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Mt. Gox începe să ramburseze creditorii de la închiderea lor în 2014 Într-un [post]( anterior, am discutat despre incidentul de faliment Mt. Gox care a avut loc în 2014, care a dus la pierderea a aproximativ 750.000 de BTC ale utilizatorilor. Până în prezent, aceste $BTC rămân pierdute. După aproape un deceniu de așteptare și datorie acestor datorii, Mt. Gox a început să ramburseze creditorii pentru fondurile pierdute. Unii destinatari și-au împărtășit experiențele pe forumul Reddit. În urmă cu o lună, administratorul Nobuaki Kobayashi a anunțat că rambursările vor începe în 2023 și vor continua până în 2024. Plățile au fost efectuate în numerar prin intermediul popularei platforme de plată PayPal, folosind moneda yenului japonez. #ozuru #BTC #mtgox
Mt. Gox începe să ramburseze creditorii de la închiderea lor în 2014

Într-un post anterior, am discutat despre incidentul de faliment Mt. Gox care a avut loc în 2014, care a dus la pierderea a aproximativ 750.000 de BTC ale utilizatorilor. Până în prezent, aceste $BTC rămân pierdute.

După aproape un deceniu de așteptare și datorie acestor datorii, Mt. Gox a început să ramburseze creditorii pentru fondurile pierdute. Unii destinatari și-au împărtășit experiențele pe forumul Reddit.

În urmă cu o lună, administratorul Nobuaki Kobayashi a anunțat că rambursările vor începe în 2023 și vor continua până în 2024.

Plățile au fost efectuate în numerar prin intermediul popularei platforme de plată PayPal, folosind moneda yenului japonez.

#ozuru #BTC #mtgox
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Alertă 🐳 Balena 🚨: 3.166 $BTC în valoare de 134.836.502 USD 😲 transferat din portofelul necunoscut în #Coinbase #ozuru #BTC
Alertă 🐳 Balena 🚨:
3.166 $BTC în valoare de 134.836.502 USD 😲 transferat din portofelul necunoscut în #Coinbase

#ozuru #BTC
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bonk ($BONK ) statistici Capitalizarea pieței - USD Vol. 24 de ore de tranzacționare - 165.024.516 USD Evaluare complet diluată - 1.764.951.606 USD Aprovizionare circulant - 60.837.624.528.359 Total Aprovizionare - 93.689.234.980.611 Care este maximul istoric pentru Bonk (BONK)? Cel mai mare preț plătit pentru Bonk (BONK) este de 0,00003416 USD, care a fost înregistrat pe 15 decembrie 2023 (11 zile). Comparativ, prețul actual este cu -44,90% mai mic decât prețul ridicat din toate timpurile. Care este minimul istoric pentru Bonk (BONK)? Cel mai mic preț plătit pentru Bonk (BONK) este de 0,000000086142 USD, care a fost înregistrat pe 29 decembrie 2022 (12 luni). Comparativ, prețul actual este cu 21.758,90% mai mare decât prețul scăzut din toate timpurile. like, Share and Follow #ozuru #BONK
bonk ($BONK ) statistici

Capitalizarea pieței - USD

Vol. 24 de ore de tranzacționare - 165.024.516 USD

Evaluare complet diluată - 1.764.951.606 USD

Aprovizionare circulant - 60.837.624.528.359

Total Aprovizionare - 93.689.234.980.611

Care este maximul istoric pentru Bonk (BONK)?
Cel mai mare preț plătit pentru Bonk (BONK) este de 0,00003416 USD, care a fost înregistrat pe 15 decembrie 2023 (11 zile). Comparativ, prețul actual este cu -44,90% mai mic decât prețul ridicat din toate timpurile.

Care este minimul istoric pentru Bonk (BONK)?
Cel mai mic preț plătit pentru Bonk (BONK) este de 0,000000086142 USD, care a fost înregistrat pe 29 decembrie 2022 (12 luni). Comparativ, prețul actual este cu 21.758,90% mai mare decât prețul scăzut din toate timpurile.

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#ozuru #BONK
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ALERTA BALENE 🐳 🚨 4.987 $BTC în valoare de 218.910.520 USD tocmai a fost transferat de la #Coinbase într-un portofel necunoscut #ozuru
4.987 $BTC în valoare de 218.910.520 USD tocmai a fost transferat de la #Coinbase într-un portofel necunoscut

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Alertă Airdrop: viitor descentralizat de gheață Ice Decentralized Future lansează un program captivant de airdrop care vă oferă oportunitatea de a câștiga cel puțin 500 USD! Nu ratați această oportunitate uimitoare de a vă implica. Fără alte prelungiri, iată pașii pentru a participa la programul Airdrop: 1. Obțineți aplicația: dacă sunteți utilizator Android, pur și simplu accesați Magazinul Play și descărcați aplicația mobilă numită „Ice: Descentralized Future”. Pentru utilizatorii iOS, în prezent nu există nicio aplicație mobilă disponibilă, dar puteți participa în continuare la program prin intermediul site-ului lor la 2. Înscrieți-vă: după ce ați instalat aplicația, înscrieți-vă în aplicație folosind porecla mea, „marvellrite”, pentru secțiunea „cine v-a invitat”. Acesta este un pas important pentru a vă asigura că sunteți înregistrat corespunzător pentru programul de airdrop. 3. Începeți să câștigați: Acum că sunteți înscris, puteți începe să câștigați jetoane Ice. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să faceți clic pe un buton o dată la 24 de ore. Fii atent la bonusurile zilnice, deoarece revendicarea acestora va crește semnificativ rata de câștig pentru o perioadă limitată de timp. Ce mai astepti? Înscrieți-vă pe Ice astăzi și începeți să câștigați jetoane Ice! (Intenția de joc) 😁 Dacă doriți să fiți la curent cu viitoarele Airdrops și să primiți mai multe actualizări interesante, vă rugăm să dați like, distribuire și urmărire. Bună dimineața din Nigeria! 🌅 #ozuru #icedecentralizedfuture
Alertă Airdrop: viitor descentralizat de gheață

Ice Decentralized Future lansează un program captivant de airdrop care vă oferă oportunitatea de a câștiga cel puțin 500 USD! Nu ratați această oportunitate uimitoare de a vă implica.

Fără alte prelungiri, iată pașii pentru a participa la programul Airdrop:

1. Obțineți aplicația: dacă sunteți utilizator Android, pur și simplu accesați Magazinul Play și descărcați aplicația mobilă numită „Ice: Descentralized Future”. Pentru utilizatorii iOS, în prezent nu există nicio aplicație mobilă disponibilă, dar puteți participa în continuare la program prin intermediul site-ului lor la

2. Înscrieți-vă: după ce ați instalat aplicația, înscrieți-vă în aplicație folosind porecla mea, „marvellrite”, pentru secțiunea „cine v-a invitat”. Acesta este un pas important pentru a vă asigura că sunteți înregistrat corespunzător pentru programul de airdrop.

3. Începeți să câștigați: Acum că sunteți înscris, puteți începe să câștigați jetoane Ice. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să faceți clic pe un buton o dată la 24 de ore. Fii atent la bonusurile zilnice, deoarece revendicarea acestora va crește semnificativ rata de câștig pentru o perioadă limitată de timp.

