c'est faux, bttc il à son propre trajet, indépendant de BTC,
Faceți mult fum fără foc real! În următoarele zile, BTTC va scădea cel mai probabil la 110, sau mai jos, înainte de a se ridica din nou, practic urmând BTC.
jasmy c'est une pièce nr 1 en Japón, genr BTC local, tandis que Binance appuis silencieusement les autres projets, question de concurrence.
$JASMY buna dimineata tuturor. Aș dori să subliniez cât de scandalos este că o cripto pe locul 67 este încă monitorizată și are un proiect serios, cerem binance să elimine monitorizarea.
Fostul CEO Binance, CZ, renunță la predicția criptografică „Send It” pentru anul 2025
Într-un tweet care a uimit comunitatea cripto, fostul CEO al Binance, Changpeng Zhao, cunoscut sub numele de CZ, a declarat că 2025 va fi un an „trimite-l”. Această declarație îndrăzneață a stârnit entuziasm pe piața criptomonedei, care nu este străină de fraze și meme captivante care deseori stimulează sentimentul și acțiunea.
Recentul tweet al lui CZ a făcut referire la un mesaj pe care l-a postat la începutul anului 2023, care a subliniat ce trebuie și nu trebuie făcut pentru anul în patru puncte. El a cerut atunci ca comunitatea cripto să se raporteze la postare atunci când „4” este postat pe Twitter. Al patrulea punct din tweetul său inițial a fost un sfat crucial: „Ignorați FUD, știri false, atacuri”.
su destruction es insignificante, quedan trillones, bonk lo hace mejor.
Crypto Journey1
Evoluțiile recente au adus o atenție semnificativă lui Shiba Inu ($SHIB ), în special în ceea ce privește mișcările mari de token și potențialele implicații ale acestora pentru investitori. Retragere de 220 de miliarde SHIB A fost observată o tranzacție notabilă care implică retragerea a 220 de miliarde de jetoane SHIB (aproximativ 4,63 milioane USD) de la Binance. Astfel de mișcări mari sunt adesea asociate cu activitățile balenelor și pot influența dinamica pieței. Binance SHIB Burn Initiatives Comunitatea Shiba Inu s-a implicat activ în strategii de ardere a simbolurilor pentru a reduce oferta și, potențial, a spori valoarea. În 2024, au fost arse peste 44,6 miliarde de jetoane SHIB, evaluate la peste 1 milion de dolari la momentul arderii. CryptoPotato Performanța pieței Începând cu 3 ianuarie 2025, SHIB se tranzacționează la aproximativ 0,00002265 USD, arătând o ușoară creștere față de încheierea anterioară. Maximul intrazi a ajuns la 0,00002294 USD, cu un minim de 0,00002198 USD. Considerații pentru investitori În timp ce mișcările mari de token și inițiativele de ardere pot afecta prețul SHIB, investitorii ar trebui să fie precauți. Piața criptomonedelor este foarte volatilă și este esențial să se efectueze o cercetare amănunțită și să se ia în considerare condițiile actuale ale pieței înainte de a lua decizii de investiții.
🤔 Ce părere aveți? Va crește prețul SHIB după această mișcare majoră sau există mai mult în poveste? Împărtășește-ți previziunile și hai să ne pregătim pentru ce urmează! 🚀🐕#ShibaInu#SHIB#CryptoNews#ShibaArmy#SHIBurn#AltcoinSeason
$XRP la ora 18.00, ora corecției, era logic după această creștere, detaliu interesant: drumul său se îndepărtează de graficul BTC, din ce în ce mai mult.
Știri SHIB: Va atinge moneda Shiba Inu 1 $ în ianuarie 2025?
