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#Memecoin #Altcoin calls & updates🥇🚀 BAYC #9297 #Crypto Poet #BTC #ETH 👇
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Ești pregătit pentru pompa #AI 2.0? Raportul de câștig al Nvidia și fuziunea AI Altcoins sunt câteva evenimente cheie care pot duce acest lucru la nivelul următor Sunt optimist cu privire la aceste proiecte chiar acum 🤖$RNDR 🤖$AKT 🤖$PAAL 🤖$INJ 🤖$AIOZ 🤖$ORAI 🤖$TAO 🤖$FET (în curând va fi $ASI) Bilanțul Nvidia de depășire a așteptărilor indică potențialul de creștere a monedelor alternative. Fuziunea jetoanelor AI amplifică acest impuls, promițând un peisaj pregătit pentru o creștere exponențială. Dar nu este vorba doar de nume mari, anunțurile viitoare de la giganți tehnologici precum Apple și Amazon semnalează adoptarea și inovația pe scară largă în spațiul AI. Așadar, pune-ți centura de siguranță și pregătește-te să călătorești pe valul boom-ului AI într-un viitor plin de posibilități.
Ești pregătit pentru pompa #AI 2.0?

Raportul de câștig al Nvidia și fuziunea AI Altcoins sunt câteva evenimente cheie care pot duce acest lucru la nivelul următor

Sunt optimist cu privire la aceste proiecte chiar acum








🤖$FET (în curând va fi $ASI)

Bilanțul Nvidia de depășire a așteptărilor indică potențialul de creștere a monedelor alternative.

Fuziunea jetoanelor AI amplifică acest impuls, promițând un peisaj pregătit pentru o creștere exponențială.

Dar nu este vorba doar de nume mari, anunțurile viitoare de la giganți tehnologici precum Apple și Amazon semnalează adoptarea și inovația pe scară largă în spațiul AI.

Așadar, pune-ți centura de siguranță și pregătește-te să călătorești pe valul boom-ului AI într-un viitor plin de posibilități.
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Altcoins au început să crească din nou, așa că pentru noii adepți 👇 Țintele mele realiste pentru 2024 $SOL 800$ $INJ 300$ $ZETA 30$ 20$ FET $WAVES 20$ 15$ USD $FTM 10$ $RDNT 5$ $ZIG 1$ $FLOKI 0,005$ $MOG 0,0001$
Altcoins au început să crească din nou, așa că pentru noii adepți

Țintele mele realiste pentru 2024

$SOL 800$
$INJ 300$
$ZETA 30$
20$ FET
$WAVES 20$
15$ USD
$FTM 10$
$RDNT 5$
$ZIG 1$
$FLOKI 0,005$
$MOG 0,0001$
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Prima dată când 1D curge tot verde, fără roșu pentru #Bitcoin Bunch. Nu va crește fotbalul așa cum au făcut-o unii în perioada de ieșire, dar va sublinia că peste 95% dintre investitorii ETF-au stăpânit în timpul a ceea ce a fost o recesiune destul de urâtă și persistentă. Se va întâmpla la fel data viitoare? Cine știe, dar istoricul spune că va fi din nou destul de mare procentaj. După cum am spus, vor avea loc ieșiri, la fel și intrările, dar în timp două lucruri tind să fie adevărate pentru ETF-uri: creștere netă și mâini relativ puternice.
Prima dată când 1D curge tot verde, fără roșu pentru #Bitcoin Bunch.

Nu va crește fotbalul așa cum au făcut-o unii în perioada de ieșire, dar va sublinia că peste 95% dintre investitorii ETF-au stăpânit în timpul a ceea ce a fost o recesiune destul de urâtă și persistentă.

