Looking at the non-farm data tonight, it's time to go all in.
It's Friday, and the non-farm payroll data will be released tonight. Additionally, Fridays are prone to black swan events. A rebound is not scary; it just means continuing to enter short positions, and we have not yet reached a bottom. From the liquidation data, the number of liquidated short positions is increasing, indicating that even if we have not yet stopped falling, and even if we still have further declines, it is not just any position to blindly short with a full position!
I have been sharing very clearly every day. The sentiment is very poor, as reflected in the level of participation. There are 13.7K followers, with 137 likes. Regarding comments, I will continue to share the short entry positions today. If there are none, then so be it...#比特币价格走势分析 $BTC
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