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Hi guys, have been studying $BTC movement for the past 8 months. My analysis is that #BTC will retrace to around 40,000$ in the next 4 months. Id like to think that the #BULLRUN24 is over and the #bearrun is about to begin. This is just my personal analysis and not financial advise.
Hi guys,

have been studying $BTC movement for the past 8 months.

My analysis is that #BTC will retrace to around 40,000$ in the next 4 months.

Id like to think that the #BULLRUN24 is over and the #bearrun is about to begin.

This is just my personal analysis and not financial advise.
📉 FEAR & GREED INDEX LOWEST SINCE BITCOIN TRADED AT $17K IN EARLY 2023 😱 🔔 The Crypto Fear & Greed Index, a trusted sentiment metric, has plunged to extreme fear levels, reminiscent of Bitcoin’s low of $17K in early 2023. Earlier this March, the index hit extreme greed levels near the crypto market’s local top, but now, it’s spiraling in the opposite direction. 📉 The Fear & Greed Index, a contrarian indicator for buying and selling, signals potential further downside for Bitcoin's price, analysts caution. The drop is attributed to seized BTC sales by the German and U.S. governments and sell pressure from Mt. Gox user refunds, as noted by SynFutures' Rachel Lin. 📉 Crypto investor sentiment has plummeted to its lowest levels since the end of the 2022 crypto winter, with Bitcoin's (BTC) recent plunge below $54,000 dragging down the digital asset markets. The Crypto Fear & Greed Index, created by, illustrates market enthusiasm towards Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, with 0 representing extreme fear and 100 indicating extreme greed. On Friday, the index dropped to 29, its deepest dive into the fear zone since January 2023, when Bitcoin traded around $17,000 after 2022's brutal bear market. 🔎 The gauge issued a contrarian sell signal last March when it reached the 90 level, near what turned out to be the 2024 top of the broader crypto market and Bitcoin's all-time high of about $73,500. Since then, BTC and ETH have dropped 25%-30%, while major altcoins have plunged around 50%, with smaller tokens faring even worse. Never miss an update with @Mende ! #bullorbear #bullrun #bearrun #Bitcoincrashcandle #cryptonews $BTC  $ETH  $BNB

🔔 The Crypto Fear & Greed Index, a trusted sentiment metric, has plunged to extreme fear levels, reminiscent of Bitcoin’s low of $17K in early 2023. Earlier this March, the index hit extreme greed levels near the crypto market’s local top, but now, it’s spiraling in the opposite direction.

📉 The Fear & Greed Index, a contrarian indicator for buying and selling, signals potential further downside for Bitcoin's price, analysts caution. The drop is attributed to seized BTC sales by the German and U.S. governments and sell pressure from Mt. Gox user refunds, as noted by SynFutures' Rachel Lin.

📉 Crypto investor sentiment has plummeted to its lowest levels since the end of the 2022 crypto winter, with Bitcoin's (BTC) recent plunge below $54,000 dragging down the digital asset markets. The Crypto Fear & Greed Index, created by, illustrates market enthusiasm towards Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, with 0 representing extreme fear and 100 indicating extreme greed. On Friday, the index dropped to 29, its deepest dive into the fear zone since January 2023, when Bitcoin traded around $17,000 after 2022's brutal bear market.

🔎 The gauge issued a contrarian sell signal last March when it reached the 90 level, near what turned out to be the 2024 top of the broader crypto market and Bitcoin's all-time high of about $73,500. Since then, BTC and ETH have dropped 25%-30%, while major altcoins have plunged around 50%, with smaller tokens faring even worse.

Never miss an update with @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder !

#bullorbear #bullrun #bearrun #Bitcoincrashcandle #cryptonews

🚨 BITCOIN MINERS GIVING UP AS PROFITS DRY UP AMID SELLOFF 🚨 💡 CryptoQuant analysts reveal Bitcoin miners are approaching "capitulation" as profit margins tighten post-halving and BTC hovers close to $50,000. This state mirrors the market bottom post-FTX crash in late 2022, potentially signaling a market bottom for BTC. 💡 📉 Signs of Capitulation 📉 🔍 Miner capitulation happens when miners scale back operations or sell their mined Bitcoin to stay afloat or hedge their exposure. Over the past month, Bitcoin's price has dropped 13% from $68,791 to $59,603, intensifying signs of miner distress. 📉 One critical indicator is the significant drop in Bitcoin's hashrate, which has fallen 7.7% to a four-month low of 576 EH/s after hitting a record high on April 27. This drop mirrors a similar hashrate decline in late 2022, when Bitcoin’s price bottomed at $15,500 before surging over 300% in the following 15 months. 🔗 "Bitcoin miner capitulation mirrors December 2022 levels with a 7.7% hashrate drop, similar to post-FTX collapse conditions. Such declines often signal potential market bottoms." - CryptoQuant 🔍 Hashrate Analysis 📊 📉 Bitcoin’s hashrate decline indicates reduced computational power securing the network, a sign of miners shutting down rigs due to unprofitability. This pattern of miner capitulation suggests a potential market bottom, akin to previous cycles. 📉 Miner Profit/Loss Sustainability 📊 💸 Since the halving, miners have faced extreme underpayment, as seen in the miner profit/loss sustainability indicator. Daily revenues have plummeted 63% from $79M on March 6 to $29M, with transaction fees now only contributing 3.2% of total daily revenues—the lowest share since April 8. Are we headed towards another "Crypto recession"? Yes/No? Let me know in the comments! #mining #bitcoinmining #bullorbear #bearrun #btc $BTC btc $ETH $SHIB {spot}(ETHUSDT)

💡 CryptoQuant analysts reveal Bitcoin miners are approaching "capitulation" as profit margins tighten post-halving and BTC hovers close to $50,000. This state mirrors the market bottom post-FTX crash in late 2022, potentially signaling a market bottom for BTC. 💡

📉 Signs of Capitulation 📉

🔍 Miner capitulation happens when miners scale back operations or sell their mined Bitcoin to stay afloat or hedge their exposure. Over the past month, Bitcoin's price has dropped 13% from $68,791 to $59,603, intensifying signs of miner distress.

📉 One critical indicator is the significant drop in Bitcoin's hashrate, which has fallen 7.7% to a four-month low of 576 EH/s after hitting a record high on April 27. This drop mirrors a similar hashrate decline in late 2022, when Bitcoin’s price bottomed at $15,500 before surging over 300% in the following 15 months.

🔗 "Bitcoin miner capitulation mirrors December 2022 levels with a 7.7% hashrate drop, similar to post-FTX collapse conditions. Such declines often signal potential market bottoms." - CryptoQuant

🔍 Hashrate Analysis 📊

📉 Bitcoin’s hashrate decline indicates reduced computational power securing the network, a sign of miners shutting down rigs due to unprofitability. This pattern of miner capitulation suggests a potential market bottom, akin to previous cycles.

📉 Miner Profit/Loss Sustainability 📊

💸 Since the halving, miners have faced extreme underpayment, as seen in the miner profit/loss sustainability indicator. Daily revenues have plummeted 63% from $79M on March 6 to $29M, with transaction fees now only contributing 3.2% of total daily revenues—the lowest share since April 8.

Are we headed towards another "Crypto recession"?

Yes/No? Let me know in the comments!