Știri SHIB: Poate Shiba Inu Coin să atingă 1 $ până în ianuarie 2025? Shiba Inu (SHIB) continuă să captiveze lumea cripto cu obiectivele sale ambițioase și comunitatea sa pasionată. Dar pe măsură ce ne apropiem de 2025, întrebarea rămâne: Poate SHIB să atingă în mod realist pragul elusive de 1 $? Să explorăm factorii care modelează călătoria sa și provocările cu care se confruntă. Performanța Prețului Shiba Inu În prezent, Shiba Inu are un preț de 0,00002119 $, cu un volum de tranzacționare de 465,60 milioane $ în ultimele 24 de ore și o capitalizare de piață de 12,48 miliarde $, reprezentând o dominanță pe piață de 0,38%. În ultimele 24 de ore, prețul SHIB a crescut cu 2,13%.
simple,las materias primas que rechaza ue de rashia,van a china a un buen precio,lo que aumenta su competitividad. con los ruskis hay que hacer negocios, no las guerras.
Germany Just Won’t Let Eurozone Economy Be Great
Germany’s economy is dragging the entire Eurozone into the mud, and it’s not even trying to climb out. The so-called engine of Europe has stalled, sputtered, and now threatens to collapse altogether. Five years of stagnation have left the country’s economy 5% behind expectations.
Business leaders are screaming for solutions. Everyday people are feeling the pinch, losing about €2,500 ($2,600) annually in real income. But politicians? They’re still stuck, fiddling while Berlin burns.
The problems are deeply rooted structural issues that Germany seems incapable of fixing. Cheap Russian energy? Gone. Iconic automakers like Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz? Scrambling to keep up with China. Manufacturing, Germany’s pride and joy, is hemorrhaging jobs.
Exports have flatlined, domestic investments are drying up, and social tensions are bubbling. And that’s just Germany. The economic rot is spreading across Europe, dragging the Eurozone down with it.
Germany’s manufacturing meltdown
The loss of cheap energy has crippled energy-intensive industries in Germany, forcing companies to scale back or shut down. Export levels, stuck at 2019 figures, show no signs of recovery. This year, manufacturing output dipped another 0.4%.
Automakers like Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz, once untouchable icons of engineering, are struggling to compete with China’s fast-moving electric vehicle industry. And investment in Germany is almost non-existent now.
Companies are too spooked by uncertainty to pour money into new ventures. Equipment investments are still below pre-pandemic levels. And while overall inflation fell to 2.5% in 2024, core inflation rose to 3.0%, driven by higher costs for services and food. Energy prices dropped by 3.7%.
The labor market offers no real relief. Employment levels have risen slightly, but unemployment is creeping up too. Real disposable incomes have improved a bit, but households remain cautious. People are saving instead of spending, fearing what lies ahead. Economic uncertainty is the new normal.
Economic forecasts look bleak
Germany’s GDP is shrinking. The Bundesbank projects a 0.2% contraction in 2024, following a 0.3% drop in 2023. That’s two consecutive years of negative growth.
Growth is expected to crawl back at 0.2% in 2025, then inch up to 0.8% in 2026 and 0.9% in 2027. Even those figures feel overly optimistic given Germany’s current trajectory.
The country’s structural problems are deep and worsening. An aging population means fewer workers, while high energy costs keep hammering industries that need lots of power. Competition from China is another huge problem.
Germany’s traditional industries—especially automotive manufacturing—are losing their global edge. The government has yet to roll out any effective strategies to address these issues. Snap elections in February 2024 could bring some change, but analysts are skeptical. So don’t expect miracles.
U.S. trade policies: A new headache
If Germany’s domestic problems weren’t bad enough, trade tensions with the U.S. are adding to it. President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to impose tariffs of up to 20% on all imports into the U.S., with rates on Chinese goods climbing as high as 60%.
These policies would be the largest rise in American protectionism since the Great Depression. For Europe—and especially Germany—it’s a disaster waiting to happen.
You see, the “sick man of Europe” has a massive trade surplus with the U.S., and Trump’s tariffs would hit it hard. A Financial Times poll found that 69% of economists believe a trade war is likely, and 68% see it as the biggest threat to the Eurozone in 2025.
The fallout is already being felt. Companies are delaying investments, waiting to see how Trump’s policies unfold. Tomasz Wieladek of T. Rowe Price explains that the mere expectation of tariffs is enough to scare businesses.
