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  • The Institutional Crypto Outlook Survey consists of insights generated from more than 200 global institutional investors.

  • 63.5% of respondents indicated that they are positive about the outlook of crypto over the next 12 months. The magnitude of investor optimism increased further when asked about their outlook for the next decade, with an overwhelming majority (88.0%) indicating that they are positive.

  • 47.1% of institutional investors maintained their crypto allocation over the past year and over a third (35.6%) increased their allocation in the same period. Going forward, most (50%) expect to increase their allocation, with only 4.3% expecting to reduce allocation to crypto in the next 12 months.

  • Infrastructure, L1 and L2 are areas of focus among institutional investors. 53.9% of investors found infrastructure to be the sector of most importance to them or their fund. This was closely followed by L1 and L2 sectors at 48.1% and 43.8% respectively. In terms of usage, DeFi dApps were the most widely used in recent months.

  • Institutional investors believe more real-world use cases and improvements in regulatory clarity will help drive crypto adoption.


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