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🐧 Quem vai doar seu BTC? Eu não dou a mínima!
🐧 Quem vai doar seu BTC? Eu não dou a mínima!
Como se viu em 27 de dezembro, a compensação pela subida de 61% do Bitcoin (BTC) em novembro de cerca de US$ 67.000 para mais de US$ 108.000 foi uma quase completa ausência de um rali de "Papai Noel" antes e durante o Natal, o que resultou na moeda mudando de mãos a US$ 96.273 no momento da publicação.
Analistas preveem queda repentina do Bitcoin enquanto o BTC rejeita rompimento acima de US$ 100.000
Um grande gatilho para a previsão de baixa foi a recente incapacidade do Bitcoin de encontrar uma base estável acima de US$ 95.000. A principal criptomoeda do mundo passou grande parte da última semana sendo negociada aproximadamente na faixa entre US$ 92.000 e US$ 99.000, embora a maior parte das negociações tenha sido mais próxima do limite inferior.

Tal tendência levou Tone Vays, um trader de derivativos e educador financeiro, por exemplo, a prever que, a menos que o BTC consiga recuperar níveis estáveis ​​acima de US$ 95.000, ele pode enfrentar uma correção para US$ 73.000.
Bitcoin provavelmente estabelecerá novos recordes em 2025, apesar dos ventos contrários de dezembro
Apesar das reflexões sombrias, o cenário de longo prazo permanece geralmente otimista para o Bitcoin.

Junto com o mencionado Peter Brandt — que acredita em um rali de longo prazo acima de US$ 130.000 — e Tom Lee — que previu uma subida para US$ 250.000 em 2025 — o autor de finanças pessoais Robert Kiyosaki estimou um aumento para US$ 350.000 e a lobista de ativos digitais Perianne Boring abriu a possibilidade de um Bitcoin disparando acima de US$ 800.000.

O próprio Martinez, apesar de concordar que há um perigo iminente de uma retração profunda, previu anteriormente que o resultado mais provável do atual ciclo de mercado de criptomoedas é uma subida do BTC para aproximadamente US$ 220.000 antes da próxima fase de baixa para ativos digitais.
🐧 WIEDER wurde XRP überhaupt nicht verstanden, sondern dieselben Kamellen durchgekaut. Man, BESCHÄFTIGT euch doch mal mit den Funktionen von XRP; speziell die Tokenisierung!
🐧 WIEDER wurde XRP überhaupt nicht verstanden, sondern dieselben Kamellen durchgekaut. Man, BESCHÄFTIGT euch doch mal mit den Funktionen von XRP; speziell die Tokenisierung!
Edwin bunny tqr0
O sonho de $100 XRP: esmagado? Os limites de preço reais
Por anos, os entusiastas do XRP se agarraram ao sonho de um preço de US$ 100. A ideia do token nativo do Ripple disparar para três dígitos é tentadora, prometendo riqueza inimaginável aos primeiros usuários. Mas esse sonho é realista ou estamos nos preparando para uma decepção? Vamos decompô-lo.
Compreendendo os fundamentos do XRP 📊

O XRP foi projetado como uma moeda-ponte para pagamentos internacionais. Ao contrário do Bitcoin, que visa ser ouro digital, o principal caso de uso do XRP é melhorar a velocidade e a eficiência de custos das transferências internacionais de dinheiro. A Ripple, a empresa por trás do XRP, fez parcerias com instituições financeiras em todo o mundo para integrar sua tecnologia em sistemas de pagamento globais.
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$XRP Holders, Você Sabia Que Se $BTC teste 85k suporte então o que aconteceu? Isso criará um Padrão Elefante de Queda! Com Tromba Longa Vermelha. O padrão atual do XRP confirmou que isso vai acontecer em breve. Porque o XRP está em lateral e tornando o corpo do elefante cada vez maior. Esteja Preparado para a realização de lucros do XRP em um rali de baixa.
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🐧 Tenho mais de 56.500 XRP e não vou distribuir de jeito nenhum; Deixe os preços enlouquecerem como quiserem; Eu tenho 🍺.
🐧 Tenho mais de 56.500 XRP e não vou distribuir de jeito nenhum; Deixe os preços enlouquecerem como quiserem; Eu tenho 🍺.

