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Ultimul apel înainte de profitul mare 🚀💯•open ex este unul dintre proiectele valutare ale Core. Distribuția gratuită de monede Airdrop se va încheia pe 20.3.2024. Ai la dispoziție doar 3 luni pentru a obține câștiguri mari. Dacă vrea Dumnezeu, inserția valutară nu va fi mai mică de 3 USD cel puțin. Profitați de ocazie, dragii mei dragi. Link de înregistrare 👇👇•https://www. Cod de invitație 👉7un6o#salemhamidi

Ultimul apel înainte de profitul mare 🚀💯

•open ex este unul dintre proiectele valutare ale Core. Distribuția gratuită de monede Airdrop se va încheia pe 20.3.2024. Ai la dispoziție doar 3 luni pentru a obține câștiguri mari. Dacă vrea Dumnezeu, inserția valutară nu va fi mai mică de 3 USD cel puțin. Profitați de ocazie, dragii mei dragi. Link de înregistrare 👇👇•https://www. Cod de invitație 👉7un6o#salemhamidi
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Tweetul fondurilor false Bitcoin derutează piața... și provoacă lichidarea a 90 de milioane de dolari •Pe baza investigațiilor noastre, postarea nu a fost publicată din cauza vreunei încălcări a sistemelor lui X, ci mai degrabă pentru că o persoană necunoscută a preluat controlul asupra unui număr de telefon legat de contul SEC printr-o terță parte.” •Prețurile Bitcoin au crescut după postarea neautorizată, dar au scăzut rapid sub 46.000 USD după ce SEC a clarificat că nu a aprobat încă un fond tranzacționat la bursă Bitcoin. Se tranzacționează la aproximativ 45.685 USD, în scădere cu aproximativ 2,3% în ultimele 24 de ore. •Un purtător de cuvânt al SEC a declarat pentru CNBC că tweetul neautorizat privind ETF-urile bitcoin nu a fost făcut de SEC sau de angajații săi.

Tweetul fondurilor false Bitcoin derutează piața... și provoacă lichidarea a 90 de milioane de dolari

•Pe baza investigațiilor noastre, postarea nu a fost publicată din cauza vreunei încălcări a sistemelor lui X, ci mai degrabă pentru că o persoană necunoscută a preluat controlul asupra unui număr de telefon legat de contul SEC printr-o terță parte.” •Prețurile Bitcoin au crescut după postarea neautorizată, dar au scăzut rapid sub 46.000 USD după ce SEC a clarificat că nu a aprobat încă un fond tranzacționat la bursă Bitcoin. Se tranzacționează la aproximativ 45.685 USD, în scădere cu aproximativ 2,3% în ultimele 24 de ore. •Un purtător de cuvânt al SEC a declarat pentru CNBC că tweetul neautorizat privind ETF-urile bitcoin nu a fost făcut de SEC sau de angajații săi.
Urgent: The NFT platform launches its currency for mining with a number of 21 million coins. •Considering that Total Supply is low, this means that its price will be satisfactory. I advise you to work on this problem. If I am tired today and happy tomorrow, you can download the application from here: 👇👇• .•android activation code is required 106009619. •Be among the first and seize the opportunity ✅#Follow me To see more powerful projects 💯🔥🚀#salemhamidi

Urgent: The NFT platform launches its currency for mining with a number of 21 million coins.

•Considering that Total Supply is low, this means that its price will be satisfactory. I advise you to work on this problem. If I am tired today and happy tomorrow, you can download the application from here: 👇👇• .•android activation code is required 106009619. •Be among the first and seize the opportunity ✅#Follow me To see more powerful projects 💯🔥🚀#salemhamidi
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Blockchain Coin Block (BC) Nu rata acest proiect puternic 🚀•Propria sa monedă blockchain, Total Supply, este de doar 78 de milioane și, din această cauză, prețul său va fi foarte mare. Metoda de înregistrare este foarte simplă. Mult succes tuturor.•Cod de invitație👉 4iho48•Te poți înscrie de aici 👇👇 Pentru a vedea mai multe proiecte 🔥#salemhamidi

