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Pregătiți-vă să vă înșelați: DigiHorse Empires vs. FLOKI și PEPE – Prevânzarea pe care nu o puteți rata!Cu comunitățile de jocuri și blockchain pline de anticipare, DigiHorse Empires urmează să lanseze prevânzarea jetonului său $DIGI, marcând o oportunitate esențială pentru utilizatorii timpurii de a se implica cu o platformă care este gata să revoluționeze jocurile Web3 în 2024. Tendințele pieței Pepe și Floki: Aceste monede meme au revenit impresionant de la recesiunile recente ale pieței, demonstrând o acțiune puternică a prețurilor care subliniază volatilitatea ridicată și rentabilitatea potențială a activelor digitale inovatoare. În ultima săptămână, prețul lui Pepe a crescut de la un minim de 0,0023 USD la 0,0035 USD, în timp ce Floki a crescut de la 0,000011 USD la 0,000018 USD.

Pregătiți-vă să vă înșelați: DigiHorse Empires vs. FLOKI și PEPE – Prevânzarea pe care nu o puteți rata!

Cu comunitățile de jocuri și blockchain pline de anticipare, DigiHorse Empires urmează să lanseze prevânzarea jetonului său $DIGI, marcând o oportunitate esențială pentru utilizatorii timpurii de a se implica cu o platformă care este gata să revoluționeze jocurile Web3 în 2024.

Tendințele pieței
Pepe și Floki: Aceste monede meme au revenit impresionant de la recesiunile recente ale pieței, demonstrând o acțiune puternică a prețurilor care subliniază volatilitatea ridicată și rentabilitatea potențială a activelor digitale inovatoare. În ultima săptămână, prețul lui Pepe a crescut de la un minim de 0,0023 USD la 0,0035 USD, în timp ce Floki a crescut de la 0,000011 USD la 0,000018 USD.
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DeltaPrime dezvăluie $PRIME Token: Pionierul unui nou standard în guvernanța și utilitatea DeFiDeltaPrime, o platformă descentralizată de împrumut și investiții, este încântată să anunțe evenimentul de generare a jetoanelor (TGE) pe Uniswap și Trader Joe. TGE marchează o altă inovație în cripto, odată cu lansarea jetoanelor $PRIME și $sPRIME pe 1 iulie 2024. Născut pe piața ursă și care operează pe rețelele Arbitrum și Avalanche, designul inventiv al tokenomics al DeltaPrime se concentrează pe creșterea stabilă a fondurilor sale de lichiditate. , precum și recompense îmbunătățite ale comunității și capacități de guvernare. Orientat către comunitate și transparent, DeltaPrime a dezvoltat un protocol nou, cu măsuri de securitate remarcabile pentru împrumutul fără încredere și subgarantizat de active cripto care urmează să fie utilizate pentru tranzacționare, creșterea randamentului și furnizarea de lichidități pe alte protocoale incluse pe lista albă.

DeltaPrime dezvăluie $PRIME Token: Pionierul unui nou standard în guvernanța și utilitatea DeFi

DeltaPrime, o platformă descentralizată de împrumut și investiții, este încântată să anunțe evenimentul de generare a jetoanelor (TGE) pe Uniswap și Trader Joe. TGE marchează o altă inovație în cripto, odată cu lansarea jetoanelor $PRIME și $sPRIME pe 1 iulie 2024. Născut pe piața ursă și care operează pe rețelele Arbitrum și Avalanche, designul inventiv al tokenomics al DeltaPrime se concentrează pe creșterea stabilă a fondurilor sale de lichiditate. , precum și recompense îmbunătățite ale comunității și capacități de guvernare.
Orientat către comunitate și transparent, DeltaPrime a dezvoltat un protocol nou, cu măsuri de securitate remarcabile pentru împrumutul fără încredere și subgarantizat de active cripto care urmează să fie utilizate pentru tranzacționare, creșterea randamentului și furnizarea de lichidități pe alte protocoale incluse pe lista albă.
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BORSA NAILWAL SANDEEP NAILWAL-BACKED FELLOWAL DESCHIDE APLICAȚIILE PENTRU COORTA 2024Nailwal Fellowship invită aspiranții constructori web3 să aplice pentru prestigioasa sa cohortă 2024, cu cererile până pe 22 iulie. Nailwal Fellowship, fondată de Sandeep Nailwal, co-fondator al Polygon, acceptă acum aplicații pentru cohorta sa din 2024. Programul este conceput pentru a încuraja constructorii talentați să facă un salt de credință în spațiul web3, oferind o rețea puternică și securitate financiară.  Bursa Nailwal oferă o oportunitate unică pentru colegii selectați de a primi: Sprijin financiar: Fiecare bursier primește un grant de 50.000 USD pentru a se angaja să construiască în web3 timp de șase luni.


Nailwal Fellowship invită aspiranții constructori web3 să aplice pentru prestigioasa sa cohortă 2024, cu cererile până pe 22 iulie.

Nailwal Fellowship, fondată de Sandeep Nailwal, co-fondator al Polygon, acceptă acum aplicații pentru cohorta sa din 2024. Programul este conceput pentru a încuraja constructorii talentați să facă un salt de credință în spațiul web3, oferind o rețea puternică și securitate financiară. 
Bursa Nailwal oferă o oportunitate unică pentru colegii selectați de a primi:
Sprijin financiar: Fiecare bursier primește un grant de 50.000 USD pentru a se angaja să construiască în web3 timp de șase luni.
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Protocolul Giants aduce utilitate runelor Gata cu Shitcoinery: Protocolul Giants aduce utilitate runelor cu prima platformă de creare a activelor digitale bazată pe Bitcoin UTXO Giants Protocol, dezvoltat de Giants Planet, introduce o abordare revoluționară a creării de active digitale pe Bitcoin, valorificând securitatea robustă și lichiditatea extinsă a blockchain-ului Bitcoin. Giants Protocol reprezintă primul protocol de creare a activelor digitale din lume care utilizează UTXO (Ieșiri de tranzacție necheltuite), permițând crearea, gestionarea și modernizarea activelor digitale și fizice. Giants Planet este susținută de Fondul Suveran de Avere din Singapore și se angajează să construiască un ecosistem Bitcoin gamificat. Acest ecosistem va permite crearea și gamificarea atât a activelor fizice, cât și a celor digitale, oferind o suită completă de infrastructură Bitcoin.

Protocolul Giants aduce utilitate runelor

Gata cu Shitcoinery: Protocolul Giants aduce utilitate runelor cu prima platformă de creare a activelor digitale bazată pe Bitcoin UTXO

Giants Protocol, dezvoltat de Giants Planet, introduce o abordare revoluționară a creării de active digitale pe Bitcoin, valorificând securitatea robustă și lichiditatea extinsă a blockchain-ului Bitcoin. Giants Protocol reprezintă primul protocol de creare a activelor digitale din lume care utilizează UTXO (Ieșiri de tranzacție necheltuite), permițând crearea, gestionarea și modernizarea activelor digitale și fizice. Giants Planet este susținută de Fondul Suveran de Avere din Singapore și se angajează să construiască un ecosistem Bitcoin gamificat. Acest ecosistem va permite crearea și gamificarea atât a activelor fizice, cât și a celor digitale, oferind o suită completă de infrastructură Bitcoin.
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Merlin Chain lansează Aventura lui Merlin: un program de grant pentru ecosisteme MERL de 210 milioane USDSingapore, 20 iunie 2024 - Merlin Chain, principalul ecosistem Bitcoin Layer-2 (BTC L2), este mândru să anunțe lansarea Merlin's Adventure, un program de granturi pentru ecosistem conceput pentru a sprijini și a împuternici constructorii care contribuie la adoptarea și avansarea Lanțul Merlin. Cu un total de 210 milioane $MERL tokens alocate pentru program, Merlin Chain își propune să cultive aplicații native Bitcoin, inovatoare și centrate pe utilizator, accelerând astfel creșterea ecosistemului BTC L2. Merlin Chain a atins repere semnificative în ultimele 12 luni, lăudându-se cu cea mai mare valoare totală blocată (TVL), cu cei mai mulți dezvoltatori și cu cea mai solidă comunitate dintre proiectele BTC L2. Pentru a revigora și mai mult ecosistemul, Merlin's Adventure salută constructori inovatori și dedicați din întreaga lume care să solicite granturi în cinci categorii cheie: User Experience Pioneer, BTC Native Assets Innovator, Merlin Visibility Trailblazer, Ecosystem Engagement Leader și Bitcoin Innovation Pathfinder.

Merlin Chain lansează Aventura lui Merlin: un program de grant pentru ecosisteme MERL de 210 milioane USD

Singapore, 20 iunie 2024 - Merlin Chain, principalul ecosistem Bitcoin Layer-2 (BTC L2), este mândru să anunțe lansarea Merlin's Adventure, un program de granturi pentru ecosistem conceput pentru a sprijini și a împuternici constructorii care contribuie la adoptarea și avansarea Lanțul Merlin. Cu un total de 210 milioane $MERL tokens alocate pentru program, Merlin Chain își propune să cultive aplicații native Bitcoin, inovatoare și centrate pe utilizator, accelerând astfel creșterea ecosistemului BTC L2.
Merlin Chain a atins repere semnificative în ultimele 12 luni, lăudându-se cu cea mai mare valoare totală blocată (TVL), cu cei mai mulți dezvoltatori și cu cea mai solidă comunitate dintre proiectele BTC L2. Pentru a revigora și mai mult ecosistemul, Merlin's Adventure salută constructori inovatori și dedicați din întreaga lume care să solicite granturi în cinci categorii cheie: User Experience Pioneer, BTC Native Assets Innovator, Merlin Visibility Trailblazer, Ecosystem Engagement Leader și Bitcoin Innovation Pathfinder.
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Kroma se alătură Superlanțului, marcând o etapă majoră în dezvoltarea ecosistemului centrat pe jocKroma este încântată să anunțe integrarea sa oficială în Superchain, un pas semnificativ înainte în misiunea noastră de a îmbunătăți ecosistemul principal al jocului din Asia. Ce este Superchain-ul? Superchain este o rețea în creștere de lanțuri (OP Stack Chains), construită pe baza de cod standard open-source a Optimism, OP Stack. OP Stack Chains construite pe Superchain contribuie cu părți din veniturile lor înapoi la Optimism Collective pentru a finanța bunuri publice și dezvoltarea rețelei. De ce Superlanțul? Prin alăturarea Superchain-ului, Kroma ne accelerează obiectivul de a deveni cel mai important ecosistem blockchain centrat pe joc din Asia. Acesta va extinde adoptarea DApp bazată pe jocuri, permițând dezvoltatorilor să construiască și să implementeze aplicații mai eficient pe diferite straturi. 

Kroma se alătură Superlanțului, marcând o etapă majoră în dezvoltarea ecosistemului centrat pe joc

Kroma este încântată să anunțe integrarea sa oficială în Superchain, un pas semnificativ înainte în misiunea noastră de a îmbunătăți ecosistemul principal al jocului din Asia.
Ce este Superchain-ul?
Superchain este o rețea în creștere de lanțuri (OP Stack Chains), construită pe baza de cod standard open-source a Optimism, OP Stack. OP Stack Chains construite pe Superchain contribuie cu părți din veniturile lor înapoi la Optimism Collective pentru a finanța bunuri publice și dezvoltarea rețelei.
De ce Superlanțul?
Prin alăturarea Superchain-ului, Kroma ne accelerează obiectivul de a deveni cel mai important ecosistem blockchain centrat pe joc din Asia. Acesta va extinde adoptarea DApp bazată pe jocuri, permițând dezvoltatorilor să construiască și să implementeze aplicații mai eficient pe diferite straturi. 
LABEL Foundation Rebrands into LABEL AILABEL Foundation Rebrands into LABEL AI: Shaping the Future of Music with AI and Blockchain Innovation In a bold move poised to redefine the music and sound industry landscape, LABEL Foundation proudly announces its evolution and rebranding into LABEL AI. This transformation signifies a groundbreaking shift towards harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to revolutionize music and sound creation, distribution, and consumption. Unveiling a New Era of Innovation As LABEL AI emerges from the cocoon of LABEL Foundation, it brings with it a renewed commitment to innovation and progress. With a visionary focus on pioneering the intersection of AI and blockchain, LABEL AI is set to disrupt the status quo and chart a new course for the music industry. At the heart of LABEL AI's mission lies a dedication to empowering creators and artists. Through the integration of cutting-edge AI technologies, users gain access to a dynamic platform that transcends traditional boundaries. From music composition to voice content creation, LABEL AI offers a playground for imagination and creativity. Central to LABEL AI's ethos is the establishment of a decentralized music ecosystem, fueled by blockchain innovation. Through this groundbreaking approach, users are not just participants but stakeholders in the evolution of the platform. With ownership comes empowerment, as users contribute to and benefit from the collective growth of the LABEL AI community. Prior to its rebranding, LABEL Foundation laid the groundwork for its pioneering ventures into the AI sector. The company's commitment to innovation was evident through strategic collaborations and groundbreaking initiatives. Joining the esteemed NVIDIA Inception Program served as a testament to LABEL Foundation's dedication to harnessing cutting-edge AI technologies. Moreover, the official partnership with Alibaba Cloud underscored LABEL Foundation's global reach and ambition. Looking ahead, LABEL AI is poised to revolutionize the music industry landscape with a series of groundbreaking initiatives. From the launch of SignAiL AOS, an AI Sound Social Network, to the introduction of Sonic AI for AI-generated music, LABEL AI is at the forefront of shaping the future of music in the Web3 space. About LABEL AI LABEL AI is a visionary leader in the music industry, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to revolutionize music creation, distribution, and consumption. With a focus on empowerment and innovation, LABEL AI is shaping the future of music in the Web3 space. For more information, visit 

LABEL Foundation Rebrands into LABEL AI

LABEL Foundation Rebrands into LABEL AI: Shaping the Future of Music with AI and Blockchain Innovation

In a bold move poised to redefine the music and sound industry landscape, LABEL Foundation proudly announces its evolution and rebranding into LABEL AI. This transformation signifies a groundbreaking shift towards harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to revolutionize music and sound creation, distribution, and consumption.

Unveiling a New Era of Innovation
As LABEL AI emerges from the cocoon of LABEL Foundation, it brings with it a renewed commitment to innovation and progress. With a visionary focus on pioneering the intersection of AI and blockchain, LABEL AI is set to disrupt the status quo and chart a new course for the music industry.
At the heart of LABEL AI's mission lies a dedication to empowering creators and artists. Through the integration of cutting-edge AI technologies, users gain access to a dynamic platform that transcends traditional boundaries. From music composition to voice content creation, LABEL AI offers a playground for imagination and creativity.
Central to LABEL AI's ethos is the establishment of a decentralized music ecosystem, fueled by blockchain innovation. Through this groundbreaking approach, users are not just participants but stakeholders in the evolution of the platform. With ownership comes empowerment, as users contribute to and benefit from the collective growth of the LABEL AI community.
Prior to its rebranding, LABEL Foundation laid the groundwork for its pioneering ventures into the AI sector. The company's commitment to innovation was evident through strategic collaborations and groundbreaking initiatives. Joining the esteemed NVIDIA Inception Program served as a testament to LABEL Foundation's dedication to harnessing cutting-edge AI technologies. Moreover, the official partnership with Alibaba Cloud underscored LABEL Foundation's global reach and ambition.
Looking ahead, LABEL AI is poised to revolutionize the music industry landscape with a series of groundbreaking initiatives. From the launch of SignAiL AOS, an AI Sound Social Network, to the introduction of Sonic AI for AI-generated music, LABEL AI is at the forefront of shaping the future of music in the Web3 space.

LABEL AI is a visionary leader in the music industry, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to revolutionize music creation, distribution, and consumption. With a focus on empowerment and innovation, LABEL AI is shaping the future of music in the Web3 space. For more information, visit 
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StarCheck anunță cele mai accesibile și mai accesibile verificări AML pentru retailDupă ce 24,2 miliarde de dolari au fost furați în fraude legate de cripto în 2023, persoanele fizice și companiile iau măsuri preventive cu portofelele lor, valorificând serviciile de verificare a portofelului AML de vânzare cu amănuntul. StarCheck – un instrument de bune practici preventive care permite utilizatorilor de retail să efectueze verificări private AML – tocmai a anunțat că serviciul lor este acum cel mai accesibil și mai accesibil din lume. Un pachet StarCheck Pro de 100 de cecuri AML costă doar 29 USD, ceea ce face ca fiecare cec 0,29 USD. Acest număr este considerabil mai mic decât serviciul de cec cu plată cu plată de 0,99 USD, care este încă mai mic decât serviciile rivale. Pachetele Pro oferă, de asemenea, asistență prioritară gratuită pentru acest model de preț, ajutând utilizatorii să rămână înaintea escrocilor și să evite consecințele manipulării activelor digitale „murdare”.

StarCheck anunță cele mai accesibile și mai accesibile verificări AML pentru retail

După ce 24,2 miliarde de dolari au fost furați în fraude legate de cripto în 2023, persoanele fizice și companiile iau măsuri preventive cu portofelele lor, valorificând serviciile de verificare a portofelului AML de vânzare cu amănuntul.

StarCheck – un instrument de bune practici preventive care permite utilizatorilor de retail să efectueze verificări private AML – tocmai a anunțat că serviciul lor este acum cel mai accesibil și mai accesibil din lume. Un pachet StarCheck Pro de 100 de cecuri AML costă doar 29 USD, ceea ce face ca fiecare cec 0,29 USD. Acest număr este considerabil mai mic decât serviciul de cec cu plată cu plată de 0,99 USD, care este încă mai mic decât serviciile rivale. Pachetele Pro oferă, de asemenea, asistență prioritară gratuită pentru acest model de preț, ajutând utilizatorii să rămână înaintea escrocilor și să evite consecințele manipulării activelor digitale „murdare”.
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Descoperiți hype-ul xMetaCene Primul proiect derivat al ecosistemului MetaCenexMetaCene își redeschide oficial porțile pentru mult așteptatul sezon 2. Acest mini-joc dinamic P2E din ecosistemul MetaCene a fost lansat pe Mantle în iunie 2024 și este disponibil ca extensie Google Chrome. Experiența bazată pe web elimină barierele tradiționale de intrare pentru jocurile Web3 și oferă jucătorilor o intrare fără probleme și accesibilă în lumea jocurilor Web3. Jucătorii se pot aștepta la noi misiuni captivante, picături interesante de la Roata Norocului și un fond de premii de 200.000 $ MNT de la Mantle + 3.000.000 de jetoane tMAK. În plus, jucătorii pot câștiga beneficii exclusive care pot fi utilizate în ecosistemul MetaCene. Acestea includ NFT în joc, mașini de minerit și alte stimulente speciale. 

Descoperiți hype-ul xMetaCene Primul proiect derivat al ecosistemului MetaCene

xMetaCene își redeschide oficial porțile pentru mult așteptatul sezon 2. Acest mini-joc dinamic P2E din ecosistemul MetaCene a fost lansat pe Mantle în iunie 2024 și este disponibil ca extensie Google Chrome. Experiența bazată pe web elimină barierele tradiționale de intrare pentru jocurile Web3 și oferă jucătorilor o intrare fără probleme și accesibilă în lumea jocurilor Web3.
Jucătorii se pot aștepta la noi misiuni captivante, picături interesante de la Roata Norocului și un fond de premii de 200.000 $ MNT de la Mantle + 3.000.000 de jetoane tMAK. În plus, jucătorii pot câștiga beneficii exclusive care pot fi utilizate în ecosistemul MetaCene. Acestea includ NFT în joc, mașini de minerit și alte stimulente speciale. 
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Technium întărește amprenta globală cu noi inițiative în adoptarea criptomonedelor14 iunie 2024 – Technium International Limited este mândru să anunțe o serie de inițiative inovatoare care vizează extinderea adoptării criptomonedelor și consolidarea prezenței sale globale. Fiind o organizație de pionierat în domeniul tranzacționării și tehnologiei criptomonede, Technium se angajează să facă finanțele digitale mai accesibile și mai benefice pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume. Utilizarea inovatoare a NFT și implicarea comunității Una dintre inițiativele cheie se concentrează pe extinderea utilității NFT-urilor în cadrul ecosistemului Technium. Planurile viitoare pentru NFT-urile Technium includ oferirea deținătorilor de acces la diverse stimulente, cum ar fi beneficii financiare dintr-un fond de LP cu distribuire a veniturilor recompenselor globale, utilizarea ca personaje în metaverse și gameverse Technium și primul acces la produse noi și evenimente exclusive. Aceste caracteristici nu numai că sporesc valoarea NFT-urilor, ci și încurajează angajamentul comunității și creșterea reciprocă, aliniindu-se cu viziunea Technium despre o economie digitală participativă și incluzivă.

Technium întărește amprenta globală cu noi inițiative în adoptarea criptomonedelor

14 iunie 2024 – Technium International Limited este mândru să anunțe o serie de inițiative inovatoare care vizează extinderea adoptării criptomonedelor și consolidarea prezenței sale globale. Fiind o organizație de pionierat în domeniul tranzacționării și tehnologiei criptomonede, Technium se angajează să facă finanțele digitale mai accesibile și mai benefice pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume.

Utilizarea inovatoare a NFT și implicarea comunității
Una dintre inițiativele cheie se concentrează pe extinderea utilității NFT-urilor în cadrul ecosistemului Technium. Planurile viitoare pentru NFT-urile Technium includ oferirea deținătorilor de acces la diverse stimulente, cum ar fi beneficii financiare dintr-un fond de LP cu distribuire a veniturilor recompenselor globale, utilizarea ca personaje în metaverse și gameverse Technium și primul acces la produse noi și evenimente exclusive. Aceste caracteristici nu numai că sporesc valoarea NFT-urilor, ci și încurajează angajamentul comunității și creșterea reciprocă, aliniindu-se cu viziunea Technium despre o economie digitală participativă și incluzivă.
Blockchain Life 2024 to Take Place in Dubai as the Peak of Bull Run is comingThe legendary Blockchain Life 2024 will return for its 13th edition on October 22-23. As Dubai gains a reputation as a global crypto hub, the forum is set to be the central event of this year. With the highly anticipated peak of the crypto market growth still ahead, the forum presents an excellent opportunity for attendees to maximize their earnings. More than 10,000 people from 120 countries are expected to gather at the forum, to gain valuable knowledge, forge new connections, and explore potential investment opportunities. The two-day event will feature a lineup of industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators who will share their insights and strategies in the fast-growing market. In addition to the insightful panel discussions, Blockchain Life 2024 will feature an innovative expo area where leading industry companies will showcase their latest products, services, and technologies. VIP ticket holders and speakers will also experience the hours of informal networking at the legendary AfterParty. Buy a ticket at the lowest price using promo code blockmanpro.  Presale right now:

Blockchain Life 2024 to Take Place in Dubai as the Peak of Bull Run is coming

The legendary Blockchain Life 2024 will return for its 13th edition on October 22-23. As Dubai gains a reputation as a global crypto hub, the forum is set to be the central event of this year.
With the highly anticipated peak of the crypto market growth still ahead, the forum presents an excellent opportunity for attendees to maximize their earnings. More than 10,000 people from 120 countries are expected to gather at the forum, to gain valuable knowledge, forge new connections, and explore potential investment opportunities.
The two-day event will feature a lineup of industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators who will share their insights and strategies in the fast-growing market.
In addition to the insightful panel discussions, Blockchain Life 2024 will feature an innovative expo area where leading industry companies will showcase their latest products, services, and technologies.
VIP ticket holders and speakers will also experience the hours of informal networking at the legendary AfterParty.

Buy a ticket at the lowest price using promo code blockmanpro. 
Presale right now:
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Primul Hackathon de marketing Web3Primul Hackathon de marketing Web3:  O provocare de 100.000 USD pentru a revoluționa marketingul cu portofel criptografic Peisajul digital este plin de anticipare, deoarece primul Hackathon de marketing Web3 este setat să revoluționeze industria. Cu un premiu uimitor de 100.000 USD pentru cea mai bună strategie de introducere pe piață pentru un nou portofel cripto, acest eveniment este pregătit să atragă cele mai strălucite minți în marketing, tehnologie și strategie. Pionierat de noi frontiere de marketing Acest hackathon nu este doar o altă competiție; este un apel clar pentru profesioniștii și entuziaștii de marketing să regândească abordările convenționale de marketing Web3 și blockchain. Obiectivul principal este de a crea o strategie de introducere pe piață care nu este doar inovatoare, ci și scalabilă și de impact. Participanții vor trebui să navigheze cu pricepere în relațiile complexe dintre tehnologie, implicarea utilizatorilor și dinamica pieței pentru a câștiga premiul principal.

