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我一A8兄弟‮风,‬光无‮,限‬每天‮红灯‬酒绿,夜夜笙歌‮在。‬币圈算是‮韭老‬菜。早‮参年‬与BTC挖‮和矿‬私募,‮得赚‬盆满‮满钵‬。算是少‮得年‬志。前些‮子日‬,用我的返‮链佣‬接注‮账册‬号交易,‮年半‬下来,‮然居‬返还手续费将近10000U。越‮有是‬钱的越懂得精打‮算细‬。省下来的都是‮润利‬,也‮还许‬可能是‮身翻‬的本钱。​‎͏  全网币安极‮最限‬高40%返‮,佣‬合约20%现货30%。开‮返了‬佣,手续费返还给‮自你‬己账户,一个‮至月‬少给你‮几省‬万u手续费。 对于‮频高‬合约交易、大仓位‮兄的‬弟,‮的你‬手续费支出‮过超‬本金可‮只能‬需要‮个一‬月。 所以一定要开‮佣返‬,手‮费续‬该拿‮去回‬得拿回去,不开‮续手‬费就‮归全‬市场了。 该花的话,‮省能‬的则省,‮我用‬的全网最高返‮链佣‬接注册,能节省大几‮几千‬万u的手续费‮香不‬吗?别再拿着自‮的己‬钱不当‮了钱‬。 五味子最高‮属专‬币安‮佣返‬链接(复制到‮览浏‬器): 新用户专‮返属‬佣邀‮码请‬:GMM01ILF(一年帮‮省你‬一辆奔驰) $BTC

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Ensinei milhares de pessoas off-line e dezenas de milhares de pessoas on-line. Pensar nisso é cheio de lembranças. Certa vez, contribuímos para a popularização do blockchain. Ainda há muitos novatos nesta indústria.Quando surge a oportunidade certa, eles saem para compartilhar.Depois de muitas conversões de alta e baixa, a lógica e os pensamentos de negociação foram acumulados. Talvez faça algo que valha a pena.
Ensinei milhares de pessoas off-line e dezenas de milhares de pessoas on-line. Pensar nisso é cheio de lembranças. Certa vez, contribuímos para a popularização do blockchain. Ainda há muitos novatos nesta indústria.Quando surge a oportunidade certa, eles saem para compartilhar.Depois de muitas conversões de alta e baixa, a lógica e os pensamentos de negociação foram acumulados. Talvez faça algo que valha a pena.
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Hoje à noite, faremos uma transmissão ao vivo para compartilhar sugestões com os fãs. 1. Hoje faremos uma apresentação com operações reais. No gráfico mensal, a forma da vela não está boa. No próximo mês, ainda há a chance de continuar a recuar até a média móvel de 5 meses, que está aproximadamente na marca de 88000. A partir do gráfico de 3 dias e da forma do crossover de morte do MACD, 88000 pode ser um ponto onde haverá uma oportunidade de teste. As duas grandes formações de períodos se validam mutuamente. 2. O recuo do Bitcoin hoje não é uma reversão. A resistência acima é 97500, onde pode se abrir uma pequena posição vendida. Analisando a forma, as velas de quatro horas não conseguem subir acima da linha de vida, portanto, um recuo é inevitável. O suporte abaixo está próximo a 92362. Muitos altcoins ainda estão em forma de baixa. 3. ETH, pessoal, ao recuar, façam ordens em lotes. Abaixo de 3300, tenha coragem de entrar. Entre 3200-3100, o mínimo é em torno de 2825, que foi o ponto alto da última quebra do range de consolidação. Quando entrar, realmente mantenha. 4. Na próxima fase, todos devem prestar atenção em algumas moedas relacionadas ao ETH e ao Trump, como ens, op, uni, ena, aave, link. Trump já confirmou a compra de ETH. 5. ens, o manipulador abriu volume e quebrou o range mensal. Desde que recuar para baixo de 30, pode-se entrar em lotes. 28-25 são posições para ordens. 6. dydx, eu o considero uma moeda lixo. Há uma grande quantidade de vendas presas acima, e o último aumento não rompeu o nível de resistência chave. Não sei se vale a pena acompanhar e recomendar. 7. ena, na próxima onda de alta, este ciclo de touro deve ter a chance de chegar a 5-8 dólares. Pode-se fazer ordens antecipadas nas faixas de 0.88-0.84-0.71. 8. uni, abaixo de 13, 12-11-10 pode-se entrar em lotes. 9. Preste atenção em alguns indicadores e dados dentro do aicion, isso ajudará na análise do mercado. Se todos acharem que a análise em tempo real é melhor, no futuro faremos todas as transmissões ao vivo.
Hoje à noite, faremos uma transmissão ao vivo para compartilhar sugestões com os fãs.
1. Hoje faremos uma apresentação com operações reais. No gráfico mensal, a forma da vela não está boa. No próximo mês, ainda há a chance de continuar a recuar até a média móvel de 5 meses, que está aproximadamente na marca de 88000. A partir do gráfico de 3 dias e da forma do crossover de morte do MACD, 88000 pode ser um ponto onde haverá uma oportunidade de teste. As duas grandes formações de períodos se validam mutuamente.
