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aprovizionare redusă nr.1 bijuterie cu proiectul defi este #ALCX cumpărați și țineți cu ră siguranță va muta ținte cu trei sau patru cifre.. #alcx #LUNA/USTD #ethifi
aprovizionare redusă nr.1 bijuterie cu proiectul defi este #ALCX cumpărați și țineți cu ră siguranță va muta ținte cu trei sau patru cifre..

#alcx #LUNA/USTD #ethifi
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EtherFi își anunță simbolul de guvernare, ETHFI, care va fi disponibil odată cu viitoarea sa lansare în direct, în direct astăzi. În această lansare, suma totală a emisiunii de token-uri se va ridica la un miliard total egal, din care 115,2 milioane circulă în faza inițială. Airdrop-ul va fi împărțit în două faze: Sezonul 1: 6% din oferta totală de token-uri va fi eliberată, acoperind interacțiunile până pe 15 martie. Sezonul 2: 5% din toate jetoanele merg către părțile care contribuie, care includ acoperirea acțiunilor acestora din 15 martie până la o perioadă încă nedeterminată. Suma rămasă de jetoane va merge către echipa de bază, investitori, parteneri și trezoreria protocolului, conform tokenomics hotărât guvernat de protocol. Eligibilitatea generalizată a airdropper-urilor pentru drop-uri pe include deținerea eETH, trimiterea persoanelor la protocol sau utilizarea programului de adoptare timpurie din protocol. Portofelele cu balene trebuie să aștepte trei luni pentru a-și revendica jetoanele, în timp ce cele mai mici au zero deblocare. Anunțul a mai realizat apoi că, în această dezvoltare, 20.000 de Ethereum au fost contribuți de șeful TRON și figura controversată Justine Sun, cu două zile înainte de anunțul că TRON își va primi cota de aprovizionare cu jetoane, aproape 3,5 milioane de jetoane urmează să fie rezervate pentru Sun. Membrii comunității, totuși, au strigat curând, comentând despre Discord că „Justin primește un tratament special”, înainte ca fondatorul Mike Silagadze să răspundă la Discord: „Piesa mai mare nici măcar nu a început încă. Mai multe jetoane vor fi trimise membrilor comunității, informațiile vor veni mai târziu.” Silagadze a apărat și alocarea lui Sun, comentând că „Doar pentru că cineva vine cu un depozit uriaș nu înseamnă că vom schimba regulile pentru ei și o să-l dărâm. Apreciem ajutorul lui Justin și vom respecta regulile pe care le-am pus în aplicare pentru el. Evenimentul." #ethifi #etherfiLaunchpool #Ether.Fi #Ethereum(ETH)
EtherFi își anunță simbolul de guvernare, ETHFI,
care va fi disponibil odată cu viitoarea sa lansare în direct, în direct astăzi. În această lansare, suma totală a emisiunii de token-uri se va ridica la un miliard total egal, din care 115,2 milioane circulă în faza inițială.

Airdrop-ul va fi împărțit în două faze:

Sezonul 1: 6% din oferta totală de token-uri va fi eliberată, acoperind interacțiunile până pe 15 martie.

Sezonul 2: 5% din toate jetoanele merg către părțile care contribuie, care includ acoperirea acțiunilor acestora din 15 martie până la o perioadă încă nedeterminată.

Suma rămasă de jetoane va merge către echipa de bază, investitori, parteneri și trezoreria protocolului, conform tokenomics hotărât guvernat de protocol.

Eligibilitatea generalizată a airdropper-urilor pentru drop-uri pe include deținerea eETH, trimiterea persoanelor la protocol sau utilizarea programului de adoptare timpurie din protocol. Portofelele cu balene trebuie să aștepte trei luni pentru a-și revendica jetoanele, în timp ce cele mai mici au zero deblocare.

Anunțul a mai realizat apoi că, în această dezvoltare, 20.000 de Ethereum au fost contribuți de șeful TRON și figura controversată Justine Sun, cu două zile înainte de anunțul că TRON își va primi cota de aprovizionare cu jetoane, aproape 3,5 milioane de jetoane urmează să fie rezervate pentru Sun.

Membrii comunității, totuși, au strigat curând, comentând despre Discord că „Justin primește un tratament special”, înainte ca fondatorul Mike Silagadze să răspundă la Discord: „Piesa mai mare nici măcar nu a început încă. Mai multe jetoane vor fi trimise membrilor comunității, informațiile vor veni mai târziu.”

Silagadze a apărat și alocarea lui Sun, comentând că „Doar pentru că cineva vine cu un depozit uriaș nu înseamnă că vom schimba regulile pentru ei și o să-l dărâm. Apreciem ajutorul lui Justin și vom respecta regulile pe care le-am pus în aplicare pentru el. Evenimentul."

#ethifi #etherfiLaunchpool #Ether.Fi #Ethereum(ETH)
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$ETHFI E timp bun pentru a intra. Grăbește-te înainte să se întârzie.$ETHFI $BTC #ethifi #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 nu un sfat financiar. Fă-o după propria ta minte.
$ETHFI E timp bun pentru a intra. Grăbește-te înainte să se întârzie.$ETHFI $BTC #ethifi #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥
nu un sfat financiar.
Fă-o după propria ta minte.
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Mă aștept la #ethifi preț între 6 USD și 8 USD
Mă aștept la #ethifi preț între 6 USD și 8 USD
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Care este prețul de listare ETHFI Prediction $4 - $5? ETHFI, care se află în prezent pe Launchpool, va fi listat pe 18 martie la ora 13:00. (UTC+1). Și va fi listat în următoarele perechi: ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, ETHFI/BNB, ETHFI/FDUSD și ETHFI/TRY. Să ghicim și să prezicem împreună piața prețurilor ca comunitate #HotTrends #cryptomummy #write2earn #ethifi #TrendingTopic
Care este prețul de listare ETHFI Prediction $4 - $5?
ETHFI, care se află în prezent pe Launchpool, va fi listat pe 18 martie la ora 13:00. (UTC+1). Și va fi listat în următoarele perechi: ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, ETHFI/BNB, ETHFI/FDUSD și ETHFI/TRY.

Să ghicim și să prezicem împreună piața prețurilor ca comunitate
Crypto Maker45
Claim reward here🎁🎁💰

Recompensă complementară de până la 10 USDT🎁🎁💰
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Care este prețul de listare ETHFI Predicția 4 USD - 5 USD? ETHFI, care se află în prezent pe Launchpool, va fi listat pe 18 martie la ora 13:00. (UTC+1). Și va fi listat în următoarele perechi: ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, ETHFI/BNB, ETHFI/FDUSD și ETHFI/TRY. Să ghicim și să prezicem împreună piața prețurilor ca comunitate #HotTrends #cryptomummy #write2earn #ethifi #TrendingTopic
Care este prețul de listare ETHFI Predicția 4 USD - 5 USD?
ETHFI, care se află în prezent pe Launchpool, va fi listat pe 18 martie la ora 13:00. (UTC+1). Și va fi listat în următoarele perechi: ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, ETHFI/BNB, ETHFI/FDUSD și ETHFI/TRY.

Să ghicim și să prezicem împreună piața prețurilor ca comunitate
Faiza Khan
Complementary reward upto 3USDT🎁🎁💰

Claim reward here🎁🎁💰
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Care este predicția pentru prețul de listare de 4 USD - 5 USD? ETHFI aflat în prezent pe Launchpool va fi listat pe 18 martie la ora 13.00. (UTC+1). Și va fi listat în următoarele perechi: ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, ETHFI/BNB, ETHFI/FDUSD și ETHFI/TRY. Alăturați-vă comunității pentru a ghici și a prezice prețul pieței #hotTrends #cryptomummy #write2earn #ethifi #TrendingTopic.
Care este predicția pentru prețul de listare de 4 USD - 5 USD?
ETHFI aflat în prezent pe Launchpool va fi listat pe 18 martie la ora 13.00. (UTC+1). Și va fi listat în următoarele perechi: ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, ETHFI/BNB, ETHFI/FDUSD și ETHFI/TRY.

Alăturați-vă comunității pentru a ghici și a prezice prețul pieței
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Cel mai bun moment pentru a cumpăra #ethifi
Cel mai bun moment pentru a cumpăra #ethifi
#ethifi if you have some extra money which you can hold for 2 months. Ethifi is the Best coin to double or tripple your Money. Disclaimer: DYOR
if you have some extra money which you can hold for 2 months. Ethifi is the Best coin to double or tripple your Money.

