.

Dans une note d'investissement adressée aux clients le lundi 18 mars, les analystes de la Standard Chartered Bank ont écrit,

« Pour 2024, étant donné les gains de prix plus importants que prévu depuis le début de l'année, nous voyons maintenant un potentiel pour que le prix atteigne le niveau de 150 000 $ d'ici la fin de l'année, par rapport à notre estimation précédente de 100 000 $. »

La banque a également prédit que le prix du BTC atteindrait un sommet de cycle à 250 000 dollars en 2025 avant de se stabiliser autour de 200 000 dollars.
#BTC #Halving #BitcoinHalving.
Le cycle haussier du Bitcoin est loin d'être Terminé avec le Halving Les fortes corrections à deux chiffres du prix du bitcoin sont habituelles, car les données montrent que le BTC reste dans un cycle haussier solide. Au cours des dernières 48 heures, le prix du bitcoin BTC tickers down $65 225 a chuté de 13 % par rapport à son nouveau record historique de 73 835 $ pour s'échanger brièvement près de 60 000 $. La correction a été causée par des conditions de marché surchauffées dans ce que les analystes ont baptisé un « repli pré-halving » avant le halving du bitcoin qui aura lieu dans environ 30 jours. Toutefois, un rapport de CryptoQuant montre que le cycle haussier du bitcoin n'est pas terminé, compte tenu du niveau relativement faible des flux d'investissement provenant de nouveaux investisseurs et des paramètres d'évaluation des prix qui restent inférieurs aux niveaux observés lors des précédents sommets du marché. Le rapport hebdomadaire sur les cryptomonnaies de la société d'analyse des données on-chain révèle que 48 % des investissements dans le bitcoin proviennent de détenteurs à court terme. Selon les analystes de CryptoQuant, le « cycle haussier se termine généralement avec 84 % à 92 % des investissements » provenant de ces nouveaux investisseurs ••"Le cycle haussier du bitcoin est encore loin d'être terminé, comme le montre le niveau relativement faible des nouveaux flux d'investissement."•• Le graphique ci-dessus révèle également que cette mesure a « atteint des niveaux similaires à ceux de la mi-2019 (52 %), lorsque le bitcoin a également connu une correction significative », ce dont les traders à court terme devraient se méfier. Le rapport CryptoQuant a également révélé que les paramètres d'évaluation sont encore inférieurs aux niveaux compatibles avec les précédents sommets du marché. « L'indice P&L de CryptoQuant est toujours en dehors d'une zone de sommet de marché (zone rouge) et au-dessus de la moyenne mobile de l'indice sur un an. #Bitcoin(BTC) #HotTrends
Le cycle haussier du Bitcoin est loin d'être Terminé avec le Halving

Les fortes corrections à deux chiffres du prix du bitcoin sont habituelles, car les données montrent que le BTC reste dans un cycle haussier solide.

Au cours des dernières 48 heures, le prix du bitcoin

tickers down
$65 225

a chuté de 13 % par rapport à son nouveau record historique de 73 835 $ pour s'échanger brièvement près de 60 000 $. La correction a été causée par des conditions de marché surchauffées dans ce que les analystes ont baptisé un « repli pré-halving » avant le halving du bitcoin qui aura lieu dans environ 30 jours.

Toutefois, un rapport de CryptoQuant montre que le cycle haussier du bitcoin n'est pas terminé, compte tenu du niveau relativement faible des flux d'investissement provenant de nouveaux investisseurs et des paramètres d'évaluation des prix qui restent inférieurs aux niveaux observés lors des précédents sommets du marché.

Le rapport hebdomadaire sur les cryptomonnaies de la société d'analyse des données on-chain révèle que 48 % des investissements dans le bitcoin proviennent de détenteurs à court terme. Selon les analystes de CryptoQuant, le « cycle haussier se termine généralement avec 84 % à 92 % des investissements » provenant de ces nouveaux investisseurs

••"Le cycle haussier du bitcoin est encore loin d'être terminé, comme le montre le niveau relativement faible des nouveaux flux d'investissement."••

Le graphique ci-dessus révèle également que cette mesure a « atteint des niveaux similaires à ceux de la mi-2019 (52 %), lorsque le bitcoin a également connu une correction significative », ce dont les traders à court terme devraient se méfier.

Le rapport CryptoQuant a également révélé que les paramètres d'évaluation sont encore inférieurs aux niveaux compatibles avec les précédents sommets du marché.

« L'indice P&L de CryptoQuant est toujours en dehors d'une zone de sommet de marché (zone rouge) et au-dessus de la moyenne mobile de l'indice sur un an.
#Bitcoin(BTC) #HotTrends
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#PIXEL va fi listat pe Binance la 2024-02-19 10:00 (UTC) . #PIXELUSDTeste un joc social casual web3 alimentat de Rețeaua Ronin. Acesta implică un joc fascinant cu lume deschisă care se învârte în jurul agriculturii, explorării și creației. PIXEL este utilitatea nativă și simbolul de guvernare din ecosistemul Pixels și este utilizat în următoarele funcții: Aprovizionare maximă de jetoane: de pixeli Aprovizionare inițială în circulație: 771.041.667 PIXEL (15,42% din oferta maximă de jetoane) cu perechi de tranzacționare: PIXEL/BTC, PIXEL/USDT, PIXEL/BNB, PIXEL/FDUSD și PIXEL/TRY Moneda în joc: NFT Minting: Toate viitoarele monetări NFT de la Pixels vor fi în $PIXEL. Abonament VIP: utilizatorii vor putea achiziționa permise de luptă VIP în $PIXEL. Bresle: utilizatorii se vor putea alătura unei noi funcții de social-fi (Brele) folosind $PIXEL. Actualizări ale calității vieții: funcțiile premium din joc vor fi vândute în $PIXEL. Guvernare: $PIXEL va fi folosit în cele din urmă pentru a guverna o trezorerie comunitară. Ecosistemul constă din următoarele sisteme majore care lucrează împreună: Play-to-Earn (P2E): Pixels inovează în ceea ce privește designul de stimulente web3. #Write2Earn#TrendingTopic #The_Bitcoinbull
#PIXEL va fi listat pe Binance la 2024-02-19 10:00 (UTC) .
#PIXELUSDTeste un joc social casual web3 alimentat de Rețeaua Ronin. Acesta implică un joc fascinant cu lume deschisă care se învârte în jurul agriculturii, explorării și creației.

PIXEL este utilitatea nativă și simbolul de guvernare din ecosistemul Pixels și este utilizat în următoarele funcții:

Aprovizionare maximă de jetoane: de pixeli
Aprovizionare inițială în circulație: 771.041.667 PIXEL (15,42% din oferta maximă de jetoane) cu perechi de tranzacționare: PIXEL/BTC, PIXEL/USDT, PIXEL/BNB, PIXEL/FDUSD și PIXEL/TRY

Moneda în joc:

NFT Minting: Toate viitoarele monetări NFT de la Pixels vor fi în $PIXEL .

Abonament VIP: utilizatorii vor putea achiziționa permise de luptă VIP în $PIXEL .

Bresle: utilizatorii se vor putea alătura unei noi funcții de social-fi (Brele) folosind $PIXEL .

Actualizări ale calității vieții: funcțiile premium din joc vor fi vândute în $PIXEL .

Guvernare: $PIXEL va fi folosit în cele din urmă pentru a guverna o trezorerie comunitară.

Ecosistemul constă din următoarele sisteme majore care lucrează împreună:

Play-to-Earn (P2E): Pixels inovează în ceea ce privește designul de stimulente web3.
#Write2Earn#TrendingTopic #The_Bitcoinbull
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Binance oferă bani mari pentru a opri partajarea secretă Oferta de 10.000 USD oferită de Binance angajaților urmărește să pună capăt tranzacțiilor privilegiate și scurgerilor de informații Cofondatorul Binance, Yi He, a dezvăluit un program revoluționar de recompense de 10.000 USD pentru angajații care descoperă tranzacții privilegiate sau scurgeri de informații neautorizate. Anunțată printr-o serie de tweet-uri, această mișcare este strategia lui Yi He de a înfrunta suspiciunea tot mai mare de comportament neetic în cadrul gigantului criptomonedei, Binance. Ea articulează cu forță o politică fără toleranță: angajații implicați în dezvăluirea informațiilor confidențiale vor fi concediați după un avertisment preliminar. În urma modelelor de tranzacționare neobișnuite observate cu tokenul Ronin – despre care se crede că se datorează scurgerilor premature de informații – Binance a instituit măsuri de protecție riguroase. Orice listări criptografice afectate de scurgeri sunt supuse anulării sau amânării imediate, un indiciu clar al angajamentului Binance de a păstra caracterul sfințenie al operațiunilor de pe piață. Această poziție proactivă oglindește lupta industriei mai largi cu tranzacțiile privilegiate, în special în paralel cu scandalul care a zguduit Coinbase, în care informațiile privilegiate au fost utilizate în mod abuziv pentru câștiguri financiare. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BNB🔥
Binance oferă bani mari pentru a opri partajarea secretă

Oferta de 10.000 USD oferită de Binance angajaților urmărește să pună capăt tranzacțiilor privilegiate și scurgerilor de informații
Cofondatorul Binance, Yi He, a dezvăluit un program revoluționar de recompense de 10.000 USD pentru angajații care descoperă tranzacții privilegiate sau scurgeri de informații neautorizate. Anunțată printr-o serie de tweet-uri, această mișcare este strategia lui Yi He de a înfrunta suspiciunea tot mai mare de comportament neetic în cadrul gigantului criptomonedei, Binance. Ea articulează cu forță o politică fără toleranță: angajații implicați în dezvăluirea informațiilor confidențiale vor fi concediați după un avertisment preliminar.

În urma modelelor de tranzacționare neobișnuite observate cu tokenul Ronin – despre care se crede că se datorează scurgerilor premature de informații – Binance a instituit măsuri de protecție riguroase. Orice listări criptografice afectate de scurgeri sunt supuse anulării sau amânării imediate, un indiciu clar al angajamentului Binance de a păstra caracterul sfințenie al operațiunilor de pe piață. Această poziție proactivă oglindește lupta industriei mai largi cu tranzacțiile privilegiate, în special în paralel cu scandalul care a zguduit Coinbase, în care informațiile privilegiate au fost utilizate în mod abuziv pentru câștiguri financiare.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BNB🔥
هونج كونج تتخذ إجراءات صارمة ضد غاسلي الأموال المشفرة في أعقاب فضيحة JPEX بقيمة 193 مليون دولار تتطلع إدارة الجمارك والضرائب في هونغ كونغ إلى تشديد الإجراءات التنظيمية لمعالجة مخاطر غسيل الأموال المرتبطة بمتاجر النقد مقابل العملات المشفرة، وذلك حسبما أفادت صحيفة ساوث تشاينا مورنينج بوست يوم ٢١ أكتوبر. ويأتي هذا القرار بعد أن ألقت الشرطة القبض على بعض أصحاب المتاجر في هونغ كونغ . فيما يتعلق بعملية الاحتيال المزعومة التي تبلغ قيمتها 192.7 مليون دولار والتي تم ارتكابها في بورصة العملات المشفرة JPEX. في هونغ كونغ، يتم الإشراف على الصرافين التقليديين من قبل إدارة الجمارك والضرائب. ومع ذلك، تعمل متاجر صرف العملات المشفرة خارج البورصة (OTC) حاليًا دون ترخيص أو إشراف تنظيمي. قامت بعض متاجر OTC هذه بالترويج لعروض JPEX الاستثمارية، والتي اعتبرتها لجنة الأوراق المالية والعقود الآجلة (SFC) "جيدة جدًا لدرجة يصعب تصديقها". قالت لويز هو بوي شان، مفوضة الجمارك والضرائب، إن الهيئات التنظيمية في هونج كونج تقوم بمراجعة الخيارات لسد الثغرات التنظيمية التي كشفتها فضيحة JPEX.
هونج كونج تتخذ إجراءات صارمة ضد غاسلي الأموال المشفرة في أعقاب فضيحة JPEX بقيمة 193 مليون دولار

تتطلع إدارة الجمارك والضرائب في هونغ كونغ إلى تشديد الإجراءات التنظيمية لمعالجة مخاطر غسيل الأموال المرتبطة بمتاجر النقد مقابل العملات المشفرة، وذلك حسبما أفادت صحيفة ساوث تشاينا مورنينج بوست يوم ٢١ أكتوبر. ويأتي هذا القرار بعد أن ألقت الشرطة القبض على بعض أصحاب المتاجر في هونغ كونغ . فيما يتعلق بعملية الاحتيال المزعومة التي تبلغ قيمتها 192.7 مليون دولار والتي تم ارتكابها في بورصة العملات المشفرة JPEX.