2. O recuo do Bitcoin hoje não é uma reversão. A resistência acima é 97500, onde pode se abrir uma pequena posição vendida. Analisando a forma, as velas de quatro horas não conseguem subir acima da linha de vida, portanto, um recuo é inevitável. O suporte abaixo está próximo a 92362. Muitos altcoins ainda estão em forma de baixa.
3. ETH, pessoal, ao recuar, façam ordens em lotes. Abaixo de 3300, tenha coragem de entrar. Entre 3200-3100, o mínimo é em torno de 2825, que foi o ponto alto da última quebra do range de consolidação. Quando entrar, realmente mantenha.
4. Na próxima fase, todos devem prestar atenção em algumas moedas relacionadas ao ETH e ao Trump, como ens, op, uni, ena, aave, link. Trump já confirmou a compra de ETH.
5. ens, o manipulador abriu volume e quebrou o range mensal. Desde que recuar para baixo de 30, pode-se entrar em lotes. 28-25 são posições para ordens.
6. dydx, eu o considero uma moeda lixo. Há uma grande quantidade de vendas presas acima, e o último aumento não rompeu o nível de resistência chave. Não sei se vale a pena acompanhar e recomendar.
7. ena, na próxima onda de alta, este ciclo de touro deve ter a chance de chegar a 5-8 dólares. Pode-se fazer ordens antecipadas nas faixas de 0.88-0.84-0.71.
8. uni, abaixo de 13, 12-11-10 pode-se entrar em lotes.
9. Preste atenção em alguns indicadores e dados dentro do aicion, isso ajudará na análise do mercado. Se todos acharem que a análise em tempo real é melhor, no futuro faremos todas as transmissões ao vivo.
🎙️ 今晚有大招,周期该怎么布局,BTC是不是要反转了
01 h 45 m 05 s · 552 ouvintes
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Fomos lembrados diversas vezes que se o ETH estiver abaixo de 3300, as posições deverão ser abertas em lotes. Algumas pessoas embarcaram e venderam diretamente quando o mercado caiu um pouco. Irmão, é verdade, é uma moeda de preço relativamente baixo que comprei recentemente. Se você tem um curto prazo, é muito fácil vender. Quando sobe, você o persegue novamente. Não é um alho-poró de verdade? $ETH #2025加密趋势预测 #加密市场调整
Fomos lembrados diversas vezes que se o ETH estiver abaixo de 3300, as posições deverão ser abertas em lotes. Algumas pessoas embarcaram e venderam diretamente quando o mercado caiu um pouco. Irmão, é verdade, é uma moeda de preço relativamente baixo que comprei recentemente. Se você tem um curto prazo, é muito fácil vender. Quando sobe, você o persegue novamente. Não é um alho-poró de verdade? $ETH #2025加密趋势预测 #加密市场调整
Tonight's live broadcast, sharing suggestions with fans.
1. Bitcoin is currently in a retracement pattern, it should have a rebound to 96500 before continuing downward. Support below at 92326 and around 90500. Altcoins should be entered in batches. This month cycle, the retracement before January 15 is everyone's last chance to buy the dip, so cherish it. According to the real harvest of the market makers, dropping to 88000 is the best harvesting position. Enter altcoins bit by bit, don’t go all in at once. For those entering, don’t engage in short-term trading. Otherwise, you will start chasing after the rise.
2. The most concerning are the entries for ETH and SOL. For ETH, enter in batches below 3300, at 3085 and 2810. For SOL, enter in batches at 185, 175, and 165.
3. BNB, it’s really not cost-effective to make cyclical layouts now. Below 400 is when proper planning should be done. It can be used for financial management to earn yields and obtain airdrops. However, it’s possible that below 400 in this bull market is relatively small. If really wanting to layout, can place orders around 600-550.
4. DOT, an old coin, the project has made money, should have already abandoned it, difficult to reach 14. If you want to layout, consider 6.3, 5.5, and 5.0.
5. ME has recently strengthened, don’t short it, short-term can place orders at 3.7 with a stop loss at 3.58.
6. Don’t play with IMX and SSV, the trends are not strong, this bull market should not have significant performance.
7. There are opportunities for 5x coins in this bull market, ENA, MOVE, COW, LTC have chances to rise 2-3 times, place orders in batches at 100-90.