On average, economists expect the Eurozone to grow by just 0.9% in 2025. That’s the third year of subpar performance, and it’s even below the European Central Bank’s December prediction of 1.1%. While most analysts agree a recession can be avoided, there’s little optimism for anything better than mediocrity.
Some analysts believe Europe has the tools to fight back. With decades of experience in trade negotiations, the EU is still one of the world’s largest trading blocs. But some warn that negotiating with Trump could backfire.
Other threats are coming from within. U.S. tax cuts, deregulation, and lower energy prices are making America a more attractive place to do business than Europe.
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très bonne analyse, la ue souffre sur la pois de sa propre burocracie, la quelle pour justifier la nécessité de sa existance, engendre +de burocracie encore.😀😕.
Eurozone Growth Threatened By Global Trade War, Economists Warn
The Eurozone is bracing for a strenuous 2025 as economists highlight mounting risks from a potential global trade war and regional political instability. A Financial Times poll of 72 economists identifies these factors as the most significant threats to the region’s economic health, with consensus forecasts projecting a mere 1.1% growth for the year.
US President-elect Donald Trump’s promise to impose tariffs of up to 20% on US imports, with a potential escalation to 60% on Chinese goods, has raised fears of heightened protectionism. If enacted, these measures would represent the most significant increase in US tariffs since the Great Depression, likely triggering retaliatory actions from affected countries.
The Eurozone, which maintains a significant trade surplus with the US, faces heightened exposure to these tariffs. Economists also warn of potential disruptions from China, which might flood global markets with cheap goods in response to Trump’s policies.
Trade wars loom large: Should the Eurozone brace for impact?
Nearly 69% of FT poll respondents anticipate a US-EU trade conflict, while 81% expect Trump’s return to weigh heavily on Eurozone growth. “Trump’s second presidency is now the single biggest political and economic risk,” said Mujtaba Rahman, managing director for Europe at Eurasia Group.
FT Poll on 2025 Economic Trade Wars Possibility. Source: Financial Times
Economists expect the Eurozone to expand by just 0.9% in 2025, marking a third consecutive year of below-average growth. This outlook aligns with a recent European Central Bank (ECB) survey of independent economists, which showcased several downside risks.
The mere anticipation of tariffs will likely prompt businesses to delay investments as fear of the “unknown” creeps into business sectors.
John Llewellyn, a former senior economist at the OECD, predicted an even gloomier scenario, suggesting the Eurozone economy could shrink by 1% over the year. “Economic stability is far more fragile than the modern generation recognizes,” he warned.
Political ‘paralysis’ could create domestic challenges
Across Europe, analysts are forecasting political fragmentation that could further complicate the economic landscape. Most of them believe Germany is unlikely to achieve a stable government until after snap elections in February, while France remains politically stagnant until President Emmanuel Macron’s term ends in 2027.
Economist Ulrich Kater of Germany’s Deka Bank likened Europe’s struggles to those of the “late Habsburg empire,” citing bureaucratic inefficiencies and a lack of technological innovation. “Europe is bogged down by melancholic remembrance of its former greatness,” he added.
⚠️EUROZONE MANUFACTURING IS IN DISMAL PLACE⚠️Manufacturing activity in the Euro-Area has been SHRINKING for 29 months straight.This is the longest streak since the 2011-2012 European Debt Crisis.Services also fell to contraction in November..👇https://t.co/OlSrKmUzsH
— Global Markets Investor (@GlobalMktObserv) December 27, 2024
European equities have underperformed against their US counterparts, with the Euro Stoxx 600 index trading at a record 40% discount to the S&P 500 based on next year’s forecast earnings. Despite near-record highs in European stock markets, global fund managers remain underweight on European equities, according to a Bank of America survey.
While some analysts hold out hope for a German rebound after February’s elections, others aren’t convinced there’s hope. Marcel Fratzscher, president of DIW, cautioned against expecting a new German government to provide a significant boost to confidence.
Trade negotiations to re-ignite optimism
The majority of economists in FT’s poll, 61%, support ECB President Christine Lagarde’s call for EU policymakers to engage in trade talks with Trump to stave off an all-out trade war. However, opinions are divided on the best approach.