#mining #bitcoinmining #bullorbear #bearrun #btc
BearRun en un Mercado Bajista de Criptomonedas El mercado de criptomonedas es muy dinámico y está influenciado por factores como la oferta y la demanda, la regulación, la innovación y la competencia. Actualmente, hay miles de criptomonedas en el mercado, con Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether y Binance Coin entre las más populares. Para obtener una visión más detallada del estado actual del mercado, se pueden consultar gráficos y datos en tiempo real. ¿Te gustaría saber más sobre alguna criptomoneda en particular o sobre estrategias durante un "bear run"? Un 'bear run' es un término del mercado financiero que se refiere a un período en el que los precios de las criptomonedas (o de cualquier activo) están en declive y el sentimiento de los inversores es negativo. Es lo opuesto a un 'bull run', que describe un mercado en ascenso. Durante un 'bear run', los inversores pueden ser más cautelosos y buscar estrategias para minimizar pérdidas o aprovechar la baja para comprar a precios más bajos. ¿Cómo puedo proteger mis inversiones durante un "Bear Run"? Durante un 'bear run', hay varias estrategias que puedes considerar para proteger tus inversiones: 1. Diversificación: No pongas todos tus huevos en una sola canasta. Invierte en una variedad de activos para reducir el riesgo. 2. Hedging (cobertura): Usa instrumentos financieros como opciones o futuros para protegerte contra las caídas del mercado. 3. Posiciones cortas: Gana dinero cuando el precio de un activo baja, vendiendo en corto. 4. Activos estables: Considera invertir en activos que tienden a mantener su valor, como ciertas stablecoins o metales preciosos. 5. Hold (mantener): Si crees en el valor a largo plazo de tus inversiones, mantenerlas puede ser una estrategia viable. Cómo funcionan las opciones: Las opciones son contratos financieros que otorgan al comprador el derecho, pero no la obligación, de comprar o vender un activo a un precio específico (precio de ejercicio) en o antes de una fecha determinada (fecha de vencimiento). Hay dos tipos principales: 1. Opciones de compra (Call options): Te dan el derecho de comprar un activo a un precio fijo. Son útiles si esperas que el precio del activo aumente. 2. Opciones de venta (Put options): Te dan el derecho de vender un activo a un precio fijo. Son útiles si esperas que el precio del activo disminuya. Durante un 'bear run', las opciones de venta pueden ser particularmente valiosas porque te permiten vender tus activos a un precio más alto que el del mercado si los precios caen. Las opciones también se pueden usar para generar ingresos o para proteger (hedge) otras inversiones que tengas. Estrategias con Opciones: Aquí hay algunas estrategias con opciones que puedes considerar para proteger tus inversiones durante un 'bear run': 1. Compra de opciones de venta (Buying put options): Esta es una forma directa de protección. Compras una opción de venta para un activo que ya posees. Si el precio del activo cae por debajo del precio de ejercicio, puedes vender el activo al precio más alto del contrato de opción. 2. Venta de opciones de compra (Selling call options): Si posees un activo y crees que su precio no aumentará significativamente, puedes vender una opción de compra para generar ingresos adicionales. Si el precio se mantiene por debajo del precio de ejercicio, la opción expirará sin valor y conservarás la prima recibida por la venta. 3. Collars: Esta estrategia combina la compra de opciones de venta y la venta de opciones de compra para limitar el rango de posibles resultados financieros. Ayuda a proteger contra grandes pérdidas, pero también limita las ganancias potenciales. 4. Spreads: Los spreads implican la compra y venta simultánea de dos opciones diferentes del mismo activo con diferentes precios de ejercicio o fechas de vencimiento. Los spreads pueden diseñarse para beneficiarse de los mercados en declive. Estas son solo algunas estrategias básicas con opciones. Cada una tiene sus propios riesgos y beneficios, y es importante entenderlos completamente antes de implementarlos. ¿Hay alguna estrategia que te interese explorar más a fondo o tienes alguna otra pregunta sobre opciones? Cuáles son los riesgos con las Opciones: Las opciones pueden ser instrumentos financieros complejos y conllevan varios riesgos: 1. Pérdida de la prima: Si compras opciones y el mercado no se mueve en la dirección que esperabas, puedes perder la totalidad de la prima pagada por el contrato. 2. Volatilidad: Los precios de las opciones pueden ser altamente volátiles. Cambios inesperados en la volatilidad del mercado pueden afectar negativamente el valor de las opciones. 3. Tiempo de expiración: Las opciones tienen una fecha de vencimiento, y su valor puede disminuir a medida que se acerca esta fecha, especialmente si el activo subyacente no se mueve como se esperaba. 4. Complejidad: Algunas estrategias con opciones son complejas y requieren un entendimiento profundo de los mercados y de los propios instrumentos. 5. Riesgo de contraparte: Existe el riesgo de que la contraparte en un contrato de opción no cumpla con sus obligaciones. Es crucial educarse bien sobre las opciones y sus riesgos antes de operar con ellas. Muchos inversores también buscan asesoramiento profesional para gestionar estos riesgos. Aquí tienes dos ejemplos prácticos de cómo se pueden usar las opciones: Ejemplo de una opción de compra (Call option): Supongamos que crees que el precio de la acción de una empresa 'X' va a subir en los próximos meses. Compras una opción de compra con un precio de ejercicio de $50 que vence en tres meses. Si la acción sube a $70, puedes ejercer tu opción y comprar las acciones a $50, vendiéndolas inmediatamente en el mercado por $70 y obteniendo una ganancia. Ejemplo de una opción de venta (Put option): Imagina que tienes 100 acciones de la empresa 'Y' que están valoradas actualmente en $100 cada una. Para protegerte contra una posible caída del precio, compras una opción de venta con un precio de ejercicio de $90 que vence en seis meses. Si el precio cae a $80, puedes ejercer tu opción y vender tus acciones a $90, evitando así una mayor pérdida. Estos ejemplos muestran cómo las opciones pueden ser utilizadas tanto para especular como para proteger inversiones existentes. #BinanceTournament" #Cardano #bearrun #Anfelia_Investment

BearRun en un Mercado Bajista de Criptomonedas

El mercado de criptomonedas es muy dinámico y está influenciado por factores como la oferta y la demanda, la regulación, la innovación y la competencia. Actualmente, hay miles de criptomonedas en el mercado, con Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether y Binance Coin entre las más populares. Para obtener una visión más detallada del estado actual del mercado, se pueden consultar gráficos y datos en tiempo real.
¿Te gustaría saber más sobre alguna criptomoneda en particular o sobre estrategias durante un "bear run"?
Un 'bear run' es un término del mercado financiero que se refiere a un período en el que los precios de las criptomonedas (o de cualquier activo) están en declive y el sentimiento de los inversores es negativo. Es lo opuesto a un 'bull run', que describe un mercado en ascenso. Durante un 'bear run', los inversores pueden ser más cautelosos y buscar estrategias para minimizar pérdidas o aprovechar la baja para comprar a precios más bajos.

¿Cómo puedo proteger mis inversiones durante un "Bear Run"?
Durante un 'bear run', hay varias estrategias que puedes considerar para proteger tus inversiones:

1. Diversificación: No pongas todos tus huevos en una sola canasta. Invierte en una variedad de activos para reducir el riesgo.
2. Hedging (cobertura): Usa instrumentos financieros como opciones o futuros para protegerte contra las caídas del mercado.
3. Posiciones cortas: Gana dinero cuando el precio de un activo baja, vendiendo en corto.
4. Activos estables: Considera invertir en activos que tienden a mantener su valor, como ciertas stablecoins o metales preciosos.
5. Hold (mantener): Si crees en el valor a largo plazo de tus inversiones, mantenerlas puede ser una estrategia viable.

Cómo funcionan las opciones:
Las opciones son contratos financieros que otorgan al comprador el derecho, pero no la obligación, de comprar o vender un activo a un precio específico (precio de ejercicio) en o antes de una fecha determinada (fecha de vencimiento). Hay dos tipos principales:

1. Opciones de compra (Call options): Te dan el derecho de comprar un activo a un precio fijo. Son útiles si esperas que el precio del activo aumente.
2. Opciones de venta (Put options): Te dan el derecho de vender un activo a un precio fijo. Son útiles si esperas que el precio del activo disminuya.

Durante un 'bear run', las opciones de venta pueden ser particularmente valiosas porque te permiten vender tus activos a un precio más alto que el del mercado si los precios caen.

Las opciones también se pueden usar para generar ingresos o para proteger (hedge) otras inversiones que tengas.

Estrategias con Opciones:
Aquí hay algunas estrategias con opciones que puedes considerar para proteger tus inversiones durante un 'bear run':
1. Compra de opciones de venta (Buying put options): Esta es una forma directa de protección. Compras una opción de venta para un activo que ya posees. Si el precio del activo cae por debajo del precio de ejercicio, puedes vender el activo al precio más alto del contrato de opción.
2. Venta de opciones de compra (Selling call options): Si posees un activo y crees que su precio no aumentará significativamente, puedes vender una opción de compra para generar ingresos adicionales. Si el precio se mantiene por debajo del precio de ejercicio, la opción expirará sin valor y conservarás la prima recibida por la venta.
3. Collars: Esta estrategia combina la compra de opciones de venta y la venta de opciones de compra para limitar el rango de posibles resultados financieros. Ayuda a proteger contra grandes pérdidas, pero también limita las ganancias potenciales.
4. Spreads: Los spreads implican la compra y venta simultánea de dos opciones diferentes del mismo activo con diferentes precios de ejercicio o fechas de vencimiento. Los spreads pueden diseñarse para beneficiarse de los mercados en declive.
Estas son solo algunas estrategias básicas con opciones. Cada una tiene sus propios riesgos y beneficios, y es importante entenderlos completamente antes de implementarlos.
¿Hay alguna estrategia que te interese explorar más a fondo o tienes alguna otra pregunta sobre opciones?

Cuáles son los riesgos con las Opciones:
Las opciones pueden ser instrumentos financieros complejos y conllevan varios riesgos:
1. Pérdida de la prima: Si compras opciones y el mercado no se mueve en la dirección que esperabas, puedes perder la totalidad de la prima pagada por el contrato.
2. Volatilidad: Los precios de las opciones pueden ser altamente volátiles. Cambios inesperados en la volatilidad del mercado pueden afectar negativamente el valor de las opciones.
3. Tiempo de expiración: Las opciones tienen una fecha de vencimiento, y su valor puede disminuir a medida que se acerca esta fecha, especialmente si el activo subyacente no se mueve como se esperaba.
4. Complejidad: Algunas estrategias con opciones son complejas y requieren un entendimiento profundo de los mercados y de los propios instrumentos.
5. Riesgo de contraparte: Existe el riesgo de que la contraparte en un contrato de opción no cumpla con sus obligaciones.
Es crucial educarse bien sobre las opciones y sus riesgos antes de operar con ellas. Muchos inversores también buscan asesoramiento profesional para gestionar estos riesgos.

Aquí tienes dos ejemplos prácticos de cómo se pueden usar las opciones:
Ejemplo de una opción de compra (Call option):
Supongamos que crees que el precio de la acción de una empresa 'X' va a subir en los próximos meses. Compras una opción de compra con un precio de ejercicio de $50 que vence en tres meses. Si la acción sube a $70, puedes ejercer tu opción y comprar las acciones a $50, vendiéndolas inmediatamente en el mercado por $70 y obteniendo una ganancia.

Ejemplo de una opción de venta (Put option):
Imagina que tienes 100 acciones de la empresa 'Y' que están valoradas actualmente en $100 cada una. Para protegerte contra una posible caída del precio, compras una opción de venta con un precio de ejercicio de $90 que vence en seis meses. Si el precio cae a $80, puedes ejercer tu opción y vender tus acciones a $90, evitando así una mayor pérdida.

Estos ejemplos muestran cómo las opciones pueden ser utilizadas tanto para especular como para proteger inversiones existentes.
#BinanceTournament" #Cardano #bearrun #Anfelia_Investment
How To Avoid Liquidations, Be a Smart Trader and Beat The Market.Have you noticed or experienced a situation where the market moves against you everytime you enter a trade? Many of my friends have been Liquidated forcing them to distrust trading and cryptocurrencies as a whole. A friend shared this post SUGGESTIONS/ GUIDANCE AND REPLY You probably traded with less than $5. Remember that most trades with little margin are prey to those with big margins. Therefore, When trading futures with a small margin you should: Trade on short timeframes, Don't stay for long in your trades, Set targets eg take profit when it increases with a specific %, Be Disciplined, Consistent and Keen. For those with a higher margin, you can also be liquidated if you're not alert. You should study the prices and % increase or decrease of a token in 5 or more timeframes i.e. 3 higher timeframe chart and 4 shorter timeframe charts). When you do this, study the price movement in overall trends( high timeframe) vs short trends( short timeframes), Study the Volume change in high and low timeframes while relating that to changes in prices. You can use Bolinger bands to determine if and the scenarios that contribute to a token being overbought or oversold. MACD, EMA and RSI indicators are Very Important. I won't dive into the specifics and mechanics of them but will tell you the settings that should be used, For MACD, you should study the histogram in both higher and smaller timeframes. You will have a pre-set period and you don't need to change it. You will look out for instances when the general MACD( white) crosses the converging MACD( yellow) For RSI, always look out when RSI has crossed over 50 or under 50. For EMA, your settings also depend on your trading time . You can have UpTo 4 periods eg 5, 7, 21, 50. You can set any 2-4 periods but always have the 100EMA. When you put all the three indicators to use, look out for bearish or bullish scenarios: For a bull run, the conditions to enter trade are; The RSI must close above 50, For MACD, the general MACD( white) should cross the converging MACD( yellow) BELOW the histogram, For EMA, the price should cross and close above the 100EMA. #bullish #bullrun #bullishdivergence For a Bear run, the conditions to enter trade are vice versa; RSI closes below 50, For MACD, the general MACD( white) should cross the converging MACD( yellow) ABOVE the histogram, For EMA, the price should cross and close below the 100EMA. #bearish #bearrun When your conditions are met, enter trade and watch your profits grow. Remember, this strategy will be more successful and profitable for traders with a higher margin or sufficient balance that can automatically cover liquidations. For small margin traders, don't overstay your trades, Trade fast, Frequently(HFT and Scalping), and Consistently because the market can do a retest and go against you before resuming the predicted trend.

How To Avoid Liquidations, Be a Smart Trader and Beat The Market.

Have you noticed or experienced a situation where the market moves against you everytime you enter a trade?
Many of my friends have been Liquidated forcing them to distrust trading and cryptocurrencies as a whole. A friend shared this post

You probably traded with less than $5. Remember that most trades with little margin are prey to those with big margins. Therefore, When trading futures with a small margin you should:
Trade on short timeframes, Don't stay for long in your trades, Set targets eg take profit when it increases with a specific %, Be Disciplined, Consistent and Keen.

For those with a higher margin, you can also be liquidated if you're not alert. You should study the prices and % increase or decrease of a token in 5 or more timeframes i.e. 3 higher timeframe chart and 4 shorter timeframe charts). When you do this, study the price movement in overall trends( high timeframe) vs short trends( short timeframes), Study the Volume change in high and low timeframes while relating that to changes in prices. You can use Bolinger bands to determine if and the scenarios that contribute to a token being overbought or oversold.
MACD, EMA and RSI indicators are Very Important.
I won't dive into the specifics and mechanics of them but will tell you the settings that should be used,
For MACD, you should study the histogram in both higher and smaller timeframes. You will have a pre-set period and you don't need to change it. You will look out for instances when the general MACD( white) crosses the converging MACD( yellow)
For RSI, always look out when RSI has crossed over 50 or under 50.
For EMA, your settings also depend on your trading time . You can have UpTo 4 periods eg 5, 7, 21, 50. You can set any 2-4 periods but always have the 100EMA.

When you put all the three indicators to use, look out for bearish or bullish scenarios:
For a bull run, the conditions to enter trade are;
The RSI must close above 50, For MACD, the general MACD( white) should cross the converging MACD( yellow) BELOW the histogram, For EMA, the price should cross and close above the 100EMA. #bullish #bullrun #bullishdivergence
For a Bear run, the conditions to enter trade are vice versa;
RSI closes below 50, For MACD, the general MACD( white) should cross the converging MACD( yellow) ABOVE the histogram, For EMA, the price should cross and close below the 100EMA. #bearish #bearrun
When your conditions are met, enter trade and watch your profits grow.
Remember, this strategy will be more successful and profitable for traders with a higher margin or sufficient balance that can automatically cover liquidations. For small margin traders, don't overstay your trades, Trade fast, Frequently(HFT and Scalping), and Consistently because the market can do a retest and go against you before resuming the predicted trend.
🚀 Will Bitcoin SKYROCKET in Q4? Historically, Q4 has been a blockbuster period for Bitcoin, and the stars might be aligning for another epic rally. Bitcoin has had a strong start to 2024, rising over 40% year-to-date. With the successful launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. and the much-anticipated halving event, where mining rewards were slashed by 50%, many believe we’re on the brink of something big. Although Bitcoin hasn’t hit a new all-time high post-halving, past trends suggest Q4 could be the catalyst for explosive growth. Veteran trader Peter Brandt notes that while Bitcoin’s current market cycle is dragging out longer than previous ones, this could either delay the next all-time high or indicate that it might not be in the cards this cycle. Yet, data from CoinGlass paints a more optimistic picture: Bitcoin has posted gains in eight out of the last 11 years during Q4, with average returns of 88%. CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju sees Bitcoin in an accumulation phase, setting the stage for a potential parabolic uptrend in Q4. Historically, Bitcoin's bull runs often start in the last quarter, and with whales in the mix, Q4 2024 might be far from boring. However, Bitcoin faces significant resistance at the 200-day EMA, hovering around $59,423. For Bitcoin to break free from its current consolidation, it needs to push past this barrier, requiring substantial demand-side liquidity. 💡 What’s Next? If Bitcoin can overcome these hurdles, a breakout could be imminent, with analysts eyeing levels above $62,000. But if the bulls falter, we might see a retrace to $57,500 or even as low as $54,500. Are you bullish or bearish about Q4? Let me know below! - @Mende out! #bullorbear #bullrun #bearrun #bullish #bearish $BTC
🚀 Will Bitcoin SKYROCKET in Q4?

Historically, Q4 has been a blockbuster period for Bitcoin, and the stars might be aligning for another epic rally.

Bitcoin has had a strong start to 2024, rising over 40% year-to-date. With the successful launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. and the much-anticipated halving event, where mining rewards were slashed by 50%, many believe we’re on the brink of something big. Although Bitcoin hasn’t hit a new all-time high post-halving, past trends suggest Q4 could be the catalyst for explosive growth.

Veteran trader Peter Brandt notes that while Bitcoin’s current market cycle is dragging out longer than previous ones, this could either delay the next all-time high or indicate that it might not be in the cards this cycle. Yet, data from CoinGlass paints a more optimistic picture: Bitcoin has posted gains in eight out of the last 11 years during Q4, with average returns of 88%.

CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju sees Bitcoin in an accumulation phase, setting the stage for a potential parabolic uptrend in Q4. Historically, Bitcoin's bull runs often start in the last quarter, and with whales in the mix, Q4 2024 might be far from boring.

However, Bitcoin faces significant resistance at the 200-day EMA, hovering around $59,423. For Bitcoin to break free from its current consolidation, it needs to push past this barrier, requiring substantial demand-side liquidity.

💡 What’s Next?
If Bitcoin can overcome these hurdles, a breakout could be imminent, with analysts eyeing levels above $62,000. But if the bulls falter, we might see a retrace to $57,500 or even as low as $54,500.

Are you bullish or bearish about Q4? Let me know below!
- @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder out!

#bullorbear #bullrun #bearrun #bullish #bearish $BTC
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🚀 Will Bitcoin SKYROCKET in Q4? Historically, Q4 has been a blockbuster period for Bitcoin, and the stars might be aligning for another epic rally. Bitcoin has had a strong start to 2024, rising over 40% year-to-date. With the successful launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. and the much-anticipated halving event, where mining rewards were slashed by 50%, many believe we’re on the brink of something big. Although Bitcoin hasn’t hit a new all-time high post-halving, past trends suggest Q4 could be the catalyst for explosive growth. Veteran trader Peter Brandt notes that while Bitcoin’s current market cycle is dragging out longer than previous ones, this could either delay the next all-time high or indicate that it might not be in the cards this cycle. Yet, data from CoinGlass paints a more optimistic picture: Bitcoin has posted gains in eight out of the last 11 years during Q4, with average returns of 88%. CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju sees Bitcoin in an accumulation phase, setting the stage for a potential parabolic uptrend in Q4. Historically, Bitcoin's bull runs often start in the last quarter, and with whales in the mix, Q4 2024 might be far from boring. However, Bitcoin faces significant resistance at the 200-day EMA, hovering around $59,423. For Bitcoin to break free from its current consolidation, it needs to push past this barrier, requiring substantial demand-side liquidity. 💡 What’s Next? If Bitcoin can overcome these hurdles, a breakout could be imminent, with analysts eyeing levels above $62,000. But if the bulls falter, we might see a retrace to $57,500 or even as low as $54,500. Are you bullish or bearish about Q4? Let me know below! - @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder out! #bullorbear #bullrun #bearrun #bullish #bearish $BTC
🚀 Will Bitcoin SKYROCKET in Q4?
Historically, Q4 has been a blockbuster period for Bitcoin, and the stars might be aligning for another epic rally.

Bitcoin has had a strong start to 2024, rising over 40% year-to-date. With the successful launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. and the much-anticipated halving event, where mining rewards were slashed by 50%, many believe we’re on the brink of something big.

Although Bitcoin hasn’t hit a new all-time high post-halving, past trends suggest Q4 could be the catalyst for explosive growth.

Veteran trader Peter Brandt notes that while Bitcoin’s current market cycle is dragging out longer than previous ones, this could either delay the next all-time high or indicate that it might not be in the cards this cycle.