Ce mai astepti? Înscrieți-vă pe Ice astăzi și începeți să câștigați jetoane Ice! (Intenția de joc) 😁

Dacă doriți să fiți la curent cu viitoarele Airdrops și să primiți mai multe actualizări interesante, vă rugăm să dați like, distribuire și urmărire. Bună dimineața din Nigeria! 🌅

#ozuru #icedecentralizedfuture
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Înjumătățirea Bitcoin are loc aproximativ la fiecare patru ani, reducând rata noilor bitcoini care intră în circulație. Este guvernat de protocolul Bitcoin și implică minerii care rezolvă probleme matematice prin mecanismul de verificare a muncii pentru a valida tranzacțiile înainte de a le adăuga la blockchain. Minerii sunt recompensați cu $BTC pentru rezolvarea acestor probleme, iar procesul, care necesită o putere de calcul substanțială, durează în jur de 10 minute. Prima înjumătățire din 2012 a redus recompensele de la 50 la 25 de bitcoini, cu reduceri ulterioare la 12,5 în 2016 și 6,25 în 2020. Următoarea înjumătățire este așteptată în 2024 după 21.000 de blocuri. Reducerea la jumătate reglează oferta de bitcoin, favorizând deficitul și evitând inflația. Din punct de vedere istoric, evenimentele de înjumătățire coincid cu creșteri semnificative ale prețurilor bitcoin din cauza ofertei reduse și a cererii susținute sau crescute. Comercianții, conștienți de această tendință, iau adesea poziții lungi în timpul evenimentelor de înjumătățire. Pentru a afla mai multe despre înjumătățirea bitcoin, citiți [this article]( Nu uitați să dați like, share și urmăriți @Ozuru . #ozuru
Înjumătățirea Bitcoin are loc aproximativ la fiecare patru ani, reducând rata noilor bitcoini care intră în circulație.

Este guvernat de protocolul Bitcoin și implică minerii care rezolvă probleme matematice prin mecanismul de verificare a muncii pentru a valida tranzacțiile înainte de a le adăuga la blockchain.

Minerii sunt recompensați cu $BTC pentru rezolvarea acestor probleme, iar procesul, care necesită o putere de calcul substanțială, durează în jur de 10 minute.

Prima înjumătățire din 2012 a redus recompensele de la 50 la 25 de bitcoini, cu reduceri ulterioare la 12,5 în 2016 și 6,25 în 2020. Următoarea înjumătățire este așteptată în 2024 după 21.000 de blocuri.

Reducerea la jumătate reglează oferta de bitcoin, favorizând deficitul și evitând inflația. Din punct de vedere istoric, evenimentele de înjumătățire coincid cu creșteri semnificative ale prețurilor bitcoin din cauza ofertei reduse și a cererii susținute sau crescute. Comercianții, conștienți de această tendință, iau adesea poziții lungi în timpul evenimentelor de înjumătățire.

Pentru a afla mai multe despre înjumătățirea bitcoin, citiți this article.

Nu uitați să dați like, share și urmăriți @Ozuru .

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Alertă Airdrop: Notcoin Dacă nu ați început să minați Airdrop-ul Notcoin, vă înșelați. Notcoin este construit pe tehnologia TON Blockchain alimentată de Telegram. Cu alte cuvinte, Notcoin este susținut de Telegram. Deci, vedeți, acest proiect Notcoin este unul foarte, foarte serios. Am fost martor direct la oameni care câștigă mii de dolari din genul Avive, Jup și chiar din recentul proiect Ice (despre care am vorbit mult). Deci, dacă ați ratat aceste proiecte menționate mai sus, asigurați-vă că nu repetați aceeași greșeală. Notcoin va GĂTIRE și multe persoane (participanți serioși) vor beneficia de el. Așa că, așa cum am spus, dacă nu ești implicat în Airdrop-ul Notcoin, GREȘTI. Pentru a participa, introduceți linkul în orice browser: și veți fi redirecționat către botul Telegram care vă va ghida prin proces. Pentru actualizări mai legitime de airdrop, vă rugăm să dați like, distribuiți și urmăriți 😊 #ozuru #airdopalert #Write2Earn
Alertă Airdrop: Notcoin

Dacă nu ați început să minați Airdrop-ul Notcoin, vă înșelați. Notcoin este construit pe tehnologia TON Blockchain alimentată de Telegram.
Cu alte cuvinte, Notcoin este susținut de Telegram.

Deci, vedeți, acest proiect Notcoin este unul foarte, foarte serios. Am fost martor direct la oameni care câștigă mii de dolari din genul Avive, Jup și chiar din recentul proiect Ice (despre care am vorbit mult).

