Binance Square
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It blew up! I will never trade contracts again!I will never trade contracts again! This is the most common saying among gamblers in the crypto world. I lost $2000 last night. Now, if you don't trade contracts, it's impossible to 'get rich.' Trading contracts with 100x, 50x, or dozens of U's, or hundreds of U's is still possible, but making money with thousands of U's at 100x is not sustainable. Just think about it; it’s obvious that if you have thousands of U's to play at 100x, your capital is a gamble on your life savings. There’s no way a newbie starts like that; you can't bear that number. Do you know how much the margin is? I believe there aren't that many fools in this world, so stop asking if there's a way to earn a million overnight. Trading contracts generally involves 5 to 20 times leverage. Turning $200 into $10,000 took about two months. After this wave of market changes, I don't know if it's still possible. My strategy is to find out which coin is being hyped through social media, then watch the market and the volume from the big players. By timing the trades, I can guess that the trading volume will be larger around 11 or 12 at night, and 2 or 3 in the morning. When I see a long-term bullish trend, I set my position when it crashes. For instance, if you have $100, the margin would be $100, and the position would be $20 with 20x leverage. Generally, 1 to 4 hours is a point. If it continues to drop, I keep trading. When social media traffic decreases, I understand that it's about to drop; it's a very simple theory. Social media traffic can be monitored using plugins for data. This strategy can be very easy to blindly follow because you trust yourself too much, so staying calm is crucial. During a continued drop, I would trade with dozens of dollars using 100x leverage for adjustments. Previously, I actually played with 5 or 10-minute 100x positions, but later I got scared because continuous earnings can make you overconfident, yet every five minutes, you might get wiped out. Newbies should avoid the crypto world now; those days of buying altcoins for hundreds of times are gone. When you hear about making a million from $1000, it's basically a scam. In my years of playing, aside from trading contracts during bull markets and mining in Sichuan and Harbin, there are hardly any who made big money. More often, those who played early had faith, thinking Bitcoin would be worth 10 million each in the future. Now, many hold around a hundred coins; back in 2017, I laughed at them for being foolish, saying they should buy coins if they had money. Currently, those trading contracts are mostly professionals and the experienced ones who can make some money, but only in good market conditions, with good luck, and on reliable platforms. Back when Dogecoin skyrocketed overnight, I wanted to cut off the boss of Huobi. If you really want to get into the field, start with a demo account, then slowly learn the ropes, and occasionally go on Twitter to 'pick up coins.' If you haven't experienced two bear markets, you have no idea how cruel it is—various market makers and platforms are not just annoying. I still can't understand how 'pulling the plug' is something humans can create. With $1000, play 10 or 20x contracts, set the margin to about 11-12.5% for stop-loss. Newbies shouldn't exceed this amount. If you earn more than $100, withdraw it, then keep playing; when the money comes out, that's real money. Control your mindset, and this way, your next deposit will hurt, leading you to start thinking. Don't recklessly invest $100, thinking you'll keep the profits when you hit $1000, or you'll be ruined after a few waves. Trading contracts is about mindset. If you have more money, reduce the position size; don’t start with 100x... that's for professional players.

It blew up! I will never trade contracts again!

I will never trade contracts again! This is the most common saying among gamblers in the crypto world.
I lost $2000 last night. Now, if you don't trade contracts, it's impossible to 'get rich.' Trading contracts with 100x, 50x, or dozens of U's, or hundreds of U's is still possible, but making money with thousands of U's at 100x is not sustainable. Just think about it; it’s obvious that if you have thousands of U's to play at 100x, your capital is a gamble on your life savings. There’s no way a newbie starts like that; you can't bear that number. Do you know how much the margin is? I believe there aren't that many fools in this world, so stop asking if there's a way to earn a million overnight. Trading contracts generally involves 5 to 20 times leverage. Turning $200 into $10,000 took about two months. After this wave of market changes, I don't know if it's still possible. My strategy is to find out which coin is being hyped through social media, then watch the market and the volume from the big players. By timing the trades, I can guess that the trading volume will be larger around 11 or 12 at night, and 2 or 3 in the morning. When I see a long-term bullish trend, I set my position when it crashes. For instance, if you have $100, the margin would be $100, and the position would be $20 with 20x leverage. Generally, 1 to 4 hours is a point. If it continues to drop, I keep trading. When social media traffic decreases, I understand that it's about to drop; it's a very simple theory. Social media traffic can be monitored using plugins for data. This strategy can be very easy to blindly follow because you trust yourself too much, so staying calm is crucial. During a continued drop, I would trade with dozens of dollars using 100x leverage for adjustments. Previously, I actually played with 5 or 10-minute 100x positions, but later I got scared because continuous earnings can make you overconfident, yet every five minutes, you might get wiped out. Newbies should avoid the crypto world now; those days of buying altcoins for hundreds of times are gone. When you hear about making a million from $1000, it's basically a scam. In my years of playing, aside from trading contracts during bull markets and mining in Sichuan and Harbin, there are hardly any who made big money. More often, those who played early had faith, thinking Bitcoin would be worth 10 million each in the future. Now, many hold around a hundred coins; back in 2017, I laughed at them for being foolish, saying they should buy coins if they had money. Currently, those trading contracts are mostly professionals and the experienced ones who can make some money, but only in good market conditions, with good luck, and on reliable platforms. Back when Dogecoin skyrocketed overnight, I wanted to cut off the boss of Huobi. If you really want to get into the field, start with a demo account, then slowly learn the