“[The EU] may want to use the threat of retaliation as part of the negotiation. But ultimately, tariffs are a self-inflicted harm, and the EU would be better off not using them,” said Isabelle Mateos y Lago, chief economist at BNP Paribas.
Others are less optimistic about a conciliatory approach. “Trump has the mentality of a playground bully,” remarked Kamil Kovar, senior economist at Moody’s, warning that concessions could encourage more aggressive policies from the US.
Some economists see reasons for hope, backing their optimistic views with declining interest rates and a potential rise in consumer demand could offer modest relief. Additionally, reforms stemming from Germany’s elections could ease fiscal constraints, potentially lifting the country’s constitutional debt brake and spurring investment.
“The psychological depression in Germany could be turned around if a new coalition presents a coherent reform program,” said Moritz Kraemer of LBBW.
Nonetheless, significant challenges remain, with economists calling for coordinated efforts to address both external and internal risks to the Eurozone’s “fragile” recovery.
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Attention $SHIB
holders! The crypto community is buzzing as the countdown to December 30th begins. Speculation is rife that a groundbreaking announcement for Shiba Inu (SHIB) could reshape its future and elevate it among the crypto elite. Here’s an in-depth look at what this could mean for the SHIB ecosystem and its holders.
Shiba Inu: From Meme to Momentum
Originally launched as a meme token, Shiba Inu has evolved into a thriving cryptocurrency with a robust ecosystem. Its journey includes milestones like the launch of ShibaSwap, plans for SHIB: The Metaverse, and a committed community known as the SHIB Army. Despite market challenges, SHIB remains a standout in the crypto space, thanks to its continuous innovation and active supposed Why December 30th Could Be Pivotal
Though specifics are under wraps, there’s mounting anticipation that December 30th could herald a major development for SHIB. Here are the top possibilities:
1. Shibarium Launch The debut of SHIB’s much-awaited Layer-2 blockchain, Shibarium, could be imminent. Promising reduced transaction fees, faster processing, and enhanced utility, Shibarium has the potential to revolutionize SHIB’s ecosystem and attract new users and investors.
2. Strategic Partnerships
Speculation hints at a collaboration with a global brand. Such a partnership could dramatically boost SHIB's visibility, credibility, and adoption in real-world applications, creating demand and driving growth.
3. Accelerated Token Burning
Updates to SHIB’s burning mechanism could significantly reduce the circulating supply, increasing scarcity and potentially driving up its value. The SHIB Army has long anticipated aggressive burn strategies to fuel price momentum.
4. New Exchange Listings
Additional listings on top-tier global exchanges could make SHIB more accessible to investors worldwide, increasing liquidity and trading volume.
What’s at Stake for SHIB Holders?
If even one of these speculated developments comes true, it could bring substantial benefits for SHIB holders, including:
Price Surge: Positive news often triggers increased buying activity, potentially driving SHIB’s price to new highs.
Ecosystem Expansion: Shibarium and other innovations could enhance SHIB’s utility and solidify its role as more than just a token.
Community Empowerment: A significant announcement could energize the SHIB Army, sparking collaboration and creativity within the community. How Should SHIB Holders Prepare?
With excitement building, it’s important to approach the potential news strategically:
1. Stay Informed: Rely on updates from official Shiba Inu channels to avoid misinformation and stay ahead of the curve.
2. Set Clear Goals: If you’re considering buying more SHIB, establish clear entry and exit points to manage risks effectively.
3. Diversify Your Portfolio: While SHIB offers immense potential, maintaining a balanced investment portfolio is essential for long-term success.
A New Era for SHIB?
December 30th could mark the start of a transformative chapter for Shiba Inu. Whether it’s the launch of Shibarium, a high-profile partnership, or a token-burning mechanism update, SHIB’s ecosystem seems poised for growth.
As the clock ticks down, the crypto world will be watching. For SHIB holders, staying alert and proactive could make all the difference in capitalizing on what might be the most significant moment in SHIB’s journey.
