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Urmează o nouă emoție și de fapt majoritatea oamenilor nu au auzit de ea! 💥

Da, am făcut cercetări de aproximativ 2 săptămâni și am distribuit câteva comunicate de presă;

BCCOIN (blackcardcoin)!

$SOL $BNB Acest proiect, care va deveni mai puternic odată cu punerea în punte, Acest proiect puternic, care a atins prețul de 24 USD în urmă cu 10 zile, a cunoscut în mod natural declinul experimentat în toate monedele odată cu declinul prematur al Bitcoin.

Proiectul, care este în prezent la 13 USD, este în prezent listat pe peste 8 burse majore și există în total 80.000 de deținători.

În acest proiect, al cărui motto principal este BlackCard, un strat orientat către utilizator care oferă sume de cheltuieli nelimitate, similar sistemului RWA pe care îl cunoaștem, face pași fermi spre a deveni o idee care va fi în curând acceptată în întreaga lume.

Proiectul, care are o structură de echipă puternică și o cale de monitorizare transparentă, este susținut de CERTIC și a primit note complete de la protocoalele internaționale de asigurare. Deși este foarte dificil să prezici prețurile în proiecte noi, ideea principală este că, cu cardul de credit BlackCardCoin, monedele din mână merg mai departe în viața reală, cu 0 comision și o înțelegere liberală a metodelor de cumpărături și plată și, în mod natural, moneda. pretul va creste. nu e greu.

Vom continua să monitorizăm BlackCardCoin...
Disclaimer: Proiectele descrise și menționate aici nu conțin sfaturi de investiții, nu oferă îndrumări de cumpărare sau vânzare și sunt incluse opinii personale. În ceea ce privește securitatea utilizatorilor, dorim să vă informăm că revizuim proiecte cu KYC și audit. Lumea cripto conține o volatilitate ridicată, vă rugăm să vă asumați propriile riscuri atunci când faceți investiții.


#TopCoinsJune2024 #memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ #rwa
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Suntem aici cu cele mai recente actualizări! Care sunt cele mai discutate proiecte pe social media?

Dogita Project Solana continuă să facă o treabă grozavă prin $SOL . Au făcut o treabă grozavă colectând exact 1300+ Sol. Acum voi aștepta procesul și voi continua să urmăresc acest proiect, care ia măsuri de securitate cu Kyc și Audit.

Un alt comunicat de presă al proiectului, care mai are 21 de ore pentru lansare, este următorul; Încântat să anunț că DOGITA sponsorizează Solana Summer APAC 2024!

Experimentați puterea colaborării la Solana Summit. Fondatori și dezvoltatori de nouă generație, haideți să modelăm viitorul împreună!

Voi urmări cu curiozitate proiectul, care are mulți fani și deținători.

♦️Disclaimer: Toate proiectele descrise și menționate aici sunt doar idei și cu siguranță nu vă vor oferi informații pentru cumpărare și vânzare. Atunci când faceți investiții, vă rugăm să știți că lumea cripto și token-urilor meme este riscantă, iar piața este volatilă și vă asumați propria responsabilitate.


#memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ #Bitcoin
Crypto Revolution Masters
MANTA - Tot ce trebuie să știi și de ce sunt optimist în privința asta!
În 2023, Manta Network a cunoscut o creștere explozivă, caracterizată prin progrese remarcabile, lansări de produse inovatoare și un angajament neclintit față de inovare în domeniul tehnologiei zero-knowledge (ZK). Servind ca un ecosistem modular revoluționar, adaptat aplicațiilor ZK, Manta Network a atins o etapă semnificativă ca prima platformă de aplicații ZK echivalentă cu EVM. Ecosistemul oferă o experiență de neegalat pentru dezvoltarea și adoptarea de aplicații web3 avansate, datorită utilizării eficiente a criptografiei ZK. Vom arunca o privire asupra ecosistemului Rețelei Manta astăzi, explorând călătoria acestuia către succes și ceea ce urmează pentru rețea în viitor.
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🎯 Câștigă sau Pierde? = #MemeWatch2024

Da, înainte de acest articol, ai citit sute sau chiar mii de postări și articole, știu că te-ai plictisit. Dar nu-ți face griji „CUȚI CALEA” ✅️

$PEPE : Nu l-ai cunoscut? Nici măcar nu auzise nimeni de el? Ai dreptate, nimeni nu știa asta, dar a crescut de 3000X în aproximativ 78 de zile și a atins apogeul în carieră fiind listat pe Binance.

Dacă cineva ți-ar spune să investești în Pepe Coin și să faci 3000x în 78 de zile, ai crede asta? NU!

Dar dacă ți-aș spune că BTC se va ridica la $BTC 100.000 cu Bitcoin și Altcoin Rally? Stiu ca oricum nu vei investi...

Exact despre asta e vorba cu monedele meme, trebuie să existe o credință, trebuie să te dedici acestei lucrări, așa cum știi că a investi toți banii este periculos, a nu investi niciun ban într-un proiect duce pe aceeași cale. .

Nu ascult pe nimeni, îmi asum fiecare proiect, la orice preț, în limita posibilităților mele, lăsând 1/3 din portofoliu în numerar. și sunt sigur că toate memecoin-urile și altcoins-urile vor avea un mare taur foarte curând.

Vom fi atenți, dar nu vom uita să investim în memecoins.. Știu drumul.. 🙏

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Crypto Revolution Masters
BounceBit on Binance Megadrop. Insights and How to participate and maximize your Earnings!
Megadrop represents Binance's latest innovation, serving as a novel token introduction platform that features airdrops and Web3 assignments. Participants can pledge BNB to Fixed Products and engage in Web3 Wallet activities to secure early rewards from select Web3 initiatives, ahead of their token listings on the Binance Exchange.
It bears resemblance to Launchpool, yet it integrates Binance’s Web3 wallet tasks, enhancing user familiarity and proficiency with its operations. Through the completion of straightforward tasks, participants accumulate points that translate into future rewards.
The formula for calculating total points is given by:
Total Points=(Locked BNB Points×Web3 Task Multiplier)+Web3 Task Rewards
About BounceBit - The 1st Project on Megadrop
BounceBit is a unique platform designed specifically for Bitcoin, offering a restaking chain that is supported by notable investors such as Blockchain Capital and Breyer Capital. Its main goal is to establish a dedicated smart contract execution environment for Bitcoin. The platform introduces innovative concepts like the App Store and BounceBox, which allow users to quickly deploy decentralized applications within the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Furthermore, BounceBit is recognized as the first native staking chain for Bitcoin, employing a dual-token system to enhance the staking process. It combines the security of Bitcoin with full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility, providing a secure and convenient restaking experience. The platform uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism and offers transparent financial services to address issues in traditional Bitcoin finance. By enabling BTC holders to participate in DeFi and CeFi markets, BounceBit aims to increase liquidity and utility for Bitcoin in a transparent and efficient manner.
In summary, BounceBit is redefining the interaction with Bitcoin by offering a more inclusive and dynamic financial ecosystem through its restaking chain, smart contract features, and unification across multiple chains.
The BounceBit PoS Chain will be the first showcase of BTC Restaking infrastructure. It is secured by validators staking BTC and staking BounceBit’s native token — A dual-token system leveraging native Bitcoin’s security, liquidity and low volatility. Unlike existing Layer 2 solutions, BounceBit interacts with Bitcoin only on the asset level instead of the protocol level, taking a Layer 1 Proof of Stake approach.
BTC in regulated CeFi Custody is locked so that the user can mint a wrapped version of BTC on the BounceBit chain, we call it bounceBTC. This BTC can be delegated to node operators, that return a voucher to the staker, stBTC. This liquid staking derivative can then be restaked to other SSCs, like sidechains, bridges and oracles, or be used to participate in further yield generation. All of this happens, while the BTC in the regulated custody is earning risk-free yield through funding rate arbitrage.

Of course for me every single Project coming on Binance I am super Bullish on BounceBit as well and I believe long-term will give really good ROI!
How to participate in Megadrop?
Step 1: Go to Earn section

Step 2: Search for BNB. Select 15-120 days

You can choose a fixed lock from 15 to 120 days, the longer the lock, the higher the score coefficient. Of course saying that 120 days will be the best option to maximize your Earnings!
Step 3: Select quantity and click "Confirm" to complete the step of locking BNB on the exchange

How to access Binance Megadrop?
👉Binance App > More > Others > Megadrop > BounceBit > Quest
Web3 Quests on BounceBit
👉The quest for our Megadrop is as follows: “Stake 0.0001 BTCB to BounceBit”
You’ll need BNB for gas fees and a little bit more than 0.0001 BTCB, since the withdrawal fee for BTCB is paid in BTCB, we suggest withdrawing at least 0.000111 BTCB.

