Binance Square
Crypto is not for the weak. it make one rich and also make one poor. be careful.
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in timpul razboiului pierderi de bani in valoare dar #BTC si #crypto sunt sigure si tranzactionabile. Un alt exemplu este dacă aveți cheia pentru portofel, sunteți liber să vă mâncați banii oriunde. #crypto este legal, #Binance este noua banca si #BTC este safu. cu ochii pe $SUI și $LUNA
in timpul razboiului pierderi de bani in valoare dar #BTC si #crypto sunt sigure si tranzactionabile. Un alt exemplu este dacă aveți cheia pentru portofel, sunteți liber să vă mâncați banii oriunde. #crypto este legal, #Binance este noua banca si #BTC este safu. cu ochii pe $SUI și $LUNA
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de ce trebuie să sun #dyor înainte de a cumpăra spot sau de a face contracte futures? de asemenea, de ce cad începătorii victime? ați ales vreodată o tranzacție dată de T.A și tranzacția eșuează? #dyor înseamnă FACEȚI PROPRIA CERCETARE. Urmăresc câteva analize și mi-am vândut $SOL la început, acesta este cel mai rău scenariu al meu în #crypto acest tip T.A știe când să cumpere și să vândă Crypto, când să fie lung sau scurt. dacă nu vrei să mori în Crypto așa cum am făcut eu, te rog stai departe de T.A. în sfârșit îmi fac propriile cercetări. Cumpăr când e bine să cumperi și vând când e bine să vând.
de ce trebuie să sun #dyor înainte de a cumpăra spot sau de a face contracte futures?
de asemenea, de ce cad începătorii victime?
ați ales vreodată o tranzacție dată de T.A și tranzacția eșuează?
Urmăresc câteva analize și mi-am vândut $SOL la început, acesta este cel mai rău scenariu al meu în #crypto
acest tip T.A știe când să cumpere și să vândă Crypto, când să fie lung sau scurt. dacă nu vrei să mori în Crypto așa cum am făcut eu, te rog stai departe de T.A.
în sfârșit îmi fac propriile cercetări. Cumpăr când e bine să cumperi și vând când e bine să vând.
bought more #Shibainu today. #dyor pls. the reason why I add more $SHIB I analyse the coin on a monthly view, and observed #Shibainu is always bullish during October. do u think I am right I am holding for 14 days.
bought more #Shibainu today. #dyor pls. the reason why I add more $SHIB I analyse the coin on a monthly view, and observed #Shibainu is always bullish during October. do u think I am right I am holding for 14 days.
#crypto has it law, and these laws are applicable to all investors the law started that “ the more u loss in crypto, the more you learn how to use risk management " Also “ the more u earn in #crypto, the more u forget about risk management. One thing u should never forget about #crypto, crypto is too risky ( future traders) always learn risk management.
#crypto has it law, and these laws are applicable to all investors the law started that “ the more u loss in crypto, the more you learn how to use risk management "

Also “ the more u earn in #crypto, the more u forget about risk management.

One thing u should never forget about #crypto, crypto is too risky ( future traders) always learn risk management.
#BTC is the best investment. Having a whole #BTC is really expensive in many countries, but the trick is invest in memecoin like #Shibainu and HoLD.
#BTC is the best investment. Having a whole #BTC is really expensive in many countries, but the trick is invest in memecoin like #Shibainu and HoLD.
Do you think #sol will recover back to 200$ ?. little advice if $SOL drops bag more pls Dyor
Do you think #sol will recover back to 200$ ?. little advice if $SOL drops bag more pls Dyor
Good morning to all #crypto2023 holders. remember the rules not all analysis are real, keep ur fund safe and DYOR.
Good morning to all #crypto2023 holders. remember the rules not all analysis are real, keep ur fund safe and DYOR.
#BTC is going to zero. i mean 100000$
#BTC is going to zero. i mean 100000$
how much did #crypto2023 take away from u¿ do u think u will win one day 🤔. are u willing to give up¿. if u give up u are a loser😂. if u stay pls use risks management, #crypto is not for the weak..
how much did #crypto2023 take away from u¿ do u think u will win one day 🤔. are u willing to give up¿. if u give up u are a loser😂. if u stay pls use risks management, #crypto is not for the weak..
anytime i looked at my portfolio, it made me look like i am cutting onion. but i always use this to keep myself calm “ the patient dog eat the fattest bone”. dont forget i am still holding #Shibainu and i believe it will make me rich..
anytime i looked at my portfolio, it made me look like i am cutting onion. but i always use this to keep myself calm “ the patient dog eat the fattest bone”. dont forget i am still holding #Shibainu and i believe it will make me rich..
after buying #Shibainu i was in profit and refuses to sell. i have had plan over my holdings, i am expecting 1$ per shiba coin. do u think #Shibainu can reach a dollars¿ follow me and i will tell u why i shiba can worth 1$
after buying #Shibainu i was in profit and refuses to sell. i have had plan over my holdings, i am expecting 1$ per shiba coin. do u think #Shibainu can reach a dollars¿ follow me and i will tell u why i shiba can worth 1$
#Binance was the first and easiest exchange I use.. I become verify few years ago, the first Crypto I bought was #Shibainu i am still holding. I will continue my story if u follow me,, get rich or die poor.
#Binance was the first and easiest exchange I use.. I become verify few years ago, the first Crypto I bought was #Shibainu i am still holding. I will continue my story if u follow me,, get rich or die poor.
#crypto2023 my experience in Crypto Space is very wide. I will start by telling you my history make sure you're following me
my experience in Crypto Space is very wide. I will start by telling you my history make sure you're following me
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