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Procurando suporte para estudos de teologia. Somente alguém que queira ajudar pode verificar o comentário da Conta para apoiar alguém que pede ajuda de pessoas interessadas em ajudar. Que Deus Todo-Poderoso o abençoe e recompense ao fazer isso para apoiar a humanidade. Amém
Procurando suporte para estudos de teologia.

Somente alguém que queira ajudar pode verificar o comentário da Conta para apoiar alguém que pede ajuda de pessoas interessadas em ajudar.

Que Deus Todo-Poderoso o abençoe e recompense ao fazer isso para apoiar a humanidade. Amém
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Testemunha nigeriana afirma que usuários da Binance operam sob identidades falsasTestemunha nigeriana afirma que usuários da Binance operam sob identidades falsas Uma testemunha no julgamento nigeriano de lavagem de dinheiro contra a Binance alegou que muitos usuários locais da plataforma de troca de criptomoedas estão operando sob identidades falsas. A testemunha afirmou ainda que, ao permitir que os usuários retirem naira nigeriana (NGN), uma atividade regulamentada, a Binance viola as leis locais. Encargos de lavagem de dinheiro Um vice-diretor do Banco Central da Nigéria (CBN) testemunhou em um tribunal local que muitos nigerianos que usam a bolsa de criptomoedas Binance empregam identidades falsas. Olubukola Akinwumi, chefe de Política e Regulamentação de Pagamentos, deu seu testemunho durante o julgamento de lavagem de dinheiro contra Binance e Tigran Gambaryan. Akinwumi, que é testemunha da Comissão de Crimes Económicos e Financeiros (EFCC) no caso, também alegou que a Binance não possui a licença operacional necessária, tornando as suas atividades ilegais na Nigéria.

Testemunha nigeriana afirma que usuários da Binance operam sob identidades falsas

Testemunha nigeriana afirma que usuários da Binance operam sob identidades falsas

Uma testemunha no julgamento nigeriano de lavagem de dinheiro contra a Binance alegou que muitos usuários locais da plataforma de troca de criptomoedas estão operando sob identidades falsas. A testemunha afirmou ainda que, ao permitir que os usuários retirem naira nigeriana (NGN), uma atividade regulamentada, a Binance viola as leis locais.
Encargos de lavagem de dinheiro
Um vice-diretor do Banco Central da Nigéria (CBN) testemunhou em um tribunal local que muitos nigerianos que usam a bolsa de criptomoedas Binance empregam identidades falsas. Olubukola Akinwumi, chefe de Política e Regulamentação de Pagamentos, deu seu testemunho durante o julgamento de lavagem de dinheiro contra Binance e Tigran Gambaryan. Akinwumi, que é testemunha da Comissão de Crimes Económicos e Financeiros (EFCC) no caso, também alegou que a Binance não possui a licença operacional necessária, tornando as suas atividades ilegais na Nigéria.
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Venezuelanos enviaram mais de US$ 460 milhões em remessas usando criptografia em 2023Venezuelanos enviaram mais de US$ 460 milhões em remessas usando criptografia em 2023 A população migrante venezuelana, agora superior a 7 milhões, usou criptografia para enviar mais de US$ 460 milhões em remessas para aqueles que ficaram para trás no país. De acordo com a Chainalysis, 30% das famílias venezuelanas receberam alguma forma de remessa em 2023, com 9% usando criptografia como trilhos para chegar aos seus destinatários de forma eficiente. Migrantes venezuelanos enviaram quase 10% de suas remessas usando criptografia As remessas tornaram-se uma tábua de salvação para os venezuelanos que ficaram no país, uma vez que os migrantes têm enviado consistentemente dinheiro para os que ficaram para trás. De acordo com dados da Plataforma de Coordenação Interinstitucional para Refugiados e Migrantes da Venezuela recentemente revistos pela Bloomberg, mais de 7,7 milhões de venezuelanos migraram para outras latitudes em busca de melhores condições económicas.

Venezuelanos enviaram mais de US$ 460 milhões em remessas usando criptografia em 2023

Venezuelanos enviaram mais de US$ 460 milhões em remessas usando criptografia em 2023

A população migrante venezuelana, agora superior a 7 milhões, usou criptografia para enviar mais de US$ 460 milhões em remessas para aqueles que ficaram para trás no país. De acordo com a Chainalysis, 30% das famílias venezuelanas receberam alguma forma de remessa em 2023, com 9% usando criptografia como trilhos para chegar aos seus destinatários de forma eficiente.
Migrantes venezuelanos enviaram quase 10% de suas remessas usando criptografia
As remessas tornaram-se uma tábua de salvação para os venezuelanos que ficaram no país, uma vez que os migrantes têm enviado consistentemente dinheiro para os que ficaram para trás. De acordo com dados da Plataforma de Coordenação Interinstitucional para Refugiados e Migrantes da Venezuela recentemente revistos pela Bloomberg, mais de 7,7 milhões de venezuelanos migraram para outras latitudes em busca de melhores condições económicas.
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Passado versus presente – examinando a história das correções do mercado em alta do BitcoinPassado versus presente – examinando a história das correções do mercado em alta do Bitcoin A partir de agora, o preço do bitcoin diminuiu 23,4% desde seu pico de US$ 73.737, alcançado em 14 de março de 2024, cerca de quatro meses atrás. As métricas indicam que este é o período mais longo na história do bitcoin sem um declínio de 25% durante um mercado altista. Em contraste, os mercados altista de 2017 e 2021 experimentaram várias quedas de preços significativas antes de atingirem os seus respectivos máximos históricos. De 2017 a 2024: Tendências de correção do Bitcoin em mercados em alta

Passado versus presente – examinando a história das correções do mercado em alta do Bitcoin

Passado versus presente – examinando a história das correções do mercado em alta do Bitcoin

A partir de agora, o preço do bitcoin diminuiu 23,4% desde seu pico de US$ 73.737, alcançado em 14 de março de 2024, cerca de quatro meses atrás. As métricas indicam que este é o período mais longo na história do bitcoin sem um declínio de 25% durante um mercado altista. Em contraste, os mercados altista de 2017 e 2021 experimentaram várias quedas de preços significativas antes de atingirem os seus respectivos máximos históricos.
De 2017 a 2024: Tendências de correção do Bitcoin em mercados em alta
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Robert Kiyosaki prevê US$ 10 milhões em Bitcoin e US$ 15.000 em ouro após grande quebra do mercadoRobert Kiyosaki prevê US$ 10 milhões em Bitcoin e US$ 15.000 em ouro após grande quebra do mercado O autor de Pai Rico, Pai Pobre, Robert Kiyosaki, prevê um colapso econômico iminente seguido por um mercado altista significativo, onde o bitcoin poderia facilmente atingir US$ 10 milhões por moeda, o ouro poderia chegar a US$ 15.000 a onça e a prata possivelmente US$ 110 a onça. Kiyosaki sugere que este ciclo é inevitável devido ao declínio da confiança nas moedas fiduciárias e nos precedentes históricos. Robert Kiyosaki prevê crise econômica seguida por mercado em alta: ‘bom momento para comprar’

Robert Kiyosaki prevê US$ 10 milhões em Bitcoin e US$ 15.000 em ouro após grande quebra do mercado

Robert Kiyosaki prevê US$ 10 milhões em Bitcoin e US$ 15.000 em ouro após grande quebra do mercado

O autor de Pai Rico, Pai Pobre, Robert Kiyosaki, prevê um colapso econômico iminente seguido por um mercado altista significativo, onde o bitcoin poderia facilmente atingir US$ 10 milhões por moeda, o ouro poderia chegar a US$ 15.000 a onça e a prata possivelmente US$ 110 a onça. Kiyosaki sugere que este ciclo é inevitável devido ao declínio da confiança nas moedas fiduciárias e nos precedentes históricos.
Robert Kiyosaki prevê crise econômica seguida por mercado em alta: ‘bom momento para comprar’
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Binance EUA confiante na batalha legal contra a SEC à medida que o caso avançaBinance EUA confiante na batalha legal contra a SEC à medida que o caso avança A Binance US respondeu à decisão do tribunal de permitir o prosseguimento do processo da SEC, expressando confiança em sua posição e criticando a abordagem regulatória da SEC. “Continuamos confiantes em nossa posição de que o caso da SEC não é apoiado pelos fatos ou pela lei, e que a Comissão não possui a autoridade que busca exercer para iniciar sua ação contra nós”, afirmou Binance US. Binance US responde à decisão judicial sobre processo da SEC

