I constantly write about the plan and the distribution of finances. At the moment, 50-65% in coins, 35-50% in stables, and every time I repeat that with this approach, it doesn’t matter to you whether the fall or the bull will start today and everything will fly to the moon, in the first case, an increased in the position in the second profit But I’m sure everyone is asking the question “but if I didn’t have time to buy and the bull started, what then?”

There are a lot of options, firstly, in any financial market there is no such thing as “didn’t have time” and “the rocket flew off without me” such concepts as not being in time and an ephemeral rocket can only be “new ones” because they mean that in order to make money in the market you need to guess the entry point, buy successfully, then guess the selling point, etc., but in fact this is not so, it does not matter at all what stage the market is at now, what will happen tomorrow and what happened yesterday , the market is always alive, the imaginary rocket flies off and lands every day, and the train that everyone wants to catch and is so afraid of not getting on it that they jump into the last carriage almost on schedule.

On any segment there are current coins, current classes of coins . If at the moment we are in a bearish period and the most correct Thing to do while everyone is at the near-bottom marks is to stock up on more or less fundamental products, then if suddenly you did not have time to purchase and tomorrow the same Moon, then only certain projects will fly to the moon, in parallel dozens of new ones will be released, in parallel there will be coins that#

they shoot late, etc. There will always be an

opportunity to purchase - THIS IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND.

Secondly, there is also such a branch in investments as entering a project in the early stages, as I wrote above, if suddenly tomorrow everything flies to the moon and you have 35-50% in the stable, you should not be tormented by fomo since the next one has just begun for you investment stage)

The bull market is famous for the fact that hundreds of new projects appear every day that shoot every day, the same thing happens on the bear market, but it is not advisable to waste time on analytics of such projects when you can buy better and less risky ones, but on the bull market, provided that there are free interests left, the most

It is important to understand that analytics, money management and risk management will naturally be different, the selection criteria will be completely different, as will the metrics, but there is nothing scary or overly complicated about it. I am writing this because there is a plan for any development and there should be no panic, there is no need to buy at inflated prices or dump with a small profit, twitch, rush around and fill your head with nonsense, too, the opportunity has always been, is always and will always be

Regarding the selection of projects at an early stage and entry into them, I will post a whole series of posts, this is a very interesting topic))

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