O Caso para 1.000 XRP
Farina acredita que 1.000 XRP é um marco crítico para investidores que buscam capitalizar sobre a "maior transferência de riqueza da história."
Embora esse valor custe atualmente cerca de $2.300, Farina argumenta que seu valor a longo prazo pode crescer exponencialmente à medida que a utilidade do XRP se expande.
Com os bancos centrais fazendo parceria com a Ripple e o XRP Ledger prestes a se tornar integral ao sistema financeiro de próxima geração, Farina sugere que o preço do ativo digital pode disparar para $10, $100 ou além.

"A maioria dos investidores vai vender cedo demais," observou Farina, apontando um erro comum que ele tem observado entre os traders de varejo. Ele citou o caso de alguns detentores que venderam seu XRP a $0,80 e $1 em novembro, esperando uma correção que nunca veio.

Evitando Armadilhas Comuns
Farina também destacou um erro crítico que muitos investidores cometem: deixar seu XRP em exchanges. Ele alertou que o XRP mantido em exchanges pode ser vulnerável a choques de oferta ou eventos de liquidação, como demonstrado em um incidente recente em que algumas exchanges falharam em cobrir posições curtas.

Além disso, Farina destacou que outro benefício de manter XRP fora de exchanges é que isso protege os investidores de tomar decisões emocionais, já que flutuações constantes de preço durante mercados em alta e baixa podem afetar a saúde mental de uma pessoa. Ele aconselhou os detentores de XRP a evitar monitorar constantemente suas participações, embora verificar gráficos de mercado ocasionalmente seja aceitável.
Perspectiva de Longo Prazo para XRP
Para aqueles dispostos a manter XRP através de flutuações de mercado e resistir à tentação de vender prematuramente, Farina acredita que as recompensas serão substanciais. Ele instou os membros da comunidade a fazer parte dos 5%, ou mesmo dos 1%, que permanecem investidos em XRP.
"Manter 1.000 XRP pode ser a chave para a liberdade financeira.
🐧 XRP, HBAR, VTHO, VET, POL etc. fehlen! Und dann auch mal 100 kEUR realisieren; auf den Aktiencrash hoffen.
🐧 XRP, HBAR, VTHO, VET, POL etc. fehlen! Und dann auch mal 100 kEUR realisieren; auf den Aktiencrash hoffen.
Crypto Psychic
🔥 **Kaia Blockchain: Web3 simplificada na Ásia** 🌏

Bem-vindo ao **Kaia**, onde o Web3 encontra sua vida diária com a velocidade e simplicidade do Web2!

🚀 Nascido da fusão de Klaytn e Finschia**, criado por Kakao e **LINE**, o Kaia é agora **o maior ecossistema Web3 da Ásia**, perfeitamente integrado ao **Kakaotalk e LINE**, os mensageiros amados por **mais de 250 milhões de usuários**.

Imagine desbloquear o mundo do Web3 diretamente do seu superaplicativo de mensagens favorito 💬 — converse, conecte-se e crie como nunca antes! 💡

### **O que torna o Kaia excepcional?**

🌐 **Web3 ao seu alcance**: sem barreiras, apenas oportunidades de mergulhar em um futuro descentralizado.

🎨 **Empoderamento do criador**: Ferramentas e plataformas para transformar ideias em inovações impactantes.

🤝 **Colaboração da comunidade**: Um ecossistema próspero onde todos podem contribuir.

### **Dream Mini Dapps para LINE** 🛠️

✨ **Jogue e ganhe jogos**: De desafios divertidos a ligas competitivas, ganhe recompensas enquanto joga!

🛒 **Lojas e vitrines NFT**: Permita que os usuários comprem, negociem e exibam NFTs sem esforço.

📊 **Ferramentas financeiras descentralizadas**: Faça orçamento, invista e cresça — tudo no seu messenger!

### **Mini Dapps = Vida, mas melhor** 💬

🎯 **Experiências personalizadas**: Recomendações com tecnologia de IA com base em suas preferências e atividades.

🎉 **Eventos exclusivos de blockchain**: encontros virtuais, festivais e sessões interativas com tecnologia da Kaia.

🌍 **Conexões da comunidade global**: crie redes, junte-se a iniciativas ou inicie projetos no mundo todo.

## **Criadores + desenvolvedores = possibilidades infinitas

💡 **Plataformas de co-construção: mini Dapps onde criadores e desenvolvedores colaboram em tempo real.

🎁 **Ecossistemas de recompensa: incentivos tokenizados para inovação, criatividade e trabalho em equipe.

🌟 Incubadoras de ideias: espaços para fazer brainstorming, prototipar e lançar projetos exclusivos juntos.

🚀 A Kaia está redefinindo a experiência Web3 na Ásia, tornando-a acessível, envolvente e fortalecedora.

👉 Não esqueça de curtir, compartilhar e seguir para mais mágica do Web3!

#RideTheKaiaWave $KAIA
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🐧 São apenas 12,19 XRP por pessoa... Pessoal, façam as contas e depois comprem XRP até o mercado ficar vazio e guardem! A capitalização de mercado é então irrelevante.
🐧 São apenas 12,19 XRP por pessoa... Pessoal, façam as contas e depois comprem XRP até o mercado ficar vazio e guardem! A capitalização de mercado é então irrelevante.
King-DZ 31
🧐Bitstamp diz que XRP fará história no próximo ano🧐👇🤑
A Bitstamp, a bolsa de criptomoedas mais antiga do mundo, divulgou uma previsão ousada e promissora para o XRP até o final de 2024.

Em um tweet na sexta-feira, a bolsa afirmou corajosamente que o XRP fará história no mercado de criptomoedas até 2025. O tweet da Bitstamp se espalhou rapidamente na comunidade de criptomoedas, com o exército XRP cantando em apoio à previsão promissora.
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🐧 Se os editores tivessem que ser responsabilizados pelas suas declarações, esta publicação nem existiria.
🐧 Se os editores tivessem que ser responsabilizados pelas suas declarações, esta publicação nem existiria.
XRP: Será que $2.500 Pode Realmente Se Tornar $200.000 da Noite para o Dia?"📌📌
Você ouviu o burburinho sobre o XRP? O mundo das criptomoedas está em chamas com pessoas afirmando que investir apenas $2.500 em XRP poderia potencialmente crescer para $200.000 mais rápido do que você imagina! Vamos simplificar.

O Que Torna o XRP Tão Especial?
O XRP não é sua criptomoeda comum. Ele é a espinha dorsal da Ripple, uma plataforma projetada para tornar o envio de dinheiro entre países super rápido e barato. Imagine transferir dinheiro internacionalmente em segundos em vez de dias - é isso que o XRP está ajudando grandes bancos e empresas de pagamento a fazer.
Por Que o XRP Está em Evidência?
Grandes Parcerias: A Ripple se juntou a grandes bancos e empresas em todo o mundo. Isso significa uso no mundo real, o que pode aumentar o valor do XRP à medida que mais pessoas e empresas o utilizam.
Vitória Legal: A Ripple recentemente ganhou um grande processo contra a SEC, o que aumentou a confiança no XRP. Essa vitória fez o preço disparar, e especialistas acreditam que isso é apenas o