Deci, dacă ați ratat aceste proiecte menționate mai sus, asigurați-vă că nu repetați aceeași greșeală. Notcoin va GĂTIRE și multe persoane (participanți serioși) vor beneficia de el. Așa că, așa cum am spus, dacă nu ești implicat în Airdrop-ul Notcoin, GREȘTI.

Pentru a participa, introduceți linkul în orice browser: și veți fi redirecționat către botul Telegram care vă va ghida prin proces.

Pentru actualizări mai legitime de airdrop, vă rugăm să dați like, distribuiți și urmăriți 😊

#ozuru #airdopalert #Write2Earn
Blockchain Talk: Let's Talk Bitcoin [$BTC ] What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the pioneering cryptocurrency, utilizing blockchain technology for decentralized transactions without reliance on central authorities, offering a peer-to-peer network for direct fund transfers among users. Who Created Bitcoin? Bitcoin's creator, the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, proposed the concept of an electronic peer-to-peer cash system in a whitepaper. Despite ongoing speculation about Nakamoto's identity, it remains unverified. The first BTC genesis block was mined on January 9, 2009, marking the official beginning of cryptocurrencies. How does Bitcoin Work? Bitcoin, often misconceived as a physical coin, is a decentralized digital currency operating on a blockchain ledger. In contrast to centralized systems like commercial banks, where a central entity manages the ledger and verifies transactions, Bitcoin employs a distributed ledger across nodes. Nodes, downloadable software, ensure everyone has a copy of the ledger, eliminating disputes. Transactions, like sending and receiving bitcoin, are broadcasted on the network. Mining, a crucial process, verifies if one has sufficient bitcoin for the transaction to proceed. What is Bitcoin Mining? Bitcoin miners validate transactions by solving a random and complex puzzle, known as Proof of Work, using computer rigs. This process prevents arbitrary transaction additions. Miners, incurring costs for rigs and electricity, are rewarded with new bitcoins. Transaction fees, paid by individuals, sustain the monetary system. This system enhances the resilience of the Bitcoin ledger against fraud in a trustless manner. However, risks like the 51% attack, where miners control over 51% of computation power, and external security issues remain potential concerns. I will talk about bitcoin halving in my next post. Like, share and follow 😊. #ozuru #btchalving2024 #BTCHALVING #BTCBefore2025
Blockchain Talk: Let's Talk Bitcoin [$BTC ]

What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the pioneering cryptocurrency, utilizing blockchain technology for decentralized transactions without reliance on central authorities, offering a peer-to-peer network for direct fund transfers among users.

Who Created Bitcoin?
Bitcoin's creator, the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, proposed the concept of an electronic peer-to-peer cash system in a whitepaper. Despite ongoing speculation about Nakamoto's identity, it remains unverified. The first BTC genesis block was mined on January 9, 2009, marking the official beginning of cryptocurrencies.

How does Bitcoin Work?
Bitcoin, often misconceived as a physical coin, is a decentralized digital currency operating on a blockchain ledger. In contrast to centralized systems like commercial banks, where a central entity manages the ledger and verifies transactions, Bitcoin employs a distributed ledger across nodes. Nodes, downloadable software, ensure everyone has a copy of the ledger, eliminating disputes. Transactions, like sending and receiving bitcoin, are broadcasted on the network. Mining, a crucial process, verifies if one has sufficient bitcoin for the transaction to proceed.

What is Bitcoin Mining?
Bitcoin miners validate transactions by solving a random and complex puzzle, known as Proof of Work, using computer rigs. This process prevents arbitrary transaction additions. Miners, incurring costs for rigs and electricity, are rewarded with new bitcoins. Transaction fees, paid by individuals, sustain the monetary system. This system enhances the resilience of the Bitcoin ledger against fraud in a trustless manner. However, risks like the 51% attack, where miners control over 51% of computation power, and external security issues remain potential concerns.
I will talk about bitcoin halving in my next post.