Primul Hackathon de marketing Web3

Primul Hackathon de marketing Web3:  O provocare de 100.000 USD pentru a revoluționa marketingul cu portofel criptografic

Peisajul digital este plin de anticipare, deoarece primul Hackathon de marketing Web3 este setat să revoluționeze industria. Cu un premiu uimitor de 100.000 USD pentru cea mai bună strategie de introducere pe piață pentru un nou portofel cripto, acest eveniment este pregătit să atragă cele mai strălucite minți în marketing, tehnologie și strategie.

Pionierat de noi frontiere de marketing
Acest hackathon nu este doar o altă competiție; este un apel clar pentru profesioniștii și entuziaștii de marketing să regândească abordările convenționale de marketing Web3 și blockchain. Obiectivul principal este de a crea o strategie de introducere pe piață care nu este doar inovatoare, ci și scalabilă și de impact. Participanții vor trebui să navigheze cu pricepere în relațiile complexe dintre tehnologie, implicarea utilizatorilor și dinamica pieței pentru a câștiga premiul principal.
ONI DEX: Pioneering the Future of Decentralized FinanceThe decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape is experiencing rapid evolution, and at the forefront of this transformation is ONI DEX. Poised to become the largest and most innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) in 2024, ONI DEX introduces a suite of groundbreaking features that distinguish it from other platforms. With multi-chain capabilities, pioneering support for the GALA Chain, dynamic launchpads, the ONI Token sale, the unique Spheres passive income model, Web3 gaming, and the ONI Talk social network, ONI DEX is set to revolutionize how users interact with digital assets and blockchain technology. Multi-Chain Support: Expanding Horizons ONI DEX is designed to support multiple blockchains, initially launching on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum (ETH), and GALA Chain. This multi-chain approach ensures that users can access a wide range of tokens and assets, facilitating seamless cross-chain transactions and providing unparalleled flexibility. ONI DEX plans to integrate over ten additional blockchains, including Solana, Polygon, and Avalanche, setting a new standard in the DeFi space by offering unmatched interoperability and diversity. Pioneering GALA Chain Integration As the first DEX to support the GALA Chain, ONI DEX addresses a significant demand within the GALA community. This exclusive integration provides GALA users with a dedicated and robust trading platform, opening new opportunities for growth and engagement. By being the first to market with GALA Chain support, ONI DEX positions itself as a leader in innovation and community responsiveness, offering unique value propositions that cater to the needs of the GALA community. Dynamic Launchpads: Empowering Innovation The ONI DEX Launchpad feature is designed to provide a robust platform for new projects to raise funds and gain visibility. This dynamic environment supports developers in bringing their innovative ideas to life by offering a secure and efficient fundraising process. Projects launched on ONI DEX benefit from the platform’s extensive reach and multi-chain support, attracting a diverse and global investor base. The launchpad is a critical component of ONI DEX, fostering growth and diversity within the DeFi space. ONI Token Sale: Strategic Investment Opportunity The ONI Token sale presents investors with a unique opportunity to participate in the growth of the ONI DEX ecosystem. The presale is divided into three stages: SEED, MAIN, and LAST CHANCE, offering attractive entry points for early investors. The SEED sale starts at 0.00003 BNB per token, followed by the MAIN sale at 0.00005 BNB per token, and the LAST CHANCE sale at 0.00007 BNB per token, with a listing price set at 0.0001 BNB. The ONI Token serves multiple functions within the platform, including reduced trading fees, staking rewards, and governance rights, making it a valuable asset for long-term holders. Spheres: Unlocking Passive Income ONI DEX introduces Spheres, a revolutionary concept that provides users with passive income opportunities derived from the platform’s earnings across all supported blockchains. Sphere owners receive a share of profits in various tokens, such as ONI, BNB, GALA, and ETH, with rewards claimable through the Spheres Dashboard. This innovative model diversifies income streams and enhances user engagement and loyalty. Sphere Access Keys, essential for activating and earning from Spheres, are available in a limited supply of 30,000. The first 3,000 keys are priced at 1 BNB each, with subsequent keys increasing by 0.1 BNB per 250 sold, culminating in a final price of 11.8 BNB. This tiered pricing structure underscores the growing value and demand for Spheres within the ONI DEX ecosystem. Web3 Gaming: Integrating Entertainment with Finance ONI DEX is not only a financial platform but also a hub for Web3 gaming. The platform is currently developing two games, including a collaboration with the renowned KEVURU game studio, known for its work on titles like Fortnite. These games will feature NFTs with in-game utility and offer rewards in ONI tokens, integrating the excitement of gaming with the financial benefits of DeFi. The Games category will be an essential part of the ONI DEX ecosystem, enhancing user engagement and providing additional value through entertainment. ONI Talk: Building a Strong Community ONI DEX goes beyond financial services by introducing ONI Talk, a social network designed to foster community engagement and collaboration. ONI Talk provides a platform for users to discuss projects, share insights, and stay informed about the latest developments within the ONI DEX ecosystem. This community-focused approach strengthens the network and drives collective growth, making ONI DEX not just a platform but a vibrant community hub. Conclusion: A New Era for DeFi ONI DEX is set to become the cornerstone of the decentralized finance landscape, offering unparalleled multi-chain support, innovative financial products, Web3 gaming, and a vibrant community. With its comprehensive ecosystem and forward-thinking approach, ONI DEX is set to launch the biggest DEX in 2024, redefining how users interact with DeFi, gaming, and blockchain technology. Embrace the future of decentralized finance with ONI DEX and be part of the revolution. For more information about ONI DEX and its groundbreaking ecosystem, visit  Website: Telegram: Twitter:  Youtube:  Gitbook: 

ONI DEX: Pioneering the Future of Decentralized Finance

The decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape is experiencing rapid evolution, and at the forefront of this transformation is ONI DEX. Poised to become the largest and most innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) in 2024, ONI DEX introduces a suite of groundbreaking features that distinguish it from other platforms. With multi-chain capabilities, pioneering support for the GALA Chain, dynamic launchpads, the ONI Token sale, the unique Spheres passive income model, Web3 gaming, and the ONI Talk social network, ONI DEX is set to revolutionize how users interact with digital assets and blockchain technology.

Multi-Chain Support: Expanding Horizons
ONI DEX is designed to support multiple blockchains, initially launching on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum (ETH), and GALA Chain. This multi-chain approach ensures that users can access a wide range of tokens and assets, facilitating seamless cross-chain transactions and providing unparalleled flexibility. ONI DEX plans to integrate over ten additional blockchains, including Solana, Polygon, and Avalanche, setting a new standard in the DeFi space by offering unmatched interoperability and diversity.

Pioneering GALA Chain Integration
As the first DEX to support the GALA Chain, ONI DEX addresses a significant demand within the GALA community. This exclusive integration provides GALA users with a dedicated and robust trading platform, opening new opportunities for growth and engagement. By being the first to market with GALA Chain support, ONI DEX positions itself as a leader in innovation and community responsiveness, offering unique value propositions that cater to the needs of the GALA community.

Dynamic Launchpads: Empowering Innovation
The ONI DEX Launchpad feature is designed to provide a robust platform for new projects to raise funds and gain visibility. This dynamic environment supports developers in bringing their innovative ideas to life by offering a secure and efficient fundraising process. Projects launched on ONI DEX benefit from the platform’s extensive reach and multi-chain support, attracting a diverse and global investor base. The launchpad is a critical component of ONI DEX, fostering growth and diversity within the DeFi space.

