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În doar 11 zile, acest portofel criptografic a trecut de la 5,1 mii USD la 1.899.287 USD
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În doar 11 zile, acest portofel criptografic a trecut de la 5,1 mii USD la 1.899.287 USD
2/➮ În timp ce exploram monede populare pe DEX, am dat peste această balenă.
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3/➮ Cel mai mare profit al balenei a venit de la $MAGA.
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Suma angajamentelor Ethereum a crescut. Cum va trata EIP-7514 problema gajului?
Volumul gajului Ethereum crește rapid

Deși funcția de retragere a gajului a fost deschisă după upgrade-ul Ethereum Shapella, valoarea totală a gajurilor nu a scăzut. În prezent, rețeaua Ethereum are 898.110 validatori activi cu o miză de 28,8 milioane, reprezentând 24% din totalul ofertei Ethereum, reflectând adoptarea pe scară largă și încrederea mecanismului de verificare PoS.

Potrivit Ebunker, rata anuală a inflației Ethereum este de -0,03%, iar rata anuală de rentabilitate a mizelor din ultimele 7 zile este de aproximativ 5,04%. rețeaua Ethereum Confidence, preferă să obțină venituri pasive prin miza. Această tendință coincide și cu creșterea stabilității și maturității ecosistemului Ethereum.
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原文作者:Peng SUN,Foresight News

2024 年空投季已启动,在 Cosmos、EigenLayer、Renzo、Berachain 等潜在大毛外,Foresight News 为大家精选了 10 多个近期值得关注的空投项目,涵盖 Layer 2、DeFi、Sui、比特币、钱包、RWA、Cosmos 游戏链等领域,看看这些项目中你还有哪些参与机会?

OP Mainnet

社区用户 OP Michael 表示, 2023 年 4 月之前,或许将有 2000 万枚 OP 用于空投,目前已空投 3 次,共有 19, 411, 313 枚 OP。

而获得第四次 OP 空投或许仍需将 OP 委托给一位活跃的委托人。但与此同时,由于上一次空投完全集中在 OP 质押上,因此第 4 次空投也可能会采用其他标准,譬如与 OP Mainnet 主网、Base 与 Zora 等其他 OP 超级链交互。


Sui 生态过去半年迎来爆发式增长,TVL 已超 3 亿美元,超 Bitcoin 成为第三大非 EVM 链。SUI 前段时间也劲爆拉盘, 1 月 15 日最高涨至 1.45 USDT。

关于 Sui 生态的解读可见 Haotian:《Sui 出彩的背后:Move 系公链的「血统优势」与有望爆发的新 DeFi 生态》。

Scallop 则是 Sui 上的借贷协议,也是 Sui 上近期明牌空投的项目。Scallop TVL 现为 6140 万美元,在 Sui 生态排名第一。它也是第一个获得 Sui 基金会资助的 DeFi 项目,并获得 Comma 3 Ventures 和 OtterSec 等投资。

Scallop 代币 SCA 可用于治理与投票、流动性挖矿与借贷利息费用折扣。SCA 总供应量为 2.5 亿枚, 45% 用于流动性挖矿, 18.5% 分配给 Scallop 项目贡献者, 4% 用于开发与运营, 2% 分配给顾问, 11% 分配给战略合作伙伴, 7.5% 分配给生态系统 / 社区 / 市场, 5% 用于流动性, 7% 分配给财库。

2024 年 1 月 1 日,Scallop 上线空投积分系统,并完成第一阶段快照,以奖励 Scallop 早期支持者。用户可根据在 Scallop 中的活跃与参与度赚取积分,并可使用积分生成神秘珍珠(Mysterious Pearls)。Mysterious Pearls 分为青铜、白银、黄金、白金、钻石、传奇等不同等级,代币上线后可领取空投。

不过,第二阶段空投价值似乎更高,项目方表示第一阶段积分与第二阶段积分有所不同,两阶段可兑换的珍珠数量及价值也将有所不同。同时,大部分空投将奖励给第二阶段用户。Scallop 已于 1 月 16 日开启第二阶段空投,持续时间为 2 周。

首先,第二阶段空投前在 Scallop 上提供的时间加权值大于 100 美元的合格借贷者均可获得积分奖励;

其次, 1 月 16 日起,用户在第二阶段期间在 Scallop 上提供流动性与借贷的用户也将获得积分,每天都将进行快照,积分每 48 小时更新一次;


此外,Scallop 由 Solana 上迁移至 Sui,此前 Scallop DAapp 的早期 Solana 投票者与 NFT 持有者将单独设置奖励池予以奖励,但无法参与 Scallop 神秘珍珠。

NAVI Protocol

NAVI Protocol 也是 Sui 上借贷协议协议,TVL 现为 5455 万美元,仅次于 Scallop,排名第二。 NAVI Protocol 是 OKX Web3 钱包 Cryptopedia 第 4 期项目之一, 12 月 8 日 OKX Web3 钱包还上线 NAVI 加息活动,吸引大量流动性。

NAVI Protocol 尚未宣布空投详情,但已上线 Leaderboard,每周根据提供的流动性总额、借贷量、周活跃度、Zealy 积分向用户发放积分。根据路线图,NAVI Protocol 实用代币与治理代币 NAVI 将于 2024 年第一季度与第二季度发布。


近期在 EigenLayer、AltLayer、Renzo 的带领下,LST、LRT 再次成为一大热门。在这一领域,还有一个值得关注的项目是 StakeStone。

StakeStone 是一站式全链 LST 质押协议,对标 Lido,可为 Layer 2 带来原生质押收益与流动性,不仅支持头部质押池,还兼容再质押,并将集成 EigenLayer。StakeStone 支持 ETH 信标链再质押与 LST 再质押,旨在成为再质押赛道龙头协议。

据 DefiLlama 数据显示,自 2023 年 12 月 15 日起至 2024 年 1 月 3 日,短短 3 周时间,StakeStone TVL 从 417 万美元暴涨至 5.42 亿美元,目前 TVL 为 7.1 亿美元。StakeStone 还深度参与了 Manta 的激励活动,在 Manta New Paradigm 9 亿美元的 TVL 中,StakeStone 提供了 7.2 亿美元流动性。

StakeStone 的原生 LST 是 STONE,现已正式升级为全链 LRT。STONE 是一种基于 LayerZero 的 OFT,可通过 STONE-Fi 无缝用于多链流动性市场,譬如 DEX、AMM、借贷、稳定币、衍生品、GameFi、SocialFi 等等。STONE 采用的不是 rebase 机制,但在产生收益方面与 Lido 的 wstETH 类似。换言之,STONE 数量不会随着 ETH 质押而产生的收益变化而变化,而是其价值会随着 ETH 质押收益的增加而增加。

StakeStone 尚未发币,预计团队将推出空投相关活动。目前,用户可在 StakeStone 中质押 ETH,并从 STONE-Fi 生态协议中赚取收益。

Kelp DAO

再质押赛道中,另一个热门项目是 Kelp DAO,这也是一个多链流动性质押平台,其创始人此前创立了流动性质押协议 Stader Labs,Stader 在 Polygon 与 BNB Chain 上均是第二大 LSD 协议。据 DefiLlama 数据显示,Kelp DAO TVL 现为 1.67 亿美元。

Kelp DAO 目前正在 EigenLayer 上构建 LRT 解决方案,其再质押代币为 rsETH,目前支持的 LST 包括 ETHx(Stader)、sfrxETH(Frax)与 stETH(Lido)。用户可将上述资产再质押换取 rsETH,reETH 价格目前是各种奖励与已质押 LST 的基础价格。rsETH 可用于其他 DeFi 协议。

目前,Kelp DAO 已推出 Kelp Miles 激励。Kelp Miles 用于追踪用户对 Kelp 的贡献,并用于确定未来的奖励分配比例。Kelp Miles 取决于用户的 LST 再质押数量与质押天数。此前 2023 年 12 月 12 日至 2024 年 1 月 1 日质押 LST 的用户,可在未来 3 个月内获得 1.25 倍 Kelp Miles。1 月 1 日之后质押 LST 的用户将照常获得 Kelp Miles 奖励。

此外,所有在 EigenLayer 存款上限关闭前在 Kelp 上重质押的用户均有资格获得 EigenLayer Points,该积分将根据用户存入 LST 数量进行分配。

Kinza Finance

Kinza Finance 是 BNB Chain 上去中心化借贷协议,采用 ve( 3, 3) 模型来处理协议激励与治理问题,允许用户向借款人扣留抵押品,限制交易风险、卖空机会与治理操纵。Kinza 核心收入来自借款人支付的利息,大部分利息支付给最初提供流动性的贷方。Kinza 原生代币是 KZA,用户可质押 KZA 换取 xKZA,xKZA 可用于对资金池进行投票与贿选。xKZA、贿选、投票功能将在 TGE 之后上线。

据 DefiLlama 数据显示,Kinza Finance TVL 从 2023 年 11 月 1 日的 189 万美元最高涨至 2024 年 1 月 15 日的 7806 万美元,现为 6426 万美元。

2023 年 8 月,Kinza Finance 作为第 6 季 MVB 加速器计划表现最佳的项目之一而获得 Binance Labs 投资。值得注意的是,这一期 MVB 加速器计划中,币安投资的其他 3 个项目分别是以太坊扩容项目 AltLayer、永续 DEX 项目 KiloEx 和基于 AI 区块链的虚拟伴侣游戏 Sleepless AI。目前,币安 Launchpool 已上线 AltLayer、Sleepless AI。

KZA 总供应量为 1 亿枚。KZA 空投将在 TGE(日期尚未公布)之后进行,团队将分配占总供应量 5% 的 KZA(500 万枚)用于空投。此外,KZA 总供应量 10% 将分配给团队, 12% 分配给投资者, 3% 分配给顾问, 5% 用于储备, 10% 分配给生态系统, 55% 分配给社区。

Kinza 现已上线空投积分系统,将根据存入的 TVL 及其在协议中提供流动性的时间来计算其未来可获得的空投数量。用户提供的流动性时间越长,获得的积分也就越多,产生的合格空投也就越多。积分与 KZA 并非 1: 1 兑换。Kinza 已为空投积分系统推出前提供流动性的用户提供额外 10% 的奖励。新参与用户可参与 Kinza 的空投推荐计划,推荐人与被推荐人都将获得被推荐用户空投分配的 10% 奖励。


KiloEx 是一个在 BNB Chain、opBNB 与 Manta 上的永续 DEX 项目。据 DefiLlama 数据显示,KiloEx TVL 现为 1451 万美元。

KiloEx 原生代币为 KILO,托管代币为 xKILO。KILO 总供应量为 10 亿,其代币 10% 将空投给早期采用者, 34% 分配给生态系统, 10% 用于质押奖励, 20% 分配给团队, 10% 分配给私募销售, 10% 分配给战略投资者, 5% 分配给顾问, 1% 分配给流动性提供者。

KiloEx 现已启动积分空投计划 V1.0 ,在 BNB Chain、opBNB 与 Manta 三个主网上通过交易、理财、邀请新用户、签到、获取 OAT 等方式均可获得积分。KiloEx 创世 NFT 持有者可获得 xKILO 代币空投。


ZeroLend 是 zkSync 上最大的、Manta Network 上第三大的原生稳定币借贷协议,目前 TVL 共为 2223 万美元。ZeroLend 基于 Aave V3,与 Radiant Capital 相似,支持账户抽象,提供 ONEZ 稳定币,并将在 2024 年第二季度支持 RWA 借贷,计划于 2025 年初集成 zkSync Hyperchain 隐私层,在合规情况下完成交易隐私性。

据官方文档显示,ZeroLend 原生代币 ZERO 总供应量为 1000 亿枚,其中 30% 分配给私募销售, 10% 用于流动性, 5% 分配给团队, 10% 分配给财库, 7% 分配给顾问, 3% 用于空投, 35% 用于社区激励。

ZeroLend 现已上线空投积分平台 Zero Gravity,用户可参与链上交互或邀请新用户赚取等赚取积分。ZeroLend 代币 ZERO 初始供应量约为总供应量的 10% 至 18% (官方文档显示为 18.8% ),其中 1% 至 2% 将用于空投,约占推出时流通供应量的 10% 。

此外,ZeroLend 表示,参与 Zero Gravity 的用户还有资格参与 PYTH、MANTA、ZKS 等未来可能的空投。

Halo Wallet

Halo Wallet 是 KuCoin 前 Web3 团队开发的 DeSoc 钱包,现已与 Lens Protocol 集成,可访问用户社交图谱,分析链上交易。

Halo Wallet 已上线 XP 积分系统,用户可购买 Genesis Pass 参与钱包交易、充值、点赞等获取积分。积分将与未来空投挂钩,预计于上半年公布空投计划。

Bool Network

BOOL Network 是一个 2020 年末成立的去中心化签名协议,团队一直在研究比特币 Layer 2 解决方案, 2022 年曾发表过一篇学术论文 Bool Network: An Open, Distributed, Secure Cross-Chain Notary Platform。

BOOL Network 值得关注,因为该项目或许与近日在 Bounce 上进行 IDO 的 SatoshiVM 是同一个团队,而 SatoshiVM 代币 SAVM IDO 涨幅近 300 倍。进一步阅读:《IDO 近 300 倍!揭秘 SatoshiVM 代码背后的大 BOSS》。

在社区用户扒出 SatoshiVM 与 BOOL Network 关系后,BOOL Network 在 Twitter 上表示,「团队正与 SatoshiVM 团队密切合作,在比特币和 EVM 领域开发基础设施。目前尚未发行 BOOL,也没有空投。不过,我们正在密切关注包括 SatoshiVM 在内的合作伙伴项目的所有活动,以确定良好的持有者基础」。

目前,据 GitHub 上白皮书显示,BOOL Network 原生代币 BOOL 最大供应量为 10 亿枚,初始供应量为 5 亿枚。其中, 3% BOOL 代币将用于空投, 50% 将分配给矿工(节点), 12% 分配给团队, 15% 分配给投资者, 10% 分配给基金会, 10% 用于激励测试网用户。BOOL 可用于 Gas 费、治理与质押。