في هونغ كونغ، يتم الإشراف على الصرافين التقليديين من قبل إدارة الجمارك والضرائب. ومع ذلك، تعمل متاجر صرف العملات المشفرة خارج البورصة (OTC) حاليًا دون ترخيص أو إشراف تنظيمي. قامت بعض متاجر OTC هذه بالترويج لعروض JPEX الاستثمارية، والتي اعتبرتها لجنة الأوراق المالية والعقود الآجلة (SFC) "جيدة جدًا لدرجة يصعب تصديقها".

قالت لويز هو بوي شان، مفوضة الجمارك والضرائب، إن الهيئات التنظيمية في هونج كونج تقوم بمراجعة الخيارات لسد الثغرات التنظيمية التي كشفتها فضيحة JPEX.
FBI charges six individuals in multimillion-dollar Bitcoin money-laundering scheme The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has charged six individuals in connection to an unlicensed money-transmitting business involving crypto as a money laundering tool. Court filings dated Oct. 18 indicate that the accused individuals worked to convert Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to cash at least between July 2021 and September 2023. The conversion process involved cash shipped via the U.S. postal system in exchange for cryptocurrency as well as in-person cash pickups. The six accused individuals are Shaileshkumar Goyani, Brijeshkumar Patel, Hirenkumar Patel, Naineshkumar Patel, Nileshkumar Patel, and Raju Patel. The FBI charged those individuals with one count of conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money-transmitting business and one count of operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business. The case text requests a warrant for the individuals’ arrests, indicating that they had not yet been brought into custody at the time of the court filing. The case is proceeding in the Southern District of New York, where the criminal activity largely took place. New York has stringent crypto rules as well as regulations that require anyone transmitting money to obtain the relevant license. Two others were involved in conspiracy Though six individuals have been charged, they do not make up the entire operation. One anonymous co-conspirator began to communicate with law enforcement after being contacted by an undercover officer around January 2023. The co-conspirator, who operated on darknet markets and peer-to-peer crypto exchanges, revealed he had earned $30 million in crypto by swapping funds. He also stated that many clients of the service were drug dealers and hackers. Another individual who mailed cash on behalf of the co-conspirator was later arrested by law enforcement and became a confidential source. That individual eventually began to participate in controlled cash pickups with law enforcement.
FBI charges six individuals in multimillion-dollar Bitcoin money-laundering scheme

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has charged six individuals in connection to an unlicensed money-transmitting business involving crypto as a money laundering tool.

Court filings dated Oct. 18 indicate that the accused individuals worked to convert Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to cash at least between July 2021 and September 2023. The conversion process involved cash shipped via the U.S. postal system in exchange for cryptocurrency as well as in-person cash pickups.

The six accused individuals are Shaileshkumar Goyani, Brijeshkumar Patel, Hirenkumar Patel, Naineshkumar Patel, Nileshkumar Patel, and Raju Patel.

The FBI charged those individuals with one count of conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money-transmitting business and one count of operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business. The case text requests a warrant for the individuals’ arrests, indicating that they had not yet been brought into custody at the time of the court filing.

The case is proceeding in the Southern District of New York, where the criminal activity largely took place. New York has stringent crypto rules as well as regulations that require anyone transmitting money to obtain the relevant license.

Two others were involved in conspiracy

Though six individuals have been charged, they do not make up the entire operation. One anonymous co-conspirator began to communicate with law enforcement after being contacted by an undercover officer around January 2023.

The co-conspirator, who operated on darknet markets and peer-to-peer crypto exchanges, revealed he had earned $30 million in crypto by swapping funds. He also stated that many clients of the service were drug dealers and hackers.