Binance EUA confiante na batalha legal contra a SEC à medida que o caso avança

Binance EUA confiante na batalha legal contra a SEC à medida que o caso avança

A Binance US respondeu à decisão do tribunal de permitir o prosseguimento do processo da SEC, expressando confiança em sua posição e criticando a abordagem regulatória da SEC. “Continuamos confiantes em nossa posição de que o caso da SEC não é apoiado pelos fatos ou pela lei, e que a Comissão não possui a autoridade que busca exercer para iniciar sua ação contra nós”, afirmou Binance US.
Binance US responde à decisão judicial sobre processo da SEC
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Banco Central da Nigéria adverte instituições financeiras contra a rejeição de denominações antigas ou inferiores dos EUABanco Central da Nigéria adverte instituições financeiras contra a rejeição de dólares americanos de denominação antiga ou inferior O Banco Central da Nigéria alertou as instituições financeiras locais contra a rejeição de notas de dólar americano mais antigas ou de denominação mais baixa. O banco principal disse que tomará medidas enérgicas contra instituições financeiras que se recusem a aceitar notas mutiladas ou com circulação excessiva em moeda local. Notas de dólar mais antigas ainda têm curso legal O Banco Central da Nigéria (CBN) informou às instituições financeiras registadas que a rejeição de notas de dólar dos EUA mais antigas ou de denominação mais baixa ainda é desencorajada. Numa circular divulgada em 27 de junho, o banco principal enfatizou que os bancos de depósito de dinheiro (DMBs) e os negociantes de câmbio estrangeiros autorizados devem continuar a aceitar notas de dólares americanos mais antigas e de denominação mais baixa como moeda legal para depósitos de clientes.

Banco Central da Nigéria adverte instituições financeiras contra a rejeição de denominações antigas ou inferiores dos EUA

Banco Central da Nigéria adverte instituições financeiras contra a rejeição de dólares americanos de denominação antiga ou inferior

O Banco Central da Nigéria alertou as instituições financeiras locais contra a rejeição de notas de dólar americano mais antigas ou de denominação mais baixa. O banco principal disse que tomará medidas enérgicas contra instituições financeiras que se recusem a aceitar notas mutiladas ou com circulação excessiva em moeda local.
Notas de dólar mais antigas ainda têm curso legal
O Banco Central da Nigéria (CBN) informou às instituições financeiras registadas que a rejeição de notas de dólar dos EUA mais antigas ou de denominação mais baixa ainda é desencorajada. Numa circular divulgada em 27 de junho, o banco principal enfatizou que os bancos de depósito de dinheiro (DMBs) e os negociantes de câmbio estrangeiros autorizados devem continuar a aceitar notas de dólares americanos mais antigas e de denominação mais baixa como moeda legal para depósitos de clientes.
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DOJ seleciona Coinbase para fornecer serviços de criptografia ao US Marshals ServiceDOJ seleciona Coinbase para fornecer serviços de criptografia ao US Marshals Service O US Marshals Service do Departamento de Justiça (DOJ) selecionou a exchange de criptomoedas Coinbase para fornecer serviços de custódia e negociação de criptomoedas. O contrato do governo dos EUA, avaliado em mais de US$ 32 milhões, visa agilizar a gestão e o descarte de criptomoedas apreendidas, garantindo um tratamento profissional e legal. Coinbase ganha contrato de US$ 32 milhões com US Marshals Service A Crypto exchange Coinbase (Nasdaq: COIN) anunciou na segunda-feira que o US Marshals Service, uma agência do Departamento de Justiça dos EUA (DOJ) responsável pelo confisco de ativos, selecionou a Coinbase Prime para fornecer custódia e serviços avançados de negociação para seus ativos digitais. Coinbase detalhada:

DOJ seleciona Coinbase para fornecer serviços de criptografia ao US Marshals Service

DOJ seleciona Coinbase para fornecer serviços de criptografia ao US Marshals Service

O US Marshals Service do Departamento de Justiça (DOJ) selecionou a exchange de criptomoedas Coinbase para fornecer serviços de custódia e negociação de criptomoedas. O contrato do governo dos EUA, avaliado em mais de US$ 32 milhões, visa agilizar a gestão e o descarte de criptomoedas apreendidas, garantindo um tratamento profissional e legal.
Coinbase ganha contrato de US$ 32 milhões com US Marshals Service
A Crypto exchange Coinbase (Nasdaq: COIN) anunciou na segunda-feira que o US Marshals Service, uma agência do Departamento de Justiça dos EUA (DOJ) responsável pelo confisco de ativos, selecionou a Coinbase Prime para fornecer custódia e serviços avançados de negociação para seus ativos digitais. Coinbase detalhada:
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Banco Central Russo sugere uso de criptografia para combater sanções ocidentaisBanco Central Russo sugere uso de criptografia para combater sanções ocidentais O banco central da Rússia instou as empresas a considerarem várias soluções de pagamento, incluindo criptomoedas e ativos digitais, para gerir transações com parceiros estrangeiros e combater as sanções ocidentais. A governadora do Banco da Rússia, Elvira Nabiullina, destacou que o banco central suavizou sua posição sobre o uso de criptomoedas em pagamentos internacionais. Ela também mencionou os esforços em curso para estabelecer sistemas de pagamentos globais alternativos, como a Ponte BRICS.

Banco Central Russo sugere uso de criptografia para combater sanções ocidentais

Banco Central Russo sugere uso de criptografia para combater sanções ocidentais

O banco central da Rússia instou as empresas a considerarem várias soluções de pagamento, incluindo criptomoedas e ativos digitais, para gerir transações com parceiros estrangeiros e combater as sanções ocidentais. A governadora do Banco da Rússia, Elvira Nabiullina, destacou que o banco central suavizou sua posição sobre o uso de criptomoedas em pagamentos internacionais. Ela também mencionou os esforços em curso para estabelecer sistemas de pagamentos globais alternativos, como a Ponte BRICS.
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FMI aconselha EUA a manter taxas de juros estáveis ​​até o final de 2024FMI aconselha EUA a manter taxas de juros estáveis ​​até o final de 2024 O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) aconselhou os EUA a melhorar a sua posição fiscal, reduzindo os gastos e aumentando as receitas. O FMI enfatiza a abordagem do aumento da dívida através de ajustes políticos e recomenda a manutenção das taxas de juro atuais até ao final de 2024. “Dados esses riscos, concordámos que a Fed deveria manter as taxas diretoras no nível atual pelo menos até ao final de 2024”, disse o diretor do FMI. FMI Insta EUA a Fortalecer a Posição Fiscal

