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​HiBlock is a dynamic platform that combines accelerator, social engagement, and investment opportunities in the blockchain space.
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【AI & Web3 In Green↑】
【AI & Web3 In Green↑】
【邀请函】 “AI & Web3 In Green↑” Side Event——巴厘岛Coinfest Asia 2024 “绿色增长促进可持续发展”品牌酒会亚洲最大的 Web3 盛会——Coinfest Asia,即将于2024年8月22日至23日在巴厘岛Nuanu城举行,其主题为“创新与应用的交汇点——where Innovation Meets Adoption”,致力于推动 Web3 在亚洲的全面应用。据闻,此次峰会预计将吸引超过 6000 名来自全球的加密货币和区块链专业人士及爱好者,目前已有 200 多位全球顶尖的 Web3 领袖确认出席。 在 Coinfest Asia 峰会期间,HiBlock 与 Polaris Marketing 携手打造了一场以绿色为主题的“AI&Web3 in Green”海滩别墅泳池 Party 。“IN GREEN”寓意着 Web3 的绿色增长,促进可持续性发展。绿色,在这里象征着巴厘岛繁茂的丛林、葱郁的稻田和澄澈的河流;代表着交易市场蒸蒸日上的上升曲线,承载着对行业蓬勃发展的美好期许;体现了环保可持续发展(ESG)的理念与责任。AI 和 Web3 技术如同市场中的珍稀绿洲,为企业的壮大和社会的进步加速助力!   活动亮点: 顶尖项目方、VC机构、头部交易所以及区块链行业的意见领袖将受邀莅临,参与主题演讲和圆桌讨论,分享前沿观点和独到见解。众多卓越的印尼及东南亚最具影响力的社区媒体、KOL、项目创始人以及富有远见的投资者也将汇聚一堂,为行业从业者缔造了难能可贵的交流契机。迷人的海滩、醇香的美酒、迷人的美景,荷尔蒙爆棚的泳池蹦迪,还有能点燃内心躁动的DJ嗨曲……准备好沉浸在这个让身心灵全然放松、无与伦比的难忘夜晚吧! 值得一提的是,据相关数据统计,印尼人口中位数为30岁,以年轻人居多,Web3 用户多达 1200 万,无疑是 Web3 领域的一片蓝海市场。数字化作为印度尼西亚的关键增长战略,预计到2025年,将为其带来1500亿美元的经济增长。巴厘岛作为数字游民的Web3 乐土,在整个东南亚地区占据着重要地位。由 HiBlock 和 Polaris Marketing 联合策划的这场绿色主题“AI&Web3 in Green↑”的 after party,不仅与国际知名主流媒体、社区以及 KOL 同步宣传发布,同时还与印尼当地众多头部项目以及影响力最大的媒体和社区通力合作,势必将合作方的品牌以及活动的影响力推向全新的高度。 活动详情: 地点:注册报名将以邮件形式呈送 时间:2024年8月22日,晚上19:00 - 23:00 着装要求:请为你的服装点缀些绿色装饰,以契合活动主题(如果你想享受标志性别墅美景泳池,请不要忘记带上您的泳衣!)   报名链接: Luma: Eventbrite: 如有意愿参与合作或赞助支持我们的活动,请联系我们: Email:; Telegram: @ TONG11128; @Susan_ventures Wechat: 13681558779; ZackaryZeng   联合发起方介绍: Polaris Marketing 是一家新锐创意的 Web3 营销机构,专注于打造 Web3 品牌营销与市场增长。我们通过创新的营销策略和彻底的执行力,帮助客户在瞬息变化的市场环境中,获得可持续性的品牌关注度与数据增长。欢迎联系获取进一步资讯! 联系方式 HiBlock 是一个致力于服务科技初创企业的平台,将加速器、社交互动和投资机会相结合。我们通过加速器、Demoday和导师计划支持初创企业,促进社区参与,帮助初创团队及企业以多维度、全周期的方式,构建商业护城河。 联系方式  

【邀请函】 “AI & Web3 In Green↑” Side Event——巴厘岛Coinfest Asia 2024 “绿色增长促进可持续发展”品牌酒会

亚洲最大的 Web3 盛会——Coinfest Asia,即将于2024年8月22日至23日在巴厘岛Nuanu城举行,其主题为“创新与应用的交汇点——where Innovation Meets Adoption”,致力于推动 Web3 在亚洲的全面应用。据闻,此次峰会预计将吸引超过 6000 名来自全球的加密货币和区块链专业人士及爱好者,目前已有 200 多位全球顶尖的 Web3 领袖确认出席。
在 Coinfest Asia 峰会期间,HiBlock 与 Polaris Marketing 携手打造了一场以绿色为主题的“AI&Web3 in Green”海滩别墅泳池 Party 。“IN GREEN”寓意着 Web3 的绿色增长,促进可持续性发展。绿色,在这里象征着巴厘岛繁茂的丛林、葱郁的稻田和澄澈的河流;代表着交易市场蒸蒸日上的上升曲线,承载着对行业蓬勃发展的美好期许;体现了环保可持续发展(ESG)的理念与责任。AI 和 Web3 技术如同市场中的珍稀绿洲,为企业的壮大和社会的进步加速助力!

