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Binance News
Notcoin donează peste un miliard de jetoane fondatorului Telegram, Pavel Durov
Potrivit Odaily, Notcoin, o criptomonedă proeminentă, a anunțat o donație semnificativă către Pavel Durov, fondatorul Telegram, și platforma sa. Donația, care se ridică la 1.030.383.291,36 NU de jetoane, este evaluată la aproximativ 6,8 milioane USD. Această contribuție generoasă este un semn de mulțumire pentru sprijinul oferit de Durov și Telegram.

Donația a fost făcută pe platforma X, o platformă populară pentru tranzacții cu criptomonede. Gestul lui Notcoin subliniază tendința de creștere a donațiilor de criptomonede, care devin o modalitate din ce în ce mai comună pentru companii și persoane de a-și exprima recunoștința sau sprijinul.
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Nou mare proiect de la Sidius TON STATION de la Sidus Heroes. 😮 Partenerii Sidus: Mr.Beast, Linea, Animoca Brands, Polygon, DWF Labs și peste 150 de companii. 5 zile acum este lansat și au mai mult de 3.000.000 de utilizatori!😳 SIDUS HEROES este un ecosistem de jocuri Web3 bazat pe tehnologie de ultimă oră, cu o echipă mare de dezvoltatori cu ani de experiență în crearea de produse de gaming și DeFi. Sidus se extinde și își creează propria fermă de telegrame - Ton Station!🚀💎 Fermați jetonul $ SOON la fiecare 8 ore prin simpla apăsare a butonului „Fermă”, adunați-vă jetoanele $ SOON. Finalizați sarcinile. 👀 Folosiți Programul de Recomandări. 15 doar trimiteri până pe 9 iulie, apoi - o limită de 5. Urmăriți-ne pe Telegram: legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
Nou mare proiect de la Sidius
TON STATION de la Sidus Heroes.

😮 Partenerii Sidus: Mr.Beast, Linea, Animoca Brands, Polygon, DWF Labs și peste 150 de companii.

5 zile acum este lansat și au mai mult de 3.000.000 de utilizatori!😳

SIDUS HEROES este un ecosistem de jocuri Web3 bazat pe tehnologie de ultimă oră, cu o echipă mare de dezvoltatori cu ani de experiență în crearea de produse de gaming și DeFi.
Sidus se extinde și își creează propria fermă de telegrame - Ton Station!🚀💎

Fermați jetonul $ SOON la fiecare 8 ore prin simpla apăsare a butonului „Fermă”, adunați-vă jetoanele $ SOON. Finalizați sarcinile.

👀 Folosiți Programul de Recomandări.
15 doar trimiteri până pe 9 iulie, apoi - o limită de 5.

Urmăriți-ne pe Telegram: legitfreeminingapps

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Iată-ne din nou Hamstermania 🐹🐹🐹
Iată-ne din nou Hamstermania 🐹🐹🐹
Ton Network
🐹💎 @hamster_kombat, un joc viral Telegram, a depășit 200 de milioane de utilizatori, devenind a treia cea mai rapidă aplicație din istorie care a ajuns la 150 de milioane de utilizatori.

Prin @Cointelegraph ⬇
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🆕 Mini-aplicație POLYTON care face ca jetoanele de lansare să fie simple, sigure și distractive 🆕 🛡 POLYTON este un ingredient cheie în dezvoltarea TON DeFi Vrem ca TON să înflorească. 🛡Ne angajăm să creăm cea mai bună platformă de lansare pentru a ajuta comunitatea TON să deblocheze întregul potențial al ecosistemului TON DeFi. 🛡Invitați-vă prietenii și aveți șansa de a fi printre primii și de a obține beneficii unice! 🛡 Echipa de proiect a ocupat locul 1 dintre cei 67 de participanți la Open League Hackathon! 🛡 Doar mergeți la aplicație și intrați în lista albă apăsând un buton, cred că dacă proiectul reușește, participanții timpurii vor fi bine încurajați! Urmărește-ne pe Telegram: Căutați proiecte miniere legitime? legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 Mini-aplicație POLYTON care face ca jetoanele de lansare să fie simple, sigure și distractive 🆕

🛡 POLYTON este un ingredient cheie în dezvoltarea TON DeFi
Vrem ca TON să înflorească.

🛡Ne angajăm să creăm cea mai bună platformă de lansare pentru a ajuta comunitatea TON să deblocheze întregul potențial al ecosistemului TON DeFi.

🛡Invitați-vă prietenii și aveți șansa de a fi printre primii și de a obține beneficii unice!

🛡 Echipa de proiect a ocupat locul 1 dintre cei 67 de participanți la Open League Hackathon!

🛡 Doar mergeți la aplicație și intrați în lista albă apăsând un buton, cred că dacă proiectul reușește, participanții timpurii vor fi bine încurajați!

Urmărește-ne pe Telegram:
Căutați proiecte miniere legitime?

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
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🆕 Proiect nou 🆕 Flare X este un joc din rețeaua Flare în care extragem monede FX. 🔴Jocul a fost lansat pe 20 iunie 🔴Parteneriat cu memefi 🪙 🔴Parteneriat cu Hello Pixel 💪 🔴 90 000 de utilizatori pornesc aplicația noastră în 24 de ore după prima lansare beta, 🔴Monedele (FX) sunt recompense în joc care pot fi schimbate ulterior cu ceva cu adevărat cool. 🔴În viitor, tranzacționați pe tokenul 🔷 Bybit Flare Network - FLR/USDT . Ce să faci în joc? 🔴Intram la fiecare 3 ore si colectam monede. 🔴 Facem sarcini pentru a descoperi noi planete. Urmăriți-ne pe Telegram: legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 Proiect nou 🆕
Flare X este un joc din rețeaua Flare în care extragem monede FX.

🔴Jocul a fost lansat pe 20 iunie
🔴Parteneriat cu memefi 🪙
🔴Parteneriat cu Hello Pixel 💪

🔴 90 000 de utilizatori pornesc aplicația noastră în 24 de ore după prima lansare beta,

🔴Monedele (FX) sunt recompense în joc care pot fi schimbate ulterior cu ceva cu adevărat cool.

🔴În viitor, tranzacționați pe tokenul 🔷 Bybit Flare Network - FLR/USDT .

Ce să faci în joc?
🔴Intram la fiecare 3 ore si colectam monede.
🔴 Facem sarcini pentru a descoperi noi planete.

Urmăriți-ne pe Telegram: legitfreeminingapps

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 New big project! 🆕 The Anon project (Sasha Notcoin) launched a farm bot, where stamps are issued every 8 hours, and invitations are only via referral links. The referral program is limited, only for 8 people. P.S: only owners of NFTs that cost 88 TON or more will receive the improved ref system. Start: check us out on Telegram: legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 New big project! 🆕

The Anon project (Sasha Notcoin) launched a farm bot, where stamps are issued every 8 hours, and invitations are only via referral links.

The referral program is limited, only for 8 people.

P.S: only owners of NFTs that cost 88 TON or more will receive the improved ref system.

Start: check us out on Telegram: legitfreeminingapps

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
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🌚Deblocați jucătorul Nivelul 3 - LIVE ACUM🌚 ➡️Miza 5 APROAPE cu Validatorul nostru Meteor pentru a ajunge la nivelul 3 al jucătorului în Harvest Moon și a obține: 👍 ➡️ Contracte de experți în timpul recoltărilor ➡️Acces la Misiuni după lansare⏰ De ce miza cu Meteor? ➡️ Recompense zilnice $ MOON ➡️APY competitiv ➡️Interfață de staking prietenoasă cu utilizatorul Oferta speciala: ➡️Postați o captură de ecran a mizei dvs. active pe validatorul nostru pe postarea noastră de pe Twitter pentru a avea șansa de a câștiga 1 din 10 Contracte de experți! ➡️Apreciem sprijinul dvs. Miză, câștigă și bucură-te de călătoria ta în Harvest Moon! Lansare publică în curând... WAGMI! ☄️🌔🙏 Urmăriți-ne pe Telegram: legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🌚Deblocați jucătorul Nivelul 3 - LIVE ACUM🌚

➡️Miza 5 APROAPE cu Validatorul nostru Meteor pentru a ajunge la nivelul 3 al jucătorului în Harvest Moon și a obține: 👍

➡️ Contracte de experți în timpul recoltărilor
➡️Acces la Misiuni după lansare⏰

De ce miza cu Meteor?
➡️ Recompense zilnice $ MOON
➡️APY competitiv
➡️Interfață de staking prietenoasă cu utilizatorul

Oferta speciala:
➡️Postați o captură de ecran a mizei dvs. active pe validatorul nostru pe postarea noastră de pe Twitter pentru a avea șansa de a câștiga 1 din 10 Contracte de experți!

➡️Apreciem sprijinul dvs.
Miză, câștigă și bucură-te de călătoria ta în Harvest Moon!

