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Malik Israr Ahmad
O mercado está punindo os longos tardios.
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Malik Israr Ahmad
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I m not convinced that Crypto will be legalized in Pakistan . It's just a rumor or a ridiculous statement of Bilal bin Saqib . There is not any Framework to legalize a complex Crypto Ledger system . Even India has failed multiple times in such activities. Some so called YouTubers are trying to spread fake news. Hope Pakistan will start discussing about such incredible measures,but now it's just a Statement of nothing . It's my personal opinion !
PAKISTAN IS PLANNING TO LEGALIZE CRYPTO !!! fire 🔥 🔥 🔥 🚨 🚨 🚨 I m not convinced that Crypto will be legalized in Pakistan . It's just a rumor or a ridiculous statement Bilal bin Saqib . There is not any Framework to legalize a complex Crypto Ledger system . Even India has failed multiple times in such activities. Some so called YouTubers are trying to spread fake news. Hope Pakistan will start discussing about such incredible measures,but now it's just a Statement of nothing . It's my personal opinion !
#BTC is officially in mini bear market . This will end in 2-3 months Approx . #BTC will Hit $100K again after several weeks.
What is Fear? Fear is gold for manipulators. A Gold of Feeling ,With precious Domain of Huge outcome . #BTC is in Cheap segment of Interest .
Retailers are capitulated! Let's start new journey in Alts .
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