FMI aconselha EUA a manter taxas de juros estáveis ​​até o final de 2024

FMI aconselha EUA a manter taxas de juros estáveis ​​até o final de 2024
O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) aconselhou os EUA a melhorar a sua posição fiscal, reduzindo os gastos e aumentando as receitas. O FMI enfatiza a abordagem do aumento da dívida através de ajustes políticos e recomenda a manutenção das taxas de juro atuais até ao final de 2024. “Dados esses riscos, concordámos que a Fed deveria manter as taxas diretoras no nível atual pelo menos até ao final de 2024”, disse o diretor do FMI.
FMI Insta EUA a Fortalecer a Posição Fiscal
Bitcoin trades in ‘enthusiastic’ phase as data hints at upcoming range expansion. Bitcoin trades in ‘enthusiastic’ phase as data hints at upcoming range expansion Bitcoin’s volatility is compressing, which is a sign that a sharp range expansion is brewing. Bitcoin price continued to slump on June 3 and now trades 20% below itsall-time high of $73,835. The current price action reflects the “apathy and boredom” that dominate the market, but onchain metrics hint that Bitcoin is prepping for a “larger move” in the near future, according to a Glassnodereport.  Bitcoin investor profitability remains “remarkably robust” Bitcoin price has had an impressive run so far in 2024, with the flagship cryptocurrency breaching its all-time high on March 5. Bitcoin has since corrected, dropping below the $60,000 level thrice over the last ten days, leading to “fear and bearish” sentiments as apathy took over. Despite this, the Market Value Realized Value (MVRV) metric reveals that a significant proportion of Bitcoin investors remain in profit, as noted by market intelligence firm Glassnode. The chart below shows that the aggregate investor profitability remains remarkably high, with the average coin still holding a two-time profit multiple. Glassnode analysts wrote, “This is a level that often delineates the 'Enthusiastic' and the 'Euphoric' bull market phases.” Glassnode explained that Bitcoin’s accumulation between the $60,000 and $70,000 range since March has led to widespread indecision and a market that has failed to establish a robust trend in either direction. According to the data aggregator, when the spot price oscillates between the all-time high and the True Market Mean, it suggests an “enthusiastic bull market.” According to the chart below, the True Market Mean is valued at $50,000, representing the average cost basis per active investor. “At the moment, prices remain within the Enthusiastic bull regime after a few very brief excursions into the Euphoric zone.” Glassnode says that $50,000 is a key pricing level for Bitcoin’s price to remain above “if the macro bull market is expected to continue.” A new report by 10X Research suggests that if Bitcoin fails to remain above $60,000, it will rapidly descend to lower support levels, potentially reaching as low as $50,000. “Psychologically, breaking the 60,000 Bitcoin price would be damaging, as prices could drop quickly to the nearest support level, which might be $55,000 or even $50,000.” Compressing volatility signals ‘large market moves ahead’ After several months of range-bound price action, Glassnode analysts noted a decline in volatility across multiple time frames. Bitcoin’s Realized Volatility across 1-week, 2-week, 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 1-year timeframes exhibits negative 30-day change. The report says that when this happens, “a signal is triggered, inferring that volatility is compressing, and so are investor expectations of lower volatility ahead.” Volatility compression is a period that marks a decline in historical volatility or fluctuation in Bitcoin price performance. It is often followed by a significant market movement, whether upward or downward. Gassnode also assessed the percent range between the highest and lowest price ticks over the last 60 days and found that Bitcoin’s market volatility continues to “compress to levels rarely seen.” If this compression happens after such lengthy consolidations, it usually means that the price is readying for “large market moves.” Regarding the Sell-Side Risk Ratio, the analysts assessed the absolute sum of realized profit and loss locked in by investors relative to the asset size – the Realised Cap– and found that this metric has contracted to historic lows. “This suggests that a degree of equilibrium has been established during this price consolidation and alludes to heightened volatility expectations in the near future.” This means that the current trading range is in the “later stages of developing toward the next range expansion.” #Write2Earn

Bitcoin trades in ‘enthusiastic’ phase as data hints at upcoming range expansion.

Bitcoin trades in ‘enthusiastic’ phase as data hints at upcoming range expansion
Bitcoin’s volatility is compressing, which is a sign that a sharp range expansion is brewing.
Bitcoin price continued to slump on June 3 and now trades 20% below itsall-time high of $73,835. The current price action reflects the “apathy and boredom” that dominate the market, but onchain metrics hint that Bitcoin is prepping for a “larger move” in the near future, according to a Glassnodereport. 
Bitcoin investor profitability remains “remarkably robust”
Bitcoin price has had an impressive run so far in 2024, with the flagship cryptocurrency breaching its all-time high on March 5. Bitcoin has since corrected, dropping below the $60,000 level thrice over the last ten days, leading to “fear and bearish” sentiments as apathy took over.
Despite this, the Market Value Realized Value (MVRV) metric reveals that a significant proportion of Bitcoin investors remain in profit, as noted by market intelligence firm Glassnode.
The chart below shows that the aggregate investor profitability remains remarkably high, with the average coin still holding a two-time profit multiple.
Glassnode analysts wrote,
“This is a level that often delineates the 'Enthusiastic' and the 'Euphoric' bull market phases.”

Glassnode explained that Bitcoin’s accumulation between the $60,000 and $70,000 range since March has led to widespread indecision and a market that has failed to establish a robust trend in either direction.
According to the data aggregator, when the spot price oscillates between the all-time high and the True Market Mean, it suggests an “enthusiastic bull market.” According to the chart below, the True Market Mean is valued at $50,000, representing the average cost basis per active investor.
“At the moment, prices remain within the Enthusiastic bull regime after a few very brief excursions into the Euphoric zone.”

Glassnode says that $50,000 is a key pricing level for Bitcoin’s price to remain above “if the macro bull market is expected to continue.”
A new report by 10X Research suggests that if Bitcoin fails to remain above $60,000, it will rapidly descend to lower support levels, potentially reaching as low as $50,000.
“Psychologically, breaking the 60,000 Bitcoin price would be damaging, as prices could drop quickly to the nearest support level, which might be $55,000 or even $50,000.”
Compressing volatility signals ‘large market moves ahead’
After several months of range-bound price action, Glassnode analysts noted a decline in volatility across multiple time frames. Bitcoin’s Realized Volatility across 1-week, 2-week, 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 1-year timeframes exhibits negative 30-day change.
The report says that when this happens, “a signal is triggered, inferring that volatility is compressing, and so are investor expectations of lower volatility ahead.”

Volatility compression is a period that marks a decline in historical volatility or fluctuation in Bitcoin price performance. It is often followed by a significant market movement, whether upward or downward.
Gassnode also assessed the percent range between the highest and lowest price ticks over the last 60 days and found that Bitcoin’s market volatility continues to “compress to levels rarely seen.”
If this compression happens after such lengthy consolidations, it usually means that the price is readying for “large market moves.”
Regarding the Sell-Side Risk Ratio, the analysts assessed the absolute sum of realized profit and loss locked in by investors relative to the asset size – the Realised Cap– and found that this metric has contracted to historic lows.
“This suggests that a degree of equilibrium has been established during this price consolidation and alludes to heightened volatility expectations in the near future.”

This means that the current trading range is in the “later stages of developing toward the next range expansion.” #Write2Earn
Did Bitcoin Runes already peak? Did Bitcoin Runes already peak? Tokens on the Runes Protocol are down from their peak, but don't count them out yet. The protocol is less than three months old — and it's just getting started. Block 840,000, mined on April 19, 2024, was special for Bitcoin. In addition to marking the fourth halving of the world's largest blockchain, it also signaled the launch of the Runes Protocol, currently the most popular for creating fungible tokens on Bitcoin. While token creation is common on blockchains such as Ethereum or Solana, this practice is relatively new for Bitcoin, only becoming popular in 2023. Tokens on the Runes Protocol —launched in April— are even more recent. Over the last 15 years, traditional media declared Bitcoin dead numerous times. Similarly, tokens created on the Runes Protocol are already considered dead by some critics. Looking at the daily trading volume of these assets, as well as the number of new entrants, you could get the impression that Runes have indeed already peaked. But considering the history of premature declarations about the end of Web3 assets, it's worth questioning whether that is true. The first thing to consider is macro context. Since the Runes Protocol launched, Bitcoin has remained in a channel between roughly $60,000 and $70,000. During this period, its dominance over all other crypto market assets — altcoins — has practically remained sovereign, showing a certain market caution in taking more risks. This directly impacts interest in Runes standard tokens. Although they live within Bitcoin, they fall under the "altcoins" classification, which is not attracting wide interest from the market at the moment. However, as the Roman emperor (and Stoic philosopher) Marcus Aurelius said, "Focus on what you can control, not what you cannot control." It is essential to analyze exclusively how the Runes ecosystem is evolving. Quality of Runes tokens Nearly all of the tokens created on the Runes Protocol to date are meme coins. Besides memes being one of the major narratives of 2024, they are also easy and simple to create. Therefore, it was expected that Bitcoin's blockchain would initially be flooded with meme coins rather than tokens with robust tokenomics or tied to large applications, as there has not yet been time for the market to create such things. Among all the memes created, the highlight is the DOG token. The success of the DOG token is due to a fair launch and a strong, simple narrative: Bitcoin's dog token For years, dog-themed tokens ruled the meme coin market across all networks, and now Bitcoin has a dog to call its own. DOG currently represents around 40% of the entire market capitalization of Runes tokens — with a value of around $600 million — and is held by more than 70,000 on-chain holders. Its dominance highlights the growth potential of the sector. The value of Dogecoin, the world's largest meme coin, still surpasses Bitcoin's top dog token by 28 times and exceeds the value of the entire Runes token ecosystem by more than 10 times. Evolution of the infrastructure Since asset issuance within Bitcoin began to become popular in 2023, the infrastructure to engage with them has been a significant friction. Besides the wallets that support these types of assets not being the most popular in the Ethereum or Solana ecosystems, Bitcoin lacks smart contracts — making it difficult to create decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and marketplaces, for example. That makes it significantly less pleasant to trade Bitcoin assets compared to assets on other networks. Some major players see this as a good challenge and opportunity. By betting on these emerging Bitcoin assets, Magic Eden — for example — has taken on new life after losing relevance to Solana. Another player dedicating good energy to the space is OKX, which has an on-chain marketplace dedicated solely to Runes assets. Now the next major market speculation is the creation of a journey similar to a decentralized exchange like Uniswap or Jupiter. There are no clear predictions for this to happen, but it can be said that the infrastructure is being developed at an accelerated pace for a type of asset that did not exist three months ago. Others embracing the narrative In addition to native players and on-chain developments, centralized exchanges are also gradually embracing Runes standard assets. Leading these listings is the DOG token, which already has spot listings on and MEX and perpetual listings on Bybit and KuCoin. It is worth reinforcing that the Runes Protocol is less than three months old, and listing Runes tokens on an exchange requires that exchange to update its infrastructure. That is why small exchanges have moved the most quickly — and larger exchanges will follow. That said, even in an apathetic market, the Runes ecosystem has had extremely interesting advances that show it is far from its developmental peak. Even if an "alt season" never comes, the Runes ecosystem has a strong narrative — and it is going to stand out in the market. Lugui Tillier is a guest author for Cointelegraph and the business development director of Lumx, a Web3 startup in Rio de Janeiro that counts BTG Pactual Bank, the largest investment bank in Latin America, among its investors. #Write2Earn