Another individual who mailed cash on behalf of the co-conspirator was later arrested by law enforcement and became a confidential source. That individual eventually began to participate in controlled cash pickups with law enforcement.
يعرض الأسبوع الثالث من تجربة SBF تفاصيل الإنفاق الباذخ لأموال العملاء على العقارات والتأييد والمزيد بدأ الأسبوع الثالث من محاكمة سام بانكمان فرايد (SBF) باكتشافات أكثر تفجرًا عندما اتخذ نيشاد سينغ، المدير الهندسي السابق لشركة FTX ، المنصة للإدلاء بشهادته ضد الملياردير السابق. بعد اعتراف سينغ وما كشف عنه، اتخذ المحاسبون الشرعيون والمستشار العام السابق لشركة FTX الموقف لإعطاء مزيد من المعلومات حول إساءة استخدام أموال العملاء بين البورصة وصندوق التحوط الشقيق Alameda Research .
يعرض الأسبوع الثالث من تجربة SBF تفاصيل الإنفاق الباذخ لأموال العملاء على العقارات والتأييد والمزيد

بدأ الأسبوع الثالث من محاكمة سام بانكمان فرايد (SBF) باكتشافات أكثر تفجرًا عندما اتخذ نيشاد سينغ، المدير الهندسي السابق لشركة FTX ، المنصة للإدلاء بشهادته ضد الملياردير السابق.

بعد اعتراف سينغ وما كشف عنه، اتخذ المحاسبون الشرعيون والمستشار العام السابق لشركة FTX الموقف لإعطاء مزيد من المعلومات حول إساءة استخدام أموال العملاء بين البورصة وصندوق التحوط الشقيق Alameda Research .
Exchanges freeze $2M in crypto stolen from Atomic Wallet in June On Oct. 19, Atomic Wallet announced that several cryptocurrency exchanges have frozen funds suspected to be stolen from user wallets during an unauthorized transaction activity reported this summer. Atomic Wallet acknowledged that it began to receive reports on June 3 from users who reported unauthorized transactions. Among other measures, Atomic Wallet began to work with blockchain analytics firms to trace and freeze suspicious transfers. Specifically, Atomic worked with Chainalysis and Crystal Blockchain to trace funds across various chains, bridges, and coin mixers. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, TRON, and various other blockchains and tokens were named in the latest report. After the funds were traced, Atomic Wallet worked with various crypto exchanges to freeze deposited funds. The company wrote that it “extends heartfelt gratitude” to the exchanges that collaborated to freeze funds linked to reported transactions. It added that those exchanges “were pivotal in mitigating the impact of the incident.” Atomic Wallet did not say which cryptocurrency exchanges it worked with to block the transfers, and it does not appear that any exchanges have identified themselves. Frozen amount could be 2% of all stolen funds Atomic Wallet did not state how much crypto was stolen during the June thefts. Instead, it said that the incident affected less than 0.1% of its users and added that no new thefts have been reported since the initial attacks on June 3. Unofficial estimates provide some indication of the true total. The analytics firm Elliptic estimated shortly after the attack that at least $100 million had been stolen, meaning that the $2 million frozen is likely just a small amount of all stolen funds. Atomic Wallet did not describe any process for recovering the funds or returning crypto to the affected users. The wallet provider instead stated that it is currently working with law enforcement and can only provide some details to the public. . on CryptoSlate.
Exchanges freeze $2M in crypto stolen from Atomic Wallet in June

On Oct. 19, Atomic Wallet announced that several cryptocurrency exchanges have frozen funds suspected to be stolen from user wallets during an unauthorized transaction activity reported this summer.

Atomic Wallet acknowledged that it began to receive reports on June 3 from users who reported unauthorized transactions. Among other measures, Atomic Wallet began to work with blockchain analytics firms to trace and freeze suspicious transfers.

Specifically, Atomic worked with Chainalysis and Crystal Blockchain to trace funds across various chains, bridges, and coin mixers. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, TRON, and various other blockchains and tokens were named in the latest report.

After the funds were traced, Atomic Wallet worked with various crypto exchanges to freeze deposited funds. The company wrote that it “extends heartfelt gratitude” to the exchanges that collaborated to freeze funds linked to reported transactions. It added that those exchanges “were pivotal in mitigating the impact of the incident.”

Atomic Wallet did not say which cryptocurrency exchanges it worked with to block the transfers, and it does not appear that any exchanges have identified themselves.

Frozen amount could be 2% of all stolen funds

Atomic Wallet did not state how much crypto was stolen during the June thefts. Instead, it said that the incident affected less than 0.1% of its users and added that no new thefts have been reported since the initial attacks on June 3.