ONI Token Sale: Strategic Investment Opportunity
The ONI Token sale presents investors with a unique opportunity to participate in the growth of the ONI DEX ecosystem. The presale is divided into three stages: SEED, MAIN, and LAST CHANCE, offering attractive entry points for early investors. The SEED sale starts at 0.00003 BNB per token, followed by the MAIN sale at 0.00005 BNB per token, and the LAST CHANCE sale at 0.00007 BNB per token, with a listing price set at 0.0001 BNB. The ONI Token serves multiple functions within the platform, including reduced trading fees, staking rewards, and governance rights, making it a valuable asset for long-term holders.

Spheres: Unlocking Passive Income
ONI DEX introduces Spheres, a revolutionary concept that provides users with passive income opportunities derived from the platform’s earnings across all supported blockchains. Sphere owners receive a share of profits in various tokens, such as ONI, BNB, GALA, and ETH, with rewards claimable through the Spheres Dashboard. This innovative model diversifies income streams and enhances user engagement and loyalty. Sphere Access Keys, essential for activating and earning from Spheres, are available in a limited supply of 30,000. The first 3,000 keys are priced at 1 BNB each, with subsequent keys increasing by 0.1 BNB per 250 sold, culminating in a final price of 11.8 BNB. This tiered pricing structure underscores the growing value and demand for Spheres within the ONI DEX ecosystem.

Web3 Gaming: Integrating Entertainment with Finance
ONI DEX is not only a financial platform but also a hub for Web3 gaming. The platform is currently developing two games, including a collaboration with the renowned KEVURU game studio, known for its work on titles like Fortnite. These games will feature NFTs with in-game utility and offer rewards in ONI tokens, integrating the excitement of gaming with the financial benefits of DeFi. The Games category will be an essential part of the ONI DEX ecosystem, enhancing user engagement and providing additional value through entertainment.

ONI Talk: Building a Strong Community
ONI DEX goes beyond financial services by introducing ONI Talk, a social network designed to foster community engagement and collaboration. ONI Talk provides a platform for users to discuss projects, share insights, and stay informed about the latest developments within the ONI DEX ecosystem. This community-focused approach strengthens the network and drives collective growth, making ONI DEX not just a platform but a vibrant community hub.

Conclusion: A New Era for DeFi
ONI DEX is set to become the cornerstone of the decentralized finance landscape, offering unparalleled multi-chain support, innovative financial products, Web3 gaming, and a vibrant community. With its comprehensive ecosystem and forward-thinking approach, ONI DEX is set to launch the biggest DEX in 2024, redefining how users interact with DeFi, gaming, and blockchain technology. Embrace the future of decentralized finance with ONI DEX and be part of the revolution.
For more information about ONI DEX and its groundbreaking ecosystem, visit 


Holdstation’s AI Wallet Innovation7-Figure Investment from SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures Propels Holdstation’s AI Wallet Innovation SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures have made a 7-figure investment in Holdstation’s Phase 2. This funding will support the development of smart AI wallets, combining advanced AI technology with blockchain for an enhanced user experience. The strategic infusion of capital will propel the development of Holdstation’s smart AI wallets, merging advanced artificial intelligence with simplified blockchain interactions to redefine user portfolio management. As a pioneer in Account Abstraction adoption, Holdstation has seen significant user growth, cementing its position as the top Account Abstraction wallet and perpetual DEX on zkSync. This strategic move enhances transaction simplicity and security, establishing Holdstation as a frontrunner in blockchain technology. Holdstation’s commitment to enhancing the Web3 ecosystem through innovative technology aligns seamlessly with the strategic visions of SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures. This partnership leverages their combined expertise to further grow the Web3 space, particularly within AI, perpetual DEX, and wallet segments. Focused on developing AI for advanced portfolio management and streamlining the digital wallet experience, Holdstation is poised to lead pivotal innovations that will transform user interactions in Web3. SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures bring valuable experience in financial and marketing strategy, making them ideal partners to drive Holdstation’s initiatives. The investment from SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures strengthens Holdstation's position as a premier Web3 wallet that integrates artificial intelligence and trading. This is set to accelerate the broad adoption of Web3 wallets with trading features across all blockchains, smoothing the transition from Web2 to Web3. Partnering with SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures feels like a natural step forward. They've been Ethereum enthusiasts since the early days, and their deep roots in the global community give us an incredible advantage. This partnership is not only about funding but also about starting a journey together that opens up significant opportunities and resources, helping us grow and innovate faster than ever. We're all in for an exciting ride. Trung Banh, Co-Founder and CPO of Holdstation By backing Holdstation’s Phase 2, we are not just investing in technology; we are investing in a vision that places user empowerment at the forefront of financial services. Gavin, Investment Partner of SNZ Capital Together with SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures, whose expertise in financial and marketing strategies is unmatched, Holdstation is well-equipped to lead transformative changes that enhance user accessibility and experience across the Web3 landscape. About Holdstation Holdstation streamlines the trading and asset management experience by combining Account Abstraction with the innovative Holdstation Defutures—a perpetual DEX on the zkSync platform. Supported by the next-generation Holdstation Wallet and zkStarter, a dedicated launchpad on zkSync, the platform is engineered to bridge advanced blockchain technology with the intuitive ease of Web2 applications, enhancing user accessibility and trading efficiency. Useful links Website: Twitter: Discord: Telegram:

Holdstation’s AI Wallet Innovation

7-Figure Investment from SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures Propels Holdstation’s AI Wallet Innovation

SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures have made a 7-figure investment in Holdstation’s Phase 2. This funding will support the development of smart AI wallets, combining advanced AI technology with blockchain for an enhanced user experience. The strategic infusion of capital will propel the development of Holdstation’s smart AI wallets, merging advanced artificial intelligence with simplified blockchain interactions to redefine user portfolio management.
As a pioneer in Account Abstraction adoption, Holdstation has seen significant user growth, cementing its position as the top Account Abstraction wallet and perpetual DEX on zkSync. This strategic move enhances transaction simplicity and security, establishing Holdstation as a frontrunner in blockchain technology.
Holdstation’s commitment to enhancing the Web3 ecosystem through innovative technology aligns seamlessly with the strategic visions of SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures. This partnership leverages their combined expertise to further grow the Web3 space, particularly within AI, perpetual DEX, and wallet segments.
Focused on developing AI for advanced portfolio management and streamlining the digital wallet experience, Holdstation is poised to lead pivotal innovations that will transform user interactions in Web3. SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures bring valuable experience in financial and marketing strategy, making them ideal partners to drive Holdstation’s initiatives.
The investment from SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures strengthens Holdstation's position as a premier Web3 wallet that integrates artificial intelligence and trading. This is set to accelerate the broad adoption of Web3 wallets with trading features across all blockchains, smoothing the transition from Web2 to Web3.

Partnering with SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures feels like a natural step forward. They've been Ethereum enthusiasts since the early days, and their deep roots in the global community give us an incredible advantage. This partnership is not only about funding but also about starting a journey together that opens up significant opportunities and resources, helping us grow and innovate faster than ever. We're all in for an exciting ride.
Trung Banh, Co-Founder and CPO of Holdstation

By backing Holdstation’s Phase 2, we are not just investing in technology; we are investing in a vision that places user empowerment at the forefront of financial services.
Gavin, Investment Partner of SNZ Capital

Together with SNZ Capital, Summer Ventures, and EVG Ventures, whose expertise in financial and marketing strategies is unmatched, Holdstation is well-equipped to lead transformative changes that enhance user accessibility and experience across the Web3 landscape.

About Holdstation
Holdstation streamlines the trading and asset management experience by combining Account Abstraction with the innovative Holdstation Defutures—a perpetual DEX on the zkSync platform. Supported by the next-generation Holdstation Wallet and zkStarter, a dedicated launchpad on zkSync, the platform is engineered to bridge advanced blockchain technology with the intuitive ease of Web2 applications, enhancing user accessibility and trading efficiency.

