If I didn't make these 4 mistakes in 2021, I would have made 8 figures from #crypto

Here is what happened and how you can avoid doing the same.

1. Spread Your Risk

In 2020 I focussed my buys on #Metaverse.  and #P2E and it worked out for me but had I diversified into Layer 1s and 2s earlier like $MATIC and $SOL I would have done a lot better. Focusing too hard on one sector limits you.

2. Cut Your Losses

Some of your picks are ngmi. If an investment is not working out, sell it. Even if it's a loss. You can invest the leftovers into your stronger and newer picks which might rally

3. Feed The Degen

Dedicate 5%-10% of your portfolio to degen plays. I call it my high-risk, high reward.

4. Don't Go Deep Too Soon

It's tempting to go all-in when prices are cheap. Remember, they can always get cheaper, scale in slowly!