Unofficial estimates provide some indication of the true total. The analytics firm Elliptic estimated shortly after the attack that at least $100 million had been stolen, meaning that the $2 million frozen is likely just a small amount of all stolen funds.

Atomic Wallet did not describe any process for recovering the funds or returning crypto to the affected users. The wallet provider instead stated that it is currently working with law enforcement and can only provide some details to the public.
. on CryptoSlate.
تقترب عملة البيتكوين من 30 ألف دولار، وترتفع بنسبة5.4% خلال 24 ساعة # تقترب عملة البيتكوين (BTC) بسرعة من مستوى 30 ألف دولار، وفقًا لأحدث البيانات من Binance. خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية، سجلت عملة البيتكوين زيادة قوية في السعر بنسبة 5.4٪، بناءً على زخمها الأخير.
تقترب عملة البيتكوين من 30 ألف دولار، وترتفع بنسبة5.4% خلال 24 ساعة #

تقترب عملة البيتكوين (BTC) بسرعة من مستوى 30 ألف دولار، وفقًا لأحدث البيانات من Binance. خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية، سجلت عملة البيتكوين زيادة قوية في السعر بنسبة 5.4٪، بناءً على زخمها الأخير.
السلطات الأوروبية تصدر ورقة استشارية بشأن إرشادات الأصول المشفرة وفقًا لكوينتيليغراف، أصدرت الهيئة المصرفية الأوروبية (EBA) والهيئة الأوروبية للأوراق المالية والأسواق (ESMA) بشكل مشترك ورقة تشاورية تتضمن مسودتين في ٢٠ أكتوبر. وتركز هذه المسودات على تقييم مدى ملاءمة أعضاء هيئة الإدارة والمساهمين أو الأعضاء الذين يمتلكون حصصًا مؤهلة في مصدري الرموز المميزة للأصول (ARTs) ومقدمي خدمات الأصول المشفرة (CASPs). تهدف المبادئ التوجيهية المشتركة المقترحة إلى تزويد الهيئات التنظيمية بنهج مشترك لتقييم مدى ملاءمة المساهمين أو الأعضاء، سواء كانوا مباشرين أو غير مباشرين، الذين يمتلكون حصصًا مؤهلة في مصدري ART أو CASP. ويشمل ذلك منح الترخيص لإصدار ART وCASP وإجراء تقييمات احترازية لعمليات الاستحواذ المحتملة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، توفر المبادئ التوجيهية معايير موحدة لتقييم المعرفة والخبرة والنزاهة وقدرة أعضاء هيئة الإدارة في الشركات المصدرة لـ ART وCASP على تخصيص الوقت الكافي للوفاء بمسؤولياتهم. تم تصميم هذه الإرشادات لتعزيز وحماية سلامة سوق العملات المشفرة والخدمات المرتبطة به، فضلاً عن غرس الثقة من خلال التأكد من مدى ملاءمة كل من أعضاء هيئة الإدارة لمصدري ART وCASP والأفراد الذين يسعون إلى الاحتفاظ أو الحصول على حصص مؤهلة فيها. . وستظل فترة التشاور مفتوحة حتى 22 /01/ 2024
السلطات الأوروبية تصدر ورقة استشارية بشأن إرشادات الأصول المشفرة

وفقًا لكوينتيليغراف، أصدرت الهيئة المصرفية الأوروبية (EBA) والهيئة الأوروبية للأوراق المالية والأسواق (ESMA) بشكل مشترك ورقة تشاورية تتضمن مسودتين في ٢٠ أكتوبر. وتركز هذه المسودات على تقييم مدى ملاءمة أعضاء هيئة الإدارة والمساهمين أو الأعضاء الذين يمتلكون حصصًا مؤهلة في مصدري الرموز المميزة للأصول (ARTs) ومقدمي خدمات الأصول المشفرة (CASPs).

تهدف المبادئ التوجيهية المشتركة المقترحة إلى تزويد الهيئات التنظيمية بنهج مشترك لتقييم مدى ملاءمة المساهمين أو الأعضاء، سواء كانوا مباشرين أو غير مباشرين، الذين يمتلكون حصصًا مؤهلة في مصدري ART أو CASP. ويشمل ذلك منح الترخيص لإصدار ART وCASP وإجراء تقييمات احترازية لعمليات الاستحواذ المحتملة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، توفر المبادئ التوجيهية معايير موحدة لتقييم المعرفة والخبرة والنزاهة وقدرة أعضاء هيئة الإدارة في الشركات المصدرة لـ ART وCASP على تخصيص الوقت الكافي للوفاء بمسؤولياتهم.

تم تصميم هذه الإرشادات لتعزيز وحماية سلامة سوق العملات المشفرة والخدمات المرتبطة به، فضلاً عن غرس الثقة من خلال التأكد من مدى ملاءمة كل من أعضاء هيئة الإدارة لمصدري ART وCASP والأفراد الذين يسعون إلى الاحتفاظ أو الحصول على حصص مؤهلة فيها. . وستظل فترة التشاور مفتوحة حتى 22 /01/ 2024
Global Bitcoin ATMs sink to 2021 lows – Can BTC ETFs save the industry? Bitcoin ATMs take a global nosedive  Bitcoin ATMs have been an essential bridge in linking fiat or physical cash and digital currencies. In this case, bitcoin ATMs serve to offer Bitcoin exchange of BTC tokens to fiat, or vice versa. BTMs have made BTC more accessible to anyone around the globe. However, the number of BTC ATMs has reduced, hitting its all-time low since 2021.  Since 2022, the number of installed BTC ATMs has dropped by 7,000, indicating a 17% drop. This is according to data from AltIndix reported on Wednesday. Currently, the number of installed BTC ATMs is recorded at 32,500 this year.  The United States holds the highest number of BTMs, and the numbers also show a decline in their installation across the region. It has a higher number 18 times the ATMs installed across Europe, which hosts over 1,400 BTMs.  There are various reasons that have led to this decline in installations, among them being scammers placing ads on sites like eBay and asking buyers to deposit funds in BTC on specific BTC wallets. The funds later vanished.  According to Brandon Mintz, the Chief Executive Officer  (CEO) and founder of the publicly traded bitcoin ATM operator Bitcoin Deport (BTM) stated that the dwindling number of BTMs is based on ATMs going out of business or closure of unprofitable BTMs. He was quoted stating: This creates an opportunity for us that allows us to further increase market share through acquisitions and organic kiosk growth in additional retail locations.
Global Bitcoin ATMs sink to 2021 lows – Can BTC ETFs save the industry?

Bitcoin ATMs take a global nosedive 

Bitcoin ATMs have been an essential bridge in linking fiat or physical cash and digital currencies. In this case, bitcoin ATMs serve to offer Bitcoin exchange of BTC tokens to fiat, or vice versa. BTMs have made BTC more accessible to anyone around the globe. However, the number of BTC ATMs has reduced, hitting its all-time low since 2021. 

Since 2022, the number of installed BTC ATMs has dropped by 7,000, indicating a 17% drop. This is according to data from AltIndix reported on Wednesday. Currently, the number of installed BTC ATMs is recorded at 32,500 this year. 

The United States holds the highest number of BTMs, and the numbers also show a decline in their installation across the region. It has a higher number 18 times the ATMs installed across Europe, which hosts over 1,400 BTMs. 

There are various reasons that have led to this decline in installations, among them being scammers placing ads on sites like eBay and asking buyers to deposit funds in BTC on specific BTC wallets. The funds later vanished. 

According to Brandon Mintz, the Chief Executive Officer  (CEO) and founder of the publicly traded bitcoin ATM operator Bitcoin Deport (BTM) stated that the dwindling number of BTMs is based on ATMs going out of business or closure of unprofitable BTMs. He was quoted stating:

This creates an opportunity for us that allows us to further increase market share through acquisitions and organic kiosk growth in additional retail locations.
الرجاء اي شخص شاف منشوري هذا يعملي متابعة احتاج اشخاص يتابعوني دعمكم يحفزنا للبحث وتقديم الاخبار العاجلة للعملات الرقمية
الرجاء اي شخص شاف منشوري هذا يعملي متابعة احتاج اشخاص يتابعوني دعمكم يحفزنا للبحث وتقديم الاخبار العاجلة للعملات الرقمية
welcome to news majority today to riseto rise Clear for himfor him Solana Opposite Dollar
welcome to news majority today to riseto rise Clear for himfor him Solana Opposite Dollar
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