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Protocolul de creditare ecologică Odaily Planet Daily News Manta Network ZeroLend a anunțat pe platforma X că va emite Airdrops participanților rețelei Pyth. Utilizatorii trebuie să completeze în prealabil legarea adresei EVM (ghidul de legare) în Pyth Network, iar ZeroLend va emite puncte PT utilizatorilor în funcție de cantitatea de PYTH mizată, iar 1 punct PT va fi alocat pentru fiecare 1 PYTH mizat. #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #CFX #cryptoghoost $MANTA $pyth
Protocolul de creditare ecologică Odaily Planet Daily News Manta Network ZeroLend a anunțat pe platforma X că va emite Airdrops participanților rețelei Pyth. Utilizatorii trebuie să completeze în prealabil legarea adresei EVM (ghidul de legare) în Pyth Network, iar ZeroLend va emite puncte PT utilizatorilor în funcție de cantitatea de PYTH mizată, iar 1 punct PT va fi alocat pentru fiecare 1 PYTH mizat.
#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #CFX #cryptoghoost $MANTA $pyth
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40% dintre adulții americani dețin acum cripto, față de 30% în 2023📊 Monedele lor cele mai dorite au fost Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin și Cardano.… #ALT #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn $BTC $ETH $SOL
40% dintre adulții americani dețin acum cripto, față de 30% în 2023📊
Monedele lor cele mai dorite au fost Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin și Cardano.…
#ALT #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn
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Raportul: capitalizarea pieței și dobânda deschisă reflectă sentimentul pe termen mediu al comercianților. În prezent, metrica este încă în zona violet 🟪. Schimbările rapide în piață vor începe când va deveni verde 🟩. $BTC $BNB $SOL
Raportul: capitalizarea pieței și dobânda deschisă reflectă sentimentul pe termen mediu al comercianților.
În prezent, metrica este încă în zona violet 🟪. Schimbările rapide în piață vor începe când va deveni verde 🟩.
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Proiectul ordinal Bitcoin Taproot Wizards și-a amânat baterea „Quantum Cats” pentru a doua oară, după ce luni a oprit procesul de batere din cauza unor probleme tehnice. Udi Wertheimer, cofondatorul Taproot Wizards, a declarat că baterea listei de permise va reporni la ora 1:00, ora Beijingului, pe 2 februarie și va dura cinci ore.#Write2Earn $BTC
Proiectul ordinal Bitcoin Taproot Wizards și-a amânat baterea „Quantum Cats” pentru a doua oară, după ce luni a oprit procesul de batere din cauza unor probleme tehnice. Udi Wertheimer, cofondatorul Taproot Wizards, a declarat că baterea listei de permise va reporni la ora 1:00, ora Beijingului, pe 2 februarie și va dura cinci ore.#Write2Earn $BTC
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🚨 RUPAREA 🚨 Fostul președinte SEC, Jay Clayton au spus dacă mai era președinte al SEC SUA, el ar fi aprobat a Bitcoin spot ETF până acum. Bitcoin ETF va veni cu siguranță băieți, singura intrebare este cand? #etf $BTC

Fostul președinte SEC, Jay Clayton
au spus dacă mai era președinte
al SEC SUA, el ar fi aprobat a
Bitcoin spot ETF până acum.

Bitcoin ETF va veni cu siguranță băieți,
singura intrebare este cand?
#etf $BTC
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#Meme #core $CORE Core DAO anunță noi recompense Hackathon cu până la 50.000 USD per proiect CORE Core DAO a anunțat o serie de recompense interesante pentru hackaton, ca parte a colaborării sale cu viitorul hackaton ETH Lisabona. Core DAO este pregătit să urce pe scenă ca unul dintre puținii sponsori selectați pentru viitorul hackathon de la ETH Lisabona. Într-un blog postat pe 24 octombrie, Core DAO a anunțat că, ca parte a colaborării sale cu hackatonul ETH Lisabona, va oferi o serie de recompense potențiale proiectelor care depun cereri pentru inițiativă. Premiile în sine vor fi plătite în jetoane CORE, în conformitate cu prețul pieței din 5 noiembrie, la sfârșitul evenimentului cu desfășurare în perioada 3-5 noiembrie. În plus, oricăror proiecte care se dovedesc a fi de succes la eveniment vor primi oportunitatea de a-și prezenta proiectul comitetului de grant al Core DAO și, în acest fel, vor avea șansa de a primi aproximativ 50.000 USD în sprijin de capital. Ce caută Core DAO...? Judecătorii Core vor fi deschiși la minte în primirea cererilor, invitând proiecte orientate atât pe infrastructură, cât și pe aplicații, dar candidații vor fi evaluați în cele din urmă în funcție de gradul de utilitate/valoare pe care proiectul lor îl aduce ecosistemului Core DAO. Pentru a oferi potențialilor solicitanți o idee despre tipul de proiecte care ar putea fi depuse, Core DAO a furnizat următoarea listă, neexhaustivă: O aplicație DeFi care oferă împrumuturi stablecoin garantate cu CORE. Un tablou de bord de prevenire și conștientizare a securității care identifică adresele de EOA sau contracte rău intenționate în blockchain-ul Core. Elementele de bază ale unui SDK de abstracție a contului care permite contractelor inteligente independente să inițieze și să execute tranzacții. Un proiect captivant de jocuri descentralizate care interacționează cu blockchain-ul Core. Un serviciu oracle care furnizează date meteo fiabile pentru contractele inteligente implementate pe blockchain-ul Core. O platformă de lansare a proiectelor NFT și o piață pentru crearea și comercializarea NFT-urilor CORE. #coredao
#Meme #core
Core DAO anunță noi recompense Hackathon cu până la 50.000 USD per proiect
Core DAO a anunțat o serie de recompense interesante pentru hackaton, ca parte a colaborării sale cu viitorul hackaton ETH Lisabona.
Core DAO este pregătit să urce pe scenă ca unul dintre puținii sponsori selectați pentru viitorul hackathon de la ETH Lisabona. Într-un blog postat pe 24 octombrie, Core DAO a anunțat că, ca parte a colaborării sale cu hackatonul ETH Lisabona, va oferi o serie de recompense potențiale proiectelor care depun cereri pentru inițiativă.