ropes, and occasionally go on Twitter to 'pick up coins.' If you haven't experienced two bear markets, you have no idea how cruel it is—various market makers and platforms are not just annoying. I still can't understand how 'pulling the plug' is something humans can create. With $1000, play 10 or 20x contracts, set the margin to about 11-12.5% for stop-loss. Newbies shouldn't exceed this amount. If you earn more than $100, withdraw it, then keep playing; when the money comes out, that's real money. Control your mindset, and this way, your next deposit will hurt, leading you to start thinking. Don't recklessly invest $100, thinking you'll keep the profits when you hit $1000, or you'll be ruined after a few waves. Trading contracts is about mindset. If you have more money, reduce the position size; don’t start with 100x... that's for professional players.
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我赚了100万后,赚钱变简单了在币圈,你要想办法先赚100W本金,而从几万块赚100W本金,只有一条路,那就是滚仓。当你有了100W本金之后,你就会发现整个人生好像都不一样了,即使你不使用杠杆,拿个现货涨20%,就有20W,20W已经是绝大多数人一年的收入天花板。而且当你能从几万块做到100W,也就能摸到一些赚大钱的思路和逻辑了,这时候你的心态也静了很多,往后就是复制粘贴。别动不动就是千万一个亿的,要从自己的实际情况出发,老吹牛逼只有牛舒服。交易要有识别机会大小的能力,不能一直轻仓也不能一直重仓,平常就小仓玩玩,当大机会来领的时候再把他娘的意大利炮拉出来。比如说滚仓,这个就是大机会来领的时候才能操作,你不能老滚,错过没关系,因为你这一辈子只需要滚成功三四次就可以从0到上千万,上千万足够一个普通人晋级有钱人的行列了。滚仓的几点注意的地方:1. 足够的耐心,滚仓的利润是巨大的,只要你能滚成功几次就可以至少赚上千万上亿,所以你不能轻易的滚,要找确定性高的机会;2. 确定性的高的机会指的是暴跌后横盘震荡,然后向上突破,这时候走趋势的概率是很大的,找准趋势逆转的点,一开始就要上车。3. 只滚多;▼滚仓风险讲下滚仓策略吧,很多人觉得这个有风险,可以告诉你,风险很低,远比你玩的期货开单逻辑低得多。假如你只有5W,怎么用5W起家,首先这5W要是你的利润,如果你还是亏的,就不要看了。如果你在比特币1W开仓,杠杆设置为10倍,使用逐仓模式,只开10%的仓位,就是只开5K块钱作为保证金,其实这等于1倍杠杆,2个点止损,如果你止损了,只亏2%,只亏2%啊?1000块。那些爆仓的人到底是怎么爆仓的?就算你爆仓了好吧,不也就只亏5K吗?怎么能全亏完的。假如你对了,比特币涨到了1.1W,你继续开总资金的10%,同样设置亏2%止损,如果止损了,你还赚8%,风险呢?不是说风险很大吗?以此类推。。。。假如比特币涨到了1.5W,你都加仓顺利,这波50%的行情,你应该可以赚到20W左右,抓住两次这样的行情就是100W左右了。根本不存在复利,100倍是靠2次10倍,3次5倍,4次3倍赚出来的,不是靠每天每个月10% 20%复利起来的,那是扯淡。这条内容不仅有操作逻辑,还蕴含了交易的核心内功心法,仓位管理,只要你懂仓位管理你就不可能亏完。这个只是举例子,大概意思就这样,具体细节还需要自己多琢磨。滚仓这种理念本身并没有风险,不仅没有风险而且还是做期货最正确的思路之一,有风险的是杠杆。10倍杠杆可以滚,1倍一样可以,而我一般用两三倍,抓住两次不是一样几十倍收益?再不济你可以用0.几倍,这个跟滚仓有啥关系啊,这个明明是你自己杠杆的选择问题,我可从来没有说过让你高杠杆去操作。而且我一直强调,币圈只投自己五分之一的钱,同时只投现货十分之一的钱去玩期货,此时期货的资金只占你总资金的百分之2,同时期货只使用两三倍杠杆,而且只玩比特币,可以说把风险降低到极低了。100W没了2W你会心疼吗?总是杠就没有意思了,一直有人说滚仓风险大,什么赚钱就是运气好,说这些不是为了说服你,说服别人没有意思,我只是希望能有相同交易理念的人大家能在一起玩。只是目前没有筛选机制,总有刺耳的声音出现,干扰想看的人的认同。▼资金管理交易并非充满风险,风险可以用资金管理来化解,比如我,期货账户20W刀,现货账户从30W刀〜100W+刀随机,机会大就多充点没机会就少充点。运气好一年能赚一千多万RMB,完全够多了,运气不好最坏的情况期货账户爆光,无所谓,现货收益可以弥补期货爆仓的亏损,弥补了再冲进去,难道现货一年一分钱都赚不到吗?我还没菜到这种地步。可以不赚钱但不能亏钱所以我已经很久爆仓过了,而且期货我经常赚了提四分之一五分之一单独保存,爆光了盈利也会留存部分。作为普通人,个人给你的建议是拿现货十分之一的仓位去玩期货,比如30W就拿3W去玩,曝光了就冲现货的利润进去,等你爆过十次八次总能摸出点内道,如果还没摸出来就别玩了,不适合这一行。▼小资金如何做大很多人对交易都有很多误区,比如说,小资金应该做短线才能把资金滚大,这就是完完全全的误区,这种思维完全就是想用时间换空间,企图一夜暴富,小资金更应该做中长线才能做大。一张纸够不够薄?一张纸对折27次,是13公里厚,再对折10次折叠到37次,地球都没他厚如果折叠105次,整个宇宙都将容不下他。假如你有3W本金,应该想的是怎么一波翻三倍,然后下一波再翻三倍.....这样就有四五十万了。而不是今天想着赚10%,明天20%.....,这样早晚把自己玩死。\u003cc-8/\u003e$\u003cc-10/\u003e#


