Telegram, a cryptocurrency-friendly messaging platform, is currently facing widespread outages. Users have reported difficulties in accessing content on the messenger. Downdetector data shows that hundreds of users encountered server connection issues starting at approximately 10:30 am UTC on Oct. 3. The main problems reported include issues with sending and receiving messages, as well as other connection problems within the app. Outage.Report indicated that Telegram has been down since 10:22 am, affecting users in countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Kazakhstan, Russia, Netherlands, and Germany. This recent outage follows a smaller one detected on Oct. 2. Reddit posts also confirmed the outages, with users mentioning server connection problems. Despite previous significant outages, neither Telegram nor its CEO Pavel Durov have publicly addressed the current outages. French prosecutors have indicted Durov on charges related to illicit activity on the platform, while Telegram has been accused of disclosing criminals' IP addresses to authorities since 2018. Read more AI-generated news on: