So I‘ve been fired end of January and a couple days after I won 1400€ playing crypto dice. I play dice a lot, I wagered around 500K in 12 months with total losses of around 3-4K. So in the middle of the night I just bought MMTR-Tokens for 600-700€ in BNB in the middle of the night out of a gut feeling after finding this ICO. I’m kinda broke and just started to learn coding, I’m living with my parents still, or again, so it’s not too bad and now after seeing more and more news about the project I get a feeling this was a good decision. What do you think about the Memeinator? At first I was like „Damn, this is kind of stupid.“ but I actually start to find the whole concept really funny, also with Elon Musk being implemented as a character in their spot.

„You’ll need to let me see my son! He‘s a complete crypto tard…“