Premiile în sine vor fi plătite în jetoane CORE, în conformitate cu prețul pieței din 5 noiembrie, la sfârșitul evenimentului cu desfășurare în perioada 3-5 noiembrie.

În plus, oricăror proiecte care se dovedesc a fi de succes la eveniment vor primi oportunitatea de a-și prezenta proiectul comitetului de grant al Core DAO și, în acest fel, vor avea șansa de a primi aproximativ 50.000 USD în sprijin de capital.

Ce caută Core DAO...?
Judecătorii Core vor fi deschiși la minte în primirea cererilor, invitând proiecte orientate atât pe infrastructură, cât și pe aplicații, dar candidații vor fi evaluați în cele din urmă în funcție de gradul de utilitate/valoare pe care proiectul lor îl aduce ecosistemului Core DAO.

Pentru a oferi potențialilor solicitanți o idee despre tipul de proiecte care ar putea fi depuse, Core DAO a furnizat următoarea listă, neexhaustivă:
O aplicație DeFi care oferă împrumuturi stablecoin garantate cu CORE.
Un tablou de bord de prevenire și conștientizare a securității care identifică adresele de EOA sau contracte rău intenționate în blockchain-ul Core.
Elementele de bază ale unui SDK de abstracție a contului care permite contractelor inteligente independente să inițieze și să execute tranzacții.
Un proiect captivant de jocuri descentralizate care interacționează cu blockchain-ul Core.
Un serviciu oracle care furnizează date meteo fiabile pentru contractele inteligente implementate pe blockchain-ul Core.
O platformă de lansare a proiectelor NFT și o piață pentru crearea și comercializarea NFT-urilor CORE.
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#dydx Polygon (MATIC) face un pas uriaș înainte către Polygon 2.0 $MATIC Actualizarea la POL a fost inițiată pe rețeaua principală Ethereum după luni de dezvoltare, consultare comunității și o lansare de succes a rețelei de testare. Polygon 2.0, care a fost lansat în această vară, este o foaie de parcurs pentru scalarea Ethereum pentru a dezvolta stratul valoric al Internetului, iar POL permite această capacitate. Actualizarea tokenului POL este acum live pe rețeaua principală Ethereum. Polygon 2.0, lansat în această vară, este o foaie de parcurs pentru scalarea Ethereum pentru a construi valoarea POL este un token de ultimă generație care poate alimenta un ecosistem vast de lanțuri L2 bazate pe ZK. Face asta printr-un protocol nativ de re-staking care le permite deținătorilor de POL să valideze mai multe lanțuri și să îndeplinească mai multe roluri pe fiecare dintre aceste lanțuri, transformând POL într-un simbol hiperproductiv. Această etapă majoră este rezultatul lunilor de dezvoltare, consultări extinse ale comunității și lansarea reușită a testnetului. Mulțumiri și felicitări tuturor celor implicați. Să construim împreună stratul valoric al internetului! POL, un token hiperproductiv de ultimă generație, va folosi un protocol nativ de refacere pentru a alimenta un ecosistem masiv de lanțuri Layer 2 bazate pe zero cunoștințe. Deținătorii de POL vor putea valida mai multe lanțuri și vor juca mai multe roluri pe fiecare (secvențiere, implicarea în generarea de dovezi ZK în comitetele de disponibilitate a datelor și așa mai departe). Potrivit cofondatorului Polygon, Mihailo Bjelic, lansarea POL este o piatră de hotar majoră pe foaia de parcurs Polygon 2.0, dar este doar începutul, deoarece va deschide calea pentru mai multe upgrade-uri. Upgrade-ul POL pregătește scena pentru următorul set de etape Polygon 2.0. Lansarea unui nou strat de staking pentru a alimenta Polygon L2, modernizarea Polygon PoS la zk-rollup și construirea unei interoperabilitati avansate, bazate pe ZK și a unui protocol de lichiditate partajat pentru toate aceste L2, sunt toate pe ordinea de zi. Bjelic a continuat spunând că contractele POL, împreună cu Consiliul Protocolului Polygon anunțat recent, se interconectează într-un mecanism de guvernare condus de comunitate, care va juca un rol din ce în ce mai mare în modelarea viitorului protocoalelor Polygon în 2.0 era.
#dydx Polygon (MATIC) face un pas uriaș înainte către Polygon 2.0
Actualizarea la POL a fost inițiată pe rețeaua principală Ethereum după luni de dezvoltare, consultare comunității și o lansare de succes a rețelei de testare.

Polygon 2.0, care a fost lansat în această vară, este o foaie de parcurs pentru scalarea Ethereum pentru a dezvolta stratul valoric al Internetului, iar POL permite această capacitate.
Actualizarea tokenului POL este acum live pe rețeaua principală Ethereum.

Polygon 2.0, lansat în această vară, este o foaie de parcurs pentru scalarea Ethereum pentru a construi valoarea

POL este un token de ultimă generație care poate alimenta un ecosistem vast de lanțuri L2 bazate pe ZK. Face asta printr-un protocol nativ de re-staking care le permite deținătorilor de POL să valideze mai multe lanțuri și să îndeplinească mai multe roluri pe fiecare dintre aceste lanțuri, transformând POL într-un simbol hiperproductiv.

Această etapă majoră este rezultatul lunilor de dezvoltare, consultări extinse ale comunității și lansarea reușită a testnetului. Mulțumiri și felicitări tuturor celor implicați.

Să construim împreună stratul valoric al internetului!

POL, un token hiperproductiv de ultimă generație, va folosi un protocol nativ de refacere pentru a alimenta un ecosistem masiv de lanțuri Layer 2 bazate pe zero cunoștințe.
Deținătorii de POL vor putea valida mai multe lanțuri și vor juca mai multe roluri pe fiecare (secvențiere, implicarea în generarea de dovezi ZK în comitetele de disponibilitate a datelor și așa mai departe).