Blockchain Coin Block (BC) Nu rata acest proiect puternic 🚀

•Propria sa monedă blockchain, Total Supply, este de doar 78 de milioane și, din această cauză, prețul său va fi foarte mare. Metoda de înregistrare este foarte simplă. Mult succes tuturor.•Cod de invitație👉 4iho48•Te poți înscrie de aici 👇👇 Pentru a vedea mai multe proiecte 🔥#salemhamidi
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După cum ți-am promis întotdeauna, voi alege cele mai bune proiecte de monede •• Proiectul de astăzi este unul dintre cele mai puternice proiecte din Metaverse. Moneda ORBIC este o monedă cu caracteristici clare și o foaie de parcurs excelentă. Oferta totală a monedei este de doar 30 de milioane de monede, ceea ce atinge deficitul și puterea pentru prețul monedei. Proiectul este la început. Profităm de ocazie și obținem cea mai mare cantitate posibilă de monede prin minerit zilnic la fiecare 24 de ore. •Puteți descărca aplicația valutară de pe Google Play 👇👇•

După cum ți-am promis întotdeauna, voi alege cele mai bune proiecte de monede •

• Proiectul de astăzi este unul dintre cele mai puternice proiecte din Metaverse. Moneda ORBIC este o monedă cu caracteristici clare și o foaie de parcurs excelentă. Oferta totală a monedei este de doar 30 de milioane de monede, ceea ce atinge deficitul și puterea pentru prețul monedei. Proiectul este la început. Profităm de ocazie și obținem cea mai mare cantitate posibilă de monede prin minerit zilnic la fiecare 24 de ore. •Puteți descărca aplicația valutară de pe Google Play 👇👇•
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Celebra monedă Pi este unul dintre cele mai bune proiecte pe care nu le vei regreta minerit 💯🚀•Moneda numărul unu în monedele electronice și majoritatea se abonează toată lumea, dar dacă cineva nu este abonat, sper să se ocupe de această comoară, cea mai puternică monedă viitoare.•Cunoscuta monedă Pi, pentru a fi documentată, trebuie să fie extrasă în continuare timp de 30 de zile fără întrerupere.• Pay este o monedă digitală dezvoltată de o echipă de doctori de la Universitatea Stanford, cu peste 47 de milioane de persoane din întreaga lume. Pentru a ne împărtăși pe eBay, apăsați aici 👇👇•

Celebra monedă Pi este unul dintre cele mai bune proiecte pe care nu le vei regreta minerit 💯🚀

•Moneda numărul unu în monedele electronice și majoritatea se abonează toată lumea, dar dacă cineva nu este abonat, sper să se ocupe de această comoară, cea mai puternică monedă viitoare.•Cunoscuta monedă Pi, pentru a fi documentată, trebuie să fie extrasă în continuare timp de 30 de zile fără întrerupere.• Pay este o monedă digitală dezvoltată de o echipă de doctori de la Universitatea Stanford, cu peste 47 de milioane de persoane din întreaga lume. Pentru a ne împărtăși pe eBay, apăsați aici 👇👇•
Spot Bitcoin ETFs: Revealing Potential Bonuses and Regulatory Hurdles •As the deadline for the SEC's decision on Spot BTC ETFs approaches. predicts Reggie Brown, head of ETF trading at GTS. Potential premium of 8% for a spot Bitcoin ETF over Net Asset Value (NAV). At the same time, Brown emphasizes the complexity created by the inability of US brokers and traders to trade bitcoin directly, which could cause trading hurdles. •However, despite expectations that liquidity will maintain competitive spreads. Brown anticipates challenges in keeping ETF prices in line with underlying Bitcoin values. •Premiums on Spot Bitcoin ETFs as the SEC's deadline approaches to make critical decisions on Spot Bitcoin ETF applications. Presents industry expert Reggie Brown, Head of ETF Trading at GTS. An overview of the potential challenges investors may face. Brown expects that if approved. These ETFs can trade at a premium of 8% above net asset value (NAV). Driven by regulatory restrictions on spot Bitcoin trading for brokers and traders in the US, Bloomberg reported. •Meanwhile, one of the major hurdles is the SEC's reluctance to allow direct spot trading of Bitcoin by brokers and dealers. This forces them to rely on Bitcoin futures for hedging. This additional layer of complexity raises concerns about keeping ETF prices in line with underlying Bitcoin prices. Which may lead to a significant premium to the net asset value. •Additionally, Brown acknowledges the excitement of the industry but emphasizes the complexities involved. “While we will celebrate today, I think the next morning will bring all the details,” he said. Investors are expected to pour a whopping $2 billion into spot Bitcoin ETFs within the first 30 days of trading. With an expected total inflow of between $10 billion and $20 billion for this year. •What then? Despite potential bonus challenges. Brown asserts that there is sufficient liquidity in the market to keep spreads competitive and tight. In addition, the market making community is poised to provide significant liquidity. This alleviates concerns about the spread width. •Meanwhile, while the cryptocurrency community waits for the SEC's decision. The spotlight remains on industry giants such as Ark Invest, BlackRock, Fidelity, Grayscale, WisdomTree, Franklin Templeton, and Valkyrie. They are all vying for approval. It is worth noting that the huge market potential is underscored by Grayscale Investments' flagship GBTC fund. Nearly half a billion dollars were traded in one day. Which highlights the significant market impact that Spot Bitcoin ETFs can have. #continued More news ⬇️#salemhamidi

Spot Bitcoin ETFs: Revealing Potential Bonuses and Regulatory Hurdles

•As the deadline for the SEC's decision on Spot BTC ETFs approaches. predicts Reggie Brown, head of ETF trading at GTS. Potential premium of 8% for a spot Bitcoin ETF over Net Asset Value (NAV). At the same time, Brown emphasizes the complexity created by the inability of US brokers and traders to trade bitcoin directly, which could cause trading hurdles. •However, despite expectations that liquidity will maintain competitive spreads. Brown anticipates challenges in keeping ETF prices in line with underlying Bitcoin values. •Premiums on Spot Bitcoin ETFs as the SEC's deadline approaches to make critical decisions on Spot Bitcoin ETF applications. Presents industry expert Reggie Brown, Head of ETF Trading at GTS. An overview of the potential challenges investors may face. Brown expects that if approved. These ETFs can trade at a premium of 8% above net asset value (NAV). Driven by regulatory restrictions on spot Bitcoin trading for brokers and traders in the US, Bloomberg reported. •Meanwhile, one of the major hurdles is the SEC's reluctance to allow direct spot trading of Bitcoin by brokers and dealers. This forces them to rely on Bitcoin futures for hedging. This additional layer of complexity raises concerns about keeping ETF prices in line with underlying Bitcoin prices. Which may lead to a significant premium to the net asset value. •Additionally, Brown acknowledges the excitement of the industry but emphasizes the complexities involved. “While we will celebrate today, I think the next morning will bring all the details,” he said. Investors are expected to pour a whopping $2 billion into spot Bitcoin ETFs within the first 30 days of trading. With an expected total inflow of between $10 billion and $20 billion for this year. •What then? Despite potential bonus challenges. Brown asserts that there is sufficient liquidity in the market to keep spreads competitive and tight. In addition, the market making community is poised to provide significant liquidity. This alleviates concerns about the spread width. •Meanwhile, while the cryptocurrency community waits for the SEC's decision. The spotlight remains on industry giants such as Ark Invest, BlackRock, Fidelity, Grayscale, WisdomTree, Franklin Templeton, and Valkyrie. They are all vying for approval. It is worth noting that the huge market potential is underscored by Grayscale Investments' flagship GBTC fund. Nearly half a billion dollars were traded in one day. Which highlights the significant market impact that Spot Bitcoin ETFs can have. #continued More news ⬇️#salemhamidi
Urgent: A shock to the digital currency market...a breakthrough at the highest level 🔥•The US Securities and Exchange Commission explained that its account had been hacked, and that Bitcoin ETFs had not yet been approved for listing. •The digital currency market has not witnessed strong changes yet, with Bitcoin settling at a low of $46,105 per coin, a decrease of 1.47%.• It was reported that the authority approved the listing of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund. •#continued For more breaking news ✅🚀💯#follow To see more news •#salemhamidi

Urgent: A shock to the digital currency market...a breakthrough at the highest level 🔥

•The US Securities and Exchange Commission explained that its account had been hacked, and that Bitcoin ETFs had not yet been approved for listing. •The digital currency market has not witnessed strong changes yet, with Bitcoin settling at a low of $46,105 per coin, a decrease of 1.47%.• It was reported that the authority approved the listing of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund. •#continued For more breaking news ✅🚀💯#follow To see more news •#salemhamidi
As I always promised you something new and exclusive 💯•A new opportunity to earn profits by airdropping his currency for free. over netowrk Total Supply 1 Billion currency project is very strong and the release is in the first quarter of next year. You are only required to download the wallet and perform very easy tasks through which you will obtain points that you can convert to the currency code. The referral code is very important to obtain a bonus of approximately. 1000 points. •You can download the application from Nana 👇👇••Invitation code 👉36H1616XCH#salemhamidi

As I always promised you something new and exclusive 💯

•A new opportunity to earn profits by airdropping his currency for free. over netowrk Total Supply 1 Billion currency project is very strong and the release is in the first quarter of next year. You are only required to download the wallet and perform very easy tasks through which you will obtain points that you can convert to the currency code. The referral code is very important to obtain a bonus of approximately. 1000 points. •You can download the application from Nana 👇👇••Invitation code 👉36H1616XCH#salemhamidi
A famous international bank reveals a surprise regarding the price of Bitcoin.. Will it reach $200,0•Standard Chartered expects the value of bitcoin to reach nearly $200,000 by the end of next year if bitcoin exchange-traded funds are approved and become successful in the United States. •The bank based its price forecast on the assumption that between 437,000 and 1.32 million bitcoins will be held in U.S.-listed spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds by the end of 2024. The company estimates this equates to between $50 billion and $100 billion in inflows. •“If ETF-related flows come as we expect, we believe Bitcoin will reach... To $200,000 by the end of 2025.” •Kendrick and Cooper's prediction that the price of Bitcoin will jump to $200,000 means that the price of Bitcoin should increase more than 4 times compared to its current price of $46,600. •Kendrick and Cooper said they view the immediate approvals of Bitcoin ETFs as a “watershed moment” in the history of the popular digital currency. •The banking executives also noted that their latest Bitcoin price forecast is in line with their recent Bitcoin price forecast of $100,000 by the end of 2024. •This comes in conjunction with Bitcoin reducing part of its gains after it exceeded the level of $47,000 during the past few hours, as it now records an increase of about 4% in the last 24 hours to $46,836. •While Ethereum recorded a decline of 0.65% to $2263. •On the other hand, Solana jumped by about 5.5% in the last 24 hours, recording $100. Avalanche also rose by about 4.1% to $35.5 in the last 24 hours, while Ripple fell by about 0.9% to $0.56110. $BTC #continued More breaking news #salemhamidi

A famous international bank reveals a surprise regarding the price of Bitcoin.. Will it reach $200,0

•Standard Chartered expects the value of bitcoin to reach nearly $200,000 by the end of next year if bitcoin exchange-traded funds are approved and become successful in the United States. •The bank based its price forecast on the assumption that between 437,000 and 1.32 million bitcoins will be held in U.S.-listed spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds by the end of 2024. The company estimates this equates to between $50 billion and $100 billion in inflows. •“If ETF-related flows come as we expect, we believe Bitcoin will reach... To $200,000 by the end of 2025.” •Kendrick and Cooper's prediction that the price of Bitcoin will jump to $200,000 means that the price of Bitcoin should increase more than 4 times compared to its current price of $46,600. •Kendrick and Cooper said they view the immediate approvals of Bitcoin ETFs as a “watershed moment” in the history of the popular digital currency. •The banking executives also noted that their latest Bitcoin price forecast is in line with their recent Bitcoin price forecast of $100,000 by the end of 2024. •This comes in conjunction with Bitcoin reducing part of its gains after it exceeded the level of $47,000 during the past few hours, as it now records an increase of about 4% in the last 24 hours to $46,836. •While Ethereum recorded a decline of 0.65% to $2263. •On the other hand, Solana jumped by about 5.5% in the last 24 hours, recording $100. Avalanche also rose by about 4.1% to $35.5 in the last 24 hours, while Ripple fell by about 0.9% to $0.56110. $BTC #continued More breaking news #salemhamidi
A new, important, and free airdrop for the BRC currency. I recommend working on it •The currency is currently listed and its price is about 5. cents. The currency follows one of the Bitcoin currency projects. The registration method is very easy. After registration, you get daily points by linking the wallet to the site and following the currency on Twitter. Also, for every referral you get 10 points daily. Airdrop is real and very popular on social media. Link to register at Website 👇👇• The currency contract on the BNB Smart Chain network 👇👇•0x455ad1Bc4E18fD4e369234b6e11D88acBC416758 #stay tuned More ✅#salemhamidi

A new, important, and free airdrop for the BRC currency. I recommend working on it

•The currency is currently listed and its price is about 5. cents. The currency follows one of the Bitcoin currency projects. The registration method is very easy. After registration, you get daily points by linking the wallet to the site and following the currency on Twitter. Also, for every referral you get 10 points daily. Airdrop is real and very popular on social media. Link to register at Website 👇👇• The currency contract on the BNB Smart Chain network 👇👇•0x455ad1Bc4E18fD4e369234b6e11D88acBC416758 #stay tuned More ✅#salemhamidi
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