8. Recently, don’t layout new meme coins, 99% of memes will go to zero. There are many new coins I really haven’t seen before. Why are there so many obscure coins that everyone can buy, and many are purely pump and dump coins, dropping for a year right after launch. If you really see such patterns, stay away. $BTC #2025加密趋势预测
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Neiro está realmente um lixo ultimamente. Caiu abaixo de muitos níveis de suporte importantes. Vendo seu padrão de divergência superior de 1 hora, faça duas pequenas compras. Depois de trabalhar por um dia, finalmente subi. Quando quiser comer arroz de trotador de porco, caminhe primeiro parte do caminho e deixe algum layout. $NEIRO
Neiro está realmente um lixo ultimamente. Caiu abaixo de muitos níveis de suporte importantes. Vendo seu padrão de divergência superior de 1 hora, faça duas pequenas compras. Depois de trabalhar por um dia, finalmente subi. Quando quiser comer arroz de trotador de porco, caminhe primeiro parte do caminho e deixe algum layout. $NEIRO
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Ontem eu estava conversando com amigos e muitas pessoas me expressaram a possibilidade de que o mercado de ações dos EUA pudesse despencar e entrar em colapso, e também citaram as altíssimas reservas de caixa de Buffett como prova. Quer se trate da Grande Depressão ou da bolha da Internet de 2000, existem duas condições necessárias para um colapso: 1. Declínio económico (aumento do desemprego, consumo fraco) 2. Crise do crédito (aumento das taxas de juro, aumento dos limiares de empréstimo Na perspectiva actual, ambos são saudáveis ​​e a taxa de crescimento das empresas tecnológicas é sólida e elevada). 3. O mercado altista nas ações dos EUA continuará, assim como o mercado altista no círculo monetário. O mercado altista continua a atingir novos máximos no segundo semestre com vários impulsos, Primeiro, a indústria da moeda digital gastou muito dinheiro este ano para apoiar a eleição dos congressistas “certos” e trouxe mais de 100 congressistas para o Congresso. Em segundo lugar, reverteu com sucesso a visão de Trump sobre moedas digitais Terceiro, Trump foi persuadido a substituir o Presidente da Comissão Reguladora de Valores Mobiliários e o Secretário do Comércio. Os novos candidatos para ambos os cargos são grandes apoiadores do Bitcoin Quarto, Trump prometeu estabelecer uma reserva nacional de moeda digital. Atualmente, o BTC está em um mercado de correção e choque. Na verdade, para os investidores de varejo, é uma excelente oportunidade para entrar no mercado novamente. Se você perder esta oportunidade novamente, poderá realmente perder todo o mercado altista. Em meados de Janeiro, os preços das moedas subirão lentamente e as tendências unilaterais irão formar-se gradualmente. Se você se atrever a entrar no mercado em lotes desta vez, o preço do BTC certamente atingirá um novo máximo novamente. $BTC #2025加密趋势预测 #加密市场调整 #美国加密立法或将重启
Ontem eu estava conversando com amigos e muitas pessoas me expressaram a possibilidade de que o mercado de ações dos EUA pudesse despencar e entrar em colapso, e também citaram as altíssimas reservas de caixa de Buffett como prova. Quer se trate da Grande Depressão ou da bolha da Internet de 2000, existem duas condições necessárias para um colapso:
1. Declínio económico (aumento do desemprego, consumo fraco) 2. Crise do crédito (aumento das taxas de juro, aumento dos limiares de empréstimo Na perspectiva actual, ambos são saudáveis ​​e a taxa de crescimento das empresas tecnológicas é sólida e elevada).
3. O mercado altista nas ações dos EUA continuará, assim como o mercado altista no círculo monetário.

O mercado altista continua a atingir novos máximos no segundo semestre com vários impulsos,
Primeiro, a indústria da moeda digital gastou muito dinheiro este ano para apoiar a eleição dos congressistas “certos” e trouxe mais de 100 congressistas para o Congresso.
Em segundo lugar, reverteu com sucesso a visão de Trump sobre moedas digitais
Terceiro, Trump foi persuadido a substituir o Presidente da Comissão Reguladora de Valores Mobiliários e o Secretário do Comércio. Os novos candidatos para ambos os cargos são grandes apoiadores do Bitcoin
Quarto, Trump prometeu estabelecer uma reserva nacional de moeda digital.
Atualmente, o BTC está em um mercado de correção e choque. Na verdade, para os investidores de varejo, é uma excelente oportunidade para entrar no mercado novamente. Se você perder esta oportunidade novamente, poderá realmente perder todo o mercado altista. Em meados de Janeiro, os preços das moedas subirão lentamente e as tendências unilaterais irão formar-se gradualmente. Se você se atrever a entrar no mercado em lotes desta vez, o preço do BTC certamente atingirá um novo máximo novamente. $BTC #2025加密趋势预测 #加密市场调整 #美国加密立法或将重启
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Recentemente, há muitas novas moedas, não há tempo para pesquisar. Este ME, do ponto de vista do investimento em valor e a médio e longo prazo, não me parece promissor. O conceito é de cross-chain. Não há nada de novo, é apenas um esquema para que os 'whales' possam explorar os investidores inexperientes, usando um fundo como desculpa para realizar algumas operações ruins. Em termos de padrão, logo que foi lançado, caiu continuamente, claramente uma ação precipitada dos 'whales' para explorar os investidores. Eles estão ansiosos para lucrar. A aparência dos 'whales' mostra que não têm muita força. Do ponto de vista do investimento em valor e a longo prazo, é melhor manter distância. Do ponto de vista de curto prazo, de fato, o gráfico diário começou a se fortalecer, pode-se considerar uma operação de curto prazo. No gráfico de 4 horas, coloque ordens perto de 3.75, stop loss em 3.5. Take profit em 4.2, e um padrão em 4.5, já é suficiente. $ME
Recentemente, há muitas novas moedas, não há tempo para pesquisar.
Este ME, do ponto de vista do investimento em valor e a médio e longo prazo, não me parece promissor. O conceito é de cross-chain. Não há nada de novo, é apenas um esquema para que os 'whales' possam explorar os investidores inexperientes, usando um fundo como desculpa para realizar algumas operações ruins.