Potrivit cofondatorului Polygon, Mihailo Bjelic, lansarea POL este o piatră de hotar majoră pe foaia de parcurs Polygon 2.0, dar este doar începutul, deoarece va deschide calea pentru mai multe upgrade-uri.

Upgrade-ul POL pregătește scena pentru următorul set de etape Polygon 2.0. Lansarea unui nou strat de staking pentru a alimenta Polygon L2, modernizarea Polygon PoS la zk-rollup și construirea unei interoperabilitati avansate, bazate pe ZK și a unui protocol de lichiditate partajat pentru toate aceste L2, sunt toate pe ordinea de zi.

Bjelic a continuat spunând că contractele POL, împreună cu Consiliul Protocolului Polygon anunțat recent, se interconectează într-un mecanism de guvernare condus de comunitate, care va juca un rol din ce în ce mai mare în modelarea viitorului protocoalelor Polygon în 2.0 era.
New 100x Potential Cryptocurrency Coins? Fastest Growing Crypto Coins and New Cryptocurrencies including Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Pepe Coin, Aptos, Ethereum, and new presale coin ApeMax $SHIB $DOGE The dynamic world of cryptocurrency has witnessed multiple success stories of coins that have achieved phenomenal growth. As the crypto market evolves, both time-honored coins and novel entrants are creating ripples. Amid this backdrop, ApeMax, with its accelerating presale, is emerging as a standout amongst the young new tokens. Although Bitcoin and Ethereum still secure prime spots in crypto conversations, the ascent of meme coins and fresh tokens such as ApeMax could maybe suggest a potential new wave in the world of altcoins. Let’s unpack the features and allure of these distinct cryptocurrencies. The dynamic world of cryptocurrency has witnessed multiple success stories of coins that have achieved phenomenal growth. As the crypto market evolves, both time-honored coins and novel entrants are creating ripples. Amid this backdrop, ApeMax, with its accelerating presale, is emerging as a standout amongst the young new tokens. List Cryptocurrencies that have experienced High Growth and fast growing presales: Bitcoin: The foundational cryptocurrency, its groundbreaking nature ensures continued relevance. Back in November 2021, Bitcoin recorded an all-time high market cap of $1.27 Trillion. Dogecoin: Originating as a playful meme, it has matured into a significant crypto contender, showcasing the market’s unpredictability. As of now, Dogecoin touts a robust market capitalization surpassing $8.7 billion. Shiba Inu: Capitalizing on Dogecoin’s trajectory, its expansion strategies and fervent community place it center stage. From its August 2020 inception to the late October 2021 peak, Shiba Inu rocketed by an overwhelming 8,300,000% to $0.00008190.
New 100x Potential Cryptocurrency Coins? Fastest Growing Crypto Coins and New Cryptocurrencies including Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Pepe Coin, Aptos, Ethereum, and new presale coin ApeMax
The dynamic world of cryptocurrency has witnessed multiple success stories of coins that have achieved phenomenal growth. As the crypto market evolves, both time-honored coins and novel entrants are creating ripples. Amid this backdrop, ApeMax, with its accelerating presale, is emerging as a standout amongst the young new tokens. Although Bitcoin and Ethereum still secure prime spots in crypto conversations, the ascent of meme coins and fresh tokens such as ApeMax could maybe suggest a potential new wave in the world of altcoins. Let’s unpack the features and allure of these distinct cryptocurrencies.

The dynamic world of cryptocurrency has witnessed multiple success stories of coins that have achieved phenomenal growth. As the crypto market evolves, both time-honored coins and novel entrants are creating ripples. Amid this backdrop, ApeMax, with its accelerating presale, is emerging as a standout amongst the young new tokens.

List Cryptocurrencies that have experienced High Growth and fast growing presales:
Bitcoin: The foundational cryptocurrency, its groundbreaking nature ensures continued relevance. Back in November 2021, Bitcoin recorded an all-time high market cap of $1.27 Trillion.

Dogecoin: Originating as a playful meme, it has matured into a significant crypto contender, showcasing the market’s unpredictability. As of now, Dogecoin touts a robust market capitalization surpassing $8.7 billion.

Shiba Inu: Capitalizing on Dogecoin’s trajectory, its expansion strategies and fervent community place it center stage. From its August 2020 inception to the late October 2021 peak, Shiba Inu rocketed by an overwhelming 8,300,000% to $0.00008190.
Shiba Inu (SHIB) on Verge of Breakthrough: Unexpected Surge $SHIB Shiba Inu sets itself up for unexpected, yet powerful, breakthrough As the cryptocurrency market remains highly volatile, with price swings influenced by a multitude of factors, the meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) has successfully broken through a local resistance level, creating a setup for a longer-term reversal. A meticulous study of its recent chart showcases intriguing patterns that hint at a potential surge in its price trajectory. First and foremost, a close examination of the SHIB/USDT chart reveals a coin that is in a fierce battle with the 21-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA). The 21-day EMA has historically acted as a decisive indicator of bullish or bearish momentum for many cryptocurrencies. At present, SHIB seems to be testing this crucial resistance level, indicating a struggle between bears trying to push the price down and bulls aiming to propel it higher. If SHIB manages to close above this level, traders could expect newfound bullish momentum. However, while there is visible optimism on the chart, it is crucial not to overlook some underlying factors. One of the most conspicuous elements is the descending trading volume. A price chart depicting a cryptocurrency battling key resistance, like the 21-day EMA, ideally should be accompanied by rising trading volumes. This would indicate a strong buying interest and add validity to the price movement. In SHIB's case, the decreasing volume presents a contrary narrative. It raises concerns over the sustainability of any bullish run, as a surge without substantial volume support might be short-lived. #bnbgreenfield #xrp #etf #ftx #geminiearn
Shiba Inu (SHIB) on Verge of Breakthrough: Unexpected Surge
Shiba Inu sets itself up for unexpected, yet powerful, breakthrough
As the cryptocurrency market remains highly volatile, with price swings influenced by a multitude of factors, the meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) has successfully broken through a local resistance level, creating a setup for a longer-term reversal. A meticulous study of its recent chart showcases intriguing patterns that hint at a potential surge in its price trajectory.
First and foremost, a close examination of the SHIB/USDT chart reveals a coin that is in a fierce battle with the 21-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA). The 21-day EMA has historically acted as a decisive indicator of bullish or bearish momentum for many cryptocurrencies.
At present, SHIB seems to be testing this crucial resistance level, indicating a struggle between bears trying to push the price down and bulls aiming to propel it higher. If SHIB manages to close above this level, traders could expect newfound bullish momentum. However, while there is visible optimism on the chart, it is crucial not to overlook some underlying factors. One of the most conspicuous elements is the descending trading volume. A price chart depicting a cryptocurrency battling key resistance, like the 21-day EMA, ideally should be accompanied by rising trading volumes.
This would indicate a strong buying interest and add validity to the price movement. In SHIB's case, the decreasing volume presents a contrary narrative. It raises concerns over the sustainability of any bullish run, as a surge without substantial volume support might be short-lived.