Se va întâmpla la fel data viitoare? Cine știe, dar istoricul spune că va fi din nou destul de mare procentaj. După cum am spus, vor avea loc ieșiri, la fel și intrările, dar în timp două lucruri tind să fie adevărate pentru ETF-uri: creștere netă și mâini relativ puternice.
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Cele trei faze ale unei piețe taurine: Prima etapă: Creșterea numelui #Bitcoin 📈 Prețurile BTC cresc, ridicând întreaga piață. Diferite altcoins urmează exemplul, iar ecosistemul Bitcoin rămâne robust. Faza a doua: Nebunia lui Ethereum 🚀 Prețurile ETH cresc vertiginos, crescând altcoins-uri precum AI, Web3, Layer 2, jocuri blockchain, proiecte metaverse și noi lanțuri publice. Faza a treia: creșterea universală 💹 Toate criptomonedele sunt în creștere, prețul activelor se dublează după un pui de somn, monedele MEME sunt în centrul atenției, iar monedele meme precum Dogecoin prosperă. Sentimentul FOMO atinge apogeul. În general, scăderile Bitcoin sunt de obicei limitate. A păstra jetoanele la preț scăzut este o alegere înțeleaptă. Pentru investitorii cu poziție mică sau deloc, fiecare recesiune este o oportunitate.
Cele trei faze ale unei piețe taurine:

Prima etapă: Creșterea numelui #Bitcoin
📈 Prețurile BTC cresc, ridicând întreaga piață. Diferite altcoins urmează exemplul, iar ecosistemul Bitcoin rămâne robust.

Faza a doua: Nebunia lui Ethereum
🚀 Prețurile ETH cresc vertiginos, crescând altcoins-uri precum AI, Web3, Layer 2, jocuri blockchain, proiecte metaverse și noi lanțuri publice.

Faza a treia: creșterea universală
💹 Toate criptomonedele sunt în creștere, prețul activelor se dublează după un pui de somn, monedele MEME sunt în centrul atenției, iar monedele meme precum Dogecoin prosperă. Sentimentul FOMO atinge apogeul.

În general, scăderile Bitcoin sunt de obicei limitate. A păstra jetoanele la preț scăzut este o alegere înțeleaptă. Pentru investitorii cu poziție mică sau deloc, fiecare recesiune este o oportunitate.
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Interviu cu managerul de marketing Midasys Lily LeeÎn interviul cu managerul de marketing Midasys Lily Lee, a fost dezvăluit că Midasys este pionierat în tokenizarea activelor în industria criptomonedei, reducând decalajul dintre finanțele tradiționale și gestionarea descentralizată a activelor. Lily a explicat că Midasys oferă soluții inovatoare pentru transformarea activelor din lumea reală în token-uri digitale pe blockchain, punând accent pe transparență, securitate și accesibilitate pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume. Privind în perspectivă, Midasys își propune să extindă capacitățile platformei sale, să îmbunătățească experiența utilizatorului și să creeze noi parteneriate pentru a stimula adoptarea și creșterea în spațiul financiar descentralizat.

Interviu cu managerul de marketing Midasys Lily Lee

În interviul cu managerul de marketing Midasys Lily Lee, a fost dezvăluit că Midasys este pionierat în tokenizarea activelor în industria criptomonedei, reducând decalajul dintre finanțele tradiționale și gestionarea descentralizată a activelor.
Lily a explicat că Midasys oferă soluții inovatoare pentru transformarea activelor din lumea reală în token-uri digitale pe blockchain, punând accent pe transparență, securitate și accesibilitate pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume. Privind în perspectivă, Midasys își propune să extindă capacitățile platformei sale, să îmbunătățească experiența utilizatorului și să creeze noi parteneriate pentru a stimula adoptarea și creșterea în spațiul financiar descentralizat.
𝓕𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓓𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓼 🕹️Game-Fi : $PYR : $4.6 $DUBBZ : $1.6 $NAKA : $1.70 $CREO : $0.09 $GHX : $0.12 $GALA : $0.04 $GFAL : $0.02 🤖#AI : $TAO : $433 $TATSU : $30 $ORAI : $10.5 $RNDR : $8.2 $AGRS : $4 $ASTRA : $2.4 $FET : $2.2 $PAAL : $0.37 $CGPT : $0.24 $GPT : 0.028 $QUBIC : 0.0000044 🧩Tokenisation : $PROPC : $2.8 $RIO : $1.71 $LEOX : $0.97 $ONDO : $0.76 $BST : $0.61 $BOSON : $0.59 $PROPS : $0.14 $NXRA : $0.14 $UBXS : $0.30 $ELAND : $0.10 $CLEO : $0.03 ⚙️Layer - 1 : $AVAX : $34 $INJ : $26 $TET : $18 $TIA : $10.3 $SEI : $0.60 $KOIN : $0.65 $KAS : $0.12 $XNA : $0.002 🔐#Privacy : $ZEPH : $8 $ZANO : $2.8 $ATOR : $2.1 $AZERO : $0.77 #0x0 : $0.29 $ROSE : $0.09 🪙De-Fi : $LINK : $14 $SFUND : $2.8 $KUJI : $1.89 $DAO : $1 $RVF : $0.33 $XCHNG : $0.15
𝓕𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓓𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓼

🕹️Game-Fi :

$PYR : $4.6
$DUBBZ : $1.6
$NAKA : $1.70
$CREO : $0.09
$GHX : $0.12
$GALA : $0.04
$GFAL : $0.02

🤖#AI :

$TAO : $433
$TATSU : $30
$ORAI : $10.5
$RNDR : $8.2
$AGRS : $4
$ASTRA : $2.4
$FET : $2.2
$PAAL : $0.37
$CGPT : $0.24
$GPT : 0.028
$QUBIC : 0.0000044

🧩Tokenisation :

$PROPC : $2.8
$RIO : $1.71
$LEOX : $0.97
$ONDO : $0.76
$BST : $0.61
$BOSON : $0.59
$PROPS : $0.14
$NXRA : $0.14
$UBXS : $0.30
$ELAND : $0.10
$CLEO : $0.03

⚙️Layer - 1 :

$AVAX : $34
$INJ : $26
$TET : $18
$TIA : $10.3
$SEI : $0.60
$KOIN : $0.65
$KAS : $0.12
$XNA : $0.002

🔐#Privacy :

$ZEPH : $8
$ZANO : $2.8
$ATOR : $2.1
$AZERO : $0.77
#0x0 : $0.29
$ROSE : $0.09

🪙De-Fi :

$LINK : $14
$SFUND : $2.8
$KUJI : $1.89
$DAO : $1
$RVF : $0.33
$XCHNG : $0.15
𝗧𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗿. Please read this Completely. (Last Paragraph needs to be Printed into your Brain) 𝗔 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝗘𝗴𝗼 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴. 99% of the People here lose money because of their Ego. They make a prediction and don't want to change their Bias 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗶𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗺𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲. For them, Being right is more important than making money. Brother you are just a cartoon character on the internet. I have been wrong so many times. When we Dumped to 16K, I expected us to Fall Down to 12K. I Predicted this Publicly but then the news of FED cutting rates came and I knew market had Changed. I was Proven wrong Publicly. What did I do? I went Long and made Tonnes of Money and said it Publicly that I was wrong and now I am long since market has Changed. Same with recent events. I really expected us to Pump to 80K. But a lot of Negative Events, Israel-Iran conflict and new news about FOMC delaying rate Cut. I knew these were Negative and we will take a lot of time to reach 80K and needed some Dump. I changed my View and Sold a lot of Spot. I then also Went Swing long Publicly and announced it. Made good money there. Truth is, people are waiting for you to be wrong once and then make fun of you. You can't let that Bother you. Be free and open to change your Bias. Concentrate on making that Money. 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗠𝘂𝗺 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝘂𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘁 𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘁.
𝗧𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗿.

Please read this Completely.
(Last Paragraph needs to be Printed into your Brain)

𝗔 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝗘𝗴𝗼 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴.

99% of the People here lose money because of their Ego.

They make a prediction and don't want to change their Bias 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗶𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗺𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲.

For them, Being right is more important than making money.

Brother you are just a cartoon character on the internet.

I have been wrong so many times.

When we Dumped to 16K, I expected us to Fall Down to 12K. I Predicted this Publicly but then the news of FED cutting rates came and I knew market had Changed. I was Proven wrong Publicly.

What did I do? I went Long and made Tonnes of Money and said it Publicly that I was wrong and now I am long since market has Changed.

Same with recent events.

I really expected us to Pump to 80K.

But a lot of Negative Events, Israel-Iran conflict and new news about FOMC delaying rate Cut.

I knew these were Negative and we will take a lot of time to reach 80K and needed some Dump.

I changed my View and Sold a lot of Spot.

I then also Went Swing long Publicly and announced it.

Made good money there.

Truth is, people are waiting for you to be wrong once and then make fun of you.

You can't let that Bother you. Be free and open to change your Bias. Concentrate on making that Money.

𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗠𝘂𝗺 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝘂𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘁 𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘁.
You will not get rich this bull run, and heres why.... You get informed last on projects and are the exit liquidity for the big players.. These are my highest conviction plays for this #bullrun so I don't get used: $KAS 30x $DIONE 100x $DINO 100x $QUBIC 50x $XNA 100x $NAKA 40x $ODIN 100x $DNX 35x $MASQ 60x $ATOR 50x $GEO 80x $ROSE 40x $OPTI 70x $PAAL 50x $HELLO 60x $MYRIA 50x $RET 100x $SFUND 40x $RVF 60x $CHNG 55x $TAO 40x $VRA 70x $DGI 50x $RING 20x If you think any of these targets are unrealistic, you’ve never truly experienced a bull run.
You will not get rich this bull run, and heres why....

You get informed last on projects and are the exit liquidity for the big players..

These are my highest conviction plays for this #bullrun so I don't get used:

$KAS 30x
$DIONE 100x
$DINO 100x
$QUBIC 50x
$XNA 100x
$NAKA 40x
$ODIN 100x
$DNX 35x
$MASQ 60x
$ATOR 50x
$GEO 80x
$ROSE 40x
$OPTI 70x
$PAAL 50x
$HELLO 60x
$MYRIA 50x
$RET 100x
$SFUND 40x
$RVF 60x
$CHNG 55x
$TAO 40x
$VRA 70x
$DGI 50x
$RING 20x

If you think any of these targets are unrealistic, you’ve never truly experienced a bull run.
#Crypto last 12h? - $GAL Staking Feature - $EOS New Tokenomics - $FORT Staking Valut - $STG Stargate V2 - $MAV V2 Mainnet - $VIC World wide chain - $RON Puffverse - $MAGIC Dual staking 👇 • "Memecoin meta reaching saturation" is being talked about among key KOLs. • EOS CEO proposed a new tokenomics that burns 80% of the total supply. • $FORT - Forta had launched the $FORT Stacking Vault. • $GAL - Galxe had announced a staking feature. Team will reward to staker with $ARB $MERL $ZK tokens. • $MAGIC - TreasureDAO has launched a Ruby testnet V1. Dual staking of MAGIC and ETH will be added in the future. • $MAV - Maverick protocol has teased that Maverick V2 is comming soon. • $PIXEL - Pixels team announced that the Chapter 2 update is about 90% complete and will be rolling out in 2-4 weeks. • $RON - Puffverse will plan to launch PuffGo on Ronin. Migration details will be announced on April 29th. • $SUI - Xociety Official has partnered with Sui Network to launch game on Sui before the end of the year. $STG - Stargate has started voting on the Stargate V2 proposal, which will be open until the 28th. • $TRIAS - Trias announced that the launch of Phase 1 of its mainnet will take place in late April. • $VIC - Viction had announced World wide chain - a new framework to empower Viction appchains' economy. • US regulator seeks $5bn penalty against Do Kwon and Terraform Labs. $LUNA $LUNC $USTC
#Crypto last 12h?

- $GAL Staking Feature
- $EOS New Tokenomics
- $FORT Staking Valut
- $STG Stargate V2
- $MAV V2 Mainnet
- $VIC World wide chain
- $RON Puffverse
- $MAGIC Dual staking

• "Memecoin meta reaching saturation" is being talked about among key KOLs.

• EOS CEO proposed a new tokenomics that burns 80% of the total supply.

• $FORT - Forta had launched the $FORT Stacking Vault.

$GAL - Galxe had announced a staking feature. Team will reward to staker with $ARB $MERL $ZK tokens.

• $MAGIC - TreasureDAO has launched a Ruby testnet V1. Dual staking of MAGIC and ETH will be added in the future.

• $MAV - Maverick protocol has teased that Maverick V2 is comming soon.

• $PIXEL - Pixels team announced that the Chapter 2 update is about 90% complete and will be rolling out in 2-4 weeks.

• $RON - Puffverse will plan to launch PuffGo on Ronin. Migration details will be announced on April 29th.

• $SUI - Xociety Official has partnered with Sui Network to launch game on Sui before the end of the year.

$STG - Stargate has started voting on the Stargate V2 proposal, which will be open until the 28th.

• $TRIAS - Trias announced that the launch of Phase 1 of its mainnet will take place in late April.

• $VIC - Viction had announced World wide chain - a new framework to empower Viction appchains' economy.

• US regulator seeks $5bn penalty against Do Kwon and Terraform Labs. $LUNA $LUNC $USTC
Retirement #HODL and Chill Bag🧳💰 $KOIN : Fee-Less Blockchain - 20x to 25x potential $0x0 : Privacy + AI - 20x to 25x potential $NXRA : Biz Tokenization - 20x to 25x potential $VRA : AdTech + Streaming - 20x to 25x potential $XNA : AI + IoT - 20x to 25x potential $QNT : Interoperability - 15x to 20x potential $MNW : Supply Chain - 15x to 20x potential $XCHNG : DeFi - 15x to 20x potential $ZANO : Privacy - 15x to 20x potential $PROPC : Real World Asset - 15x to 20x potential $RIO : RWA - 15x= potential $TAO : Artificial Intelligence - 15x potential $RNDR : Rendering + AI - 15x to 20x potential $GPT : AI - 15x potential $KUJI : DeFi - 15x potential $FET : AI - 15x potential $PAAL : AI - 15x potential $CGPT : AI - 15x potential $GHX : Gaming + Computing - 10x potential $GFAL : Gaming - 10x to 15x potential $NAKA : Gaming - 10x to 15x potential $COTI : IoT - 10x potential $PROPS : RWA - 10x to 15x potential $TARA : Layer 1 - 10x to 15x potential $AZERO : DAG PoS - 10x potential $KAS : PoW BlockDAG - 10x potential $INJ : L1 - 10x potential $TRIAS : Level 0/-1 - 10x potential
Retirement #HODL and Chill Bag🧳💰

$KOIN : Fee-Less Blockchain - 20x to 25x potential

$0x0 : Privacy + AI - 20x to 25x potential

$NXRA : Biz Tokenization - 20x to 25x potential

$VRA : AdTech + Streaming - 20x to 25x potential

$XNA : AI + IoT - 20x to 25x potential

$QNT : Interoperability - 15x to 20x potential

$MNW : Supply Chain - 15x to 20x potential

$XCHNG : DeFi - 15x to 20x potential

$ZANO : Privacy - 15x to 20x potential

$PROPC : Real World Asset - 15x to 20x potential

$RIO : RWA - 15x= potential

$TAO : Artificial Intelligence - 15x potential

$RNDR : Rendering + AI - 15x to 20x potential

$GPT : AI - 15x potential

$KUJI : DeFi - 15x potential

$FET : AI - 15x potential

$PAAL : AI - 15x potential

$CGPT : AI - 15x potential

$GHX : Gaming + Computing - 10x potential

$GFAL : Gaming - 10x to 15x potential

$NAKA : Gaming - 10x to 15x potential

$COTI : IoT - 10x potential

$PROPS : RWA - 10x to 15x potential

$TARA : Layer 1 - 10x to 15x potential

$AZERO : DAG PoS - 10x potential

$KAS : PoW BlockDAG - 10x potential

$INJ : L1 - 10x potential

$TRIAS : Level 0/-1 - 10x potential
HOLD 10 of these #crypto in this list... 🏡RWAs : $PROPC $RIO $UPO $LEOX $NXRA $UBXS $BOSON $ELAND $PROPS 🤖AI : $TAO $QUBIC $RNDR $FET $PAAL $ORAI $AGIX $XNA $AGRS $AGIX $CGPT 🔐Privacy : $ZANO $ZEPH $ATOR $AZERO $ROSE #0X0 💷DeFi : $LINK $LDO $AAVE $CHNG $SFUND $KUJI 🕹️Gaming : $NAKA $GFAL $GHX $PZP $EPIK $PYR $SOON #3ULL ⚙️Layer 1 : $KAS $INJ $KOIN $TIA $TET $SEI $NEXA $AVAX What gem is missing from this list?🤔
HOLD 10 of these #crypto in this list...