Did Bitcoin Runes already peak?

Did Bitcoin Runes already peak?
Tokens on the Runes Protocol are down from their peak, but don't count them out yet. The protocol is less than three months old — and it's just getting started.
Block 840,000, mined on April 19, 2024, was special for Bitcoin. In addition to marking the fourth halving of the world's largest blockchain, it also signaled the launch of the Runes Protocol, currently the most popular for creating fungible tokens on Bitcoin.
While token creation is common on blockchains such as Ethereum or Solana, this practice is relatively new for Bitcoin, only becoming popular in 2023. Tokens on the Runes Protocol —launched in April— are even more recent.

Over the last 15 years, traditional media declared Bitcoin dead numerous times. Similarly, tokens created on the Runes Protocol are already considered dead by some critics.
Looking at the daily trading volume of these assets, as well as the number of new entrants, you could get the impression that Runes have indeed already peaked. But considering the history of premature declarations about the end of Web3 assets, it's worth questioning whether that is true.

The first thing to consider is macro context. Since the Runes Protocol launched, Bitcoin has remained in a channel between roughly $60,000 and $70,000.
During this period, its dominance over all other crypto market assets — altcoins — has practically remained sovereign, showing a certain market caution in taking more risks.
This directly impacts interest in Runes standard tokens. Although they live within Bitcoin, they fall under the "altcoins" classification, which is not attracting wide interest from the market at the moment.
However, as the Roman emperor (and Stoic philosopher) Marcus Aurelius said, "Focus on what you can control, not what you cannot control." It is essential to analyze exclusively how the Runes ecosystem is evolving.
Quality of Runes tokens
Nearly all of the tokens created on the Runes Protocol to date are meme coins. Besides memes being one of the major narratives of 2024, they are also easy and simple to create. Therefore, it was expected that Bitcoin's blockchain would initially be flooded with meme coins rather than tokens with robust tokenomics or tied to large applications, as there has not yet been time for the market to create such things.
Among all the memes created, the highlight is the DOG token. The success of the DOG token is due to a fair launch and a strong, simple narrative: Bitcoin's dog token
For years, dog-themed tokens ruled the meme coin market across all networks, and now Bitcoin has a dog to call its own.

DOG currently represents around 40% of the entire market capitalization of Runes tokens — with a value of around $600 million — and is held by more than 70,000 on-chain holders. Its dominance highlights the growth potential of the sector.
The value of Dogecoin, the world's largest meme coin, still surpasses Bitcoin's top dog token by 28 times and exceeds the value of the entire Runes token ecosystem by more than 10 times.
Evolution of the infrastructure
Since asset issuance within Bitcoin began to become popular in 2023, the infrastructure to engage with them has been a significant friction.
Besides the wallets that support these types of assets not being the most popular in the Ethereum or Solana ecosystems, Bitcoin lacks smart contracts — making it difficult to create decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and marketplaces, for example. That makes it significantly less pleasant to trade Bitcoin assets compared to assets on other networks.
Some major players see this as a good challenge and opportunity. By betting on these emerging Bitcoin assets, Magic Eden — for example — has taken on new life after losing relevance to Solana.
Another player dedicating good energy to the space is OKX, which has an on-chain marketplace dedicated solely to Runes assets.
Now the next major market speculation is the creation of a journey similar to a decentralized exchange like Uniswap or Jupiter. There are no clear predictions for this to happen, but it can be said that the infrastructure is being developed at an accelerated pace for a type of asset that did not exist three months ago.
Others embracing the narrative
In addition to native players and on-chain developments, centralized exchanges are also gradually embracing Runes standard assets. Leading these listings is the DOG token, which already has spot listings on and MEX and perpetual listings on Bybit and KuCoin.
It is worth reinforcing that the Runes Protocol is less than three months old, and listing Runes tokens on an exchange requires that exchange to update its infrastructure. That is why small exchanges have moved the most quickly — and larger exchanges will follow.
That said, even in an apathetic market, the Runes ecosystem has had extremely interesting advances that show it is far from its developmental peak.
Even if an "alt season" never comes, the Runes ecosystem has a strong narrative — and it is going to stand out in the market.
Lugui Tillier is a guest author for Cointelegraph and the business development director of Lumx, a Web3 startup in Rio de Janeiro that counts BTG Pactual Bank, the largest investment bank in Latin America, among its investors.
From Louisiana to New Hampshire, crypto advocates are winning. From Louisiana to New Hampshire, crypto advocates are winning It might come as a surprise if you only follow Congress, but a raft of state measures have shown legislators moving in the right direction on crypto. As many states settle in for their summer recess, the momentum behind digital asset legislation shows no signs of slowing down, and it could shift voters' focus to many congressional and down-ballot races this fall.  So far in 2024, we’ve seen over 30 bills impacting digital assets enacted at the state level. That’s more than double the number that passed out of state houses last year. We also see progress in both Republican and Democratic states, reflecting a broad, bipartisan appetite for clear and consistent crypto regulation. States are seeing the importance of showing the work ahead of November. June has been a particularly active month for state crypto policy in New England, the home of a few important races and a variety of bills addressing key areas such as custody requirements, self-hosted wallets, unclaimed property, crypto mining, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). For example, the swing state of New Hampshire — which has alternated between Democratic and Republican majorities in its state legislature since 2006 — is making moves to expand its regulatory framework to include certain digital-asset activity. The state legislature spent June negotiating differences between the House and Senate passed versions of HB 1241, which wextend its money-transmitter laws to capture "virtual currency" transmission. Maine — which could be a swing state in the 2024 election — also recently advanced a digital asset update to its own MTL regulations. However, the change included some problematic provisions for self-hosted wallets. When Maine Governor Janet Mills signed LD 2112 into law, the bill included language that could stifle how self-hosted wallets interact with the rest of the digital asset ecosystem. Policymakers will need to address this issue during the bill’s implementation process. Senator Elizabeth Warren's home state of Massachusetts is also advancing crypto legislation. House Bill 1641 aims to modernize how fiduciaries manage digital assets, aligning with legislation across the country such as HB 3778 in Oklahoma and SB 1458 in California. The measure has been recommended for further study by the Joint Judiciary Committee, which includes members from both the state House and Senate. Massachusetts is also making strides at the local level. Just south of Boston, the city of Quincy recently issued the first municipal blockchain-based bond for $10 million with J.P. Morgan. Supporters have been championing the lower costs, enhanced liquidity, and reduced settlement times the measure promises for debt markets. Given how vocal Warren is on the federal level, it is worth taking stock of what happens in the state. In June, another New England state, Rhode Island, saw Governor Dan McKee sign SB 2803 into law. The bill incorporates minimum capital requirements and limits on investments for “currency transmitters” operating in the state, including crypto exchanges. Another June development worth flagging was Louisiana's HB 488 signed by Governor Jeff Landry, which encouraged Bitcoin mining and prohibited CBDCs. This bill received bipartisan support for championing states' rights in crypto policy.  A final win for crypto advocates came on June 27, when HB 690 passed the North Carolina state Senate. CBDC payments would be prohibited under the legislation, as would North Carolina’s participation in the Federal Reserve’s CBDC tests. The bill is going to the governor for consideration. States are increasingly shaping the regulatory environment for digital assets, providing clarity and security for digital asset businesses and consumers. The steady growth in legislative activity at the state level is a clear signal that policymakers are hearing from their constituents on these issues, which will have important implications for the upcoming November election. More than 50 million Americans own crypto. In swing states with tight races, these crypto swing voters are poised to make a major impact. These voters recognize the United States is at a turning point when it comes to leadership on Web3, and they don’t want to see us cede this frontier to our global competitors. Candidates that support clear rules of the road and want to work on advancing this new technology in the United States could win tight races across the country. June’s activity at the state level is proof that policy leaders can come from anywhere in the country and either side of the aisle. Peter Herzog is the state and local government relations lead at the Crypto Council for Innovation, an industry alliance with members including Coinbase, Circle, and Andreessen Horowitz. #Write2Earn

