# How NEAR and Arbitrum are Revolutionizing Ethereum Rollups

Ethereum rollups are a popular scaling solution that allow developers to build decentralized applications (DApps) with higher throughput and lower fees than the Ethereum mainnet. However, rollups still face some challenges, such as data availability, security, and customization. That's where NEAR and Arbitrum come in.

NEAR is a scalable and developer-friendly blockchain platform that offers a highly efficient and robust data availability layer (NEAR DA) for Ethereum rollups. NEAR DA allows rollup builders to store their data on NEAR, which is cheaper, faster, and more reliable than Ethereum L1. NEAR DA also ensures that the data is always available for verification, even if the rollup operator goes offline or malicious.

Arbitrum is a leading optimistic rollup technology that enables developers to launch their own configurable blockchains based on Arbitrum's stack. Arbitrum Orbit is an ecosystem of blockchains that settle onto Arbitrum or Ethereum mainnet, while leveraging the security and scalability of Arbitrum's protocols. Arbitrum Orbit chains offer customization across throughput, privacy, gas token, and governance to cater to specific use cases and business requirements.

The NEAR-Arbitrum integration allows devs building their own rollups to be part of Arbitrum Orbit, while using NEAR DA as a complete out-of-the-box modular DA solution. This way, developers can benefit from the best of both worlds: the cost effectiveness and reliability of NEAR DA, and the flexibility and innovation of Arbitrum Orbit. This integration also opens up new opportunities for cross-chain interoperability and collaboration within the Ethereum ecosystem.

NEAR and Arbitrum are two of the most innovative and promising projects in the blockchain space, and their collaboration is a testament to their vision and commitment to advancing the decentralized web.


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