Yet, data from CoinGlass paints a more optimistic picture: Bitcoin has posted gains in eight out of the last 11 years during Q4, with average returns of 88%.
CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju sees Bitcoin in an accumulation phase, setting the stage for a potential parabolic uptrend in Q4. Historically, Bitcoin's bull runs often start in the last quarter, and with whales in the mix, Q4 2024 might be far from boring.
However, Bitcoin faces significant resistance at the 200-day EMA, hovering around $59,423. For Bitcoin to break free from its current consolidation, it needs to push past this barrier, requiring substantial demand-side liquidity.
💡 What’s Next?
If Bitcoin can overcome these hurdles, a breakout could be imminent, with analysts eyeing levels above $62,000. But if the bulls falter, we might see a retrace to $57,500 or even as low as $54,500.
Are you bullish or bearish about Q4? Let me know below!
- @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder out!
#bullorbear #bullrun #bearrun #bullish #bearish $BTC
🚨 BITCOIN BELOW $57K - WILL IT CRASH TO $50,000?🚨 Bitcoin might be on the brink of a significant downturn, with analysts at 10x Research warning of a potential drop below $50,000. Here’s a breakdown of the situation: Key Points 📉 1. Dwindling Buy Flows and Accelerating Sell Flows According to 10x Research, Bitcoin’s sharp decline from over $60,000 on July 4th may just be the beginning. The significant drop is attributed to a decrease in buying activity and an increase in selling pressure. 🔻 Markus Thielen, Analyst at 10x Research: “Our data from early June already hinted at an overbought market ripe for correction.” 2. Psychological Benchmark Breach 🚩 The fall below the $60,000 mark towards $50,000 signifies a major shift in market sentiment. The breaking of this key support level could accelerate the downward trend as sellers scramble to find liquidity. 3. Impact on Investor Sentiment and Market Liquidity 💔 Bitcoin’s 5.44% drop significantly impacted investor confidence and market liquidity: Market Capitalization: BTC’s market cap stands at $1.1 billion. Trading Volume: There’s been a 57% increase in trading volume. 🔺 Key Support Levels: Breaking the $60,000 support, a critical level for Bitcoin miners and spot Bitcoin ETF buyers, could trigger further selling pressure. 4. Mt. Gox Repayments 🏦 The anticipated repayments of $8.5 billion worth of BTC from the defunct exchange Mt. Gox, starting in July, coincide with this sell-off, adding to the downward pressure. 5. Technical Analysis 📊 The 10x Research report highlights a “Double Top Formation” for Bitcoin since December 2023, suggesting that the recent price movements fit this bearish pattern. Stay tuned & follow @Mende for further updates and market analysis as this situation unfolds. #bitcoincrash #bullbear #bearrun #btc #marketanalysis. $BTC  $ETH  $BNB

Bitcoin might be on the brink of a significant downturn, with analysts at 10x Research warning of a potential drop below $50,000. Here’s a breakdown of the situation:

Key Points 📉

1. Dwindling Buy Flows and Accelerating Sell Flows
According to 10x Research, Bitcoin’s sharp decline from over $60,000 on July 4th may just be the beginning. The significant drop is attributed to a decrease in buying activity and an increase in selling pressure.

🔻 Markus Thielen, Analyst at 10x Research:
“Our data from early June already hinted at an overbought market ripe for correction.”

2. Psychological Benchmark Breach 🚩
The fall below the $60,000 mark towards $50,000 signifies a major shift in market sentiment. The breaking of this key support level could accelerate the downward trend as sellers scramble to find liquidity.

3. Impact on Investor Sentiment and Market Liquidity 💔
Bitcoin’s 5.44% drop significantly impacted investor confidence and market liquidity:

Market Capitalization: BTC’s market cap stands at $1.1 billion.
Trading Volume: There’s been a 57% increase in trading volume.

🔺 Key Support Levels:
Breaking the $60,000 support, a critical level for Bitcoin miners and spot Bitcoin ETF buyers, could trigger further selling pressure.

4. Mt. Gox Repayments 🏦
The anticipated repayments of $8.5 billion worth of BTC from the defunct exchange Mt. Gox, starting in July, coincide with this sell-off, adding to the downward pressure.

5. Technical Analysis 📊
The 10x Research report highlights a “Double Top Formation” for Bitcoin since December 2023, suggesting that the recent price movements fit this bearish pattern.

Stay tuned & follow @Professor Mende - Bonuz Ecosystem Founder for further updates and market analysis as this situation unfolds.

#bitcoincrash #bullbear #bearrun #btc #marketanalysis.
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