O Sonho de $2.500 para $200.000 é Real?
Cripto é imprevisível, mas alguns analistas pensam que o preço do XRP poderia disparar se a adoção continuar crescendo. Mesmo que não chegue a $200.000, grandes lucros ainda podem estar à mesa.
Considerações Finais
O XRP pode ser a oportunidade que todos estão procurando, mas não esqueça - faça sua lição de casa antes de investir. O mercado de criptomoedas é empolgante, mas também arriscado.
Ainda assim, quem não gostaria de fazer parte de uma negociação
#USJoblessClaimsFall #BinanceAlphaAlert #$
🐧 El Salvador sollte sich den BRICS++ zuwenden, dann lösen sich viele Probleme!
🐧 El Salvador sollte sich den BRICS++ zuwenden, dann lösen sich viele Probleme!
Más Notícias para o Bitcoin! El Salvador Decide Limitar o Uso do Bitcoin no Nível Governamental
Uma notícia muito chocante para o setor de Bitcoin devido a um acordo entre o país fã de Bitcoin, El Salvador, e o FMI, que é contra o Bitcoin.

O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) é uma instituição financeira internacional. Esta instituição fornece assistência financeira e aconselhamento de políticas para países membros para ajudá-los a combater problemas de pagamento, tipicamente devido a instabilidade econômica, alta inflação ou níveis de dívida insustentáveis. Além disso, o FMI fornece empréstimos a países que necessitam de apoio financeiro para estabilizar suas economias, mas com certas condições, por exemplo, reestruturar a economia do país.
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🐧 O FED não é o mundo e terá que se curvar aos fluxos financeiros de qualquer maneira, porque o mundo já concordou com o XRP!
🐧 O FED não é o mundo e terá que se curvar aos fluxos financeiros de qualquer maneira, porque o mundo já concordou com o XRP!
Crypto Journey1
🚨 Ripple $XRP - The FED Just Declared War On Your Portfolio! (Here's What Happens Next For Crypto) 🚨
The Federal Reserve (Fed) has just made a shocking move that could have massive implications for your Ripple XRP holdings and the entire crypto market! Here’s everything you need to know about what’s happening, what it means for XRP, and where the market is headed:
What the Fed Did:
In an unexpected decision, the Fed has made a series of policy changes that directly impact cryptocurrencies like XRP. With rising inflation concerns and tightening monetary policies, the Fed’s actions are shaking up markets, including digital assets.
Impact on Ripple (XRP):
Increased Regulatory Pressure: The Fed’s move could lead to more scrutiny on Ripple and its ongoing legal battles with the SEC. This means XRP could face even more volatility as the regulatory landscape shifts.Market Sentiment: With the Fed tightening policies, investors may start to panic, leading to XRP’s price facing downward pressure in the short term. This could be an opportunity for long-term holders who believe in Ripple’s future.Liquidity Issues: As the Fed adjusts interest rates, the liquidity in the crypto market may shrink. This could hurt altcoins like XRP, which rely on strong liquidity for price movement.
What’s Next for XRP and Crypto?
Market Reactions: If the Fed’s actions lead to broader market declines, XRP could dip further. However, Ripple’s ongoing adoption of blockchain technology and partnerships with major financial institutions may help XRP recover faster than other altcoins.Regulatory Clarity: The ongoing SEC vs. Ripple case could become a focal point. If Ripple wins, XRP’s price could skyrocket as the legal clarity would provide a boost to market confidence.

💬 What are your thoughts on the Fed’s impact on XRP and crypto? Will you hold, buy, or sell? Let’s discuss in the comments!
#XRP #Ripple #CryptoMarket #FederalReserve #SECvRipple #CryptoNews #XRPPricePrediction #Bitcoin #Altcoins #Cryptocurrency
🐧 Many are now selling the 'good news'. These are the people who have not understood XRP at all and will be very annoyed. 🍺
🐧 Many are now selling the 'good news'. These are the people who have not understood XRP at all and will be very annoyed. 🍺
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🐧 Gehen Sie einfach short XRP und dann Toi-Toi-Toi.
🐧 Gehen Sie einfach short XRP und dann Toi-Toi-Toi.
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🐧 Bitte WAS? Hat irgendwer die Nachkommastellen wegradiert?
🐧 Bitte WAS? Hat irgendwer die Nachkommastellen wegradiert?
Bart Xrpezeiro
Isso que a Ripple quer subdividir o XRP para que no futuro pessoas possam comprar menores valores. Hoje consegues comprar 1 xrp, imagina se um dia ele valer o que vale o Biticoin?
🐧 Die Aktionäre haben Bitcoin nicht begriffen.
🐧 Die Aktionäre haben Bitcoin nicht begriffen.
Microsoft’s Decision to Not Add Bitcoin to Its Balance Sheet Was a Great Idea for Both
Microsoft’s decision to steer clear of Bitcoin and keep its balance sheet traditional wasn’t just calculated, it was ruthless in its precision.

