Bithumb, Suspension of EOS IQ deposit and withdrawal at 6 pm on September 25... hard fork Bithumb has announced via its official website the temporary suspension of deposits and withdrawals of EOS (EOS) and IQ (IQ) on September 25 at 6 pm KST due to an upcoming EOS network hard fork upgrade. Withdrawals of EOSDAC, MEETONE, HORUS, ADD, CHL, BLACK, and ATD will also be suspended. This suspension is necessary for Bithumb to ensure the safety and security of user funds during the upgrade. The platform will resume deposits and withdrawals of the affected tokens once the hard fork is complete. EOS holders on Bithumb are advised to withdraw their funds before the suspension takes effect to avoid any inconvenience. Traders should stay updated on the latest EOS hard fork-related news and announcements from Bithumb and the EOS team.