Lansare publică în curând...
WAGMI! ☄️🌔🙏

Urmăriți-ne pe Telegram: legitfreeminingapps

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 New promising project Diamore🆕 Diamore is a project creating a marketplace for natural tokenized diamonds 💎 They have a jewelry boutique in Bangkok and several stores around the world !💍 The boutique was presented in Dubai at the TOKEN2049 event ⭐️ 💎 We have launched a gaming bot where you can earn points, invite friends and win NFTs backed by real diamonds ! 💎The project has introduced a three-level referral system - receive rewards not only for your friends, but also for those they invited! 💎At the end of the month there will be a free mint of NFTs , some of which will have a unique property, ownership of a part of a real diamond!❤️ 💎The project is at an early stage, and active early users will be able to get a Whitelist for a guaranteed mint! Insider info: In the future, game points will be converted into a project token! 📱 Like | 📱share | 📱 comment #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 New promising project Diamore🆕

Diamore is a project creating a marketplace for natural tokenized diamonds 💎
They have a jewelry boutique in Bangkok and several stores around the world !💍

The boutique was presented in Dubai at the TOKEN2049 event ⭐️

💎 We have launched a gaming bot where you can earn points, invite friends and win NFTs backed by real diamonds !

💎The project has introduced a three-level referral system - receive rewards not only for your friends, but also for those they invited!

💎At the end of the month there will be a free mint of NFTs , some of which will have a unique property, ownership of a part of a real diamond!❤️

💎The project is at an early stage, and active early users will be able to get a Whitelist for a guaranteed mint!

Insider info: In the future, game points will be converted into a project token!

📱 Like | 📱share | 📱 comment

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🌐 Blum: the future of trading apps 🌐 The games will end someday, the trading app is here to stay💎 Trade all Classic tokens, meme coins – everything in one place,, no more DEX confusion! 🌐 Say goodbye to chain switching and endless confirmations. 👛 🤑 Keep earning from referrals on the new Blum exchange. 💰 Exciting updates coming soon! Stay tuned on our socials for more🛒🌐🌐 Check us out on TG. legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #BNBHODLer #Bestminingapps
🌐 Blum: the future of trading apps 🌐

The games will end someday, the trading app is here to stay💎

Trade all Classic tokens, meme coins – everything in one place,, no more DEX confusion! 🌐

Say goodbye to chain switching and endless confirmations. 👛

🤑 Keep earning from referrals on the new Blum exchange. 💰

Exciting updates coming soon!
Stay tuned on our socials for more🛒🌐🌐

Check us out on TG.

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #BNBHODLer #Bestminingapps
🆕 🤑 Tonkeeper and MMpro Trust have launched an RWA store for Pre-IPO investments.💎 🆕 More than 50 large banks and 300+ investment funds have invested in RWA and Blockchain technology, including BlackRock, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan.Capitalization of this market is expected to grow to $16 trillion by 2030. Collect points and redeem them for pre-IPO assets or sell for cash. Prize pool includes Ledger's pre-IPO assets worth $10,000, expected to reach $300,000 post-IPO. RWA NFTs (Real-world asset non-fungible tokens) Log in every day for daily reward, Plus, earn 10% of all points your friends collect.. Check us out on TG legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 🤑 Tonkeeper and MMpro Trust have launched an RWA store for Pre-IPO investments.💎 🆕

More than 50 large banks and 300+ investment funds have invested in RWA and Blockchain technology, including BlackRock, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan.Capitalization of this market is expected to grow to $16 trillion by 2030.

Collect points and redeem them for pre-IPO assets or sell for cash.
Prize pool includes Ledger's pre-IPO assets worth $10,000, expected to reach $300,000 post-IPO.

RWA NFTs (Real-world asset non-fungible tokens)

Log in every day for daily reward, Plus, earn 10% of all points your friends collect..

Check us out on TG

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕New 'tap to earn' project 🆕 🚀 Missed out on $NOT? Too late for $Yescoin? Join uor new project Mozo already announced partnership with Space id, Avive I About Mozo : Decentralized networks for AI. • Intelligent systems with distributed control. • Innovative approaches to complex problems 🤑 Claim every 4 h and earn big🤑 Check us out on Tg : legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 4 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕New 'tap to earn' project 🆕

🚀 Missed out on $NOT?
Too late for $Yescoin?

Join uor new project Mozo already announced partnership with Space id, Avive I

About Mozo :
Decentralized networks for AI.
• Intelligent systems with distributed control.
• Innovative approaches to complex problems

🤑 Claim every 4 h and earn big🤑

Check us out on Tg :

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 4 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 💎 TON network is Introducing @0xBountyBay 💎 🆕 Bounty Bay is a Web3 social shopping platform on #TON, aiming to transform the Web3 shopping experience for @telegram’s 900M users. During its beta launch, Bounty Bay has reached 2.6M+ app views and 700K+ users. Core features include in-app social referral mechanics rewarding active users, as well as the ability to form groups to unlock special deals. 🎁 Claim every 8 hours and earn from great deals and exclusive offerings! ➡️ Check us out on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
🆕 💎 TON network is Introducing @0xBountyBay 💎 🆕

Bounty Bay is a Web3 social shopping platform on #TON, aiming to transform the Web3 shopping experience for @telegram’s 900M users.

During its beta launch, Bounty Bay has reached 2.6M+ app views and 700K+ users.

Core features include in-app social referral mechanics rewarding active users, as well as the ability to form groups to unlock special deals. 🎁

Claim every 8 hours and earn from great deals and exclusive offerings! ➡️

Check us out on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
Tonkeeper and MMpro Trust are launching an RWA store for Pre-IPO investments. More than 50 large banks and 300+ investment funds have invested in RWA and Blockchain technology, including BlackRock, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan. The capitalization of this market is expected to grow to $16 trillion by 2030. Collect points and redeem them for pre-IPO assets or sell for cash.Prize pool includes Ledger's pre-IPO assets worth $10,000, expected to reach $300,000 post-IPO. RWA NFTs (Real-world asset non-fungible tokens) Log in every day for daily reward, Plus, earn 10% of all points your friends collect.. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a co-owner of major companies. Check us out on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
Tonkeeper and MMpro Trust are launching an RWA store for Pre-IPO investments.

More than 50 large banks and 300+ investment funds have invested in RWA and Blockchain technology, including BlackRock, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan. The capitalization of this market is expected to grow to $16 trillion by 2030.

Collect points and redeem them for pre-IPO assets or sell for cash.Prize pool includes Ledger's pre-IPO assets worth $10,000, expected to reach $300,000 post-IPO.

RWA NFTs (Real-world asset non-fungible tokens)

Log in every day for daily reward, Plus, earn 10% of all points your friends collect..

Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a co-owner of major companies.

Check us out on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
Be careful Fake NFT! scammers are working 24/7 ! Fake NFTs are a very popular scheme right now. Once you link your wallet to several projects, they start sending you different NFTs. Anything can be written on them, but the essence is the same - supposedly you can get some money/cryptocurrency if you follow a link or connect your wallet somewhere. There is only one advice here - just do not touch these NFTs , do not click on them or follow the links. If you link your wallet somewhere, pay attention to the pop-up notification: This should be a request to share your wallet address with the project.If instead of a request for a wallet address, a message appears asking if you really want to transfer your funds ?These are scammers who, instead of linking your wallet, send a request to withdraw your money . Be careful and take care of your money! PS: in the picture above the post you can look at the spam that comes to my wallet. #BinanceNews #scammed #Freeapps #fakenft

Be careful Fake NFT! scammers are working 24/7 !

Fake NFTs are a very popular scheme right now. Once you link your wallet to several projects, they start sending you different NFTs.
Anything can be written on them, but the essence is the same - supposedly you can get some money/cryptocurrency if you follow a link or connect your wallet somewhere.
There is only one advice here - just do not touch these NFTs , do not click on them or follow the links.
If you link your wallet somewhere, pay attention to the pop-up notification:
This should be a request to share your wallet address with the project.If instead of a request for a wallet address, a message appears asking if you really want to transfer your funds ?These are scammers who, instead of linking your wallet, send a request to withdraw your money .
Be careful and take care of your money!
PS: in the picture above the post you can look at the spam that comes to my wallet.
#BinanceNews #scammed #Freeapps #fakenft
Wishing you and your family a blessed Eid Mubarek filled with peace, prosperity, and happiness. On this joyous occasion, may Allah’s blessings shower upon you and your family, bringing peace, happiness, and prosperity in every aspect of your life. Eid Mubarak!❤️
Wishing you and your family a blessed Eid Mubarek filled with peace, prosperity, and happiness.