Will December 30th be the turning point for SHIB? Time will tell, but the anticipation is undeniable.#Crypto2025Trends #BitwiseBitcoinETF
con lo que comemos,respiramos ,bebemos y nos metemos por otras vías, ya estamos en la vía correcta para la autodestrucción,la IA simplemente tiene que "dejar hacer".
Binance News
AI Expert Warns of Potential Human Extinction Risk
According to PANews, Geoffrey Hinton, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist known as the 'Godfather of AI,' has issued a stark warning about the potential risks posed by artificial intelligence. Hinton estimates a 10% to 20% chance that AI could lead to human extinction within the next 30 years. He expressed concerns over the rapid advancement of AI technology, which he believes is progressing faster than anticipated, potentially leading to AI systems that surpass human intelligence and become uncontrollable.Hinton has called for increased government regulation of AI technology, arguing that relying solely on corporate profit motives is insufficient to ensure the safe development of AI. He highlighted that many experts in the AI field predict the emergence of AI systems more intelligent than humans within the next two decades, posing a significant threat to humanity.In contrast, Yann LeCun, another prominent figure in AI and the Chief Scientist at Meta, holds a different perspective. LeCun believes that AI could potentially save humanity from extinction, offering a more optimistic view of the technology's future impact.
$JASMY crypto mas importan de Japón , no podrá ser retirado de Binance , de hecho se estudia quitarlo del listado de vigilancia , la muerte de usdt tampoco le afecta, con usdc o euro se intercambia perfectamente .
XRP's Price will suddenly be $317.80 on January 1st.
This will be caused by over $20 Trillion Entering the #XRP Ledger from Blackrock, Jpmorgan and Swift which is all set to Begin using XRP on January 1st.
Iso20022 messaging system backed by Central Banks Globally will also have there systems go Live.
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Dr Júnior
Atenção, detentores de SHIB! A contagem regressiva para 30 de dezembro começou, e a especulação está correndo solta sobre um possível anúncio revolucionário para o Shiba Inu. Este pode ser o momento em que o SHIB solidifica seu lugar na elite das criptomoedas, e cada detentor precisa estar preparado para o que está por vir. Vamos mergulhar na agitação e explorar o que isso pode significar para você. Shiba Inu: De Meme a Momento Shiba Inu começou como um token divertido, inspirado em memes, mas desde então evoluiu para uma potência com um ecossistema próspero. Desde o lançamento bem-sucedido do ShibaSwap até projetos ambiciosos como SHIB: The Metaverse, o SHIB provou que está aqui para ficar. Apesar da turbulência do mercado, continua sendo uma das criptomoedas mais comentadas, graças à sua comunidade ativa e inovações estratégicas. Por que 30 de dezembro pode ser crucial Embora os detalhes estejam em sigilo, rumores e sussurros sugerem que algo significativo está no horizonte. Aqui estão as quatro possibilidades mais quentes que impulsionam a especulação: 1. Lançamento do Shibarium: A tão aguardada blockchain de camada 2 do SHIB, Shibarium, pode finalmente estrear. Com promessas de taxas de transação reduzidas, velocidades mais rápidas e utilidade aprimorada, esse desenvolvimento poderia revolucionar o ecossistema do SHIB e atrair uma nova onda de usuários e investidores. 2. Parcerias Revolucionárias: Uma marca global pode estar se unindo ao Shiba Inu? Parcerias estratégicas dessa escala poderiam não apenas aumentar a visibilidade do SHIB, mas também elevar seus casos de uso no mundo real, impulsionando a demanda. 3. Atualizações Agressivas do Mecanismo de Queima: E se a oferta de tokens SHIB começar a encolher mais rápido? Uma estratégia de queima reformulada poderia reduzir a oferta circulante, potencialmente levando a um aumento de preço que todo detentor sonha. 