How to complete the quest?
👉Ensure you have enough BNB for the gas fee.
👉Click “Start Now” via Binance Web3 Wallet.
👉Select “BNB Chain” as your network.
👉Enter the amount of BTCB to deposit.
👉The first transaction approves your spending cap on BTCB with BounceBit.
👉The second transaction deposits your BTCB into BounceBit.
🔥The best in the Megadrop Program is that you can keep your $BTC and $BNB on Spot! Don't forget that!
check this out guys
check this out guys
Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥Binance 53 Launchpool Project Renzo prezentare generală #BNB Revizuirea cazului de utilizare a staking

Renzo Launchpool details 🔥👈

Prezentare generală a protocolului Renzo (#REZ ).

Renzo (REZ) este un protocol revoluționar de răscumpărare de lichide, conceput pentru a crește miza și lichiditatea în ecosistemul cripto. Acest protocol oferă posibilitatea de a menține lichiditatea mizei în timp ce se protejează activele, ceea ce de obicei nu este posibil în scenariile tradiționale de miză în care obiectele sunt blocate.

Câștigarea de jetoane REZ prin agricultură

Începând cu ora 00:00 UTC pe 24 aprilie 2024, utilizatorii vor avea posibilitatea de a cultiva jetoane REZ prin miza BNB și FDUSD în pool-uri separate. Această arătură se va încheia la 23:59 UTC pe 29 aprilie 2024.

Tokenomia REZ

- Aprovizionare maximă de jetoane: 10 miliarde de jetoane REZ
- Recompense Launchpool Token: 250 de milioane de jetoane REZ (2,5% din oferta maximă)
- Aprovizionare inițială în circulație: 1,05 miliarde de jetoane REZ (10,5% din oferta maximă)

Detalii de miză

Pentru ca participanții să fie eligibili, procedurile Know Your Customer (KYC) trebuie finalizate. În plus, există restricții privind perioadele de schimb de jetoane REZ pe care un student le poate câștiga, care sunt stabilite la 147.569,44 REZ în pool-ul BNB și 26.041,67 REZ în pool-ul FDUSD.

Pool-uri acceptate

- Pool BNB: în valoare de 212,5 milioane REZ (85% din prețurile totale)
Mizați BNB

- Pool FDUSD: în valoare de 37,5 milioane REZ (15% din prețurile totale)

Listare și tranzacționare

Binance intenționează să listeze jetoanele REZ pe 30 aprilie 2024, la ora 12:00 UTC. Perechile de tranzacționare disponibile vor fi REZ/BTC, REZ/USDT, REZ/BNB, REZ/FDUSD și REZ/TRY. Această listă va avea loc imediat după dezvoltarea agriculturii, permițând utilizatorilor să schimbe imediat jetoane de activități agricole.
#RENZOLAUNCHPOOL #BinanceLaunchpool
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Crypto Ahmet
🔥💥Nu rata acest articol foarte important, trecem în revistă scenariul de estimare a prețurilor și de utilizare pentru Proiectul Binance Launchpool Renzo

1. Bănuiesc că fac o predicție de preț înainte de lista #Renzo (#REZ ). Datorită lansării iminente a pool-ului de lansare Renzo, este dificil de prezis prețul exact al acestuia din cauza dinamicii pieței și a altor factori. Dar cred că prețul Renzo ar putea ajunge până la 1,5 USD până la sfârșitul anului 2024. în plus, cred că după pool-ul de lansare a proiectului se va deschide pe binance cu 0,40 USD cent

Renzo Launchpool details
Binance și-a anunțat noul proiect de lansare. Binance 53. El a anunțat RENZO ca proiect Launchpool.

Utilizatorii își vor putea miza BNB și FDUSD în pool-uri separate pentru a colecta jetoane RENZO timp de 6 zile începând cu 24 aprilie.