On December 10, the tech giant’s shareholders torched a proposal to sink 1% of its $78 billion cash reserves into Bitcoin. That would’ve been roughly $784 million—a small chunk of cash for Microsoft but a significant statement for the crypto market.

The plan, pitched by the National Center for Public Policy Research, called Bitcoin a hedge against inflation, a weapon to fight the brutal 5% inflation rate that’s been squeezing the U.S. economy for years.

Microsoft’s board didn’t blink. They called Bitcoin what it is: volatile. They made it clear that corporate cash isn’t for speculation—it’s for stability. Shareholders backed them up with a resounding “no.” As they should’ve.

Bitcoin is too risky for Microsoft’s playbook

The proposal faced resistance from the start. Bitcoin’s price swings are legendary. It can double your investment or cut it in half within weeks. That’s not a risk Microsoft wants to take with its treasury. The company needs liquidity, predictable returns, and cash reserves ready to fuel operations — not gamble.

Microsoft’s leadership, from the boardroom to the shareholders, didn’t buy into the hype of Bitcoin as “digital gold.” Sure, Bitcoin delivered jaw-dropping returns—nearly doubling in value over the past year and up over 400% in five years—but that’s not enough to sway a company whose DNA is built on calculated growth and risk management.

And let’s not forget the context. The corporate world has been watching Bitcoin skeptically. Even as some companies like MicroStrategy and Tesla jumped on the Bitcoin bandwagon, others stayed back, wary of regulatory pitfalls and unpredictable market swings.

For Microsoft, the choice was less about being revolutionary and more about protecting shareholder interests.

The fallout: Bitcoin dips, Microsoft stays steady

When the rejection hit the news, the market reacted. Microsoft’s stock barely moved, staying firm at $446 per share. Bitcoin, however, wasn’t so lucky. It dropped over 4%, sliding to around $95,000. That’s the market speaking loud and clear: Bitcoin’s value still leans heavily on how corporations perceive it.

If Microsoft had said yes, it would’ve joined a small but loud group of Bitcoin enthusiasts in the corporate world. MicroStrategy, for example, has hoarded over 402,000 Bitcoins, worth about $40 billion today.

CEO Michael Saylor has repeatedly criticized conservative companies like Microsoft, claiming they’ve missed out on billions in gains by sticking to traditional assets. Saylor estimates Microsoft could have raked in $200 billion in five years by betting on Bitcoin instead of sticking with stock buybacks and dividends.

Tesla, another Bitcoin heavyweight, holds close to $947 million in the cryptocurrency. Elon Musk’s flirtation with Bitcoin has been more erratic, but it’s still a firm part of Tesla’s financial arsenal.

But Bill Gates, Microsoft’s co-founder, has never liked Bitcoin. He’s called it speculative and lacking intrinsic value. But ditching Bitcoin is realistically going to hurt the company’s innovative edge, especially as competitors explore blockchain and crypto integrations.

What this means for Bitcoin

Bitcoin purists might actually appreciate Microsoft’s rejection. Bitcoin, after all, wasn’t built to rely on corporate validation. It was designed to disrupt traditional finance, not merge with it. Microsoft’s decision to keep Bitcoin at arm’s length reinforces its status as an independent, decentralized asset.

The rejection also highlights Bitcoin’s identity crisis. On one hand, it’s a revolutionary currency designed to bypass institutions. On the other, it craves mainstream adoption to push its value higher.