Tabi(原为 Treasureland)是 BNB Chain 上 NFT 市场,近日已宣布将在 Cosmos 上推出具有 EVM 兼容性的游戏区块链 Tabi Chain,今年二月份会推出测试网。据 Tabi 表示,Tabi Chain 具有 Omnicomputing、并行分片、监督分片(游戏体验的完整性由 Tabi 监督节点维护)、Tabi Runtime 等特点或功能。

2023 年,Tabi 完成 1000 万美元天使轮融资,参投方包括 Animoca Brands、Binance Labs、Draper Dragon、HashKey Capital、Infinity Ventures Crypto 和 Youbi Capital,个人投资者包括冯波(Dragonfly)、Riyad AD(Saudi Arabia)以及 Suji Yan(Mask Network)。本轮融资将用于开发 Tabi 的游戏生态系统和即将推出的链上身份协议。

Tabi 官网已推出 4 期 Voyagers Event,其官方 Twitter 称完成该系列任务将可获取空投。

Ondo Finance

Ondo Finance 是一个 RWA 代币化投资协议,现已推出代币化基金,允许稳定币持有者投资债券和美国国债,现已提供三款产品:美国政府债券基金(OUSG)、短期投资级债券基金(OSTB)和高收益公司债券基金(OHYG)。去年,Ondo 推出以短期美国国债与银行活期存款为担保的代币化票据 USD Yield(USDY)。目前,Ondo 已扩展至 Polygon、Solana,并上线 Coinbase。

2022 年 4 月,Ondo Finance 完成 2000 万美元 A 轮融资,Founders Fund 和 Pantera Capital 领投,Coinbase Ventures、Tiger Global、GoldenTree Asset Management、Wintermute、Flow Traders、Steel Perlot 以及一家常春藤联盟捐赠基金参投。随后不久,Ondo 在 CoinList 上通过代币销售筹集 1000 万美元,超 1.8 万人参与。

据 CoinGecko 数据显示,ONDO 总供应量 100 亿枚,流通供应量约 14.4 亿枚,市值约为 3.9 亿美元。

近日,Ondo 基金会已启动第一批 Ondo 积分计划,现已上线积分排行榜,支持使用 Flux、持有 OUSG 或 USDY 获得追溯积分,通过铸造 USDY 可获得额外积分,在 Mantle Network 持有 mUSD 可获得积分等。

Ondo Finance 还支持通过 Range Protocol 在以太坊上 Uniswap 上提供 USDY 流动性,或者通过 Mantle 上的 Range Protocol 在 FusionX 或 Agnidex 上提供流动性,或者通过 Solana 上的 Kamino 在 Orca 或 Raydium 上提供流动性来赚取积分,以及支持从 Ondo Finance 借出由代币化美国国债超额抵押的稳定币并赚取积分等。通过委托 ONDO 或对提案进行投票也可赚钱积分,在 3 月 31 日前认领 ONDO 的 CoinList 购买者将根据其质押获取更多积分。

此外,Ondo 还将开启第二批积分计划,届时将与新项目合作,可能向社区提供追溯性空投。
🚀 ice to the moon
🚀 ice to the moon
Conținutul citat a fost eliminat
Terraform Labs Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: Unraveling the Cryptocurrency

In a seismic development, Terraform Labs, led by CEO Do Kwon, has officially filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company, renowned for its blockchain endeavors, discloses assets and liabilities ranging between $100 million to $500 million.


Terraform Labs, a key player in decentralized finance (DeFi), gained prominence for the Terra blockchain. Despite early success, the company's recent financial struggles hint at the challenges faced within the volatile crypto market.

Market Challenges:

Cryptocurrency's inherent volatility, coupled with regulatory uncertainties, has posed significant risks. Terraform Labs' reliance on market dynamics has likely contributed to its financial woes.

Regulatory Headwinds:

Intensifying global cryptocurrency regulations have added complexity, potentially exposing Terraform Labs to compliance issues and financial strain.

Internal Factors:

Apart from external challenges, internal issues such as management decisions and operational hurdles may have played a role in the company's downfall.

What's Next:

With the Chapter 11 filing, Terraform Labs enters a period of restructuring, allowing it to continue operations while addressing debts and reorganizing its business.


Terraform Labs' bankruptcy underscores the perils of navigating the ever-changing crypto landscape. As the company strives to emerge from Chapter 11, the industry watches closely, gauging the implications for both Terraform Labs and the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Conținutul citat a fost eliminat
Lors de la première course haussière, j'ai transformé 700 $ en 155 000 $. $PEPE $MANTA $alt $XAI Puis, à cause d'erreurs stupides, mon portefeuille est tombé à 12 000 $. Mais je n'ai pas perdu espoir. J'ai élaboré quelques règles essentielles qui ont fait passer mon portefeuille de 12 000 $ à plus de 1,5 million de dollars. Sachez ce qui est important pour vous et ce qui est suffisant Ne soyez pas émotionnellement attaché à un projet Ne vendez pas vos pièces gagnantes pour acheter celles qui perdent Achetez lorsque le marché est purement rouge Arrêtez de rafraîchir votre portefeuille toutes les 2 secondes😥🥶 Surtout suivez-moi pour plus d'informations Ardizor ma source
Lors de la première course haussière, j'ai transformé 700 $ en 155 000 $.
Puis, à cause d'erreurs stupides, mon portefeuille est tombé à 12 000 $.

Mais je n'ai pas perdu espoir.

J'ai élaboré quelques règles essentielles qui ont fait passer mon portefeuille de 12 000 $ à plus de 1,5 million de dollars.

Sachez ce qui est important pour vous et ce qui est suffisant Ne soyez pas émotionnellement attaché à un projet Ne vendez pas vos pièces gagnantes pour acheter celles qui perdent Achetez lorsque le marché est purement rouge Arrêtez de rafraîchir votre portefeuille toutes les 2 secondes😥🥶
Surtout suivez-moi pour plus d'informations

Ardizor ma source
to the moon 🚀 $alt #alt
to the moon 🚀
🚀 ALT Coin's Potential Surge: Up to 5000% on Binance 🌐

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are buzzing about ALT coin's potential 1000% to 5000% surge. Binance users can seize this opportunity through the Binance Lunchpool.

ALT Coin Highlights:
Swiftly gaining attention, ALT coin is praised for its features. Investors should research its fundamentals and technology.

Anticipated Surge:
The prospect of a surge from 1000% to 5000% has intrigued risk-takers. Caution is advised due to cryptocurrency market volatility.

Binance Lunchpool Access:
Binance users can participate in ALT coin through the Lunchpool. Stake BNB to earn ALT coin, promoting long-term engagement.

How to Participate:
1. Create/verify a Binance account.
2. Deposit BNB.
3. Navigate to Lunchpool on Binance.
4. Stake BNB to start earning ALT coin rewards.

Risks and Caution:
Cryptocurrency investments carry risks. Only invest what you can afford to lose and diversify to mitigate risks.

The potential surge in ALT coin offers a captivating opportunity for Binance users. Approach with caution, conduct research, and make informed decisions. 🌟

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#ALT #Launchpool

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#trending2024 #MANTA

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Cryptoo Man
No time to skip 5 confirmed airdrops for $PYTH stakers this month.

Spend a few minutes now and receive $5000 in the future.

✦ Time - 20 minutes
✦ Cost - $25

✦Potential: $5,000

Head to

@PythNetwork is an innovative decentralized oracle that receives financial market data from over 90 external channels, including major exchanges and market-making companies worldwide (such as CBOE, Binance, OKX, Bybit, etc.), and distributes them across 40+ blockchains.

$PYTH Stakers are next in line to receive airdrops

✦I have prepared a step-by-step instruction for you with video clips.

✦Bookmark it so you don't lose the

Airdrop strategy

✦ Head to:
✦Download the wallet for your browser.

Buy and withdraw $SOL.

✦Use any available CEX
✦We buy $SOL tokens and withdraw them to the wallet
✦The minimum purchase for the airdrop is $25.

Swap $SOL

✦Head to:
✦Swap $SOL for $PYTH $25 or more


✦ Head to:
✦ Connect Phantom wallet.
✦ Stake $PYTH tokens

Projects with airdrop for $PYTH stakers

Airdrops for $PYTH stakers will be based on:

✦Amount of staked tokens.
✦Staking period


✦Here is a convenient Dune control panel for tracking your staker position among others.

#BTC #Pyth #AirdropOpportunity #airdrops #PythNetwork
Alex Guimarães - Crypto Use
Binance lista nova memecoin da rede Solana
A listagem da Dogwifhat (WIF) pela Binance foi anunciada na madrugada desta quinta-feira (18). Segundo comunicado oficial, a memecoin só estará disponível no mercado de futuros em um primeiro momento, onde poderá ser negociada com uma alavancagem de até 50 vezes.

Dogwifhat (WIF), memecoin listada na Binance. Fonte: Reprodução.
A Binance, maior corretora de criptomoedas do mundo, listou uma nova memecoin em sua plataforma nesta quinta-feira (18). Chamado Dogwifhat (WIF), o projeto usa a rede Solana (SOL) e possui um valor de mercado de US$ 420 milhões.
A memecoin é pequena quando comparado a gigantes. Enquanto a Dogecoin (DOGE) possui um valor de mercado de US$ 11,4 bilhões e a Shiba Inu (SHIB) está na casa dos US$ 5,5 bilhões.
No entanto, a Dogwifhat (WIF) já se aproxima da Pepe (PEPE), que no momento desta redação está com um marketcap de US$ 494 milhões, e até mesmo ultrapassou a Floki (FLOKI) com seus US$ 287 milhões.
Listagem de memecoin na Binance mostra interesse da corretora na rede Solana
A listagem da Dogwifhat (WIF) pela Binance foi anunciada na madrugada desta quinta-feira (18). Segundo comunicado oficial, a memecoin só estará disponível no mercado de futuros em um primeiro momento, onde poderá ser negociada com uma alavancagem de até 50 vezes.
Sobre a WIF, há pouco o que falar. É mais uma memecoin inspirada em cachorro. No site oficial do projeto aparecem algumas fotos e vídeos de um cão com uma touca na cabeça, que gerou o nome da criptomoeda. O projeto opera em alta de 11,7% nas últimas 24 horas.

Cachorro com touca que inspirou a criação da memecoin Dogwifhat (WIF). Fonte: Dogwifhat/Reprodução.
De qualquer forma, a listagem da WIF pode ser um sinal de que a Binance está interessada em tokens da rede Solana. Afinal, no mês passado a corretora listou a Bonk (BONK), outra memecoin que também utiliza a SOL.
O interesse nesses tokens pode estar relacionado ao ótimo desempenho da Solana no último ano. Saindo dos US$ 10 após a falência da FTX, a SOL multiplicou seu valor por 10 vezes, chegando a valer US$ 100 por unidade. A alta fez com que ela se tornasse a 5ª maior criptomoeda do mercado.
Binance anuncia duas novas moedas no Launchpool
Como nem só de memecoins vive uma corretora, a Binance também anunciou duas criptomoedas no seu programa chamado Launchpool. A primeira delas foi a Manta Network (MANTA) que teve suas negociações iniciadas nesta quinta-feira (18).
A segunda foi a AltLayer (ALT). Embora suas negociações só abram na próxima quinta-feira (25), os clientes da Binance já podem “farmar” essa moeda através do Launchpool ao fazer stake de Binance Coin (BNB) ou da stablecoin FDUSD. O mesmo pode ser feito com a MANTA.
Por fim, o mercado de criptomoedas parece ter iniciado o ano animado mesmo com o Bitcoin passando por uma leve correção em seu preço após a aprovação dos ETF nos EUA.
$pyth 🚀
Cryptoo Man
No time to skip 5 confirmed airdrops for $PYTH stakers this month.

Spend a few minutes now and receive $5000 in the future.

✦ Time - 20 minutes
✦ Cost - $25

✦Potential: $5,000

Head to

@PythNetwork is an innovative decentralized oracle that receives financial market data from over 90 external channels, including major exchanges and market-making companies worldwide (such as CBOE, Binance, OKX, Bybit, etc.), and distributes them across 40+ blockchains.

$PYTH Stakers are next in line to receive airdrops

✦I have prepared a step-by-step instruction for you with video clips.

✦Bookmark it so you don't lose the

Airdrop strategy

✦ Head to:
✦Download the wallet for your browser.

Buy and withdraw $SOL.

✦Use any available CEX
✦We buy $SOL tokens and withdraw them to the wallet
✦The minimum purchase for the airdrop is $25.

Swap $SOL

✦Head to:
✦Swap $SOL for $PYTH $25 or more


✦ Head to:
✦ Connect Phantom wallet.
✦ Stake $PYTH tokens

Projects with airdrop for $PYTH stakers

Airdrops for $PYTH stakers will be based on:

✦Amount of staked tokens.
✦Staking period


✦Here is a convenient Dune control panel for tracking your staker position among others.

#BTC #Pyth #AirdropOpportunity #airdrops #PythNetwork
La vague Launchpool de Binance arrive ! Liste de contrôle des candidats au pool de lancement de Binance Jeton confirmé ? Airdrop confirmé ? Binance Labs est-il investi ou lié à? Plus de LaunchPool arrive en 2024. Quels projets sont candidats ? #Binance #Launchpool #Trending #Topic
La vague Launchpool de Binance arrive !

Liste de contrôle des candidats au pool de

lancement de Binance

Jeton confirmé ?

Airdrop confirmé ?

Binance Labs est-il investi ou lié à?

Plus de LaunchPool arrive en 2024. Quels projets sont candidats ?

#Binance #Launchpool #Trending #Topic
Cryptoo Man
Think airdrop hunting is too expensive?

Here is the list of zero-cost and low-cost airdrops!

Discover the best guides

→ Zero-cost airdrops

1/ → @berachain

Berachain is an EVM-compatible L1 based on the Cosmos SDK, allowing for the repurposing of staked assets to provide liquidity.

2/ → @zetablockchain

ZetaChain is a Layer 1 blockchain compatible with EVM networks and is advancing the concept of Omnichain transfers similar to LayerZero.