4. Listagens em Grandes Exchanges: SHIB já é um nome conhecido, mas listagens adicionais em exchanges globais poderiam torná-lo ainda mais acessível, aumentando a liquidez e o volume de negociações. O que está em jogo para os detentores de SHIB? Se mesmo uma dessas especulações se revelar verdadeira, os detentores de SHIB poderão ver enormes benefícios. Aqui está o que pode estar sobre a mesa: Explosão de Preços: Desenvolvimentos positivos frequentemente desencadeiam períodos de compra, o que poderia levar o preço do SHIB a novas máximas. Crescimento do Ecossistema: Inovações como o Shibarium poderiam aprimorar a utilidade do SHIB, tornando-o mais do que apenas um token – uma parte fundamental de um ecossistema em crescimento. Momento da Comunidade: Grandes notícias podem energizar o Exército SHIB, gerando novas colaborações e projetos criativos dentro da comunidade. Você deve agir? Animado ainda? Embora seja tentador entrar com base na especulação, a ação estratégica é crucial. Aqui está o que você pode fazer: Mantenha-se Informado: Acompanhe as atualizações dos canais oficiais do Shiba Inu e fontes confiáveis para evitar desinformação. Planeje sua Estratégia: Se você está considerando comprar mais SHIB, defina metas claras e pontos de saída para gerenciar o risco de forma eficaz. Diversifique com Sabedoria: Embora o SHIB tenha um enorme potencial, um portfólio equilibrado é sempre uma abordagem inteligente. Considerações Finais: Uma Nova Era para o SHIB? 30 de dezembro pode ser o dia em que o Shiba Inu entra em uma nova liga, mas o resultado final ainda está por vir. Se será o lançamento do Shibarium, uma parceria inovadora ou uma atualização de queima que reduz a oferta, o palco está montado para um momento crucial na jornada do SHIB. Enquanto o mundo das criptomoedas observa com expectativa, os detentores de SHIB devem permanecer atentos, informados e se preparar para o que pode ser o início do próximo grande capítulo. Este pode ser o momento de explosão do SHIB? O tempo dirá – e o relógio está correndo. #BtcNewHolder #BTCNextMove #Shibarium #SHIB $BTC
🚨 Key Comparison Between USDT and USDC: What Sets Them Apart?
When diving into the world of stablecoins, two major players often stand out: USDT (Tether) and USDC (USD Coin). Both aim to maintain their value by being linked to the U.S. dollar, offering traders a stable option in the volatile crypto space. However, their differences lie in their issuers, backing, regulatory compliance, and transparency. Let’s explore how these two stablecoins differ in detail:
1. Issuing Organizations
USDT: Launched in 2014, USDT is issued by Tether Limited. As one of the first stablecoins in the market, Tether has built a long-standing reputation and is widely used across global exchanges.
USDC: USDC, created in 2018, is issued by Circle in partnership with Coinbase through the Centre Consortium. Backed by two well-known names in the crypto industry, USDC benefits from a more institutional approach, appealing to businesses and organizations seeking reliability.
2. Backing and Reserves
USDT: Tether claims a 1:1 backing for USDT tokens, but the nature of these reserves has been controversial. While a portion is held in U.S. dollars, the reserves also include other financial assets such as commercial papers, loans, and other instruments. This mix has raised concerns about the quality and transparency of USDT's reserves.
USDC: In contrast, USDC ensures each token is fully backed by either U.S. dollars or short-term U.S. Treasury securities. This backing is consistently verified through third-party audits, making USDC more transparent and reassuring for users who value clear reserve practices.
3. Transparency and Verification
USDT: Tether has often faced criticism for its lack of transparency. While the company claims its reserves are regularly reviewed, full public audits have yet to be conducted, leaving questions about the exact nature of its backing.
USDC: Transparency is one of USDC's key strengths. Circle provides regular, publicly available audits conducted by independent firms, ensuring a strict 1:1 backing with U.S. dollars. For those prioritizing accountability, USDC stands out as a trustworthy option.
4. Regulatory Approach
USDT: Operating in a less regulated space, Tether has flexibility but also faces scrutiny from global regulators. Its operations vary depending on the jurisdiction, leading to some uncertainty regarding its regulatory status.