Without corporate strings attached, Bitcoin would’ve continued to grow organically. Its future would’ve depended on decentralized adoption and grassroots support, not the whims of boardrooms; just as Satoshi Nakamoto intended.
🐧Alles Theorie. Aber die Praxis kommt!
🐧Alles Theorie. Aber die Praxis kommt!
Crypto Journey1
💣 What does this mean for $XRP and the $7 TRILLION financial revolution?
The world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock, just made waves in the crypto space, and XRP is in the spotlight! 🌍💸
Here’s why this matters:
✅ Institutional adoption could drive XRP to new heights.
✅ Global payment systems are shifting toward blockchain solutions.
✅ Major players like BlackRock are positioning themselves in crypto’s future!
💎 XRP’s potential is limitless, and with institutional interest growing, the path to mass adoption is clearer than ever. Could this be XRP’s moment to shine? 🌟
What’s your take on BlackRock’s move? Let’s discuss below! 💬👇
#XRP #BlackRock #CryptoRevolution #Ripple #BlockchainNews #CryptoFuture
🐧 PARDON for Elon Musk!
🐧 PARDON for Elon Musk!
Amina Chattha
Gary Gensler, the U.S. SEC Chairman, is leaving his mark with one final bombshell before stepping down: a 48-hour ultimatum to Elon Musk to settle an ongoing investigation into Neuralink, his brain-computer interface company. With Gensler’s resignation set for January 20, this latest probe adds fuel to Musk’s long list of controversies, intensifying scrutiny on his ventures.

The Countdown Begins – Musk Faces the SEC’s Final Challenge

Just before Gensler departs, the SEC has launched an investigation into Neuralink’s safety practices, following concerns about the neurotechnology company’s brain implants. Musk, known for his bold approach and no-holds-barred statements, now faces a tough deadline to settle the matter or risk facing formal charges.

Musk Fires Back: “Oh Gary, How Could You Do This to Me?”

In typical Musk fashion, his legal team, led by Alex Spiro, has blasted Gensler and the SEC for what they call an “endless investigation campaign” aimed at the billionaire. On X (formerly Twitter), Musk humorously responded, taking a playful jab at the SEC’s scrutiny—clearly not backing down from the challenge.

SEC’s Silence: No Charges Yet, But the Threat Looms

While the SEC has not revealed the exact nature of the charges, they have made it clear: Musk must agree to a settlement within 48 hours or face accusations “on numerous counts.” With the clock ticking and no clarity on what’s to come, Musk and his legal team are left in suspense.

Neuralink Under the Microscope Again – Safety Concerns Reignite

The SEC has reopened its investigation into Neuralink, with growing concerns over the safety of its brain implants. This marks the second time the agency has taken a deep dive into Musk’s ambitious tech project, raising questions about the long-term viability of the technology and its potential regulatory hurdles.

Musk’s Response: A Snail in a Suit?

Musk didn’t let the SEC’s latest move go unnoticed. In a playful jab, Musk’s team depicted SEC Chairman Gary Gensler as a snail in a business suit, referencing the character “Gary” from SpongeBob SquarePants. The quirky exchange is just the latest chapter in Musk’s long-running feud with regulatory bodies.

Crypto Community Celebrates Gensler’s Exit – Will a New Era Begin?

As Gensler’s departure nears, the crypto community is hopeful that the next SEC Chairman, Paul Atkins, will take a more balanced approach to regulation. Many expect Atkins to adopt a crypto-friendly stance, possibly signaling an end to the harsh tactics Gensler was known for, paving the way for a more supportive regulatory environment.

Musk’s New Mission: Tackling Inflation with D.O.G.E.

Amidst the regulatory drama, Musk is shifting his focus to another initiative—the Department of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E.). His proposal aims to combat U.S. inflation by curbing federal spending, adding another layer to his multifaceted empire.

What’s Next?