Useful links
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TedAI democratizează accesul la AI și Blockchain cu educație accesibilă și instrumente captivanteAlimentat de o creștere recentă a investițiilor globale în IA, depășind 90 de miliarde de dolari doar în 2023, TedAI recunoaște potențialul imens al AI și blockchain-ului de a ne remodela viitorul. Cu toate acestea, complexitatea acestor tehnologii poate fi adesea o barieră la intrare. TedAI abordează direct această provocare, oferind o abordare revoluționară care îmbină AI și blockchain cu formate educaționale accesibile și instrumente captivante. TedAI iese în evidență prin faptul că face lumile complexe ale AI și blockchain-ul accesibile și irezistibil de captivante. Misiunea noastră este să demitificăm aceste tehnologii și să le facem distractive pentru toată lumea, de la începători la experți în tehnologie. TedAI face legătura între învățare și creare în era digitală prin trei piloni de bază:

TedAI democratizează accesul la AI și Blockchain cu educație accesibilă și instrumente captivante

Alimentat de o creștere recentă a investițiilor globale în IA, depășind 90 de miliarde de dolari doar în 2023, TedAI recunoaște potențialul imens al AI și blockchain-ului de a ne remodela viitorul. Cu toate acestea, complexitatea acestor tehnologii poate fi adesea o barieră la intrare. TedAI abordează direct această provocare, oferind o abordare revoluționară care îmbină AI și blockchain cu formate educaționale accesibile și instrumente captivante.
TedAI iese în evidență prin faptul că face lumile complexe ale AI și blockchain-ul accesibile și irezistibil de captivante. Misiunea noastră este să demitificăm aceste tehnologii și să le facem distractive pentru toată lumea, de la începători la experți în tehnologie. TedAI face legătura între învățare și creare în era digitală prin trei piloni de bază:
Bitcoin's Global Expansion Signifies a New Era of Influence in the Cryptocurrency Sector June 5 , Wyoming, USA – The cryptocurrency sector has undergone significant transformation over the past year, with Bitcoin (BTC) continuing to lead as the emblem of digital financial innovation. The increasing global expansion of Bitcoin underscores its growing acceptance and highlights its profound impact on international markets and economies. This press release delves into the latest trends in Bitcoin's global expansion and its influence on market dynamics, focusing on adoption rates and noteworthy global projects in the cryptocurrency space. Bitcoin's journey from a niche digital asset to a globally recognized financial instrument is notable. As of the latest figures, the global adoption rate of Bitcoin has seen a marked increase, with emerging economies showcasing a particularly strong uptake. Countries like Nigeria, Vietnam, and Argentina, facing volatile national currencies, have turned to Bitcoin as a store of value and means of transactions. According to data from the Global Crypto Adoption Index, these countries rank among the top in terms of individual and business-level cryptocurrency usage. The adoption trend is further fueled by the increasing number of global platforms and financial institutions embracing Bitcoin. Major payment processors and fintech companies are integrating Bitcoin transactions into their systems, allowing more users worldwide to engage with the cryptocurrency seamlessly. This integration facilitates not only greater usability but also enhances Bitcoin's legitimacy as a financial asset. Bitcoin's influence on global markets is multifaceted. Firstly, it has begun to alter the landscape of traditional finance. With its decentralized nature, Bitcoin offers an alternative to conventional banking and financial services, challenging existing models and prompting regulatory discussions worldwide. Moreover, its role in portfolio diversification has been increasingly recognized, with several publicly traded companies and private funds allocating portions of their reserves to Bitcoin, viewing it as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. Secondly, the growing acceptance of Bitcoin is driving innovation in financial technology. Blockchain, the underlying technology of Bitcoin, has sparked a wave of tech innovations aimed at enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency within financial services. This technological push is not limited to startups but has seen interest from established technology giants looking to harness blockchain's potential for various applications beyond cryptocurrencies. One significant illustration of Bitcoin's expanding global impact is the strategic move by Digital Holdings Group. As a pioneer in cryptocurrency mining solutions, the company In addition to private enterprises, national governments are also exploring Bitcoin's potential. Several countries are investigating the feasibility of Bitcoin as a legal tender or are already implementing frameworks to accommodate its use in daily transactions and tax considerations. El Salvador made headlines by becoming the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, a move that is being closely watched by the world for its long-term economic impacts and challenges. Bitcoin's global expansion over the last year signifies a revolutionary shift in the digital and financial landscape. With its increasing adoption rates and the proliferation of significant projects worldwide, Bitcoin is not only reshaping how we perceive and use money but also how global markets operate. As this digital currency continues to evolve, its impact on the global economy will likely deepen, heralding new opportunities ,challenges and aggressively expanding its operations worldwide. Currently accounting for 2.25% of global Bitcoin mining activity, Digital Holdings Group plans to double its operational hash rate within the next two years. This expansion aims not only to enhance the company's market share but also to position it as a formidable player against traditional technology conglomerates ,in the ever-evolving financial sector. For more information and updates about Digital Holdings Group, visit their website and follow them on social media: Website: Twitter: YouTube: Facebook: Discord: Instagram:

Bitcoin's Global Expansion Signifies a New Era of Influence in the Cryptocurrency Sector

June 5 , Wyoming, USA – The cryptocurrency sector has undergone significant transformation over the past year, with Bitcoin (BTC) continuing to lead as the emblem of digital financial innovation. The increasing global expansion of Bitcoin underscores its growing acceptance and highlights its profound impact on international markets and economies. This press release delves into the latest trends in Bitcoin's global expansion and its influence on market dynamics, focusing on adoption rates and noteworthy global projects in the cryptocurrency space.
Bitcoin's journey from a niche digital asset to a globally recognized financial instrument is notable. As of the latest figures, the global adoption rate of Bitcoin has seen a marked increase, with emerging economies showcasing a particularly strong uptake. Countries like Nigeria, Vietnam, and Argentina, facing volatile national currencies, have turned to Bitcoin as a store of value and means of transactions. According to data from the Global Crypto Adoption Index, these countries rank among the top in terms of individual and business-level cryptocurrency usage.
The adoption trend is further fueled by the increasing number of global platforms and financial institutions embracing Bitcoin. Major payment processors and fintech companies are integrating Bitcoin transactions into their systems, allowing more users worldwide to engage with the cryptocurrency seamlessly. This integration facilitates not only greater usability but also enhances Bitcoin's legitimacy as a financial asset.
Bitcoin's influence on global markets is multifaceted. Firstly, it has begun to alter the landscape of traditional finance. With its decentralized nature, Bitcoin offers an alternative to conventional banking and financial services, challenging existing models and prompting regulatory discussions worldwide. Moreover, its role in portfolio diversification has been increasingly recognized, with several publicly traded companies and private funds allocating portions of their reserves to Bitcoin, viewing it as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation.
Secondly, the growing acceptance of Bitcoin is driving innovation in financial technology. Blockchain, the underlying technology of Bitcoin, has sparked a wave of tech innovations aimed at enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency within financial services. This technological push is not limited to startups but has seen interest from established technology giants looking to harness blockchain's potential for various applications beyond cryptocurrencies.
One significant illustration of Bitcoin's expanding global impact is the strategic move by Digital Holdings Group. As a pioneer in cryptocurrency mining solutions, the company In addition to private enterprises, national governments are also exploring Bitcoin's potential. Several countries are investigating the feasibility of Bitcoin as a legal tender or are already implementing frameworks to accommodate its use in daily transactions and tax considerations. El Salvador made headlines by becoming the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, a move that is being closely watched by the world for its long-term economic impacts and challenges.
Bitcoin's global expansion over the last year signifies a revolutionary shift in the digital and financial landscape. With its increasing adoption rates and the proliferation of significant projects worldwide, Bitcoin is not only reshaping how we perceive and use money but also how global markets operate. As this digital currency continues to evolve, its impact on the global economy will likely deepen, heralding new opportunities ,challenges and aggressively expanding its operations worldwide. Currently accounting for 2.25% of global Bitcoin mining activity, Digital Holdings Group plans to double its operational hash rate within the next two years. This expansion aims not only to enhance the company's market share but also to position it as a formidable player against traditional technology conglomerates ,in the ever-evolving financial sector.
For more information and updates about Digital Holdings Group, visit their website and follow them on social media:

GaiaNet Announces Beta Product Launch Following Successful Alpha PhaseDecentralized AI Network Surpasses Expectations, Invites Community to Join Beta Campaign GaiaNet, a decentralized AI infrastructure project that aims to disrupt central AI inferencing servers like ChatGPT, today announced the launch of its Beta product. The launch follows the completion of the Alpha testing phase, during which the platform successfully handled thousands of daily AI Agent requests on Telegram, Discord and X. The Beta release focuses on the ease of setting up a GaiaNet node, ensuring that users, from individuals to businesses, can effortlessly integrate into the network. With a user-friendly interface, GaiaNet simplifies the process, making its innovative solutions accessible to users of all technical levels. The commencement of beta testing marks a significant step forward in GaiaNet’s commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable AI ecosystem. With plans to roll out more functionalities in 2024, the platform is on the brink of redefining the boundaries of AI, making it more accessible, data bias-resistant, collaborative, and privacy-centric. Early Adopters Campaign To celebrate the Beta launch, GaiaNet invites the community to join the interactive campaigns on X, Discord, Telegram, and Warpcast. Users can participate in the beta product testing by setting up nodes and interacting with GaiaNet AI agents across different nodes. More details will be revealed on GaiaNet’s social accounts. The Alpha phase demonstrated GaiaNet’s capability to decentralize AI interaction and application. With an impressive daily request volume, GaiaNet has validated its approach and is ready to scale with the Beta launch. This milestone underscores the high demand for decentralized AI solutions and sets the stage for broader adoption. GaiaNet's progress has been marked by significant milestones, including a strategic partnership with UC Berkeley FHL Vive Center announced earlier this year. This collaboration aims to introduce decentralized AI teaching assistant technology into more education courses, leveraging AI inference power on a distributed Gaia Network. Additionally, GaiaNet raised $10 million in seed funding, announced on May 28, 2024. This funding fuels the mission to revolutionize AI interactions and applications across various sectors. Join the Revolution GaiaNet is dedicated to revolutionizing the AI landscape by decentralizing AI agent software and providing a fair, transparent, and secure environment. GaiaNet’s network of edge nodes enables decentralized AI interactions, empowering individuals and businesses to harness AI's power in innovative ways. The Beta launch represents a significant step in the mission to redefine AI interaction, and everyone is welcome to join the campaigns and be part of this transformative journey. For more information about the Beta launch and to participate in our community campaigns, visit and follow us on X @GaiaNet_AI. About GaiaNet GaiaNet stands as a trailblazer in decentralized AI technology, dedicated to reshaping the tech industry with a focus on user privacy, transparency, and control. Our cutting-edge open network infrastructure empowers users by ensuring privacy and censorship resistance in daily AI activities through a dynamic network of edge nodes. This framework fosters the creation and collaboration of innovative AI business ecosystems, benefiting both private data holders and developers. GaiaNet aims to revolutionize the user experience with AI agents, seamlessly introducing transformative changes while preserving the intuitive technology and satisfaction currently existing in the Web2 era. Website: Github: X: @GaiaNet_AI Node Setup: Try It Now:

GaiaNet Announces Beta Product Launch Following Successful Alpha Phase

Decentralized AI Network Surpasses Expectations, Invites Community to Join Beta Campaign
GaiaNet, a decentralized AI infrastructure project that aims to disrupt central AI inferencing servers like ChatGPT, today announced the launch of its Beta product. The launch follows the completion of the Alpha testing phase, during which the platform successfully handled thousands of daily AI Agent requests on Telegram, Discord and X.
The Beta release focuses on the ease of setting up a GaiaNet node, ensuring that users, from individuals to businesses, can effortlessly integrate into the network. With a user-friendly interface, GaiaNet simplifies the process, making its innovative solutions accessible to users of all technical levels.
The commencement of beta testing marks a significant step forward in GaiaNet’s commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable AI ecosystem. With plans to roll out more functionalities in 2024, the platform is on the brink of redefining the boundaries of AI, making it more accessible, data bias-resistant, collaborative, and privacy-centric.

Early Adopters Campaign
To celebrate the Beta launch, GaiaNet invites the community to join the interactive campaigns on X, Discord, Telegram, and Warpcast. Users can participate in the beta product testing by setting up nodes and interacting with GaiaNet AI agents across different nodes. More details will be revealed on GaiaNet’s social accounts.
The Alpha phase demonstrated GaiaNet’s capability to decentralize AI interaction and application. With an impressive daily request volume, GaiaNet has validated its approach and is ready to scale with the Beta launch. This milestone underscores the high demand for decentralized AI solutions and sets the stage for broader adoption.

GaiaNet's progress has been marked by significant milestones, including a strategic partnership with UC Berkeley FHL Vive Center announced earlier this year. This collaboration aims to introduce decentralized AI teaching assistant technology into more education courses, leveraging AI inference power on a distributed Gaia Network.
Additionally, GaiaNet raised $10 million in seed funding, announced on May 28, 2024. This funding fuels the mission to revolutionize AI interactions and applications across various sectors.

Join the Revolution

GaiaNet is dedicated to revolutionizing the AI landscape by decentralizing AI agent software and providing a fair, transparent, and secure environment. GaiaNet’s network of edge nodes enables decentralized AI interactions, empowering individuals and businesses to harness AI's power in innovative ways. The Beta launch represents a significant step in the mission to redefine AI interaction, and everyone is welcome to join the campaigns and be part of this transformative journey.

For more information about the Beta launch and to participate in our community campaigns, visit and follow us on X @GaiaNet_AI.

About GaiaNet
GaiaNet stands as a trailblazer in decentralized AI technology, dedicated to reshaping the tech industry with a focus on user privacy, transparency, and control. Our cutting-edge open network infrastructure empowers users by ensuring privacy and censorship resistance in daily AI activities through a dynamic network of edge nodes. This framework fosters the creation and collaboration of innovative AI business ecosystems, benefiting both private data holders and developers. GaiaNet aims to revolutionize the user experience with AI agents, seamlessly introducing transformative changes while preserving the intuitive technology and satisfaction currently existing in the Web2 era.

X: @GaiaNet_AI
Node Setup:
Try It Now:
Wodo Gaming's $XWGT Pre-Sale Reached $550,000 Target in Record Time Wodo is revolutionizing gaming by simplifying blockchain complexity by a unique and rewardin gaming ecosystem: A game hub, store, marketplace, incubation, card, hosting, and development kits with multichain access. The $XWGT token stands out as the core digital asset used within the live and running products of Wodo Gaming Ecosystem, offering players 8 utilities:    Enhanced Ecosystem Engagement  Facilitates Transactions  Cross-Game Utility  Incentive Alignment  Value Creation and Distribution  Monetization Strategy  Market Positioning  Decentralization and Democratization    Wodo Gaming $XWGT token, developed with the latest technology and bolstered by a passionate community, has successfully completed its pre-sale target, raising $550,000. This significant milestone was achieved through highly anticipated rounds conducted on Spores Network, Kommunitas, and Kingdom Starter launchpads. The intense interest from the community and investors underscores the strong confidence and enthusiasm for $XWGT. The rapid filling of pre-sale allocations highlighted the promising potential of the project and the trust the community has in Wodo Gaming.    This success demonstrates Wodo Gaming's growth potential and the interest shown by the community. says Bekir Dag, Co-founder & CEO of Wodo Network We thank our investors and community for their trust. This pre-sale represents an important step in shaping the future of Wodo Gaming. emphasizes Serhat Tanrikut, Co-founder & CTO of Wodo Network   Having concluded the pre-sale, Wodo Gaming is now preparing for the next exciting phase of the $XWGT project. Wodo Gaming is delighted to announce that XWGT will be officially listed on June 5th at MEXC. This listing marks an important step forward in Wodo Gaming's journey as it continues to build and expand its offerings.   For more information about $XWGT and future developments, visit: Website: X (Twitter):   Contact Wodo Gaming: Gulay Cicek 

Wodo Gaming's $XWGT Pre-Sale Reached $550,000 Target in Record Time

Wodo is revolutionizing gaming by simplifying blockchain complexity by a unique and rewardin gaming ecosystem: A game hub, store, marketplace, incubation, card, hosting, and development kits with multichain access. The $XWGT token stands out as the core digital asset used within the live and running products of Wodo Gaming Ecosystem, offering players 8 utilities: 
Enhanced Ecosystem Engagement 
Facilitates Transactions 
Cross-Game Utility 
Incentive Alignment 
Value Creation and Distribution 
Monetization Strategy 
Market Positioning 
Decentralization and Democratization 
Wodo Gaming $XWGT token, developed with the latest technology and bolstered by a passionate community, has successfully completed its pre-sale target, raising $550,000. This significant milestone was achieved through highly anticipated rounds conducted on Spores Network, Kommunitas, and Kingdom Starter launchpads. The intense interest from the community and investors underscores the strong confidence and enthusiasm for $XWGT. The rapid filling of pre-sale allocations highlighted the promising potential of the project and the trust the community has in Wodo Gaming. 
This success demonstrates Wodo Gaming's growth potential and the interest shown by the community.
says Bekir Dag, Co-founder & CEO of Wodo Network

