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Care să fie No-CoinerCare să fie No-Coiner Fără monedă și argou pe care oamenii îl folosesc pentru comunitatea criptomonedei pentru a descrie persoanele care nu primesc criptomonede și nu se potrivesc cu neîncredere sau negativitate. Cei care nu fac monedă cred că criptomonedele sunt lucruri temporare, balon, înșelătorie sau nu văd valoare pentru am. Principalele trăsături ale no-coiner: ⚫Scepticism: cei care nu monedă sunt adesea sceptici față de criptomonede și nu cred în perspectivele lor pe termen lung. ⚫Fără investiții: cei care nu fac monedă, de obicei, nu primesc Bitcoin, Ether sau alte active digitale.

Care să fie No-Coiner

Care să fie No-Coiner
Fără monedă și argou pe care oamenii îl folosesc pentru comunitatea criptomonedei pentru a descrie persoanele care nu primesc criptomonede și nu se potrivesc cu neîncredere sau negativitate.
Cei care nu fac monedă cred că criptomonedele sunt lucruri temporare, balon, înșelătorie sau nu văd valoare pentru am.
Principalele trăsături ale no-coiner:
⚫Scepticism: cei care nu monedă sunt adesea sceptici față de criptomonede și nu cred în perspectivele lor pe termen lung.
⚫Fără investiții: cei care nu fac monedă, de obicei, nu primesc Bitcoin, Ether sau alte active digitale.
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Dead Cat Bounce: Wetin E Be?Dead Cat Bounce: Wetin E Be? Pisica moartă sărită pe piața de valori pe care o folosesc pentru a descrie recuperarea temporară și de scurtă durată a prețurilor activelor (cum ar fi acțiunile, criptomonede sau alte instrumente financiare) după ce aceștia nu experimentează o scădere semnificativă și îndelungată. Recuperarea nu înseamnă că tendința se schimbă, dar o corecție pe termen scurt, de obicei urmează o scădere mai mare a prețurilor. Caracteristicile cheie ale săriturii pisicii moarte: ⬛Recuperare pe termen scurt: după o scădere semnificativă a prețului, mergeți să obțineți o creștere scurtă și temporară a prețului activului.

Dead Cat Bounce: Wetin E Be?

Dead Cat Bounce: Wetin E Be?
Pisica moartă sărită pe piața de valori pe care o folosesc pentru a descrie recuperarea temporară și de scurtă durată a prețurilor activelor (cum ar fi acțiunile, criptomonede sau alte instrumente financiare) după ce aceștia nu experimentează o scădere semnificativă și îndelungată.
Recuperarea nu înseamnă că tendința se schimbă, dar o corecție pe termen scurt, de obicei urmează o scădere mai mare a prețurilor.
Caracteristicile cheie ale săriturii pisicii moarte:
⬛Recuperare pe termen scurt: după o scădere semnificativă a prețului, mergeți să obțineți o creștere scurtă și temporară a prețului activului.
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Wetin Be Liquidity TokensWetin Be Liquidity Tokens Jetoane de lichiditate și jetoane pe care utilizatorii le colectează ca recompensă pentru furnizarea de lichiditate burselor descentralizate (DEX) sau protocoalelor de creație de piață automată (AMM). Să zicem că, atunci când o persoană îi pune active pentru fondul de lichiditate, merge să-i dea jetoane pentru a-l reprezenta cota pentru acel pool. Cum funcționează E Dey: ⚫Lichidity Pool: O rezervă de fonduri pe care utilizatorii le creează pentru a sprijini activitățile de tranzacționare pentru schimburile descentralizate precum Uniswap sau SushiSwap. Pool-ul permite altor utilizatori să schimbe criptomonede în mod clar, fără a aștepta ca o altă persoană să termine tranzacția.

Wetin Be Liquidity Tokens

Wetin Be Liquidity Tokens
Jetoane de lichiditate și jetoane pe care utilizatorii le colectează ca recompensă pentru furnizarea de lichiditate burselor descentralizate (DEX) sau protocoalelor de creație de piață automată (AMM).
Să zicem că, atunci când o persoană îi pune active pentru fondul de lichiditate, merge să-i dea jetoane pentru a-l reprezenta cota pentru acel pool.
Cum funcționează E Dey:
⚫Lichidity Pool: O rezervă de fonduri pe care utilizatorii le creează pentru a sprijini activitățile de tranzacționare pentru schimburile descentralizate precum Uniswap sau SushiSwap. Pool-ul permite altor utilizatori să schimbe criptomonede în mod clar, fără a aștepta ca o altă persoană să termine tranzacția.
Vedeți originalul
Care să fie No-CoinerCare să fie No-Coiner Fără monedă și argou pe care oamenii îl folosesc pentru comunitatea criptomonedei pentru a descrie o persoană care nu primește criptomonede și se potrivește cu neîncredere sau negativitate. Cei care nu monedă cred că spun că criptomonedele sunt lucruri temporare, balon, înșelătorie sau nu doar văd valoarea pentru am. Principalele trăsături ale no-coiner: 🎈Scepticism: cei care nu monedă sunt adesea sceptici față de criptomonede și nu cred în perspectivele lor pe termen lung. 🎈Fără investiții: cei care nu fac monedă, de obicei, nu primesc Bitcoin, Ether sau orice alte active digitale.

Care să fie No-Coiner

Care să fie No-Coiner
Fără monedă și argou pe care oamenii îl folosesc pentru comunitatea criptomonedei pentru a descrie o persoană care nu primește criptomonede și se potrivește cu neîncredere sau negativitate.
Cei care nu monedă cred că spun că criptomonedele sunt lucruri temporare, balon, înșelătorie sau nu doar văd valoarea pentru am.
Principalele trăsături ale no-coiner:
🎈Scepticism: cei care nu monedă sunt adesea sceptici față de criptomonede și nu cred în perspectivele lor pe termen lung.
🎈Fără investiții: cei care nu fac monedă, de obicei, nu primesc Bitcoin, Ether sau orice alte active digitale.
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Wetin Be Buckets pentru Crypto și De ce Dem Dey Place AmWetin Be Buckets pentru Crypto și De ce Dem Dey Place Am Pentru tranzacționarea cu criptomonede, galețile pe termen lung înseamnă, de obicei, comenzi limită mari pe care le plasează pentru anumite niveluri de preț pentru a cumpăra sau a vinde criptomonede. Este important de remarcat faptul că gălețile se potrivesc atât de către comercianții individuali, cât și de către participanții mari pe piață, inclusiv de creatorii de piață. De ce Dem Dey plasează găleți pentru Crypto: 🎈Pentru a crea niveluri de suport sau de rezistență: gălețile în care se potrivesc volume mari de comenzi servesc ca niveluri de suport (pentru cumpărare) sau niveluri de rezistență (pentru vânzare), deoarece o cantitate mare de active pentru un anumit preț se potrivește să împiedice scăderea prețului (dacă nu cumpăr) sau din creștere (dacă nu vinde).

Wetin Be Buckets pentru Crypto și De ce Dem Dey Place Am

Wetin Be Buckets pentru Crypto și De ce Dem Dey Place Am
Pentru tranzacționarea cu criptomonede, galețile pe termen lung înseamnă, de obicei, comenzi limită mari pe care le plasează pentru anumite niveluri de preț pentru a cumpăra sau a vinde criptomonede.
Este important de remarcat faptul că gălețile se potrivesc atât de către comercianții individuali, cât și de către participanții mari pe piață, inclusiv de creatorii de piață.
De ce Dem Dey plasează găleți pentru Crypto:
🎈Pentru a crea niveluri de suport sau de rezistență: gălețile în care se potrivesc volume mari de comenzi servesc ca niveluri de suport (pentru cumpărare) sau niveluri de rezistență (pentru vânzare), deoarece o cantitate mare de active pentru un anumit preț se potrivește să împiedice scăderea prețului (dacă nu cumpăr) sau din creștere (dacă nu vinde).
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Weytin be Order BookWetin be Order Book Cartea de comenzi și un instrument care arată lista comenzilor curente de cumpărare și vânzare pentru active (cum ar fi criptomonede, acțiuni) pentru schimb în timp real. Registrul de comenzi arată ordinele pe care participanții de pe piață le plasează, iar prețurile și volumele sunt gata să cumpere sau să vândă active. Cum funcționează Book Dey: Carnetul de comenzi este împărțit în două părți: ⬛Oferte: Nu cumpără ordine. Această secțiune arată prețurile la care participanții de pe piață sunt gata să cumpere active. Cel mai mare preț licitat este de obicei pentru partea de sus a registrului de comenzi.

Weytin be Order Book

Wetin be Order Book
Cartea de comenzi și un instrument care arată lista comenzilor curente de cumpărare și vânzare pentru active (cum ar fi criptomonede, acțiuni) pentru schimb în timp real. Registrul de comenzi arată ordinele pe care participanții de pe piață le plasează, iar prețurile și volumele sunt gata să cumpere sau să vândă active.
Cum funcționează Book Dey:
Carnetul de comenzi este împărțit în două părți:
⬛Oferte: Nu cumpără ordine. Această secțiune arată prețurile la care participanții de pe piață sunt gata să cumpere active. Cel mai mare preț licitat este de obicei pentru partea de sus a registrului de comenzi.
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Weytin provoacă eliminarea criptomonedei de pe platformele de schimb
Weytin provoacă eliminarea criptomonedei de pe platformele de schimb
na video of me explaining about boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld to una .make una enjoy una weekend
na video of me explaining about boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld to una .make una enjoy una weekend
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Wetin Be Liquidity TokensWetin Be Liquidity Tokens Jetoane de lichiditate și jetoane pe care utilizatorii le colectează ca recompensă pentru furnizarea de lichiditate burselor descentralizate (DEX) sau protocoalelor de creație de piață automată (AMM). Simplu, atunci când o persoană depune active pentru fondul de lichiditate, acesta va da jetoane pe care să le reprezinte cota pentru acel pool. Cum funcționează E Dey: ⚫Lichidity Pool: O rezervă de fonduri pe care utilizatorii le creează pentru a sprijini activitățile de tranzacționare pentru schimburile descentralizate precum Uniswap sau SushiSwap. Acest pool permite altor utilizatori să schimbe criptomonede în mod clar, fără a aștepta ca o altă persoană să termine tranzacția.

Wetin Be Liquidity Tokens

Wetin Be Liquidity Tokens
Jetoane de lichiditate și jetoane pe care utilizatorii le colectează ca recompensă pentru furnizarea de lichiditate burselor descentralizate (DEX) sau protocoalelor de creație de piață automată (AMM).
Simplu, atunci când o persoană depune active pentru fondul de lichiditate, acesta va da jetoane pe care să le reprezinte cota pentru acel pool.
Cum funcționează E Dey:
⚫Lichidity Pool: O rezervă de fonduri pe care utilizatorii le creează pentru a sprijini activitățile de tranzacționare pentru schimburile descentralizate precum Uniswap sau SushiSwap. Acest pool permite altor utilizatori să schimbe criptomonede în mod clar, fără a aștepta ca o altă persoană să termine tranzacția.
Tesla cab and bus
Tesla cab and bus
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Care este sensul Crypto President?Termenul Crypto President nu este oficial și este folosit în cea mai mare parte pentru setările informale pentru a descrie lideri, politicieni sau personalități publice care sprijină dezvoltarea criptomonedelor și a tehnologiilor blockchain. O persoană amabilă, potrivită pentru a susține utilizarea criptomonedelor la nivel de stat, promovează utilizarea lor pentru economie și susține legile și reglementările pentru a favoriza industria cripto. Câteva caracteristici cheie care se potrivesc cu Crypto President: ⚫ Suport pentru criptomonede: Un lider amabil se potrivește cu Bitcoin, Ether și alte criptomonede ca instrumente financiare alternative sau mijloace de stocare și transfer de valoare.

Care este sensul Crypto President?

Termenul Crypto President nu este oficial și este folosit în cea mai mare parte pentru setările informale pentru a descrie lideri, politicieni sau personalități publice care sprijină dezvoltarea criptomonedelor și a tehnologiilor blockchain.
O persoană amabilă, potrivită pentru a susține utilizarea criptomonedelor la nivel de stat, promovează utilizarea lor pentru economie și susține legile și reglementările pentru a favoriza industria cripto.
Câteva caracteristici cheie care se potrivesc cu Crypto President:
⚫ Suport pentru criptomonede: Un lider amabil se potrivește cu Bitcoin, Ether și alte criptomonede ca instrumente financiare alternative sau mijloace de stocare și transfer de valoare.
Top Cryptocurrency News for October 9 as at yesterdayTop Cryptocurrency News for October 9 ⬛ U.S. regulators don collect $32 billion for settlement from cryptocurrency companies because of compliance wahala, according to report from CoinGecko. This amount no include plenty personal fines wey Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) don give to individual top executives. ⚫The Alchemy Pay team don announce say dem don integrate with Samsung Pay this week, on October 8. For September, the crypto payment provider don add support for Google Pay. Now, more than 500,000 Alchemy Pay virtual card users fit pay for goods and services both for store and online using Samsung Pay. ⬛The group SweetSpecter, wey get clear ties to China, try do phishing attack on OpenAI employees, according to the AI startup. SweetSpecter pose as ChatGPT user and send emails to the support team wey get malicious attachments. If person open am, these attachments fit allow hackers take screenshots and collect data. ⚫Taiwans Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) wan allow the countrys banks and financial institutions to offer digital asset custody services in experimental mode. The regulator go start to accept applications from banks for the first quarter of 2025. Institutions wey go submit applications must specify which crypto assets dem plan to hold and describe the target audience wey custodial services go dey offered to: crypto platforms, professional, or retail investors. ⬛ According to new study wey Social Capital Market conduct, the leading cryptocurrency hubs for the global industry this year na Dubai, Switzerland, and South Korea. Dubai na the absolute leader, e top the list of the most crypto-friendly countries with score of 79 points. The country don create favorable regulatory environment, introduce tax incentives, and other favorable conditions for the registration or establishment of crypto companies for the region. boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld #Crypto #SCRLaunchpoolStarts! #moonbix #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed

Top Cryptocurrency News for October 9 as at yesterday

Top Cryptocurrency News for October 9
⬛ U.S. regulators don collect $32 billion for settlement from cryptocurrency companies because of compliance wahala, according to report from CoinGecko. This amount no include plenty personal fines wey Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) don give to individual top executives.
⚫The Alchemy Pay team don announce say dem don integrate with Samsung Pay this week, on October 8. For September, the crypto payment provider don add support for Google Pay. Now, more than 500,000 Alchemy Pay virtual card users fit pay for goods and services both for store and online using Samsung Pay.
⬛The group SweetSpecter, wey get clear ties to China, try do phishing attack on OpenAI employees, according to the AI startup. SweetSpecter pose as ChatGPT user and send emails to the support team wey get malicious attachments. If person open am, these attachments fit allow hackers take screenshots and collect data.
⚫Taiwans Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) wan allow the countrys banks and financial institutions to offer digital asset custody services in experimental mode. The regulator go start to accept applications from banks for the first quarter of 2025. Institutions wey go submit applications must specify which crypto assets dem plan to hold and describe the target audience wey custodial services go dey offered to: crypto platforms, professional, or retail investors.
⬛ According to new study wey Social Capital Market conduct, the leading cryptocurrency hubs for the global industry this year na Dubai, Switzerland, and South Korea. Dubai na the absolute leader, e top the list of the most crypto-friendly countries with score of 79 points. The country don create favorable regulatory environment, introduce tax incentives, and other favorable conditions for the registration or establishment of crypto companies for the region.
#Crypto #SCRLaunchpoolStarts! #moonbix #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed
Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 10Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 10 ⬛ U.S. Department of Justice don file charges against cryptocurrency market-making companies Gotbit, ZM Quant, CLS Global, MyTrade, and 14 individuals, wey include their executives and employees. ⚫For Portugal, as U.S. request, the head of cryptocurrency market-making company Gotbit, Alexey Andryunin, don dey detained. Dis and other arrests na part of U.S. Department of Justice charges against Gotbit and three other companies—ZM Quant, CLS Global, and MyTrade. ⬛Global investment bank UBS still dey optimistic about market prospects even as geopolitical tensions for Middle East dey escalate. While fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and missile attacks from Iran dey raise concerns, oil prices dey stable, gold dey near record highs, and recession fears for U.S. dey ease. ⚫ Eighteen individuals and organizations don dey charged with fraud and manipulation for cryptocurrency market. The charges involve deceptive practices like wash trading and pump-and-dump schemes, wey inflate token prices, wey result for seizure of $25 million in cryptocurrency. As part of Operation “Token Mirrors,” Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) don create fake cryptocurrency company and token to expose fraud for the market. boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld #News #USCPIWatch #SCRLaunchpoolStarts! #moonbix #BTC60KResistance

Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 10

Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 10
⬛ U.S. Department of Justice don file charges against cryptocurrency market-making companies Gotbit, ZM Quant, CLS Global, MyTrade, and 14 individuals, wey include their executives and employees.
⚫For Portugal, as U.S. request, the head of cryptocurrency market-making company Gotbit, Alexey Andryunin, don dey detained. Dis and other arrests na part of U.S. Department of Justice charges against Gotbit and three other companies—ZM Quant, CLS Global, and MyTrade.
⬛Global investment bank UBS still dey optimistic about market prospects even as geopolitical tensions for Middle East dey escalate. While fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and missile attacks from Iran dey raise concerns, oil prices dey stable, gold dey near record highs, and recession fears for U.S. dey ease.
⚫ Eighteen individuals and organizations don dey charged with fraud and manipulation for cryptocurrency market. The charges involve deceptive practices like wash trading and pump-and-dump schemes, wey inflate token prices, wey result for seizure of $25 million in cryptocurrency. As part of Operation “Token Mirrors,” Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) don create fake cryptocurrency company and token to expose fraud for the market.
#News #USCPIWatch #SCRLaunchpoolStarts! #moonbix #BTC60KResistance
How to Avoid Receive Dirty CryptocurrencyHow to Avoid Receive Dirty Cryptocurrency To avoid receive dirty cryptocurrency, e good make you follow these rules: ⬛ Use trusted wallets. Always choose big and reliable projects wey get good reputation wey dey implement strict AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) measures. ⚫ Check the cleanliness of addresses before transaction. Before you accept funds, use special tools to check the cleanliness of wallets and transactions. Popular services like Chainalysis fit help you analyze cryptocurrency addresses for connection to illegal activities. ⬛ Avoid suspicious deals. Stay away from transactions with anonymous or suspicious counterparties, as well as off-exchange operations wey no dey possible to verify the origin of the assets. ⚫ Be careful with anonymous cryptocurrencies. Coins like Monero and Zcash dey provide high level of privacy, wey make dem attractive to criminals. Be careful when you dey work with these assets, as dem fit dey more difficult to track. ⬛ Use transaction monitoring. Regularly check your cryptocurrency wallets for dirty assets using specialized services. boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld #Crypto #boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld #moonbix #WeAreAllSatoshi #BinanceLaunchpoolSCR

How to Avoid Receive Dirty Cryptocurrency

How to Avoid Receive Dirty Cryptocurrency
To avoid receive dirty cryptocurrency, e good make you follow these rules:
⬛ Use trusted wallets. Always choose big and reliable projects wey get good reputation wey dey implement strict AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) measures.
⚫ Check the cleanliness of addresses before transaction. Before you accept funds, use special tools to check the cleanliness of wallets and transactions. Popular services like Chainalysis fit help you analyze cryptocurrency addresses for connection to illegal activities.
⬛ Avoid suspicious deals. Stay away from transactions with anonymous or suspicious counterparties, as well as off-exchange operations wey no dey possible to verify the origin of the assets.
⚫ Be careful with anonymous cryptocurrencies. Coins like Monero and Zcash dey provide high level of privacy, wey make dem attractive to criminals. Be careful when you dey work with these assets, as dem fit dey more difficult to track.
⬛ Use transaction monitoring. Regularly check your cryptocurrency wallets for dirty assets using specialized services.
#Crypto #boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld
#moonbix #WeAreAllSatoshi #BinanceLaunchpoolSCR
Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 7Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 7 ⬛Bitcoin don start Monday with increase. Di cryptocurrency dey trade for $63,515. Di 24-hour low for Bitcoin na $61,833, and di high na $63,957. Di second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, Ethereum, also don start di day with increase. Di coin dey trade for $2,499. ⚫Among di top 10 most capitalized cryptocurrencies, di best result over 24 hours na Solana (+4.05%). Over di past 24 hours and di week, all di coins, except stablecoins, don drop for price. Di worst result over di past seven days na XRP (-16.45%). ⚫Di U.S. government don file two lawsuits to seize more than $2.67 million in assets wey North Korean hacker group Lazarus steal. Di authorities wan recover about $1.7 million in Tether (USDT), wey dem steal during di hack of di Deribit crypto exchange for 2022, and $970,000 in wrapped bitcoins, wey dem steal during di attack on di platform for 2023. Di group don dey suspect before say dem involve for di major hack of di WazirX exchange, wey lose $235 million for July 2024. ⚫A new Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP-7781) fit increase di ETH networks throughput by 50%. Di proposal na submit on October 5, 2024, by Illyriad Games co-founder Ben Adams. If dem approve am, network blocks go dey create every 8 seconds instead of 12, wey go also increase di capacity of blobs—a temporary data structure wey dey used to reduce fees on Layer 2 networks. ⚫Di restaking protocol EigenLayer don report say dem steal tokens wey worth $5.5 million. Di attacker intercept di token transfer and take dem. Some of di funds don already dey freeze by law enforcement agencies. According to EigenLayer, di attack happen because dem compromise email correspondence with one of di investors, wey lead to di mistaken transfer of 1,673,645 EIGEN tokens to di attackers address. #boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld #BTCUptober #U.S.UnemploymentNewLow #News

Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 7

Top Cryptocurrency News for the Morning of October 7
⬛Bitcoin don start Monday with increase. Di cryptocurrency dey trade for $63,515. Di 24-hour low for Bitcoin na $61,833, and di high na $63,957. Di second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, Ethereum, also don start di day with increase. Di coin dey trade for $2,499.
⚫Among di top 10 most capitalized cryptocurrencies, di best result over 24 hours na Solana (+4.05%). Over di past 24 hours and di week, all di coins, except stablecoins, don drop for price. Di worst result over di past seven days na XRP (-16.45%).
⚫Di U.S. government don file two lawsuits to seize more than $2.67 million in assets wey North Korean hacker group Lazarus steal. Di authorities wan recover about $1.7 million in Tether (USDT), wey dem steal during di hack of di Deribit crypto exchange for 2022, and $970,000 in wrapped bitcoins, wey dem steal during di attack on di platform for 2023. Di group don dey suspect before say dem involve for di major hack of di WazirX exchange, wey lose $235 million for July 2024.
⚫A new Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP-7781) fit increase di ETH networks throughput by 50%. Di proposal na submit on October 5, 2024, by Illyriad Games co-founder Ben Adams. If dem approve am, network blocks go dey create every 8 seconds instead of 12, wey go also increase di capacity of blobs—a temporary data structure wey dey used to reduce fees on Layer 2 networks.
⚫Di restaking protocol EigenLayer don report say dem steal tokens wey worth $5.5 million. Di attacker intercept di token transfer and take dem. Some of di funds don already dey freeze by law enforcement agencies. According to EigenLayer, di attack happen because dem compromise email correspondence with one of di investors, wey lead to di mistaken transfer of 1,673,645 EIGEN tokens to di attackers address.
Why Exchanges Dey Fear “Dirty” CryptoExchanges dey fear dirty cryptocurrency because e dey connect with illegal activities like money laundering, terrorist financing, cybercrime, hacking, and fraud. The use of dirty crypto fit bring legal, financial, and reputational wahala for exchanges. Here be some reasons why dis one be serious matter: ⚫ Legal wahala Authorities for plenty countries don tighten regulation of cryptocurrency operations and dey require exchanges to follow anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing rules. If exchange accept or process dirty crypto, e fit face investigations, fines, or even closure. ⚫ Risk of sanctions Plenty countries and organizations, like U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), dey impose sanctions on people and organizations wey dey involved for illegal cryptocurrency transactions. If exchange dey do transactions with crypto wey dey linked to sanctioned individuals or companies, e dey risk make dem sanction am too. ⚫Reputational risks If exchange dey linked to illegal transactions, e reputation fit suffer well well. If customers no trust dem again, e fit lead to sharp decline for trading volume, user loss, and long-term financial losses. ⚫ Blockage from partner banks and providers Financial institutions wey dey work with exchanges fit stop cooperation if dem find connection to illegal operations. Dis one fit cause wahala with payment processing and fund withdrawals for customers. ⚫ Automated tracking systems and regulatory pressure Modern tracking systems, like Chainalysis and Elliptic, fit trace cryptocurrency origins. If exchange dey process dirty crypto, these systems fit alert regulators of suspicious transactions, wey fit lead to freezing of funds or account blocks. ⚫ Deterioration of user experience If exchange dey suspect user of sending or receiving dirty crypto, e fit freeze the account, wey go cause dissatisfaction among users. Dis one go lead to delays for withdrawals and generally poor user experience. Boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld Crypto currency trading #WeAreAllSatoshi #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed #USELECTIONNS

Why Exchanges Dey Fear “Dirty” Crypto

Exchanges dey fear dirty cryptocurrency because e dey connect with illegal activities like money laundering, terrorist financing, cybercrime, hacking, and fraud.
The use of dirty crypto fit bring legal, financial, and reputational wahala for exchanges.
Here be some reasons why dis one be serious matter:
⚫ Legal wahala
Authorities for plenty countries don tighten regulation of cryptocurrency operations and dey require exchanges to follow anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing rules. If exchange accept or process dirty crypto, e fit face investigations, fines, or even closure.
⚫ Risk of sanctions
Plenty countries and organizations, like U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), dey impose sanctions on people and organizations wey dey involved for illegal cryptocurrency transactions. If exchange dey do transactions with crypto wey dey linked to sanctioned individuals or companies, e dey risk make dem sanction am too.
⚫Reputational risks
If exchange dey linked to illegal transactions, e reputation fit suffer well well. If customers no trust dem again, e fit lead to sharp decline for trading volume, user loss, and long-term financial losses.
⚫ Blockage from partner banks and providers
Financial institutions wey dey work with exchanges fit stop cooperation if dem find connection to illegal operations. Dis one fit cause wahala with payment processing and fund withdrawals for customers.
⚫ Automated tracking systems and regulatory pressure
Modern tracking systems, like Chainalysis and Elliptic, fit trace cryptocurrency origins. If exchange dey process dirty crypto, these systems fit alert regulators of suspicious transactions, wey fit lead to freezing of funds or account blocks.
⚫ Deterioration of user experience
If exchange dey suspect user of sending or receiving dirty crypto, e fit freeze the account, wey go cause dissatisfaction among users. Dis one go lead to delays for withdrawals and generally poor user experience.
Crypto currency trading
weytin be crypto licenseCrypto license na regulatory document wey dem dey give to companies or individuals wey dey do work wey concern cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, inside the legal framework of one specific country or jurisdiction. Dis licenses dey regulate operation with digital assets, make sure say market participants dey follow legal requirements and standards for finance, security, and consumer protection. You fit need crypto license for di following activities: ⚫ Cryptocurrency exchanges — platforms wey go allow users to buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrencies. ⚫ Cryptocurrency wallets and asset storage — companies wey dey provide secure storage services for cryptocurrencies. ⬛ Crypto payment services — platforms wey dey offer payments for goods and services wey use cryptocurrencies. ⬛ ICOs and asset tokenization — fundraising through token issuance. ⬛ Crypto financial services — lending, collateral operations, and other financial services wey base on crypto assets. Jurisdictions wey dem dey issue crypto licenses well well include Estonia, Switzerland, Lithuania, Malta, and other countries wey get advanced regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies. Crypto trading #CryptoLicense

weytin be crypto license

Crypto license na regulatory document wey dem dey give to companies or individuals wey dey do work wey concern cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, inside the legal framework of one specific country or jurisdiction.
Dis licenses dey regulate operation with digital assets, make sure say market participants dey follow legal requirements and standards for finance, security, and consumer protection.
You fit need crypto license for di following activities:
⚫ Cryptocurrency exchanges — platforms wey go allow users to buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrencies.
⚫ Cryptocurrency wallets and asset storage — companies wey dey provide secure storage services for cryptocurrencies.
⬛ Crypto payment services — platforms wey dey offer payments for goods and services wey use cryptocurrencies.
⬛ ICOs and asset tokenization — fundraising through token issuance.
⬛ Crypto financial services — lending, collateral operations, and other financial services wey base on crypto assets.
Jurisdictions wey dem dey issue crypto licenses well well include Estonia, Switzerland, Lithuania, Malta, and other countries wey get advanced regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies.
Crypto trading
update for tomatoes airdrop listingsTomarket airdrop update: vital details for di listing #tomarketairdrop u guys dey ready tomarket de gear up to launch na much-anticipated $tomato token by di end for october 2024, following di kpatakpata for di second airdrop snapshot, which occurred for early september 2024. Di initial trading price na projected be close to $0. 002, but it fit rise substantially depending for di level for interest and overall demand from users. Dis upcoming listing na drawing attention from both di cryptocurrency and gaming sectors, particularly due go di platform’s innovative blend for blockchain technology and gaming rewards, wia players fit earn and trade actual tokens. dis launch na essential step for tomarket, positioning di project for di forefront for blockchain gaming integration. Di unique approach na designed to reward active users, making $tomato a potentially valuable asset for di ecosystem. Wit a dedicated user base and increasing buzz, di token fit experience substantial growth, depending on top na reception for di taim for listing. di strategic shikena! to list $tomato comes for a taim wen plenti users are find tokens wit real utility, especially for di growing intersection for blockchain and gaming. Tomarket's vision aligns wit dis reign, dey offer players a way to monetize dia in-game activities while contribute go broader decentralized economy. Di token’s success go largely depend for di engagement for di community and na adaptability to market trends. dis listing signifies a crucial moment for tomarket’s roadmap as it broadens na influence and appeal go global audience. As di excitement builds, it's becoming increasingly clear dat dis project fit set para para benchmarks for di fusion for gaming and blockchain. #tomato #tomatoairdrop #tomarketapp #binancelaunchpoolhmstr