值得一提的是,据相关数据统计,印尼人口中位数为30岁,以年轻人居多,Web3 用户多达 1200 万,无疑是 Web3 领域的一片蓝海市场。数字化作为印度尼西亚的关键增长战略,预计到2025年,将为其带来1500亿美元的经济增长。巴厘岛作为数字游民的Web3 乐土,在整个东南亚地区占据着重要地位。由 HiBlock 和 Polaris Marketing 联合策划的这场绿色主题“AI&Web3 in Green↑”的 after party,不仅与国际知名主流媒体、社区以及 KOL 同步宣传发布,同时还与印尼当地众多头部项目以及影响力最大的媒体和社区通力合作,势必将合作方的品牌以及活动的影响力推向全新的高度。
时间:2024年8月22日,晚上19:00 - 23:00

Telegram: @ TONG11128; @Susan_ventures
Wechat: 13681558779; ZackaryZeng
Polaris Marketing 是一家新锐创意的 Web3 营销机构,专注于打造 Web3 品牌营销与市场增长。我们通过创新的营销策略和彻底的执行力,帮助客户在瞬息变化的市场环境中,获得可持续性的品牌关注度与数据增长。欢迎联系获取进一步资讯!
HiBlock 是一个致力于服务科技初创企业的平台,将加速器、社交互动和投资机会相结合。我们通过加速器、Demoday和导师计划支持初创企业,促进社区参与,帮助初创团队及企业以多维度、全周期的方式,构建商业护城河。
亚洲最大的 Web3 盛会—Coinfest Asia期间, HiBlock 与 Polaris Marketing 携手打造绿色主题的“AI&Web3 in Green”海滩别墅泳池 Party 地点:注册报名将以邮件形式呈送 时间:8月22日,19:00 - 23:00 着装要求:请为你的服装点缀些绿色装饰 报名链接: #BTC☀ #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #币安7周年
亚洲最大的 Web3 盛会—Coinfest Asia期间,
HiBlock 与 Polaris Marketing 携手打造绿色主题的“AI&Web3 in Green”海滩别墅泳池 Party
时间:8月22日,19:00 - 23:00

#BTC☀ #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #币安7周年
【Invitation Letter 】“AI&Web3 In Green↑” Side Event @ Coinfest Asia 2024BALI Coinfest Asia 2024 “Green Growth for Sustainable Development” after party Coinfest Asia, the largest Web3 event in Asia, will be held in Nuanu, Bali, on August 22-23, 2024. Themed "Where Innovation Meets Adoption," the summit aims to drive the widespread adoption of Web3 in Asia. The event is expected to attractover 6,000 cryptocurrency and blockchain professionals and enthusiasts from around the world, and has already confirmed the attendance of over 200 top Web3 leaders globally. During the Coinfest Asia summit, HiBlock & Polaris Marketing will host an exclusive "AI & Web3 in Green↑" villa pool party. "IN GREEN" symbolizes promoting sustainable growth in AI & Web3. “Green” represents the lush jungles, verdant rice paddies, and crystal-clear rivers of Bali; it signifies the upward trajectory of the trading market, symbolizing the thriving momentum and aspirations of the industry; it embodies the principles and responsibilities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) sustainable development. AI and Web3 technologies are like rare green oases in the market, accelerating the growth of enterprises and the progress of society! Event Highlights: Top project developers, VC institutions, leading exchanges, and industry opinion leaders will be invited to attend, participate in keynote speeches and panel discussions, and share their cutting-edge insights and unique perspectives.Many outstanding Indonesian and Southeast Asian most influential community media, KOLs, project founders, and visionary investors will also gather together, creating invaluable networking opportunities for industry practitioners.Enchanting beaches, fine wine, breathtaking scenery, pool parties with hormones bursting, and DJ beats that ignite the inner flame ... Get ready to immerse yourself in this unforgettable night of complete relaxation and unparalleled fun! Indonesia: A Thriving Market for Web3. According to statistics, the median age of the Indonesian population is 30 years old, with a majority of young people. There are 12 million Web3 users, making it undoubtedly a blue ocean market in the Web3 domain. Digitization is a key growth strategy for Indonesia, and is projected to generate $150 billion in economic growth by 2025. Bali, as a Web3 paradise for digital nomads, occupies an important position in the entire Southeast Asia region. The "AI & Web3 in Green↑" after party, co-organized by HiBlock & Polaris Marketing, jointly planned by HiBlock and Polaris Marketing, will not only be promoted and released simultaneously with internationally renowned mainstream media, communities, and KOLs, but also will work closely with many leading projects and the most influential media and communities in Indonesia. It is bound to push the brand and influence of the partners to a new level. Event Details: Venue: To be sent via email upon registration Time: August 22nd, 2024, 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Dress Code: Please add a touch of green to your attire to match the event theme (and don't forget to bring your swimsuit if you want to enjoy the iconic river villa pool views!) Registration Links: Luma: Eventbrite: For partnership or sponsorship opportunities, please contact us: Email: TG:@ TONG11128; @Susan_ventures Wechat: 13681558779; ZackaryZeng About the Co-organizers Polaris Marketing is an innovative Web3 marketing agency focused on brand marketing and market growth for Web3 projects. Through creative marketing strategies and comprehensive execution, Polaris Marketing helps clients achieve sustainable brand awareness and data growth in a rapidly changing market environment. For market brand building inquiries, please contact the Polaris Team: HiBlock is a leading platform dedicated to serving tech startups, combining accelerators, social interactions, and investment opportunities. We support startups through accelerators, Demo Day events, and mentorship programs, fostering community engagement and helping early-stage teams and companies build a robust business moat through multi-dimensional and full-cycle approaches. #BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗

【Invitation Letter 】“AI&Web3 In Green↑” Side Event @ Coinfest Asia 2024

BALI Coinfest Asia 2024 “Green Growth for Sustainable Development” after party
Coinfest Asia, the largest Web3 event in Asia, will be held in Nuanu, Bali, on August 22-23, 2024. Themed "Where Innovation Meets Adoption," the summit aims to drive the widespread adoption of Web3 in Asia. The event is expected to attractover 6,000 cryptocurrency and blockchain professionals and enthusiasts from around the world, and has already confirmed the attendance of over 200 top Web3 leaders globally.
During the Coinfest Asia summit, HiBlock & Polaris Marketing will host an exclusive "AI & Web3 in Green↑" villa pool party. "IN GREEN" symbolizes promoting sustainable growth in AI & Web3. “Green” represents the lush jungles, verdant rice paddies, and crystal-clear rivers of Bali; it signifies the upward trajectory of the trading market, symbolizing the thriving momentum and aspirations of the industry; it embodies the principles and responsibilities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) sustainable development. AI and Web3 technologies are like rare green oases in the market, accelerating the growth of enterprises and the progress of society!

Event Highlights:
Top project developers, VC institutions, leading exchanges, and industry opinion leaders will be invited to attend, participate in keynote speeches and panel discussions, and share their cutting-edge insights and unique perspectives.Many outstanding Indonesian and Southeast Asian most influential community media, KOLs, project founders, and visionary investors will also gather together, creating invaluable networking opportunities for industry practitioners.Enchanting beaches, fine wine, breathtaking scenery, pool parties with hormones bursting, and DJ beats that ignite the inner flame ... Get ready to immerse yourself in this unforgettable night of complete relaxation and unparalleled fun!
Indonesia: A Thriving Market for Web3. According to statistics, the median age of the Indonesian population is 30 years old, with a majority of young people. There are 12 million Web3 users, making it undoubtedly a blue ocean market in the Web3 domain. Digitization is a key growth strategy for Indonesia, and is projected to generate $150 billion in economic growth by 2025. Bali, as a Web3 paradise for digital nomads, occupies an important position in the entire Southeast Asia region.
The "AI & Web3 in Green↑" after party, co-organized by HiBlock & Polaris Marketing, jointly planned by HiBlock and Polaris Marketing, will not only be promoted and released simultaneously with internationally renowned mainstream media, communities, and KOLs, but also will work closely with many leading projects and the most influential media and communities in Indonesia. It is bound to push the brand and influence of the partners to a new level.
Event Details:
Venue: To be sent via email upon registration
Time: August 22nd, 2024, 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Dress Code: Please add a touch of green to your attire to match the event theme (and don't forget to bring your swimsuit if you want to enjoy the iconic river villa pool views!)
Registration Links:
For partnership or sponsorship opportunities, please contact us:
TG:@ TONG11128; @Susan_ventures
Wechat: 13681558779; ZackaryZeng

About the Co-organizers
Polaris Marketing is an innovative Web3 marketing agency focused on brand marketing and market growth for Web3 projects. Through creative marketing strategies and comprehensive execution, Polaris Marketing helps clients achieve sustainable brand awareness and data growth in a rapidly changing market environment. For market brand building inquiries, please contact the Polaris Team:

HiBlock is a leading platform dedicated to serving tech startups, combining accelerators, social interactions, and investment opportunities. We support startups through accelerators, Demo Day events, and mentorship programs, fostering community engagement and helping early-stage teams and companies build a robust business moat through multi-dimensional and full-cycle approaches.

#BTC☀ #Bitcoin❗
【Cloud Computing Power Leasing】HiBlock Partners with Jiang Xin Cloud to Launch One-Stop Computing Power Leasing Service Aleo farmer and partners are welcome to Contact Us!!! TG: #Aleo #bitcoin #Binance #DEFI
【Cloud Computing Power Leasing】HiBlock Partners with Jiang Xin Cloud to Launch One-Stop Computing Power Leasing Service

Aleo farmer and partners are welcome to Contact Us!!!

#Aleo #bitcoin #Binance #DEFI
HiBlock Partners with Jiang Xin Cloud to Launch One-Stop Computing Power Leasing Service
Computing Power Service

HiBlock, a platform dedicated to serving technology startups, today announced a strategic partnership with computing platform Jiang Xin Cloud to officially launch a one-stop computing power service. This collaboration will combine the strengths of both companies to provide startups with more powerful and convenient computing support, empowering their innovative development.

Computing Power refers to the ability to perform computations and is an indispensable infrastructure in the digital age. With the rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, the demand for computing power is growing rapidly. For technology startups, computing power is often one of the bottlenecks that hinder their development. The traditional way to obtain computing power requires enterprises to build their own data centers, which is costly, time-consuming, and difficult to maintain.

Computing Leasing is a service that provides enterprises and individual users with the computing resources they need through leasing services based on their artificial intelligence application requirements. These leasable computing resources include graphics processing units (GPUs), virtual machines, storage, and more.