We thank our investors and community for their trust. This pre-sale represents an important step in shaping the future of Wodo Gaming.
emphasizes Serhat Tanrikut, Co-founder & CTO of Wodo Network
Having concluded the pre-sale, Wodo Gaming is now preparing for the next exciting phase of the $XWGT project. Wodo Gaming is delighted to announce that XWGT will be officially listed on June 5th at MEXC. This listing marks an important step forward in Wodo Gaming's journey as it continues to build and expand its offerings. 
 For more information about $XWGT and future developments, visit:
X (Twitter):
Contact Wodo Gaming:
Gulay Cicek 
Don't Miss the W3X Summer Pitch 2024 Event! ❤️‍🔥Web3 X (@W3X_NW) - Our partner, is hosting the Web3 X Summer Pitch 2024 as part of the GM Vietnam Side Event in Ho Chi Minh City. 🔥This is a quick reminder about the upcoming Web3 X Summer Pitch 2024! If you haven't registered yet, now is the time! 👉🏻Event Details: 📅 Date: June 7, 2024 ⏰ Time: 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Indochina Time) 📍 Location: Ho Chi Minh City Join W3X for an amazing day of networking with VCs, Foundations, and exploring investment opportunities in promising projects. This is your chance to connect with the brightest minds and discover the latest advancements in Web3 technology. 🔗 Register here:  Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to learn, grow, and be part of something great. See you  at the event! Learn more: #W3X #SummerPitch2024 #Web3 #Innovation #Networking #HoChiMinhCity

Don't Miss the W3X Summer Pitch 2024 Event!

❤️‍🔥Web3 X (@W3X_NW) - Our partner, is hosting the Web3 X Summer Pitch 2024 as part of the GM Vietnam Side Event in Ho Chi Minh City.
🔥This is a quick reminder about the upcoming Web3 X Summer Pitch 2024! If you haven't registered yet, now is the time!

👉🏻Event Details:
📅 Date: June 7, 2024
⏰ Time: 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Indochina Time)
📍 Location: Ho Chi Minh City

Join W3X for an amazing day of networking with VCs, Foundations, and exploring investment opportunities in promising projects. This is your chance to connect with the brightest minds and discover the latest advancements in Web3 technology.

🔗 Register here: 

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to learn, grow, and be part of something great. See you 
at the event!

Learn more:

#W3X #SummerPitch2024 #Web3 #Innovation #Networking #HoChiMinhCity
UniLend Introduces Numa Chain: Don’t Miss the Biggest Trend of This Bull MarketA Binance and Coinbase Custody Listed Gem, Poised for Explosive Growth UniLend, a pioneering force in decentralized finance (DeFi) since 2020, is proud to announce the launch of Numa Chain, an innovative intent-centric modular Layer 1 blockchain set to revolutionize the Web3 ecosystem. As the next big thing in crypto, Numa Chain abstracts the complexities of multiple blockchains, offering a seamless user experience and driving unprecedented innovation. The Opportunity You Can't Afford to Miss The rapid emergence of over 200 Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains has led to a fragmented ecosystem, complicating user experiences. Navigating this landscape can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers. But with Numa Chain, these challenges become a thing of the past. Positioned at the forefront of the next DeFi wave, Numa Chain is the solution the market has been waiting for. Why Numa Chain is a Game-Changer Revolutionary Chain Abstraction: Say goodbye to the hassle of switching networks and managing multiple gas tokens. Numa Chain lets you interact with decentralized applications (dApps) across various blockchains through a single, intuitive interface.Effortless Transactions: Numa Chain’s decentralized network of resolvers and relayer nodes ensures that transactions are seamlessly executed across different blockchains without the user ever switching networks. This means optimal transaction execution and cost-efficiency every time.Enhanced User Experience: Numa simplifies the user experience, eliminating the need to juggle multiple accounts and gas tokens. This streamlined approach makes Web3 accessible to everyone, from newcomers to seasoned crypto enthusiasts. An Unmatched Investment Opportunity Incredibly Undervalued: With a market cap of just $37 million, UniLend offers a significant growth opportunity. The launch of Numa Chain could drive a 200x increase, positioning UniLend alongside major competitors like Near.Top-Tier Listings: Listed on major platforms like Binance and Coinbase Custody, UniLend boasts strong credibility and market potential.Led by Industry Experts: The CEO, a former VP of Marketing and Strategy at Polygon, brings extensive experience and vision to Numa Chain, ensuring sustained success.Early Mover Advantage: As an early DeFi innovator, UniLend is strategically positioned to meet the growing demand for efficient, user-friendly blockchain solutions with Numa Chain. Extensive Network of 200+ Partnerships With over 200 partnerships, UniLend has established a robust network within the blockchain space, positioning itself for widespread adoption and integration. These strategic alliances will further enhance the utility and reach of Numa Chain, driving unparalleled growth. Welcome to Numa – where the future of Web3 begins. About UniLend: UniLend is a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform focused on unlocking the full potential of digital assets. Since 2020, the UniLend team, with its roots in Polygon, has been dedicated to enhancing the user experience and driving the next wave of blockchain adoption through innovative solutions like Numa Chain.

UniLend Introduces Numa Chain: Don’t Miss the Biggest Trend of This Bull Market

A Binance and Coinbase Custody Listed Gem, Poised for Explosive Growth
UniLend, a pioneering force in decentralized finance (DeFi) since 2020, is proud to announce the launch of Numa Chain, an innovative intent-centric modular Layer 1 blockchain set to revolutionize the Web3 ecosystem. As the next big thing in crypto, Numa Chain abstracts the complexities of multiple blockchains, offering a seamless user experience and driving unprecedented innovation.
The Opportunity You Can't Afford to Miss
The rapid emergence of over 200 Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains has led to a fragmented ecosystem, complicating user experiences. Navigating this landscape can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers. But with Numa Chain, these challenges become a thing of the past. Positioned at the forefront of the next DeFi wave, Numa Chain is the solution the market has been waiting for.
Why Numa Chain is a Game-Changer
Revolutionary Chain Abstraction: Say goodbye to the hassle of switching networks and managing multiple gas tokens. Numa Chain lets you interact with decentralized applications (dApps) across various blockchains through a single, intuitive interface.Effortless Transactions: Numa Chain’s decentralized network of resolvers and relayer nodes ensures that transactions are seamlessly executed across different blockchains without the user ever switching networks. This means optimal transaction execution and cost-efficiency every time.Enhanced User Experience: Numa simplifies the user experience, eliminating the need to juggle multiple accounts and gas tokens. This streamlined approach makes Web3 accessible to everyone, from newcomers to seasoned crypto enthusiasts.
An Unmatched Investment Opportunity
Incredibly Undervalued: With a market cap of just $37 million, UniLend offers a significant growth opportunity. The launch of Numa Chain could drive a 200x increase, positioning UniLend alongside major competitors like Near.Top-Tier Listings: Listed on major platforms like Binance and Coinbase Custody, UniLend boasts strong credibility and market potential.Led by Industry Experts: The CEO, a former VP of Marketing and Strategy at Polygon, brings extensive experience and vision to Numa Chain, ensuring sustained success.Early Mover Advantage: As an early DeFi innovator, UniLend is strategically positioned to meet the growing demand for efficient, user-friendly blockchain solutions with Numa Chain.
Extensive Network of 200+ Partnerships
With over 200 partnerships, UniLend has established a robust network within the blockchain space, positioning itself for widespread adoption and integration. These strategic alliances will further enhance the utility and reach of Numa Chain, driving unparalleled growth.
Welcome to Numa – where the future of Web3 begins.

About UniLend:
UniLend is a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform focused on unlocking the full potential of digital assets. Since 2020, the UniLend team, with its roots in Polygon, has been dedicated to enhancing the user experience and driving the next wave of blockchain adoption through innovative solutions like Numa Chain.
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