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How to Subscribe or Redeem Binance Leveraged Tokens

How to Subscribe or Redeem Binance Leveraged Tokens

2020-05-11 00:54
1. You may subscribe or redeem Binance Leveraged Tokens in USDT at any time. To redeem, go to [Binance Leveraged Tokens]. Click [Subscribe] or [Redeem].
2. Enter the amount of leveraged tokens you want to subscribe to or redeem. Click [Confirm] to complete the subscription or redemption process.
The leveraged tokens will be redeemed in USDT. You may check the redeemed fund in your Spot Wallet.
  • The daily total subscription or redemption limit of each leveraged token may vary according to prevailing market conditions.
  • Users may subscribe or redeem each leveraged token up to the daily cap per account at any time except during rebalancing. However, the amount may vary according to prevailing market conditions. Please refer to Binance Leveraged Tokens Trading Rules for the limit of subscription and redemption.
  • Subscription and redemption are generally more expensive than selling the leveraged tokens on the spot market and are not recommended during normal trading times.
  • Users are not allowed to redeem tokens while the fund is rebalancing.