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#ozuru #btchalving2024 #BTCHALVING #BTCBefore2025
One thing you all have to understand is that Starknet ($STRK) was never a scam. As news has it, two attackers exploited the STRK airdrop to hoard massive amounts of STRK tokens in lots of wallets (over a thousand wallets), aggregated the tokens in a single wallet, and sold their STRK holdings, removing about 5 million dollars from liquidity. Hence, the reason for the unexpected dump in price. This is called the Sybil attack, and usually, the bearish nature of the market can be corrected by whales pumping liquidity. So, as a piece of advice from Ozuru, HODL your STRK tokens, don't go selling off your STRK tokens. In fact, if possible, buy as much as possible now that the price is low because this token has the potential of bouncing back. HODL! So, STRK was never a scam, and Binance will never list scam tokens. STRK IS NOT A SCAM! HODL! Like, share, and follow 😊 #ozuru #HODLPIXEL ✊🚀 #HodlStrong
One thing you all have to understand is that Starknet ($STRK ) was never a scam.
As news has it, two attackers exploited the STRK airdrop to hoard massive amounts of STRK tokens in lots of wallets (over a thousand wallets), aggregated the tokens in a single wallet, and sold their STRK holdings, removing about 5 million dollars from liquidity. Hence, the reason for the unexpected dump in price.
This is called the Sybil attack, and usually, the bearish nature of the market can be corrected by whales pumping liquidity.
So, as a piece of advice from Ozuru, HODL your STRK tokens, don't go selling off your STRK tokens. In fact, if possible, buy as much as possible now that the price is low because this token has the potential of bouncing back. HODL!
So, STRK was never a scam, and Binance will never list scam tokens.
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#ozuru #HODLPIXEL ✊🚀 #HodlStrong
$BNB has been on a steadily sweet bullish trend for over a month. This trend commenced 32 days ago (on the 26th of January) and has been bullish up until now. This trend has led to a price surge, causing the price of BNB to steadily increase from $301 to $394, which represents about a 30.9% price increase, adding approximately $14.5 billion to its market cap. If the bullish trend continues, I predict that the price of BNB will surpass the $400 mark before the end of tomorrow. Drop your predictions in the comment section. Don't forget to like, share and follow 😊. #ozuru #TrendingTopic #BNB‬ #BNBPrediction
$BNB has been on a steadily sweet bullish trend for over a month.

This trend commenced 32 days ago (on the 26th of January) and has been bullish up until now.

This trend has led to a price surge, causing the price of BNB to steadily increase from $301 to $394, which represents about a 30.9% price increase, adding approximately $14.5 billion to its market cap.

If the bullish trend continues, I predict that the price of BNB will surpass the $400 mark before the end of tomorrow.

Drop your predictions in the comment section.

Don't forget to like, share and follow 😊.