Em termos de padrão, logo que foi lançado, caiu continuamente, claramente uma ação precipitada dos 'whales' para explorar os investidores. Eles estão ansiosos para lucrar. A aparência dos 'whales' mostra que não têm muita força. Do ponto de vista do investimento em valor e a longo prazo, é melhor manter distância.
Do ponto de vista de curto prazo, de fato, o gráfico diário começou a se fortalecer, pode-se considerar uma operação de curto prazo. No gráfico de 4 horas, coloque ordens perto de 3.75, stop loss em 3.5. Take profit em 4.2, e um padrão em 4.5, já é suficiente. $ME
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Yesterday, the US stock market dropped a little, serving as a reminder for Wall Street traders to play well and come back to work. Currently, from a technical perspective, it seems that US stocks may be in for a few days of fluctuation. I believe that most stocks are being managed by robots, and the traders have little time to focus on the market, as everyone also wants to take advantage of the holiday time to make some gains. However, after returning to work, it may not be the same; in a few days, there might be another drop, as if to let retail investors spend their travel money. Recently, Trump has also been busy preparing for the inauguration while dealing with the situation of the Russia-Ukraine war. Being a businessman, he is quite slippery. During the campaign, he said to end the war as soon as possible and stabilize Russia to prevent unrest. Now, he can free up his hands to deal with the geese. He is asking EU countries to increase their military budgets while also boosting military aid to Ukraine. The war continues, benefiting the US, as it can sell weapons while also depleting the strength of the geese and restraining the movements of Eastern countries. However, there is one point: recently, India has dispatched 12,000 special forces, losing nearly 3,000. It seems that the dictator sees them as walking dollars. The international situation remains unstable, and if black swans do not emerge from economic policy, they can only be created through confrontations in war. Currently, BTC saw a bearish candle yesterday, with short-selling power relatively strong. It is now fluctuating around the lifeline, with resistance at 99,500 and support at 95,000, around 90,500. From the pattern, the market will not reverse temporarily. BTC still needs another push to truly fluctuate around 90,500 for a while until the indicators are repaired. The next rise will be a one-sided market, likely around mid-January. On the four-hour level, it should be a fluctuating market, with resistance at 97,800 and support around 95,000-92,723. In the next couple of days, short-term trades should be quick in and out, without overthinking. It is still advisable for those with a cyclical layout to place orders in batches in advance and, once they obtain the coins, just relax for a while. Today, the number of people going long is increasing, but I want to remind everyone not to overthink it; just build positions and take profits. The big coin still needs to drop to the right level. Currently, it remains a bearish pattern, and as for shorting, it may also be a short sell. The next wave may not be a rebound but a reversal. If uncertain, just relax, as the year-end is approaching. Move less, stay hidden, and the spring will bloom next year.
Yesterday, the US stock market dropped a little, serving as a reminder for Wall Street traders to play well and come back to work. Currently, from a technical perspective, it seems that US stocks may be in for a few days of fluctuation. I believe that most stocks are being managed by robots, and the traders have little time to focus on the market, as everyone also wants to take advantage of the holiday time to make some gains. However, after returning to work, it may not be the same; in a few days, there might be another drop, as if to let retail investors spend their travel money.
Recently, Trump has also been busy preparing for the inauguration while dealing with the situation of the Russia-Ukraine war. Being a businessman, he is quite slippery. During the campaign, he said to end the war as soon as possible and stabilize Russia to prevent unrest. Now, he can free up his hands to deal with the geese. He is asking EU countries to increase their military budgets while also boosting military aid to Ukraine. The war continues, benefiting the US, as it can sell weapons while also depleting the strength of the geese and restraining the movements of Eastern countries. However, there is one point: recently, India has dispatched 12,000 special forces, losing nearly 3,000. It seems that the dictator sees them as walking dollars. The international situation remains unstable, and if black swans do not emerge from economic policy, they can only be created through confrontations in war.
Currently, BTC saw a bearish candle yesterday, with short-selling power relatively strong. It is now fluctuating around the lifeline, with resistance at 99,500 and support at 95,000, around 90,500. From the pattern, the market will not reverse temporarily. BTC still needs another push to truly fluctuate around 90,500 for a while until the indicators are repaired. The next rise will be a one-sided market, likely around mid-January.
On the four-hour level, it should be a fluctuating market, with resistance at 97,800 and support around 95,000-92,723. In the next couple of days, short-term trades should be quick in and out, without overthinking. It is still advisable for those with a cyclical layout to place orders in batches in advance and, once they obtain the coins, just relax for a while.
Today, the number of people going long is increasing, but I want to remind everyone not to overthink it; just build positions and take profits. The big coin still needs to drop to the right level. Currently, it remains a bearish pattern, and as for shorting, it may also be a short sell. The next wave may not be a rebound but a reversal. If uncertain, just relax, as the year-end is approaching. Move less, stay hidden, and the spring will bloom next year.