USDC: Circle’s USDC adheres to strict U.S. regulatory standards, offering a higher level of compliance. This makes it a preferred choice for businesses and institutional users seeking regulatory clarity. With backing from Circle and Coinbase, USDC’s regulatory framework is more robust and appealing to risk-averse users.
5. Liquidity and Market Presence
USDT: As the most widely used stablecoin, USDT dominates the market in terms of liquidity and trading volume. It is the go-to choice for high-frequency traders and those who need quick access to stable assets across various exchanges.
USDC: While USDC is less liquid than USDT, it is steadily gaining traction, especially among those who prioritize transparency and regulatory compliance. It is commonly used in decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and institutional markets.
6. Use Cases and Trust Factors
USDT: USDT is favored for its high liquidity and is widely used for trading and transferring funds between exchanges. It is especially popular among traders seeking fast transactions with minimal price fluctuation.
USDC: With its strong focus on transparency and compliance, USDC appeals to institutions, DeFi users, and businesses looking for a stable and trustworthy asset. Its regular audits and clear reserve backing make it a safer choice for risk-conscious users.
Summary: Which Stablecoin Should You Pick?
Opt for USDT if your priority is market liquidity, ease of use, and access to a wide range of trading pairs. USDT is a top choice for traders needing flexibility and quick transactions.
Choose USDC if you value security, transparency, and regulatory compliance. With its fully audited reserves and backing by trusted firms, USDC is ideal for those prioritizing reliability and accountability.
In the end, both USDT and USDC serve different purposes and cater to diverse user preferences. Your choice depends on whether you prioritize accessibility and liquidity or trust and transparency.
Will ETP Launch of FLOKI Propel Its Price to Uncharted Territory?
FLOKI trades at $0.0001768 in the last 24 hours.
Floki to launch its ETP in the Q1 of 2025.
FLOKI is set to become the second meme coin to launch a regulated Exchange-Traded Product (ETP) after Dogecoin, scheduled to release in Q1 2025. The community has voted in favor of a proposal that will support the liquidity needed for the ETP launch.
The proposal was passed on December 27 with 99.9% of votes in favor, 332.7 billion votes in particular supporting the initiative. In addition, the Floki ETP will debut on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
The proposal sought approval to make use of part of the 16.3 billion FLOKI tokens from the community buyback wallet to provide liquidity for the ETP, valued at around $2.8 million. On the other hand, the remaining tokens will be burned in order to decrease the supply.
The dog-themed meme coin, FLOKI, has lost its momentum by over 1.94% in the last 24 hours. The meme coin opened the day trading at $0.0001719 and chose to trade on the downside, marking the lowest at $0.0001730.
At the time of writing, FLOKI traded at $0.0001768 with a market cap of $1.7 billion. Meanwhile, the daily trading volume of the meme coin has dropped by over 37.48% to $218 million, as per CMC data.
Can FLOKI Break Through the Next Level?
The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) line of the FLOKI/USDT trading pair is situated briefly above the signal line. This crossover indicates a shift in momentum toward its bullish side. If the MACD falls below the signal line, it reflects weak buying pressure.
FLOKI chart (Source: TradingView)
Moreover, the technical indicator that accesses the capital flow, Chaikin Money Flow (CMF), is found at -0.14, hinting at negative money flow. The selling pressure is stronger than the buying pressure in the market.
FLOKI’s trading window revealed the short-term 9-day moving average above the long-term 21-day moving average are equally positioned. It is interpreted as a signal to wait for a breakout or for a trend direction. Besides, the daily relative strength index (RSI) is 52.61, indicating the asset’s neutral condition.
The four-hour price trend graph discloses FLOKI’s downside trading pattern. If the current trading level continues, the meme coin might face downward corrections, testing the nearby $0.0001740 support. If it can’t hold this level, it may potentially slip toward the $0.0001710 range.
However, if FLOKI’s nearby resistance is broken, the price could mount up to test $0.0001794 resistance. The asset can break $0.0001818 with further momentum. Trading above this level is likely considered a crucial area for continuing the uptrend.
Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in this article is solely the author’s. It does not represent any investment advice. TheNewsCrypto team encourages all to do their own research before investing.
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