The next 48 hours could be crucial for Musk’s future ventures and for the trajectory of Neuralink. Will he settle and avoid further legal battles, or will he continue to challenge the SEC? Either way, the stakes are high, and the world is watching.
#BinanceLaunchpoolVANA #BinanceListsVelodrome #BitcoinKeyZone
🐧 Ich denke, dieser Crash ist gemacht, um mehr Leute in den Markt zu holen. Strategisch wäre das schlicht genial.
🐧 Ich denke, dieser Crash ist gemacht, um mehr Leute in den Markt zu holen. Strategisch wäre das schlicht genial.
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🐧 Ich bin pro Trump, aber mit der Zoll-Geschichte gegen die BRICS++ wird er furios scheitern!
🐧 Ich bin pro Trump, aber mit der Zoll-Geschichte gegen die BRICS++ wird er furios scheitern!
Crypto Nate
🚨 BREAKING: Trump Drops a Bombshell on BRICS Nations! 🚨
In a bold and fiery warning, Donald Trump has made it clear: if Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) try to ditch the US dollar and replace it with a new currency for trade, America will hit back HARD with a *100% tariff* on their products! 📦💥

This explosive move is a direct challenge to the BRICS nations, who are planning to create their own currency to bypass the dollar. Trump's message is simple: **Don’t mess with the U.S. dollar!** 🇺🇸💸 The dollar’s power must remain untouchable, or the consequences will be severe.

🔥 **What’s at stake?**
1️⃣ **Skyrocketing Costs:** US consumers could face steep price hikes as taxes on foreign goods soar 📈.
2️⃣ **Trade War Escalates:** BRICS could retaliate by slapping their own tariffs on US products, sending tensions soaring 📊.
3️⃣ **Global Economy in Peril:** With a trade war looming, global trade could take a massive hit, slowing down the world economy 🌍.

This isn't just about economics—it's a high-stakes battle for global dominance. Will BRICS challenge the dollar’s reign, or will Trump’s warning keep them in check? Stay tuned! 🚨💥
#Share1BNBDaily #MicrosoftBTCInvestmentVote #BTCDipsTo90.5K
🐧 Was juckt mich der eine Partygast, der nicht erscheinen will, wenn doch dem anstatt viel mehr neue Partygäste zur Location strömen? Erst 6% der Menschen sind in Kryptos aktiv!
🐧 Was juckt mich der eine Partygast, der nicht erscheinen will, wenn doch dem anstatt viel mehr neue Partygäste zur Location strömen? Erst 6% der Menschen sind in Kryptos aktiv!
Why XRP Can't Just Surge to $3 (Yet!)
Ah, XRP! The cryptocurrency that’s like that friend who always says they’ll show up to the party but then mysteriously vanishes. You might be wondering why XRP can’t just waltz right up to $3 and throw a confetti party. Well, grab your party hats, because we’re diving into the whimsical world of crypto!

1. The Price Party Poopers
First off, let’s talk about those pesky price levels. XRP recently hit $2.84, which is like getting halfway to the buffet table at a wedding—so close yet so far! But at around $2.75, there’s a bunch of market folks standing around with their arms crossed, saying, “Not so fast, buddy!” They’re the price party poopers who just won’t let XRP through without a proper dance-off.
2. The Overbought Rollercoaster
Next up, we have the Relative Strength Index (RSI), which is basically a fancy way of saying how “overexcited” everyone is about XRP. Right now, it’s sitting at a dizzying 87! That’s like eating ten slices of cake and then trying to do the cha-cha—things are bound to get messy! So before XRP can think about reaching $3, it might need to take a breather and let everyone calm down a bit.
3. The Wild West of Market Volatility
Now, let’s not forget about the wild ride that is the cryptocurrency market. It’s like riding a rollercoaster while juggling flaming torches—exciting but also slightly terrifying! One moment XRP is soaring high, and the next it’s plummeting like a lead balloon. This unpredictability can make investors feel like they’re on a shaky bridge over a lava pit—no one wants to take that leap without a safety net!
4. The SEC Showdown
And then there’s the SEC drama! Imagine Ripple as the star of a soap opera where every episode ends with a cliffhanger. The ongoing legal battles have investors biting their nails and clutching their popcorn. Until Ripple gets its happy ending (or at least some clarity), many folks might be hesitant to jump on the XRP bandwagon.
Conclusion: Patience is Key!
So there you have it! While XRP has dreams of dancing its way to $3, it faces some quirky hurdles along the way. With price resistance, an overexcited market, wild volatility, and legal shenanigans, reaching that magical number might take a little longer than expected.In the meantime, let’s keep our fingers crossed and our party hats ready—because you never know when XRP might just surprise us all and crash that $3 party! 🎉
🐧 Das ist KEINE SKS-Formation!
🐧 Das ist KEINE SKS-Formation!
XRP Poised for 20% Price Decline, Chart Signals Imminent Sell-Off
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After a notable upside rally in the past, XRP, the native token of Ripple Labs is poised for price correction as its chart is flashing a sell-off signal. However, this bearish or negative outlook is further getting support from large holders.