在币圈,你要想办法先赚100W本金,而从几万块赚100W本金,只有一条路,那就是滚仓。当你有了100W本金之后,你就会发现整个人生好像都不一样了,即使你不使用杠杆,拿个现货涨20%,就有20W,20W已经是绝大多数人一年的收入天花板。而且当你能从几万块做到100W,也就能摸到一些赚大钱的思路和逻辑了,这时候你的心态也静了很多,往后就是复制粘贴。别动不动就是千万一个亿的,要从自己的实际情况出发,老吹牛逼只有牛舒服。交易要有识别机会大小的能力,不能一直轻仓也不能一直重仓,平常就小仓玩玩,当大机会来领的时候再把他娘的意大利炮拉出来。比如说滚仓,这个就是大机会来领的时候才能操作,你不能老滚,错过没关系,因为你这一辈子只需要滚成功三四次就可以从0到上千万,上千万足够一个普通人晋级有钱人的行列了。滚仓的几点注意的地方:1. 足够的耐心,滚仓的利润是巨大的,只要你能滚成功几次就可以至少赚上千万上亿,所以你不能轻易的滚,要找确定性高的机会;2. 确定性的高的机会指的是暴跌后横盘震荡,然后向上突破,这时候走趋势的概率是很大的,找准趋势逆转的点,一开始就要上车。3. 只滚多;▼滚仓风险讲下滚仓策略吧,很多人觉得这个有风险,可以告诉你,风险很低,远比你玩的期货开单逻辑低得多。假如你只有5W,怎么用5W起家,首先这5W要是你的利润,如果你还是亏的,就不要看了。如果你在比特币1W开仓,杠杆设置为10倍,使用逐仓模式,只开10%的仓位,就是只开5K块钱作为保证金,其实这等于1倍杠杆,2个点止损,如果你止损了,只亏2%,只亏2%啊?1000块。那些爆仓的人到底是怎么爆仓的?就算你爆仓了好吧,不也就只亏5K吗?怎么能全亏完的。假如你对了,比特币涨到了1.1W,你继续开总资金的10%,同样设置亏2%止损,如果止损了,你还赚8%,风险呢?不是说风险很大吗?以此类推。。。。假如比特币涨到了1.5W,你都加仓顺利,这波50%的行情,你应该可以赚到20W左右,抓住两次这样的行情就是100W左右了。根本不存在复利,100倍是靠2次10倍,3次5倍,4次3倍赚出来的,不是靠每天每个月10% 20%复利起来的,那是扯淡。这条内容不仅有操作逻辑,还蕴含了交易的核心内功心法,仓位管理,只要你懂仓位管理你就不可能亏完。这个只是举例子,大概意思就这样,具体细节还需要自己多琢磨。滚仓这种理念本身并没有风险,不仅没有风险而且还是做期货最正确的思路之一,有风险的是杠杆。10倍杠杆可以滚,1倍一样可以,而我一般用两三倍,抓住两次不是一样几十倍收益?再不济你可以用0.几倍,这个跟滚仓有啥关系啊,这个明明是你自己杠杆的选择问题,我可从来没有说过让你高杠杆去操作。而且我一直强调,币圈只投自己五分之一的钱,同时只投现货十分之一的钱去玩期货,此时期货的资金只占你总资金的百分之2,同时期货只使用两三倍杠杆,而且只玩比特币,可以说把风险降低到极低了。100W没了2W你会心疼吗?总是杠就没有意思了,一直有人说滚仓风险大,什么赚钱就是运气好,说这些不是为了说服你,说服别人没有意思,我只是希望能有相同交易理念的人大家能在一起玩。只是目前没有筛选机制,总有刺耳的声音出现,干扰想看的人的认同。▼资金管理交易并非充满风险,风险可以用资金管理来化解,比如我,期货账户20W刀,现货账户从30W刀〜100W+刀随机,机会大就多充点没机会就少充点。运气好一年能赚一千多万RMB,完全够多了,运气不好最坏的情况期货账户爆光,无所谓,现货收益可以弥补期货爆仓的亏损,弥补了再冲进去,难道现货一年一分钱都赚不到吗?我还没菜到这种地步。可以不赚钱但不能亏钱所以我已经很久爆仓过了,而且期货我经常赚了提四分之一五分之一单独保存,爆光了盈利也会留存部分。作为普通人,个人给你的建议是拿现货十分之一的仓位去玩期货,比如30W就拿3W去玩,曝光了就冲现货的利润进去,等你爆过十次八次总能摸出点内道,如果还没摸出来就别玩了,不适合这一行。▼小资金如何做大很多人对交易都有很多误区,比如说,小资金应该做短线才能把资金滚大,这就是完完全全的误区,这种思维完全就是想用时间换空间,企图一夜暴富,小资金更应该做中长线才能做大。一张纸够不够薄?一张纸对折27次,是13公里厚,再对折10次折叠到37次,地球都没他厚如果折叠105次,整个宇宙都将容不下他。假如你有3W本金,应该想的是怎么一波翻三倍,然后下一波再翻三倍.....这样就有四五十万了。而不是今天想着赚10%,明天20%.....,这样早晚把自己玩死。\u003cc-8/\u003e$\u003cc-10/\u003e#
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2345 Previsão do tempo - Tempo para amanhã, sexta-feira, 20 de setembro: Chuva fraca em Pequim 14 graus ~ 19 graus Harbin ensolarado 6 graus ~ 13 graus Changchun nublado e nublado 8 graus ~ 15 graus Chuva leve em Shenyang 10 graus ~ 14 graus Hohhot chuva moderada virando para nublado 8 graus ~ 17 graus Graus Chuva fraca em Tianjin 15 graus ~ 21 graus Urumqi ensolarado 10 graus ~ 22 graus Chuvas em Yinchuan ficando nubladas 8 graus ~ 21 graus Chuva leve em Xining 8 graus ~ 16 graus Chuva leve em Lanzhou 12 graus ~ 18 graus Xi'an chuva fraca 21 graus ~ 30 graus Lhasa nublado girando 10 graus Graus ~ 21 graus Chengdu ensolarado 23 graus ~ 32 graus Chongqing ensolarado 31 graus ~ 40 graus Guiyang nublado 19 graus ~ 29 graus Kunming claro 18 graus ~ 26 graus Taiyuan chuva moderada 13 graus ~ 24 graus Chuva leve em