Token Name: #BIO Protocol (BIO)
Total Supply: 3,320,000,000 BIO (Supply can be increased through network governance)
Initial Circulation: 1,296,529,168 BIO (39.05% of the total supply of genesis tokens)
Total Mining Amount: 99,600,000 BIO (3% of the total supply of genesis tokens)
Mining Period: 2024-12-24 8:00 to 2025-01-03 8:00 (UTC+8)
Opening Time: 2025-01-03 18:00 (UTC+8)
^_^ BIO is a launchpad and liquidity protocol for decentralized science (DeSci). This protocol enables global patients, scientists, and biotechnology investors to co-fund, establish, and own tokenized biotechnology projects and intellectual property (IP), thereby accelerating the development of biotechnology.
According to the expected off-market opening price around 1 US dollar, what do you all think about the current price? Is it overvalued or undervalued? There seems to be a lot of mining; in a few days, we are preparing to launch #solv on magedrop. In short, just hold on to #bnb .
#BNB坚持持有 Remember to hold, mining can be infinite.
Absolutely undervalued, grateful to BN!
I like #BNB , give a thumbs up, click on the avatar to follow, thank you, family, and wish everyone to become wealthy!