🟡 : Binance's blockchain network, BNB Chain, has revealed a white paper introducing a decentralized data storage infrastructure named BNB Greenfield.
BNB Greenfield introduces a brand new structural and economic paradigm for data in the era of Web3. BNB Greenfield uses BNB as its native token and becomes the third blockchain in the BNB Chain ecosystem, alongside BNB Beacon Chain and BNB Smart Chain, according to a statement.
BNB Greenfield will offer various services such as personal cloud st
GBPT Stablecoin din Marea Britanie poate fi acum retras de la 18.000 de bancomate
Monedele stabile au câștigat recunoaștere și acceptare pe scară largă la nivel global. Criptomonedele sunt cunoscute pentru natura lor imprevizibilă și, printre ele, stablecoins oferă o soluție pentru mulți. Monedele stabile sunt de obicei mai stabile și sunt legate de moneda națională a unei anumite țări.
GBPT, care a fost lansat în iulie, este o monedă stabilă legată de lira sterlină britanică (GBP). A fost lansat de Tether cu simbolul GBPT și are un raport 1:1 la lira sterlină britanică. Parteneriatul recent dintre BitcoinPoint și Poundtoken a făcut ca GBPT să fie ușor accesibil oamenilor din Marea Britanie.
JP Morgan spune că cea mai mare amenințare pentru piață în 2023 este lipsa recesiunii
Strategistul JP Morgan, Mike Bell, a declarat că cel mai mare risc pentru piață în 2023 este absența unei recesiuni, după cum a raportat Markets Insider. Acțiunile Rezervei Federale ar putea avea un impact negativ asupra economiei, deoarece absența unei recesiuni poate duce la o creștere mai mare a salariilor.
Acest lucru, la rândul său, ar putea duce la nevoia Fed să majoreze ratele dobânzilor mai mult decât se aștepta, ceea ce ar combate inflația, dar ar provoca și o scădere a acțiunilor și a obligațiunilor.
Piață în pericol fără recesiune?
Starea economică actuală din SUA este delicată, mulți temându-se de o recesiune din cauza majorărilor ratei dobânzii ale Fed pe tot parcursul anului 2022. Cu toate acestea, potrivit strategului JP Morgan, Mike Bell, cea mai mare amenințare pentru piață în 2023 este absența unei recesiuni.
În timp ce Bitcoin [BTC] s-a concentrat pe atingerea 24.000 USD, alte criptomonede mai puțin cunoscute au obținut câștiguri pe piață. Un astfel de activ, simbolul MINA, a câștigat recent o creștere de două cifre.
În acest moment, MINA este tranzacționat la 0,84 USD cu o creștere de 24,62% în ultimele 24 de ore, ceea ce îl face cel mai performant activ de pe piața criptomonedelor. Creșterea recentă de la un minim de 0,6539 USD la un maxim de 0,9176 USD i-a determinat pe unii să speculeze dacă următoarea sa țintă este 1 USD.
După cum se arată în grafic, MINA a depășit nivelurile cheie de rezistență de 0,766 USD și 0,821 USD. Cu toate acestea, a existat o ușoară scădere a creșterii sale. Dacă această tendință continuă, MINA ar putea scădea la următoarele niveluri de suport de 0,627 USD sau 0,518 USD. Este de remarcat faptul că activul a crescut cu aproape 125% de la 1 ianuarie 2023 și a atins o valoare văzută ultima dată în august 2022.
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is undoubtedly popular among whales. It is one of the reasons many retail investors fear buying into the project. A sell-off from the whales would trigger a massive fall in the token’s price. Nonetheless, whales continue to dominate SHIB holdings. According to Whalealert, a Shiba Inu (SHIB) whale recently moved 3.3 trillion tokens from an unknown wallet. The transferred SHIB is worth an eye-watering $38 million.
The sender’s wallet currently has no SHIB balance. However, the se
Cât timp a durat ChatGPT să ajungă la 1 milion de utilizatori?
ChatGPT, platforma AI cu sediul în Texas, este binecunoscută pentru capacitatea sa de a oferi răspunsuri precise și concise. Capacitatea sa de a construi propoziții bazate pe fapte îl diferențiază de alte aplicații.
ChatGPT, un model de limbă mare creat de OpenAI, a atins o etapă semnificativă depășind 1 milion de utilizatori. Acest succes demonstrează popularitatea în creștere a inteligenței artificiale conversaționale și rolul său în transformarea comunicării.
ChatGPT a ajuns la 1 milion de utilizatori în cinci zile
Viteza cu care a crescut baza de utilizatori ChatGPT este remarcabilă în comparație cu alte companii binecunoscute precum Netflix, Twitter, Facebook și Instagram. Netflix a durat 3,5 ani, Twitter a durat 2 ani, Facebook a durat 10 luni, Spotify a durat 5 luni, iar Instagram a durat 2,5 luni, în timp ce ChatGPT a durat doar cinci zile pentru a ajunge la un milion de utilizatori.
South Korea to Implement a Cryptocurrency Tracking System in 2023: Report
The events of 2022 had a significant impact on South Korea and its cryptocurrency users. A recent survey showed that a significant portion of the nation's wealthy population had lost trust in cryptocurrencies. However, with the beginning of 2023 and all major coins experiencing double-digit growth over the past 30 days, trust may have been restored.
According to a report from local media outlet khgames, South Korea's Ministry of Justice plans to launch a cryptocurrency tracking system.
Will Dogecoin, McDonald's, and Elon Musk Join Forces in 2023?
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has stated that he is still willing to eat a happy meal on live television if McDonald's starts accepting Dogecoin (DOGE) as payment. He made this statement in 2022, but McDonald's has yet to respond.
Recently, this topic resurfaced as McDonald's Tweeted asking its followers what they missed, to which Elon Musk responded with an "oh hi lol." A Dogecoin-focused page, "DogeDesigner," then asked the billionaire if his offer to eat a happy meal on live television was st
A Coinbase Director Reveals Robinhood's Holdings in Shiba Inu
According to Coinbase Director Conor Grogan, the well-known cryptocurrency exchange Robinhood holds $266 million worth of SHIB tokens in its portfolio. Grogan states that SHIB represents 8% of Robinhood's holdings, with Ethereum (ETH) making up the largest portion at 88%, valued at $2.99 billion.
Additionally, Robinhood announced earlier this month that it would include SHIB as one of the coins accepted by its Web3 wallet, along with Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC), and Compound (COMP).
Aptos Beats Bitcoin and Ethereum with 500% Return in 2023
This year has been profitable for investors as they have chosen to stay invested in the market. At the current moment, the global cryptocurrency market cap is at $1 trillion and has not changed in the past 24 hours.
While Bitcoin and Ethereum have risen by about 40% since the start of the year, the 26th ranked cryptocurrency, Aptos, has brought its investors returns that are 10 times higher. Aptos has risen by approximately 500% since the beginning of the year.
Artificial Intelligence predicts the value of Shiba Inu cryptocurrency on February 1, 2023.
The Shiba Inu network has experienced both highs and lows in recent months, following the broader trend of the cryptocurrency market. Despite more lows than highs, the community is optimistic about potential profits with the upcoming launch of Shibarium, and the community has been growing in size as they await this layer-2 rollout.
Currently, the total number of unique addresses on the network has reached an all-time high of 1.29 million. However, unfortunately, more than half of these SHIB hol
At the beginning of the year, the price of Bitcoin was around $16.5k and within a short period of four weeks, the price has already risen to $23,000. As a result, the returns for the month of January are approaching 40%.
In the past, Bitcoin investors have experienced negative returns in January six times, while on the other four occasions, they have seen double-digit positive gains. Only in 2013, the percentage was slightly higher, at 44%.