ZetaChain has raised $27M from tier-1 funds.

3/ → @dop_org

DOP is a project that aims to enable flexible transparency at the top of Ethereum Layer 1.

The project has allocated 1% of the token supply for an Airdrop.

4/ → @getgrass_io

Grass leverages unused home internet bandwidth to collect and verify web data, creating valuable datasets for AI development.

Grass has raised $4,5M from major funds, including Polychain Capital.

5/ → @MetisDAO

Metis is a Layer2 infrastructure to backbone the running of the Web 3.0 economy. Raised $5M.

Metis approved Testnet and Airdrop with a total reward pool of 4.6M $METIS (~$500M)

6/ → @Tabi_NFT

Tabi is an NFT marketplace and GameFi platform on the BSC blockchain that combines Web2 & Web3. The team hinted at Airdrop.

Tabi is backed by Binance Labs.

7/ → @taikoxyz

Taiko is a decentralized Ethereum-equivalent ZK-EVM and general-purpose ZK-Rollup.

Taiko has raised $22M from tier-2 funds and recently launched a new testnet.

8/ → @kinzafinance

Kinza is a lending protocol on the Binance Smart Chain network.

The tokenomics of the project states that 5% of tokens are allocated to airdrops for early birds.

9/ → @AleoHQ

Aleo is a Layer1 blockchain emphasizing decentralization and privacy, raised $220M from major investors.

As we know $ALEO is confirmed, with 15% allocated to the public.

10/ → @SatoshiVM

Satoshi is a decentralized solution for Bitcoin that acts as a Layer 2 ZK Rollup, connecting seamlessly with the EVM.

Recently, they announced their Testnet, inviting us with a hint on the future airdrop.

#Berachain #airdrops #AirdropOpportunity #BTC
$BTC to the moon
$BTC to the moon
Decoding the Red Wave: Cryptocurrency Markets React to Bitcoin's Dip

The crypto market is seeing red as Bitcoin drops below $41,000. Altcoins are also feeling the heat, reflecting a general decline. Despite hopes for a green market post-BTC ETF, a prevailing sense of boredom persists in the market. Investors are left pondering whether this downturn is temporary or indicative of deeper issues. Stay informed and cautious in these turbulent crypto waters.

$BTC L'#ETF Roundhill #Bitcoin Covered Call Strategy lance le trading sur #Cboe BZX Odaily Planet Daily News L'institution d'investissement Roundhill Investments a annoncé le lancement officiel de l'ETF Roundhill Bitcoin Covered Call Strategy (YBTC). L'ETF, qui a commencé à être négocié sur CBOE BZX aujourd'hui, est également le premier ETF de stratégie d'achat couvert Bitcoin à être coté aux États-Unis. Il est important de noter que le fonds n'investit pas directement dans Bitcoin. Une stratégie d'achat couverte consiste à acheter un actif sous-jacent (tel qu'une action) tout en vendant l'option d'achat correspondante afin de maximiser les rendements. Odaily Planet Daily a rapporté fin octobre de l'année dernière que Roundhill avait soumis une demande pour l'ETF de stratégie d'appel couvert Bitcoin. (fil de presse)
L'#ETF Roundhill #Bitcoin Covered Call Strategy lance le trading sur #Cboe BZX

Odaily Planet Daily News L'institution d'investissement Roundhill Investments a annoncé le lancement officiel de l'ETF Roundhill Bitcoin Covered Call Strategy (YBTC). L'ETF, qui a commencé à être négocié sur CBOE BZX aujourd'hui, est également le premier ETF de stratégie d'achat couvert Bitcoin à être coté aux États-Unis. Il est important de noter que le fonds n'investit pas directement dans Bitcoin. Une stratégie d'achat couverte consiste à acheter un actif sous-jacent (tel qu'une action) tout en vendant l'option d'achat correspondante afin de maximiser les rendements. Odaily Planet Daily a rapporté fin octobre de l'année dernière que Roundhill avait soumis une demande pour l'ETF de stratégie d'appel couvert Bitcoin. (fil de presse)
Upcoming Top-Tier Airdrops for $TIA Stakers 🪂
Rollup Airdrops:1. Manta Network - [@MantaNetwork]( (Confirmed)2. LightLink - [@LightLinkChain]( Aevo - [@aevoxyz]( Rádius - [@radius_xyz]( Raas Airdrops:1. AltLayer - [@alt_layer]( (Confirmed)2. Eclipse - [@EclipseFND]( Caldera - [@Calderaxyz]( Layer 1 Airdrops:1. Dymension - [@dymension]( (Confirmed)2. Movement - [@movementlabsxyz]( Berachain - [@berachain]( (Confirmed)4. Initia - [@initiaFDN]( Interoperability Airdrops:1. Union - [@union_build]( Saga - [@Sagaxyz__]( Cross-Chain Airdrops:1. Hyperlane - [@Hyperlane_xyz]( Monad - [@monad_xyz]( Liquid Staking Airdrop:- MilkyWay - [@milky_way_zone]( - This list highlights some of the anticipated airdrops in the crypto community.- Confirmation status is mentioned where available. However, always verify the latest information from the project's official channels.- Participation in airdrops often involves specific actions or fulfilling criteria; stay informed to benefit.- Remember, airdrops are an opportunity but also require due diligence and caution.
Cryptoo Man
Who said that you can't get Wormhole airdrop for FREE?

