We’ve detected scammers pretending to help users unlock their withdrawal functions when suspended. Here’s how they operate:

1. Scammer Contact: They reach out, claiming to know a Binance employee who can unlock your account.

2. Payment Request: They ask for an initial payment, promising to unlock your account, and then demand more money once the account is unlocked.

Scam chat1
Scam chat2

Important Points:

- Scammers can disappear with your initial payment.

- If your account gets unlocked after Binance’s review process, scammers may falsely claim they helped and ask for more money.

- No one inside or outside Binance can influence the decision to unlock accounts.

Stay Safe:

- Only trust information from Binance Customer Support.

- Provide requested information only to official support channels.

- Never share your account details with anyone.

- Do NOT pay anyone who claims to be able to help unlock your account. They are scammers.

Stay vigilant and protect your assets! 💪

#Binance #AntiScamEducation #StaySafeInTheCryptoWorld #BinanceRiskteam