ordi sats btcs O valor de mercado atual do BTC é de apenas cerca de 6 milhões de dólares americanos. No seu pico, subiu para mais de 300 milhões de dólares americanos, a 15 dólares americanos por peça. O preço atual é de apenas 0,28 dólares americanos por peça. 21 milhões, então compre alguns BTC e experimente! !
BTCs is BRC20 asset deployed and inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain based on the Ordinals protocol. The name comes from Bitcoin Ordinals=BTCs, inscribed version of Bitcoin. BTCs was anonymously deployed on April 25, 2023. It took 100 days to complete fair minting. BTCs is ownerless asset, fully decentralized and circulated. It adheres to the decentralized and ownerless community consensus spirit of the blockchain. The vision of the BTCs community: to help 100 million people own Bitcoin wallets.
BTCs is BRC20 asset deployed and inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain based on the Ordinals protocol. The name comes from Bitcoin Ordinals=BTCs, inscribed version of Bitcoin. BTCs was anonymously deployed on April 25, 2023. It took 100 days to complete fair minting. BTCs is ownerless asset, fully decentralized and circulated. It adheres to the decentralized and ownerless community consensus spirit of the blockchain. The vision of the BTCs community: to help 100 million people own Bitcoin wallets.
BTCs is BRC20 asset deployed and inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain based on the Ordinals protocol. The name comes from Bitcoin Ordinals=BTCs, inscribed version of Bitcoin. BTCs was anonymously deployed on April 25, 2023. It took 100 days to complete fair minting. BTCs is ownerless asset, fully decentralized and circulated. It adheres to the decentralized and ownerless community consensus spirit of the blockchain. The vision of the BTCs community: to help 100 million people own Bitcoin wallets.