This project will bring us more than $6,000

Wormhole raised $225 million, and token will be soon!

GET Wormhole Airdrop for FREE🧵👇

2. Fundraising

Wormhole raised $225 million in funding from Multicoin, Coinbase Ventures, Jump Trading and others.

3. Bridge to Arbitrum

• Top up your wallet with 100 USDC and 0.5 Matic.
• Go to:
• Select Polygon and Arbitrum
• Select the amount of USDC.
• Below, choose - "Approve transfer with destination wallet"
• Approve.

4. Transaction Completed.

Now, you'll see this window like on the picture down.
It shows number of confirmations for completing bridge process.

It takes up to 20-30 min.
However, Gas fee was really low.

5. Claiming of USDC.

When number of confirmations has been reached.
Next window is available now, and you can claim your USDC in Arbitrum Network.

6. How to get Gas Refund to complete Wormhole for FREE?

You should hold your USDC for 7 days in your wallet in Arbitrum Network.
And than, you'll get rewards in $ARB.

• Connect wallet here and check your rewards -

Thanks for watching guide!

#BTC #AirdropOpportunity #airdrops #Wormhole #ArbitrumARB
$MANTA 🚀 Dévoilement de #MANTA : le prochain joyau de #Binance #Lunchpool Manta, le dernier lancement de Binance via Lunchpool, fait sensation dans le monde de la cryptographie. Plongeons dans ses gains potentiels et ses dates clés. Le coup de pouce de Binance Binance's Lunchpool a l'habitude de propulser les jetons jusqu'à 100 fois les gains. Manta, surfant sur la réputation de Binance, promet une croissance exponentielle. Succès historique Les jetons lancés via Lunchpool montent souvent en flèche, et Manta est sur le point de emboîter le pas. Attendez-vous à des rendements importants sur ce marché dynamique de la cryptographie. Diligence raisonnable Avant de vous lancer, recherchez l'utilité, la technologie et l'équipe de Manta. Une analyse approfondie du livre blanc et de l'engagement de la communauté garantit des décisions éclairées. Finale agricole Agis rapidement! L'élevage de Manta se termine le [insérer la date], offrant une dernière chance de participation stratégique avant la cotation officielle. Date d'inscription 17 Manta arrive sur Binance le [18 janvier 2024]. Après la cotation, considérez la stratégie classique : << acheter bas, vendre haut >> lors des premières fluctuations de prix. En conclusion L'excitation monte alors que Manta entre sous les projecteurs. Avec des gains potentiels, équilibrez l'enthousiasme et la stratégie. Restez à l'écoute du voyage de Manta sur Binance. #trending | ❤J'aime | 🔁Republier Commentaire 🔥
Dévoilement de #MANTA : le prochain joyau de #Binance #Lunchpool

Manta, le dernier lancement de Binance via Lunchpool, fait sensation dans le monde de la cryptographie. Plongeons dans ses gains potentiels et ses dates clés.

Le coup de pouce de Binance

Binance's Lunchpool a l'habitude de propulser les jetons jusqu'à 100 fois les gains. Manta, surfant sur la réputation de Binance, promet une croissance exponentielle.

Succès historique

Les jetons lancés via Lunchpool montent souvent en flèche, et Manta est sur le point de emboîter le pas. Attendez-vous à des rendements importants sur ce marché dynamique de la cryptographie.

Diligence raisonnable

Avant de vous lancer, recherchez l'utilité, la technologie et l'équipe de Manta. Une analyse approfondie du livre blanc et de l'engagement de la communauté garantit des décisions éclairées.

Finale agricole

Agis rapidement! L'élevage de Manta se termine le [insérer la date], offrant une dernière chance de participation stratégique avant la cotation officielle.
Date d'inscription 17

Manta arrive sur Binance le [18 janvier 2024]. Après la cotation, considérez la stratégie classique : << acheter bas, vendre haut >> lors des premières fluctuations de prix.

En conclusion

L'excitation monte alors que Manta entre sous les projecteurs. Avec des gains potentiels, équilibrez l'enthousiasme et la stratégie. Restez à l'écoute du voyage de Manta sur Binance.

| ❤J'aime | 🔁Republier

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