update for tomatoes airdrop listings

Tomarket airdrop update: vital details for di listing
u guys dey ready
tomarket de gear up to launch na much-anticipated $tomato token by di end for october 2024, following di kpatakpata for di second airdrop snapshot, which occurred for early september 2024. Di initial trading price na projected be close to $0. 002, but it fit rise substantially depending for di level for interest and overall demand from users. Dis upcoming listing na drawing attention from both di cryptocurrency and gaming sectors, particularly due go di platform’s innovative blend for blockchain technology and gaming rewards, wia players fit earn and trade actual tokens.
dis launch na essential step for tomarket, positioning di project for di forefront for blockchain gaming integration. Di unique approach na designed to reward active users, making $tomato a potentially valuable asset for di ecosystem. Wit a dedicated user base and increasing buzz, di token fit experience substantial growth, depending on top na reception for di taim for listing.
di strategic shikena! to list $tomato comes for a taim wen plenti users are find tokens wit real utility, especially for di growing intersection for blockchain and gaming. Tomarket's vision aligns wit dis reign, dey offer players a way to monetize dia in-game activities while contribute go broader decentralized economy. Di token’s success go largely depend for di engagement for di community and na adaptability to market trends.
dis listing signifies a crucial moment for tomarket’s roadmap as it broadens na influence and appeal go global audience. As di excitement builds, it's becoming increasingly clear dat dis project fit set para para benchmarks for di fusion for gaming and blockchain.
#tomato #tomatoairdrop #tomarketapp #binancelaunchpoolhmstr
Top cryptocurrency bin dey for october 4 🌍di mining compin bitcoin terawulf inc. don completed di sale for na 25% stake for di joint venture nautilus cryptomine for approximately $92 million. Dis week, di compin bin announce dat it intends to use di proceeds to expand na high-performance computing (hpc) and artificial intelligence (ai) infrastructure for di lake mariner facility. 🌍cryptocurrency exchange coinbase global inc. bin announce plans to delist all stablecoins from na platform wey do no bi meet di requirements for di para para european union (eu) regulation. Coinbase's decision to delist stablecoins wey do no bi comply wit mica (markets for crypto-assets regulation) go take effect by di end for 2024, according to bloomberg. 🌍 for september 2024, binance processed 36. 6% for trading volume on top centralized platforms for spot and derivatives trading. Dis na 22% pass na nearest competitor, okx. However, di platform's share for di spot market decreased by pass 20%. Binance accounted for only 27% for total spot transactions, di lowest level tey tey september 2020. 🌍 starting for 2025, banks for north amerika, europe, and asia go begin testing digital asset transactions through di swift network. Di pilot project aims to explore di possibility for financial institutions conducting transactions wit cryptocurrencies, tokenized products, and cbdcs on top multiple blockchains, use connectivity go di payment platform. 🌍 as for october 2024, di latest data show dat decentralized autonomous organizations (daos) hold treasuries worth $24. 5 billion, down $12. 6 billion from di end for march. Dao optimism, which had $8. 3 billion on top march 24, don reduced na treasury to $3. 8 billion but remains di largest dao treasury despite di decrease. boybornblackcryptocurrencyworld
Top cryptocurrency bin dey for october 4

🌍di mining compin bitcoin terawulf inc. don completed di sale for na 25% stake for di joint venture nautilus cryptomine for approximately $92 million. Dis week, di compin bin announce dat it intends to use di proceeds to expand na high-performance computing (hpc) and artificial intelligence (ai) infrastructure for di lake mariner facility.

🌍cryptocurrency exchange coinbase global inc. bin announce plans to delist all stablecoins from na platform wey do no bi meet di requirements for di para para european union (eu) regulation. Coinbase's decision to delist stablecoins wey do no bi comply wit mica (markets for crypto-assets regulation) go take effect by di end for 2024, according to bloomberg.

🌍 for september 2024, binance processed 36. 6% for trading volume on top centralized platforms for spot and derivatives trading. Dis na 22% pass na nearest competitor, okx. However, di platform's share for di spot market decreased by pass 20%. Binance accounted for only 27% for total spot transactions, di lowest level tey tey september 2020.

🌍 starting for 2025, banks for north amerika, europe, and asia go begin testing digital asset transactions through di swift network. Di pilot project aims to explore di possibility for financial institutions conducting transactions wit cryptocurrencies, tokenized products, and cbdcs on top multiple blockchains, use connectivity go di payment platform.

🌍 as for october 2024, di latest data show dat decentralized autonomous organizations (daos) hold treasuries worth $24. 5 billion, down $12. 6 billion from di end for march. Dao optimism, which had $8. 3 billion on top march 24, don reduced na treasury to $3. 8 billion but remains di largest dao treasury despite di decrease.

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