#ozuru #TrendingTopic #BNB‬ #BNBPrediction
My First Loss in the Crypto SpaceIt all happened when I participated in the Catly Ponzi scheme.A long time ago last year, a friend of mine once introduced me to a certain so called crypto project known as "Catly". To start earning their token "Catly", you stake your Catly tokens sign up bonus. And after a specified amount of time (weeks I don't remember the exact number of weeks) your Catly tokens become unstaked and you are rewarded extra Catly tokens and so it goes on and on.When he first told me about it, he had about $17 in his account so when I showed interest, he offered to sell his account to me. Since he already had a some referrals, I bought his account.Well, I took part actively in the "crypto project", regularly staking my Catly tokens and getting rewarded. The more rewards I get, the more Catly tokens I get. And the more Catly token I get, the higher my earning rate there by discouraging participants (including myself) from withdrawing their tokens - you are allowed to withdraw at anytime and any amount to your Binance USDT address.Since my earning rate was influenced by my total number of tokens, I spent about $47 in USDT to buy more tokens so as to earn faster. Making a total of about $64 I spent at that point.Life was good 😊, I was earning more Catly in less time, I was able to withdraw a total amount of about $23 dollars and since I earned more Catly, my earning rate kept on increasing.In fact at some point, I was earning at a rate of over $2 dollars per day.At this point, I didn't want to stop. My friend who referred me warned me that since I had made a lot of money from it, I should stop staking so that I could withdraw all my funds because it totally seemed like a Ponzi scheme before I loss everything but I turned a deaf ear.When it finally happened, it hitted me hard 😔.  I lost everything, over $100. They disabled withdrawals saying that they were moving to the next phase that involved launching their mainnet and crediting our wallets with the Catly tokens stuff like that. That stupid naive version of myself actually believed that. Since then up till now, they have done nothing.Whenever I log into my account on their site I still see my funds but I'm unable to withdraw it. Their site is still functional up till now - . My friend warned me but I didn't listen 😭 and I ended up losing everything. Though I withdrew twice but not up to my invested capital.I learnt the hard way from this experience. There are many legit crypto projects you can earn from like some airdrop - an example Ice. But a definite red flag is when you're asked to invest real funds to participate or increase your earnings just like in Catly.And also before you take part in any investment scheme not just crypto related, make thorough investigation and research to avoid losing your funds. This loss made me a new man 😊. Damn!Don't forget to like, share and follow.Good morning from Nigeria.#ozuru

My First Loss in the Crypto Space

It all happened when I participated in the Catly Ponzi scheme.A long time ago last year, a friend of mine once introduced me to a certain so called crypto project known as "Catly". To start earning their token "Catly", you stake your Catly tokens sign up bonus. And after a specified amount of time (weeks I don't remember the exact number of weeks) your Catly tokens become unstaked and you are rewarded extra Catly tokens and so it goes on and on.When he first told me about it, he had about $17 in his account so when I showed interest, he offered to sell his account to me. Since he already had a some referrals, I bought his account.Well, I took part actively in the "crypto project", regularly staking my Catly tokens and getting rewarded. The more rewards I get, the more Catly tokens I get. And the more Catly token I get, the higher my earning rate there by discouraging participants (including myself) from withdrawing their tokens - you are allowed to withdraw at anytime and any amount to your Binance USDT address.Since my earning rate was influenced by my total number of tokens, I spent about $47 in USDT to buy more tokens so as to earn faster. Making a total of about $64 I spent at that point.Life was good 😊, I was earning more Catly in less time, I was able to withdraw a total amount of about $23 dollars and since I earned more Catly, my earning rate kept on increasing.In fact at some point, I was earning at a rate of over $2 dollars per day.At this point, I didn't want to stop. My friend who referred me warned me that since I had made a lot of money from it, I should stop staking so that I could withdraw all my funds because it totally seemed like a Ponzi scheme before I loss everything but I turned a deaf ear.When it finally happened, it hitted me hard 😔.  I lost everything, over $100. They disabled withdrawals saying that they were moving to the next phase that involved launching their mainnet and crediting our wallets with the Catly tokens stuff like that. That stupid naive version of myself actually believed that. Since then up till now, they have done nothing.Whenever I log into my account on their site I still see my funds but I'm unable to withdraw it. Their site is still functional up till now - . My friend warned me but I didn't listen 😭 and I ended up losing everything. Though I withdrew twice but not up to my invested capital.I learnt the hard way from this experience. There are many legit crypto projects you can earn from like some airdrop - an example Ice. But a definite red flag is when you're asked to invest real funds to participate or increase your earnings just like in Catly.And also before you take part in any investment scheme not just crypto related, make thorough investigation and research to avoid losing your funds. This loss made me a new man 😊. Damn!Don't forget to like, share and follow.Good morning from Nigeria.#ozuru
API3 STATISTICS ----------------------------- Market Cap - $334,874,898 Market Cap / TVL Ratio - Infinity 24 Hour Trading Vol - $104,482,322 Fully Diluted Valuation - $417,133,375 Total Value Locked (TVL) - $0.00 Fully Diluted Valuation / TVL Ratio - Infinity Circulating Supply - 102,915,122 Total Supply - 128,195,133 Max Supply - 128,195,133 What's API3? API3 is an oracle service concentrating on decentralized APIs (dAPIs) to connect blockchain applications with off-chain and real-world data. It enhances data reliability by aggregating information from first-party oracles on the native chain, eliminating centralized points of failure for more secure and reliable decentralized applications (dApps). What is the all-time high for API3 (API3)? The highest price paid for API3 (API3) is $10.30, which was recorded on Apr 07, 2021 (almost 3 years). Comparatively, the current price is 68.29% lower than the all-time high price. What is the all-time low for API3 (API3)? The lowest price paid for API3 (API3) is $0.851, which was recorded on Aug 05, 2023 (6 months). Comparatively, the current price is 283.64% higher than the all-time low price. Like, share and follow. #ozuru #Write2Earn
Market Cap - $334,874,898

