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The key to effective positioning is self-reflection.

Ask yourself, “What do I envision for my brand? Where do I want it to go? And how long do I see myself committed to this?” Someone aiming for a one-year stint will approach things differently from a person planning to be in it for 70, 80, or even 90 years. The long-term perspective is crucial.

Consider the content you want to associate with your brand. It should reflect your unique strengths and specialization. While you can adjust your content over time, the core values that underpin it should remain steadfast.

It's important to reflect on these aspects before diving into content creation. We've seen cases where individuals dive into content creation, only to later abandon it or find it no longer aligns with their vision.

This can lead to a brand image that doesn't resonate with their true aspirations. Always keep the long-term in mind. Visualize your business model as a funnel. Ultimately, your goal is to guide your audience towards your platform and business, ensuring they become intimately familiar with your brand and niche.


Many struggle with translating their mental image of their brand onto paper. This can be a daunting task—how do you articulate what's in your head in a way that makes sense on paper?

 I recommend listing all the words that come to mind when you think of your brand. Then, upon reviewing them on paper, if something feels off or doesn't align, don't hesitate to strike it out. If a particular aspect doesn't resonate with your passion, mark it out.

 This process is essential for creatives, especially when we tend to overthink and overload ourselves. Try putting those words on paper; it may just offer the clarity you seek.


How can we infuse more storytelling into our content?

While we're consistently posting every day, there's often a disconnect in truly understanding the people behind these profiles. We focus heavily on providing valuable advice, sharing algorithm hacks, and discussing how to boost profile growth.

While these tactics are important, it's equally crucial to reveal the personalities driving these brands. Take, for instance, @EastonGladney, who regularly shares insights about his mental health workout routine. This gives us a glimpse into his personal interests, allowing us to connect on a deeper level.

Simple details like age can also serve as bridges for connection. If we're both 23, there's an instant rapport due to our shared generation. This is something we need more of in this space – a genuine showcasing of our human selves.

We often overlook the most human aspect of ourselves as creators on this platform. There's a perceived filter between being a creator and being a human, as if breaking that barrier would reveal a transparency that people truly value in WEB3.

Consider this: why not explore how your interests, like anime for instance, can be incorporated into WEB3? (Referring to Anime NFT Culture Ep. 4. By @ice_nfts @shotguncaio @joxiecoxie)

By merging your passions with WEB3 concepts, you're not only discussing your interests but also engaging with the technologies and trends shaping this space. Blend these elements together, and you have the ingredients for compelling content.

It's important to document your journey, including the setbacks and challenges you've faced. Bawsa has experienced firsthand how sharing personal stories can resonate with others.

By removing some of the filters we place on ourselves, we move beyond the label of 'creator' and embrace our true humanity. Embracing authenticity and being ourselves can be more than enough to forge meaningful connections with others.

By embracing transparency and an open-minded approach in documenting your journey, you're paving the way for an authentic brand image. If you consistently practice this for 6 to 9 months, the brand you're shaping will exude a genuine, organic appeal that's hard to overlook.

Consider Tony as a prime example. He delves deep into mental health discussions, a topic that resonates with many in this space. In a world where men, like Bawsa, often shy away from discussing their mental health struggles, having an advocate like Tony is monumental.

It positions Tony as an authority in mental health, solidifying his brand as the go-to resource for all things related to the topic.


Has WEB3 evolved from it's past traditions?

Currently, the WEB3 community still exhibits a strong tribalistic tendency, particularly with the whole PFP phenomenon and other aspects of the platform. While this attitude may have been ingrained in the industry, it's worth noting that WEB3 has evolved beyond a 50/50 split between creators and consumers.

In fact, creators now seem to be outnumbered by consumers. This emphasizes the need for creators to band together, support each other, and engage in more collaborations. Unfortunately, such actions are not as prevalent as they should be.

If we can collectively move away from this tribal mindset, growth will follow. Take, for instance, @yaikan_eth, who's currently active on Twitch. He's part of a team that actively supports and promotes one another. This collaborative spirit has resulted in collective growth.

If this same attitude permeates the content creator community at large, we're bound to witness significant growth across the board. Let's talk about harnessing the power of UGC, which stands for User Generated Content. This strategy involves mobilizing your community to create content within the niche of your brand.

It aligns perfectly with what Bawsa has accomplished. For instance, Bawsa connected with a young individual named 'Lyrics' (idk his name man), who is 16 years old. Lyrics expressed interest in rebranding and focusing on Gundam. Bawsa was enthusiastic about the idea, as he wanted to see more Gundam profile pictures in the WEB3 space.

Currently, besides himself, he could only think of @mattlopez313 using a Gundam PFP. Bawsa's interaction with Lyrics highlights an important point: people often find inspiration from the brands they admire. As the leader of your brand, why not engage other members of your community to become part of the culture we're striving to create?

Many of us aspire to achieve success in this space, but let's face it, it's a relatively small community. When we send out our 'Good Mornings,' it's often to the same familiar faces day in and day out.

So, why not leverage collaborations?

Why not rally together and champion a unified message?

Ultimately, we're all in this together.