From Louisiana to New Hampshire, crypto advocates are winning.

From Louisiana to New Hampshire, crypto advocates are winning
It might come as a surprise if you only follow Congress, but a raft of state measures have shown legislators moving in the right direction on crypto.
As many states settle in for their summer recess, the momentum behind digital asset legislation shows no signs of slowing down, and it could shift voters' focus to many congressional and down-ballot races this fall. 
So far in 2024, we’ve seen over 30 bills impacting digital assets enacted at the state level. That’s more than double the number that passed out of state houses last year. We also see progress in both Republican and Democratic states, reflecting a broad, bipartisan appetite for clear and consistent crypto regulation. States are seeing the importance of showing the work ahead of November.
June has been a particularly active month for state crypto policy in New England, the home of a few important races and a variety of bills addressing key areas such as custody requirements, self-hosted wallets, unclaimed property, crypto mining, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
For example, the swing state of New Hampshire — which has alternated between Democratic and Republican majorities in its state legislature since 2006 — is making moves to expand its regulatory framework to include certain digital-asset activity. The state legislature spent June negotiating differences between the House and Senate passed versions of HB 1241, which wextend its money-transmitter laws to capture "virtual currency" transmission.
Maine — which could be a swing state in the 2024 election — also recently advanced a digital asset update to its own MTL regulations. However, the change included some problematic provisions for self-hosted wallets. When Maine Governor Janet Mills signed LD 2112 into law, the bill included language that could stifle how self-hosted wallets interact with the rest of the digital asset ecosystem. Policymakers will need to address this issue during the bill’s implementation process.
Senator Elizabeth Warren's home state of Massachusetts is also advancing crypto legislation. House Bill 1641 aims to modernize how fiduciaries manage digital assets, aligning with legislation across the country such as HB 3778 in Oklahoma and SB 1458 in California. The measure has been recommended for further study by the Joint Judiciary Committee, which includes members from both the state House and Senate.
Massachusetts is also making strides at the local level. Just south of Boston, the city of Quincy recently issued the first municipal blockchain-based bond for $10 million with J.P. Morgan. Supporters have been championing the lower costs, enhanced liquidity, and reduced settlement times the measure promises for debt markets. Given how vocal Warren is on the federal level, it is worth taking stock of what happens in the state.
In June, another New England state, Rhode Island, saw Governor Dan McKee sign SB 2803 into law. The bill incorporates minimum capital requirements and limits on investments for “currency transmitters” operating in the state, including crypto exchanges.
Another June development worth flagging was Louisiana's HB 488 signed by Governor Jeff Landry, which encouraged Bitcoin mining and prohibited CBDCs. This bill received bipartisan support for championing states' rights in crypto policy. 

A final win for crypto advocates came on June 27, when HB 690 passed the North Carolina state Senate. CBDC payments would be prohibited under the legislation, as would North Carolina’s participation in the Federal Reserve’s CBDC tests. The bill is going to the governor for consideration.
States are increasingly shaping the regulatory environment for digital assets, providing clarity and security for digital asset businesses and consumers. The steady growth in legislative activity at the state level is a clear signal that policymakers are hearing from their constituents on these issues, which will have important implications for the upcoming November election. More than 50 million Americans own crypto. In swing states with tight races, these crypto swing voters are poised to make a major impact.
These voters recognize the United States is at a turning point when it comes to leadership on Web3, and they don’t want to see us cede this frontier to our global competitors. Candidates that support clear rules of the road and want to work on advancing this new technology in the United States could win tight races across the country. June’s activity at the state level is proof that policy leaders can come from anywhere in the country and either side of the aisle.
Peter Herzog is the state and local government relations lead at the Crypto Council for Innovation, an industry alliance with members including Coinbase, Circle, and Andreessen Horowitz. #Write2Earn
Binance exec trial will resume July 5 as family reports health problems.Binance exec trial will resume July 5 as family reports health problems Though Nigeria's tax authority dropped charges against two Binance executives in June, the pair will still face a trial for allegations of money laundering. Prosecutors in Nigeria will move forward with a case brought by the country’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) against Tigran Gambaryan, a Binance executive detained since February. A spokesperson for the family told Cointelegraph that Gambaryan’s legal team began and ended its cross-examination of an EFCC witness on July 2. The government agency has filed money laundering charges against Gambaryan and Binance executive Nadeem Anjarwalla, who escaped custody in March and reportedly fled to Kenya. Nigeria officials plan to resume Gambaryan’s trial on July 5. However, his family is reporting that his health has been deteriorating in the roughly 128 days since authorities detained him and Anjarwalla. According to the spokesperson, Gambaryan has had double pneumonia and malaria and reported aches and pains in his foot and back. US government response? In a statement to Cointelegraph, Gambaryan’s wife, Yuki, said she was not in contact with anyone from the Nigerian government but had been speaking with officials in the U.S. State Department and U.S. Embassy in Abuja. She reported regular calls with Binance staff and the lawyers representing her husband in the EFCC case. “I thought the U.S. Government response was quite slow at first, especially considering that Tigran used to work for the U.S. Government,” said Yuki. “However, I believe they have noticeably increased their efforts and engagement recently [...] In my eyes, it is evident any issues between Binance and the Nigerian authorities can and should be resolved without Tigran being caught in the middle.” Nigeria authorities initially charged Gambaryan and Anjarwalla with tax evasion and money laundering charges in February after the pair traveled to the country as representatives of Binance. Anjarwalla escaped to Kenya in March and reportedly faces extradition back to Nigeria. In June, Nigeria’s Federal Inland Revenue Service dropped the tax evasion charges, but the money laundering case was ongoing at the time of publication. Many U.S. officials and people interested in the case have criticized Nigerian authorities for holding two executives who willingly traveled to the country accountable for the company’s alleged actions. On June 20, U.S. Representatives French Hill and Chrissy Houlahan met Gambaryan in Kuje Prison in Nigeria, calling for authorities to drop the charges and release him immediately on humanitarian grounds. Yuki Gambaryan launched a petition to bring her husband back to the U.S., which had 4,879 signatures at the time of publication — roughly one hundred shy of its goal of 5,000. The results of the petition will presumably be forwarded to the U.S. State Department, President Joe Biden, the EFFCC, and the Nigerian government. #Write2Earn

Binance exec trial will resume July 5 as family reports health problems.

Binance exec trial will resume July 5 as family reports health problems
Though Nigeria's tax authority dropped charges against two Binance executives in June, the pair will still face a trial for allegations of money laundering.
Prosecutors in Nigeria will move forward with a case brought by the country’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) against Tigran Gambaryan, a Binance executive detained since February.
A spokesperson for the family told Cointelegraph that Gambaryan’s legal team began and ended its cross-examination of an EFCC witness on July 2. The government agency has filed money laundering charges against Gambaryan and Binance executive Nadeem Anjarwalla, who escaped custody in March and reportedly fled to Kenya.
Nigeria officials plan to resume Gambaryan’s trial on July 5. However, his family is reporting that his health has been deteriorating in the roughly 128 days since authorities detained him and Anjarwalla. According to the spokesperson, Gambaryan has had double pneumonia and malaria and reported aches and pains in his foot and back.
US government response?
In a statement to Cointelegraph, Gambaryan’s wife, Yuki, said she was not in contact with anyone from the Nigerian government but had been speaking with officials in the U.S. State Department and U.S. Embassy in Abuja. She reported regular calls with Binance staff and the lawyers representing her husband in the EFCC case.
“I thought the U.S. Government response was quite slow at first, especially considering that Tigran used to work for the U.S. Government,” said Yuki. “However, I believe they have noticeably increased their efforts and engagement recently [...] In my eyes, it is evident any issues between Binance and the Nigerian authorities can and should be resolved without Tigran being caught in the middle.”
Nigeria authorities initially charged Gambaryan and Anjarwalla with tax evasion and money laundering charges in February after the pair traveled to the country as representatives of Binance. Anjarwalla escaped to Kenya in March and reportedly faces extradition back to Nigeria. In June, Nigeria’s Federal Inland Revenue Service dropped the tax evasion charges, but the money laundering case was ongoing at the time of publication.
Many U.S. officials and people interested in the case have criticized Nigerian authorities for holding two executives who willingly traveled to the country accountable for the company’s alleged actions. On June 20, U.S. Representatives French Hill and Chrissy Houlahan met Gambaryan in Kuje Prison in Nigeria, calling for authorities to drop the charges and release him immediately on humanitarian grounds.
Yuki Gambaryan launched a petition to bring her husband back to the U.S., which had 4,879 signatures at the time of publication — roughly one hundred shy of its goal of 5,000. The results of the petition will presumably be forwarded to the U.S. State Department, President Joe Biden, the EFFCC, and the Nigerian government.
Ver original
SEC x Binance: Tribunal decide vendas de BNB, criptomoedas e não títulos SEC x Binance: Tribunal decide vendas de BNB, criptomoedas e não títulos Em uma grande vitória para a indústria de criptografia, um tribunal federal decidiu que os tokens de criptomoeda em si não são títulos. As criptomoedas e as vendas secundárias do token BNB não constituem títulos, decidiu um tribunal federal dos Estados Unidos em outra vitória significativa para a indústria de criptografia. As criptomoedas e as vendas secundárias do BNB não constituem ofertas de valores mobiliários, de acordo com a juíza Amy Berman Jackson, do Tribunal Distrital dos EUA para o Distrito de Columbia.

SEC x Binance: Tribunal decide vendas de BNB, criptomoedas e não títulos

SEC x Binance: Tribunal decide vendas de BNB, criptomoedas e não títulos
Em uma grande vitória para a indústria de criptografia, um tribunal federal decidiu que os tokens de criptomoeda em si não são títulos.
As criptomoedas e as vendas secundárias do token BNB não constituem títulos, decidiu um tribunal federal dos Estados Unidos em outra vitória significativa para a indústria de criptografia.
As criptomoedas e as vendas secundárias do BNB não constituem ofertas de valores mobiliários, de acordo com a juíza Amy Berman Jackson, do Tribunal Distrital dos EUA para o Distrito de Columbia.
Sony Group to Enter the Cryptocurrency Trading Business Through S.BLOX's WhalefinSony Group to Enter the Cryptocurrency Trading Business Through S.BLOX's Whalefin Sony Group, the Japanese multinational conglomerate, will enter the cryptocurrency trading services business through its newly revamped S.BLOX subsidiary. The company, previously known as Amber Group, operated a cryptocurrency exchange called “Whalefin,” which will be renewed with the release of a new app, new functions, and support for more cryptocurrency assets. Sonny Group to Dabble in the Cryptocurrency Trading Through ‘Whalefin’ Exchange Revamp Sony Group, the Japanese conglomerate, is entering the cryptocurrency exchange business. According to a press release, S.BLOX, a company owned by Quetta Web, a subsidiary of Sony Group, will undergo a revamp of its cryptocurrency trading exchange “Whalefin.” S.BLOX, known as Amber Group, recently changed its name after being acquired in August 2023 and was previously operating by offering cryptocurrency trading services. There are plans to revamp Whalefin, redesign its user interface (UI) screen, and release a new app to provide an “easier-to-use service” to its customers. In addition, after this revamp, S.BLOX plans to expand the cryptocurrencies supported and improve the functions offered. Sota Watanabe, CEO of Startale Labs, stated that the executive who would lead the exchange at Sony was Startale’s external director. “We have made a plan of the chain layer 1.5 years ago and we entered the execution phase,” he declared. In September, Sony Network Communications announced a joint initiative with Startale Labs to create a blockchain that would become the backbone of Sony’s Web3 strategy. The goal of this partnership was to provide different services for companies of the Sony group in areas such as game and network services, music, pictures, entertainment technology and services, imaging and sensing solutions, and financial services. Before, on February 2023, Sony Network Communications had partnered with Astar Network, a multichain smart contracts platform, to launch an incubation program for projects leveraging non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in their business plans. The company would select 10 to 15 of the initiatives presented to be funded. What do you think about the involvement of Sony Group in the cryptocurrency exchange business through Whalefin and S.BLOX? Tell us in the comments section below. #Write2Earn

Sony Group to Enter the Cryptocurrency Trading Business Through S.BLOX's Whalefin

Sony Group to Enter the Cryptocurrency Trading Business Through S.BLOX's Whalefin

Sony Group, the Japanese multinational conglomerate, will enter the cryptocurrency trading services business through its newly revamped S.BLOX subsidiary. The company, previously known as Amber Group, operated a cryptocurrency exchange called “Whalefin,” which will be renewed with the release of a new app, new functions, and support for more cryptocurrency assets.
Sonny Group to Dabble in the Cryptocurrency Trading Through ‘Whalefin’ Exchange Revamp
Sony Group, the Japanese conglomerate, is entering the cryptocurrency exchange business. According to a press release, S.BLOX, a company owned by Quetta Web, a subsidiary of Sony Group, will undergo a revamp of its cryptocurrency trading exchange “Whalefin.”
S.BLOX, known as Amber Group, recently changed its name after being acquired in August 2023 and was previously operating by offering cryptocurrency trading services. There are plans to revamp Whalefin, redesign its user interface (UI) screen, and release a new app to provide an “easier-to-use service” to its customers. In addition, after this revamp, S.BLOX plans to expand the cryptocurrencies supported and improve the functions offered.
Sota Watanabe, CEO of Startale Labs, stated that the executive who would lead the exchange at Sony was Startale’s external director. “We have made a plan of the chain layer 1.5 years ago and we entered the execution phase,” he declared.
In September, Sony Network Communications announced a joint initiative with Startale Labs to create a blockchain that would become the backbone of Sony’s Web3 strategy. The goal of this partnership was to provide different services for companies of the Sony group in areas such as game and network services, music, pictures, entertainment technology and services, imaging and sensing solutions, and financial services.
Before, on February 2023, Sony Network Communications had partnered with Astar Network, a multichain smart contracts platform, to launch an incubation program for projects leveraging non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in their business plans. The company would select 10 to 15 of the initiatives presented to be funded.
What do you think about the involvement of Sony Group in the cryptocurrency exchange business through Whalefin and S.BLOX? Tell us in the comments section below. #Write2Earn
Nigerian Court Orders Prison Officials to Release Medical Records of Jailed Tigran GambaryanNigerian Court Orders Prison Officials to Release Medical Records of Jailed Tigran Gambaryan Nigerian prison officials have reportedly refused to release Tigran Gambaryan’s medical records. A High Court judge has ordered Kuje Detention Centre prison officials to present Gambaryan’s legal representatives with the records by July 5. Yuki Gambaryan, the wife of the Binance employee, has urged Nigerian authorities to drop charges against her husband. Gambaryan’s Health Deteriorates Despite a court order, officials at the Nigerian prison, the Kuje Detention Centre, have not released the jailed Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan’s medical records. According to a statement issued by a group campaigning for Gambaryan’s release, Nigerian Federal Court Judge Emeka Nwite subsequently issued another order compelling prison officials to furnish the Binance employee’s lawyers with the records by July 5. The statement also claimed that Gambaryan’s health had worsened, revealing numbness in his foot and complaints of back pain. As previously reported by News, the Binance executive is believed to have contracted malaria and “double pneumonia.” Gambaryan’s deteriorating health has raised concern among his family and supporters, including U.S. lawmakers French Hill and Chrissy Houlahan. After visiting the Binance employee at the notorious prison, Hill reiterated calls for Gambaryan’s release, emphasizing that he is being illegally detained. He also urged Nigerian officials to consider his release on humanitarian grounds. Yuki Gambaryan’s Plea Meanwhile, Gambaryan’s wife, Yuki, has urged the anti-graft body, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), to follow in the footsteps of the Nigerian revenue collector, which dropped tax evasion charges against the Binance executive. “I respectfully urge the EFCC to follow the example set by their colleagues at the FIRS (tax authority) and drop the charges against Tigran. As I have stated many times before and as the evidence in court is showing, Tigran has never been a decision-maker at Binance, and there is no justification for his continued detention. It is time for the Nigerian authorities to do the right thing and release my innocent husband. This situation has gone too far,” Yuki said. According to the statement, the cross-examination of the EFCC witness by Gambaryan and Binance’s lawyers concluded on July 2. The witness was from the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission. What are your thoughts on this story? Share your opinions in the comments section below. #Write2Earn

