Pavel Durov, the visionary behind Telegram, has just been arrested in France. This shocking development is not just an attack on one man but a direct assault on freedom itself. Telegram has been a beacon for liberty, championing privacy and free expression in a world where these values are increasingly under threat. Today, they target an app that empowers millions to communicate freely; tomorrow, they will come for decentralized finance (DeFi) and the broader crypto ecosystem. This is a clear warning shot.

If you claim to support cryptocurrency and the ideals it stands for—decentralization, privacy, and freedom—you must stand up now. The arrest of Durov is a critical moment, a test of our collective resolve. We cannot allow the powers that be to stifle innovation and silence those who challenge the status quo. This is more than just a fight for one man's freedom; it's a battle for the future of digital sovereignty.

#FreeDurov is not just a hashtag; it’s a call to action. The time for digital resistance is now. Stand up, speak out, and defend the principles that unite us.

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