#bnbgreenfield #xrp #etf #ftx #geminiearn
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FTX a folosit miliarde din fondurile clienților pentru a răscumpăra miza Binance CEO-ul Binance, Changpeng Zhao, a declarat într-o postare din 2022 că compania a primit peste 2,1 miliarde de dolari în monede stabile binance USD (BUSD) și jetoane FTT ale FTX. Bursa criptografică falimentară FTX a folosit fondurile clienților pentru a răscumpăra întregul pachet de acțiuni al companiei deținute de bursa concurentă Binance, a dezvăluit miercuri o ședință de judecată. CEO-ul Binance, Changpeng Zhao, a declarat într-o postare din 2022 că compania a primit peste 2,1 miliarde de dolari în monede stabile binance USD (BUSD) și jetoane FTT ale FTX ca Peter Easton, profesor de contabilitate la Universitatea Notre Dame, a fost angajat de Departamentul de Justiție al SUA (DOJ) pentru a urmări miliardele de dolari dintre Alameda și FTX, ca parte a procesului Sam Bankman-Fried în curs. „Oh, da”, a spus Easton când a fost întrebat de instanță dacă FTX a cheltuit vreodată depozitele utilizatorilor. Profesorul a mărturisit că aceste depozite ale utilizatorilor au fost reinvestite în afaceri și proprietăți imobiliare, folosite pentru a face contribuții politice și donate unor organizații de caritate, după cum s-a raportat. Aceste depozite au fost folosite pentru a răscumpăra acțiunile Binance în FTX. „Peste un miliard de dolari au venit din fondurile clienților de la schimbul FTX”, a mărturisit Easton miercuri. În 2019, Binance a investit o sumă de bani nedezvăluită în FTX, ca parte a unui parteneriat strategic între cele două firme. FTX de atunci a procesat 500 de milioane de dolari zilnic în tranzacții, foarte departe de cele peste 50 de miliarde de dolari la apogeul său.
FTX a folosit miliarde din fondurile clienților pentru a răscumpăra miza Binance
CEO-ul Binance, Changpeng Zhao, a declarat într-o postare din 2022 că compania a primit peste 2,1 miliarde de dolari în monede stabile binance USD (BUSD) și jetoane FTT ale FTX.

Bursa criptografică falimentară FTX a folosit fondurile clienților pentru a răscumpăra întregul pachet de acțiuni al companiei deținute de bursa concurentă Binance, a dezvăluit miercuri o ședință de judecată.
CEO-ul Binance, Changpeng Zhao, a declarat într-o postare din 2022 că compania a primit peste 2,1 miliarde de dolari în monede stabile binance USD (BUSD) și jetoane FTT ale FTX ca
Peter Easton, profesor de contabilitate la Universitatea Notre Dame, a fost angajat de Departamentul de Justiție al SUA (DOJ) pentru a urmări miliardele de dolari dintre Alameda și FTX, ca parte a procesului Sam Bankman-Fried în curs.
„Oh, da”, a spus Easton când a fost întrebat de instanță dacă FTX a cheltuit vreodată depozitele utilizatorilor. Profesorul a mărturisit că aceste depozite ale utilizatorilor au fost reinvestite în afaceri și proprietăți imobiliare, folosite pentru a face contribuții politice și donate unor organizații de caritate, după cum s-a raportat.
Aceste depozite au fost folosite pentru a răscumpăra acțiunile Binance în FTX. „Peste un miliard de dolari au venit din fondurile clienților de la schimbul FTX”, a mărturisit Easton miercuri.
În 2019, Binance a investit o sumă de bani nedezvăluită în FTX, ca parte a unui parteneriat strategic între cele două firme. FTX de atunci a procesat 500 de milioane de dolari zilnic în tranzacții, foarte departe de cele peste 50 de miliarde de dolari la apogeul său.
Yuga Labs CEO Is Learning Making NFT Games Is Hard Daniel Alegre, CEO of Bored Ape Yacht Club creator Yuga Labs, published a lengthy essay on Twitter (aka X) late Tuesday evening, part of which details the company’s challenges and shortcomings with game development—including for its upcoming metaverse game Otherside. “While Dookey Dash was a fun game and experience, we have fallen well short of expectations with Forge,” Alegre wrote, referring to the startup’s HV-MTL Forge game. Released in June, HV-MTL Forge is a social building and mech management game where players must complete tasks—like clean up after their NFT robots when they poop, construct tiles, and vote on other players' created environments. It hasn't yielded nearly the same kind of social media buzz as the viral and competitive Dookey Dash. Yuga Labs has similarly acknowledged the technical issues with its latest game experience, Legends of the Mara (LotM), as it faced server issues and outages for maintenance in recent weeks. “The lessons that we are actively learning are that we need to rely on seasoned gaming partners to help build our experiences,” Alegre said. #geminiearn #boredape
Yuga Labs CEO Is Learning Making NFT Games Is Hard
Daniel Alegre, CEO of Bored Ape Yacht Club creator Yuga Labs, published a lengthy essay on Twitter (aka X) late Tuesday evening, part of which details the company’s challenges and shortcomings with game development—including for its upcoming metaverse game Otherside.