Market Cap / TVL Ratio - Infinity

24 Hour Trading Vol - $104,482,322

Fully Diluted Valuation - $417,133,375

Total Value Locked (TVL) - $0.00

Fully Diluted Valuation / TVL Ratio - Infinity

Circulating Supply - 102,915,122

Total Supply - 128,195,133

Max Supply - 128,195,133

What's API3?
API3 is an oracle service concentrating on decentralized APIs (dAPIs) to connect blockchain applications with off-chain and real-world data. It enhances data reliability by aggregating information from first-party oracles on the native chain, eliminating centralized points of failure for more secure and reliable decentralized applications (dApps).

What is the all-time high for API3 (API3)?
The highest price paid for API3 (API3) is $10.30, which was recorded on Apr 07, 2021 (almost 3 years). Comparatively, the current price is 68.29% lower than the all-time high price.

What is the all-time low for API3 (API3)?
The lowest price paid for API3 (API3) is $0.851, which was recorded on Aug 05, 2023 (6 months). Comparatively, the current price is 283.64% higher than the all-time low price.

Like, share and follow.

#ozuru #Write2Earn
Reason for the Recent Surge in the Price of $FLOKI Floki (FLOKI), a crypto inspired by Elon Musk’s dog, doubled in value in a day after the community voted to destroy 2% of its supply. The burn will happen after a week and was supported by almost all voters, including one who locked up 117 billion tokens to have more say. #ozuru #Flokibullish #Flokii
Reason for the Recent Surge in the Price of

Floki (FLOKI), a crypto inspired by Elon Musk’s dog, doubled in value in a day after the community voted to destroy 2% of its supply.

The burn will happen after a week and was supported by almost all voters, including one who locked up 117 billion tokens to have more say.

#ozuru #Flokibullish #Flokii
Portal and B2 Network have partnered to boost the development of decentralized applications (dApps) on the Bitcoin blockchain. B2 Network, a San Francisco-based company utilizing zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) verification, has integrated with Portal, a leading decentralized cross-chain swap protocol. The collaboration aims to include B2's native token and other Bitcoin-based assets on Portal's platforms, utilizing atomic swaps for trustless cross-chain liquidity. This partnership has the potential to expand B2's ecosystem and drive the adoption of decentralized applications on the Bitcoin network. The news and image credit goes to blockonomi dot com #ozuru #Portal #TrendingTopic
Portal and B2 Network have partnered to boost the development of decentralized applications (dApps) on the Bitcoin blockchain.

B2 Network, a San Francisco-based company utilizing zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) verification, has integrated with Portal, a leading decentralized cross-chain swap protocol.

The collaboration aims to include B2's native token and other Bitcoin-based assets on Portal's platforms, utilizing atomic swaps for trustless cross-chain liquidity.

This partnership has the potential to expand B2's ecosystem and drive the adoption of decentralized applications on the Bitcoin network.