Disclaimer: DYOR
💥💰 Seize the Opportunity: Invest in These 17 Coins Now! 👊👇 1. 💲 Don't Miss Out on $BNB – Grab it now! 2. 🌟 Secure Your Share of $BTC – Buy it now! 3. 💎 Invest in $ETH – Act now! 4. 🚀 Get Your Hands on $Shiba – Invest now! 5. ☀️ Dive into $SOL – Purchase now! 6. 🐸 Snatch up $PEPE – Acquire now! 7. 🚀 Jump on $DOGE – Buy it now! 8. 🌊 Add $XRP to Your Portfolio – Invest now! 9. 🌱 Invest in $ADA – Secure it now! 10. 🐶 Don't Miss $FLOKI – Buy it now! 11. 🔥 Grab $MATIC Now – Invest now! 12. 🌟 Invest in $AEVO – Buy it now! 13. 🌿 Get Your Share of $ARB – Acquire now! 14. 🎨 Secure $PIXEL – Invest now! 15. 🔗 Invest in $LINK – Grab it now! 16. 🏈 Snatch up $STRK – Purchase now! 17. 🌐 Secure $DOT – Invest now! Don't wait – the time to invest is now! 💥💰 Grab these opportunities before they're gone! 🚀🔥 #HotTrends #sol #DOGE🔥🔥 #ethifi #BTChallenge
💥💰 Seize the Opportunity: Invest in These 17 Coins Now! 👊👇
1. 💲 Don't Miss Out on $BNB – Grab it now!
2. 🌟 Secure Your Share of $BTC – Buy it now!
3. 💎 Invest in $ETH – Act now!
4. 🚀 Get Your Hands on $Shiba – Invest now!
5. ☀️ Dive into $SOL – Purchase now!
6. 🐸 Snatch up $PEPE – Acquire now!
7. 🚀 Jump on $DOGE – Buy it now!
8. 🌊 Add $XRP to Your Portfolio – Invest now!
9. 🌱 Invest in $ADA – Secure it now!
10. 🐶 Don't Miss $FLOKI – Buy it now!
11. 🔥 Grab $MATIC Now – Invest now!
12. 🌟 Invest in $AEVO – Buy it now!
13. 🌿 Get Your Share of $ARB – Acquire now!
14. 🎨 Secure $PIXEL – Invest now!
15. 🔗 Invest in $LINK – Grab it now!
16. 🏈 Snatch up $STRK – Purchase now!
17. 🌐 Secure $DOT – Invest now!
Don't wait – the time to invest is now! 💥💰 Grab these opportunities before they're gone! 🚀🔥
#HotTrends #sol #DOGE🔥🔥 #ethifi #BTChallenge
55.76% of ETHFI's token distribution has been assigned to core contributors and investors. ETHFI, the governance token of Ether.Fi, the largest liquid restaking protocol, debuted at $4.13 following its distribution through an airdrop and participation in a Binance Launchpad round. However, the token has since experienced a decline of over 20%. At the time of this writing, ETHFI is being traded at $3.60 on Binance, with a trading volume exceeding $118 million within the first 45 minutes of trading. The token's fully diluted value (FDV), reflecting its market value if the entire supply were in circulation, stands at $3.6 billion. More than $2 billion worth of the FDUSD stablecoin and 17.3 million BNB ($10 billion) were staked on the Binance Launchpad, entitling Launchpad stakers to a proportionate allocation of ETHFI based on their staked amounts. Several tokens recently listed on Binance's launchpad experienced declines post-release: ARKM dropped from its debut price of 90 cents to 30 cents, while PORTAL fell from $3.60 to $2.08 shortly after issuance. The maximum supply of ETHFI is capped at one billion tokens, with 20 million allocated to the Binance Launchpad and 60 million set aside for "season one" of the token airdrop, which concluded on March 15. An additional 50 million tokens will be distributed after "season two." Investors will receive 32.5% of the token's total supply over a two-year vesting period, while core contributors will receive 23.26% over three years. The initial circulating supply will consist of 115.2 million tokens. According to DefiLlama, Ether.Fi's total value locked (TVL) has surged by 117% in the last 30 days, with total deposits nearing $3 billion. Restaking is a strategy employed by ETH stakers seeking to generate additional yield. Through protocols like Ether.Fi, stakers receive a liquid restaking token (LRT) that can be utilized on other platforms, along with loyalty points convertible into token airdrops. #HotTrends #ETHFI #ETHFILAUNCHPOOL #ethifi #Cryptocurrencies
55.76% of ETHFI's token distribution has been assigned to core contributors and investors.

ETHFI, the governance token of Ether.Fi, the largest liquid restaking protocol, debuted at $4.13 following its distribution through an airdrop and participation in a Binance Launchpad round. However, the token has since experienced a decline of over 20%.

At the time of this writing, ETHFI is being traded at $3.60 on Binance, with a trading volume exceeding $118 million within the first 45 minutes of trading. The token's fully diluted value (FDV), reflecting its market value if the entire supply were in circulation, stands at $3.6 billion.

More than $2 billion worth of the FDUSD stablecoin and 17.3 million BNB ($10 billion) were staked on the Binance Launchpad, entitling Launchpad stakers to a proportionate allocation of ETHFI based on their staked amounts.

Several tokens recently listed on Binance's launchpad experienced declines post-release: ARKM dropped from its debut price of 90 cents to 30 cents, while PORTAL fell from $3.60 to $2.08 shortly after issuance.

The maximum supply of ETHFI is capped at one billion tokens, with 20 million allocated to the Binance Launchpad and 60 million set aside for "season one" of the token airdrop, which concluded on March 15. An additional 50 million tokens will be distributed after "season two."

Investors will receive 32.5% of the token's total supply over a two-year vesting period, while core contributors will receive 23.26% over three years. The initial circulating supply will consist of 115.2 million tokens.

According to DefiLlama, Ether.Fi's total value locked (TVL) has surged by 117% in the last 30 days, with total deposits nearing $3 billion.

Restaking is a strategy employed by ETH stakers seeking to generate additional yield. Through protocols like Ether.Fi, stakers receive a liquid restaking token (LRT) that can be utilized on other platforms, along with loyalty points convertible into token airdrops. #HotTrends #ETHFI #ETHFILAUNCHPOOL #ethifi #Cryptocurrencies
Get Free air drop ETHIFI_avive_bitcoin #Avive - Proof Of Networking Protocol If you missed #BTC and #ETH , do not miss #Avive 👉Click this link to register #ETH #BTC #ethifi
Get Free air drop ETHIFI_avive_bitcoin

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#ETH #BTC #ethifi
Over the last four hours, the ETHIF/USDT trading pair has experienced dynamic movements, reflecting the broader market's volatility and specific interest in Ethereum Infinity (ETHIF). The session opened with ETHIF priced at $0.85, showing early bullish momentum that quickly pushed the price to $0.87 within the first hour. This surge was likely influenced by positive news surrounding Ethereum Infinity’s latest protocol updates.Following the initial spike, the pair encountered significant resistance at $0.87, causing a retracement to $0.84. This pullback saw increased selling pressure as traders capitalized on short-term gains. The trading volume during this phase remained relatively high, indicating active market participation and a tug-of-war between bulls and bears.#ETHIFIUSDT #ethifi $ETHFI {spot}(ETHFIUSDT)
Over the last four hours, the ETHIF/USDT trading pair has experienced dynamic movements, reflecting the broader market's volatility and specific interest in Ethereum Infinity (ETHIF). The session opened with ETHIF priced at $0.85, showing early bullish momentum that quickly pushed the price to $0.87 within the first hour. This surge was likely influenced by positive news surrounding Ethereum Infinity’s latest protocol updates.Following the initial spike, the pair encountered significant resistance at $0.87, causing a retracement to $0.84. This pullback saw increased selling pressure as traders capitalized on short-term gains. The trading volume during this phase remained relatively high, indicating active market participation and a tug-of-war between bulls and bears.#ETHIFIUSDT #ethifi $ETHFI
🚀 ETHFI/USDC Trading Analysis🚀 📊 Overview: Current Price: $1.507 24-Hour High: $1.590 24-Hour Low: $1.332 Trading Volume (ETHFI): 74,259 Trading Volume (USDC): 112,193 🔍 Technical Insights: The chart shows green and red candlesticks. Green indicates price increases, while red indicates price decreases. The purple trend line suggests a potential trend. 🔥 Support & Resistance: Support Level: Around $1.332 (previous low) Resistance Level: Near $1.590 (recent high) 📈 Entry Strategy: Consider buying if the price breaks above $1.590. Set a stop-loss below the support level at $1.332. 📉 Risk Management: Always manage risk by using appropriate position sizing and stop-loss orders. If you meed dear any further details ask me ,I will guide you properly ☺️🤌🚀🔥#ethifi #CryptoMarketMoves #Alert🔴 #Write2Earn! #BinanceTurns7
🚀 ETHFI/USDC Trading Analysis🚀

📊 Overview:
Current Price: $1.507
24-Hour High: $1.590
24-Hour Low: $1.332
Trading Volume (ETHFI): 74,259
Trading Volume (USDC): 112,193

🔍 Technical Insights:
The chart shows green and red candlesticks.
Green indicates price increases, while red indicates price decreases.
The purple trend line suggests a potential trend.

🔥 Support & Resistance:
Support Level: Around $1.332 (previous low)
Resistance Level: Near $1.590 (recent high)

📈 Entry Strategy:
Consider buying if the price breaks above $1.590.
Set a stop-loss below the support level at $1.332.

📉 Risk Management:
Always manage risk by using appropriate position sizing and stop-loss orders.

If you meed dear any further details ask me ,I will guide you properly ☺️🤌🚀🔥#ethifi #CryptoMarketMoves #Alert🔴 #Write2Earn! #BinanceTurns7
ETHFI: A new era in decentralized Governance Digital finance is transforming bridled by introduction of ETHFI draw by, the governance token by This accomplishment demonstrates an appreciable movement towards a more decent centralized and giving power to the users. Ethereum 2.0 incubator – a project that was at the forefront of staking inside the Ethereum ecosystem through the concepts of delegated non-custodial staking and now moves on to full decentralization. And if for more than 800,000 ETH in Total Value Locked (TVL) and likewise more than 250,000 of the wallets staking actively introduced the ETHFI token, it is already the unique change. Being governance token, contribute to the substance of the protocol's users and the DeFi community, which is intended. Empowering the community The brand launch is not only an operator achievement but also a clearly shared commitment to empowering the community. The team stands to alter the notion of user involvement in the projects decision-making processes and policies-making through enabling the token holders to take part in governance. This model imbues leadership with whose destiny is in their hands.'s token ETHFI is designed with a maximum available supply of 1 billion tokens, which emphasizes the commitment of to a stable and inflation-proof economy. The token distribution plan is as sharp as a razor though considered loyal to both the community and their contribution, as airdrops done in two stages of season 1 (6%) and second season (5%) respectively. It is not only a strategy that facilitates early-birds but also boosts on-going engagement. The eligibility of what is to be airdropped has been purposely designed in a manner that takes into account the different stakeholders, early adopters, frequent users of among others, the ecosystem. The requirements comprise Early Adopter Program participation featuring Ether.Fan digital collectibles and staking, to name a few. $ETHFI $ETH #Ether.Fi #ETHFI⁩ #ethifi
ETHFI: A new era in decentralized Governance

Digital finance is transforming bridled by introduction of ETHFI draw by, the governance token by This accomplishment demonstrates an appreciable movement towards a more decent centralized and giving power to the users.

Ethereum 2.0 incubator – a project that was at the forefront of staking inside the Ethereum ecosystem through the concepts of delegated non-custodial staking and now moves on to full decentralization. And if for more than 800,000 ETH in Total Value Locked (TVL) and likewise more than 250,000 of the wallets staking actively introduced the ETHFI token, it is already the unique change. Being governance token, contribute to the substance of the protocol's users and the DeFi community, which is intended.

Empowering the community
The brand launch is not only an operator achievement but also a clearly shared commitment to empowering the community. The team stands to alter the notion of user involvement in the projects decision-making processes and policies-making through enabling the token holders to take part in governance. This model imbues leadership with whose destiny is in their hands.'s token ETHFI is designed with a maximum available supply of 1 billion tokens, which emphasizes the commitment of to a stable and inflation-proof economy. The token distribution plan is as sharp as a razor though considered loyal to both the community and their contribution, as airdrops done in two stages of season 1 (6%) and second season (5%) respectively. It is not only a strategy that facilitates early-birds but also boosts on-going engagement.

The eligibility of what is to be airdropped has been purposely designed in a manner that takes into account the different stakeholders, early adopters, frequent users of among others, the ecosystem. The requirements comprise Early Adopter Program participation featuring Ether.Fan digital collectibles and staking, to name a few.
$ETHFI $ETH #Ether.Fi #ETHFI⁩ #ethifi
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