🏡RWAs :


🤖AI :


🔐Privacy :


💷DeFi :


🕹️Gaming :


⚙️Layer 1 :


What gem is missing from this list?🤔
These are my favourite narratives for this #bullrun , I've listed each in there sector: 🕹️ Gaming 1: $GALA - 11x 2: $RON - 13x 3: $ENJ - 17x 4: $PIXEL - 23x 5: $SFUND - 33x 6: $NAKA - 30x 7: $MYRIA - 38x 8: $VRA - 34x ⛓️ Layer 1 1: $ADA - 9x 2: $HBAR - 12x 3: $INJ - 11x 4: $APT - 13x 5: $ATOM - 10x 6: $SEI - 16x 7: $SUI - 17x 8: $BTC - 5x max 9: $KAS - 17x 10: $ALGO - 12x 11: $NEAR - 13x 12: $SOL - 6x 🤖 AI 1: $MOROS - 63x 2: $OPSEC - 33x 3: $AGI - 21x 4: $AGIX - 24x 5: $PAAL - 28x 6: $FET - 19x 7: $RNDR - 14x 8: $OCEAN - 19x 9: $TAO - 12x 10: $AKT - 23x 🔮 Defi 1: $GRT - 12x 2: $AAVE - 12x 3: $WOO - 15x 4: $RAY - 18x 5: $MKR - 9x 6: $JUP - 11x 7: $CRV - 12x 8: $LINK - 10x 9: $UNI - 8x 🌐 Layer 2 1: $ARB - 10x 2: $STRK - 9x 3: $MNT - 10x 4: $IMX - 15x 5: $METIS - 22x 6: $MATIC - 8x 7: $OP - 12x 8: $MANTA - 15x What gem is missing from the lists above? ⬆️
These are my favourite narratives for this #bullrun , I've listed each in there sector:

🕹️ Gaming

1: $GALA - 11x
2: $RON - 13x
3: $ENJ - 17x
4: $PIXEL - 23x
5: $SFUND - 33x
6: $NAKA - 30x
7: $MYRIA - 38x
8: $VRA - 34x

⛓️ Layer 1
1: $ADA - 9x
2: $HBAR - 12x
3: $INJ - 11x
4: $APT - 13x
5: $ATOM - 10x
6: $SEI - 16x
7: $SUI - 17x
8: $BTC - 5x max
9: $KAS - 17x
10: $ALGO - 12x
11: $NEAR - 13x
12: $SOL - 6x

🤖 AI
1: $MOROS - 63x
2: $OPSEC - 33x
3: $AGI - 21x
4: $AGIX - 24x
5: $PAAL - 28x
6: $FET - 19x
7: $RNDR - 14x
8: $OCEAN - 19x
9: $TAO - 12x
10: $AKT - 23x

🔮 Defi
1: $GRT - 12x
2: $AAVE - 12x
3: $WOO - 15x
4: $RAY - 18x
5: $MKR - 9x
6: $JUP - 11x
7: $CRV - 12x
8: $LINK - 10x
9: $UNI - 8x

🌐 Layer 2
1: $ARB - 10x
2: $STRK - 9x
3: $MNT - 10x
4: $IMX - 15x
5: $METIS - 22x
6: $MATIC - 8x
7: $OP - 12x
8: $MANTA - 15x

What gem is missing from the lists above? ⬆️
#ALTCOIN REVERSAL IS ON !! DON'T LEAVE THE MARKET RIGHT NOW This is a golden opportunity to make buys at these lows $DIONE is above 1 cent $ARC just pushed 10% $TARA is defying the trend $NAKA is at crucial $1.3 support $KAS holding 20 cents $RIO at 50% short term potential Which indicators are in the favour of this move? ✅Long term S/R level being tested and rejection with hammers ✅RSI has made a new high after hitting the bottom ✅Peak bearish momentum on MACD already reached All these indicate towards one thing - Trend Reversal What's my strategy now?👇 I am not saying this is it and we cannot slip further but in these phases of the bullish market we have to zoom out as well Despite all this war FUD, inflation and capital flow into $BTC the market has held respectable levels. I have seen Altcoins drop much further when this has happened. The strategy is only this - BUY MORE ! Don't get into buying and selling right now, lows are for buying the spots and that's what I am doing right now. The upcoming months are going to be life changing for us..


This is a golden opportunity to make buys at these lows

$DIONE is above 1 cent
$ARC just pushed 10%
$TARA is defying the trend
$NAKA is at crucial $1.3 support
$KAS holding 20 cents
$RIO at 50% short term potential

Which indicators are in the favour of this move?

✅Long term S/R level being tested and rejection with hammers
✅RSI has made a new high after hitting the bottom
✅Peak bearish momentum on MACD already reached

All these indicate towards one thing - Trend Reversal

What's my strategy now?👇

I am not saying this is it and we cannot slip further but in these phases of the bullish market we have to zoom out as well

Despite all this war FUD, inflation and capital flow into $BTC the market has held respectable levels.

I have seen Altcoins drop much further when this has happened.

The strategy is only this - BUY MORE !

Don't get into buying and selling right now, lows are for buying the spots and that's what I am doing right now.

The upcoming months are going to be life changing for us..
Peak potential targets for bull run prices 🏆 Potential #2𝘅 $SOL $QNT $LINK $AVAX $NEAR $ATOM Potential #10𝘅 $INJ $FET $TAO $GHX $VRA $MNW $KOIN $TARA $ZANO $AZERO $PROPC Potential #50𝘅 $SX $KAS $RIO $VRA $PZP $SRM $CKB $SKEY $GFAL $NOIA $RNDR $NAKA $ATOR $FORE
Peak potential targets for bull run prices 🏆

Potential #2𝘅


Potential #10𝘅


Potential #50𝘅

🚀 Join the revolution with #DEGEN50 ! 🚀 🌟 Experience the thrill of fair launches and transparent investing with DEGEN50. No more unfair practices, just pure opportunity for everyone! ✅💰 🆘 Features: 🟢Fair Launches with ERC50 Protocol ❗Transparent Investing 🟢No More Unfair Practices ❗Community-Driven Approach 🟢Secure Investments 🎲 Take a leap of faith and join us on the path to adventure. With DEGEN50, you'll never miss out on the excitement of the crypto world! 💥 🕊
🚀 Join the revolution with #DEGEN50 ! 🚀

🌟 Experience the thrill of fair launches and transparent investing with DEGEN50. No more unfair practices, just pure opportunity for everyone! ✅💰

🆘 Features:
🟢Fair Launches with ERC50 Protocol
❗Transparent Investing
🟢No More Unfair Practices
❗Community-Driven Approach
🟢Secure Investments

🎲 Take a leap of faith and join us on the path to adventure. With DEGEN50, you'll never miss out on the excitement of the crypto world! 💥

🌠Which #crypto assets are moving right now?🐂 Celestia $TIA SLERF $SLERF Pepe $PEPE Worldcoin $WLD Fantom $FTM Velo $VELO Shiba Inu $SHIB AMP Token $AMP Maker $MKR Akash Network $AKT
🌠Which #crypto assets are moving right now?🐂

Celestia $TIA
Pepe $PEPE
Worldcoin $WLD
Fantom $FTM
Velo $VELO
Shiba Inu $SHIB
AMP Token $AMP
Maker $MKR
Akash Network $AKT
These are BIG Partnerships with #AltCoins & Brands that Will Make You a Millionaire. My followers will get rich in this #bullrun , you will not regret following me🚨 $VET : Amazon & BMW $RNDR : Apple & HBO $ARC : Google Cloud $MNW : Coca-Cola $ETH : Microsoft $ANKR : Tencent $LINK : SWIFT $SOL : VISA $NEO : AliBaba $ROSE : Meta $CSPR : Google $TRX : Samsung $OCEAN : Mercedes $AVAX : Alibaba Cloud $IOTA : Volkswagen $OCTA : Tangem $NXRA : Natwest $XRP : Ducati $FET : Bosch $ALGO : FIFA $CRO : VISA $VRA : AWS $QNT : Oracle $JASMY : Sony $OKB : Manchester City $XTZ : Manchester United
These are BIG Partnerships with #AltCoins & Brands that Will Make You a Millionaire.

My followers will get rich in this #bullrun , you will not regret following me🚨

$VET : Amazon & BMW
$RNDR : Apple & HBO
$ARC : Google Cloud
$MNW : Coca-Cola
$ETH : Microsoft
$ANKR : Tencent
$NEO : AliBaba
$ROSE : Meta
$CSPR : Google
$TRX : Samsung
$OCEAN : Mercedes
$AVAX : Alibaba Cloud
$IOTA : Volkswagen
$OCTA : Tangem
$NXRA : Natwest
$XRP : Ducati
$FET : Bosch
$QNT : Oracle
$JASMY : Sony
$OKB : Manchester City
$XTZ : Manchester United
👀#Crypto Watchlist for the week ahead: $BTC - the next Bitcoin Halving will happen in ~5 days $INJ - Injective will undergo a major [REDACTED] upgrade next week $ETH & $BTC - Hong Kong is likely to approve the first spot BTC & ETH ETFs early next week $STX - Stacks's Nakamoto Upgrade rollout starts on April 16 $NMT - NetMind AI new tokenomics will go live on April 16 $ENA - $ENA has been showing a lot of strength during the last BTC dip + Ethena TVL continues to grow very quickly $DOGE - Doge Day is on April 20 $STRK - The first big STRK unlock happens tomorrow. $117M STRK will be distributed to early investors & contributors
👀#Crypto Watchlist for the week ahead:

$BTC - the next Bitcoin Halving will happen in ~5 days

$INJ - Injective will undergo a major [REDACTED] upgrade next week

$ETH & $BTC - Hong Kong is likely to approve the first spot BTC & ETH ETFs early next week

$STX - Stacks's Nakamoto Upgrade rollout starts on April 16

$NMT - NetMind AI new tokenomics will go live on April 16

$ENA - $ENA has been showing a lot of strength during the last BTC dip + Ethena TVL continues to grow very quickly

$DOGE - Doge Day is on April 20

$STRK - The first big STRK unlock happens tomorrow. $117M STRK will be distributed to early investors & contributors
Bull Run Peak Targets? 📈🎯💰 $TAO : $2,500 $QNT : $700 $SOL : $500 $INJ : $300 $TET : $275 $RNDR : $200 $TRIAS : $100 $AGRS : $90 $LINK : $80 $AZERO : $75 $ATOR : $60 $TIA : $70 $ORAI : $70 $KOIN : $50 $PROPC : $30 $NAKA : $25 $RIO : $25 $KUJI : $20 $MTRG : $20 $ZANO : $20 $FET : $18 $OCTA : $15 $OPSEC : $15 $PAAL: $10 $RVF : $8 $PROPS : $4 $CGPT : $4 $GFAL : $3 $NXRA : $3 $PAAL : $3 $CSIX : $2 $KAS : $2 $GHX : $2 $CREO : $2 $COTI : $2 $XCHNG : $2 $DMTR : $1 $ROSE : $1 $VRA : $0.3 Add Yours👇🏻
Bull Run Peak Targets? 📈🎯💰

$TAO : $2,500
$QNT : $700
$SOL : $500
$INJ : $300
$TET : $275
$RNDR : $200
$TRIAS : $100
$AGRS : $90
$LINK : $80
$AZERO : $75
$ATOR : $60
$TIA : $70
$ORAI : $70
$KOIN : $50
$PROPC : $30
$NAKA : $25
$RIO : $25
$KUJI : $20
$MTRG : $20
$ZANO : $20
$FET : $18
$OCTA : $15
$OPSEC : $15
$PAAL: $10
$RVF : $8
$PROPS : $4
$CGPT : $4
$GFAL : $3
$NXRA : $3
$PAAL : $3
$CSIX : $2
$KAS : $2
$GHX : $2
$CREO : $2
$COTI : $2
$XCHNG : $2
$DMTR : $1
$ROSE : $1
$VRA : $0.3

Add Yours👇🏻
#DePIN projects I suggest you research on this dip👇💎 $OPSEC - Privacy Focussed Chain for Cloud and Mining Purposes. $BLENDR - Allows users to rent and use idle GPU power. Plug-and-Play Nodes are currently being built. $SCALE - DePIN aggregator that gives the best prices for running nodes or GPUs. $TPU - First GPU marketplace with Tensor Processing Units as well as buying and selling AI models and creating AI models too. $COSMIC - Decentralised VPN with software and hardware nodes. Utility release incoming soon too. $ATOR - The king of privacy. A full suite of decentralised services powered by a privacy focussed network.
#DePIN projects I suggest you research on this dip👇💎

$OPSEC - Privacy Focussed Chain for Cloud and Mining Purposes.

$BLENDR - Allows users to rent and use idle GPU power. Plug-and-Play Nodes are currently being built.

$SCALE - DePIN aggregator that gives the best prices for running nodes or GPUs.

$TPU - First GPU marketplace with Tensor Processing Units as well as buying and selling AI models and creating AI models too.

$COSMIC - Decentralised VPN with software and hardware nodes. Utility release incoming soon too.

$ATOR - The king of privacy. A full suite of decentralised services powered by a privacy focussed network.
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