Nigerian Court Orders Prison Officials to Release Medical Records of Jailed Tigran Gambaryan

Nigerian Court Orders Prison Officials to Release Medical Records of Jailed Tigran Gambaryan

Nigerian prison officials have reportedly refused to release Tigran Gambaryan’s medical records. A High Court judge has ordered Kuje Detention Centre prison officials to present Gambaryan’s legal representatives with the records by July 5. Yuki Gambaryan, the wife of the Binance employee, has urged Nigerian authorities to drop charges against her husband.
Gambaryan’s Health Deteriorates
Despite a court order, officials at the Nigerian prison, the Kuje Detention Centre, have not released the jailed Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan’s medical records. According to a statement issued by a group campaigning for Gambaryan’s release, Nigerian Federal Court Judge Emeka Nwite subsequently issued another order compelling prison officials to furnish the Binance employee’s lawyers with the records by July 5.
The statement also claimed that Gambaryan’s health had worsened, revealing numbness in his foot and complaints of back pain. As previously reported by News, the Binance executive is believed to have contracted malaria and “double pneumonia.”
Gambaryan’s deteriorating health has raised concern among his family and supporters, including U.S. lawmakers French Hill and Chrissy Houlahan. After visiting the Binance employee at the notorious prison, Hill reiterated calls for Gambaryan’s release, emphasizing that he is being illegally detained. He also urged Nigerian officials to consider his release on humanitarian grounds.
Yuki Gambaryan’s Plea
Meanwhile, Gambaryan’s wife, Yuki, has urged the anti-graft body, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), to follow in the footsteps of the Nigerian revenue collector, which dropped tax evasion charges against the Binance executive.
“I respectfully urge the EFCC to follow the example set by their colleagues at the FIRS (tax authority) and drop the charges against Tigran. As I have stated many times before and as the evidence in court is showing, Tigran has never been a decision-maker at Binance, and there is no justification for his continued detention. It is time for the Nigerian authorities to do the right thing and release my innocent husband. This situation has gone too far,” Yuki said.
According to the statement, the cross-examination of the EFCC witness by Gambaryan and Binance’s lawyers concluded on July 2. The witness was from the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission.
What are your thoughts on this story? Share your opinions in the comments section below. #Write2Earn
Standard Chartered Predicts Bitcoin Hitting Fresh All-Time High in AugustStandard Chartered Predicts Bitcoin Hitting Fresh All-Time High in August Standard Chartered has predicted that bitcoin could hit a fresh all-time high in August and reach $100,000 by the November U.S. presidential election. The bank’s analyst expects a Trump victory to boost the price of bitcoin, while maintaining year-end and 2025 targets of $150,000 and $200,000, respectively. Bitcoin Surge Predicted Amid US Presidential Race Standard Chartered has made a prediction regarding the price of bitcoin as the U.S. presidential race approaches the November election. The bank’s head of forex and digital assets research, Geoffrey Kendrick, shared on Tuesday: A fresh all-time for bitcoin in August is likely, then $100,000 by U.S. election day. The analyst’s forecast hinges on President Joe Biden remaining in the presidential race, which the market interprets as increasing the chances of former President Donald Trump being elected for a second term. This outcome is perceived as favorable for bitcoin, as a Trump victory could lead to policies more beneficial for the cryptocurrency market. The analyst believes that a Trump win could foster a regulatory environment supportive of digital asset growth. Trump has declared himself the “crypto president.” Last month, he met with leaders in the bitcoin mining industry and pledged to support bitcoin mining. He also promised to end the anti-crypto policies of the Biden administration and to free Ross Ulbricht. Several high-profile crypto supporters have donated to Trump’s campaign, including Kraken founder Jesse Powell and Gemini cofounders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. Kendrick elaborated: The logic here is that both regulation and mining would be looked at more favourably under Trump. The Standard Chartered analyst also shared predictions for other presidential race scenarios. He explained that the “least likely” scenario is Biden stepping out of the race in late July, which could cause bitcoin prices to dip to $50,000-$55,000. Kendrick highlighted Aug. 4 as a critical date for Biden’s decision. “This is the date at which Ohio law requires presidential candidates to be registered. So, if Biden is still the Democratic nominee on August 4 he will still be so in the first week of November,” he noted. Moreover, the analyst suggested that if Biden’s Democratic replacement is highly credible, “bitcoin prices will stay soft.” Standard Chartered has maintained a year-end target for bitcoin of $150,000 and a 2025 forecast of $200,000. What do you think about Standard Chartered’s bitcoin predictions amid the U.S. presidential race? Let us know in the comments section below. #Write2Earn

Standard Chartered Predicts Bitcoin Hitting Fresh All-Time High in August

Standard Chartered Predicts Bitcoin Hitting Fresh All-Time High in August

Standard Chartered has predicted that bitcoin could hit a fresh all-time high in August and reach $100,000 by the November U.S. presidential election. The bank’s analyst expects a Trump victory to boost the price of bitcoin, while maintaining year-end and 2025 targets of $150,000 and $200,000, respectively.
Bitcoin Surge Predicted Amid US Presidential Race
Standard Chartered has made a prediction regarding the price of bitcoin as the U.S. presidential race approaches the November election. The bank’s head of forex and digital assets research, Geoffrey Kendrick, shared on Tuesday:
A fresh all-time for bitcoin in August is likely, then $100,000 by U.S. election day.
The analyst’s forecast hinges on President Joe Biden remaining in the presidential race, which the market interprets as increasing the chances of former President Donald Trump being elected for a second term. This outcome is perceived as favorable for bitcoin, as a Trump victory could lead to policies more beneficial for the cryptocurrency market. The analyst believes that a Trump win could foster a regulatory environment supportive of digital asset growth.
Trump has declared himself the “crypto president.” Last month, he met with leaders in the bitcoin mining industry and pledged to support bitcoin mining. He also promised to end the anti-crypto policies of the Biden administration and to free Ross Ulbricht. Several high-profile crypto supporters have donated to Trump’s campaign, including Kraken founder Jesse Powell and Gemini cofounders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss.
Kendrick elaborated:
The logic here is that both regulation and mining would be looked at more favourably under Trump.
The Standard Chartered analyst also shared predictions for other presidential race scenarios. He explained that the “least likely” scenario is Biden stepping out of the race in late July, which could cause bitcoin prices to dip to $50,000-$55,000.
Kendrick highlighted Aug. 4 as a critical date for Biden’s decision. “This is the date at which Ohio law requires presidential candidates to be registered. So, if Biden is still the Democratic nominee on August 4 he will still be so in the first week of November,” he noted. Moreover, the analyst suggested that if Biden’s Democratic replacement is highly credible, “bitcoin prices will stay soft.” Standard Chartered has maintained a year-end target for bitcoin of $150,000 and a 2025 forecast of $200,000.
What do you think about Standard Chartered’s bitcoin predictions amid the U.S. presidential race? Let us know in the comments section below. #Write2Earn
US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Record $129 Million Inflow, Fidelity LeadsUS Spot Bitcoin ETFs Record $129 Million Inflow, Fidelity Leads U.S. spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) saw the largest net inflow since June 7, 2024, accumulating $129.45 million. Fidelity’s FBTC led the inflow on Monday with $65.03 million. Fifth Consecutive Day of Inflows for U.S. Bitcoin ETFs On Monday, U.S. spot bitcoin ETFs recorded $1.36 billion in trading volume and attracted $129.45 million in inflows. This marked the fifth consecutive day of inflows and the highest since June 7, according to stats from and Fidelity’s FBTC secured $65.03 million in inflows, leading the pack on July 1. Bitwise’s BITB followed with $41.4 million. Ark Invest and 21shares’ ARKB fund saw $12.65 million in inflows. Three other ETFs had smaller inflows compared to FBTC, BITB, and ARKB. Vaneck’s HODL brought in $5.37 million, Invesco and Galaxy’s BTCO collected $3.16 million, and Franklin Templeton’s EZBC gained $1.84 million. Other funds, including GBTC, IBIT, BRRR, BTCW, and DEFI, experienced a neutral day with neither inflows nor outflows. With Monday’s inflows, the cumulative total net inflow since Jan. 11, 2024, stands at $14.65 billion. Additionally, the 11 U.S.-based ETFs hold $54.92 billion in BTC reserves. What do you think about the ETF action on Monday? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below. #Write2Earn