“While Dookey Dash was a fun game and experience, we have fallen well short of expectations with Forge,” Alegre wrote, referring to the startup’s HV-MTL Forge game.
Released in June, HV-MTL Forge is a social building and mech management game where players must complete tasks—like clean up after their NFT robots when they poop, construct tiles, and vote on other players' created environments. It hasn't yielded nearly the same kind of social media buzz as the viral and competitive Dookey Dash.
Yuga Labs has similarly acknowledged the technical issues with its latest game experience, Legends of the Mara (LotM), as it faced server issues and outages for maintenance in recent weeks.

“The lessons that we are actively learning are that we need to rely on seasoned gaming partners to help build our experiences,” Alegre said.
#geminiearn #boredape
Exclusive Magic Store Campaign: TitanBorn Awaits Your Mastery! 🌌 Dive Deep, Play 5 Unique Games, and Add a Smooth $1.5 to Your Wallet – A Gaming Extravaganza That Pays! The horizon of Magic Store gleams with a new challenge: TitanBorn Gaming! Venture into an exhilarating world where the thrill of the game intertwines with tantalizing rewards. TitanBorn beckons with its rich tapestry of adventures, promising a gaming experience like no other. Whether you're just starting out or have battled in countless arenas, TitanBorn guarantees not just adrenaline rushes but also a nifty reward! Chart Your Path to the $1.5 Reward: 🎮 Undertake and complete the campaign missions. 🌟 Dive deep and play 5 different games on TitanBorn. 💌 After your gaming spree, furnish your Proof-of-Work to clinch your reward. Dive headfirst into this Magic Store exclusive, where every quest, every challenge, and every victory inches you closer to a tangible reward. At Magic Store, the wonders never cease. We're committed to bringing you enchanting adventures that both delight and reward. Take the TitanBorn challenge and let the games begin! Game On, #bnbgreenfield #xrp #etf
Exclusive Magic Store Campaign: TitanBorn Awaits Your Mastery! 🌌
Dive Deep, Play 5 Unique Games, and Add a Smooth $1.5 to Your Wallet – A Gaming Extravaganza That Pays!

The horizon of Magic Store gleams with a new challenge: TitanBorn Gaming! Venture into an exhilarating world where the thrill of the game intertwines with tantalizing rewards. TitanBorn beckons with its rich tapestry of adventures, promising a gaming experience like no other. Whether you're just starting out or have battled in countless arenas, TitanBorn guarantees not just adrenaline rushes but also a nifty reward!

Chart Your Path to the $1.5 Reward:

🎮 Undertake and complete the campaign missions.
🌟 Dive deep and play 5 different games on TitanBorn.
💌 After your gaming spree, furnish your Proof-of-Work to clinch your reward.
Dive headfirst into this Magic Store exclusive, where every quest, every challenge, and every victory inches you closer to a tangible reward.

At Magic Store, the wonders never cease. We're committed to bringing you enchanting adventures that both delight and reward. Take the TitanBorn challenge and let the games begin!

Game On,
#bnbgreenfield #xrp #etf
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#bnbgreenfield O privire pe piață Capital de piață USD: 1,15 mil USD 📈 3,7% ₿ Bitcoin: 29.647 USD 📈 4,1% Ξ Ether: 1.610 USD 📈 3,7% 💧 Lichiditatea pieței 💧 📈 Piața globală de tranzacționare (volum 24 de ore) Punct: 45,8 miliarde USD Derivate: 134,8 miliarde USD Dobândă deschisă: 47,9 miliarde USD 🏛 Cele mai bune schimburi (volum spot 24 de ore) Binance: 8,3 miliarde USD Coinbase: 1,2 miliarde USD OKX: 1,3 miliarde USD 📊 Cota de piață a schimburilor 📊 „Problema principală a investitorului – și chiar și cel mai mare dușman al său – este probabil să fie el însuși.” – Benjamin Graham. Stablecoin este acum al 16-lea cel mai mare deținător de trezorerie americane Monedele stabile au devenit un jucător global semnificativ în deținerile Trezoreriei SUA. Începând cu luna iunie, totalul lor combinat a depășit 100 de miliarde de dolari în trezoreriile americane, asigurându-se locul șaisprezecea la nivel mondial în ceea ce privește deținerile de trezorerie americane. Acest lucru plasează monedele stabile înaintea mai multor țări, inclusiv Norvegia, Coreea de Sud, Germania, Mexic, Arabia Saudită și Emiratele Arabe Unite. Japonia este în prezent liderul mondial în deținerile Trezoreriei SUA, cu peste 1 trilion de dolari. Urmează îndeaproape China, cu un capital substanțial de 800 de miliarde de dolari. Un aspect remarcabil al monedelor stabile este rolul esențial pe care îl joacă în volumele zilnice de tranzacționare. Volumul lor de tranzacționare este acum echivalent cu cea de-a douăzeci a doua cea mai mare monedă suverană la nivel global. Acest lucru evidențiază influența și atractivitatea în creștere a stablecoins-urilor pe piețele financiare. #bnbgreenfield #etf
#bnbgreenfield O privire pe piață
Capital de piață USD: 1,15 mil USD 📈 3,7%

₿ Bitcoin: 29.647 USD 📈 4,1%

Ξ Ether: 1.610 USD 📈 3,7%

💧 Lichiditatea pieței 💧

📈 Piața globală de tranzacționare (volum 24 de ore)

Punct: 45,8 miliarde USD

Derivate: 134,8 miliarde USD

Dobândă deschisă: 47,9 miliarde USD

🏛 Cele mai bune schimburi (volum spot 24 de ore)

Binance: 8,3 miliarde USD

Coinbase: 1,2 miliarde USD

OKX: 1,3 miliarde USD

📊 Cota de piață a schimburilor 📊

„Problema principală a investitorului – și chiar și cel mai mare dușman al său – este probabil să fie el însuși.”

– Benjamin Graham.

Stablecoin este acum al 16-lea cel mai mare deținător de trezorerie americane
Monedele stabile au devenit un jucător global semnificativ în deținerile Trezoreriei SUA. Începând cu luna iunie, totalul lor combinat a depășit 100 de miliarde de dolari în trezoreriile americane, asigurându-se locul șaisprezecea la nivel mondial în ceea ce privește deținerile de trezorerie americane.

Acest lucru plasează monedele stabile înaintea mai multor țări, inclusiv Norvegia, Coreea de Sud, Germania, Mexic, Arabia Saudită și Emiratele Arabe Unite.

Japonia este în prezent liderul mondial în deținerile Trezoreriei SUA, cu peste 1 trilion de dolari. Urmează îndeaproape China, cu un capital substanțial de 800 de miliarde de dolari.

Un aspect remarcabil al monedelor stabile este rolul esențial pe care îl joacă în volumele zilnice de tranzacționare. Volumul lor de tranzacționare este acum echivalent cu cea de-a douăzeci a doua cea mai mare monedă suverană la nivel global. Acest lucru evidențiază influența și atractivitatea în creștere a stablecoins-urilor pe piețele financiare.
#bnbgreenfield #etf
What is profit and loss (PnL) and how to calculate it PnL refers to the financial gain or loss from buying and selling cryptocurrencies. To calculate it, use various method like the FIFO, LIFO, YTD, and more! Anyone who has dealt with trading in traditional finance is likely to be aware of profit and loss (PnL). But is PnL in the cryptocurrency world the same? The ability to comprehend terms like mark-to-market (MTM), realized PnL and unrealized PnL will help develop a better understanding of the cryptocurrency a person holds. Without a well-defined process to get insight into profit or loss, cryptocurrency trading may be overwhelming, and traders may struggle with what they are doing. PnL reflects the change in the value of a trader’s positions over a specific period. To gain a clearer understanding, let's examine it in the context of cryptocurrency trading. Understanding the basics of PnL, PnL in crypto refers to the calculation of the profit or loss made on a cryptocurrency investment or trading position. It is a metric used to evaluate the financial performance of a trader or investor in the crypto market. To begin, here are some key terms in PnL terminology: MTM MTM refers to the process of valuing an asset or financial instrument based on its current market price or fair value. For example, in the context of crypto trading, if an investor holds a certain amount of Bitcoin BTC tickers down $28,330 , the value of that Bitcoin will fluctuate based on the current market price. Suppose the MTM price for Ether ETH tickers down $1,594 today is $1,970, while the MTM price yesterday was $1,950. In this case, the PnL is $20. It indicates a profit of $20. On the contrary, if the MTM price of ETH was $1,980 yesterday, it indicates a loss of $10. Future value Future value indicates the value of a digital coin at a future point in time. #pnl #BinanceSquare #binance
What is profit and loss (PnL) and how to calculate it
PnL refers to the financial gain or loss from buying and selling cryptocurrencies. To calculate it, use various method like the FIFO, LIFO, YTD, and more!
Anyone who has dealt with trading in traditional finance is likely to be aware of profit and loss (PnL). But is PnL in the cryptocurrency world the same? The ability to comprehend terms like mark-to-market (MTM), realized PnL and unrealized PnL will help develop a better understanding of the cryptocurrency a person holds.

Without a well-defined process to get insight into profit or loss, cryptocurrency trading may be overwhelming, and traders may struggle with what they are doing. PnL reflects the change in the value of a trader’s positions over a specific period.

To gain a clearer understanding, let's examine it in the context of cryptocurrency trading.

Understanding the basics of PnL,

PnL in crypto refers to the calculation of the profit or loss made on a cryptocurrency investment or trading position. It is a metric used to evaluate the financial performance of a trader or investor in the crypto market.

To begin, here are some key terms in PnL terminology:


MTM refers to the process of valuing an asset or financial instrument based on its current market price or fair value. For example, in the context of crypto trading, if an investor holds a certain amount of Bitcoin

tickers down

, the value of that Bitcoin will fluctuate based on the current market price.
Suppose the MTM price for Ether

tickers down

today is $1,970, while the MTM price yesterday was $1,950. In this case, the PnL is $20. It indicates a profit of $20. On the contrary, if the MTM price of ETH was $1,980 yesterday, it indicates a loss of $10.

Future value
Future value indicates the value of a digital coin at a future point in time.

#pnl #BinanceSquare #binance
US government among largest Bitcoin hodlers with over $5B in BTC: Report The $5-billion estimation is based on three major seizures linked to the Bitfinex hack and Silk Road, meaning the actual holdings could be much larger. The United States government has become one of the largest Bitcoin BTC tickers down $28,274 holders, with over 200,000 BTC worth more than $5 billion despite selling a few thousand BTC worth millions earlier this year. According to a data analysis based on public filings, crypto firm estimated that the U.S. government still holds 194,188 BTC, estimated to be worth $5.3 billion. The firm noted in its analysis that these are “lower-bound estimations of the U.S. government holdings based on publicly available information.” The analysis tracked the Bitcoin movement of the U.S. government wallets associated with the three largest BTC seizures since 2020, namely the Silk Road seizure of 69,369 BTC in November 2020, the Bitfinex Hack seizure of 94,643 BTC in January 2022, and the James Zhong seizure of 51,326 BTC in March 2022. Seized assets do not instantly belong to the government. The U.S. Marshals Service, the principal agency charged with selling seized property, only receives possession of the seized Bitcoin after a court issues a definitive forfeiture judgment. The U.S. government also sells a portion of the seized Bitcoin from time to time through an auction system based on court liquidation orders. The most notable government auction dates back to 2014, when billionaire Tim Draper bought 30,000 BTC from U.S. government auctions in 2014. However, in recent years, the U.S. government has turned to crypto exchanges to sell seized Bitcoin over public auctions. One such sale came in March earlier this year when the government sold 9,118 BTC on Coinbase, as confirmed through a public filing. Collect this article as an NFT to preserve this moment in history and show your support for independent journalism in the crypto space. #BinanceSquare #BTC
US government among largest Bitcoin hodlers with over $5B in BTC: Report