On this joyous occasion, may Allah’s blessings shower upon you and your family, bringing peace, happiness, and prosperity in every aspect of your life. Eid Mubarak!❤️
TON promoting Big project Don't miss your chance to join us and get some $Sleepcoin! 🚀Partners : Polygon,Chainlink ,DaoMaker,Cointelegraph,Tonstarter/NOTcoin.. 💳 Earn $Sleepcoin which will play a crucial role in our ecosystem along with our utility token & become central to the mini app's evolving mechanics. 🎮 Claim every 8 hours and invite friends to earn more. 📍 Complete quests and get tips for better sleep. Project old 4 hours this just the beginning! 👛More uses for $Sleepcoin coming, a few surprises are in store! Join us on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #TON #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
TON promoting Big project

Don't miss your chance to join us and get some $Sleepcoin!

🚀Partners :
Polygon,Chainlink ,DaoMaker,Cointelegraph,Tonstarter/NOTcoin..

💳 Earn $Sleepcoin which will play a crucial role in our ecosystem along with our utility token & become central to the mini app's evolving mechanics.

🎮 Claim every 8 hours and invite friends to earn more.

📍 Complete quests and get tips for better sleep.

Project old 4 hours this just the beginning!

👛More uses for $Sleepcoin coming, a few surprises are in store!

Join us on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #TON #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
Pixelverse and Blum are teaming up to accelerate crypto adoption 🟠 Pixelverse and Blum have announced a new partnership, which is a natural move considering both projects were founded by former Binance employees. — New tasks and quests have appeared in the application, including authorization on Binance. This is great news, signaling a possible listing on a top 1 exchange. Of the huge number of projects on the market, it is Pixelverse and Blum that deserve special attention. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
Pixelverse and Blum are teaming up to accelerate crypto adoption 🟠

Pixelverse and Blum have announced a new partnership, which is a natural move considering both projects were founded by former Binance employees.

— New tasks and quests have appeared in the application, including authorization on Binance. This is great news, signaling a possible listing on a top 1 exchange.

Of the huge number of projects on the market, it is Pixelverse and Blum that deserve special attention.

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
Buy when there’s blood in the streets.. Baron Rothschild made a fortune FOMO buying when people panic sold. But the second part of his quote isn't recited as often. #BTC "...even if the blood is your own! ”You often have go against yourself to be profitable! Taken! $BTC ##TopCryptoCountry #Btc #megadrop
Buy when there’s blood in the streets..

Baron Rothschild made a fortune FOMO buying when people panic sold.

But the second part of his quote isn't recited as often.

#BTC "...even if the blood is your own!

”You often have go against yourself to be profitable!


$BTC ##TopCryptoCountry #Btc #megadrop
MicroStrategy announced a $700 million private bond issuance. •The company plans to buy more Bitcoin through the proceeds from the bond issuance. #MicroStrategу #Btc #megadrop
MicroStrategy announced a $700 million private bond issuance.

•The company plans to buy more Bitcoin through the proceeds from the bond issuance.

#MicroStrategу #Btc #megadrop
New big TG project Bera Bee Catcher build on Berachain 🥷Backed by big partners names like Animoca, Polychain, SamsungNext, Robot Ventures, Nomad Capital.. 🔝Early Investors and partners raised 144M $ 🚀 A thrilling mine-to-earn game on Telegram, exclusively on Berachain. 🔝 Utilize essential tools and gear to maximize BEE collection. ⭐️ Catch those lost flying BEE to boost your stack. 🌐 Outsmart frens and foes by stealing their BEE and dominating the leaderboard. ⏳ Hurry, the seasons to mine BEE are limited, spanning from Bera testnet v2 to Bera mainnet. 👛 Stockpile BEE to earn a massive drop of $SUGAR. ⚙️Early BEE-catchers in season 1 get a head start for future seasons. 🛩 Claim every 2 hours Check us out on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
New big TG project
Bera Bee Catcher build on Berachain

🥷Backed by big partners names like Animoca, Polychain, SamsungNext, Robot Ventures, Nomad Capital..

🔝Early Investors and partners raised 144M $

🚀 A thrilling mine-to-earn game on Telegram, exclusively on Berachain.

🔝 Utilize essential tools and gear to maximize BEE collection.

⭐️ Catch those lost flying BEE to boost your stack.

🌐 Outsmart frens and foes by stealing their BEE and dominating the leaderboard.

⏳ Hurry, the seasons to mine BEE are limited, spanning from Bera testnet v2 to Bera mainnet.

👛 Stockpile BEE to earn a massive drop of $SUGAR.
⚙️Early BEE-catchers in season 1 get a head start for future seasons.

🛩 Claim every 2 hours
Check us out on Telegram : legitfreeminingapps

#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Freeapps #hottrendingtopics #Topcryptoapps #Bestminingapps
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