Binance va lista RENZO pe 30 aprilie

Binance va lista apoi REZ la 2024-04-30 12:00 (UTC) și va deschide tranzacțiile cu perechile de tranzacționare REZ/BTC, REZ/USDT, REZ/BNB, REZ/FDUSD și REZ/TRY. Eticheta semințelor va fi aplicată REZ.

Nume simbol: Renzo (REZ)
Aprovizionare maximă de jetoane: REZ
Recompense Launchpool Token: 250.000.000 REZ
Furnizare inițială în circulație: REZ
Contract inteligent: Ethereum

MegaDrop detail
Ce este Binance Megadrop?
Binance Megadrop este o nouă platformă de lansare a jetonelor care recreează experiența airdrop prin integrarea perfectă a Binance Simple Earn și Binance Web3 Wallet. Megadrop permite utilizatorilor să obțină acces anticipat la proiecte Web3 selectate înainte ca acestea să fie listate pe Binance. Această combinație unică de implicare, educație și recompense poziționează Megadrop ca o experiență interactivă unică atât în ​​cadrul Binance, cât și al ecosistemului cripto mai larg.

#RENZOLAUNCHPOOL #BinanceLaunchpool
awesome 🔥🔥🔥
awesome 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
OMNI Network - Next Binance Launchpool Gem! More deep insights! Road Map and how to Farm
Hey Folks, time to get more deeper into OMNI Network and take a look at #OMNICOIN Roadmap that looks pretty bullish for me!
In this Market Correction farming OMNI now is the best decision you can make actually!
The Omni Network is a Layer 1 blockchain powered by the dual Proof of Stake mechanism of the restaked ETH and the native $OMNI token. This allows developers to deploy Omni rollup smart contracts on the Omni network, enhancing the interoperability of Ethereum L2 solutions and unifying them into a single mechanism.
At the platform’s DAO and PoS mechanism lies the native $OMNI token. Its main purpose is to grant access to decentralized voting, pay fees, and reward node runners within the network.
The company’s vision towards rollup interoperability has garnered significant attention from leading funds such as Coinbase Ventures, Spartan Group, and others, securing over $18.1 million from them.
Token utility: The $OMNI token, while playing a crucial role in powering the network’s PoS mechanism, is also used for granting access to Omni’s governance votings, paying fees for utilizing the network, and rewarding node runners.
The Omni Network architecture comprises several key components:
🔥Internal Chains: Consists of a consensus layer and an execution layer, mirroring Ethereum's post-merge structure, where the execution layer uses standard Ethereum clients (e.g., Geth, Erigon) to run the Omni EVM.
🔥EigenLayer Restaking Contracts: Connect Omni with its restaking participants and are registered with EigenLayer as an Actively Validated Service (AVS).
🔥Portal Contracts: Serve as the main interface for creating cross-network messages, deployed across all supported rollup VMs and the Omni EVM.
🔥Relayer: Delivers attested cross-network messages from Omni to destination rollup VMs after receiving confirmation from the Omni validators.

Let's take a look at the Road Map:
Q2 2024:
👉Mainnet launch: The highly anticipated mainnet launch marks the official debut of the Omni Network, bringing its interoperability vision to life.
👉Liquid Restaking Protocol and EigenLayer operator onboarding: This paves the way for a robust staking infrastructure, ensuring the security and decentralization of the network.
👉Token Generation Event: The official launch of the OMNI token, the lifeblood of the Omni Network, empowers users to participate in the network’s governance and economic security.
👉Onboarding the first of the $11B+ commits to deploy xERC20 secured by Omni: This signifies a major milestone, attracting significant value to the Omni Network and demonstrating its potential for widespread adoption.
Q3 2024:
👉Cohort launch of Natively Global Applications (NGAs) deployed on the Omni EVM:
👉Multi-rollup declarative deployments for smart contracts, facilitating a kubernetes-like developer experience for expanding applications across all rollups.
👉Typescript frontend library for deploying natively multi-rollup applications that work seamlessly across all rollups.
Q4 2024:
👉Expand Omni Network to include alternative Data Availability systems like EigenDA and Celestia. By incorporating additional data availability options, Omni Network enhances its flexibility and resilience, ensuring smooth operation even in unforeseen circumstances.
👉Attestation sharding to increase the rollup capacity of the network by an order of magnitude. This scalability upgrade significantly expands the network’s ability to process transactions, paving the way for wider adoption and a thriving ecosystem.
👉Onboard MPC providers to provide institutional users with access to all Ethereum rollups. This move bridges the gap between traditional finance and the decentralized world, allowing institutional players to securely participate in the vast opportunities offered by the Ethereum rollup landscape.
Guys really in the current Market Correction before Halving it's the best to start farming now and put your BNB or FDUSD at work! Binance Launchpool Projects recently do very good when it comes to TOI and OMNI Network won't be exclusion from this!
HOW to Farm?
Stake $BNB
Stake $FDUSD
Let's go
Let's go
Crypto Revolution Masters
Less than 2 days to farm $OMNI ! Don't miss it Folks!
The Omni Network is redefining Ethereum’s infrastructure by integrating rollups to provide universal access to the platform’s liquidity and functionalities without any compromises. As a pioneering Actively Validated Service (AVS), it has secured over $1B in restaked ETH commitments, marking its position as a keystone for Ethereum-native interoperability.
The Omni Network serves as a pivotal blockchain platform designed to enhance Ethereum’s functionality by securely uniting all rollups. This integration infrastructure not only optimizes for speed but also leverages Ethereum’s robust security measures, making it a cornerstone for rollup ecosystems. Here are some key features and components of the Omni Network:
🔥Operational Mechanics:

👉Utilizes a novel architecture centered around ‘restaking’ where validators manage protocol integrity and rewards, while delegators enhance network security by staking their Ethereum tokens.

👉Combines the Tendermint consensus mechanism with the flexibility of the Cosmos SDK, facilitating smooth EVM integration and enabling Solidity use across multiple chains.
🔥Ecosystem and Development:

👉Supports a growing number of projects including EigenLayer, Sushi, Injective, Arbitrum, Flow, and Optimism.

👉Continuously expanding with a roadmap featuring milestones like mainnet launch and the inclusion of new data availability systems.
Omni Network’s strategic design allows developers to create global applications benefiting from economic advantages across all rollups, ensuring a seamless user experience and broad application integration.
The OMNI Token is integral to the Omni Network, serving multiple roles including governance, staking, and transaction fees. Here’s a breakdown of its key metrics and functions.
The total supply of OMNI tokens stands capped at 100,000,000, strategically distributed to build a robust and sustainable network ecosystem. Here’s a breakdown of the allocation:
👉Private Sale Investors: 20.06%
👉Public Launch Allocation: 5.77%
👉Binance Launchpool: 3.50%
👉Team: 25.25% (subject to vesting schedule)
👉Advisors: 3.25% (subject to vesting schedule)
👉Ecosystem Fund: 29.50%
👉Community Fund: 12.67%
This token’s utility and capped supply, combined with its role in a growing ecosystem, underscore its potential for value appreciation influenced by market dynamics such as supply and demand.
Omni Network’s fundraising journey showcases robust investor confidence and strategic capital infusion aimed at accelerating its growth within the sharing economy. OmniNetwork is funded by 5 investors. Jump Crypto and The Spartan Group are the most recent investors.
This strategic financial backing is pivotal for Omni Network as it continues to innovate and expand its technological and market footprint.

Several factors influence OMNI’s price, each playing a significant role in its market dynamics:
🔥Platform Development: The continuous enhancement and expansion of the Omni Network are crucial. As the platform evolves, it can lead to a gradual appreciation in OMNI’s price due to increased functionality and user engagement.
🔥Adoption and User Growth: The growth in the number of users and their engagement with the platform directly impacts the demand for OMNI tokens. As more users join and participate, the intrinsic value of OMNI increases.
🔥Market Sentiment: The general sentiment towards blockchain projects, especially those related to gaming and NFTs, can significantly affect OMNI’s price. Positive perception and investor confidence tend to drive prices up.
🔥Partnerships and Collaborations: Forming strategic alliances with prominent gaming companies and other blockchain projects can enhance the network’s credibility and market exposure, attracting more investors and, consequently, increasing the token’s value.
🔥Overall Market Conditions: The broader cryptocurrency market trends, including the performance of major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, often influence OMNI’s price movements. Market volatility can lead to rapid changes in investor sentiment, impacting OMNI’s price accordingly.
🔥Whale Activity: The actions of large holders, or ‘whales,’ can have a substantial impact on OMNI’s price. A significant sell order from a whale can lead to sudden price drops, affecting market stability.
🔥Institutional Adoption and Political Regulations: The level of adoption by large institutions and the regulatory environment can also significantly impact OMNI’s value. Positive regulatory frameworks and increased institutional interest often contribute to price stability and growth.
Tracking the performance of OMNI on the OTC market reveals significant insights into its trading dynamics:

As the Omni Network continues to push the boundaries of Ethereum-native interoperability, embedding itself as a key player in the blockchain evolution, it opens up unprecedented opportunities for investors and developers alike.
👉Less than 2 days left to get your hands on some juicy OMNI
🔥 Stake BNB:
🔥 Stake FDUSD:
Happy Farming 🔥
#BinanceLaunchpool #OMNILAUNCHPOOL
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Crypto Revolution Masters
ETHENA - NEXT 100x On Binance Launchpool. Farming Live Now
Hey Folks, Binance Launchpool introduced another super good Project, farming already live. Let me give you a quick Introduction at what is Ethena and how you can farm it!
Brief Introduction of ETHENA
Ethena is a revolutionary Ethereum-based project aiming to revolutionize the world of money. Here’s what they offer:
1. A Banking System Alternative: Forget traditional banking infrastructure. Ethena provides crypto-native solutions for your financial needs, starting with the “Internet Bond,” a globally accessible dollar-denominated savings instrument.
2. Stable and Scalable “Synthetic Dollar”: Introducing USDe, Ethena’s innovative synthetic dollar. This first-of-its-kind token offers a censorship-resistant, scalable, and stable crypto-based alternative to traditional money. Its stability is achieved through a unique method called delta-hedging with staked Ethereum collateral.
3. Transparent and Secure: Ethena prioritizes transparency and security. USDe is fully backed by audited on-chain assets, ensuring complete visibility into its backing and free composability within the DeFi ecosystem.
4. Backed by Industry Leaders: Ethena has secured $14 million in funding from prominent investors like Binance, Dragonfly, and Wintermute, demonstrating their potential and reliability.

5. Earning Potential: While they currently don’t have their own token besides USDe, they offer an exciting points system called “shards.” Users can earn shards by minting, providing liquidity, and staking USDe, with additional rewards for referrals. These shards could potentially grant access to future airdrops if they launch their own governance token.
I've personally minted an USDe. The process is pretty simple and My earnings so far are pretty good!
As you can see how all Binance Launchpool Projects are performing so far I am expecting absolutely the same for ETHENA. Especially if you hold long-term!
How to mint USDe?
You can read fir the full detailed process on ETHENA Gitbook here:
General Use Cases of ETHENA
🔥Permissionless Acquire USDe. Access external AMM pools to acquire or sell USDe with stablecoin collateral such as USDT or USDC.
🔥Direct Mint USDe. Deposit stETH collateral and receive USDe, subject to clearing KYC/KYB checks for approved market making counterparties.
🔥Direct Redeem USDe. Deposit USDe & receive stETH, subject to clearing KYC/KYB checks for approved market making counterparties.
🔥Stake & Unstake USDe. Receive a proportionate share of the generated yield. Available for users in permitted jurisdictions.
Launchpool Detals:
👉Token Name: Ethena (ENA)
👉Max Token Supply: 15,000,000,000 ENA
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 300,000,000 ENA (2% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 1,425,000,000 ENA (9.5% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
🔥333,333.33 ENA in BNB pool
🔥83,333.33 ENA in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools:
1. Stake #BNB to earn ETHENA
2. Stake #FDUSD‬⁩ to earn ETHENA
Project Links
👉 Website:
Happy Farming Folks!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Less than 2 days to Farm AEVO! LFG 🔥
Hey Folks, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, time is ticking. So far #AEVO. Farming is on fire and you have less than 4 hours to farm some. With $BNB over $500 now don't miss the Opportunity to stake yours and get some juicy Rewards for it.
Let's go again briefly about everything you need to know about #AEVO.
1. What is #AEVO.
I've made it simple for you. Just look at the below picture and you will find everything you need to know:

I love what Aevo are building. Their DEX works super smoothly and fast. Never got any issues using it!
2. #AEVO. #AEVO. personally for me. Oh well, Folks, I am pretty bullish on every single Project on Binance Launchpool. Same with #AEVO.
It was trading OTC around $0.25 - $0.30 and I am expecting atleast 10x on Listing and of course long term with the current Bull Cycle there is no limits where we can go but definitely patience always pays off in Crypto so the key for success is to hold!
3. How to Farm 🚜
Well that's the easiest thing out there. Less than 48 hours to do it in 2 different ways!
🔥 Stake your $BNB and farm:
🔥 Stake your $FDUSD and farm:
AEVO Socials:
👉 Website:
👉 Whitepaper:
👉 X:
👉 Discord:
👉 Medium:
Happy Farming 🚜🚜🚜
Crypto Revolution Masters
Less than 2 days to Farm AEVO! LFG 🔥
Hey Folks, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, time is ticking. So far #AEVO. Farming is on fire and you have less than 4 hours to farm some. With $BNB over $500 now don't miss the Opportunity to stake yours and get some juicy Rewards for it.
Let's go again briefly about everything you need to know about #AEVO.
1. What is #AEVO.
I've made it simple for you. Just look at the below picture and you will find everything you need to know:

I love what Aevo are building. Their DEX works super smoothly and fast. Never got any issues using it!
2. #AEVO. #AEVO. personally for me. Oh well, Folks, I am pretty bullish on every single Project on Binance Launchpool. Same with #AEVO.
It was trading OTC around $0.25 - $0.30 and I am expecting atleast 10x on Listing and of course long term with the current Bull Cycle there is no limits where we can go but definitely patience always pays off in Crypto so the key for success is to hold!
3. How to Farm 🚜
Well that's the easiest thing out there. Less than 48 hours to do it in 2 different ways!
🔥 Stake your $BNB and farm:
🔥 Stake your $FDUSD and farm:
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Happy Farming 🚜🚜🚜
Crypto Revolution Masters
Watch my video for everything AEVO - From how to farm it on Binance Launchpool to how to use AEVO DEX. And dont forget I am pretty bullish on whats coming from AEVO Team! #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Watch my video for everything AEVO - From how to farm it on Binance Launchpool to how to use AEVO DEX. And dont forget I am pretty bullish on whats coming from AEVO Team! #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
wow that's really good
wow that's really good
Crypto Revolution Masters
Hey Folks I've recently talked about #AEVO. Farming is now live and it's pretty easy to get your hands on Aevo. And don't forget you can farm in the next 5 days so the earliest you start the better.

Here is how:
1. Stake $BNB
2. Stake $FDUSD
#AEVO is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform. Let me share how it looks with you guys:

You can see that the Interface looks pretty clean, it's easy to do trading and you have all the information you need to feel comfortable when you take Desicion!
The ecosystem of Aevo products provides everything any trader needs. Trade options, perps, yield and structured products in a single place.
I am personally farming every Project on Binance Launchpool since I believe all of them are very good Long Term Hold. #Aevo is not exceptional and I think will do very good on Listing day!
And let's look again at the Utilities of the #Aevo token!
🔥Governance: Aevo token holders can vote on network upgrades, new listings and on general DAO governance
🔥Staking: Users that stake Aevo tokens will get discounted trading fees on the Aevo exchange and boosted rewards on Aevo’s trader reward program.
Happy Farming Folks!
Crypto Revolution Masters
Hey Folks I've recently talked about #AEVO. Farming is now live and it's pretty easy to get your hands on Aevo. And don't forget you can farm in the next 5 days so the earliest you start the better.

Here is how:
1. Stake $BNB
2. Stake $FDUSD
#AEVO is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform. Let me share how it looks with you guys:

You can see that the Interface looks pretty clean, it's easy to do trading and you have all the information you need to feel comfortable when you take Desicion!
The ecosystem of Aevo products provides everything any trader needs. Trade options, perps, yield and structured products in a single place.
I am personally farming every Project on Binance Launchpool since I believe all of them are very good Long Term Hold. #Aevo is not exceptional and I think will do very good on Listing day!
And let's look again at the Utilities of the #Aevo token!
🔥Governance: Aevo token holders can vote on network upgrades, new listings and on general DAO governance
🔥Staking: Users that stake Aevo tokens will get discounted trading fees on the Aevo exchange and boosted rewards on Aevo’s trader reward program.
Happy Farming Folks!
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