With computing leasing, users can lease servers or virtual machines to achieve large-scale computing tasks according to their needs, avoiding the high cost of hardware purchase and maintenance. Combining the characteristics of flexibility, efficiency, and low cost, computing leasing can be applied to a variety of computing demand scenarios.
According to McKinsey research, the popularization of cloud computing services is expected to contribute more than $2 trillion in new output to the global economy over the next five years and create millions of jobs. For environmental protection, centralized cloud computing can manage energy consumption more effectively than distributed data centers, promoting green and sustainable development.
The one-stop computing power service launched by HiBlock in cooperation with Jiang Xin Cloud Computing Platform provides startups with a flexible and convenient computing power acquisition solution:
On-demand leasing: Enterprises can flexibly select the computing resources they need according to their own needs, and pay as needed to avoid waste.High-performance computing power: The platform provides high-performance GPU computing resources represented by Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 to meet the high-performance computing needs of AI model training, rendering, etc.Easy to use: The platform provides a user-friendly interface and complete user guides, so that enterprises can easily use it without professional knowledge.

Computing Equipment

Computing leasing requires enterprises to have a certain level of technical strength, talent reserves, and a large amount of capital investment, including the purchase of hardware equipment, the construction, operation, and maintenance of data centers. Otherwise, it is difficult to effectively manage and operate.

Jiang Xin Cloud Platform, as a leader in the field of computing leasing, is committed to creating a one-stop computing sharing ecosystem. The founding team comes from Nvidia and Alibaba Cloud professional teams, and the employees have master’s and doctoral degrees from top universities at home and abroad. The platform is built and operated by a strong technical team, and listed companies and capital provide support. Efficiently and flexibly allocate computing resources, so that small research and development teams can also enjoy computing support similar to that of technology giants, accelerate the transformation of scientific research results and industrial upgrading.

The company is currently cooperating with high-quality customers in various fields such as colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, AI large models, autonomous driving, game media, life sciences, high-end manufacturing, robotics, etc., to provide them with intelligent computing leasing. Under the circumstances of massive increase in data volume, increasingly complex algorithm models and deeper application scenarios, it meets the new quality productivity needs of emerging industries.

Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 Product Overview: The one-stop computing power service launched this time will use Nvidia’s latest GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card. GeForce RTX 4090 is one of the most powerful consumer-grade GPUs on the market today, using the latest NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture, with up to 16384 CUDA cores, equipped with 24GB of GDDR6X memory, and supports advanced technologies such as ray tracing and deep learning super sampling (DLSS). Its powerful computing power and graphics processing performance can meet the most demanding computing needs and are ideal for AI training, scientific computing, and high-end game development.

HiBlock believes that this cooperation will provide strong computing power support to technology startups and help them develop and grow rapidly. HiBlock will work with Jiang Xin Cloud to continue to provide comprehensive services to startups and achieve their dreams. Welcome enterprises and teams with needs from all walks of life to consult and use our computing power services to jointly promote technological progress and innovative development!

🚀Contact Us:

About Jiang Xin Cloud

Jiang Xin Cloud is a high-tech enterprise focusing on computing power acceleration services and computing power management. The founding team comes from the professional teams of NVIDIA and Alibaba Cloud, and the employees have master’s and doctoral degrees from prestigious universities at home and abroad.
Through multi-level innovation in computing power underlying optimization, computing power service platform, and business ecosystem model, it provides high-cost-performance, large-scale, and on-demand GPU computing power acceleration services for users in various industries. It is widely used in universities, scientific research institutions, the Internet, finance, government and enterprises, and other users for generative AI, large language models, Metaverse, high-performance computing, creative rendering, cloud games and many other scenarios, accelerating the application delivery of various industries. Jiang Xin Cloud has built a win-win computing power ecosystem, adopting the computing power acceptance + self-procurement model, cooperating and win-win, and actively empowering domestic GPUs to go to the cloud and land applications.

About HiBlock

HiBlock is a platform dedicated to serving technology startups, combining accelerators, social interaction, and investment opportunities. We support startups through accelerators, Demodays, and mentor programs; promote community participation through HiForum, HiEvent, and HiBlog; and help startups and companies build business moats in a multi-dimensional and full-cycle manner through extensive connections with local government agencies, investors, and market participants.

Website| Linkedin| Twitter| Telegram

This article is published for information purposes only. This article does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort. It is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for any form of investment in any jurisdiction. No regulatory authority has examined or approved this document. Information is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use is contrary to local law or regulation. This information is confidential and should not be distributed, in whole or in part, beyond the recipient and its advisors. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this document is correct, HiBlock makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, and assumes no legal liability, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed.
HiBlock Partners with Jiang Xin Cloud to Launch One-Stop Computing Power Leasing ServiceComputing Power Service HiBlock, a platform dedicated to serving technology startups, today announced a strategic partnership with computing platform Jiang Xin Cloud to officially launch a one-stop computing power service. This collaboration will combine the strengths of both companies to provide startups with more powerful and convenient computing support, empowering their innovative development. Computing Power refers to the ability to perform computations and is an indispensable infrastructure in the digital age. With the rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, the demand for computing power is growing rapidly. For technology startups, computing power is often one of the bottlenecks that hinder their development. The traditional way to obtain computing power requires enterprises to build their own data centers, which is costly, time-consuming, and difficult to maintain. Computing Leasing is a service that provides enterprises and individual users with the computing resources they need through leasing services based on their artificial intelligence application requirements. These leasable computing resources include graphics processing units (GPUs), virtual machines, storage, and more. With computing leasing, users can lease servers or virtual machines to achieve large-scale computing tasks according to their needs, avoiding the high cost of hardware purchase and maintenance. Combining the characteristics of flexibility, efficiency, and low cost, computing leasing can be applied to a variety of computing demand scenarios. According to McKinsey research, the popularization of cloud computing services is expected to contribute more than $2 trillion in new output to the global economy over the next five years and create millions of jobs. For environmental protection, centralized cloud computing can manage energy consumption more effectively than distributed data centers, promoting green and sustainable development. The one-stop computing power service launched by HiBlock in cooperation with Jiang Xin Cloud Computing Platform provides startups with a flexible and convenient computing power acquisition solution: On-demand leasing: Enterprises can flexibly select the computing resources they need according to their own needs, and pay as needed to avoid waste.High-performance computing power: The platform provides high-performance GPU computing resources represented by Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 to meet the high-performance computing needs of AI model training, rendering, etc.Easy to use: The platform provides a user-friendly interface and complete user guides, so that enterprises can easily use it without professional knowledge. Computing Equipment Computing leasing requires enterprises to have a certain level of technical strength, talent reserves, and a large amount of capital investment, including the purchase of hardware equipment, the construction, operation, and maintenance of data centers. Otherwise, it is difficult to effectively manage and operate. Jiang Xin Cloud Platform, as a leader in the field of computing leasing, is committed to creating a one-stop computing sharing ecosystem. The founding team comes from Nvidia and Alibaba Cloud professional teams, and the employees have master’s and doctoral degrees from top universities at home and abroad. The platform is built and operated by a strong technical team, and listed companies and capital provide support. Efficiently and flexibly allocate computing resources, so that small research and development teams can also enjoy computing support similar to that of technology giants, accelerate the transformation of scientific research results and industrial upgrading. The company is currently cooperating with high-quality customers in various fields such as colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, AI large models, autonomous driving, game media, life sciences, high-end manufacturing, robotics, etc., to provide them with intelligent computing leasing. Under the circumstances of massive increase in data volume, increasingly complex algorithm models and deeper application scenarios, it meets the new quality productivity needs of emerging industries. Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 Product Overview: The one-stop computing power service launched this time will use Nvidia’s latest GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card. GeForce RTX 4090 is one of the most powerful consumer-grade GPUs on the market today, using the latest NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture, with up to 16384 CUDA cores, equipped with 24GB of GDDR6X memory, and supports advanced technologies such as ray tracing and deep learning super sampling (DLSS). Its powerful computing power and graphics processing performance can meet the most demanding computing needs and are ideal for AI training, scientific computing, and high-end game development. HiBlock believes that this cooperation will provide strong computing power support to technology startups and help them develop and grow rapidly. HiBlock will work with Jiang Xin Cloud to continue to provide comprehensive services to startups and achieve their dreams. Welcome enterprises and teams with needs from all walks of life to consult and use our computing power services to jointly promote technological progress and innovative development! 🚀Contact Us: TG: About Jiang Xin Cloud Jiang Xin Cloud is a high-tech enterprise focusing on computing power acceleration services and computing power management. The founding team comes from the professional teams of NVIDIA and Alibaba Cloud, and the employees have master’s and doctoral degrees from prestigious universities at home and abroad. Through multi-level innovation in computing power underlying optimization, computing power service platform, and business ecosystem model, it provides high-cost-performance, large-scale, and on-demand GPU computing power acceleration services for users in various industries. It is widely used in universities, scientific research institutions, the Internet, finance, government and enterprises, and other users for generative AI, large language models, Metaverse, high-performance computing, creative rendering, cloud games and many other scenarios, accelerating the application delivery of various industries. Jiang Xin Cloud has built a win-win computing power ecosystem, adopting the computing power acceptance + self-procurement model, cooperating and win-win, and actively empowering domestic GPUs to go to the cloud and land applications. About HiBlock HiBlock is a platform dedicated to serving technology startups, combining accelerators, social interaction, and investment opportunities. We support startups through accelerators, Demodays, and mentor programs; promote community participation through HiForum, HiEvent, and HiBlog; and help startups and companies build business moats in a multi-dimensional and full-cycle manner through extensive connections with local government agencies, investors, and market participants. Website| Linkedin| Twitter| Telegram DISCLAIMER: This article is published for information purposes only. This article does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort. It is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for any form of investment in any jurisdiction. No regulatory authority has examined or approved this document. Information is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use is contrary to local law or regulation. This information is confidential and should not be distributed, in whole or in part, beyond the recipient and its advisors. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this document is correct, HiBlock makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, and assumes no legal liability, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed.

HiBlock Partners with Jiang Xin Cloud to Launch One-Stop Computing Power Leasing Service

Computing Power Service

HiBlock, a platform dedicated to serving technology startups, today announced a strategic partnership with computing platform Jiang Xin Cloud to officially launch a one-stop computing power service. This collaboration will combine the strengths of both companies to provide startups with more powerful and convenient computing support, empowering their innovative development.

Computing Power refers to the ability to perform computations and is an indispensable infrastructure in the digital age. With the rapid development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, the demand for computing power is growing rapidly. For technology startups, computing power is often one of the bottlenecks that hinder their development. The traditional way to obtain computing power requires enterprises to build their own data centers, which is costly, time-consuming, and difficult to maintain.

Computing Leasing is a service that provides enterprises and individual users with the computing resources they need through leasing services based on their artificial intelligence application requirements. These leasable computing resources include graphics processing units (GPUs), virtual machines, storage, and more.

With computing leasing, users can lease servers or virtual machines to achieve large-scale computing tasks according to their needs, avoiding the high cost of hardware purchase and maintenance. Combining the characteristics of flexibility, efficiency, and low cost, computing leasing can be applied to a variety of computing demand scenarios.
According to McKinsey research, the popularization of cloud computing services is expected to contribute more than $2 trillion in new output to the global economy over the next five years and create millions of jobs. For environmental protection, centralized cloud computing can manage energy consumption more effectively than distributed data centers, promoting green and sustainable development.
The one-stop computing power service launched by HiBlock in cooperation with Jiang Xin Cloud Computing Platform provides startups with a flexible and convenient computing power acquisition solution:
On-demand leasing: Enterprises can flexibly select the computing resources they need according to their own needs, and pay as needed to avoid waste.High-performance computing power: The platform provides high-performance GPU computing resources represented by Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 to meet the high-performance computing needs of AI model training, rendering, etc.Easy to use: The platform provides a user-friendly interface and complete user guides, so that enterprises can easily use it without professional knowledge.

Computing Equipment

Computing leasing requires enterprises to have a certain level of technical strength, talent reserves, and a large amount of capital investment, including the purchase of hardware equipment, the construction, operation, and maintenance of data centers. Otherwise, it is difficult to effectively manage and operate.

Jiang Xin Cloud Platform, as a leader in the field of computing leasing, is committed to creating a one-stop computing sharing ecosystem. The founding team comes from Nvidia and Alibaba Cloud professional teams, and the employees have master’s and doctoral degrees from top universities at home and abroad. The platform is built and operated by a strong technical team, and listed companies and capital provide support. Efficiently and flexibly allocate computing resources, so that small research and development teams can also enjoy computing support similar to that of technology giants, accelerate the transformation of scientific research results and industrial upgrading.

The company is currently cooperating with high-quality customers in various fields such as colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, AI large models, autonomous driving, game media, life sciences, high-end manufacturing, robotics, etc., to provide them with intelligent computing leasing. Under the circumstances of massive increase in data volume, increasingly complex algorithm models and deeper application scenarios, it meets the new quality productivity needs of emerging industries.

Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 Product Overview: The one-stop computing power service launched this time will use Nvidia’s latest GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card. GeForce RTX 4090 is one of the most powerful consumer-grade GPUs on the market today, using the latest NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture, with up to 16384 CUDA cores, equipped with 24GB of GDDR6X memory, and supports advanced technologies such as ray tracing and deep learning super sampling (DLSS). Its powerful computing power and graphics processing performance can meet the most demanding computing needs and are ideal for AI training, scientific computing, and high-end game development.

HiBlock believes that this cooperation will provide strong computing power support to technology startups and help them develop and grow rapidly. HiBlock will work with Jiang Xin Cloud to continue to provide comprehensive services to startups and achieve their dreams. Welcome enterprises and teams with needs from all walks of life to consult and use our computing power services to jointly promote technological progress and innovative development!

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About Jiang Xin Cloud

Jiang Xin Cloud is a high-tech enterprise focusing on computing power acceleration services and computing power management. The founding team comes from the professional teams of NVIDIA and Alibaba Cloud, and the employees have master’s and doctoral degrees from prestigious universities at home and abroad.
Through multi-level innovation in computing power underlying optimization, computing power service platform, and business ecosystem model, it provides high-cost-performance, large-scale, and on-demand GPU computing power acceleration services for users in various industries. It is widely used in universities, scientific research institutions, the Internet, finance, government and enterprises, and other users for generative AI, large language models, Metaverse, high-performance computing, creative rendering, cloud games and many other scenarios, accelerating the application delivery of various industries. Jiang Xin Cloud has built a win-win computing power ecosystem, adopting the computing power acceptance + self-procurement model, cooperating and win-win, and actively empowering domestic GPUs to go to the cloud and land applications.

About HiBlock

HiBlock is a platform dedicated to serving technology startups, combining accelerators, social interaction, and investment opportunities. We support startups through accelerators, Demodays, and mentor programs; promote community participation through HiForum, HiEvent, and HiBlog; and help startups and companies build business moats in a multi-dimensional and full-cycle manner through extensive connections with local government agencies, investors, and market participants.

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This article is published for information purposes only. This article does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort. It is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for any form of investment in any jurisdiction. No regulatory authority has examined or approved this document. Information is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use is contrary to local law or regulation. This information is confidential and should not be distributed, in whole or in part, beyond the recipient and its advisors. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this document is correct, HiBlock makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, and assumes no legal liability, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed.
【Partnership Announcement】HiBlock × BTB Community (Crypto7BD & BTC2Ai) 🔥BTB community, with its extensive experience and deep understanding of the Chinese-speaking market, provides comprehensive market operation services. These include building accounts for all top Chinesw social media channels, full-cycle Chinese community operations, press releases, traffic conversion, etc. 🌎Asia-Pacific regions and Chinese-speaking communities. 💫 200+ Chinese-speaking KOL partnerships 💫 30+ Chinese-speaking blockchain cooperative media 💫 8M+ accumulated Chinese-speaking user's conversion 💫 50+ project clients, 38+ listed 💫 Services Include: · Latest official news updates · Research articles · Ecological opportunities · Marketing promotion · Event organization · Posters and promotional materials design · Trading campaigns 🔗Learn More: Password: BTB666 Please contact TG @Hi_hihihi_hi or @Shawnn_0001 for further information. Cheers! Best, HiBlock & BTB community #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #新币挖矿 #5月市场关键事件
【Partnership Announcement】HiBlock × BTB Community (Crypto7BD & BTC2Ai)

🔥BTB community, with its extensive experience and deep understanding of the Chinese-speaking market, provides comprehensive market operation services. These include building accounts for all top Chinesw social media channels, full-cycle Chinese community operations, press releases, traffic conversion, etc.
🌎Asia-Pacific regions and Chinese-speaking communities.
💫 200+ Chinese-speaking KOL partnerships
💫 30+ Chinese-speaking blockchain cooperative media
💫 8M+ accumulated Chinese-speaking user's conversion
💫 50+ project clients, 38+ listed
💫 Services Include:
· Latest official news updates
· Research articles
· Ecological opportunities
· Marketing promotion
· Event organization
· Posters and promotional materials design
· Trading campaigns

🔗Learn More:
Password: BTB666

Please contact TG @Hi_hihihi_hi or @Shawnn_0001 for further information. Cheers!

HiBlock & BTB community
#BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #新币挖矿 #5月市场关键事件
HiBlock × BTB community
HiBlock × BTB community
HiBlock × BTB community
HiBlock × BTB community
What''s new on HiForum? #Job position openning, #investment & #funding opportunity. The direct contact from lawyer, auditor, #CEX and IDO Launchpad. Warm welcome:
What''s new on HiForum? #Job position openning, #investment & #funding opportunity. The direct contact from lawyer, auditor, #CEX and IDO Launchpad. Warm welcome:
Let's explore more opportunities at HiForum together! 😍
Let's explore more opportunities at HiForum together! 😍
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Welcome to post and get more deal flows at #HiForum. 😘
🚩【NEW FEATURE】HiForum We're excited to announce the public launch of HiForum. HiForum is a natural extension of the platform’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.  HiForum serves as a hub for Industry Insights, Collaboration Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Job Postings, Developer Q&A, Exciting Activities, and Rug Pull Reports. Innovators and enthusiasts are warmly invited to sign up and actively engage in this vibrant community. Let's build together!😍

We're excited to announce the public launch of HiForum. HiForum is a natural extension of the platform’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.  HiForum serves as a hub for Industry Insights, Collaboration Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Job Postings, Developer Q&A, Exciting Activities, and Rug Pull Reports. Innovators and enthusiasts are warmly invited to sign up and actively engage in this vibrant community.

Let's build together!😍
HiForum— A Hub of Startup and Community Excellence7/30/2023 — HiBlock, the dynamic platform that seamlessly integrates accelerator, social engagement, and investment opportunities in cutting-edge technologies, is excited to announce the public launch of its highly anticipated HiForum. HiForum serves as a hub for Industry Insights, Collaboration Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Job Postings, Developer Q&A, Exciting Activities, and Rug Pull Reports. Innovators and enthusiasts are warmly invited to sign up and actively engage in this vibrant community. HiBlock has long been recognized as a leading platform in the blockchain, AI, and other cutting-edge technologies space. By providing an all-encompassing ecosystem, HiBlock connects participants with crucial resources, including startups, investors, and service providers, paving the way for meaningful connections that fuel their startup journeys. The newly launched HiForum is a natural extension of the platform’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Participants will have access to a diverse range of features, designed to facilitate growth and innovation within the technology community. The key features of the HiForum include: 1. Industry Insight: Stay updated with the latest trends, breakthroughs, and news in the blockchain, AI, and other cutting-edge sectors. Gain invaluable insights from experts and thought leaders. 2. Collaboration Opportunities: Discover exciting collaboration possibilities with startups, investors, and like-minded individuals, fostering strategic partnerships that can propel your projects to new heights. 3. Investment Opportunities: Connect with potential investors who are eager to support groundbreaking ideas and innovative ventures in the technology space. 4. Job Postings: Find or post job opportunities within the technology industry, facilitating connections between talent and companies seeking to bolster their teams. 5. Developer Q&A: Get expert advice and assistance from experienced developers, ensuring smooth progress in your technical endeavors. 6. Exciting Activities: Participate in engaging activities, events, and challenges that promote learning, networking, and camaraderie among community members. 7. Rug Pull: Community members are encouraged to report rug pull project to help protect against fraudulent activities and unreliable projects “ The launch of HiForum is a significant milestone for us,” said Susan Han, CEO of HiBlock. “Our goal is to provide a comprehensive platform that empowers innovators and enthusiasts to thrive in the rapidly evolving landscape of cutting-edge technologies. We encourage everyone to sign up and actively engage in this collaborative and knowledge-sharing community.” Signing up for the HiForum is easy and free now. Interested individuals can visit our website to register and start exploring the vast array of opportunities and resources available. About HiBlock: HiBlock is a dynamic platform that seamlessly combines accelerator, social engagement, and investment opportunities in the cutting-edge technologies space. By connecting startups, investors, and service providers, HiBlock fosters meaningful connections, driving growth and innovation within the technology community. About HiBlock HiBlock is a dynamic platform that seamlessly combines accelerator, social engagement, and investment opportunities in the cutting-edge technologies space. Our comprehensive ecosystem supports startups through an accelerator program, showcase events, and mentorship. We foster community engagement through blog posts, events, and a builder guild. By connecting startups, investors, and service providers, HiBlock fosters meaningful connections, driving growth and innovation within the technology community to help entrepreneurs and their businesses build their moats in a multi-dimensional, full-cycle manner. DISCLAIMER: This article is published for information purposes only. This article does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for any form of investment in any jurisdiction. No regulatory authority has examined or approved this document. Information is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use is contrary to local law or regulation. This information is confidential and should not be distributed, in whole or in part, beyond the recipient and its advisors. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this document is correct, HiBlock makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, and assumes no legal liability, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed.

HiForum— A Hub of Startup and Community Excellence

7/30/2023 — HiBlock, the dynamic platform that seamlessly integrates accelerator, social engagement, and investment opportunities in cutting-edge technologies, is excited to announce the public launch of its highly anticipated HiForum. HiForum serves as a hub for Industry Insights, Collaboration Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Job Postings, Developer Q&A, Exciting Activities, and Rug Pull Reports. Innovators and enthusiasts are warmly invited to sign up and actively engage in this vibrant community.

HiBlock has long been recognized as a leading platform in the blockchain, AI, and other cutting-edge technologies space. By providing an all-encompassing ecosystem, HiBlock connects participants with crucial resources, including startups, investors, and service providers, paving the way for meaningful connections that fuel their startup journeys.

The newly launched HiForum is a natural extension of the platform’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Participants will have access to a diverse range of features, designed to facilitate growth and innovation within the technology community.

The key features of the HiForum include:

1. Industry Insight: Stay updated with the latest trends, breakthroughs, and news in the blockchain, AI, and other cutting-edge sectors. Gain invaluable insights from experts and thought leaders.

2. Collaboration Opportunities: Discover exciting collaboration possibilities with startups, investors, and like-minded individuals, fostering strategic partnerships that can propel your projects to new heights.

3. Investment Opportunities: Connect with potential investors who are eager to support groundbreaking ideas and innovative ventures in the technology space.

4. Job Postings: Find or post job opportunities within the technology industry, facilitating connections between talent and companies seeking to bolster their teams.

5. Developer Q&A: Get expert advice and assistance from experienced developers, ensuring smooth progress in your technical endeavors.

6. Exciting Activities: Participate in engaging activities, events, and challenges that promote learning, networking, and camaraderie among community members.

7. Rug Pull: Community members are encouraged to report rug pull project to help protect against fraudulent activities and unreliable projects

“ The launch of HiForum is a significant milestone for us,” said Susan Han, CEO of HiBlock. “Our goal is to provide a comprehensive platform that empowers innovators and enthusiasts to thrive in the rapidly evolving landscape of cutting-edge technologies. We encourage everyone to sign up and actively engage in this collaborative and knowledge-sharing community.”

Signing up for the HiForum is easy and free now. Interested individuals can visit our website to register and start exploring the vast array of opportunities and resources available.

About HiBlock:

HiBlock is a dynamic platform that seamlessly combines accelerator, social engagement, and investment opportunities in the cutting-edge technologies space. By connecting startups, investors, and service providers, HiBlock fosters meaningful connections, driving growth and innovation within the technology community.

About HiBlock

HiBlock is a dynamic platform that seamlessly combines accelerator, social engagement, and investment opportunities in the cutting-edge technologies space. Our comprehensive ecosystem supports startups through an accelerator program, showcase events, and mentorship. We foster community engagement through blog posts, events, and a builder guild. By connecting startups, investors, and service providers, HiBlock fosters meaningful connections, driving growth and innovation within the technology community to help entrepreneurs and their businesses build their moats in a multi-dimensional, full-cycle manner.


This article is published for information purposes only. This article does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for any form of investment in any jurisdiction. No regulatory authority has examined or approved this document. Information is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use is contrary to local law or regulation. This information is confidential and should not be distributed, in whole or in part, beyond the recipient and its advisors. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this document is correct, HiBlock makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, and assumes no legal liability, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed.
🚩【NEW FEATURE】HiForum We're excited to announce the public launch of HiForum. HiForum is a natural extension of the platform’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.  HiForum serves as a hub for Industry Insights, Collaboration Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Job Postings, Developer Q&A, Exciting Activities, and Rug Pull Reports. Innovators and enthusiasts are warmly invited to sign up and actively engage in this vibrant community. Let's build together!😍

We're excited to announce the public launch of HiForum. HiForum is a natural extension of the platform’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.  HiForum serves as a hub for Industry Insights, Collaboration Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Job Postings, Developer Q&A, Exciting Activities, and Rug Pull Reports. Innovators and enthusiasts are warmly invited to sign up and actively engage in this vibrant community.

Let's build together!😍
HiBlock Alliance is a demand-driven alliance focused on the blockchain industry, dedicated to connecting promising projects with the right resources to support their growth journey. By connecting with a broader network of Investor, Exchange, Launchpad, Auditor, Market Maker, Ecosystem, Media, Community, Corporate partner, KOL and more value-added market participants, we help entrepreneurs and their businesses build their moats in a multi-dimensional, full-cycle manner!
HiBlock Alliance is a demand-driven alliance focused on the blockchain industry, dedicated to connecting promising projects with the right resources to support their growth journey. By connecting with a broader network of Investor, Exchange, Launchpad, Auditor, Market Maker, Ecosystem, Media, Community, Corporate partner, KOL and more value-added market participants, we help entrepreneurs and their businesses build their moats in a multi-dimensional, full-cycle manner!
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