Friedrich Merz, a key figure in Germany's CDU party, is pushing for an Agenda 2030—a strategy that aligns closely with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) controversial vision. The WEF's 2030 Agenda, spearheaded by Klaus Schwab, focuses on sustainability, global governance, and societal restructuring. What was once seen as a conspiracy theory is now out in the open, with many questioning the potential impact on personal freedoms and sovereignty.

🛑 “This is no longer a conspiracy theory! We must stop these policies.”

💥What Does This Mean for Bitcoin?

👉Rise in Decentralization: As global distrust in centralized authorities grows, people may turn to Bitcoin as a decentralized alternative.

👉Regulatory Risks: With the push for global governance, BTC could face stricter regulations but continues to stand as a hedge against inflation and centralized control.

👉Store of Value: In uncertain times, Bitcoin’s appeal as a safe haven could drive more adoption.

💥DYOR – Always research and stay informed!

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