Preț Chromia (CHR)

1 Chromia este egal cu ¥ 2.261587 CNY-4.72%1Z
Ultima actualizare a paginii la: 2024-12-15 12:52 (UTC+0)
Ce părere aveți despre Chromia astăzi?
Notă: Aceste informații sunt doar cu titlu de referință.

Prețul CHR astăzi

Prețul live al Chromia este de ¥ 2.261587 per (CHR/CNY), cu o capitalizare de piață curentă de ¥ 1.87B CNY. Volumul de tranzacționare în 24 de ore este de ¥ 130.98M CNY. Prețul CHR în CNY este actualizat în timp real. Prețul Chromia s-a modificat cu -4.72% în ultimele 24 de ore cu un fond în circulație de 826.27M.
Istoricul prețului CHR CNY
Comparație dateModificare sumă% modificare
Astăzi¥ -0.112008-4.72%
30 zile¥ 0.905376+66.76%
60 de zile¥ 0.900268+66.13%
90 de zile¥ 0.935447+70.54%

Informații despre piața CHR

Minim și maxim în 24 de ore
Minim: ¥ 2.199038
Maxim: ¥ 2.378233
Cel mai mare și cel mai mic preț plătit pentru acest activ în 24 de ore.
Maxim absolut
¥ 10.92
Cel mai mare preț plătit pentru acest activ de când a fost lansat sau listat.
Modificarea prețului (1h)
Modificarea procentuală a prețului pentru acest activ în comparație cu acum 1 oră.
Modificarea prețului (24h)
Modificarea procentuală a prețului pentru acest activ în comparație cu acum 24 de ore.
Modificarea prețului (7z)
Modificarea procentuală a prețului pentru acest activ în comparație cu acum 7 zile.

Informații despre piața CHR

Popularitatea se bazează pe capitalizarea de piață relativă a activelor.
Capitalizare de piață
¥ 1.87B
Capitalizarea de piață se calculează prin înmulțirea fondului în circulație al activului cu prețul său curent.
Volum (24 de ore)
¥ 130.98M
Valoarea totală în dolari a tuturor tranzacțiilor pentru acest activ în ultimele 24 de ore.
Fond în circulație
Numărul de monede care circulă pe piață și sunt disponibile publicului pentru tranzacționare, similar cu acțiunile tranzacționate public pe piața de valori.
Rezerva maximă totală
Numărul total de tokenuri care vor fi create vreodată pentru criptomonedă, similar cu acțiunile complet diluate de pe piața de valori. Dacă aceste date nu sunt furnizate sau verificate de CoinMarketCap, oferta maximă este afișată ca „--”.
Capitalizare de piață complet diluată
¥ 2.21B
Numărul total de tokenuri care vor fi create vreodată pentru criptomonedă, similar cu acțiunile complet diluate de pe piața de valori. Dacă aceste date nu sunt furnizate sau verificate de CoinMarketCap, oferta maximă este afișată ca „--”.
Data emiterii

Ce puteți face cu Chromia (CHR)?

Explorați cum să vă utilizați criptomonedele cu Binance.

About Chromia (CHR)

Chromia is a blockchain platform and self-proclaimed relational database. A relational database is the fundamental structure most often used to enable networking on social media platforms, banking, and other modern implementations. It is the science which is used to develop databases characterized by objects or conditions which relate to one another.

Chromia is an open-source blockchain network which is layer 1 in its fundamental function and design. The platform, however, boasts of being able to function also as a layer 2 solution. Chromia is interoperable with the BNB Chain and Ethereum blockchain networks.

The fundamental aim and purpose of the network is described as being to encourage a blockchain environment which enables developers to easily build decentralized applications (dApps) which make sense in real-world use. Chromia was developed by Chromaway AB, a Swedish-based start-up led by seasoned engineers with an established history in the crypto space.

Chromia highlights the network’s ability to operate as a layer 1 and layer 2 as a distinguished feature of the platform. The platform also claims that its implementation helps to deliver a faster development experience. Chromia claims the simplicity employed in the development process enables its blockchain to support coding that can be done an average of seven to ten times faster than other implementations.

The Chromia platform has live implementations of dApps which have been developed and deployed on the network across different disciplines and purposes. DApps on Chromia include the DeFi specialty Hedget, a platform which claims to automate crypto hedging as a featured protocol.

Chromia supports gaming developments, with My Neighbor Alice ($ALICE) being a featured innovation. The multiplayer builder game has attracted millions of users since being released in Q2 of 2022. Chromia also supports enterprise use, with LAC Property Chain as its featured product in the category. LAC is described by Chromia, as a Latin American and Caribbean land administration initiative supported by the Chromia blockchain.

Chromia is powered by Rell, which it describes as a new blockchain and database language that employs static typing expressiveness and security to the blockchain environment. It does so while requiring ten times fewer lines of code than traditional blockchains according to information published by Chromia.

The blockchain platform is powered by the network cryptocurrency asset. Chromia’s network token is known by its token ticker $CHR. The current price of Chromia is updated and available real-time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Chromia

  1. What is CHR Used For?

    CHR is used as a platform, or network token which is accepted for gas and dApps fees collected by decentralized applications launched on the blockchain platform. CHR is used as the reserve currency for dApps as well which can be pegged to the application’s specific token.

    Staking incentives are structured in the ecosystem in different ways. Individuals can be rewarded CHR for providing liquidity in different Chromia network and application functionality.

    CHR price can be affected by network usage and other processes, as well as trade and open cryptocurrency market influences.

  2. How Does Network Consensus And Validation Work On Chromia?

    Chromia employs a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus algorithm at its fundamental level. BFT is a style of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus.

    Due to the design and nature of the blockchain, Chromia encourages individual sidechains developed for each decentralized application launched on the blockchain platform to attach to another form of consensus in an additional security layer. This model encourages the inherent interoperability supported by the platform.

    A sidechain could be fundamentally supported by the native BFT model, and then attached to Bitcoin’s UTXO-based Proof-of-work (PoW) model due to its intended functionality.

  3. Who Is The Founder of Chromia?

    Chromia was founded by Chromaway AB, a Swedish tech start-up. The company was founded and is directed by seasoned blockchain experts Henrik Hjelte, Or Perelman and Alex Mizrahi.

    The trio were responsible for founding the blockchain token protocol Colored Coins and the Bitcoin wallet, Safebit. Both were completed prior to developing and ultimately launching Chromia in the spring/summer of 2019.

  4. What is the Maximum Token Supply of CHR?

    The maximum token supply is established at 1,000,000,000 CHR. At the time of writing, there are 690,499,228 CHR actively circulating.

  5. What Makes Chromia Different From Others?

    Chromia seeks to make decentralized application development easier for everyone. This is in an effort to encourage the further development of blockchain-supported innovation on a real-world basis.

    While Chromia seeks to accomplish this aim and mission through the technology developed by the platform, the ecosystem also stands out for its network design. Its design enables all dApps developed thereon to operate more efficiently on its own sidechain. This feature is a highlight of the Chromia blockchain ecosystem.

  6. How To Buy Chromia (CHR)?

    Chromia (CHR) can be purchased directly from Binance by using a debit or credit card. Chromia (CHR) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. Live Chromia price is updated in real-time. CHR price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How to Buy Chromia (CHR) Guide.

CHR în moneda locală

1 CHR în USD$ 0.310658
1 CHR în TRY$ 0.310658
1 CHR în RUB$ 0.310658
1 CHR în EUR$ 0.310658
1 CHR în AED$ 0.310658
1 CHR în AUD$ 0.310658
1 CHR în BRL$ 0.310658
1 CHR în VND$ 0.310658
1 CHR în IDR$ 0.310658
Ultima actualizare: 2024/12/15 12:52 (UTC)

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