Whale Dump 40 million XRP Tokens 

Today, December 4, 2024, the blockchain-based transaction tracker Whale Alert made a post on X (previously Twitter) that a crypto whale had dumped a significant 39.99 million of XRP tokens worth $103.18 million. This massive dump was witnessed on Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States.

39,999,989 #XRP (103,181,519 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Coinbase

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) December 4, 2024

The whale’s significant dump currently aligns with a bearish price action pattern. According to expert technical analysis, XRP has formed a bearish head-and-shoulders pattern on an hourly timeframe.

In trading and investing, this pattern often signals a sell-off and whenever an asset breaches the neckline, a notable price decline is typically observed on the chart.

XRP Technical Analysis and Upcoming Analysis 

Experts and analysts currently anticipate similar price momentum in the coming days. If XRP breaches the neckline of this bearish pattern and closes a daily candle below the $2.40 level, there is a strong possibility of a 20% decline, potentially bringing the price down to $2 in the near future.

However, XRP’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) currently stands at 34, which is close to the oversold zone, indicating potential upside momentum. Additionally, XRP is trading above the 200 Exponential Moving Average (EMA) on the daily timeframe, suggesting an uptrend.

Traders Bearish Outlook

This bearish outlook is further supported by on-chain analytics firm Coinglass. Currently, the XRP Long/Short ratio stands at 0.88, indicating strong bearish market sentiment among traders.

Currently, 53.20% of top traders hold short positions, while 46.80% hold long positions.

Combining all these factors, the recent whale activity, bearish price action patterns, and bearish on-chain metrics, it appears that bears are currently dominating the asset in the short term. This suggests a strong possibility that XRP could face a price correction or decline in the coming days.

Current Price Momentum 

At press time, XRP is trading near $2.40 and has registered a price decline of 6.5% in the past 24 hours. During the same period, its trading volume dropped by 55%, indicating lower participation from traders and investors amid bearish market sentiment.
🐧 Man sollte nicht jeden Blödsinn glauben! Ich denke, bei den Konzentrations-Angaben wurde jeweils ein Komma vergessen.
🐧 Man sollte nicht jeden Blödsinn glauben! Ich denke, bei den Konzentrations-Angaben wurde jeweils ein Komma vergessen.
China discovered the world's largest gold deposit worth $83 billion. 🪙💰🇨🇳

China has unveiled a staggering gold reserve in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, that could redefine the global gold market. Spanning 40 geological veins, the deposit contains 1,000 tons of gold with an exceptional concentration of 138 grams per ton—far surpassing the global average of 8 grams.

Valued at $83 billion, this find outshines South Africa’s South Deep Mine and positions China as a dominant force in global gold production. With the nation already accounting for 10% of global output, this discovery bolsters its economic and strategic influence at a time of global uncertainty.

The reserve's potential to impact gold prices, investment strategies, and trade dynamics is immense. It also reignites conversations about resource exploration and challenges assumptions about global mineral limitations. However, environmental and sustainability concerns loom as critical factors in how the reserve is developed.

As China maneuvers this monumental discovery, its implications for markets and geopolitics remain a topic of intense speculation, marking a pivotal moment in economic history.

#China #beijing #gold #Hunan #PAXG
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