US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Record $129 Million Inflow, Fidelity Leads

US Spot Bitcoin ETFs Record $129 Million Inflow, Fidelity Leads

U.S. spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) saw the largest net inflow since June 7, 2024, accumulating $129.45 million. Fidelity’s FBTC led the inflow on Monday with $65.03 million.
Fifth Consecutive Day of Inflows for U.S. Bitcoin ETFs
On Monday, U.S. spot bitcoin ETFs recorded $1.36 billion in trading volume and attracted $129.45 million in inflows. This marked the fifth consecutive day of inflows and the highest since June 7, according to stats from and

Fidelity’s FBTC secured $65.03 million in inflows, leading the pack on July 1. Bitwise’s BITB followed with $41.4 million.
Ark Invest and 21shares’ ARKB fund saw $12.65 million in inflows. Three other ETFs had smaller inflows compared to FBTC, BITB, and ARKB.
Vaneck’s HODL brought in $5.37 million, Invesco and Galaxy’s BTCO collected $3.16 million, and Franklin Templeton’s EZBC gained $1.84 million.
Other funds, including GBTC, IBIT, BRRR, BTCW, and DEFI, experienced a neutral day with neither inflows nor outflows.
With Monday’s inflows, the cumulative total net inflow since Jan. 11, 2024, stands at $14.65 billion. Additionally, the 11 U.S.-based ETFs hold $54.92 billion in BTC reserves.
What do you think about the ETF action on Monday? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below. #Write2Earn
Latam Insights: Argentina Reaches Zero Inflation, Central Bank of Bolivia Unbans BitcoinLatam Insights: Argentina Reaches Zero Inflation, Central Bank of Bolivia Unbans Bitcoin Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto and economic news during the last week. In this issue: Argentina reached zero inflation in food and beverages in June, the Central Bank of Bolivia unbans bitcoin, and several employees of the Paraguayan power company were allegedly involved in illegal bitcoin mining operations. Argentina Records First Week of Zero Inflation in 30 Years; Milei Claims He’s Redefining Economic Theory Argentina is reaping the first benefits of its fiscal policies regarding inflation. According to data from Econometrica, a private consulting firm, the country reached an economic achievement, registering zero inflation for food and beverages during June’s third week. The research took prices of over 8,000 articles in several online stores and found that prices didn’t change compared to ones collected the week before. This milestone indicates that President Javier Milei has been slowly taming inflation levels, which have been diminishing since he took office and started applying restrictive economic and fiscal policies. Econometrica estimates that monthly inflation numbers for this category might reach 2.4% in June. Nonetheless, this is just a small victory for Milei’s administration. Argentina is still one of the countries with the highest inflation in the world, registering an interannual price increase of 276,4%. Central Bank of Bolivia Unbans Bitcoin From the Nation’s Financial Ecosystem The Central Bank of Bolivia has taken a historic step in enabling the cryptocurrency ecosystem in the nation, lifting a blanket ban that kept financial institutions from serving crypto-related transactions. With Resolution N°082/2024, issued on Tuesday, the bank lifts any prohibition related to these assets, opening the door for the intermediation of institutions to complete payments to acquire these assets. Resolution N°144/2020, issued in December 2020, banned financial institutions from using, authorizing, or intermediating payments to acquire or sell these assets, effectively blocking crypto from entering Bolivia’s markets. At the time, the bank stated that citizens should “avoid using, marketing, and negotiating” digital assets, “since they are issued anonymously, and in cases of fraud, scams, or losses to their holders, there are no guarantees to protect the investment.” National Power Administration Employees Allegedly Involved in Setting up Illegal Bitcoin Mining Farms in Paraguay State officials would be participating in organizing and deploying illegal bitcoin mining farms in Paraguay. According to local reports, seven engineers employed by the National Power Administration (ANDE) in Paraguay would be involved in organizing illegal connections to power bitcoin operations in Paraguay. Felix Sosa, President of the ANDE, clarified that the inner audit unit of the institution is verifying and organizing a probe in the organization. All related information is being delivered to the national prosecutor’s office for further investigation. Nonetheless, Sosa stated that ANDE employees were not in charge of executing electrical connections since some time ago, delegating this function to third-party contractors. ANDE has been in a battle against illegal bitcoin mining connections since December, having disconnected over 70 farms siphoning unmetered power directly from the grid. #Write2Earn #Write2Earn What do you think about this week’s Latam Insights report? Tell us in the comment section below. #Write2Earn

Latam Insights: Argentina Reaches Zero Inflation, Central Bank of Bolivia Unbans Bitcoin

Latam Insights: Argentina Reaches Zero Inflation, Central Bank of Bolivia Unbans Bitcoin

Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto and economic news during the last week. In this issue: Argentina reached zero inflation in food and beverages in June, the Central Bank of Bolivia unbans bitcoin, and several employees of the Paraguayan power company were allegedly involved in illegal bitcoin mining operations.
Argentina Records First Week of Zero Inflation in 30 Years; Milei Claims He’s Redefining Economic Theory
Argentina is reaping the first benefits of its fiscal policies regarding inflation. According to data from Econometrica, a private consulting firm, the country reached an economic achievement, registering zero inflation for food and beverages during June’s third week. The research took prices of over 8,000 articles in several online stores and found that prices didn’t change compared to ones collected the week before.
This milestone indicates that President Javier Milei has been slowly taming inflation levels, which have been diminishing since he took office and started applying restrictive economic and fiscal policies. Econometrica estimates that monthly inflation numbers for this category might reach 2.4% in June.
Nonetheless, this is just a small victory for Milei’s administration. Argentina is still one of the countries with the highest inflation in the world, registering an interannual price increase of 276,4%.
Central Bank of Bolivia Unbans Bitcoin From the Nation’s Financial Ecosystem
The Central Bank of Bolivia has taken a historic step in enabling the cryptocurrency ecosystem in the nation, lifting a blanket ban that kept financial institutions from serving crypto-related transactions. With Resolution N°082/2024, issued on Tuesday, the bank lifts any prohibition related to these assets, opening the door for the intermediation of institutions to complete payments to acquire these assets.
Resolution N°144/2020, issued in December 2020, banned financial institutions from using, authorizing, or intermediating payments to acquire or sell these assets, effectively blocking crypto from entering Bolivia’s markets. At the time, the bank stated that citizens should “avoid using, marketing, and negotiating” digital assets, “since they are issued anonymously, and in cases of fraud, scams, or losses to their holders, there are no guarantees to protect the investment.”
National Power Administration Employees Allegedly Involved in Setting up Illegal Bitcoin Mining Farms in Paraguay
State officials would be participating in organizing and deploying illegal bitcoin mining farms in Paraguay. According to local reports, seven engineers employed by the National Power Administration (ANDE) in Paraguay would be involved in organizing illegal connections to power bitcoin operations in Paraguay.
Felix Sosa, President of the ANDE, clarified that the inner audit unit of the institution is verifying and organizing a probe in the organization. All related information is being delivered to the national prosecutor’s office for further investigation. Nonetheless, Sosa stated that ANDE employees were not in charge of executing electrical connections since some time ago, delegating this function to third-party contractors.
ANDE has been in a battle against illegal bitcoin mining connections since December, having disconnected over 70 farms siphoning unmetered power directly from the grid. #Write2Earn #Write2Earn
What do you think about this week’s Latam Insights report? Tell us in the comment section below. #Write2Earn
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