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Tonight's live broadcast, sharing suggestions with fans. 1. Bitcoin is currently in a retracement pattern, it should have a rebound to 96500 before continuing downward. Support below at 92326 and around 90500. Altcoins should be entered in batches. This month cycle, the retracement before January 15 is everyone's last chance to buy the dip, so cherish it. According to the real harvest of the market makers, dropping to 88000 is the best harvesting position. Enter altcoins bit by bit, don’t go all in at once. For those entering, don’t engage in short-term trading. Otherwise, you will start chasing after the rise. 2. The most concerning are the entries for ETH and SOL. For ETH, enter in batches below 3300, at 3085 and 2810. For SOL, enter in batches at 185, 175, and 165. 3. BNB, it’s really not cost-effective to make cyclical layouts now. Below 400 is when proper planning should be done. It can be used for financial management to earn yields and obtain airdrops. However, it’s possible that below 400 in this bull market is relatively small. If really wanting to layout, can place orders around 600-550. 4. DOT, an old coin, the project has made money, should have already abandoned it, difficult to reach 14. If you want to layout, consider 6.3, 5.5, and 5.0. 5. ME has recently strengthened, don’t short it, short-term can place orders at 3.7 with a stop loss at 3.58. 6. Don’t play with IMX and SSV, the trends are not strong, this bull market should not have significant performance. 7. There are opportunities for 5x coins in this bull market, ENA, MOVE, COW, LTC have chances to rise 2-3 times, place orders in batches at 100-90. 8. Recently, don’t layout new meme coins, 99% of memes will go to zero. There are many new coins I really haven’t seen before. Why are there so many obscure coins that everyone can buy, and many are purely pump and dump coins, dropping for a year right after launch. If you really see such patterns, stay away. $BTC #2025加密趋势预测
Tonight's live broadcast, sharing suggestions with fans.
1. Bitcoin is currently in a retracement pattern, it should have a rebound to 96500 before continuing downward. Support below at 92326 and around 90500. Altcoins should be entered in batches. This month cycle, the retracement before January 15 is everyone's last chance to buy the dip, so cherish it. According to the real harvest of the market makers, dropping to 88000 is the best harvesting position. Enter altcoins bit by bit, don’t go all in at once. For those entering, don’t engage in short-term trading. Otherwise, you will start chasing after the rise.
2. The most concerning are the entries for ETH and SOL. For ETH, enter in batches below 3300, at 3085 and 2810. For SOL, enter in batches at 185, 175, and 165.
3. BNB, it’s really not cost-effective to make cyclical layouts now. Below 400 is when proper planning should be done. It can be used for financial management to earn yields and obtain airdrops. However, it’s possible that below 400 in this bull market is relatively small. If really wanting to layout, can place orders around 600-550.
4. DOT, an old coin, the project has made money, should have already abandoned it, difficult to reach 14. If you want to layout, consider 6.3, 5.5, and 5.0.
5. ME has recently strengthened, don’t short it, short-term can place orders at 3.7 with a stop loss at 3.58.
6. Don’t play with IMX and SSV, the trends are not strong, this bull market should not have significant performance.
7. There are opportunities for 5x coins in this bull market, ENA, MOVE, COW, LTC have chances to rise 2-3 times, place orders in batches at 100-90.
8. Recently, don’t layout new meme coins, 99% of memes will go to zero. There are many new coins I really haven’t seen before. Why are there so many obscure coins that everyone can buy, and many are purely pump and dump coins, dropping for a year right after launch. If you really see such patterns, stay away. $BTC #2025加密趋势预测
🎙️ 追多又被套,还有没有救?BTC这次要跌到哪里?
01 h 33 m 13 s · 645 ouvintes
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已经提醒多次,前天只是反弹不是反转。不要追高,不要着急。山寨还有你进场的机会。 现在BTC一小时放量下跌,目前还没有扎针,没有企稳的继续。不要着急进场接飞刀。下方支撑92520,90500附近。 山寨币, eth,3300以下-3085-2810分批进 sol,185,175,165 doge,0.28-0.22 sui,4.0,3.5,2.9 uni,13,12,9 link,20,18,16 ena,0.88,0.65 LTC,100,90 cow,0.9,0.8,0.65 都分配挂单。这次进场,应该是这波牛市最后一次抄底机会了。$ETH $BTC #2025加密趋势预测 #比特币市场波动观察
都分配挂单。这次进场,应该是这波牛市最后一次抄底机会了。$ETH $BTC #2025加密趋势预测 #比特币市场波动观察
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I have already told everyone to short on the highs, has it delayed your opportunity to make money? The pork knuckle rice has been profitable. I said it won't reverse immediately, so don't chase the high to enter, let everyone be patient and wait. Look, the counterfeit you're trying to take over, the position for you to receive the goods is here. $BTC
I have already told everyone to short on the highs, has it delayed your opportunity to make money? The pork knuckle rice has been profitable. I said it won't reverse immediately, so don't chase the high to enter, let everyone be patient and wait. Look, the counterfeit you're trying to take over, the position for you to receive the goods is here. $BTC
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Recently, I suddenly discovered that the female KOLs in the square have beautiful pictures and beautiful avatars, many of whom are actually big-diao cute girls. Offline, they might be just foot-picking big guys, and I almost got confused by the avatars too. $BTC
Recently, I suddenly discovered that the female KOLs in the square have beautiful pictures and beautiful avatars, many of whom are actually big-diao cute girls. Offline, they might be just foot-picking big guys, and I almost got confused by the avatars too. $BTC
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Ethereum, the recent trend has been mentioned no less than 5 times. So, should we buy or sell Ethereum recently? 1. Three hours ago, a whale from the Ethereum ICO deposited 4,160 ETH (approximately $14.5 million) into Kraken. 2. A whale related to Nexo recharged 4,946 ETH (approximately $17.2 million) to Binance within the past hour. Since December 2, Nexo has cumulatively deposited 114,262 ETH (approximately $423.3 million) into Binance, with an average price of $3,705. 3. The U.S. spot Ethereum ETF saw a net inflow of $53.6 million yesterday. 4. As of December 24, BlackRock's Ethereum ETF holds over 1 million ETH. 5. One of the major upgrades eagerly awaited by Warwick and other Ethereum supporters is the Pectra upgrade — the next significant milestone on Ethereum's roadmap, expected to launch in the first quarter of 2025. 6. From the current formation, the Ethereum moving average has crossed below the 30-day lifeline, making an immediate reversal less likely. Unless there is a significant volume breakout above the lifeline, resulting in a golden cross in the moving averages, a reversal is unlikely. Currently, the daily level shows a volume decrease with a MACD golden cross, indicating a likely consolidation phase. The upper resistance is around 3,550. The lower support is at 3,300; if it falls below 3,300, one must be daring to build positions in batches. The second support is around 3,029 and 2,810. I would like to remind you that after this pullback, do not short ETH; be cautious with short positions. In January, the crypto market is warming up, and in the entire U.S. stock market, there are only two digital currency ETFs: BTC and ETH. BlackRock and MicroStrategy are buying aggressively. Do you think 4,000 is the peak of this Ethereum bull market? If ETH pulls back again, what will you do? $ETH $BTC #2025有哪些关键叙事? #2025加密趋势预测
Ethereum, the recent trend has been mentioned no less than 5 times. So, should we buy or sell Ethereum recently?

1. Three hours ago, a whale from the Ethereum ICO deposited 4,160 ETH (approximately $14.5 million) into Kraken.
2. A whale related to Nexo recharged 4,946 ETH (approximately $17.2 million) to Binance within the past hour. Since December 2, Nexo has cumulatively deposited 114,262 ETH (approximately $423.3 million) into Binance, with an average price of $3,705.
3. The U.S. spot Ethereum ETF saw a net inflow of $53.6 million yesterday.
4. As of December 24, BlackRock's Ethereum ETF holds over 1 million ETH.
5. One of the major upgrades eagerly awaited by Warwick and other Ethereum supporters is the Pectra upgrade — the next significant milestone on Ethereum's roadmap, expected to launch in the first quarter of 2025.
6. From the current formation, the Ethereum moving average has crossed below the 30-day lifeline, making an immediate reversal less likely. Unless there is a significant volume breakout above the lifeline, resulting in a golden cross in the moving averages, a reversal is unlikely.
Currently, the daily level shows a volume decrease with a MACD golden cross, indicating a likely consolidation phase. The upper resistance is around 3,550. The lower support is at 3,300; if it falls below 3,300, one must be daring to build positions in batches. The second support is around 3,029 and 2,810.
I would like to remind you that after this pullback, do not short ETH; be cautious with short positions.
In January, the crypto market is warming up, and in the entire U.S. stock market, there are only two digital currency ETFs: BTC and ETH. BlackRock and MicroStrategy are buying aggressively. Do you think 4,000 is the peak of this Ethereum bull market?
If ETH pulls back again, what will you do? $ETH $BTC #2025有哪些关键叙事? #2025加密趋势预测
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Trump has never been polite to true allies, whether it’s the EU, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, or even Panama. Panama is an ally of the United States in Central America, and the current president is still a conservative. Trump speaks so bluntly because: They won’t turn against him just because he is rude, because they are allies; If no pressure is applied, they won't take action. So Trump often speaks very directly and forcefully, but he indeed adjusts his statements based on the audience. As for the East Country, indeed, I think he is a very great leader. I have a good relationship with him. Then hit hard with a stick. Even before taking office, he had already declared a 10% increase in tariffs. He gives a candy and also speaks nicely to prevent rage and retaliation. And the belief that the East Country is currently being suppressed by the United States is because the East Country is developing too fast, the Americans panicked, and had to suppress the East Country. Otherwise, the East Country will lead far ahead and dominate the world. Whatever the West invents, the East Country can easily replicate it, and at a price several times cheaper. It won't be long before the East Country surpasses the United States! With such a public opinion foundation, if we don’t push back to before the reform and opening up, and if we don’t starve for a few years, will they wake up? In the coming years, the economy of the East Country will continue to deteriorate, businesses will close down more and more, and the indebted population will surge. But it’s okay, the country will issue 30 trillion special government bonds in 2025, and will start to extract blood from the people again. I hope this bond issuance can truly be used for people's livelihood, stimulate domestic demand, and assist in business development. Instead of ultimately flowing into the pockets of corrupt power holders, and eventually being laundered abroad. In these two years, I still suggest, if you’ve made money in the crypto circle, keep a low profile. If you go high-profile, that money isn't yours. Don’t buy other large A-shares, funds, or investment insurance. They’re all there to harvest your leeks. Although the crypto circle also harvests leeks, if you buy BTC or ETH, when have they ever lost you money? If you only have 10,000 U on you, coming to the crypto circle, there’s a chance to multiply it by 3-5 times. Going to large A-shares is just sending your head. The crypto circle still has hope.
Trump has never been polite to true allies, whether it’s the EU, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, or even Panama. Panama is an ally of the United States in Central America, and the current president is still a conservative. Trump speaks so bluntly because:
They won’t turn against him just because he is rude, because they are allies;
If no pressure is applied, they won't take action. So Trump often speaks very directly and forcefully, but he indeed adjusts his statements based on the audience.

As for the East Country, indeed, I think he is a very great leader.
I have a good relationship with him.
Then hit hard with a stick. Even before taking office, he had already declared a 10% increase in tariffs. He gives a candy and also speaks nicely to prevent rage and retaliation.

And the belief that the East Country is currently being suppressed by the United States is because the East Country is developing too fast, the Americans panicked, and had to suppress the East Country. Otherwise, the East Country will lead far ahead and dominate the world. Whatever the West invents, the East Country can easily replicate it, and at a price several times cheaper. It won't be long before the East Country surpasses the United States! With such a public opinion foundation, if we don’t push back to before the reform and opening up, and if we don’t starve for a few years, will they wake up?

In the coming years, the economy of the East Country will continue to deteriorate, businesses will close down more and more, and the indebted population will surge. But it’s okay, the country will issue 30 trillion special government bonds in 2025, and will start to extract blood from the people again. I hope this bond issuance can truly be used for people's livelihood, stimulate domestic demand, and assist in business development. Instead of ultimately flowing into the pockets of corrupt power holders, and eventually being laundered abroad.
In these two years, I still suggest, if you’ve made money in the crypto circle, keep a low profile. If you go high-profile, that money isn't yours. Don’t buy other large A-shares, funds, or investment insurance. They’re all there to harvest your leeks. Although the crypto circle also harvests leeks, if you buy BTC or ETH, when have they ever lost you money? If you only have 10,000 U on you, coming to the crypto circle, there’s a chance to multiply it by 3-5 times. Going to large A-shares is just sending your head. The crypto circle still has hope.
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自从在币‮广安‬场发帖3个月来,前期‮有没‬统计,应‮上该‬热门的帖‮不子‬下50篇,‮榜占‬一的,应‮不该‬下20篇吧,‮恩感‬各位官人的喜‮和欢‬点赞。‮己自‬会更加努‮的力‬,做好分析和‮议建‬。​‎͏  币‮热安‬门 : : : 12月23第二 12月24第一 12月24第七 12月25第五 12月26第三 : : :


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AAVE, too strong means risk. Short-term entry around 300. Stop loss at 285. For medium to long-term, accumulate in batches below 150. Although favored by capital, the purpose of capital is to raise prices and sell goods, distributing chips to retail investors. Where is there a market maker who always lifts the retail investors' sedan chair? $AAVE $BCH
AAVE, too strong means risk. Short-term entry around 300. Stop loss at 285. For medium to long-term, accumulate in batches below 150. Although favored by capital, the purpose of capital is to raise prices and sell goods, distributing chips to retail investors. Where is there a market maker who always lifts the retail investors' sedan chair? $AAVE $BCH
AAVE, this bull market has performed quite brilliantly. DEFI lending is definitely the leader. AAVE's on-chain TVL has reached a record $39 billion, far exceeding the previous bull market's $32 billion. Currently, 95% of the tokens have been unlocked. There is no selling pressure risk. The Trump family has also been increasing their holdings.
From the perspective of price action, there has always been major capital buying in, making it indeed a darling of capital and a hot commodity.
Recently, while the market has pulled back, it has risen against the trend, indicating that a large number of chips are likely in the hands of the market makers. It is very strong, but precisely because of its excessive strength, it poses risks.

Currently, the short-term pressure is around 400. On the daily level for short-term trading, you could place an order around 300, with a stop loss set at 285. For medium to long-term positions, it is not recommended to chase high prices. It is better to miss out. The market maker's cost is between $50-80. The actual starting point is at $110. If you must consider a cyclical investment, then it's better to place an order around 150-120. The market makers have been pushing the price up and buying long, which is merely to attract retail investors to take over. Having invested so much money, they definitely want to sell at a high price to retail investors.
Although it may have a chance to reach the previous high of around 700 in the future. However, from an investment perspective, buying in at around 300 for medium to long-term positions is simply foolish. It’s a love-hate relationship with it; now looking at it, if you want to trade short-term, just look at the price action and feel free to proceed. $AAVE
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MOVE, a newly discovered token. It should belong to the L2 domain. Currently circulating 2.25 billion. Total issuance 10 billion. 77.5% yet to be unlocked. From the current form, it indeed looks strong, likely a strong whale. According to the project team's habit of harvesting retail investors, there should be another 3-5 times increase. Currently, in the short term, one can enter around 1.065, with a stop-loss at 0.9963. For mid to long term, place orders in batches around 0.75, 0.68, and 0.60. One more thing, in L2 chains, there are over a dozen, but very few can really perform well. Moreover, there are many institutional investments, driving prices up, with whales and institutions cashing out. So if you make a profit, double your principal and keep the profits for a better strategy. Because most project tokens are just a wave of retail harvesting seasons, in the next bull market, they are all worthless. $MOVE
MOVE, a newly discovered token. It should belong to the L2 domain. Currently circulating 2.25 billion. Total issuance 10 billion. 77.5% yet to be unlocked.
