BlackRock called Bitcoin a "unique diversifier" in its report , which is far removed from factors such as government debt, currency depreciation, geopolitical upheavals and other factors that are typical for different countries.

The paper focuses on the historical dynamics of the price, as well as the difficulties of forecasting it.

The report also says that Bitcoin remains a risky asset:

It is a new technology that is still in its early stages of adoption and has the potential to become a global payment asset and store of value.

➗ One of the largest companies that works with cryptocurrency and places a lot of emphasis on it in a positive way, thereby attracting the attention of investors so that people buy bitcoin.

But they write a disclaimer that this is a risky asset. But it has great prospects, as it is a new technology and an excellent diversifier in terms of investments.

And this will have a positive effect on the growth of Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency in general in the long term.

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