Binance Square


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$VIB soon delisting
$VIB soon delisting
20 nov. 2024
$GFT world top worst coin. top most eligible delisting . our investment lost two years back . don't need to worry. past is past. f c k gft
$GFT world top worst coin. top most eligible delisting . our investment lost two years back . don't need to worry. past is past. f c k gft
$GFT I'm never seen this type of rubbish and bearish gft fkng coin
$GFT I'm never seen this type of rubbish and bearish gft fkng coin
20 mar. 2024
$GFT small pump big dump their team is working on Same Always blady cheaters every one should exit while small pump .. it's always bearish after 10% pump 50% after sure dump
$GFT small pump
big dump

their team is working on Same Always
blady cheaters

every one should exit while small pump ..

it's always bearish after 10% pump
50% after sure dump
11 mar. 2024
$GFT my 7th sense telling gft will be move upto 0.05$ with in a week
$GFT my 7th sense telling gft will be move upto 0.05$ with in a week
22 feb. 2024
22 feb. 2024
AI-Generated Art NFTs: Leveraging AI technology, users can generate unique images or designs to accompany their gifts. This could range from festive scenes for a Christmas card to abstract art that resonates with the recipient's interests.
$SHIB unstoppable next 4days
$SHIB unstoppable next 4days
$CAKE hold it... it will raise like ICP soon
$CAKE hold it...
it will raise like ICP soon
$CAKE hold it SOON min 3× to 5×
$CAKE hold it

SOON min 3× to 5×
26 nov. 2023
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