The news and image credit goes to blockonomi dot com

#ozuru #Portal #TrendingTopic
Daily Update on $PEPE Price: $0.00000322 (up 6.21% in the last 24 hours) Market Cap: $1,353,873,928 Circulating Supply: 420,690,000,000,000 PEPE Max Supply: 420,690,000,000,000 PEPE 24h Trading Volume: $779,030,698 #ozuru #TrendingTopic #pepe
Daily Update on $PEPE

Price: $0.00000322 (up 6.21% in the last 24 hours)

Market Cap: $1,353,873,928

Circulating Supply: 420,690,000,000,000 PEPE

Max Supply: 420,690,000,000,000 PEPE

24h Trading Volume: $779,030,698

#ozuru #TrendingTopic #pepe
Fun Fact: Do you know that the market cap of the global cryptocurrency marketing is about 2.25 trillion dollars? #ozuru #TrendingTopic
Fun Fact:

Do you know that the market cap of the global cryptocurrency marketing is about 2.25 trillion dollars?

#ozuru #TrendingTopic
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has issued a warning about suspicious websites impersonating legitimate virtual asset trading platforms. Notably, HSKEX, posing as Hash Blockchain Limited, and OSLEXU and OSLINT, impersonating OSL Digital Securities Limited, were identified. The SFC highlighted the risk of investors being misled by these websites, which mimic licensed platforms' branding, not allowing the victims withdraw their funds and pressuring them to pay excessive fees and taxes to unlock their assets. HashKey and OSL are the only licensed crypto exchanges in Hong Kong. #ozuru #TrendingTopic
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has issued a warning about suspicious websites impersonating legitimate virtual asset trading platforms.

Notably, HSKEX, posing as Hash Blockchain Limited, and OSLEXU and OSLINT, impersonating OSL Digital Securities Limited, were identified.

The SFC highlighted the risk of investors being misled by these websites, which mimic licensed platforms' branding, not allowing the victims withdraw their funds and pressuring them to pay excessive fees and taxes to unlock their assets.

HashKey and OSL are the only licensed crypto exchanges in Hong Kong.

#ozuru #TrendingTopic
Elon Musk's companies, Tesla and SpaceX, have been revealed to hold nearly 20,000 Bitcoin. The report from Arkham Intelligence shows that Tesla holds around 11,509 BTC valued at $780 million, spread across 68 wallet addresses. SpaceX, on the other hand, holds approximately 8,285 BTC worth $560 million, distributed across 28 wallet addresses. This significant $BTC holding makes Elon Musk a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency market. like, share and follow 😊. #TrendingTopic #BTC/USDT: #Bitcoin(BTC) #ozuru
Elon Musk's companies, Tesla and SpaceX, have been revealed to hold nearly 20,000 Bitcoin.

The report from Arkham Intelligence shows that Tesla holds around 11,509 BTC valued at $780 million, spread across 68 wallet addresses. SpaceX, on the other hand, holds approximately 8,285 BTC worth $560 million, distributed across 28 wallet addresses.

This significant $BTC holding makes Elon Musk a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency market.

like, share and follow 😊.

#TrendingTopic #BTC/USDT: #Bitcoin(BTC) #ozuru
$BNB has been on an bullish 📈 trend since the past five days without any lows yet. This has lead to a 35.28% price increase 📈 from $394 to $534 within this period. If this trend continues at this pace, I predict 🤔 that the BNB will surpass the $600 price mark within three days. Always remember to DYOR 📚 ✍️ b4 making an investment decisions. What are your thoughts on BNB? Like, share and follow 😊. #ozuru #BNB‬ #TrendingTopic
$BNB has been on an bullish 📈 trend since the past five days without any lows yet.

This has lead to a 35.28% price increase 📈 from $394 to $534 within this period.

If this trend continues at this pace, I predict 🤔 that the BNB will surpass the $600 price mark within three days.

Always remember to DYOR 📚 ✍️ b4 making an investment decisions.

What are your thoughts on BNB?

Like, share and follow 😊.

#ozuru #BNB‬ #TrendingTopic