The $5-billion estimation is based on three major seizures linked to the Bitfinex hack and Silk Road, meaning the actual holdings could be much larger.
The United States government has become one of the largest Bitcoin

tickers down

holders, with over 200,000 BTC worth more than $5 billion despite selling a few thousand BTC worth millions earlier this year.
According to a data analysis based on public filings, crypto firm estimated that the U.S. government still holds 194,188 BTC, estimated to be worth $5.3 billion. The firm noted in its analysis that these are “lower-bound estimations of the U.S. government holdings based on publicly available information.”
The analysis tracked the Bitcoin movement of the U.S. government wallets associated with the three largest BTC seizures since 2020, namely the Silk Road seizure of 69,369 BTC in November 2020, the Bitfinex Hack seizure of 94,643 BTC in January 2022, and the James Zhong seizure of 51,326 BTC in March 2022.

Seized assets do not instantly belong to the government. The U.S. Marshals Service, the principal agency charged with selling seized property, only receives possession of the seized Bitcoin after a court issues a definitive forfeiture judgment.

The U.S. government also sells a portion of the seized Bitcoin from time to time through an auction system based on court liquidation orders. The most notable government auction dates back to 2014, when billionaire Tim Draper bought 30,000 BTC from U.S. government auctions in 2014.

However, in recent years, the U.S. government has turned to crypto exchanges to sell seized Bitcoin over public auctions. One such sale came in March earlier this year when the government sold 9,118 BTC on Coinbase, as confirmed through a public filing.

Collect this article as an NFT to preserve this moment in history and show your support for independent journalism in the crypto space.
#BinanceSquare #BTC
#BinanceSquare #DeFiChallenge Decentralized exchange Uniswap will begin charging a 0.15% swap fee on certain tokens in its web application and wallet on Oct. 17. According to a post by Uniswap founder Hayden Adams, the affected tokens are Ether ETH tickers down $1,600 , USD Coin USDC tickers down $1.00 , Wrapped Ether (wETH), Tether USDT tickers down $1.00 , Dai DAI tickers down $1.00 , Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), Angle Protocol’s agEUR, Gemini Dollar (GUSD), Liquidity USD (LUSD), Euro Coin (EUROC) and StraitsX Singapore Dollar (XSGD). Shortly after publication, a spokesperson for Uniswap reached out to Cointelegraph, stating that “both the input and output token need to be on the list for the fee to apply.” The interface fees will be deducted from the output token amount. In addition, fees will not be collected on swaps between Ether and Wrapped Ether trading pairs, nor on inter-stablecoin swaps. This interface fee is one of the lowest in the industry, and it will allow us to continue to research, develop, build, ship, improve, and expand crypto and DeFi,” Adams wrote, pointing to new developments in the Uniswap ecosystem such as “an iOS wallet, Android wallet, UniswapX, major improvements to our web app, Permit2, Uniswap v4 draft codebase, and more.” Uniswap is one of the most popular decentralized exchanges in the industry. Based on data from DefiLlama, the DEX currently has $3 billion in total value locked, generating upward of $271 million in annualized protocol fee revenue. It has $12 million in its treasury and has raised $176 million from investors since its inception in 2018. #BinanceSquare #DeFiChallenge #
#BinanceSquare #DeFiChallenge Decentralized exchange Uniswap will begin charging a 0.15% swap fee on certain tokens in its web application and wallet on Oct. 17.
According to a post by Uniswap founder Hayden Adams, the affected tokens are Ether

tickers down

, USD Coin

tickers down

, Wrapped Ether (wETH), Tether

tickers down

, Dai

tickers down

, Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), Angle Protocol’s agEUR, Gemini Dollar (GUSD), Liquidity USD (LUSD), Euro Coin (EUROC) and StraitsX Singapore Dollar (XSGD). Shortly after publication, a spokesperson for Uniswap reached out to Cointelegraph, stating that “both the input and output token need to be on the list for the fee to apply.”

The interface fees will be deducted from the output token amount. In addition, fees will not be collected on swaps between Ether and Wrapped Ether trading pairs, nor on inter-stablecoin swaps.
This interface fee is one of the lowest in the industry, and it will allow us to continue to research, develop, build, ship, improve, and expand crypto and DeFi,” Adams wrote, pointing to new developments in the Uniswap ecosystem such as “an iOS wallet, Android wallet, UniswapX, major improvements to our web app, Permit2, Uniswap v4 draft codebase, and more.”

Uniswap is one of the most popular decentralized exchanges in the industry. Based on data from DefiLlama, the DEX currently has $3 billion in total value locked, generating upward of $271 million in annualized protocol fee revenue. It has $12 million in its treasury and has raised $176 million from investors since its inception in 2018.
#BinanceSquare #DeFiChallenge #
$BTC Bitcoin Jumps to Near $28K as Bulls Bet on ETF Approval Bitcoin (BTC) jumped some 4.5% in the Asian morning hours Monday amid hopes that a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) could get approved in the coming months, sparking bullish hopes. Bitcoin traded just under $28,000, reversing all losses over the past week. The jump seemed to be a continuation of Friday’s reaction to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) decision to not appeal to a recent Grayscale ruling. The SEC will apparently not appeal a court reversal of a decision to Grayscale convert its popular bitcoin trust into a more investor-friendly exchange-traded fund, according to a person familiar with the matter, possibly clearing the way for the first bitcoin ETF in the U.S. This helped boost the odds the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) can be turned into a more appealing ETF. #BinanceSquare #BTC
$BTC Bitcoin Jumps to Near $28K as Bulls Bet on ETF Approval

Bitcoin (BTC) jumped some 4.5% in the Asian morning hours Monday amid hopes that a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) could get approved in the coming months, sparking bullish hopes.
Bitcoin traded just under $28,000, reversing all losses over the past week. The jump seemed to be a continuation of Friday’s reaction to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) decision to not appeal to a recent Grayscale ruling. The SEC will apparently not appeal a court reversal of a decision to Grayscale convert its popular bitcoin trust into a more investor-friendly exchange-traded fund, according to a person familiar with the matter, possibly clearing the way for the first bitcoin ETF in the U.S.
This helped boost the odds the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) can be turned into a more appealing ETF. #BinanceSquare #BTC
4 Trending cryptocurrencies to watch this month $BTC $ETH $BNB The crypto market has seen a shift in momentum over the past week, with most coins and tokens posting significant losses. However, several altcoins have been gaining momentum and attracting increased attention from community. This article explores five top trending cryptocurrencies to keep an eye on this month, thanks to their advertised use cases and growing communities. 1. Meme Kombat (MK) Another emerging crypto gaining momentum is Meme Kombat (MK), an new meme coin currently in its presale phase. Meme Kombat’s team wants to build a gaming ecosystem that brings popular meme characters together to battle, with users able to wager on match outcomes.This could merge the meme coin and crypto gaming sectors into one playful package with a decentralized and transparent design that ensures verifiable results. 2. Launchpad XYZ (LPX) Launchpad XYZ (LPX) is an ambitious new platform aiming to be the go-to hub for all things Web3. The platform promises to offer a wide range of services, from crypto education for beginners to advanced AI-powered trading tools for seasoned investors. Launchpad XYZ has already raised over $1.8 million in presale funding. LPX tokens are currently on offer for $0.0445. Holding LPX will be vital for those who wish to access all of Launchpad XYZ’s potential offerings, which include training courses, NFT minting, and an AI assistant called Apollo. 3. Loom Network (LOOM) Loom Network (LOOM) has been gaining increased visibility recently as interest grows around platforms for scaling decentralized applications (dApps). As an interoperability network optimized for high-performance dApps, Loom Network enables fast transactions, high throughput, and zero gas fees for users. 4. Arweave (AR) Lastly, Arweave (AR) has also gained traction recently as interest in decentralized data storage solutions grows. Arweave operates using “blockweave” technology to optimize the permanent storage of large amounts of data.
4 Trending cryptocurrencies to watch this month
The crypto market has seen a shift in momentum over the past week, with most coins and tokens posting significant losses.
However, several altcoins have been gaining momentum and attracting increased attention from community.

This article explores five top trending cryptocurrencies to keep an eye on this month, thanks to their advertised use cases and growing communities.

1. Meme Kombat (MK)
Another emerging crypto gaining momentum is Meme Kombat (MK), an new meme coin currently in its presale phase.

Meme Kombat’s team wants to build a gaming ecosystem that brings popular meme characters together to battle, with users able to wager on match outcomes.This could merge the meme coin and crypto gaming sectors into one playful package with a decentralized and transparent design that ensures verifiable results.
2. Launchpad XYZ (LPX)
Launchpad XYZ (LPX) is an ambitious new platform aiming to be the go-to hub for all things Web3.

The platform promises to offer a wide range of services, from crypto education for beginners to advanced AI-powered trading tools for seasoned investors.

Launchpad XYZ has already raised over $1.8 million in presale funding. LPX tokens are currently on offer for $0.0445.

Holding LPX will be vital for those who wish to access all of Launchpad XYZ’s potential offerings, which include training courses, NFT minting, and an AI assistant called Apollo.

3. Loom Network (LOOM)
Loom Network (LOOM) has been gaining increased visibility recently as interest grows around platforms for scaling decentralized applications (dApps).
As an interoperability network optimized for high-performance dApps, Loom Network enables fast transactions, high throughput, and zero gas fees for users.

4. Arweave (AR)
Lastly, Arweave (AR) has also gained traction recently as interest in decentralized data storage solutions grows.

Arweave operates using “blockweave” technology to optimize the permanent storage of large amounts of data.
$BTC Bitcoin traders eye weekly close volatility with $27K BTC price on radar Bitcoin price analysis on both long and short timeframes is now focusing on the importance of the $27,000 mark.$BTC #BTC
$BTC Bitcoin traders eye weekly close volatility with $27K BTC price on radar
Bitcoin price analysis on both long and short timeframes is now focusing on the importance of the $27,000 mark.$BTC #BTC
#near Near Protocol (NEAR): A Sleeping Giant? According to data from, Near Protocol has far outperformed the market across various network metrics, but will likely look to further grow its DeFi ecosystem. DeFi on Near Protocol Less encouraging are figures surrounding the protocol’s total value locked (TVL). At time of writing, Near’s TVL sits at around $34 million, having fallen approximately $440 million since its all-time highs in May of last year. Near’s current figure places it below even the likes of Sui and Aptos, at $50 million and $44 million respectively - both of which launched more than two years after Near, and in far harsher market conditions. Within the Near Protocol DeFi ecosystem itself, nearly half of its TVL is delivered by LiNEAR Protocol - a protocol providing liquid staking solutions to the NEAR ecosystem, in tandem with its proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.
#near Near Protocol (NEAR): A Sleeping Giant?

According to data from, Near Protocol has far outperformed the market across various network metrics, but will likely look to further grow its DeFi ecosystem.
DeFi on Near Protocol
Less encouraging are figures surrounding the protocol’s total value locked (TVL).

At time of writing, Near’s TVL sits at around $34 million, having fallen approximately $440 million since its all-time highs in May of last year.
Near’s current figure places it below even the likes of Sui and Aptos, at $50 million and $44 million respectively - both of which launched more than two years after Near, and in far harsher market conditions.

Within the Near Protocol DeFi ecosystem itself, nearly half of its TVL is delivered by LiNEAR Protocol - a protocol providing liquid staking solutions to the NEAR ecosystem, in tandem with its proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.
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