Note that whitelisted addresses of #BRETT currently hold at least 1.86B BRETT ($163M), 18.6% of the total supply!

The Brett deployer whitelisted 139 addresses when creating BRETT.

These addresses bought 8.16B BRETT within an hour after liquidity was added, then distributed and sold some of it.

2 whitelisted addresses spent only 0.034 #ETH ($102) to buy 172.56M BRETT and sold 122.74M BRETT for 890.65 #Ethereum ($3.14M), profiting 30,830x

We found that among the addresses with more than 10M BRETT, 54 addresses were related to whitelisted addresses, holding a total of 1.86B BRETT ($163M). #MtGoxRepayments #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS