Bullish moves

Call me crazy but I always feel that it’s a bullish sign when you see these BIG price drops and then recovery’s, it always seems like there are some huge orders that need filling for high profile clients and so they drop the price super quickly to fill those orders and then we see the price rebound. Anyone else feel this way?

Of course you get all the “BITCOIN PRICE DROPS 5% in 30 mins” posts on social media and that itself causes a load of hype, fear, panic selling and then anger.

I dunno it just feels “normal” when there are these rapid highly manipulated moves in any market - it shows there is interest, I’m always more on edge when the price just flatlines and doesn’t do anything for a while, also add in the fact that this latest “drop” was middle of the night UK/USA time too on a Sunday when nobody is watching…..