Shijiazhuang 14 graus ~ 25 graus Chuva leve em Jinan 15 graus Graus ~ 29 graus Chuva leve em Zhengzhou 17 graus ~ 25 graus Chuva leve em Hefei 22 graus ~ 29 graus Chuva forte em Nanjing 23 graus ~ 30 graus Chuva moderada em Xangai 26 graus ~ 32 graus Wuhan nublado 22 graus ~ 34 graus Changsha nublado a chuva moderada 25 graus ~ 33 graus Chuva fraca em Nanchang 27 graus ~ 31 graus Chuva fraca em Hangzhou ficando nublada 26 graus ~ 34 graus Chuva fraca em Fuzhou 26 graus ~ 34 graus Taipei nublado 26 graus ~ 31 graus Chuvas em Nanning 25 graus ~ 33 graus Chuvas com trovões em Guangzhou 26 graus ~ 34 graus Hong Kong nublado 27 graus ~ 33 graus Nublado em Macau 27 a 32 graus Chuva moderada transformando-se em trovoadas em Haikou 25 a 30 graus
2345 Previsão do tempo - Tempo para amanhã, sexta-feira, 20 de setembro: Chuva fraca em Pequim 14 graus ~ 19 graus Harbin ensolarado 6 graus ~ 13 graus Changchun nublado e nublado 8 graus ~ 15 graus Chuva leve em Shenyang 10 graus ~ 14 graus Hohhot chuva moderada virando para nublado 8 graus ~ 17 graus Graus Chuva fraca em Tianjin 15 graus ~ 21 graus Urumqi ensolarado 10 graus ~ 22 graus Chuvas em Yinchuan ficando nubladas 8 graus ~ 21 graus Chuva leve em Xining 8 graus ~ 16 graus Chuva leve em Lanzhou 12 graus ~ 18 graus Xi'an chuva fraca 21 graus ~ 30 graus Lhasa nublado girando 10 graus Graus ~ 21 graus Chengdu ensolarado 23 graus ~ 32 graus Chongqing ensolarado 31 graus ~ 40 graus Guiyang nublado 19 graus ~ 29 graus Kunming claro 18 graus ~ 26 graus Taiyuan chuva moderada 13 graus ~ 24 graus Chuva leve em Shijiazhuang 14 graus ~ 25 graus Chuva leve em Jinan 15 graus Graus ~ 29 graus Chuva leve em Zhengzhou 17 graus ~ 25 graus Chuva leve em Hefei 22 graus ~ 29 graus Chuva forte em Nanjing 23 graus ~ 30 graus Chuva moderada em Xangai 26 graus ~ 32 graus Wuhan nublado 22 graus ~ 34 graus Changsha nublado a chuva moderada 25 graus ~ 33 graus Chuva fraca em Nanchang 27 graus ~ 31 graus Chuva fraca em Hangzhou ficando nublada 26 graus ~ 34 graus Chuva fraca em Fuzhou 26 graus ~ 34 graus Taipei nublado 26 graus ~ 31 graus Chuvas em Nanning 25 graus ~ 33 graus Chuvas com trovões em Guangzhou 26 graus ~ 34 graus Hong Kong nublado 27 graus ~ 33 graus Nublado em Macau 27 a 32 graus Chuva moderada transformando-se em trovoadas em Haikou 25 a 30 graus
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Últimas notícias: Há poucos minutos, ataques aéreos israelitas atingiram o aeroporto de Salah, em Suweida, no sul da Síria, com despesas militares patrocinadas por todos aqui.
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Há poucos minutos, ataques aéreos israelitas atingiram o aeroporto de Salah, em Suweida, no sul da Síria, com despesas militares patrocinadas por todos aqui.
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