Preț Solana (SOL)

1 Solana este egal cu R$1,254.68 BRL-6.33%1Z
Ultima actualizare a paginii la: 2025-02-02 14:03 (UTC+0)
Ce părere aveți despre Solana astăzi?
Notă: Aceste informații sunt doar cu titlu de referință.

Prețul SOL astăzi

Prețul live al Solana este de R$1,254.68 per (SOL/BRL), cu o capitalizare de piață curentă de R$611.01B BRL. Volumul de tranzacționare în 24 de ore este de R$30.95B BRL. Prețul SOL în BRL este actualizat în timp real. Prețul Solana s-a modificat cu -6.33% în ultimele 24 de ore cu un fond în circulație de 486.98M.
Istoricul prețului SOL BRL
Comparație dateModificare sumă% modificare
30 zileR$-1.850343-0.15%
60 de zileR$-106.75-7.84%
90 de zileR$290.72+30.16%

Informații despre piața SOL

Minim și maxim în 24 de ore
Minim: R$1,222.46
Maxim: R$1,345.81
Cel mai mare și cel mai mic preț plătit pentru acest activ în 24 de ore.
Maxim absolut
Cel mai mare preț plătit pentru acest activ de când a fost lansat sau listat.
Modificarea prețului (1h)
Modificarea procentuală a prețului pentru acest activ în comparație cu acum 1 oră.
Modificarea prețului (24h)
Modificarea procentuală a prețului pentru acest activ în comparație cu acum 24 de ore.
Modificarea prețului (7z)
Modificarea procentuală a prețului pentru acest activ în comparație cu acum 7 zile.

Informații despre piața SOL

Popularitatea se bazează pe capitalizarea de piață relativă a activelor.
Capitalizare de piață
Capitalizarea de piață se calculează prin înmulțirea fondului în circulație al activului cu prețul său curent.
Volum (24 de ore)
Valoarea totală în dolari a tuturor tranzacțiilor pentru acest activ în ultimele 24 de ore.
Fond în circulație
Numărul de monede care circulă pe piață și sunt disponibile publicului pentru tranzacționare, similar cu acțiunile tranzacționate public pe piața de valori.
Rezerva maximă totală
Numărul total de tokenuri care vor fi create vreodată pentru criptomonedă, similar cu acțiunile complet diluate de pe piața de valori. Dacă aceste date nu sunt furnizate sau verificate de CoinMarketCap, oferta maximă este afișată ca „--”.
Capitalizare de piață complet diluată
Numărul total de tokenuri care vor fi create vreodată pentru criptomonedă, similar cu acțiunile complet diluate de pe piața de valori. Dacă aceste date nu sunt furnizate sau verificate de CoinMarketCap, oferta maximă este afișată ca „--”.
Data emiterii

Ce puteți face cu Solana (SOL)?

Explorați cum să vă utilizați criptomonedele cu Binance.

What is Solana (SOL)?

Solana is an independent Layer 1 blockchain created as a fast and efficient network with an underlying smart contract protocol. Since its launch in 2020, the Solana network has been dubbed a competitor to Ethereum, and even nicknamed ‘The Ethereum Killer’. 

The network’s scalability, combined with its low fees and high speed, makes it a leading choice for many NFT-based decentralized applications (dApps), as well as decentralized finance (DeFi) and digital blockchain-based payment ecosystems.

The Solana network focuses on high transaction throughput and short processing time, which it achieves via its Proof-of-History (PoH) technology. Solana claims to be able to process 65,000 transactions per second, making it one of the fastest in the industry.

The Solana blockchain linearly hashes transactions to create a verifiable order of all the network's activity in order to reach the aforementioned speed. Because of this, there's no need to rely on a block creator's timestamp, or for network validators to check the transaction order.

The Solana network was co-founded in 2017 by systems engineer and computer programmer Anatoly Yakovenko and current Solana COO Raj Gokal.  The network operates on the PoH timing mechanism, which was implemented prior to the consensus layer that now operates on a proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm.

Solana's native token, SOL, is primarily used for staking to support the validation process, and in transaction fees for peer-to-peer (P2P) payments. It best fulfils these functions through an unlimited token supply. However, the blockchain burns 50% of the SOL used in each transaction fee as part of the formula for maintaining its year-on-year inflationary rate.

The remaining 50% of the transaction fee is awarded to the validators of the transaction. Anyone holding enough SOL is able to become a network validator or a delegator to a validator and support the consensus process needed to run the independent blockchain. This mechanism is used to generate rewards for users who stake in support of the Solana blockchain. SOL price is updated live on Binance.

A major breach occurred on the Solana network early on August 3 2022. Decentralized wallet apps, Phantom and Slope, which both work in accordance with the Solana network, publicized the attacks on social media to inform the public.

In total, the hacks resulted in an estimated $8 million in SOL being drained from around 8,000 wallets. The affected wallets were all found to have interacted with other applications within both the iOS and Android mobile operating systems. The source of the hack and whether or not the affected wallet owners would be reimbursed remained unknown.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Solana SOL

  1. What is Solana (SOL) Used For?

    Solana (SOL) can be used to make payments, and access and build dApps. Since the recent ETH security breaches, Solana is now increasingly being used to mint NFTs. It has a DeFi ecosystem that allows SOL holders to stake tokens to earn APY.

    One of Solana’s key focuses is building scalable dApps, making the network particularly useful for enterprise use cases. Solana price updates can be viewed on Binance. 

  2. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work on Solana (SOL)?

    Solana uses a combination of Proof-of-History (PoH) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to achieve fast and efficient transaction validation. PoH generates a verifiable timestamp for each transaction, allowing validators to agree on transaction order and time. PoS allows validators to participate in the network by staking SOL tokens, with validators selected based on staked amount. By combining Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS), the Solana network has established an efficient, robust, and flexible approach to verifying transactions by increasing transaction speed and security.

  3. Who Founded Solana (SOL)?

    Solana was developed by Russian-born US citizen Anatoly Yakovenko. As a child, Yakovenko migrated to the US with his parents in the ’90s and discovered a passion for computer science and coding from an early age. Solana’s co-founder and current COO is Raj Gokal, an avid developer, investor, and creator himself.He reconnected with Anatoly Yakovenko over coffee in 2017, after which the two began developing the network almost immediately.

  4. What is the Maximum SOL Token Supply and Current Circulating Token Amount?

    SOL has an unlimited supply but there is a network burn protocol in place that burns 50% of the SOL charged on every Solana network transaction. The Solana Foundation announced that only 489 million SOL tokens would be released into circulation. According to the latest numbers, just under 330 million tokens are currently in circulation.

  5. Is Solana Better Than ETH? 

    Both Solana and Ethereum offer similar services, and any decision to use either one should be based on the unique, specific needs of the individual or enterprise. The two networks can also be compared by looking at their respective number of dApps, transaction speeds, and users, among other metrics.

    Solana does boast far greater throughput and shorter processing times than Ethereum, since it was technically developed as a solution to limitations seen on Ethereum and other earlier blockchain networks.

  6. How to Buy Solana? 

    Solana (SOL) can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card. Solana (SOL) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance exchange. Live SOL price is updated in real-time on Binance. For additional instructions and information, users can read our How to Buy Solana (SOL) Guide.

  7. How Much Will Solana Be Worth in Future?

    Check out our Solana Price Prediction page — when deciding on your own price targets. Data displayed are based on user input and not Binance's opinion.

  8. What is Solano Price Now?

    Are you looking for Solana Price when you typed Solano Price? Live Solana price is updated in real-time on Binance.

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