Institutional investors are showing increased interest in cryptocurrency derivatives
According to a report by Arcane Research. The report states that futures premiums for these derivatives have risen in the past week, with the 3-month basis for Binance reaching levels not seen since April 2022. However, open interest in Binance futures remains relatively low at 6,600 BTC.
The CME basis has also seen a significant resurgence over the past two weeks, reaching 0.7%, the highest since September 2022. This suggests that institutional traders are becoming more bullish about the marke
According to a machine-learning algorithm, XRP may experience a temporary increase in price over the next two weeks. However, the prediction also suggests that the cryptocurrency may not rise above its resistance level of $0.40 by the end of January. Currently,
XRP's price has been relatively stable this week, following a 12% increase in the last 14 days. Despite a recent surge caused by CPI data, the cryptocurrency was unable to surpass its resistance level of $0.40 and has retraced in price
Bitcoin Soars Above $21K, Other Cryptocurrencies Show Double-Digit Gains
The new year has begun on a high note, as the cryptocurrency market experienced a strong rally with Bitcoin and other altcoins displaying double-digit gains. Despite a difficult "crypto winter" in 2022, characterized by falling prices and the collapse of two major players in the industry, the market has rebounded as predicted.
Bitcoin, which had been trading around $16,000, briefly reached a peak of $21,075 over the weekend. According to CoinMarketCap, BTC has seen a 22.39% increase in value ov
Bitcoin, the most widely-known digital currency, has exceeded the market capitalization of both Meta
The value of Bitcoin has been on the rise in the beginning of the new year, reaching over $19,000 and showing a recovery from a low in 2022. The renewed interest in cryptocurrency has led to it surpassing the market capitalization of the two aforementioned companies. Currently, Bitcoin has a market cap of $370 billion, with Meta and Mastercard boasting a market cap of $357.69 billion and $363.03 billion respectively.
This is a significant achievement for Bitcoin, as it demonstrates the growing
Sam Bankman-Fried reportedly ordered the creation of a $65 billion “secret backdoor line of credit"
🚨 : Andrew Dietderich, has revealed that Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX, had instructed the creation of a $65 billion "secret line of credit" without customer's permission, during a recent bankruptcy hearing. This information comes just a day after Bankman-Fried published a statement claiming his innocence of the accusations against him.
It is unclear at this time how the line of credit was intended to be used or if it was actually utilized. Dietderich's revelation in the hearing raises questio
Recent updates on the development of the Shiba Inu's layer 2 solution
Shibarium, has generated interest among SHIB holders and investors.
The developer team for Shibarium recently announced that the upgrade is in the beta phase and that an unexpected portion of the code was posted on GitHub.
The Shibarium bridge is currently being tested by beta testers and it is expected that every transaction will utilize the gas fee token Bone ShibaSwap (BONE).
As a result of these updates, the prices of BONE have also seen an increase. Currently, BONE is trading at $1.18
While Developers Tease Shibarium, Shiba Inu Chart Appears On Twitter,
Twitter has now enabled the ability for users to search and view the latest price chart for Shiba Inu (SHIB) by using the "cashtag" feature. To access this feature, users simply need to search for "$SHIB " on Twitter, which will bring up the chart and the option to open it on Robinhood
This positive news has led to an increase in prices for SHIB, which is currently trading at $0.00000953, an increase of 4.3% in the last 24 hours. Additionally, over the past week, the token has seen a rally of 13
In addition to Shiba Inu (SHIB) being featured on Twitter, Dogecoin (DOGE) has also been included on the platform, which is not surprising given that the owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, is a major proponent of DOGE.
Fans and users of DOGE were previously concerned when DOGE was not included in the initial launch, but they can now relax as it has been added. SHIB and DOGE share similarities, as they are both emblazoned with variations of the Shiba Inu dog meme and have experienced a significant ri