From the current form, it indeed looks strong, likely a strong whale. According to the project team's habit of harvesting retail investors, there should be another 3-5 times increase.
Currently, in the short term, one can enter around 1.065, with a stop-loss at 0.9963. For mid to long term, place orders in batches around 0.75, 0.68, and 0.60.
One more thing, in L2 chains, there are over a dozen, but very few can really perform well. Moreover, there are many institutional investments, driving prices up, with whales and institutions cashing out. So if you make a profit, double your principal and keep the profits for a better strategy. Because most project tokens are just a wave of retail harvesting seasons, in the next bull market, they are all worthless. $MOVE
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The Christmas holiday in the United States lasts half a month, and retail investors are all resting on vacation. It seems that the whole world has recently quieted down. The Middle East is no longer causing a stir, and the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia is not as intense as before. It seems that the people of the world are all serving the American people. When the enemy does not move, I do not move. Many people are worried that BTC will suddenly surge, but there is no need to be concerned, at least at this stage. Wall Street and financial operators also have emotions and life demands, such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation. They also need to rest and relax. Moreover, with retail investors on holiday, where are the big players to show off their moves? As for the recent rebound of BTC, it is the behavior of Eastern country big players and speculative funds. There has always been a competition and hunting among the big players, so with the Western big players resting, it is a perfect opportunity for the Eastern big players to harvest retail investors. After all, there are still many retail investors in the Eastern country, which is just right for laying bait and making a big kill. Recently, East Asia is still not peaceful. South Korea is impeaching President Yoon Suk-yeol, but the incident has not calmed down, and now there are renewed impeachment protests. Suffering is a choice made by people themselves. You don’t want good democracy, but insist on choosing authoritarianism; the chance to cry is still ahead. For example, in a certain country, the people's suffering is lauded as the working people's resilience, hard work, self-reliance, and not causing trouble for the state, which is quite shameless. Currently, looking at BTC on the daily chart, it has been rebounding to the lower edge of the upward trend line, and if it can't break through after a long time, it will definitely correct. Recently, liquidity has weakened, with significant capital outflow from spot ETFs and Wall Street not being operational, so it is currently just in a sideways trading range. The upper pressure is around 99500. The lower support is around 95000-90500. I remind you again, if there is another significant drop, you must dare to enter the market in batches, as there is not much time left for everyone. On the four-hour chart, the upper pressure is around 99540, and you can go short a little, with a stop loss set around 100500. Currently, there is selling pressure on the four-hour chart, so keep an eye on the K-line patterns, with lower support at 97805, 95555, and 92723. Recently, you can refrain from trading contracts, relax and lie flat, place orders in advance, wait for a pullback to enter, and just hold your coins. The timing is not right, greed arises again, do not chase the high, as many altcoins are still in a downward trend. Be patient and wait; there is at least one more chance for you to enter, and when it appears, you must seize it well. Don't say I didn't remind you.
The Christmas holiday in the United States lasts half a month, and retail investors are all resting on vacation. It seems that the whole world has recently quieted down. The Middle East is no longer causing a stir, and the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia is not as intense as before. It seems that the people of the world are all serving the American people. When the enemy does not move, I do not move.
Many people are worried that BTC will suddenly surge, but there is no need to be concerned, at least at this stage. Wall Street and financial operators also have emotions and life demands, such as food, clothing, housing, and transportation. They also need to rest and relax. Moreover, with retail investors on holiday, where are the big players to show off their moves?
As for the recent rebound of BTC, it is the behavior of Eastern country big players and speculative funds. There has always been a competition and hunting among the big players, so with the Western big players resting, it is a perfect opportunity for the Eastern big players to harvest retail investors. After all, there are still many retail investors in the Eastern country, which is just right for laying bait and making a big kill.
Recently, East Asia is still not peaceful. South Korea is impeaching President Yoon Suk-yeol, but the incident has not calmed down, and now there are renewed impeachment protests. Suffering is a choice made by people themselves. You don’t want good democracy, but insist on choosing authoritarianism; the chance to cry is still ahead. For example, in a certain country, the people's suffering is lauded as the working people's resilience, hard work, self-reliance, and not causing trouble for the state, which is quite shameless.
Currently, looking at BTC on the daily chart, it has been rebounding to the lower edge of the upward trend line, and if it can't break through after a long time, it will definitely correct. Recently, liquidity has weakened, with significant capital outflow from spot ETFs and Wall Street not being operational, so it is currently just in a sideways trading range. The upper pressure is around 99500. The lower support is around 95000-90500. I remind you again, if there is another significant drop, you must dare to enter the market in batches, as there is not much time left for everyone.
On the four-hour chart, the upper pressure is around 99540, and you can go short a little, with a stop loss set around 100500. Currently, there is selling pressure on the four-hour chart, so keep an eye on the K-line patterns, with lower support at 97805, 95555, and 92723. Recently, you can refrain from trading contracts, relax and lie flat, place orders in advance, wait for a pullback to enter, and just hold your coins.
The timing is not right, greed arises again, do not chase the high, as many altcoins are still in a downward trend. Be patient and wait; there is at least one more chance for you to enter, and when it appears, you must seize it well. Don't say I didn't remind you.
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