🚀 Breaking Blockchain News! 🚀

Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, just dropped a new gem: OnChainScore! 🎉 This platform scores wallet addresses based on their blockchain activities, offering insights into transaction frequency and overall activity levels on Ethereum and Base networks.

Why is this a big deal? 🤔

1️⃣ Enhanced Security: By screening wallet addresses, OnChainScore helps exchanges and DeFi protocols block high-risk wallets, aligning with AML and KYC laws.

2️⃣ Risk Management: Investors can now make informed decisions. High score = trustworthy, low score = potential fraud.

3️⃣ Decentralized Identity: Wallet scores could become the new on-chain reputation, influencing interactions with dApps and services.

Feeling optimistic about the future of crypto? Share your thoughts in the comments! 🚀